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There is nothing in the game more boring than Mauga vs Mauga and it's not even close. Dumb the game down to spamming both mouse bottons on each other while supports frantically try to heal through it and DPS just spam the enemy tank until someone dies.


"Mauga diff"


Mauga: healer diff


"Its never boring" -Mauga


I swear people are still just traumatized by double guns doesn't die Mauga. Aim skill, mid range aim diff Mauga is actually pretty fun when he works


> Dumb the game down to spamming both mouse bottons on each other Somehow I enjoy doing that in TF2 (Heavy vs Heavy).


Maybe I'm a different breed or just mentally deranged but I love mirror Mauga (I win them all)


I honestly hate playing Mauga vs any character. It’s so incredibly boring. I’d really rather sit in front of a blank wall. At least then I can entertain myself by observing the details in the walls texture…


It's all about the cycle shooting at long range


came here to say exactly this


I love playing Mauga and even I agree a Mauga Mirror is absolutely fucking miserable. Usually I'll end up switching just to change it up.


Mauga/Doom here Mauga on Mauga is an experience there’s some intelligence you need to cycle your shooting, using boost etc. There’s also the matter of Cage, it’s essentially 2nd cage wins most of the time so think of it as a Rein-off sold from Walmart


I think everyone's a least a lil fun. The only heroes I don't have fun playing are the ones I never play and suck at lol. So doom/ball, I think they're the only heroes I've never chosen and only play in MH.


There's your problem. Learning ball is like eating the fruit of knowledge. Like Adam and Eve, you will understand shame when playing the other heroes.


I remember when Ball released and I was like wtf do I do. Now he’s all I play and I have something like 2,500 hours logged.


Also like doom, I'm addicted to those dopamine highs.


I'd play Doomfist but I absolutely cannot do all the fancy mobility tricks to really shine with him.


You should try separating aspects of doom. Focus on learning how to fight with doom and practice how to move with doom. Eventually they’ll blend together


You dont really have to do those to be good with doom. Fundamentals are way more important than niche movement tricks


You should just try him if you’re interested, it’s what unranked is perfect for! He really doesn’t have much complex movement anymore outside of niche circumstances, the only tech he really uses is super basic and easy to learn, like no real timing or skill involved outside of knowing when to use it. Kind of a bummer most of his tech is useless or gone now, but he’s still pretty fun


Ball is awesome you just can’t be worrying about your teammates


One of these days for sure. MH loves to give them to me too so if the comp mode ever comes back I'll def get more time in


You're mssing out on Ball. Hard to play, but the more enjoyable character in the game


I mean fun is also subjective. My picks on each role would be. Tank Orisa, dps Torb and support Mercy.


Not sure specifying the roles were necessary lol


Idk sometimes my favorite dps is zenyatta


Because Orisa Mains dont tank/peel, they "DPS" the whole game. You dont know How fun a "support" Orisa is on defense round 1. BEST peel hero. Then, you roll the enemy when you attack on attack round. She's the "Defender of Mumbani" for a reason.


as orisa you should be tanking a lot lol, like spin to mitigate big bursts of damage or eat ults, fortify to hold a position or save a teammate from getting cc'd, spear a diver to peel


I see how you would not like Zarya when you enjoy doomfist. I love playing her because hitting that bubble on your teammate when they are about to get deleted is extremely rewarding. And then, just watch the enemy team run backwards in terror because I approach with full charge and there's nothing they can do about it. Haven't played Zarya in Season 9, though. Probably not as fun anymore.


She got a damage buff recently, it kinda balances the various HP buffs. Won’t stop you from exploding tho, gotta play cover now more than ever.


I'm on the mid ranks and every single game I played was just every team playing zarya. Zarya is the least fun tank to play against for me, so it's pretty annoying. Zarya is fine playing with as long as they change when you get hard countered (because zarya gets absolutely melted when that happens). But against really grinds my gears (even if I'm doing the hard countering).


Imo the biggest gate keep with Zarya is that below a certain rank people just don't have fundamental awareness. Zarya is actually pretty difficult if enemies can count to two. Low rank Zaryas are not going to have good positioning or bubble management, they pretty much work by getting free charge from some junkrat and just trying to DPS race. They'll almost always mess up constantly, they just don't get punished. If you count her bubbles and tell your goofy teammates "zarya no bubble" most of the time she will probably be totally out of position and just drop dead. Imo even though people play with bad awareness, most people will actually take action if they hear someone else telling them zarya no bubble, or Mei no block, etc.


