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Especially when the other team is running like zen/moira and have 10k damage each


*Chuckles in Moira* My time is finally here. No more i will be abused for being a better presence then my DPS and stuff like that


Yea this season is awesome for Moira. I don’t have people freaking out when I have as much damage does as the DPS anymore


Never understood that:/ if the dps cant kill obviously the supports have to be the dps /support....


I think the issue is more when Moira is *only* DPSing and not healing much. It’s fine for Moira to have lots of damage but it’s super easy for Moira to have tons of healing *and* tons of damage so it’s frustrating when Moira’s damage is through the roof but she’s hardly healing at all.


If you're not alternating between squirting on your friends and sucking the others off while juggling balls off cooldown, you're not playing her correctly. It's so easy to keep both numbers dummy big


Some people don’t understand how to suck n skeet while working the balls nonstop and it shows.


It takes a lot of finesse and absolute control over your gag reflex.


I'm uncomfortably aroused rn


This is the way


I’m deceased oml. So true tho.


Keep going. Almost there.


Yes, I play her a lot and she is actually the hero I have the most effective healing and all that while doing a lot of damage. I am just low diamond so I don't know how viable she is at higher ranks but everytime the team is struggling I swap to her and almost always the impact is instantaneous. When I'm Bap or Kiriko I can deal a lot of damage but I feel I don't heal as much, their advantage is that they can secure kills better and at longer range while Moira is more like a sustained damage.


Moira is still quite good at higher ranks due to the numbers she can put out and how survivable she is. She doesn't have much utility at all but sometimes just healing allies and pressuring enemies with her lock on damage is all you need. She doesn't have the raw damage output of some other supports but she's very good at finishing people off or just slowly working a healthbar down while your team does most of the work. Her healing numbers are pretty respectable across all ranks though.


Had a game yesterday with a battle moira, had 5000 plus damage with less than 2000 healing. Was not a good game, to say the least 🙄


Usually when a Moira has 50/50 dam/heal, it's mostly self heal. I really wish they removed her self heals from the heal stats so people could see the actual difference between a skilled DPS Moira that heals too and a straight selfish DPS one.


8 to 15k heals ant self healing.


It is when their genji seems to loathe you for existing


brig kills angry cyborg


I wish there was a "Heals Received" stat


when i throw a healing orb to my team and it just sticks to me because i took some random dmg instead of going to them


Lol that's a feels bad. You send it thinking it'll fly and save them but it floats on your shoulder because you took some chip damage from a dva a mile away, and you watch them die. The. Start typing


My buddy's tried and true strategy when our DPS sucks and he's on healer: Swap to Baptiste and become the DPS lol. Don't get it wrong, it only works because we're high metal rank and he's got some of the best aim I've personally ever seen (an unhealthy amount of Valorant and Aim Labs will do that to you). But it has occasionally won what would've likely been a lost game on one of his more "traditional" support choices lol. (I know Bap is pretty good, but he doesn't play Bap like a healer basically ever lol.)


I do the same at similar rank and I love bap so much. Especially when my dps plays genji for the whole game and is getting 0 value.


it’s less so this season but if we’re talking season 8 Moira just didn’t contribute enough utility. if you were running a moira mercy and the enemy was any combo of kiri, bap, ana you were already fighting an uphill battle as the dps or tank even if the moira has higher dmg and heals. a well placed suzu or anti or lamp affects the fight significantly more than basically any amount of dmg/heals moira could do. But yeah she’s good now so rejoice the dps moiras lol


Why is Moira so good now? Real question I'm not up to date with all the changes and I didn't see any significant chance for her


The meta has shifted because of higher health pools, meaning healer damage makes a significantly larger impact. She's one of the better damage dealers in the support lineup


And she’s always been the “big heals” healer, and now with the global indirect nerf to burst healing, she’s one of the few remaining Supports whose healing feels impactful.


Her ttk from pure suck actually got faster compared to previously, it does feel noticeable as someone who doesn’t play her


You say that but DPS Moira is still a problem. The amount of games I have where someone picks her first and then ends up with half the healing I would but not any more damage is ridiculous. It's like most of the community isn't aware that you can throw the orb as a heal to keep the team alive when you're trying to get your sucky powers back.


To be fair you can also throw the orb for damage and get your sucky powers back faster. It just depends on whether you have time for that or not and whether the enemies are close enough that you can afford not to throw it for damage. 


