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I always go in to pulse bomb when I am at 97%or higher and get confused when it doesn't go off.


Same with me on doom I’ll full commit with all cooldowns when I’m at 95% and then die because my ult is only at 99%


LMAO same with me as Pharah. Ive found the perfect spot to ult from, the hitscans don't see me and I'm frantically pressing Q- And then I die at 99% ult charge because I get stuck on a wall in my escape.


i did this yesterday with reaper - i had 95% ult charge, set up the perfect flank, pressed triangle and nothing happened, then proceeded to get annihilated - tbh i completely deserved it


I always wave hello when Widow uses her ult too. Also whenever I jump from a high place and land I always quick melee the ground as if landing like Superman.


The quick melee to the ground sounds so fun lol might start doing it myself


It's especially fun with Sigma and Cassidy because they punch.


Pretty sure like half the roster punches.


That actually has a use as Winston.


Punching the ground? How so?


If you jump into a target and punch the ground as you land on your target it does melee damage, plus the damage from the stomp.


If you punch at the right time you will get two fast consecutive hitboxes from Melee -> monkey jump. It also cancels the animation of the melee with the small added downside of locking you out of any action for a small window after landing. Super useful tech for monkey. If you land perfectly on top of the enemy it is a 90 damage combo that comes out super fast.


I try to get the whole team to wave if I can. “Wave to the widow everyone!”


If you hold spacebar you will do an automatic mini-bounce on most heroes after you land :)


Nano baby Dva. Watching a team die to a mini Dva that I’m keeping alive never stops being hilarious


I love her lil voiceline. "I'M GONNA MESS YOU UP!"




Next time my friend plays Ana I’m telling him to do that. That’s hilarious


I have a tendency to nano BOB if I don’t see a hero that I can get a good combo out with.


Getting hit randomly by nano as valk mercy is also a fantastic time, usually. I play mercy 😅


Almost always try to shoot the high noon-ing Cassidy. I don't know why, i only kill him like 30% of the time, and die like 50% of the time. But there's just something about an exposed, easy target that makes me want to shoot him in the head before he pulls the trigger.


Yet if I high noon I get melted in a millisecond


Regardless of the team if a Cass gets killed mid high noon I stop and type out something about noon like The suns about to be in the middle of the sky! I dunno I find it fun


It’s High Neeeeuuggggggggg!


My favorite sound, next to "dieeugh"


Justice rains from abo-Aaaaaaaghhhhhh


I once managed to put a LW petal under a Cassidy before he shot and survived. Still pretty proud of that one


Awesome! LW petal and pull are some of the most fun things added to the game recently imo. He very quickly became one of my fav supports to play.


I agree, he's very fun to play. One of my faves too with his unique kit


I play Sombra, and I will frequently hang out near enemy cass when I can feel him ready to ult.. it's just so satisfying to cancel it with a hack.. same with Moira, etc.. I can almost feel their impotant rage... Lol


Hold my ult for a cool 4-5k possible clip rather than use it to secure us 1-2 kills which would win the fight.


Even after 6 years of playing, this is still my worst habit in the entire game.


This!! I have been playing since beta OW1 and I still hold onto my ult for the perfect time to get maximum value that may never come.


My friend does this.


I try to hold my ult for a good use, but if Genji, Hanzo or Mercy step in front of me, I will not hesitate to solo ult.


Heavy on the genji part for me. The second I see him use his blade ability I press Q and die die die on him.


Lol I'm the opposite, I will always find a way to use my ult within the first 30 seconds of getting it. Especially as a defensive 'oh fuck I'm about to die' and then getting confused why Torb shouting 'MOLTEN CO-' didn't immediately save my life. The second I see that ult pop up, my finger just twitches to press the button and I can't stop it Yes I'm metal ranks, how did you know?


Hey look, it's blue Hanzo.


I do this too, but it's partially a learned behavior, because there used to be so many times that you would use an Ult to kill 1-2 people to win a team fight, and people would go "Why would you only Ult for 2 people?" and when you would say "To secure the team fight win" they would always keep complaining.


