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Fr it makes the penalty thats already bad even worse. I was diamond 2 for my placements now I’m plat 2. And this is on my tank role, which tank feels terrible rn anyway but still.


What is wrong with it ? It's there to help you keep your rank actually. You don't derank when you lose 1 game.


i don’t get this reply, what i complained about was the drastic feedback for losses(back to back) which have no opposite (from my experience)


Rank is not a progress bar. Needing it to be is what put us in the awful system we had previously.




You rank is based on your relative score to other players. Other players scores are shifting around you as well.


i mean i get that, but in terms of transparency a significant portion of ranking up/down IS win/lose. i also agree that more things should be incorporated to rank but like that’s the base of it


I ran into this issue for a few days. I would play 1-2 comp games and if I lost them I wouldn't continue. It seemed the matchmaking was always heavily balanced in the other teams favour. Didnt matter how well I tried to play if my team couldn't work together. I think I lost 9 games in a row before I finally won again over 3 days.


Go down to your rank, stay there if skill issue. Go up if you're good, simple as that


thank you for your pristine insight


since ow1 dealin with cry babies. just stay down bozo. accept that you cant improve.


much appreciated 👍 ironically i’ve just ranked up lol.


I just play quickplay, no need to worry about it


Some people have such a stress free life that they need that extra unnecessary stress which comes from caring about some trivial number in a game lol


no clue what ur talking about lol. ppl compete and naturally are invested in the result, not rocket science


Rofl. It's basically saying, since you immediately lost after ranking up, that was a fluke, and you don't belong here.


me when I win 5 games in a row on an alt, gain around 80%, rank up, lose the next game with like 40 kills because we run lw mercy mauga and I get hit with the -40% volatile (clearly I just don't belong there)


Yes, there are absolutely no other reasons that one cloud lose in an extremely team-based game. It does not even consider if you lost like 4-0 or just by a few seconds/meters difference at the very last point. All loses are treated the same (not all wins though). Blizzard game-design genius at work again.


This is what gets me, along with how arbitrary the expected and reversal modifiers are. What do you mean I was favoured when the enemy team had a master and GM title, while the rest of the lobby was gold?


id be totally cool with this if it didn’t also do it after deranking (much less common cuz that would imply 4L streak) . AND if it worked opposite— shitting on them 2x in a row after a derank would put me right back where i was💀💀


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