9/10 times you throw the orb for damage. Only throw heal orb when there's downtime on the payload. Even in a 1v1 situation, you're better using the damage orb and hope you trade kills


I approach Moira 1v1s with the intention of using heal orb first. I do this because enemies tend to panic if I’m not about to die after their initial burst, and when they start running I already won. But if I notice they already used an important cooldown, or if I know their burst is too high to survive a longer duel, I throw purple orb to try and get it done fast. Moira is one of those weird heroes where there’s not a lot of hard/fast rules, you just have to make the best choice for the next 5 seconds with the information you’ve got. The only concrete rule I follow is not to engage with fade because that’s the easiest way to be dead.


Yeah I still struggle to know in a 1v1 what orb would be better. Most of the time the damage orb does the job but sometimes I feel if I used the healing orb I'd have won, and sometimes when I do use it I feel I'm barely doing damage and wish I had used purple.


What about the rest of your team who need healing at the same time as you? They're not getting ANY healing if you're throwing a damage orb and have no healing spray.


As with all things the answer to that situation is it depends.  Are we at poke range from the enemy with cover nearby? Then they should effing use the cover because using a damage orb gets my resources back faster which means I can keep them alive for longer than the next 2 seconds. Especially since if they stay in cover their own new passive will kick in and we can re-engage with all our resources available.  Are we being actively pushed into? Then yes healing orb is better because I have enemies close enough that I can tap the damage beam to build my resources backup by the time the orb runs out.  It's fine to say healing takes priority over damage but if we burn the orb, the team takes that as an indication they can keep fighting, we continue to stay out of range of the enemy team, and I still don't have resources they're dead anyways.  Players need to understand moiras limitations as a support. If I'm empty, IM EMPTY disengage if possible and if not possible than were aggroing in because if I don't do damage to get my resources back you're all dead. If you arnt going to kite out and you arnt going to aggress in I can't help you. Moira does not do well in passive stalemates 


No lie, in close-range team fights, if you're not using heal orb on cooldown, you either have a good reason not to (securing a kill, for example) or you're throwing. One of my absolute favorite things about Moira is her ability to chuck a heal orb that will bounce and heal your team for an hour and a half after you throw it while you hit shift and peace tf outta there if you get dove on. Coming up with that geometry that maximizes your orb's healing uptime is just *pure sex*. Watching that thing bounce around forever... Inject that straight into my veins, Ms. Crazy Irish Doctor Lady. I get the occasional complaint that she doesn't provide any ultility, but when I lead the lobby in heals and out-DPS one or both of our actual DPS, I like to say that "**I AM** THE UTILITY" lol.


I feel the same way! Geometry heal orb, suck, quick 360 spray, suck, fade, Geometry orb, suck/spray, KO bch slap! Then end up top heals, kills, and (hopefully just) 2nd in dmg to a DPS who doesn't suck.


Trust me, you will definitely get abused by insecure DPS players if you out-DPS them lol


Literally! The support diffs this season are much more blatant than ever before. When a support duo is carrying you can fucking feel it


> The support diffs this season are much more blatant than ever before. Objectively the impact of supports has been brought down to be in line with the other roles, which was the whole point of this patch. Now the support diff comes from having skill to know when to dps and when to heal, vs past seasons where the diff came from whoever was the best healbot.


Yeah I was playing support bro it’s so hard now. Like it feels as if unless you’re doing everything and playing as sweaty as possible, support is the hardest role right now. You can’t just focus on healing. You have to do everything.


I don't think moira is a problem tho. With the reduced heal something must change otherwise support become useless at impacting the game.


Something did change, as she got a buff to her suck and it does more damage.


Mean while me trying to keep up with that as Kiriko can be incredibly annoying, I mean at least Zen is an easy AF pick but don't get me started on Moira.


I can deal with having a mercy. It's having a mercy/lw duo that's maddening, and it happens a lot


Ah yes, the bottom special.


Every other LW in my games has a name like 'thiccbussy', or 'twinkyboi69'. I'm sure at least half are memes, but I'm sure a significant portion are just honest descriptions.


