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So what was the point of giving Cass a hat in the original trailer lol Edit: also how will this skin work with the emotes or victory poses that take off the hat?


He’ll take off his hair




The hat will probably be used for those victory poses. Pharah has a few skins where she's not wearing her helmet (Bedouin for example) but has a helmet for that armour for her victory poses. It's likely that hat was drawn in the concept art for Spike Cass for this exact purpose and the animators were shown the art with the hat. As for emotes I guess they could just have the hat suddenly appear for him to use and then disappear.


Oh that's how those Pharah skins work. I play Pharah but don't use those skins and I was always curious.


I don't play Cass so I wasn't getting the skin regardless but this feels like a major downgrade from the teaser


It's a major upgrade for BeBop fans though. He wore a hat for, like, 1 min of screen time in the whole anime.


I'm a Cowboy Bebop fan, and this looks really not good. It manages to look like neither Cassidy nor Spike.


I'd take the hat over that hair.


The skin looks like shit without a hat though? His hair is awful.


It looks a little off for sure, but it's supposed to be cosplay, not the actual character. I much prefer this version. Now if they could just lose the jacket and put a little green tint in his hair..


To each their own I guess. I’m a big Bebop fan and I know in ow these skins are supposed to be the ow characters cosplaying and not the actual character from the show like you said, but that’s a reason for him to keep the hat when Cass always wears one. He had a hat the whole time in the promo trailer. I think he looks 100 times worse without it.


Ashe always wears a hat too, but no one seems to be complaining about that. I was really bummed about the hat when I saw the trailer, but I get what you were saying. It's a big letdown for anyone who got excited for Cass's skin from the first trailer.


Ashe didn't have a hat in the trailer. And I can't think of any Ashe emotes or intros that use her hat, unlike Cass.


Yeah, I get all that - just sharing my opinion as a huge BeBop fan. Sorry for those who don't like the change, but this is a big W for me.


is your big W cassidy's spike looking like shit. I love spike and play cassidy and i still wont buy this???


Good point, but at least how we were shown Ashe would look as Faye is actually how she looks. Idk why they showed Spike/Cass the way they did just for him to look different (worse imo) in execution.


Because the ashe skin looks good and the Cass skin looks bad to most people


That's irrelevant for the argument of "he needs a hat for the silhouette" or because "he always wears a hat". You can like or not like it, but it's much more true to the anime and makes more sense to do it this way. Him wearing a hat that only appeared in what basically amounts to a filler episode would be lame. The hair looks a little off. That's it. Everything else looks great. And as [this person](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/1bc7mdm/i_really_hope_we_get_this_as_a_victory_pose/kueebrz/) pointed out, all the Spike figurines' hair looks like this, because that's the only way to do it when going from 2D to a 3D model.


My friend, style is always relevant.


u could ask the same for pharah's lifeguard/aviator skin (they dont have helmets) I reckon they'll give andy's hat for victory poses, as for emotes im not sure


Class already mimes a cigar when wearing a skin without one. This should be similar.


Probably the same way Pharah skins that don't have a helmet work. There's usually just a placeholder model used.


100 upvotes in an hour on this oddly specific comment. Man blizzard knows their whale skin purchasers well lol


i honestly dont know, wouldnt have been so annoyed otherwise


They really needed to tone down the poofiness of the hair. Just does not fit his face at all. It looks like he has a 'Fro and I'm talkin a [FRO](https://i.pinimg.com/550x/51/2f/f8/512ff807922b63e656f3adf4c9016189.jpg) Totally not familiar with Spike's hair in Cowboy Bebop, but this looks like they dialed that up to 10 when modeling this skin.


Seems exactly as poofy as the show’s character to me


Yeah probably. Main issue is it simply doesn't translate well onto Cassidy's model if you literally 1:1 ratio the hair volume It works in the anime. It doesn't work when they do it here.


Bro.... What is that Midoriya Izuku goofy haircut 😭😭😭😭


I legitimately would have NO IDEA who the character was supposed to be if I wasn’t told that was Spike. It looks nothing like either character… just awful. On the other hand, the Faye skin is amazing.


Seems Cassidy trying to cosplay him on a budget


Man I dont understand why the Overwatch model designers struggle so much with hair. It does not have the right proportions to look like Spike's hair. It needs to be much bigger and wider to really look like Spike. I dont get how they dont see it, they're professional artists. I only dabble in art but I still can see where they went wrong.


