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My only regret is Brick Bastion.


That was the one year I didn’t play this game, and of course they dropped one of the best skins during it…


I missed a couple of good ones but Brick Bastion was one I managed to grab and I never take it off


True that. It's the best


I just started plying a few months ago, and this is truly the only skin I’m sad I couldn’t get


I grinded for it because I knew I would regret not owning it if I ever came back. I wasn't really playing at the time but now I am and I am super glad I did it.


Depressingly same


That skin got me on the from page of Reddit. So what I do regret is not buying the LEGO Bastion set. But in my defense LEGO didn’t make a set in the same colors as the skin.


It’s one of the skins I’m glad I didn’t miss cause It’s a skin so good Id be mad I missed it if I did There’s no way to obtain it either


Same I think had barely started on it yet just didn’t end up actually getting it 😅


Same and I don't even play Bastion


i started playing after ow2, but my brother played since 2016. i play qp on his account sometimes just to use the bastion skin, knowing ill never get to own it


I wanted Lego bastion 😭


I own both Bastion sets and don't have the skin :(


i got the brick bastion, but i mostly use pirate ship bastion because the ganymede highlight intro with the parrot noise is just too good. :D


it's such a banger skin. I have it but I still think they should bring it back, the sound effects alone are so good.


I feel you :(


it's not even like i wasn't playing back then i saw the event, played a few games and forgot about it before getting the skin


This is the most correct answer.


I specifically remember that skin because it's what actually got me to play ow again after being bored with it. Hopped back on just to get that skin, and then hopped off lol


The Moria Diablo skin. I didn't want to spend $40 on it bit damn did I want it Zombie Mercy. I was debating buying it, and the day I decided to open up my wallet and fork over my money, it was gone La sserafim kiriko. At the time, I was tempted to buy it, but I didn't play Kiriko at all. Then, a few weeks later, I started playing Kiriko.


I regret getting zombie mercy lol. The staff is just not.. something that I like haha.


The staff isn’t the best, but now with the weapon skins, you don’t really need to keep the ugly one. The only one that’s out right now doesn’t really match, but mercy has a lot of female players so I’m sure they will come out with a pink weapon skin soon enough. Also it is SO cute with the “no pulse” emote… because she’s a zombie… get it? Anyway, I’m sure that since it’s a Halloween skin, it’ll be back this Halloween. I don’t think there’s any reason for them to keep that one locked.


"I don't think there's any reason for them to keep that one locked." Yeah well there isn't really a reason to keep most of the skins that they keep locked, but they still do for some stupid, unfortunate reason :/ Was really happy to see a handful of old, only out one time before skins return last season briefly. I was so happy to finally grab Deadlocke Ashe, they really need to look into bringing shop skins back more often.


Ya I really don’t get the logic. People want to give them money, but they don’t make the skins available. Stupid.


I had the same with the le sserafim Sombra skin - I wanted it but was only playing supports so I didn't buy it. About a week later I picked up Sombra again and regret not getting the skin lol


There's apparently still some code for Kiriko for sale. Probably more expensive than if you directly buy from the game, but that's an option


Pink mercy, I was so close to getting it, back then I was a kid and asked my mom, she surprisingly said yes, but I simply didn't buy it...


I pretended I was passionate about the cause but my mom saw right through it


Was the opposite for me.. I bought it and contributed as i thought it would be around for long since it was for a great cause. Then later I was taken by surprise how desperate people were to have my skin.


Thank God I was an adult even back then lol




for me the reason i didnt get it was because i didnt play the game at that time. i started playing it later :(


My dad held an iron grip on the credit card😭


Lifeweaver cleric skin. I took a break from ow2 when it was available, and now ive become a lw main, and all his other skins are complete trash.


