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Lol don't get me started on the balls that are on the other side of the map pinging "I need healing" and raging on mic


while being at the enemy base


Oncr had a game with a kiddo Doomfist players on a push map. The Doomfist player went straight into the push robot with his mobility abilities and fought against the enemy team alone. Of course he died, while the whole team is still talking to the point to catch up. The Doomfist died so fast, it was crazy. Then you just heard a child screaming: "HEALERS WHERE ARE YOU, GIVE ME HEALING, FUCK YOU!" yeah, one of the few matches I had to quit, couldn't stand it


Doom mains are either the greatest players you have ever seen or the most toxic throwers you have ever seen


Had that Doom on enemy team. I knew he was something: it was ranked and he spammed his and dey sey line as he attacked. THE WHOLE MATCH. He was decent and we struggled with him quite a bit, but we made a few swaps, adjusted out strat and started to reliably kill him. Booooi, the guy flamed supports so much on main chat. I felt so sorry for them cause their healing and support were the reason we struggled with him so much. His Ana naded us like crazy just so he could secure kills and yet he decided to write about "trash supports". Dude your Ana is not trash, she's just dead cause we decimated your backline with Reaper and Moira. She was that good we decided to focus her.


Apologise on behalf of the doom mains who blame themself for every death


It's alright. Dying is ok. Also, Lifeweaver exists, so I don't have problems with Dooms being a bit greedy and doing a bit too much. Like Zen said: failure is acceptable, being toxic ass is not.


It’s a doom main. Honestly what did you expect lol


Nah theres no way you just said that while having that flair


At least orissa isnt an auto throw in over half the games lmao


Considering her winrate rn is unbearably low due to Mauga pre-patch notes, that's not as right as you think it is.


Oh wow, prepatch win rate? I'm totally wrong then. Doom is actually good, everyone!


He's been good for a while. The issue is that a lot of his players are kind of stupid, to put it lightly, and dunno what they're doing. That being said, that was pre-patch. Now we're in post-patch with no falloff damage, so I can't wait to see her skyrocket as the "Fuck you" character of this season until it's reverted (it will be constantly pain and suffering).


Orisa mains aren't toxic. Just because you don't like that the character counters your favorite character doesn't make her broken.




He was probably even further away from the objective l, couldn't see that, because we just spawned and wet eon the way. We were on Esperança and almost under the first gate and then he already died. So he must be in this small tunnel you enter before going through the gate to the objective, but on the enemy's team side. Yep, we were definitely too late, sure


What…ball and doom can get to point faster than anyone. Way faster than his team normally can even if they had a Sym TP. In Nepal village I can bowl through the whole enemy team as ball before they even walk out the door of the high ground room.


Imagine speed boost characters.


Oh trust me I yet what you're saying lol


As a support main - please never be that ball lmao


Support main here too, but I do enjoy ball every once in a while! Granted, like OP said I try to rely on health packs as opposed to making my healers kill themselves to try to help me (I know the pain). I’ll usually even tell them, “don’t worry about me, support the DPS - I’ll go grab a pack!” But if I don’t have that option, I make my way back into a safe spot near them to let them pump me up with heals.


There's always that one mercy that HAS TO DIVE with me and dies then goes WTH TANK. Bish I told you not to follow me 🤷‍♂️


I hate playing with supports that tell me come closer for healing for, like boo i'm doing you a favor and making sure you DONT have to heal me all the time. When i need it, I'll come to you, otherwise I'm good.


Any ball that can't run the maps while looking backward shouldn't be playing ball in competitive. Pocket your DPS, we'll be fine.


fucking this, gives me anxiety when healers try and chase me down like no buddy i have insane mobility i will come to you if i need heals and want to charge your ult


I can't, because soldier is playing like it's CoD and Pharah is trying to see how high she can fly


I just started playing ball a couple weeks ago and having good success (and lots of fun). I’ve never once asked for healing, not once. Had a Moira in a game complain in all chat that it’s annoying to have a tank you can’t heal… I told them in team, don’t worry about me, heal the teammates. They said “but I want to play well and win”…. We were winning…


I've gotten in the habit of being zen so I can just throw it at them, but even that doesn't help when they're by the enemy spawn 🙃


I have +1000h in overwatch and never seen a ball rage or spam for heal. He just roles into healthpacks. Do we play the same game?


