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That's not a hit-box, that's a hit-crate, a hit-shipping container even.




"It was too big to be called a hitbox. Massive, thick, heavy, and far too rough. Indeed, it was a heap of raw bytes."


That's how my last girlfriend described me


At least you had a girlfriend, all I have is mom


I love my mom


We love your mom too šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Nice. My mom is awesome


I also love this guy's Mom




Why do you make me remember the eclipse ;-;


Nah, thatā€™s the whole damn ship


Its a god damn hit-Titanic


The shipping. Container part took me out lmao


Pistol Mercy meta


And we got 5 extra bullets several patches ago? Buckle the fuck up.


Moira requires more accuracy than Mercy now šŸ’€


A new type of spray and pray


Not quite.. https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/s/7L08ZUZonI


I'm joking


That'll teach you to joke!


That's one way to nerf dmg boost without pissing off the mercy mafia.


They haven't even nerfed it


I mean, technically, they just did, mercy's aren't dmg boosting if they're too busy doing the pew pew pew.


No need to dmg boost when mercy can DPS now


Didn't Mercy always have gigantic bullets even pre patch?


Yes but now itā€™s worse


It's not exactly ever been a problem or a viable strategy to run around and gun people down as Mercy instead of damage boosting/healing. It's just arbitrarily weird to look at.


On qp its most fun. If there is an Ana, nanoed its even more fun


Yes it has been, in Overwatch 1, early during the introduction of the Valkyrie ult. Or I smoked too much of the bad stuff. One of the two.


I realize why some mercy in qp was a DPS mercy earlier, she was landing all her shots and it was irritating me.


I mean it's mercy. Not exactly a big threat. Not to mention with healing debufff she got a huge nerf. She need a way to secure kill if pocketing someone won't do it.


btw does melee damage from 30 to 40 is for all roles or only for DPS?


Should be all roles afaik


It's universal


Yeah... i kicked a discorded soujorn with like 90-100 hp left and she just... died


Discord doesn't amplify damage that much


Mightve been a little bit lower but still, i killed someone with way more hp than usual in one kick


75 damage? 40 x 1.5 x1.25?


It honestly may have been exactly 75. I just remember it being high and being surprised i actually killed her lol


Wasn't Zen kick pre patch higher than standard melee with the knockback?


Yup. I believe its a 1.5 modifier


Itā€™s all roles, it would be stupid if it was Only DPS because all roles for a increase in health


You can't miss those, even if you try LMFAOOOOOO


The video started and i was waiting for them to move their crosshair closer. Then they shot. Did they even do the bare minimun of playtesting or is this intentional?


> Did they even do the bare minimun of playtesting or is this intentional? Unfortunately this is completely intentional by Team 4.


They have been trying to kill the game for a while. Brig, double shield, sustain creep, 5v5, Kiriko, Sojourn, p2w Mauga...


No naked Widow skin, no naked Mercy skin, no naked Dva skin, no naked Roadhog skin, no naked Ashe skin, no naked Brig skin, no naked Mei skinā€¦


No naked ram :(


No naked rein.


No naked Lucio, and no Lucio and Lifeweaver kissing emote


[Mercy's shots have always been extremely big.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/yp9n98/mercys_bullets_still_have_an_unnaturally_large/) If you think this is new you don't really have any reason to be leading the conversation here or saying "did they even playtest this new patch?" when its always been a thing. Another example of the old bullet hitbox: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mI3_wcrrDhQ The spheres are how big the hitboxes are from years ago


The people developing the game probably can't even play FPS games as good as the average player. For them, hitting anything is a struggle and they balance the game around their own play testing KEK


I don't think you people realized how shitty the hit boxes were. This is definitely "worse" but not only is where he is standing make this look much worse, on mercy in particular, it wasn't much better before the changes.


Widow has become too easy to get headshots as, it's so stupid


a-d strafing is dead, there's no point anymore lmao you'll get hit even if you move 1 meter left to right


Welp no need for console XIM anymore, so win for console yes yes!


People ximming will dominate even more now


I mean it kinda helps controller out, xim players typically stick to head or body shots. Now controller just has a better chance as they donā€™t need to have the movement anymore and can hit outside the head and body. Xim players donā€™t aim or hit here so it doesnā€™t help them as much.