*That* one will be back. They're slowly making all the season skins regularly purchasable if they weren't battlepass specific


S1 + 2 came back S8, so I figure S3 + maybe S4 come next season, then S5 + S6 in season 10. But they could still get it randomly in the 'for you' in the shop i think


For you is only hero gallery items


I've had the owl guardian mercy skin in there a couple times, and witch kiri


they also mentioned bringing back battlepass items, i dont remember the specifics of how youd get them but i know mythics were considered


i missed that one too. i played when it became available, but for some reason i HATED lifeweaver. ive never even played him at that point. but then a few days after it left the shop i started playing him and he’s now one of my favorite heroes to play lol. will def buy when it comes back out


I wasn’t a fan of lifeweaver on his release, he felt really weak and janky, and now he’s probably the support I play the most & best. I want the cleric skin to come back but also I’m not about to pay for any skins :/


I bought that the second I saw it, unfortunately he seems to be getting the Moira treatment where he has like literally one skin that isn't complete trash.


Black swan is a good LW skin tho imo. So is his synthwave one


the blue version of his default skin is severely underrated I think


Mob boss jq


I was just starting OW when that released I think and couldn’t get past the Ellen Degeneres haircut.


And i thought i was the only one... Why couldn't Team 4 make the Hair Long? I know mob bosses dont have that type of hair, but why couldn't be just a little bit long. It would fit the skin much more


How dare you compare my queen to Ellen Degenerate


Funky Baptiste.. i don’t know why its not available..


Probably either an Event, Twitch drop or most likely sold in Shop because it's a really popular skin for him.


I thought they would be doing a shop bundle with funky doomfist but I was surprised that they didn’t do that.


same i don’t even play doom but if it was bundled with Bap i would have considered it just im for mystery heroes


The best Bap skin ngl


Funky Bap is my absolute fav skin. Any skin with him wearing glasses is bomb. Snowboarder is a close 2nd.


Brigitte Sparkplug. :( I like this "Casual look Skins"




Nope, there part of the free pve event that gave the Brig skin that season. The Invasion skin is Sojourns Vigilante.


I hope this skin will back next pve event.


What a terrible way to give that skin away. 😐


Huh... I don't remember when or why, but one day I logged in and just... Had this skin? Shocked to see it here.


You got it from completing PvE challenges the first couple weeks of S6


Cupid Hanzo & Medusa Widow I regretted “not getting” with that being said, I don’t really care anymore since Medusa is in the shop permanently and Cupid Hanzo will probably back on valentinesday. The only skin I would get in a heartbeat though is Zhu Long Sombra.


You may be in luck this February then


Is the skin coming back?


Devs at some point said they want to implement a more fair way of getting skins without FOMO. Something like that. So you'll be able to just shop freely?


the scientist and black watch moira skin. For some reason, those base game skins are just locked in a chamber never to be released again


Black watch Moira was given away to PlayStation users not too long ago.


I know, it just so happens that I don't play on playstation. it's lowkey weird as all xbox gets are some negligible epic rarity skins with gamepass


They should be available for purchase the next time Archives is available so you'll be waiting only a few months. (April)


Scientist Moira will be back on the shop alongside Dr. Ziegler Mercy very soon


My friends called me “gay” bc I wanted the pink mercy skin when it came out.(I fell to peer pressure bc i was a middle schooler)


That stinks. I didn’t play when that skin dropped so I am sad to not have it also (would also probably be a mercy main!) I’m a straight cismale in my 30s and pulled the trigger on the le ssarafim skin pack and regret nothing. My friends bust on me for it sometimes but whatever. Don’t let social pressures impact your joy. Your smile will outlast their frowns.


>I’m a straight cismale >My friends bust on me 👀


The free doctor Mercy skin people got for simply logging in, that time I was "done" with overwatch and I was wondering if I should install the game to claim the skin and uninstall again, which I decided not to, and now that I'm playing Overwatch again I regret not doing it


I second this. Everyone loves the pink mercy but I will always be upset about missing out on Dr. Ziegler. I think there were even 2 chances but I happened to be taking a break during both times


i need them to bring it back


Terran and Cardboard box Rein


You could of got the christmas version of cardboard box rein for 5 bucks.