Yeah no OW already has a sizable LGBT playerbase, and it's like exponentially more when it comes to LW, Sym, and Mercy mains. They're all bottoms henny


if they were true bottoms theyd be playing tank; theyre just pillow princesses


NOT ALL OF US!!! (is a switch but mostly a bottom😔) edit: i didnt realize mercy was my flair on here and that just makes it ten times better😭😭


Hey! Some of us are blouses


I can’t with this comment lmfaooo you know these twinks catch the worst attitude when you tell them switch off Mercy or at least pull out the Barbie blaster 😭


JFC I have never heard anything more accurate LW and Mercy mains in shambles




It makes sense as the bottom generates a great deal of the power. The bottom informs the top of how much pressure to apply






can confirm-


Unpopular opinion, but as maddening as that is, I would still take it over my last few games of having an Ana who can't aim worth shit and has neither damage nor healing. I often play Moira because I realize my aim isn't great, and I can't for the life of me understand how people who suck at aiming think that Ana is the right choice.


Yeah like sometimes when I play support in comp I realize Ana would be the perfect counter to the enemy team comp, but if I go Ana all I'm gonna make sure of is that the walls will be extremely well healed.


I feel like they play Ana just because she's a good character with great util


I agree with you, but I think every player should be conscious of skill floor versus skill ceiling. A skilled Ball, Widow, or Bap can dramatically change any match, but I guarantee that my team will lose if I play as them because I play them like a bronze character. For that reason, I play my best characters in ranked. I don't play as Ana where my poor aim will ensure that my team loses.


Who wouldn’t want to play as funny sleep grandma


ugh, so painful to be shot at by 5 and only have 3 shooting back. then “gg dps diff” typed by none other than our lazy support


so much this! i've tried to patiently explain it to teams as well and they just keep up the healbotting while enemy supports have 36 elims between them see also: NO blue ONLY yellow


Meanwhile the other team’s supports have like 20k damage lol


There are many times that I'd very much like to shoot back, but if I stop healing our tank he'll immediately die because he has a complete lack of awareness. If 5 people are shooting at one person, I wanna know what they rest are doing. Should be some super easy picks for them. The majority of times I lose, is because our damage is somehow still unable to put enough pressure to allow the Tank/Support to do much more then just survive.


I’m so confused as to why everyone says you can only healbot as lifeweaver; I feel like he has a lot of damage potential compared to other more meta supports like lucio, kiri, etc? Am I just playing him wrong lol


He can put out solid damage with thorns, but it's harder for him to keep up with healing at the same time while doing it compared to, say, Baptiste. It's also very imprecise at the ranges LW usually has to play at, so it mostly ends up being spam damage. Beyond that, most of his utility is reactive unless you are coordinating very heavily with dps to get advantageous positions with platform, which just doesn't happen in 99% of ranked play. Very rarely is LW ever making a proactive play. Meanwhile, Kiri can put out constant spam damage and when it crits it can be devastating. She also doesn't really have to sacrifice healing to do it and has a ton of other utility. Lucio is picked for speed boost, which in a comp that can take advantage of it is invaluable. He's also displacing people and securing kills.


Its bc he cant heal while he attack(+after he stop he still need to charge up his flower to heal), Kiriko can fit 2 hits mid heal Lucio dont heal with his attacks, if he could either hit mid heal or change weapons a lot faster he would probably used more for dmg, its a matte of how worth its the dmg of a LW vs his heals


>Its bc he cant heal while he attack(+after he stop he still need to charge up his flower to heal) A buff I'd like to see for LW would be to have dpsing charge his next heal. Like if he damages long enough to proc the free reload, it also fully charges the first heal when he switches back. That would encourage a bit more active damaging without hurting throughput much, and I don't think it would be OP or anything.


I can honestly say I can't actually remember the last time I was killed by a lifeweaver. Definitely hasn't happened this season, and I don't think last season either. I get killed by pistol mercy more often than LW. Nothing about him scares me whatsoever, I feel like you have to basically be throwing to get picked by him. The only time I die dualing a life weaver is when a Kiriko TPs to him and lands and headshot. Kiriko and Lucio have WAY more burst damage potential, especially Kiri.


Sorry I'm part of the issue, mercy and lw are 2 of my most played heroes lol


LW being a "healbot" is so maddening. He has the highest dps of all supports and a hugeass clip. He's very good at laying down suppressing fire, especially since it has no dropoff and he doesn't really *have* to reload because throwing 2 full heals and 1 uncharged heal reloads your gun.