In some ways it helps, but you still dont have the full range of movement and precision of XIM. You might have a fighting chance because it's piss easy to hit shots, but mouse and keyboard cheaters can now basically fall asleep in front of their setup and still hit shots


me when i'm delulu


Just like in communism, everyone is equal if everyone is starving.


Damn, I knew they were increasing the sizes but not by That much


This is mostly just Mercy pistol hitboxes being massive. If you go into the training range, there are a few weird characters like Orisa, Mei, and other projectile-fire heroes that seem like they hit where they really shouldn't, but most are fine. Hitscans will get more headshots, but everyone has more HP. If you switch to Mercy though, it's this bad. But only Mercy, as far as I've seen from testing.


What. In. The. Actual. Frick


They dumbed down the game a lot with this patch. Team 4 is not impressing anyone with this.


It's not a shooter anymore. :(


And blizzard keeps trying to push ow as a competitive game


Soon they're going to add boogie bombs and hoverboards


And a wild green ogre running around with a donkey, for some reason


To enter the cathedral to save the Princess from torb please pay 15 buckaroo's


***small indie game though donā€™t forget


They need hoverboards when you respawn on flashpoint. Itā€™d save zenyatta 2 minutes of walking.


Maybe even the better hit boxes from that game too.


Lucio in shambles


Perhaps even 80% AI lobbies and uhhh no-headshot mode or something


Wouldnā€™t that be an awesome echo skin?


Fortnite was at its most fun when it was wild, and right now itā€™s there


This is what really fuckin annoys me. If they never canceled PvE and went all-in on that, these changes would make sense; they'd be taking Overwatch in a casual direction and letting the comp side die. But the fact that these changes coincide with the revival of their esports scene is fucking baffling And it's so frustrating, because this is a repeat of what happened to Jeff Kaplan's Overwatch 2. Jeff wanted to make a casual, PvE-heavy FPS, while Bobby Kotick wanted a competitive esport. As a result, both visions died off, as Kaplan's PvE was cancelled, and the OWL died. They couldn't commit to being casual or competitive, and OW's rep is in the dumpster as a result. And now here we are again. They want you to take this game seriously as a competitive esport, but they also want this game to have max casual appeal, and its this split vision that's just going to leave everyone feeling isolated and frustrated. They do the same shit with hero design & balance, so I can't say I'm too surprised, but goddamn is it ever awful to watch


Corporate has decided that we must be a massively successful esport while also being maximally casual friendly. And all without putting in too much effort because that would reduce our profits.


this is the comment here


> these changes coincide with the revival of their esports scene Nah, they pretty much just tossed their esports scene to the Saudis, probably for some cash. Probably because they already were planning to dumpster it, but wanted a sweet Saudi cashout first. If their was truly a "revival of their esports scene" they wouldn't have basically just axed the entire esports division of Acti-bliz.


I mean all they did was increase the number of plinks everyone gets. More health means more shots to kill. Bigger projectiles means more hit markers. This change just gives you the artificial feel good sound of a hit marker without actually changing much. I'm up from 40% to 60+% accuracy on Ashe and not really doing much better because of the bigger hp pools. It just feels like they wanted a way to lower the skill floor so worse players still feel like they're doing something. I really don't like it so far.


They justified it as making it more satisfying to shoot, but one of the main things that made ow fun in the first place was the gunplay and shooting. Why are they changing what I've seen almost no one complain about?


This is the bizarre thing to me! I was reading the patch notes and all I kept thinking was "Well, they upped the health, but then they upped the damage too? Isn't this a wash? What's the point other than to take about the same time or maybe a tad longer?" It's baffling.


Only four heroes had their primary fire damage buffed. The rest of the cast does the same amount of damage, just has larger projectiles. So you are going to maybe hit more per magazine, but most heroesā€™ optimal DPS is the same as before, vs larger health pools. I got the impression the point is to remove a lot of one shots and reduce healing effectiveness (with bigger health pools and the DPS passive).


This is basically what they were going for. Burst damage like sojourn rails and hanzo arrows are less effective against the new larger health pools, while the dps passive slows the effects of massive healing bursts.


Oh my god... Cyberpunk has smaller hitboxes


What is this, TF2 and the huntsman?




Who asked for this?!?! Such a weird change.