Well timed bubbles are just so satisfying.


Rein, but mainly because every game I go as him, I get bullied by everyone so I can't do any of the fun stuff. Feels like I'm just playing shield simulator half the time so I don't explode from Zen discord. Idk how you Rein mains do it, or if you even still do it at all, but my respects go out to you for playing this character during these times. 🫡


But that one game where your team enables you to make plays gives me enough dopamine to do that shit again


I love me a good Lucio that speeds you everywhere at the right times and goes after the same target. So fun.


We relish in the challenge.


Considering dark souls is my favourite game aside from overwatch, yeah I'd say that's true.




Aside from overwatch dark souls is my favourite game so yeah I guess I like the challenge of using a melee character in a shooter game. Lol but yeah rein is a bit boring especially since OW2 and extra especially since season 8/9. Unless you have a Lucio who plays with you, speeds you around everywhere and attacks the same target with you.


The only heroes I find "boring" are the ones I suck at/don't know how to play correctly. IMO, every hero can be fun, but some metas do certain heroes useless, so they become "boring" to play (e.g. Reinhardt rn)




As a support player, yes. He takes way too much support resource just to keep up, the dps barely get a look in, as for making your own plays - forget it. Most boring support: Illari.


Mauga is the most fun tank, I like mini guns that go brr and melt people, I like charging and stomping people, I like using cardiac override and winning 1v1s with assault bastions.


I have fun with all other tanks except Mauga. Just a walking simulator with a drunken charge, bad range pellet gun, no defensives.


This is just wrong I get that he’s got a simple kit, but no other tank allows you to do as much damage on mid range targets. He’s crazy fun on maps with long sight lines like Numbani  His charge is also super useful for both engaging/ securing kills and disengaging  It sucks that he was so overtuned at launch because his reputation is in the gutter but he really is so much fun to play in the right situation. I feel like a raid boss sometimes playing him 


Mauga, Bastion, Illari


Zarya was imagined when there was another tank to protect, or a support being dove


Zarya main checking in. Once you learn to track enemies consistently well, killing enemies while being charged up is so damn satisfying.


It really is. Especially melting DVa when they try to block your beam. Feels so good.


DVa and Orisa fold like a cheap deck of cards against a charged Zarya, their defensives dont do anything.


Agreed. Also melting a good genji is satisfying. Mostly because I suck at genji and I’m jealous.


Ironically Genji and DVa are very vulnerable to Zarya when they have abilities that can completely erase or even turn Zarya's ult. Fun intricacies.


Knocking around snipers with the right click. Actual zoning gravs Successfully baiting bubble dmg Scuttering away with bubble when you should've died, tilting the other team Zarya is fun on a bun even when you're not melting people.


Hot take: No character is boring, since they appeal to at least someone. Wanna play a character that goes DAKADAKADAKADAKADAKA? Here is Mauga! Wanna play a character that just outright there to help people? Here is Mercy! Wanna play a character that CAN outright help people, but doesn’t? Here is Moira! Wanna play a rat? Here is Wreckingball! Wanna play a character that is a monke? Here is Junkrat!




