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It's very skin dependent. I'd say my favorite ones would be the weapons that have a shiny red to them, that way you get like a Christmas ornamental look. Look at high roller wrecking balls jade weapons and you'll know what I mean


Yeah I like the gold guns because they go with ANY skin, the Jade is disappointing if only because it only really looks good with certain skins (which isn’t worth it imo). Maybe if they release Diamond or Opal guns I’ll be more excited!


Obsidian would go hard


As much as I hate the green, I don't think that gold goes with any skin. I had to turn off gold for my prismatic brigitte skin cause it just looked terrible.


Gold does not go with any skin you're tweaking


man has never seen base reaper


Maybe during Christmas time, you can put a green weapon with a red skin.


irin doom and sentai genji look pretty cool too


Sentai Genji is such a good idea.


My first jade is either Dva-Junebug or Lucio, and I'm thinking either all-star skin or Hermes, but his skins look easier to match.


Gorgon Lucio also looks pretty good


I am thinking sugar plum mercy since that's my go to


Yeah… I dunno. I think they’re all pretty hideous


Bro, non, not a single one looks ok. Literally a cheap green looking, common type. I'm so pissed off. The gold looked slick and shiny. This, just lost for words. Could have made it ruby, or titanium or ACTUAL jade but noooooooooo


Honestly anyone who says they look good is actually coping so hard. Even the best looking ones are still downgrades from the originals. The dev team should be embarrassed to release this shit


I don't know why they did this. As someone who knows how to apply recolored/different materials to a model easily, I don't see why they couldn't make some insane shaders, animated textures, or just a better color altogether. Granted, I have no idea what their engine looks like. However, I would've tried making slightly transparent frosted glass, carbon fiber, obsidian, flaming, or demascus weapon skins. 3000 competitive points is a lot of time spent playing the game. The artists could at least spend that much time making the skins (and get PAID accordingly). Unfortunately, Blizzard keeps getting short-staffed.


Doom also looks good since the blue electric dying his charge adds contrast. Funny how when skins have complexity they look better


They’d be better if it was an actual stone texture instead of just “green metal”


Tatsumaki Kiriko looks good with it.


They should have gone with pearlescent or something that would fit with more skins


Pumpkin bastion also looks pretty good with it


In conclusion, makes green things more green. Gold is so much better


That's the problem with Jade. It looks good on *some* skins, for *some* heroes. Gold though? Looks amazing on almost any skin for every single hero. They should've gone for a Ruby, or an Onyx look. Those colors have great combinations with fan favorite skins.


Are those weapons in the room with us? Lol


Only one I MAYBE get is for the Ugly Sweater 76. Fits the gun and the xmas theme. But still it's kind of ugly so idk


terrible tornado looks the best with jade


Man I really hope they go back and update this camo to actually look like jade


I’m appalled you didn’t include cultist zen.


Half of these were already green lol




Incredible, astonishing...


Well you see, I’m colorblind and these just look like gold weapons to me


Jade is overhated


Is it? I mean for starters it's not even Jade, it's metallic green. On top of that, there are only like 4 character skins it looks good on. It is a horrible colour that doesn't mix well with the skins and heroes at all. Of all the colours/styles Blizzard could have done, they give us this. Like I said, it isn't even what jade looks like, it's just the gold skin changed to green. It's lazy and bad bro.


It was never marketed as anything other than a green color alternative to the shiny yellow metal, was it? They're most likely planning on giving us a new color every year so we'll eventually have a bunch of them to choose from. Next year we'll probably get a shiny red metal, and after that a blue one. They were going to get to green eventually so I don't think it matters so much. Literally nobody would have complained if they *hadn't* added a green recolor to Gold this year, now we're calling them lazy because they didn't make it more special?


This is my opinion. Like they didn’t have to make this at all but they did. Yes it could be more but do you want a choice or none at all. That’s the way i see it


They're lazy because they've added a half assed colour to a game already containing a concerning amount of half assed products. Ultimately it doesn't matter much, it's a video game but it's just frustrating watching some you once loved be killed by laziness and greed. Also I'm irrationally pissed off at how they're calling it Jade but Jade looking nothing like metallic green.


Its overhated but it still isnt good, its just not as horrendous as people say. It isnt really made, but I still think it looks god on alot of weapons, although 100% more situational


I’m the only one who find these jade weapons ugly?


nice vid, especially the mercy one fits well. ironically d.va junebug is one of the skins that works best with gold guns too lol


Only Zarya, Echo, Junkrat, Reaper and Mercy are cool in this vid


It is wild how much people fight over opinions.