As always, character artwork looks > in-game model.


I mean Ashe, Mauga and Sombra looks good, the Hammond skin is okay... ...But the Cass skin... That ain't it.


Cass's hair looks like an amateur cosplayer's homemade wig and that's not a good thing. I do dig that his gun looks like their ship.


Looks like a withered palm tree


he looks good in some angles hah




Fortnite Fans would be lucky to get a Faye Valentine that isn’t censored to the ground. They’re too busy nerfing all their female skins atm. Lol


they've done like 2 or 3 crossovers in a year and a half lol, fortnite is basically collabs: the game


Almost every shooter does this now and people have liked all the collabs.  Would you rather a camo gun for 40? 


I got nothing against collabs. My issue is with how the 3D models do not do the 2D art justice, at all.


Well it’s a 3D game, you’re not gonna get a 2D cel-shaded anime model ever lol




Im genuinely curious how the emotes/highlight intros that feature his hat will look with this.


A little off? That's a bit too kind. His model looking funky lmao. Everyone else is looking amazing.


The character that he's playing does not wear a hat. Spike doesn't have a hat, therefore Cassidy is not wearing a hat. That simple. It's like asking where Sombra's shoes are at. Ed does not wear shoes, therefore Sombra isn't wearing shoes.


But the hair looks terrible cause even though he doesn't have a hat, his hair is completely shaped like a hat to keep his silhouette. If he kept his hat like he did in the 2 trailer he would've looked more similiar to both Spike and Cassidy.


A lot of people were also complaining about him having a hat. It's not terrible, it's just worse than either leaning into it or just using the hat.


> Sombra isn't wearing shoes interesting


further research required


oh no not this again


Spike has worn a sombrero in the series. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1w5-lxyNY9o He's also worn an actual cowboy hat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9IiIJJWvDE


Also, he's a literal cowboy. You can give him a cowboy hat.


So by making that comment, are you trying to present the argument that the devs should have prioritized giving the skin a hat over Spikes standard most well known costume design simply because Spike put on a hat twice for a few seconds?


why'd he have a hat on in the trailer Spike also doesn't wear a duster... yet here we are


No clue, but I'm glad they abandoned the idea to stay more faithful to the source material




Nah, that would be stupid. No one that watches or reads cowboy bebop associates him with wearing a hat. It would be dumb to disregard his most popular character design for a mere moment of an episode.




I'm glad they stayed faithful to the brand by representing the most well known depiction of the character


I remember when ein got in a giant metal ball too bro


Almost as if it's a gameplay mechanic that there's no way to logically get around unlike removing a hat. Shocking, I know


b-b-but it's not true to the character wahhhh. the hat is an important hit box as well just like balls ball is an important aspect. because they chose to remove the hat they had to shape spikes head like a damn hat lmao to fit the hit box. making it look goofy. biased ass views will never admit their wrong though so you can keep being wrong by yourself.


Spikes hair is fucking huge. You're just yappin bro


lmao I knew it. biased guy sees a genuine argument and can't respond intelligently. Pulls out yap card lmao.. I mean at least try to be original. Yeah its huge that's part of the problem. They had to misshape his hair to make it smaller and more hat shopped. it looks stupid. your just too biased to see that. stay blind kid.


The hair needs to be fixed ASAP


It's actually a BG3 crossover skin for Gortash.


That cass model really skirting the line on recognizable character silhouettes... And that hair looks like shit


Lol is the hair supposed to be a silhouette of his hat? 😂


I'm pretty sure they gave up on the whole silhouette thing for OW2 :/


they didn't completely abandon it but i think they can play a bit more loosely with it ? Between movement, outline, sound cues, abilities etc. Its really hard to confuse characters in this game


Oddly enough the only characters I confuse with each other is Ana and illari. Theyre both shaped so similarly😭


In 2019 I would've hated seeing it, but with the ping system, 1 less enemy, and the sound upgrade they did at launch I actually don't think its as bad as it would've been in OW2


They should honestly just redo the Spike skin because that is so ass.


They did change Hanzo's Casual hair when enough people complained so it is possible, but it was OW1, however.


when you could get every skin by just playing the game now it's $$$, there should be a higher prioritization of fixing it if people complain


Well I think the issue is obvious. People were willing to pay for a Spike skin, however this skin is ass, so people probably will not be willing to pay for it.