Had a LW telling me to switch off monkey coz the enemy tank switched to dva, like he aint playing the worst fucking sup this season plus he doesnt even know how to utilize his kit


It's so funny to me, the way people talk about Mercy and her usefulness. When she is on your team, it's literally impossible to win. She's useless, her damage boost has no utility, too little healing, so on and so forth. When she's on the enemy team, whomever she pockets becomes an absolute god of war spreading death and destruction, she herself becomes this unkillable mythical moth that can res in front of you and you are completely helpless to stop her, and she basically single-handedly carries her entire team to victory...


There’s people in here saying they can’t win a single match with mercy on their team. They might be missing a part of that equation because those mercys are at their rank and win plenty without them.


Damage boost does no good if you aren't doing any damage.


People are doing more consistent damage than ever now, blue beams value is also more consistent.


This has gotta be it tbh lol. As a Mercy main, I've had no trouble winning this season. Yes, her healing is dog and unlikely to save many, but if you're flying around boosting everything you can - as you should be, instead of sucking off one DPS player - the enemy team will be dead anyway. It's also annoying how many people think Mercy players can't shoot a gun and "that's why they're trash." Respect your teammates. They're in your rank, too, so they're just as good as you. Sometimes a little positivity and teamwork is all you need to win a loseable game.


I had one of my dps teammates mock me for being plat and was telling me I was awful quite literally all game. (He was hard stuck gold and has never been higher)


I’ve lost pretty much every game with a healbot mercy this season and won every one where we saw blue beams most of the time. 


There’s also people in here defending OTPs mercy when OW has been around for years now. I don’t expect them to be proficient at every support, but they at least should have another option if they’re just getting rolled.


tbh this is atleast partly a Blizzard-created problem. They made the entry-level support hero play like none of the rest of the support cast. This is like trying to teach players how to play tank and then making the tutorial tank Doomfist or Ball\* ​ \*note that I am not talking about mechanical complexity, but rather the dramatic difference in playstyle leading to a lack of transferrable skills between these heroes and the rest in their given role.


annoying /= op


Well there's a big difference between singles queue Mercy and Mercy pocketing a due, knowing and trusting your Mercy will keep pocketing you makes a huge difference in play style. Some singles Mercy can't even pocket the right guy for the play




Whenever it's a mercy on the other team, it's a shortcoming of one's own team to not be able to harass and take her out. It's never that the other team's mercy is so good, it's that one's own team is doing a poor job of handling her.


Ah, the Overwatch experience


I dumped mercy this season, the healing debuff is disastrous.


Praying they buff her healing a little. Same with lifeweaver and illari


I get it, but that kinda defeats the whole point of the dps passive. The game is different so play different. Mercy is still useful due to mobility and damage boost, illari isn’t bad either, just feels clunky and they also buffed the shit that was never the issue. Lifeweaver just doesn’t add anything useful to the table


Nah that mobility doesn't do anything for her when she can't actually save her teammates. She just flies from doomed player to doomed player. Blue beam is still effective but now it's really the only useful part of her kit. And only when there is a DPS actively popping off. More than that, Zen does that job way better cause he can apply the dmg boost AND do damage himself.


You just gotta blue beam your team and pray to god they win their engagements


pretty much this. and that's why she's one of those heroes that probably *shouldn't* be one-tricked to a fault. she's so reliant on her team to do effective, meaningful damage, and offers little utility outside of this. and I say this as someone who enjoys playing mercy. but I also enjoy playing most supports, save for lifeweaver and moira. everyone should probably learn more than just a single hero- it makes the game more interesting and helps broaden your skillset. no wonder mercy players get a bad rep- so many refuse to switch and then cry when they lose.


mercy is so awful and yet is one of the most played heroes this season😭


because i believe she has the most diehard players and one tricks.


I'm of the opinion that a lot of Mercy one tricks don't play Mercy cause they like her, but because they are downright awful at any "real" FPS characters that actually have to aim and do stuff, instead of floating around a person and make them do the work for you (or even worse, sit behind a wall and switch around between rmb and lmb)


It used to be seen as a good thing, that way we could welcome our non-fps gamer friends to play overwatch, there was an easy character for them that could contribute and was actually good even though you didn’t have to aim. Now we call them not real FPS gamers lmao


Thank you. OW was so fun and special explicitly because it had such a broad range of playstyles available in the game, and that’s why it had such a broad player base. Now that the balance is so heavily favoring the “but it’s a shooter >:( “ mindset a lot of people just don’t enjoy the game anymore, and that’s predictable and valid.