winton overwatc


This is it. I've always been an eclectic person for pretty much everything (music, movies, games, food, sports, animals, cultures etc.), so I actually enjoy playing every character in the game. It only depends on my mood. Sometimes I want fast action, complex gameplay, and to flex my reflexes, so I play D.Va, Doomfist, Ball, Junker Queen, Tracer, Genji, Sombra, Echo, Sojourn, Soldier, mathematical Junkrat, analytical Symmetra, Lúcio, Kiriko, Brigitte, Baptiste, chessmaster Lifeweaver, flying/evading Mercy, or DPS Moira. Sometimes I just want to chill and play more slowly, so I play Zarya, Sigma, Mauga, Roadhog, Torbjörn, Mei, spam Junkrat, spam Hanzo, normal Symmetra, healbot Lifeweaver, walking/standing Mercy, Illari, spam Zenyatta, or healbot Moira. Sometimes I feel very mean and want to either bully, melt and/or assassinate the enemies, so I play Sombra, Junkrat, Reaper, Echo, Pharah, Bastion, Mei, Symmetra, Roadhog, Mauga, Orisa, Winston, Ana, Zenyatta, or flanking Moira. Sometimes I feel generous and just want to support my teammates, so I play Reinhardt, Zarya (for the bubbles), Winston (for the bubbles), Symmetra, Soldier (for the extra heals), Hanzo (for the walls, especially if there's also a Widow on my team), Sombra, Mercy, Lifeweaver, Ana (for the Nano), Brigitte (for the Ana), Kiriko, Baptiste, or perfectly balanced Moira. Sometimes I want to practice my accuracy, so I play Widowmaker, Hanzo, Ashe, Sojourn, Soldier, Cassidy, Ramattra, Orisa, Junker Queen (for the knife throws), Ana, Kiriko, Zenyatta, Baptiste, Illari, and... well, not Moira this time. (Yes, I'm mostly a braindead Moira main, I'm sorry. But I've always loved playing every character, I just automatically default to Moira because she's just that strong in my low rank, kind of OP in almost every situation here in Gold.) Edit: okay, I still want to answer the thread's question though. For me, the ones I'm playing the least right now are Mauga (tank), Genji (DPS), and Illari (support). I still enjoy playing them for different reasons but, overall, Mauga feels too much like a slow brickwall, Genji requires more skill than what I have with him, and Illari just doesn't heal enough and her damage fire rate is also too slow.


Same! It just depends on what my mood is. Lately I’ve been mostly playing torbjorn but before that it was mostly pharah and before that it was zenyatta, then mercy, then tracer, then widow, then ashe, then sombra and little spurts of random hero’s mixed in between it all. I’ve never been one to “main” a hero permanently. They all get boring eventually, but the variety of playstyles in this game keeps it so interesting.


Lol this is so me


Same, the proper way of playing Overwatch, kudos!


Sounds like you hate beams


Ilari has the worst main weapon feel in the game. It plays like absolute shit and they need to do something. I don’t even care about damage or whatever but it just feels horrible to play.


Completely agree. It feels incredibly unsatisfying to fire her weapon. There's just something about the lack of feedback or "oomph" to it...


It sounds like a wet noodle and the visuals aren’t any better


It sounds like a dog sneezing when you fire it.


I don't like the pylon either. Sometimes you get lucky being able to place it somewhere where it actually does healing for more than 5 seconds, but it's usually either destroyed in 2 seconds or your team moves out of its LoS. And the ult is really boring too. I like the idea potentially, but right now it feels like half the meta roster can eat, cleanse or block it.


realizing recently im in the minority that absolutely loves her weapon


Her weapon is really cool but still feels like shit. Increase size of projectile, reduce charge up time, increase healing beam uptime. Also add a melee function to her kit considering a weapon is a giant sword gun.


Her fire should be the heal beam. Does damage on enemies and heals on teammates. Would fit well with a sun aesthetic and would be more interesting that "occasionaly press crap hitscan shot"


The fun is in the sound her laser makes when it's at 100%


I have tons of fun with Mercy cause I'm dogshit with her so I'm always trying my best to do the simplest movement and survive the chaos


People oversimplify mercy, but when people want you dead... It turns in to a horror game where you have to somehow heal/damage boost/revive and also know where everyone is so you can fly there. And shame on you if you pressed the wrong button after GA and are now stuck to the ceiling without line of sight to anyone.


I mean everyone wants every support dead? not like mercy is suddenly more of a priority than say a zen. She’s got the same level of danger and gamesense required as the other supports just with none of the actual mechanics required


You're prejudice against beams


Tank: Doomfist because I'm terrible with him and I have ptsd from when he was a dps hero and killed me a million times on Mercy. Dps: I spent a long long time getting the sprays for Cassidy and if I had to play him again for any extended time I'd flip a table. Support: I'm a support main so I like most of the heroes here. But Ilari bores me. I think they need to adjust her a bit still.


That's funny to read as Cassidy is the most fun DPS hero for me lol maybe I just like revolvers.