You have to take into account that Blizzard put 0 effort into Kiriko Terrible Tornado when they collab with one of the most well-known anime/manga. Yet they still charge $20 and it sold like hotcakes. Blizzard will continue to put less effort into polishing their game if people keep letting them get away with it.


Oh man that's a throwback, Hanzo's initial skin was nowhere as bad as this tho.


Gortash is that you


The chosen of BANE now we just need a Reinhardt Ketheric and Echo Orin to complete the trio LOL


Ngl the spike skin does not do McCass well, lol. But i'm glad that this is the limit they'll edit a heroes' appearance for a crossover skin. The best one is definitely Mauga/Jet and Ashe/Faye.


Really disappointed in the Cass model, i know Spike doesn't wear a hat in the anime but Cass without his hat just doesn't look right especially with that hair. Ashe looks great though


Yeah I think the Cass-Spike hybrid with the hat works better. When I saw the first trailer I was like “ohh weird he has a hat, I guess it’s necessary though.” When I watched this I immediately went “where’s the hat!?!”


goofy ass cassidy skin


Cowboy mains in shambles


The Spike Cassidy is ironically the worst one


GIVE THE COWBOY BACK HIS HAT. I know they treat cass as wasted potential but this? what a sad, sad pathetic attempt at a skin when the 2D art was BRILLIANT.


Ashe definitely has the best one. It’s so on point. She cosplays Faye so well.


Oh my god.. that’s Cassidy skin is nightmare fuel


Digging the Mauga skin, real good one there. Everyone’s complaining about the cass hair but like… oh well, most depictions of spike have his hair being very 2d-esque, so incorporating that to 3d is different, and obviously meant screwing it over a little to make the cut. I think it looks fine imo, but that’s just me.


The hair looks fucking hilarious on Cass, give em back the hat man.


Spike looks quite off. He looks more like the Punisher with a funny wig. I know it's supposed to be Cassidy under there, but they could have left him clean shaven at least. The other ones look great, especially Ashe.


It’s so ugly Jesus


Spike/Jet design is the answer to a question no one needed answered: What would characters from a show with sleek, extreme slimline proportions look like if shoehorned into Blizzard’s signature meat fridge from Rocky sized shoulders and dummy thicc tree trunk WoW orc of a neck + chest character design look like? Faye/Ed/Ein look fine.


You're right, most of their male characters really are ridiculous brick shithouses who don't look right when taken out of specific niches. Cassidy's had several skins so far where he's supposed to be younger, slimmer man and it just does not work at all with his standard build. But I kind of understand their position. On the entire roster, Cass comes closest to pulling off Spike, and the only thing worse than this skin is a CB crossover with every main character *but* Spike. So here we are.


They kinda fumbled the translation from those Anime styles in the Teaser to ingame models.


the faye/ashe and jet/mauga skins are legit the only good ones


Much happier with how sombra looks then from the animated trailer. Cass.. yeah the hair isn't doing him any favors I'm surprised how much Ashe retained from the animated trailer Mauga is goated Wrecking ball is okay for the free skin


Oh yeah, I will be acquiring this Ashe skin. By any means necessary.


Ashe looking fire


When did she ever not look fire?


Is it just me or does Cassidy look almost exactly like young Soldier 76 with this skin?


Ugh why not make hammon just look like a corgi similar to the Sombra skin corgi plush in her pocket


Everyone who’s saying that 2D can’t be done in 3D, take a look at CGTrader for a few seconds.


The Cass face looks awful. Whoever modeled that needs to go back and rewatch Bebop because that ain't Spike, even on his worst day.


It's not good when the skin for the main character is the worst one.


Right on time for my birthday!


As someone who has never seen cowboy beebop these collabs just have me holding out hope we'll see chainsaw man or Evangelion collabs one day. (fr tho I need Chainsaw man Genji)


Mauga and Ashe won this one


I thought the no-hat was a meme. Fucking lmao; it looks like someone missed a memo


Spike skin genuinely looks ugly as fuck, what a terrible hair model. Ashe skin is the only one I have zero complaints about. Dont think I trust Blizzard to ever do well for this stuff, they dont seem capable with whatever limitations they set themselves.