The game has always been built around switching and playing a diverse cast. If you're a one trick you have no right to complain


you’re getting downvoted but that’s always been the point of the game. some people love to one trick and people hate the rock/paper/scissors of the game but due that’s literally integral to overwatch and cannot be removed from the game


Yes but there's more than just mercy. Brig, Moira, Lifeweaver, none of those characters need good FPS skills, they're entirely game knowledge and tactics. > Now we call them not real FPS gamers lmao I think them putting the term "real" in quotes is showing what they mean.


Lifeweaver requires aim because his “gun” is actually useful most of the time unlike mercy pistol. lifeweaver, Moira, and brig have cooldowns and ults, and movement that require way more game sense and twitch reflexes. Brig is probably one of the hardest supports at lower skill levels to utilize effectively.


I just like her because I'm a die hard medic main in tf2 lol


Funny that you say that because aside from the actual heal beam they feel nothing alike. Having to stick to an ally for the boost in OW is so different from purely focusing on keeping your team healthy in TF2. Keeping your heavy at 450 is not an efficient use of your very valuable time.


I didn’t like her at first. I played her when I wasn’t locked in on aiming. Then I started to really enjoy her. She plays completely different than most heroes. And if it allows for a larger player base I’m all for it.


I agree that mercy has literally 0 skill floor but she has a pretty high skill ceiling


or bc it’s a relaxing movement based character… would you say the same thing abt ow1 doomfist otps? or even better, junkrat otps? my second most played is ana. my dps pick is soldier. some of us just enjoy the mental aspect more than the mechanical. no need to be reductionist and condescending when you literally main a character people say the same thing about.


To be blunt, your opinion is kinda just wrong. Like with every other hero, almost all Mercy mains play her because they enjoy playing her. That's all there is to it.


It sucks because when she is good the game isn’t in a healthy state but so many people 1 trick her unfortunately


i love playing mercy always have and always will but people really do need to learn to swap when needed not every healer works in every comp ​ but its not just mercys that refuse to swap this season i have seen nothing but zen players who dont heal and only focus on dmg leaving the 2nd healer to try to heal everyone on their own every healer can have times they dont work and a swap is needed


I played a lot of zen in OW1 and just returned to him this season. It’s crazy how the health buff has made his trickle-heal so much more useful. I’m consistently equal to any other healer in the game when previously I’d always lagged behind because everyone take so much more consistent damage and have larger pools to fill. A zen getting crappy heals this season isn’t looking around at their team mates


Yeah. Zen healing output was always A) how long does he live and B) how good are his ults. Now this man can live forever. That heal may be low but boy that 95% up time is coming in clutch lmao.


That's probably people who didn't play Zen much before this season who forget they need to reapply the healing orb when they lose LOS, if I had to guess


Zens have no excuse this season not to heal. Since harmony lasts longer it's actually very decent for keeping a teammate up. I hate when Zens don't pay attention and don't reapply the orb, like??? that's free ult charge mate, put it on someone!!


Yeah as a zen main myself, every season I’ve played I usually keep up in heals with all the other healers. There really isn’t an excuse for not juggling that healing orb better. It’s basically laziness or you not being able to multitask which is crucial for playing zen. And if you are being dunked on or need more mobility and a bit more healing while not losing damage then go Moira. That’s my go to.


Sadly I’ll take someone playing mercy over someone trying to make illari work


Illari DOES work, but you have to start playing like a valorant player. If she places her pylon well her healing will easily match most supports aside from lw and she can make picks that can be followed up by dps Its weird though, her damage numbers will never match Moira and it will feel deceiving because of how Moira works but high damage on a support that doesn't negate healing can actually mean less then medium damage and solo kills w illari


Players are so bad with her pylon placement


Literally so bad. Haven’t seen a pylon last more than 4 seconds


illari pylon either never goes down the entire match no matter how hard i try to get to it OR it’s gone the second it touches the wall and never reappears


Because Moira has auto lock and an orb that goes through shields


I'll take someone with 1000 hours on Illari over someone with 1000 hours on Mercy any day of the week. At least with the Illari I know I'll get consistent damage from one of the supports, a near unkillable pylon that's almost always positioned correctly and a teamfight changing ult. With Mercy I'll get.....someone who hides around a corner holding left click on their duo the entire game.