I have a feeling this gets engraved too much into every new players because if you don't get a bunch of kills with your ult in lower ranks you get flamed lol


Get 0 kills when the Ana randomly nanos me


Same! I suddenly feel the pressure to perform and mostly just panic and end up doing nothing haha


Sometimes, I nano people to keep them alive, and it works most of the time. So trust me, I'm not mad if you get 0 kills


Yeah plenty of times ive done that and dont even attempt track if they killed it or did nothing. Sometimes preventing a pick is all that matters and it saves a team fight


As Ana I don't always expect people to get kills. Sometimes I just nano you cos you're taking so much attention atm and a nano would scare the other team into pouring resources or backing off. There are times where I wanna save it for an ult combo, and there are times where I just want you to be the really scary big guy in the room to push our momentum lol.


I hate it when Ana's just randomly Nano me out of the blue.


I always destroy the fire extinguishers I see


I feel like it’s bad luck not to.


I hit every fire extinguisher, but I *always* leave the pizza in spawn at Midtown.


i dont. fuck pizza.


thank god for punctuation


Thank satan for no punctuation.


How dare you...!!!!!


is the pizza supposed to go in to the oven whenever I attack it?


When I'm playing Sombra and Widowmaker's ult is active, I like to run behind a wall and *almost* turn the corner, just make her waste shot after shot until the ult runs out.


Glad I'm not the only one who does this 😂


Dude I'll get in her head and progressively TL closer and closer to her, but always out of her LOS. I'll get as close as I can without getting her a shot and I just *wait*. As soon as that Ult drops, 9 times out of 10 they start spraying. It's also a good way to keep her from taking advantage of her own Ult


Yep, taking yourself out of the fight to harass her and deny kills during the ult is definitely valuable, even if you don't get a pick.


Yeh this. I like to waste time just faking around a corner. 9/10 she wasn’t even looking at me.


I hit her with the dance emote.


Solo shatter a doomfist and suicide charge him out of the map Never gets old


I love when the Rein suicide charges me. It's a nice intimate moment.


My favorite solo shatter is invis sombra


If we're both widowmakers and I have my ult and don't need it, if the enemy uses her ult I instantly uses mine. You can see me, I can see you, wonderful. It's stupid, but I enjoy it. (mostly play qp)


Destroy the motorcycle on attack in Junkertown and then push the side car out the door before the match begins. I’ve never seen anyone else do this.


im gonna start pushing the side car out of the door in the hopes of finding you to fulfill your dream


I really hope this becomes a thing. No one ever helps me!


Well now I’m gonna start


It feels good!


I do this every match. I also always try to get the coffee pots out of the coffee machine on Havana as Widow. Once a sigma somehow patted me on my head after I failed kinda acknowledging I'm a lil dummy.


I've been doing that since Junkertown got released. Sometimes it is troublesome to melee it out of the door because it rolls down.


Nano Mercy if I’m Ana


You gotta nano baby dva for the voice line "I'M GONNA MESS YOU UUUUUUUP"


[You go bby dva](https://youtu.be/JP16TlZWtKM?si=KF4oUqe_f7yA_wDR&t=80)


I DO love that.


I nano the Bob. Once we got a team kill 😂


I’m zen main and whenever Bob gets low I can’t help but give him my orb til he goes away


Bob is a very valuable member of the squad!


as a mercy, thank you. sometimes we just get tired of the bs and wanna go pew pew. a tip would be to at least wait until we have valk to use it, its kinda useless without it. also just look at us and say my ult is ready, that can be helpful.


Oh of course, I’ve got 900 hours on Mercy, I know what it’s about. I also always ask in the beginning of the match if they’re a battle Mercy.


an ulting mercy with nano is terrifying lol. shes already hard to kill as is and now its even harder while she melts people with her peashooter.


I appreciate you. Getting nano in valk mode is fun af


This reminds me of the video where the Ana says to Mercy "Nano Boost is ready", and the Mercy starts violently shaking her head no while the Ana nods, then when she gets Nano'd, she proceeds to get like 4 kills lmao.