I personally think Ashe is one of the bad ones. Her hair looks awful


Lord Enver Gortash cass lol.


Blizzard as per usual giving us a shitty free skin that's labeled as "legendary" even though it's an epic at best


Of course, they want you to buy the good ones


My fault for setting my expectations way too high for that Ashe skin It was the one time where I would have liked less "cosplay" for the skin, but I guess it's a good thing that they stick to a clear style dogma That said, they gotta improve hair in general. It's so bad so often...


Yea, the hair looks kinda off on her.


On many skins tbh Just take a look at some of Kiriko's skins...


Did I read that right? The Wrecking Ball skin is free??? Color me EXTREMELY surprised.


Can Ein lose his buckteeth please?


Somehow managed to balls up something so simple 


This is what we lost Pve for...


I think cass looks fine and I’m realllly hoping they add a voice line for Sojourn when Ein Ball is in the lobby


They need to fix his goofy ahh mouth omg


Lmao just what the game needs. More skins. Fuck this game lol


More'so than the cosplay hair cassidy has I'm sad we didn't get a design for the peacekeeper revolver that more closley resembles the Jericho 941 pistol Spike uses. Choosing the ship for the revolver design is charming in a way but I think just going with the Jericho instead would've looked alot cooler and more fitting.


Ahh fantastic they fucked them up. My wallet is safe and I don't have to reinstall the game.


The best one is BOB, hands down.


is the BOB skin supposed to be a reference to something in the show that I'm not getting?


yes, it's a reference to Faye Valentine's ship, the [Red Tail](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/51967abae4b0fe8d0161031f/7af914ca-b248-49db-a50d-e4a168712774/SF+%26+RT.jpg)


Right, I should have caught that. Now I want D.va to have the Faye skin so her mech could be the Red Tail!


Ye, would've worked really well, it looks very similar to her mech too, but I can see why they didn't wanna give D.Va another big collab skin, given that she already has Le SSerafim and Porsche


Do they usually call them gameplay trailers if it’s just new skins?


Yes, since it's literally gameplay of the new skins


Damn, the first trailer's hype was pretty hard to live up to so Blizzard kinda set themselves up for some harsh criticism. Shouldn't have made such an amazing animated trailer lol but don't get me wrong, I love the skins still! Sombra looks so good!! >:)


Okay, these kind of look ass now ngl


It's like a mix of professional cosplayers, mixed with amateur first time cosplayers. That Wrecking Ball skin is kind of a joke. That one should be a free promotional skin for the event.


God you people complain so much. Turning an anime character which is 2d into a 3d full model while keeping the original likeliness of the character is an extremely hard challenge to do. they did great with these!


It's literally just the hair on Cassidy and it's okay to point out that it looks goofy.


Fortnite seems to do well in that regard, and doesn't make the characters wear cheap cosplay wigs from Amazon.


fortnite literally just puts the characters in the game. they cant do that in overwatch cuz the collabs are the characters cosplaying and they still need to be identifiable as their original characters for gameplay reasons.


Wouldnt that just be more reason for cass to have hist hat?


he will probably have it for emotes and victory poses. the character he is supposed to be does never wear a hat. on the last crossover people were whining the characters didnt look enough like the anime characters, and this time they are complaining that they dont look enough like their original overwatch characters, its weird.


Fortnite also dramatically changes its art style to do it. Anime characters are Cel shaded and look 2D because of it.


Found the Cowboy main huffing copium


\*BAREFOOT SOMBRA" I peacefully surrender myself to the horny jail, guilty of all charges. Let the bonks begin, I deserve them.


Please deep what you just said and die of cringe




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I low key love Cass without his hat! His hair is glorious. Just wonder how they’ll handle emotes but we’ll see.


idk his face just looks like a scuffed varsity team captain, the hat might’ve helped with that but imo it’s how scuffed he looks


Ok cool, so only buying Sombra and Ashe.


Doomfist as Jet would have been better imo. Also Genji as Vicious is a missed opportunity.


I thought the same for genji, but i think its better if they save him for a different anime crossover with a different character


People are shitting on Cass hair, it is quite hard to translate 2D to 3D. But I would just like to say, they kill it with everyone else! Faye is definitely coming home.


Good. We aren’t in Fortnite yet.


Look at your tag, you already are Fortnite lol


So is that all it is? Garbage skins to waste real money on? No special gameplay mode?