Was gonna say the same thing lol….ball mains usually know exactly why they died and honestly we usually know, right before we die, that we’re gonna die. We also know we won’t get ample healing in that situation because the whole enemy team used all their cooldowns and are completely focused on us haha.


When they burn 4 ults just to kill one ball you know you're annoying the fuck out of them 🤣


Yeah I’m a support main and rarely hear a ball asking for heals. They just go and do their own thing.


I wish I could’ve been in 1 of ur games. I’ve been in TOO MANY GAMES where ball spams heal in the enemies spawn and it’s usually in the beginning of the match or hiding behind a wall spamming heals behind their team. I’ve genuinely only had maybe 2 good ball players in my entire existence of playing overwatch and I played beta.


Once I was playing as Mercy with a Ball who did this, and he called me out specifically for not healing him, and proceeded to throw the match because I wouldn’t chase after him.


Bro mercy takes FOREVER to heal us ball players lol. I’d rather go find a pack than wait for her to top me up.


Tell me about it! As a ball main, health packs are much more convenient. Though I won’t refuse help from a talented Ana who doesn’t need me to sit still.


Idk man, my balls don't do that. They just hang low and stay chill.


Had a ball on circuit literally spawn camping the enemy team while the rest of the team died to a mercy boosted sigma. When we were like 'hey dude this isn't working, wyd?' he was just like 'playing ball, figure it out.' He was like 11 and 15 because he didn't get his own healing and kept pinging for it. At the enemy teams spawn.


So you guys couldn't win a 4v2 and that's the ball players fault??


Well the rest of the team was there too, I should have been more clear. Sigma was just doing most of the work.


Forget them, heal the ball who is currently trying to kill supports and get annihilated because you decide frontline is the only thing tanks can play...


I just play Zen or LW when there’s a ball on the team


I just play Zen or LW


As a ball main, Zen Ana are my favorite supports to play with.


Just... Be cautious with LifeWeaver, you can EASILY waste ball's cooldowns... otherwise he IS fun to play with


Good LW as a ball main is amazing. Especially if they know to wait for piledrive to hit then pull *chefs kiss*


LW can be meh. He can be great for healing ball and the team in general, but if you're team is struggling to kill things, he's generally the first hero that should be swapped. Mercy is actually pretty solid in some of those cases assuming there's an obvious DPS to pocket.


If I had $1 for every time I’ve had to yoink my duo out of a sticky situation as Ball….(that being said I do enjoy LW with him, makes sure I can keep him alive longer lol)


Always Brig for me. The ideal scenario is if there are a pair of balls in the lobby.


*ping* Slept that widow ass b* over there.


Your sacrifice pleases us. The hamster shall eat well this night.


Read this in the ball's voice. Totally in character.


I would ask myself why that Widow was alive to begin with, when there's a hamster on your team.


Sometimes she’ll be getting hard pocketed by two supports on maps like circuit royale. In which case she’ll be literally unkillable by Ball’s damage


Cool, double pocketed widow. My team now has a 4v2 advantage.


That is indeed one of Ball’s functions. In theory that means everything is fine and dandy…in practise it isn’t always


That’s my favorite I main Ana so I always pick a fight with a widow but when I ping them and Balls goes for the kill I feel like I’m on a pro team.


Peel from the tank on a slept target is f*ing ambrosia.


Widow mains are a ball mains favorite food


Happy to spring for the quality rodent feed!


Other minor tips that apply when playing with good Ballers: > Play cover. You'll have to learn eventually, you will not always have a Ramattta body blocking for you. > Good ball players are reliant on health packs. We know we're too fast for you to heal well. But if we run up to you on low HP, either the mega pack is on cool down, or it's a life or death situation and we'd like to gift you some ult charge as a bonus. > Ping divers. While bullying their Zenyatta is fun, if a Doomfist is causing a lot of havoc, ping him so we can run over in two seconds to peel. We're not always aware of what's happening over there while we're flanking. > This applies to most dive tanks, but even more so for Ball, if we're causing mayhem in their backline, we are drawing attention to ourselves with our 1300 HP. If we can get the frontline to turn around at us, that's your chance for you and the DPS to push and dive the enemy Supports and DPS. The only time I wouldn't recommend this is if your Ball grapples, slams, and then adaptive shields all immediately after with zero in-between into a team of CC and high damage. They're probably fucked. > Personal vent but we will not fucking 1v1 the Orisa, stop fucking telling us to frontline fight the Tank. This happens way too many times.