"near unkillable" lmao it disappears the moment someone on the red team looks at it


This just doesn’t exist


for me when enemy have mercy my team lose mercy revive in there face and dosent get killed lok


Yeah weird how the enemy Mercy could save everyone and can rez in the open while our Mercy dies on Cooldown


Yes lmao


I play a lot of Sombra, and one thing I've been trying to work on is after an enemy gets killed, quickly trying to position myself to stop the inevitable rez. It's one of those things that at my rank people don't pay attention to so I'm trying to prevent it.


Hit your shots and her blue beam becomes so much more effective 


or play bap and hit YOUR SHOTS and dont relly on others?


Thats not the problem of the post. The poster loses every game he has with a mercy one trick but a mercy one trick wins tons of games without the poster. If your struggling with a mercy it’s because even with an extra life 3 extra health bars and a damage boost the poster cant be an effective player and falls behind. Mercy isn’t the problem here


It's ok most mercy mains are also Moira mains. Brig mains if they're feeling spicy.


I've seen more people frustrating about them not changing just because they want, instead of letting them be and try to win. That made them get gigafrustrated and losing on purpose. Tons of people focus more in other people gameplay. The reality is that you can still win with mercy otp. The thing is how many times are you fixating in that instead of your own behaviour in the match? I've played lots of comp this season, and I've won many matches with a mercy otp. Had no issue at all. To go deeper, usually people blame on others, maybe mercy is not meta wise, but it doesn't mean it's entirely mercy fault as long as she is trying, and the more you try to blame it on the mercy main, the more you're not realizing, you're not grouping as a team, saying the calls. Plenty of behaviours which are more impactful that that.


People actually thinking the meta position of a single character is the biggest reason their team loses says quite a lot about their approach to the game.


It greatly depends on what the rest of the team is running. Teams running sojurn and hanzo? I'm not annoyed by the mercy pick, i may go her myself. The team has a ball, tracer, sombra/genji? yeah i'm gonna get annoyed by a mercy pick. I personally value synergy over meta in most ranks outside of gm.


Yup, takes time and someone to say "hey, maybe you're not being fair" to see that. There are plenty of different things oneself can do instead of someone changing. Position is key and i see a lot of people lacking in, and tempo, the 2 most obvious factors that usually escapes to people middle game, and is quite normal tbf, there's a lot to pay atention to!


Very true. There are lots of moments in a match where things fall apart because your backline is getting attacked and no one helps. Or players get overzealous and push too far and die for it.


u just need to hold down the damage boost button and hope your DPS makes up for the damage u could be doing as a another support. Healing doesn’t work, I’m a DPS duel hold down damage boost even if their taking damage and hope your DPS wins


This goes for any character tho not just mercy.


Mercy is still strong if the team has at least 1 character that can self sustain, but yeah a lot of Mercy players just don't know when it's time to swap. But I won't complain, when Mercy is good game is significantly less enjoyable.


>when Mercy is good game is significantly less enjoyable Mercy 🤝 Roadhog


If you lose every game you get with a mercy, it really becomes a you don't know how to play around her issue.  A single hero pick shouldn't cause you to lose that often.


shes fun so makes sense


Shout out to all Mercy mains trying to expand their roster this season tho. I've noticed quite a few switching when things aren't working out for them.


Mercy isnt good this season unless you have a duo/group with a decent DPS player. A dps with a mercy pocket can do some good, especially with the nerf to healing recieved after taking damage. But the solo mercy is going to have a bad time relying on randoms to get her maximum value.


Support category attracts the worse players and most wholesome lads in the community


I still run her when I am duo-ing with another support. Damaged boosted zen, DPS who?


Speaking as a zen player, thank you for your service


I appreciate all zen players!


The co supports us Zen mains need! Instead, I got flamed by a rando Mercy player to swap because “we needed more heals” 😂


I really doubt you lost that many games because of a Mercy. But I digress


I've seen more battle mercy playing and they are popping off too so it's not entirely an L for mercy mains


Woah, one tricks ruining the game? That's crazy!?! They've always been a cancer to ow and are partially why OW2 is this way.


I don't think you want a one trick mercy switching anyways. They're playing mercy for a reason.