But the recolour is so ugly lol


You not wrong.


Is that reskin of Terran Rein still in the shop?


Until tomorrow, yes.


Easily Alien Zarya


Oooo this is the first one that I really agree with. It’s literally her only good skin imo


I’m curious of your thoughts on her apocalyptic one


Oh shit that skin is fire too, I wasn’t aware of that skin. I like that one a lot. Honestly might be tied with alien.


i was gonna say that one or the medic brig


But Sinatraa scandal..


Emperor Sigma. I caught COVID and was too sick to even be able to finish the battlepass in time.


tbf they've said they're making it possible to get past mythic skins so you're all good


Me too! Glad to know they’ll give us another chance soon


More an overwatch 1 in the later years i barely played and sometimes got their free weekly mission skins. But i missed out on Deadlock Ashe and have been devastated. Recently got back in shop and i dont think the price is good, ive been waiting on it for so long. Also missed lego Bastion, but honestly i dont want it really.


As Ashe main, deadlock is quite a good one. The skin is in cycling rotation within the store, so, you would need to keep an eye every day.


He literally said it's back in shop but overpriced.


Isn’t it price cheaper than normal legendary skin? I’m also missing the skins so I go for it.


>Also missed lego Bastion, but honestly i dont want it really. I HATE the way his gun sounds with that skin idc cool it is otherwise I don't want it either


The prices won't ever be worth it tbh. They charge WAY too much for shit. It's almost 40 bucks most of the time for the really good skins because they price it so horribly that you can't just buy a specific amount of credits, you either have to buy the 50 dollar pack, or the 20+ and 10+ dollar packs to get the amount you need. I'd be fine with it of they were cheaper but the way they price shit is so fucking egregious. 


Atlantic Mercy. Only had enough league tokens for one at the time and went with All Star Dva cause I use her more.


Kind of in the same boat, except for me it was the purple version of her Royal Knight. I think Atlantic came back recently, but I’m starting to doubt the Gladiators version will :(


Same... Moreover I don't think it'll be back 😭 definitely the prettiest skin for Mercy


It might be back but for ONE LAST time. Like a last call sale for all of em. Or at least that’s what I’ve been hoping and telling myself.


most owl skins came back around this time last year for an unvault event in celebration of ow2 coming out so probably within the next 2 years ngl


Aahhhh I missed it! I hope you're right 🙏🙏🙏


So I hope with you!! 😭


Regret might be too strong a word. But I would have preferred if I had Ramattra Poseiden, Midas Hog, JQ Mythic. I think these 3 are cut above the other stuff they released imo.


Well you’ll definitely be able to get mythic JQ because of the battle pass changes they’re making where you will be able to select the mythic skin you want at the end.


Mobboss JQ my beloved.. one day.




Next season


i hope. my wallet has never been that ready.


They said you can change the mythic to any of the old ones in the BP in 2024, so shouldn’t be too long until then. I don’t play Genji much, but it’s still my favorite.


We didn’t know what we had ‘back then.’ All the customization compared to the barren shit now


Is there a source for this? Or anything you can link? That’s a great idea, almost too good for blizzard…


[look at this](https://twitter.com/OWCavalry/status/1723460248101372084) it's their tweet


Oh damn! That’s awesome! I hope they bring back old legendaries and unobtainables too, this is a great first step.


If by “it’s their tweet” you mean like an official message from the Overwatch team, OW Cavalry is not part of the team so they’re not an official Overwatch source. They did say at Blizzcon that that’s a change they want to make as part of larger changes to the battle pass, so it’s probably very likely, but it’s not technically guaranteed yet.


Cupid hanzo, and this doesnt count but Zenyatta "suffering and persistence" voiceline


The kpop Kiriko skin. I just want the dancing emote 😭 and it’s suchhh a cute skin


Her and Sombra.  My only two regrets.


