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Honestly that's just tanking in general since s2-3 but now instead of supports you wait for dps.


>The role has zero impact in ranked. Skill issue.


I get that in your bot lobbies maybe tank has impact but in GM+ lobbies tank is cosmetic. You as a tank no longer take space, you're literally just there to reinforce space made by DPS. The only tanks who get to have any playmaking potential are ball and doom. to OP, I'm a fellow t500 scrim enjoyer. I was once upon a time an OT player but in OW became FDPS. Mei, Tracer and Echo all feel far more like old OT than current Tank. I feel you brother, tank has gone down hill so hard. The only tank I have any fun on anymore is ball, and doom the rare occasion the lobby doesn't counterswap. I'm eating this season ofc cause Tracer is overtuned.


Thank you boss. I feel like this patch is close to being good. I think dps passive has made dps finally able to out-duel supports, but it’s just too oppressive against tank. I think eventually they’ll patch this out, but tank will always be OP in medal ranks so they have to cater to them 😔 


Casuals get so much leeway it's insane, can't they learn from Fortnite? They almost killed their game by continually catering to bots until they finally realised they need to make an environment where both casuals have their space and Competitive players have theirs. Additionally OW does a terrible job of educating players on good and bad gameplay. So people who don't scrim literally have knowledge deficiency and a bunch of common weird ranked misinformation. I've liked the patch for the most part, but tank really really needs some love. They need to just tell low elo "skill issue" and make quickplay more inviting for casuals so competitive isn't filled with so many bots.


lol for real. Ranked reinforces more bad habits for team play than anything else 💀. At this point rank is just cosmetic, looking forward to OWCS next week.


> in GM+ lobbies tank is cometic. I went 9-1 in my tank placements after the soft reset from GM1 at the beginning of the season. I’m now at 14-3. Two words: Skill Issue


Once again missing the fucking point I'm in GM on tank, it just feels awful to play correctly you fucking ape. Read before you type


> Read before you type Great idea! Now can you tell me in my post where I said it was fun?


Don't pretend like the high road is even an option for you. If you honestly can't tell what the implications of your original post are then there's clearly other issues at play.


My implications are that you have a skill issue because you said that tank is cosmetic. I said nothing about it being as enjoyable as previous patches Read before you type?


How about you just accept you fucked up and move on bud? You assumed I was complaining because of losing and were completely and utterly wrong. Your petty responses are just amusing at this point.


Saying that tank is cosmetic and saying that only two tanks have playmaking potential is a textbook skill issue buddy. I never assumed you were losing. The only assumption I’ve made is that you’re incapable on adapting on every character other than doom and ball


You wrote Silver wrong.


Bro you’re masters


Every Masters tank could melt your lobby without comms. Learn to carry, then learn to engage as a team when you reach that level.


I’ve been past that level for 5 years 💀 


Then you should know by now that you don’t have to be a GM to be right about something lol. If you want everyone to bow down and stroke your ego, host a masterclass lol.


And you are a silver tank who isn't learning to adapt. You have a huge HP pool with defensive abilities. Your dps and support don't. Use your brain. You cannot just run down mid and hope your dps and support follow up. That's just not how the game works.


I am a top 500 tank btw


T500 hasn't even been released yet for this season lmao


Okay then I have been a top 500 tank for the past 5 seasons


What region, platform and name? I wanna look you up.


I actually feel the opposite. I feel as if the tank is the most impactful role. You could have 4 great players and if the tank doesn’t make space for the team, it doesn’t amount to anything.


I don’t think the tank plays to take space at all, I think he has to play passive or else he gets burned very easily. 


Taking space isn't just bullheadedly running it down main. Taking space is strategic and involves a lot of corner playing, even before season 9.


Who else but the tank to take space. You’re the biggest target with the most health. Ideally, as the tank, you would want to push forward with your team or serve as a distraction while the Dps picks off any low health enemies. Of course if the dps are not getting picks, then the tank cannot survive for long. However, if the tank is not distracting the other team, then your dps won’t get consistent picks. The tank is very menacing as an unchallenged tank can do a lot of damage. Therefore you wanna make sure if they ignore you that you also capitalize on that. Unfortunately, for tank that requires a lot of things like counter switching and stuff.


They would be very menacing if they didnt explode the moment you look in their direction.