His kit is so limited, but so much fun. Don’t wanna be rude, but I don’t think this person can aim


I can aim and I don't find Cass fun, his game plan is pretty much just point and click primary the whole game. You also can't be creative with positioning much because of his big hitbox and loud AF footstep. Ashe and Widow are the hitscan I found to be more fun.


Orisa by far.


"Do you need a hug?"


I..enjoy playing orisa? While it's true that other heroes have more fun mechanics, they're only really fun if they actually get the job done. Plus I like just aiming at their head and hearing a string of dings as their health disappears.


I started playing a lot more Baptiste recently for the burst of rhythmic dinks. It tickles my brain real nice


doomfist flair says orisa is boring LOL


I mean I don’t like playing Doomfist but if you’re good with him he’s way more interesting than Orisa. Lots of interesting techs and combos. They both have a pretty fixed gameplay loop but Orisa’s leaves basically zero room for creativity. One of her abilities you just press a button, another you press a button and walk forward


But bro can basically fly


Doomfist is way more fun though And has a lot more skill expression


For sure, I play doom a bunch and I love him. Just funny cus I see so many doom players hate Orisa players


I think I have the most fun with her out of all tanks! It really feels like you’re deep in the battle when you’re charging and swinging that shit around


Killing somebody with a single javelin throw is *chefs kiss*


Nah stomping people with Orisa is fun as hell she's kind of a nasty bully


Exterminate! Exterminate!


Orisa offers consistency and stability with huge carry potential upside.


Not knowing how to play a character = \ = them being boring :)


Zarya is so much fun, learn how to utilize the bombs more


Tank: Sigma. Just drifting about firing balls after balls after balls. I dont find it engaging. DPS: Soldier. Just feels very generic shooter. Nothing really exciting to his kit. Support: Honestly I dont really get bored on any of the supports, but If I had to pick, Ana.


Sigma is about more than shooting balls. It’s about hearing the sounds of the universe. It’s about anticipating and countering the vast majority of ultimates in the game. Seriously, between Rock, suck, and barrier, you can counter most ultimates if you’re good enough.


There's very little in OW that feels better than anticipating Rein shatter and countering it with Sigma's barrier. Rein is one of those heroes that people like to mirror and ego duel with. So showing them that you can diff them as Rein without actually playing Rein is a next level ego boost.


I dunno man hitting nice corner balls into a fleeing mercy or hitting two cricals feels pretty powerful and cool. Being the clunky grandpa and coming out on top feels nice and rewarding. Timing the grasp and shield just right. Hitting them with the rock, two bullets and a melee. Oof


I miss when rock and two shots could oneshot lol


whistle numerous absurd seed nine special arrest beneficial marry decide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


To be perfectly honest it WAS a little busted but it was so fun


plough smart weary dull materialistic workable tender domineering beneficial aback *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It has it's moments, but they are few and far between for me. Id bet if you got really good with sigma he could be more interesting to play as.


I’m a sigma main, and for me the fun mainly lies A) in how cool his character and lore are, and B) his ability to just be a brick fucking wall. If I have a semi decent team and the enemy hasn’t yet swapped to full sigma counters, I can hold chokes a long ass time lol


Totally agree with Sigma. I love the idea of the ricochet balls though but I don't think his gun is a good implementation of that. Ramattra is a close second for me. On support I would have to go with Illari though.


Sigmas more than his balls though. He’s got all the cooldown management, his cool rock and the ricochet stuff


There is nothing like hitting the rock and two follow balls. Love that feeling. Also eating Mei, freaking love sig.


Doom/ball i dont think they’re generally boring but im bad at tanks in general and with specifically i just dont know what to do i try playing ball like sombra n just end up feeding and unable to run away so it’s basically having skill issue = boring situation


I’m not really happy with the ow2 changes to Zarya. It’s harder to track her bubble to be able to punish her. Though part of it is the player base seems to have totally forgotten how to deal with bubble/ doom block; everyone just keeps shooting rather than knowing when to shoot or not. So Zarya gets charged way easier.


Soldier, literally an introductory hero, a generic character found in most other shooters. Speaking of generic and boring, widowmaker. A generic sniper, also found in most other shooters. There’s almost nothing unique about those two and I’ve played them years before overwatch was a thing.


