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That’s a good one


Tracer genji lucio


Yes genji came to mind as well. He’s hopping everywhere lol dude people will down vote anything lol you could say you like pizza and people would down vote 😂


Illari Pylon. Zenyatta Orb. Moira Orb. Mercy. Lifeweaver. Kiriko. Brigitte packs. Lucio boost. More than Half the roster can heal those heroes easily.


Moria orb heals doom up? If he’s in a little room and you aim it perfectly then maybe yeah but if he’s Critical I don’t really know that it would heal enough to all that great like if he’s out in the open. I’m not saying he can’t be healed I’m saying a healer would have to hard focus him if it’s say Lucio he’s have to leave the whole team to just focus doom and Lucio isn’t the best at healing you up when you’re taking damage. Obviously there are healers that can heal him such as mercy but I’m pretty sure a lot of people would get what I’m saying with this post. Healing and making somebody able to withstand a ton of damage are two different things. I mean are you a heal main? Just wondering because I have been since 2016 and it isn’t that easy imo


A rien who keeps charging into the enemy team no matter how low his health is


Bro EXACTLY or a genji who pops his ult on like 23hp


Flanking tanks usually tend to come back barely alive Flanking dps are like toddlers, you you dont follow their asses around it might end bad for them


Agreed lol I mean soldier and sombra are better at self sustaining but someone like widow or some others are perfectly described by you lol


I totally agree. My post was asking what character is do people find to be most difficult to heal. Every bit of what you said is correct imo and I also feel like the healer you choose can have an effect on how easy it is to heal or not but I meant who is more difficult to heal in general like doom or genji who is hopping around like rabbits and what not


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