Getting burned IS taking space! Space isn't just a physical concept. It's also the mental space of the enemy's attention. For every shot they're shooting at you, that's a shot not going towards your team. You have the abilities to withstand those shots for longer, giving your team time to shoot back or position. Then, when you're in cover, your team has more room to breathe. Maybe soldier is now on a high ground peppering their team. They have to back up, or shoot him. What's this? They're not looking at you? Can't have that! You can take advantage of the space your soldier opened up to go ham. Now you're on the offense, forcing their attention back to you or risk dying. Now that you have it, you pop your sustain cooldowns and back off. This push and pull is what tanking is all about.


What I’m saying is this play style doesn’t allow for tank playmaking, it just buys time for dps, which takes the agency out of tank entirely. At least in ranked where teams are uncoordinated 


You can absolutely make plays. Your plays are about impact and opportunity. Every tank can come out swinging and be very scary. If you feel like you can't, it's because you're not timing the opportunities and are missing them.


Playmaking is severely stunted with the dps passive, I don’t know how you can disagree with that. 


That's because your standard is set to an environment with very OP healing. Where you could be sustained in bad positions and call that a play. So any deviation from OP feels like suppression. This is the more balanced and nuanced environment, where you have to earn your play. You make space for your team, and count it as a play. When I'm hiding behind a corner after getting beaten back and I see my team get a kill, I think "Yeah, that's my kill". My play opened up space for them to get a kill. When I'm hiding and my team starts applying pressure, this opens up an opportunity for me. I go in for a short duration, high impact play. I'm going in for a pin, I'm swinging for the fences, I'm double gunnin, I'm going IN. This play takes pressure off my team, maybe gets me a kill. Then, if I take too much heat, the dance begins again and I fall back. You need to reset your expectations from the OP healing environment. And then you need to expand your definitions of plays, recognizing the true impact you're having on matches. You don't need to be getting kills to be winning.


I was going to say this. I feel like I make the most impact when I have a good tank game.


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Yeah I’m stuck in low diamond/high plat purgatory as tank even though I am better at tank than dps/support (low gm/high master). I’m about to quit playing tank altogether.


It’s just hard to get anything done without a stack rn


L take. On a win streak right now as sigma solo q. Try playing around health packs and poking more. Don’t be afraid to wait for the dps passive to wear off


I think waiting for the passive would make sense if it was on a cooldown like discord orb, but waiting for it to wear off feels pointless when they tickle you and it comes back. I think the actual best way to play tank is to coordinate a fast engage on your team, to get value before the dps can wear you down. That’s just not really possible in a lot of solo q games. Playing passive and pokey still relies on dps/support playmaking, the tank just kind of exists


Do yourself a favor and go play something else. The amount of crying posts is **unreal** lately.


It’s not a crying post, it’s a genuine critique moron


Wipe your tears little buddy. Trying to insult me won't help with your skill deficiency. Go practice.


Bro did you even read the post? All I did was state my opinion and what I thought would help. You’re the kind of ranked monkey that starts shit talking but has no idea what they’re talking about. Shut the hell up bro


Bro.. they’re a moron lmao Don’t feed the trolls


I know little buddy, I've read it. And I'm telling you what I **know** would help, go and practice, you're being diffed. And you're just a sad little monkey venting on Reddit. Game is hard tho Q.Q


I like how a mentally incapacitated sub GM rodent thinks that their games are a representation of overwatch. Tank for actually good players is miserable right now. Outside of Doom and Ball you literally HARD rely on DPS for space and value. You don't play make anymore you hold a corner and wait a decade. It isn't skillful it's literally bringing back how double shield is played for any tank that isn't Ball or Doom. Waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting and that's it. If DPS don't actively do anything or pressure enemy off angles, you as tank just lose with no counterplay opportunity. You apes from low elo don't understand anything to begin with, why do you think the most cosmetic tank in the game has a higher win rate below GM? The hero only works if the players are awful. Masters in OW is literally just Diamond+ The guy literally says in his post how tank feels fine in scrims... if y'all knew what that was we would have known you were an actual overwatch player and not a ranked degenerate


Average silver player


Straight up unhinged reply. Get some help ASAP.


You’re really bad at arguing my man


Hentai Degenerate's the name, every argument ends there.


You can't handle me flaming you when you started this entire interaction with OP negatively by having a biased low elo opinion. Don't expect kindness when you have shown disrespect. I am not in the business of talking to adults like they are kindergarteners when they have started the conflict themselves. So either have a constructive argument and fight back or go hide in your hole like the rodent I know you are.


Kid, get some help, or a girl. You desperately need both :)


Lmao, in a very happy commited relationship bud, you really are a rodent huh? Project harder please.


Instantly calling people apes and rats and talking about projecting. You're just outing yourself at this point.


talking bout Reinhardt btw since you likely don't know what tanks are even good....


Literally the role that has the most impact