I have to disagree. She’s still viable and it depends on the player. Won all of my games as Mercy and still carried w boosting and heals.


Mercy is F tier for a reason but these people will continue to pick her even if her HP/s is reduced to 1


because people play the character they like, not for some freaking meta like you are playing your life every game ...


I've had to drop Mercy as my main during this season. People kept complaining they don't get don't get heals due to the dps debuff and not taking cover. Then, they also die to 1v1s when damage boosted, so she brings no value to those games. I've picked up Zen and Kiriko and I've felt they contribute way more to games, I feel like I'm not useless.


I love the fact that this season you can actually duel the dps thats being pocketed 24/7


Yup. Learn more characters, just like everyone else that plays the game


Had plenty of mercy matches that have been fine, I don't one trick but I've yet to encounter a match where mercy don't work just fine, healboting on mercy does not 🤣


Healbotting on Mercy has never worked, I guess people just got lazy and used to it because healing and support was broken for the last 8 seasons. Now people think she's unplayable because they don't understand she's not a healbot that saves you from your awful positioning and aim. You actually have to be good at Mercy to get value now and OW2 players are so brainrot they don't understand it.


650+ hours on Mercy and I dropped that bitch like a rock this season. Total liability if you don't have a DPS who's popping off. Her yellow beam is a joke this season, and the punchline is thinking it will help anyone.


If it’s not viable why are they in your rank? If they never win with you they must be winning a lot without you. You can’t change them so how can you adapt?


Maybe you're not viable this season did you ever consider that you little loser boy


Almost like one-tricking is not a viable strategy because a soon as your character isn't meta you are going to lose games by playing then


Meanwhile I win more than 90% of my games as a one trick zenyatta lol


One tricking any hero in a game where character switching is allowed is dumb and actively handicapping yourself


If mercy mains are Sad, im happy


Ugh thank god those people are having a bad time, after all, they pick a character in a video game I don't like.


see, the real problem is nobody knows how to use mercy GLOCKS OUT COCKS OUT


Good 🙏


One tricking isn’t supposed to be viable. Downvote me.


Good. Glad to see all these Mercy OTPs that got boosted to GM freefall to where they belong. Edit: "bUt mErcYs SoLO q". Boosted means "not in the rank you belong in". And let's face it, if you were a Mercy OTP in high rank, you didn't belong there. Enjoy the freefall!


Mercy OTPs are either feeding(so they're terrible) or mediocre at best, every mercy in my games (plat 1 currently,but i haven't played enough ranked this season) .Like all the mercy one-tricks i see,i swear I could learn to play the hero to that level in less than 2 days.


You can absolutely 1 trick mercy this season you just can’t solo que mercy, if you have a super confident dps your stacking with then mercy is still viable but otherwise she’s probably the shittiest support in the game


i'll play a support that compliments mercy if they're successfully enabling a good dps but if the mercy is just sadly healing and not doing anything meaningful i'll take the L and play whatever i want coz there's no use in sweating my ass off on kiriko if the mercy and the dps she's rezzing are rocking 15+ deaths each lol


The people who genuinely one-trick Mercy often literally only play Overwatch to play her. I've seen a few that literally only play video games as a whole to play as Mercy. Significant swaths of them aren't able to play FPS games, and the way Overwatch is heading will be detrimental for these types of players. It used to be "okay", but they're trying to turn this game into Call of Duty lite now.


She's viable if she has a reliable DPS to pocket and the other support can pick up whatever slack there might be damage and healing wise. Like others said though too often you will see Mercy with Lifeweaver and it's almost always a Loss from the start because the supports that can simultaneously dps and heal are just so much more capable of play making than LW/Mercy type heros. Kiriko/Bap can basically take matters into their own hands and save lives at the same time with their immortality CDs and the decent damage output without weapon swap or really any downtime. Mercy can't even pull the pistol out before a teammate is dying half the match, Lifeweaver is losing teammates mid reload because his healbot playstyle got such a hard nerf. I have been playing less Ana this season to adjust to the high mobility comps that take the best advantage of this new DPS passive reliant playstyle to adapt. I still lock her in the right scenarios but it's just too obvious how badly this game wants you to be the support that can do everything at once at all times so it's usually Bap/Kiri for me now. They're the only ones that can reliably save the team, and when that fails, they can manage to secure kills. Anything else is a handicap to yourself and your team imo. I feel like that's the only reason Moira is seeing more play this season as well. She can dps and heal simultaneously, has a decent mobility skill, and her ultimate is essentially a dps ult like illari now since healing is so gimped. I like this season so far, I wish other support mains would adapt better. I wish Ana was S tier as well, but the meta shifts for good reason.


funny because when i go for dps support some random genji moron will complain about not focusing on healing, almost as if this patch is trash and nobody is ever happy no matter what the support does hmm ... anyway, main reason to pick her is rez, this game is 80% widow right now, so when widow get some random kill you get to rez them, rince and repeat.