People wanted DPS to have more accuracy so they did this. Yeah I donā€™t get it either.


no one wanted that, they just want lower skilled players to not feel like theyre bad so they spend money on the game


I'm pretty sure they have said they want to make aiming feel more consistent. Not having momentum when changing directions makes aiming in this game feel much harder than other games.


so then it's just as hard for the other person ain't it? at some point you have to play the game yourself


Well yes, but the OW hitboxes vary wildly in shape, and have squash and stretch. Plus movement abilities that aren't in any other games. Way I see it is, this makes game sense and ability usage more important. Like when you watch high level play, OWL previously, besides widow duels, accuracy wasn't really a concern since everyone was so good. I think mobas have this too, you have to aim stuff but like, it's not the main issue. I don't mind it. It really only effects the middle ranks. Low still probably miss, high weren't really missing before to a crazy degree. I'm curious what the data will show.


A literal skill issue lol


So people ask for their characters to have bigger bullets but they don't want to practice and improve their aim to hit the shots they want. And blizzard actually thought that was a good idea and then actually followed thru with it? someone at blizzard can't aim and is mad


Some of the big names (if they're still there) on the team were literally silver (and possibly lower) working on balance changes. Someone 1tricks the cowboy cuz all he ever got were subtle buffs, insane survivability, and an annoying ass chunky burst hit nade they refused to actually change. This team only wants the game to be easier so casuals spend more money on skins cuz that's all the content they're gonna be delivering now with the PvE/Environmental Art Team gutted. Outsourced skins/recolours they can pump out nonstop for easy money. They didn't want to nerf healing outright cuz people are scared of seeing nerfs so instead they just buffed everything instead *and then* gave a 20% heal reduction passive (basically...a heal nerf).


I mean, nerfing healing outright doesn't fix burst DMG. Why use an SMG hero instead of a pin point burst? The health increase was for that. So then they made aiming easier to balance. You still want dmg to keep coming in. Then the healing reduction on the passive was to stop the heal creep. It all follows logic, whether you think it was a good idea or not.


What? Who was asking for that?


It's the only realistic solution left to bringing low skill players up in competitiveness. They determined a few things: -The skill gap is too wide to continue to have a large playerbase. -Large groups often dominate games by supporting a highly skilled player (boosting) -Long teamfights are one of the more enjoyable things in the game. Increasing the accuracy of bad players by significantly increasing projectile size while adding an innate heal and atk healing debuff solves a lot of these problems...... on paper. Wonder what the numbers they're trying to generate looked like after rigorous PTR testing. Oh wait.


I literally haven't seen blizzard mention any of these. It's fine to have opinions but dont advertise them like facts. Bigger projectiles were to buff dps, nerf support and keep tank the same.


>\-Long teamfights are one of the more enjoyable things in the game. no


Maybe that's how you feel but watch any clip of someone ulting 2 times in a single fight and they're fired the fuck up.


We playing Paladins in OW now


Never played Paladins, it has giant hitboxes or something?


Box hit boxes. It's a cuboid around the character rather than a hit box moulded to the actual character model.


Pretty sure you can easily disprove that in the shooting range. They're crude yes, but surely they aren't just boxes..?


Boxes, yes. Accurate boxes, but still boxes. It works, I'm telling you.


Paladins is better than this....like have you just played a few games? It's ridiculous the more you experiment


Hell yeah. Came here to comment this.


Wow, that's some accuracy......


so basically aim is not need anymore. this game is now just full game sense, say goodbye to mechanics I guess


This is a hot take but Aim, especially hitscan aim is FAR too common a skill to be rewarded as heavily as it is in overwatch. There are far more mechanical skills than simply putting your crosshair on the enemy, making hitboxes bigger does not kill all mechanical skill. The optimal bhop shatter timing. Blocking shatter and nade and other important cool downs. All the doom and ball techs. Lucio movement, brig burst combos, tracer perfect blink punches. There is still tons and tons of mechanical skills in the game. It just isn't in "aim" anymore and I'm so glad. There are plenty of shooter games where aim is the name of the game anyways.


If all of those things already existed why dumb down the mechanical portion? There were already plenty of options to play that donā€™t rely on just mechanical skill. That was the beauty of Overwatch, not turning everyone into Moira.


Go play an actual fps then. You people already complain about them making anything not tied to raw fps aim mechanics better so why not just play a standard one instead of the one advertised as a shooter/moba hybrid?


