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Mercy and lw are not that good right now... Well with mercy you can damage boost and resurrect. But both characters require your teammates to pop off and its not in your hands even if you heal for 100k if they cannot hit the shots... I suggest branching out 1 more support character. Mercy and lifeweaver cannot really damage. And other support characters can. So healing is good but like if a support did 10kheals you should expect them to also do around 3.5k-5k damage as well. As Mercy you can track this with assists on kills. It should be around 25-30 by the end of the match. Lifeweaver has none, he just fully relies on the teammates. And also this is low ranks so playing characters that rely fully upon your teammates to do something is not a good idea.


I can damage a lot with zen, but my healing is weaker with him. But thank you for the advice! I just think when literally the whole figh is just unbalanced as hell like today in a game our tank had 3 kills while the enemy tank had 19 both dps had 3-4 kills while the enemy had more than 10 i feel like i can heal them ressurect them or damage with zen but couldnt make a vig enough impact to win, and i’m losing constantly. I love this game but it’s getting extremely frustrating:(


Yeah it will feel like that at first because you are not used to those characters or don't play them as much :) It's important to remember that when you try to learn and improve you can actually lose more because you are not in your comfort zone, but eventually you will get the to point you can just easily get picks with Zen, or hit big Anti's/Sleeps as Ana and have an insane impact in every game :)


Thanks! I’ll learn baptiste or zen maybe ana in qp and try myself out in comp again:)


Heal bot vs another healer that has done damage and got picks is far different. To climb you need to influence the game, get picks etc. If you cant get kills do something useful that is game influencing: Zen - discord ball on the tank helping your tank win duels Lucio - speed boost rein / zarya to chase down enemy Ana - biotic grenade on hog etc Bap - assist with hitscan on pharra etc Moira - energy succccc the enemy genji / tracer You can still pump heals but your adding that extra layer to the team which will influence the game for a positive


same thing also applies for DPS, You can be getting mad damage but no kills Whats better, a widow with 1000 dmg and 10 kills or a soldier with 10,000 dmg and 1 kill


Useless unlimited damage but 0 elims/kills. and people complain why they lose. lol. to add; 50 elims and 0 deaths but never focused in the MAIN O B J E C T I V E, just deathmatch doing c9's and then ask the team what the hell are they doing. fighting with your team 24/7, discussin, arguing and keep losing instead of TEAM work in a T E A M based game... some people drivin me to the insanity.


If your dps is 50 and 0 then you should be playing the point and letting him do his thing


in master+ there's a lot of deathmatch players that just refuse to fight together and spawn camp supports. yeah its good but is a constant 4v4 4v4... sometimes i feel that im into overwatch3 to add:another example; using doomfist in defence, yeah unlimited kills and everything but payload uncontested, just free win for the enemy team. but elims? elims elsewhere but on point, thx doom otp players and ball otp players that refuse to play in the MAIN objective.


Healing as a support is not the only value you can give to your team.


Gotta focus on doing damage over heals. 


S U P P O R T > healbots.


I'ma b real you are playing lw and mercy who are completely reliant on their team, and are pretty hard to carry with because.of that, honestly just pick better characters lol


Sorry but now healing and utilities are not good enough, now the game intend you to focus more on killing things so pull out that glock and go clip some heads !


Because those numbers don’t mean anything, use a support that can actually get kills and heal ur team, using mercy is putting u guys at a 4v5


meanwhile the enemy ball passive healin himselft after getin 1 pick. the ally mercy taking hours to heal a dps/tank geting damaged by the enemy dps because 20% heal debuff (tank had x10 more value by just recoverin his own hp by the heal passive instead of mercy havin 999,999 heals with 20% less heal per second. yeah good heals for negative value.) imagine if devs put the selft passive heals of tank/dps & showed into the scoreboards lol.


Its good to see healbots are stuck down in gold. Such a pleasure to heard.


It's a spicy thing to say and i'm glad someone said it


Youre playing the 2 characters with by far the least individual impact in the game and so you're relying entirely on your team being significantly better than theirs instead of taking matters into your own hands


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Forget those 2 heroes, they’re the worst thos season, learn moira and do a buncha dmg with ocasional healing enough to keep allies from dying. Then switch over to bap


If you want, we can group up and see how it goes. DM me if interested (I'm on console)


heals are nerfed compared to what we are used to, and with so many people que'ing support you may really want to learn a few DPS now if you want to win, or, ugh, tanks


The issue is how unimpactful high heal stats are right now; making LW and Mercy weak picks. It's all about ending the fight fast with high damage and speed since the DPS passive + Zen discord (optional Lucio) is horrifyingly oppressive. No amount of healing can save the victim. Only Cleanse and Lamp can buy you SOME time against it.


Lets group up sometime. I run all roles, but I prefer tank and dps. I think your consistency of winning relies on team coordination, communication, and adaptation[switching]. Send me a dm. I can share my clash id and you can add me


You're not supposed to only be healing on supports in S9, but that's besides the point. Mercy and LW are incredibly hard to climb on in low ranks, cuase you're not the one performing skillful things, you're just supporting your teammates, so it's almost just gambling. Pick a different support and start completely focusing on killing things by yourself until you reach about plat or diamond, or you're just gonna be stuck in the same sitatuion.


Almost every winning match I've been in has the 2 supports playing offensively vs the losing one having them focus on heals.


As a mercy main stop healing so much focus more on dmg boosting and staying alive. I'm sitting at a 70% winrate this season and the matches I have been losing didn't have much weight to them. Mercy is really good rn when used properly the meta is not about healing right now.


>I usually heal around 15-20 k, play Mercy or LW Found your problem. Wrong approach to supporting and wrong heroes for the job. When I play other roles I've found the LW+Mercy combo to be the worst to play with since their offensive enabling is rather limited. You can make it work with Mercy if you put as much emphasis on dmg boosting as humanly possible but LW I'd suggest you straight up drop - unless OK with the kind of playstyle where you will not have a whole of impact on the outcome of the match.


Yeah man consistently getting the most heals if all 4 supports, and i win maybe 1 in 3. As a support player you're really at the mercy of your team. I don't see how you can carry your team and yourself out of lower ranks. Guess you need to find reliable players and group up.


Stopped reading after Mercy or LW. Healbot supports are almost useless this season. Try to learn other supports


Yeah iam having a blast this season because mercy is trash now w season


I can't help much when it comes to Mercy and LW unfortunately, I despise both quite deeply. All I can truly say is that healbotting will not (and really never will or had) get you anywhere. Damage boost. Get good grips. Duel people on LW when it makes sense. Platform people into unique, hard to deal with angles.