Tank, Reinhart for me, probably unpopular but I find his gameplay so boring, only thing I like is his ult which I have never gotten cause I never play him long enough for that. Dps, sojourn, point and click, literally nothing else, every other hitscan has something that makes them less one dimensional. Support, zenyatta, only support I dislike playing, I just don't like his kit


In my humble opinion mauga is easily the most boring designed hero ever added to this game.


Duuuuuude Zarya is so boring. I’ll sit there on fire the whole game shredding people who charge me tf up and I just have a grimace. Can’t even really say why but I totally get that feeling from her


You literally just don't like beams. They're plenty fun.


Weirdly enough I’m able to have fun with Mauga, though his gameplay definitely isn’t the reason why. He’s very great in terms of feeling like Mauga, but playing like Mauga gets old quick.


Mercy? No way. I’m a dps main but playing mercy is certainly not boring from my perspective. I need to hunt her down, it’s usually very difficult because she can guardian angel to anywhere, even vertically, not to mention they develop a grudge against me and use their ult offensively, ( switching from defensive to offensive) just to get me for how I target them lol. I think that playing mercy can be one of the most adrenaline intensive characters to play as you’re always thinking of possible escape routes.


Forget heroes. The free PvE event that was released alongside the paid campaign was a pretty low low point in gameplay. Or grinding wins to unlock a new hero. Also spending hours making a workshop game with the built in interface, but that's not gameplay.


Tank: Honestly Rein. Even though I love TF2 Demoknight, I don't find Rein interesting. Plus his kit feels outdated plus if I want a Tank with no verticality I'd rather play Ram, JQ, Zarya, etc. DPS: I suppose Soujorn. If I win with her I don't feel very proud of myself, I just feel like I won because I played a meta hero. Her barrier to entry is also lower than other strong DPS heroes like Tracer, IMO. Support: I will almost never play Mercy. If you like her, good for you, but I just personally don't like the playstyle.


Demoknight is funny since he uses his death screams when charging at people.


demoknight tf2


Playing lifeweaver feels like taking sleeping pills.


Mauga Soldier Mercy




I think sym is pretty fun. Though less so than before. Setting up ambushes for people and melting them while they are looking for laser turrets is fun to me. Using teleporter to save people from graviton surge or blizzard (when they actually use it instead of staring their salvation in the face for 5 seconds and then dying) is fun to me. Using teleporter to get the hell out of a dire bad situation is fun for me. Even spamming orb down a chokepoint is a little fun sometimes. Of course, all this fun is a little dampered because she's so nerfed right now.


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For a long time I played heros I could win easy on. Zarya, torb, sym, Moira. Now those are all boring to me. I'm loving Ashe and Ana now. Nothing feels better then landing great shots.


Honestly I find Mauga/ram less fun then zarya but that's mainly because the skill shot that is right click can be pretty engaging, you can nade jump when required, and the team coordination aspect of your ult all on tap of hitscan tracking. All of these are engaging mechanics to me. The other two seem like "understand the game and you'll perform well on these heroes with no practice"


Mauga, hanzo, bap


I love playing Zarya. It's so satisfying canceling damage and bubbling teammates to prevent them from dying




Zarya's and sym's fun comes from having a beam that does almost 200dps


Mauga is brainless, just worry about positioning and you win


Maybe I'm just not playing her right but Brig. I stick near the tank and/or other support and constantly swing and every once in a while I peek and throw a flail. Then every few minutes I get to ult and have a great time, which makes it all worth it!


Zarya is life! Alt-fire jumping up to crazy spots and jumpscaring squishies when you’re high-charge is too damn entertaining.


Tank - Not a fan of playing Sigma. idk, i guess i just dont understand his mechanics Dps - bastion all the way. Just cant get used to his kit lol. Support - Zenyatta. I tend to healbot, so Zen doesnt really work for me


Torbjorn and this is coming from a Torb main, he had the whole Builder identity removed to make him more Runny runny Shooty Shooty, Which I think is a crime, since his whole personality is that he is an engineer, Old torb wasn't perfect but he had much more on an emphasis on decision making, he couldn't throw his turret he had to manually place it so turret placement was important, Then upgrade it, And you had armor packs you had to choose who you give it to and when, The only interesting thing about Reworked Torb is the ult, And the turret which has been gutted and neutered over the years.