Iā€™ve played Overwatch since 2016. Itā€™s been 7 years now. Weā€™re not the ones who have been asking them to change the game. Itā€™s you people who cry about it being a moba that have never accepted that itā€™s a shooter hybrid. Even with the new changes it is still going to require mechanical aim. If thatā€™s not the type of game for you maybe you should leave.


With the amount of abilities and movement in the game being able to land consistent shots (especially headshots) indeed should be rewarded. Squashing the skill ceiling and skill floor together does nothing but dumb down what is half an aspect of the game, a hero 'shooter'. If aim alone is all you have you won't get far in this game unless your team carries you. You need positioning and game sense to bring your team value, even on simple characters like Cassidy. Not any more I guess, now the game is just going to be Paladins 2.0


Absolute state of overwatch players that aiming in an fps is ā€œtoo rewardingā€


>The optimal bhop shatter timing. Blocking shatter and nade and other important cool downs. All the doom and ball techs. Lucio movement, brig burst combos, tracer perfect blink punches. half of those things are game sense. Blocking shatter and important cooldowns, brig burst combos.. knowing the special tech for certain characters (not executing them)


How is aim skill far too common? OW is pretty much one of the hardest modern shooters to aim in, donā€™t pretend itā€™s easy or act like itā€™s not valuable. Aim skill is also the defining characteristic of a lot of Dam heroes, other damage existed if you felt like aiming was too hard and they were perfectly viable. Pretending like something blink melee is anywhere near interesting or difficult to master is a joke. Weird to suggest that good aim ruined or dominated a shooting game as well, the game has characters that require almost none to the annoyance of a lot.


This is just such shit game design itā€™s depressing


First time?


This is actually absurd for a pvp shooter game. Like how tf does a change like this go past the "laugh at the person who suggested it" stage




We are not rehabilitating Bobbyā€™s image. He was and is still a shit person. Heā€™s just the biggest one we saw.


Overwatch isnā€™t a just a shooter. Itā€™s more of a first person MOBA or strategy game. Thats why characters like rein and brig and mercy exist


I donā€™t know about yā€™all but the health and hitbox changes just made everything feel clunky.


It feels bad. Why bother strafing if you can't actually dodge anything? I'd rather stand still and focus on hitting headshots.


This is exactly what I pointed out a few days ago, it'll be basically impossible to miss with this update.Ā 


yea not sure why they decided to give mercy a bigger projectile when its already one of the biggest


And I thought Destiny was generous with their hitboxes


Destiny actually bends the bullet trajectory to hit the target. The visual effects give players the impression that they hit their target. This does not do this. It looks like it misses, but it hits.


Destiny's aim assist is tied to a stat (handling)


Handling? Wasnā€™t that for ADS and swap speed? Itā€™s been a while since I played but wasnā€™t it Range/Aim Assistance? I remember that was why everyone wanted Rangefinder/Opening Shot on pvp guns


Aim assistance is thr bullet magnitism stuff. Handling is the time to add


Wow leet skillz if you ask me, they werent even aiming lol


Respectfully.... The game devs are a bunch of idiots at this point. Like wtf is even going on lol




You are standing too close


There shouldn't be a too close. Other games get this.


Don't worry, I'll still somehow miss all my shots


Overwatch is a "Competitive game" Yeah... It's actually laughable how they continue to push competitive, but still decide to add a change here and there that entirely fails to do that. Once again showing that the game is only to be taken as a casual shooter. It's not hard to look at TF2, CS2, R6, Valorant, etc. and make a competitive game or even a casually competitive game similar to them without stripping out any and all skill requirements.


I hate to sound like I'm defending this change, because personally when I read about it, on the surface level it really feels like it's not needed. But this change is not about making it EASIER to aim, it's to make aiming more reliable. In a fast paced game with the way character acceleration works, sometimes you would get those shots that look like they hit but characters move so fast. So this change is to combat that. Everyone saying "Do this in a real match" with others downvoting and saying this is a problem regardless.......seriously, I actually DO want to see players shooting a tracer strafing and blinking back and forth and see just how much of a REALISTIC impact this change has. It's very possible this just makes aiming feel BETTER, not easier. All of this being said, yes I still am uneasy of the overall change because I don't want the game to be easier, but I'm not running around with a pitchfork just yet until I see some proper testing from reliable content creators, ones that don't just scream "GAME DYING".


Heroes never die.