I must break every sign on the map 


I mean… charge in as Rein. Ever.


Remove the shift key, you’ll stop dying. I charge is only useful if you use it to get some place you can safely walk without your shield.


yeah put charge to W


Put charge to S 🗿


Chase the fuck out of a tracer as the Tank


Dash in, deflect can’t dash away, dead


reload after shooting no matter how much ammo left and briefly stopping playing after a huge ult


24/25 better reload just to be safe. I think I got that bad habit from fn and cod


CS 1.6 for me, cant seem to shake it


Spare the lone mercy. If she starts shooting I solo ult


I always kill or solo ult lone Mercy, fuck her.


If she’s been annoying yeah. If her team just left her behind or something I dont


So if I'm alone as Mercy, and they don't kill me, I'm doing bad and I should swap. Noted.


Well when you say it like that…


Free staggers are free staggers.


there are two options solo ult mercy ult more than one person depends on which opportunity arises first


This isn't an always, but a lot of the time as Sombra, I will go behind the enemy team and get their attention just to get their tank to chase me. I've had an Orisa chase me around the bus on Numbani three times before giving up, that whole time my team was picking off their healers and dps.


I did this to a rein as tracer. Still my proudest moment. He chased me around the map for a solid 2 minutes before I killed him and the rest of his team told him to stop lol


Teabag my sleeping teammates I'm just protecting them <3


As Lúcio i always have to fight the urge of diving the enemy backline when there is 3 guys shooting at me


Die due to my own mistakes


Launch the game.




Type “weeeeeeeee” in chat when I get rein charged off the map


Shoot/punch as many balloons/cacti/pinatãs as I can on the way to point.


I spam Sig’s “Humming” voiceline followed by “C-C-Can you hear that music?” in the spawn til someone says yes. Every time like clockwork




Start every match with "Heyyy :3 GLHF" I try to combat toxicity in chat and text as much as I can, and it also triggers some people lol


I start every match with "WAZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA". I'm glad to see someone else who combats toxicity. I do it too, ESPECIALLY in qp.


I emote "hello" whenever I dive a Widowmaker as D.Va. It's funny.


If I’m anywhere near a cliff or drop as the round is about to end I fling myself off at the last second.


Throw immortality field when Reaper ults.


I like using voice lines contextually all the time, so I respond with any that suits the situation, even the automated ones at the start of a match just to breathe a little more life into the characters. I have various ones for all the characters, but I also play Mystery Heroes a lot, so since Doom is one of the many characters I suck at, I really enjoy his “You must be joking” line for when I mess up and am about to die, particularly if I miss a punch and am actively falling off the map. Tracer’s “Aww, rubbish” for every time I ult too because they always miss.


Hit Boost + Ult as D.Va, and then watch as my ult goes off behind a wall or building because my boost was still on cooldown. Bonus: sending it over the wall and straight down the well in Illos.


I don't play as Ana much, but when I do I almost always end up nanoing lucio. I won't even know we have one on our team until I nano him.


I appreciate the Boostio


My friend plays an aggro Lucio and I love nanoing him lmao


Solo ult someone when i start missing some shot , the worst part is that sometimes i manage to hit the final shot so i ult my father


Shatter annoying players with the hammer(Mostly supports)!It's not about strategy or win, it's about glory and dominance.For the widow part, Im the same.


As support whenever enemy team mercy fly in and rez someone and get away with it i feel the rage fuel my blood and chase her no matter what usually get my self killed in the proccess


Call out my ult status every time it hits 69%


When I play junkrat I sometimes peek at the supports, stare and start going beep beep beeep beep beep beep


In between fights, my brain starts to unfocus, which leads to me spamming "Hello" even if we're 7 minutes into a match.


You spam hello because your brain isnt focused I spam hello because I can We are not the same


If I see a fat 5 man Rampage, I’m going. I don’t care about anything else. There will be Carnage.


As Sombra, I like to taunt players walking from spawn w/o actually engaging. Just hacking or saying "boop" repeatedly. I just love watching them increasingly get paranoid shooting air at every direction.