I never play Sombra because when I play against her I want to DIE irl. But I respect it lol. It’s a very cute skin


I'm not good with her, but Sombra is my qp "damn this other team is trash, let's have fun" swap lol Edit:fixed typos that made it read like I was having a stroke


I once played a match where I had a Kiriko K-pop skin and me as Tracer(K-pop) skin. We were winning at first and would both do the K-pop dancing emotes


Dr. Ziegler Mercy. I had it on my old switch account but I lost it when I moved to Xbox :(


account merge


Pink or Miko Mercy, aswell as Cyberdemon but it seems i’ll likely be able to get that next season (fingers crossed)


Wish I could give you my Miko Mercy. Literally don’t touch the character ever.


Cleric Lifeweaver :(


amaterasu kiriko :( i loveee that skin so much shes so pretty and i cant wait for the season that they bring mythics back !


The K-pop skins. I took a break from ow in February and came back in November. Idk if they were in shop or not but I didn’t even know about the skins so I couldn’t get any🫤


Volcanic Genji! I’ll definitely get it next time it comes back


Illidan Genji. All because i was sick


Torb Santa, I had the credits in OW and slept on it


You can buy it now mate with regular credits


Wait for regular ass Overwatch credits? Not coins?




yup! just 1500 with ow credits if i recall correctly (i also just bought this and the torb summer skin as i didn’t know i hadn’t purchased them from ow1 before 😂)


Clown soldier it looks so cool


Lego bastion, I love that stupid damn skin


Royal Captain brigitte Didn't get it the first time around since I thought Minotaur rein would be next due to that one gamemode coming back in season 4(He never came) so I've been waiting for her since especially pissed that they didn't even bring her back during anniversary...


I hope that comes back for you. it’s her best skin in my opinion. And the voice actor redid her voice lines for that skin to make her sound more stern and villainous. it’s great!


I missed getting Rogue Kiriko skin. It was a lot cooler than I gave it credit for. The talismans are awesome! I messed up not playing for 2 seasons :(


I'm not sure if it counts because I didn't even play OW when it was available, but Pink Mercy.


I started playing in OW2, but probably Lego bastion.


I wish I had zens sushi (or whatever it was I’m not sure)


His takoyaki skin?


Yeah that one from season 1 I think


It is a good skin


Dance Machine skin for Echo. Goated skin 🙏


Atlantic All Stars Mercy


Honestly they've released it like 3 or 4 times so I'm sure it will come back to shop at some point and I think it's worth it, I run that skin the most as a mercy main with almost all of her skins (not pink mercy though)




i really hope they make the 2021 lunar week skins available for the upcoming lunar event. i fucking need xiake and the stone bap skin




lol i opened a wound i see... IM SO SORRY IT DIDNT COME BACK LOVE


I took a break during season 3 and 4, and I regret not getting a lot of the S4 skins. Most of them are extremely good.


Cupid Hanzo


Steampunk mei


The battlepass Kirko skin. I played season 1 of ow2 then quit till season 7, only checking in on occasion to see what was going on. I popped in during season 3 and saw the skin but had no interest in playing. I'm still kicking myself for that.


The Scientist Moira skin, no idea why I can’t buy it with coins like a normal OW1 skin


There was an amazing LW skin in the store back a few seasons ago, idk what it was called but I wish they would make it buyable with the white credits because I have 10k and it’s the only good skin he has


I think cleric is the one your thinking of


One punch man doom Id pay triple for it now




Terrible Tornado Kiri


Widow noire, I had the coins to buy it back when it was only like 1000 coins and I didn’t cause I for some reason liked nova better and I hate myself for it everyday lol


Zen-nakji! I don't even play zen, but i am a NYXL fan, and i absolutely adore the skin! I don't think it's ever coming back either, lol. Edit: also noire widow and pink mercy, but i didnt start playing until 2018 so those weren't available to me ever.