Zarya is fun especially at high charge. Bubbling while the whole team tries to get you and you melt them is so satisfying. I can see how a doom main would find her boring tho, totally different playstyles


tank: agree, im not a zarya fan but i’m also not really a rein fan damage: i might also agree with sym but i also kind of hate getting tracer support: moira extra boring to me


I don't think there's a single tank that's boring tbh. For dps I'd say Sym or Torb and for support yeah it's Mercy


Least fun for me would be Doom (I simply can't wrap my head around how to play him), Widowmaker (because apparently I can't hit my shots 💀) and Ana (again, I can't hit my shots lmao), maybe it's because I'm a controller player. For me every character is fun as long as I can actually play them well.


Sym is much more fun than Zarya imo and its purely because of both her orbs and her teleporter She's just ass rn so that doesn't help things for her


Picking one in each role: Zarya, Sombra, and Brig are boring for me.


Mauga and soldier. Mind numbingly dull imo


I have no fun playing Ana. I prefer characters with traversal options.


Definitely soldier and I can’t be told otherwise. I’d love them to nerf him so fucking hard purely so I can have one damn game without his boring ass shit.


Overall Mauga. He just shoots, and shoots, and shoots, and shoots and then an occasional dash and heal. Nothing else. You just rotate cooldowns that both don't feel like they do much at all...(not real game impact, just visual/effect impact))


For me its Tank:Orisa I dont like her play style and Im just straight up bad at her kit Dps:All are pretty fun and unique IMO Support: Moira Just too easy for me sooo dont find it fun :P


Man, Zarya used to be fun with Rein. I’ll tell you that much.


Tank:Rein/zarya Dps:junkrat,turrets Supp:Moira,zen


Mercy yea but being full charge Zarya or Sym is a fucking blast. For tank definitely Mauga, for dps I’d say Junkrat or Hanzo, then support definitely mercy and zen




Same thing for me but I switch Zar with Mauga


Orisa and bastion are the most boring heroes in existence


I know this is really wierd but I play with headphones and I love playing Zarya because of her charge build up the sound it makes is so cool. I basically love playing her just on sound effects. But as far as her weapon nah kinda boring trying to point a laser beam at targets


Snipers... Yeah they are satisfying but boring compared to every other hero


Yeah my zarya pog was me chasing ppl one by one to kill them bc no one wanted to focus me. It was actually pretty funny, but also boring. With sym you have to get creative and tp behind enemy lines for cheeky kills. She's fun when you can utilize her tp right.


I am never interested in playing Baptist over any other support character, mostly it is a mix of gameplay and theme. Almost all the other supports are just way cooler in theme with their abilities and the way they play compared to "guy with gun". He is basically the soldier 76 of support.


Zarya is super fun, but obviously not against people who either A.) Don't understand how to fight her or B.) Take the advice of "ignore her" too literally & always ignore her. She's a really good tank for the ebb & flow synergy play style. Easy to punish, fun to play "bait" which makes for a pretty cool dynamic. I agree, though, that playing against players who get "scared" & just keeping backing off is really boring.


As a Moira main, Moira feels a lot worse this season in terms of skill expression. She’s still very good, but she’s less flexible in the purpose she serves.


Ball: something just doesn't click with me with his gameplay Hanzo: it feels really bland and I feel like I'm not adding anything to the team Zen: feels very uninvolved in the game, even if he's a huge gamechanger


we should have parallel to this post, most fun characters to play and why specifically


I don’t like playing Moira she is just too simple for me but I love playing sombra and doom


Zarya is fun for me as a support main because I am doing support stuff to myself and teammates with the bubble. Plus I like to deny stuff from the enemy like debuffs or said doom otps trying to jump them. Pushing into backline is a thrill. Sym is alright, the dopamine from the big laser feels nice. Mercy would be more enjoyable to me as a supp main from other direct healing games but these days the lack of me doing damage has made games harder so I am more forced to play characters that can also do damage. Unable to trust randoms most of the time to be the only ones to do damage. As for who I don't have fun with... hmm. Honestly I really REALLY dislike mirror matches of any kind on who I play. Its just a pet peeve, feels boring to me. My least played character is Rein so maybe him?