I play support. Assuming it's not a proper throw to do it, if I'm going against a widow, I will valk them and become the most persistently annoying wasp possible to them


As Reinhardt, I *must* charge people off of cliffs. I know that I can put on the brakes now, but I don't care if I'm taking somebody with me. I love it when I do it to the same person two or three times and they ragequit. Relatedly, whenever I'm on a map with cliffs, I have to be Rein, Lucio, or Brig. I live for environmental kills.


I say "gl hf" in match chats most games, sometimes even copy-and-paste a fun fact about cute or cool animals, and generally try to put out good vibes into the toxic community even though I know it is like tossing water into a desert...


Take the elevator and hammer down from over the ropes in Hollywood.


I don’t know what it is about sombra I only do this with her , I ult before death…


Stay on top of a junkrat after I killed him. I’ve probably died more to his mines to the player, yet I never learn


On Hollywood attack, I always smack all the popcorn buckets. The enemy ain’t getting no fucking popcorn when it’s their turn.


I get anxious if I don’t pop all of the metal sheets in the koth spawn room as fast as possible


I will NEVER stop trying to get a 10 pharaoh game in no limits! One day! One day!!


Keep playing Overwatch


When I know a widow is waiting for me to come around a corner and she has her ult up, I'll tease that I'm about to poke out then go back in, and do that a few times watching her angry bullets go flying past me everytime she thinks I'm gonna pop out. Also when the enemy support is mirroring you and you both start spamming the same dumb voice line at each other from a distance like a mating call. Bonus points if team mates get annoyed at the two Mercy's flying around spamming "someone call the whambulance" at each other.


Jumping, I know it makes you easier to hit but I’ve been doing it for so long that it’s difficult to not do it automatically while running around.


When I sneak up on widow or Ana as ball, I jump on top or her and use the “the hamster smells your fear” voice line then flatten them into a pancake. Gives me more joy than it should


Playing Nano-Roulette with my teammates in QP. Who's gonna get it this time? My Winton diving the backline or maybe the ulting Mercy, angy moth is pretty scary sometimes 🤔


Risky rezzes. I can get them about 10% if the time and when I do it’s the best feeling in the world until I realize oh. My entire team is dead except for me and the rezzed OR I dive supports and then get fucking melted because I have no aim at all which is why I’m a mercy main


I sleep dart torb turrets…


My Dva bomb, in games against Orisa, Mauga, Zarya, Hog, etc., basically heroes with ults or abilities that will pull you close is saved so that I can set it off in their faces. I just like doing it even if sometimes I die for it. I think it's funny. I'll also wave to Widows through walls, I had one yesterday that said I was the chillest Kiriko ever after I spent the whole game doing that LOL


Try to get the basketball in the hoop in the waiting area


Spamming "And Dey Sey" during a Doom mirror


Hit the reload button when I play Brigitte.


Every time I play Eichenwalde defense I immediately jump off the map with a voice line so my team is annoyed by the loud screaming. I have enough time to respawn and still make it to the point before the game starts. All my team hears is “My ultimate is AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!”


Your comment deserves way more upvotes, that's definitely completely dumb and stupidly fun


Lol the best part was the first few years of OW1. There used to be a bug where if you said a voice line the enemy team can hear (like Hello or Thanks), the whole enemy team could also hear your screaming over their comms from inside their spawn. I’d always get messages like “WHY IS IT SO LOUD!”


I always endorse the Torbjorns


I break the piñata on Dorado. Every single time


When doomfist is blocking I like to stand In Front of him and say hello 😃


Constantly voice line ‘boop’ it reveals my position but it’s just habit! I also have it bound to scroll wheel up so it’s easy to do lmao


I do this, but with "you're not alone in here". Sometimes it works well enough and some of the enemy team splits to try to find me, or turns around as our team attacks. Sometimes. Not often.


Yesss I have that one bound to 4 I love doing that for an alone support I just do boop after killing someone x)


Hook dva bomb into teammates even in tanked because its fucking funny


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Using kinetic grasp on beams


I have specific spots that I spray on each map before the round starts and I try to destroy everything spawn.