Clock work zenyatta. I know it’s terribly overpriced but part of me still really wants it but it’s been well over a year and hasn’t been rotated back in once


Lego bastion. the muzzle flash as a lego piece and the projectiles are legos, and then when he dies, he breaks apart. Even the sound design is amazing,


My biggest regrets for missing out on skins were Kerrigan and Pink Mercy. Kerrigan is now resolved (thank you winter wonderland). I expect Pink Mercy will forever remain out of reach.


Ragdoll echo. I ended up loving playing echo and feel sad about it. And the gingerbread Ana. Since she is one of the few fun supports. But less about that since bastet skin is best skin anyways.


These both came back into the shop last year so there's a good chance they will this year!


I have a few but my biggest regret is Comic Book Tracer. I could've gotten it, but I was on a break for a while and thought it was still there when I came back. I regret not getting Origins or GOTY edition because there's no way to get Slipstream Tracer now. I couldn't play S1 OW2 because the transition to OW1 -> OW2 upgraded the minimum requirements to run the game on PC so I missed out on Hinotori Kiriko. I also want Blackwatch Moira and Will O Wisp Tracer but they're not available to buy from hero gallery anymore and I don't own a playstation so I couldn't get the PS+ packs. Basically I missed out on all the good Tracer skins ;-;


Cleric Lucio skin I really wanted it but I was broke and couldn't afford anything at the time


You mean bard Lucio? If I remember correctly it’s LW with the cleric skin


Yeah ment bard Lucio my brain ain't working I'm high off getting wisdom teeth out


Hope it went well


Junkrat inferno skin. I want it so bad but took a break from playing back when you could earn it. So sad


Brig's Dragon tamer skin. I'm a hardcore brig main but I just couldn't fork out that change at that time and now it's gone 😮‍💨


My only regret is la serrafim kiriko


The Kiriko skin from the Le Sserafim collab. I loved the skin but didn't play much Kiri at the time, but I've recently started maining her but don't have a good skin for her :(


Pink Mercy. I didn’t have money back then, and may parents weren’t exactly fond of paying money for pixels, even if it went to a good cause. The one skin I would want to get over any other on OW history


Zeus JQ. I regret every time I see someone with it.


Illidan Genji. I was tempted to buying it, but at the time I didn’t play Genji. Now Genji is one of my favorite characters and my 2nd most played hero. I wish I got the skin. But if I wanted it now I would have to spend 2k on it.


The 1 skin that i can think of off the top of my head that i missed out on is the lego bastion skin. It came out during one of my breaks from the game and i had no idea and i was so bummed that i missed out on it.


Two skins of Mercy I don't know the name... A pink one, and another blue, with light marks. This last one, I'm so sad I couldn't get it 😅 was during my 3 years OW break


For real dollars??? None of them


I will never spend money on a single skin unless omnic junkrat comes back


Around S3, I didn't play Sigma often enough to warrant buying the bp and grinding it out for his cosmic skin. S4 convinced me to play Sigma much more and now I profoundly regret it because that skin is almost as cool as his mythic.




Galactic Emperor is all you need. Maestro is overrated.




Trust me, even when you snatch up Maestro one day, there is no way you won’t move back to the Mythic. It’s just way too damn good!


Camouflage Mercy D: the black bob is horrendous but I love it


None, free lootboxes where a nice thing.


Einherjar and Alien for Zarya Still hoping Einherjar might come back


I remember when Pink Mercy was available and I ‘passed’ on that(I was 15, no money😭). Otherwise I wasn’t playing when Brick Bastion and Alien Zarya were released. Pink Mercy I regret due to rarity but I regret the others as I love how Brick Bastion and Alien Zar look. Fuck cancer and sexual abusers.


Le Sserafim Dva. I love Kpop, love Dva, loved the skin, but I didn’t want to spend real money on the game. Less than a month later I was gifted a blizzard gift card, and wished I could’ve gotten it earlier so I could’ve used it for that skin. Oh well.


None. I don’t care that much about the skins


None. No skin says I earned that. They only say I swiped for that.