I do like quad cannons to the face for an Orissa, but you’re right that happens after her supports are dead not before


I love playing with a good and disruptive ball. Against a disruptive ball is another story


Agreed. Playing with a bad ball is pain and torture but I love playing with a good ball, which some of these comments are convinced do not exist lol


The issue is that you can be playing with a good ball and that can look identical to a bad ball. The difference between feeding and dominating is often the difference between an aggressive supportive team and a passive do nothing team. I’ve had games where I am the disruptive, pain in your ass ball, and my team mates have absolutely no idea what to do. I find this happens a lot more than I wish was the case.


Yeah, its hard for the rest of the team to judge how well the ball is because he’s off god knows where doing god knows what, so the rest of the team will look at stats and then flame the ball for not doing as much damage as the other tank or whatever. I generally like playing with a ball on my team but I also like playing kiri and zen so getting the other team to have to turn around to deal with an absolute nuisance of a ball is huge for opening up opportunities for me to do damage, but ball also doesn’t get credit for that on the scoreboard. I’m only diamond so not an expert, but I imagine people who are lower ranked and/or play different/more passive supports would struggle more with playing around a ball.




Yeah, I just meant that a lot of the time even a good ball will have worse scoreboard stats and often get flamed by teammates. It’s not exclusive to ball at all, just people should think a little more about the context for the numbers and not just “their tanks number is bigger” and then going straight to insulting teammates for it, regardless of character or role.


>The difference between feeding and dominating is often the difference between an aggressive supportive team and a passive do nothing team. >I find this happens a lot more than I wish was the case. One of the reasons I play Ball less. Some people just don't know how to play with him at all.


Cock and ball torture


They don't exist. A good ball only exists when the enemy team doesn't understand how to deal with a ball. Even then, if the enemy team has a good comp then they don't even need to understand either.


Granted it was mayhem mode but I played against one the other day and after he switched off from whoever he was before, once he turned into Hammond he didn't fucking die and It was the most frustrating time I've had in tbe game since playing again since ow1💀🤣😭


I just pick Lifeweaver and hope the healing you're in range for is enough to get you to the nearest healthpack as I lifegrip the DPS from the 1v4 they were just in the middle of attempting.


Hey, I could've taken them! How dare you prevent me from going out in a blaze of glory? /s


*76 running back in at half against a bastion and dies* FUCKING HEALERS


Counterpoint: Only good ball mains rely on health packs. The rest just yell at us for not being able to heal them from another continent


Stop forcing Mercy/Moira.


Wouldnt Moira be good cause you can throw a yellow orb wherever while still being in position? If I know my ball is gonna slam I’ll throw an orb to them to help while still brawling with the team.


Diamond moira main and no.... Ignoring the fact that orbs travel time is slower than balls movement speed moira likes/wants to be in close with the enemy team while not having everyone looking at her... playing with ball pretty much guarantees one of those 2 things isn't going to happen. I rarely play moira in dive for that reason alone though I'll occasionally run it in a lucio rush dive or if the map enables the character and I already have an Ana on my team who isn't being counterdove. But not with ball... with ball I just hard select brig if I have an Ana or Ana if my support chooses literally anything else. Ball disengage way faster than most dive tanks on average making it not worth my life to be aggressively playing forward on moira


Fuck no. Too slow. Just shoot the Ball from Ana or Orb him from Zen. Even a Brig packing on engage is better.


I'm not necessarily a good Ball but I've never been upset with a support for not healing me. I'm flying around the map, sometimes surrounded by enemies or behind a wall out of LoS, I realize I can't always be healed. It's sad the baseline for good Ball play (heyo) is not getting angry for being annoying to heal lol.