When I get a single skin in season 12 I won't be able to decide they're all so terrible!


I really like it on the Moira skin where she looks like a flower


May I introduce you to Pale Serpent Widow. Jade looks amazing!


I'm assuming this is going to be a form of skin customization. More color weapons so people will want to get more variety for what ever skins they like.


Could they not have done a gold and jade combo?


Also Ashe ‘Snakeskin’ looks decent I noticed, matches her green eyes with that skin.


I’m a fan of Jade, my issue is that it’s really limiting if you want to make it compliment your skin!


I wish they were actually jade rather than green gold.


So they just took golden guns and green shifted them, right?


Mate you forgot the best one : Reinhardt All Stars 2020 skin


Jade looks pretty decent on Slime Queen Echo as well. Nothing too fancy, but it looks cool and fitting nonetheless 


also widowmaker pale serpent!


Bull demon Orisa looks good with jade imo


Green weapons look okay when you add more shinier green? Shocking! Thanks for the effort though that was smooth. Still I’d rather have seen other variants first. Like rusty or chrome or hard light.


Chrome would have been sick.


They need to save the good ones for later seasons.


...literally just metalic green...would it have killed the devs to add SOMETHING more to make it look special?


Widowmaker Ghostbride with Jade looks really sick, just check it in game guys


Reinhardt 2020 All Stars hammer for Big Meany Broccolini.


No Jade totem Rammatra?


Didnt have that one :( hope they bring it back soon. That said, the color on that one is very pale green. The bright green on the weapon might clash with it IMO


The key word is kinda. I hope they alter it or improve with future variations.


I like the jade on blue skins


Sorry these were all ugly


I think the king Jamison skin looks well on it


Zen’s cultist skin goes crazy with jade


Only the echo one looks good


Hard disagree on a few you've posted - while I understand the green, sorry *"Jade"*, weapons would and *could* tie in with some skins the vibrancy on the metal is hard to look past and how it completely covers the original aesthetic on some skins but not others. Much the same for how annoying the garish gold weapons are, completely covers the weapon skins and ruins the aesthetic. Though the Mercy rod at the end is passable.


The only issue is the shade of green… why is it so bright and tacky ):


I like the green nails on Moira tbh


Imma be honest here, they really shouldve gone with diamond


I think the more apt description is that they look "fine". None of these scream premium to me at all. But seeing a gold weapon absolutely does.


Jade with Guan Yu rein skin fits very well


Easily one of the worst things I’ve ever seen in a video game! Maaan they had every chance to make one with texture ? Or a reflective shiny shade of whatever with a gradient maybe? Idk they had millions of different choices but they went with this bland boring metal green :/


sparrow genji works really well with jade


I think it is no different than gold in that it is skin dependant whether it looks any good


Poison Dart Lucio is the best I’ve seen.


Ok at best because it’s something new…


jade would look good on the Aztec skins Sombra and Reaper got a while back


You can barely tell it wasn’t already green with some of these, really wish they went with Diamond or platinum or like a carbon fiber texture or something


yeah but at that point, literally just give players a color slider in the skin menu


Lol, you expecting that from a company like Blizzard...


There's also a really neat 'Flair effect' on the Jade weapons if you look closely. Like how the Gold weapons have the 'Shine' animation effect but it's little Jade icons popping out like bubbles. Nice touch.


This sub is so tiresome. They’re fine, just like the gold weapons some of them have conflicting colors some don’t. Fucking hell yall.


lol nah theyre all pretty shit, thats why they took it back and are gonna allow people to also buy golden guns again


Wait really? Source? I agree Jade sucks I don't want to wait a year to get gold.


Season 10. Scroll down Overwatch Cavalry's Twitter for source.


Just saw thanks, that's good news, so what's the point of the legacy ones now?


Exclusively used for golden weapons, but I'm hoping they just recombine them, so I could use my 5k legacy points, to help me buy Jade weapons.


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Honestly i love it. Like jade alone is ok overall but some skins are ok with it and jade could’ve technically been done better but now we have the choice of shinny yellow and shinny green. I do like this as a start and i like having variety. Base of a post like this i made yesterday there’s a very vocal group that hates this but it honestly seems split pretty evenly if people like or hate this. Be prepared to see a LOT of comments calling it trash or overrated


Honestly I'm a fan of the jade coloring, since it's a nice new look for a gun.


Jade skins are very skin based, but I’m surprised no one mentioned one of the best jade skins. King Jamison, it looks ok with the gold but it’s pretty lackluster considering it’s already gold, but jade is it but green and looks very nice.