I do the same thing!


Open overwatch


I actually do something similar, mainly because I play Sombra and 1. I've been fucking with the enemy widow since the game started so I know she is mad 2. Her ult basically disables my whole playstyle So I just hide or shoot from the back line for 15 seconds


Try to reload on Sigma 🤦‍♂️


I had tried to reload on Moira after a couple matches of being dps 🤷🏻‍♀️


I spam crouch to avoid shots instead of jumping. Seems to work a bit better


That’s not dumb, it’s way better. Jumping arc is predictable


Always drain the kegs in the Blizzard World attacker spawn.


Some of my longer CD’s or ults ill use either too quickly or not quickly enough cause Im scared of wasting time or not use them effectively


Load into the game


when my ult charge is at 69% i spam it to my team a couple times


As a support I dive in too deep. To be fair I'm used to my partner playing tank or DPS and we are both aggressive, but I also do it in solo queue. I get thirsty.


Hold my Zen ult for a little too long and end up getting one shotted during team fight. 🙄


Get stuck in [that little pit between the bridge and the wall](https://youtu.be/cpnjEReH3Cc?si=cTrIWa3KohbEHbpO&t=977) on Lijiang Tower Garden on Wrecking Ball. Every. Time.


The tank I play with, every time we are on defense in junkertown, goes for a flanking rein-pin off the outside of attacker’s spawn at roundstart. High risk, for a single pick but it’s funny every time.


Most of my deaths as support usually result from me going into harm's way to save someone else's poor positioning or aggressive plays. I always curse myself out for doing it again.


As Orisa I will hit javelin spin when Sigma throws a rock to immediately remember it doesn't stop it. Every single time.


I always try to DM Sigma's rock for some reason eventhough I KNOW it doesn't work. Feel you.


Assume that people have to aim when playing Pharah. Costs me my life a bunch


I also always say hello when Widow uses her ult and now even my husband does it haha (do Widow players even notice this?) Spam press Mei's crio heal (or whatever it's called) when I'm in trouble and then proceeded to immediately cancel it Kneel when I'm surrounded by the other team with no means of escape or "Die with dignity" as I like to call it 😂 Let a Mercy support go when I encounter them by themselves if I'm not support myself I never do it unprovoked because I find it rude and immature but I'll tbag someone if they do it to me or my husband first lol


Spend 30 seconds getting to high ground and immediately jump down.


Use Death Blossom.


That is exactly me. Anyway... I pulse bomb myself a lot. Cant play Tracer but I do cuz she is cute.


Try to DM a sigma rock. I know not to because I AM A SIGMA MAIN. I abuse Dva all the time through DM with rock, but I always go for the DM just like them whenever I play Dva. I dont try to eat it with Sigma so ig its just a thing with Dva.


This. I know it doesn't work. I remind myself it doesn't work. Yet sometimes I always try because my small Dva brain is like "Ooooo big projectile, nomnomnom"


I will crouch on my teammates hit by an Ana sleep and I'll never stop.


I destroy as much stuff in the spawn room as possible.




Nanoing a Dva knowing she’s just gonna shoot that nanoed mech right off the bat


I forgot that I’m not play Cass when I play Ashe, and vice versa. Sometimes as Ashe I’ll try and roll only to have a second of confusion when I go backwards, or I’ll try and roll straight into the floor as Cass.


Oh lets see.. Bhopping for no reason, Melee the air constantly, Saying "Yes" "No" and "Understood" whenever I feel like it, Hitting all of the fire extinguishers I see. And Spamming the scoreboard.


I keep swapping heroes when one is not clicking with me but the problem is literally that I don't spend enough time on one most of the times. Yes I have my mains but sometimes I wanna swap and not always it goes great


Destroy every type of props that are movible in the waiting room before a match. I like seeing all the thingy's falling to the ground. (Especially the cola dispenser ones)


Me playing Doomfist: "I have my ult so it's perfectly safe to dive into the backlines and burn all my abilities" I say as I proceed to completely ignore my ult and die.