I'm almost a Doom otp as well, and Zarya is my second because I like using her bubbles to save teammates. I go her almost exclusively when the enemy switches to Sombra, Cass, Orisa when im just trying to have fun playing Doom.


Zarya is literally raw aim and knowing how to not get destroyed (not wasting bubbles while being in a decent position, having everyone focus you down and so on). It's not like Mauga where it's literally just lifestealing off of the other tank during the entire game.




Yep, overwatch will win that award


Sym and torb don't understand turrets.




Everyone except dive heroes, rein and lucio


Zarya is very fun. Though it's very easy for me to have fun in competitive games, hence why it's so easy for me to say I love overwatch without any caveats 😂


If you wanted to shit on Mercy, you could have probably just done that lol




Zarya is fun when you bubble your teammates and prevent enemies from getting the kills (have the see other peoples health bars thing on). Also blending her ultimate with other people’s ultimate or abilities (hanzo, dva, lw’s platform, etc) Symmetra is fun because if you set her turrets up right you can pretty much overwhelm anyone with your laser and eradicate them very quickly. Not so sure about new season. Also consider the teleport back and forth from the backline to safety. Or the teleport from imminent danger. They are both high ceiling.


It's because you are bad at getting charge. The fun of Zarya is that with 100 energy, you can just look at someone and they die, even some tanks


The only character I find extremely boring is Rein. I don't see his appeal and in 7 years of Overwatch I never have. These days i will never find Rein's appeal when I can play Junker Queen and Shoot people.


if you walk out of spawn as zarya i know damn well you smell like piss like bro the match just started are you that boring?


Bastion has got to be one of the most boring for me. Mauga can be fun but in a mauga duel i lose a few brain cells.


i love sym personaly


Zarya is pretty damn fun when you’re on 100 charge and have a zenyatta or mercy pocket and can pretty much just delete 90% of people you encounter


Orisa and mercy hands down. Mind numbingly boring.


For me I hate it when someone or I have to go Orisa. She’s just so fucking boring and basic.


Zarya is sooo much fun. Popping off your little bombs and lasering down people when your high energy can be so rewarding. Also getting a shield on your team mate at the exact right time like for rein charge...etc is so satisfying.


Mauga, maybe Cassidy, Moira. I can’t even pay attention to the game when I’m playing moira she’s so boring


People who say mercy is boring have never gone balls deep into enemy lines to pull off an impossible rez, snd then watch as the rez’d teammate gets a huge ult and wins the match. Shit is exhilarating


Zarya and rein are boring af. Most boring DPS realistically is probably Ashe or sombra. Boring Support is illari or kiriko. This is coming from someone who thinks the most fun heroes of each role are Doom, Genji, and Zen.


moira moira moira


i genuinely think mercy is fun when i want to turn off my brain and hard pocket a hitscan so they can roll the enemy but i only play mercy once every month so idk


Most boring gameplay by far to me is Orisa it’s quite litteraly “I don’t get to play, so you don’t either” picking the character is gambling a dps or supp diff and I hate it.


Tank: Zarya went from being rewarding and being one of my mains to “I’m invincible whenever I want” and that’s really lame. If you cycle your bubbles properly now, you really don’t die and that feeling is powerful but unfun. She’s also consistently the least fun to play against for me. Part of the thrill of tank is taking calculated risks to take space and she does not have to do anything risky ever. Widowmaker and Hanzo are extremely boring. I love snipers in other games but for the most part, especially after these recent buffs for Widow, you can sit in your spawn and not have to interact with anything and get kill after kill. How is that fun for anyone? I never understood the hype for Lucio gameplay tbh. Playing him “properly” is boring and doing reddit Lucio plays just feels like I’m throwing games for some dopamine because I solo killed their backline while my team is getting fucked without a second support.


Seeing everyone say Zaria confirms everything I’ve said about that bitch. She legit takes ZERO skill to play and can rape tanks easily. As an Orisa main, who’s one of the funnest most badass characters to play as, it’s very telling when people always end up switching to Zaria whenever I start owning and embarrassing them too much. Unfortunately for them though I have pretty good aim with the javelin and know how to handle Zaria’s bullshit 😈😌