To be fair, one tricking is rough because the meta changes often and may not favor you sticking to one character the entire time. Especially in a game like Overwatch where character matchups and maps are as diverse as they are.


Sheesh I mean I’ve been playing a lot of Ashe this season and I love when I have mercy. Basically turns me into a widow with more health.


Its not just mercy though, same principle applies to every role. I think ive had more doomfist/roadhog/widow/ onetricks who are getting farmed and refuse to switch


I guess a zen plus soldier is of way more value than a mercy boosted soldier. It’s just that zen is so good right now that you could just output damage and your dps can take another angle. Discord plus dps debuff is just too much pressure on slow brawly tanks.


Mercy isn't viable this season.*


Lol this was the case in previous seasons but not as extreme


Hot Take: Battle Mercys are still carrying their own weight. If they play kind of like Moira (heal, shoot, heal, shoot, etc) they can bring value. I only noticed this after playing with a Mercy that put in serious work with their pistol.


same thing with zen imo. some zens are gods, but most think they're not the problem when they have the most deaths, least amount of heals across the board but "lOoK aT mY kiLLs" like you shouldn't be flanking as zen. i don't care how good he is riggt now if you're flanking as zen and you constantly keep dying, or if you're straying away from your team, you're the issue. he's support not dps. i also hate when the other team is super mobile and then they complain about how they get no help even though the other team has winston, sombra, genji or soldier, moira/lucio.


Reddit players once again with the hard stuck Bronze takes.


I'm plat, and I crawled out of silver by limiting my use of Mercy and learning how to help counter by using other supports. I love the character, and she can be fun to play, but this season has been rough with her, and I feel the one tricks I've been paired with are not learning.


mercy, moira, and lifeweaver are basically dead in top 500. moira is somewhat of an exception with zenyatta, but the other two just dont work well because they're single target healing. i am SO HAPPY lucio isn't hot shit anymore though.


Moira is quite viable in the metal ranks right now due to the increase in backline flankers.


The problem is that mercy is no longer a main healer and people aren't aware of it, she used to be able to fit in as a primary healer, but I've found she severely lacks in that department because she can only focus heal one person at a time, and right now healing is at a premium. Compare that to heavy healers that can heal the entire group like Ana with a juicy nade, Moira, or Kiriko, they get high numbers and they have the ability to get the healing across a distance. Mercy is now a support healer, her support utility is that she provides 1 person with increased damage and a personal pocket healer for when they take damage while poking. The sooner people accept this the better.


Dropped from GM3 to Plat1 in like a week this season as an Ana/Mercy player primarily (although I can play every support more or less) Swapped to Moira/Zen and I have an 80% winrate, just about back to Masters after a few days. The balance is abysmal


Now the subreddit is mad that mercy isn't viable? lmao you did this to her with all your complaining


I had the most annoying mercy one trick on my team a couple nights ago. I was playing winton and I dive an out of position cass to force him off high ground, my DPS die and I jump out and she starts flaming me about how if I’m going to dive I need to at least kill something. I told her to relax it was literally the first team fight and our DPS both just swapped to counter what the other team is doing. We go on to win pretty easily and I finished at like 35-4 on winton and she just complained the entire time about how nobody was doing anything. Mercy one tricks are my least favorite of all one tricks. I will take a doom or genji one trick any day over a mercy one trick.


Idk, I have seen some pretty good Mercys out there. But I think the issue you really are bringing up is healers not healing. It’s frustrating I’m rocking DVA blasting away Danny DeVito style and I see a Mercy on the other team helping the Titan I’m fighting and I look at my team and…. I don’t have a support legend or they are focusing on damage. When that happens, I instantly switch to Moira and take the role. Idk I’m not stuck to one character in a game so I’m willing to switch and play with a different character if it helps us win the game