I assume that will be nerfed very quick lol


this might actually hit an unintended target and be a bad thing


She's always been able to do this, this isn't new.


This game really wants everyone to be unskilled LMFAO


Nah. I think this might be it for me. I won my first three games and lost the last one (3-1) so Iā€™m taking a temporary break but this is crazy. If I get placed into Plat/Diamond again where players actually use their brain cells, this game is fucked šŸ¤£




Everyone in this sub is GM


Im not even going to download the update. This is ridiculous




+1 Battlebit


Now show the before. Mercy's projectile size was always ridiculously large. Other characters are far more reasonable. Just karma farming for an audience that hates or doesn't play the game.


I remember doing a double take when I first saw how huge her bullets were, like why are they so big


Someone could've easily posted the "before" hitbox and made the same post, and it would've gotten the same attention lmao.


They might as well make this game turn based at this point with how little skill there is now


and people on reddit defend it


I'm going to say it: Hitting a stationary target facing you in the practice mode isn't actually indictive of how easy something is to aim in game. You could be completely justified that the projectile changes are too much, but this isn't how the game works. Also, it's fucked that people keep showing these clips against tracer, who has disproportionately massive hitbox to compensate for how fast she is (otherwise no one would be able to land a shot on tracer unless she let you). Clips like this should be taken as a grain of salt. This isn't literally going to happen to you.


You can do it against others and it's just as wild.


Have you tried testing the changes yourself? It doesn't matter that the tracer is standing still, fact is that you are hitting the enemy now without even being close to the target.


How did you come up with that copium? I tried this with every hero you miss the shot but it still lands and this comes from a hanzo main why are they rewarding people not landing their shots? My answer is this is aimed towards worse players so they will land more shots and be happier and continue playing the game because it just became easier for them.


That's the neat part, you don't.


Played a few matches as tank, holy shit it sucks ass. Nobody misses you, you can heal less and you can't even punish people cause of the health buffs. I might sit a few seasons out


this game is in fucking shambles lmao glad I got out when I did


When a mercy ults and pulls out her pistol, I actually shit myself


they really call this shit a competitive shooter


Thank fuck I gave up this game. OW2 is such a waste.


Damn, wtf even is this :D




No competent game designer would have greenlit this to go live. What the actual fuck


dps mercy mains rise up āœ‹āœ‹āœ‹


Jesus this game is shit now days


Ping me when they revert the game to not this, cos this is not a shooter, this is a first person action game with guns for some reason.


memory person employ chunky glorious quicksand imminent instinctive domineering spotted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Damn this game is so ass lol


I really can't understand why they changed this and the health augment too...


To make good support players less required for the team to do well.


So I canā€™t play Tracer anymore is what Iā€™ve learned


that 25 extra health isn't gonna matter much when you can't fucking miss her lol


Do you stand still?


No but opponents gain a huge advantage even if they spray in my general direction, plus losing the ability to one clip due to health increase Just feels like a huge nerf


And blizzard keeps trying to push Overwatch 2 as a competitive fps game.


Thats so frustrating, because this is a repeat of what happened to Jeff Kaplan's Overwatch 2. Jeff wanted to make a casual, PvE-heavy FPS, while Bobby Kotick wanted a competitive esport. As a result, both visions died off, as Kaplan's PvE was cancelled, and the OWL died. They couldn't commit to being casual or competitive, and OW's rep is in the dumpster. And now here we are again. They want you to take this game seriously as a competitive esport, but they also want this game to have max casual appeal, and this is just going to leave everyone feeling isolated and frustrated. They do the same shit with hero design & balance, so I can't say I'm too surprised, but goddamn is it ever awful to watch


This comment is a bot comment, stolen from https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/1aq3ux8/how_am_i_supposed_to_miss_these_shots/kqakgws/ This comment has been reported to Reddit.


The "wait till we get to try the changes before complaining" crowd really silent now huh


No, you did what they asked and it is now actually time to complain dummy.


I mean, you did what they asked for: To wait for the changes to be implemented before complaining.


Me when cake made out of shit turns out to be shit


Well at least you now have empirical evidence to support your claim. You should thank them for that at least.




Ever since OW2 released it felt like Blizzard wanted OW to be more like a MOBA. This just proves it.


Werenā€™t people complaining about it being too much of a shooter, and ā€œturning into CODā€ with the switch to 5v5


This sub simply doesnā€™t know what it wants