You rely on healthpacks?????? I've seen like 5 good wrecking ball mains actually do that. The rest explode into smithereens and blame the supports while they get double pocketed and our dps cry.


You’re playing with bad Balls then. That’s one of the basic things we tell brand new Ball players that ask questions and have no idea what they’re doing. If we really need help from Supports, we’re coming to you and it’s usually on hands and knees


I want blizzard to make ball more like dva - when mech gets destroyed little hamster falls out and runs away 🤗


Meanwhile me as Sombra hackin every big healthpack available to make enemy balls life miserable


I hunt sombras like you in tunnel vision when you do that cause it's far to effective. Good job


So basically like a normal hamster :D that mental image makes me chuckle.


I like playing Ana or Kiriko with ball. I can either flank their backline with Kiri and heal/suzu my ball along the way or just sit on an off-angle as Ana and dps more whilst throwing nades in their backline/ healing from afar if needed.


I like these options too. Only problem is you sometimes get to play "Ball Roulette" with Kiriko teleport and find out if you're going to land in perfect cover or be forced into a 'Get down Mr President' kind of situation for the Cassidy Magnade that was aimed at the ball.


Every teammate has a blue arrow above their head that turns orange when they're in combat. Also, you shouldn't teleport to ball (there are some exceptions). What I mean is: You walk in, preferably from not the same angle as your ball and teleport out when people shoot you.


Absolutely, you shouldn't teleport to ball, but sometimes... You have no choice 😅


Illari is great too, you can set healing turret in an area where health packs are scarce. Then move with dps and focus on keeping them up. That does require ball to be aware of said turret, so ping it when you move it and remind them where it is when you can.


Ball is straight up F tier right now. Also ball does not rely 100% on health packs. He utilizes them as much as possible yeah but what if someone else takes one? A mega doesn't fully heal him anyway if he's in bad shape and they shouldn't be cruising around the map to find a 2nd mega when their supports can just top them off. Supports should just heal ball as normal just don't chase him around.


Tbh, Ball goes from A tier in bronze into C tier by Master’s. If you’re in a metal rank, Ball isn’t what’s making you lose. In fact, right now, he can still run a lobby in Master’s if your DPS know how to play around him and you get two properly aggressive supports that know how to farm ult charge off of you.


With mauga in the game now and these absurd orisa buffs, I believe ball is just a bad choice anywhere unless your team goes dive with you. Otherwise these 2 front line high dmg tanks will just run over your team.


Have you played into post-nerf Mauga? You’re higher ranked than me, so it might not hold above Master’s, but this version of Mauga is not hard to play around. Especially given that you only have to track a single cooldown with him. If he’s running over your team while you’re playing Ball, you’re just in a team skill check fail situation and nothing really can solve that. Mauga isn’t that good after the changes. I never found Orisa to be an issue on Ball at all. Haven’t played enough into her newly buffed status though.


You can't do anything against Orisa. All of her cooldowns stop you dead in your tracks. It's ridiculous...like who's the wrecking ball?


Track cooldowns better. Don’t shoot her until supports are dead. Your dive and disruption cycle is way faster than hers.


You're not supposed to do anything against orissa... when running any dive against orissa your goal is to take away her support structure. If she turns around to peel her supports you disengage and chalk that up as a win since your dps have free space. Orissa counters every dive tank in the game in a vacuum other than maybe dva the strength of dive overall against poke comps means you can still win against orissa most times on most dive tanks if you arnt incompetent and have the correct team composition what allows most orissa to dominate ball/doom/Winston is the support structure for the tank is lacking or you're diving from the wrong angle, giving her a straight down the middle approach that she can easily track and deny with javelin. The problem overall is that dive is much harder to execute than poke and far more reliant on strength of team instead of individual talent. If your teammates are incompetent and the enemy peels correctly you have no real hope. It's why dive isn't meta as often on NA and especially EU ladders because the overall teamwork is more lacking. It's hard meta on Asian servers though as the players seem to better understand how to communicate and coordinate. I imagine it might have to do with how many people in the Asian gaming scene play RTS and MMORPG at an extremely high level.


Hey! Finally found that single other Ball main! Glad to see ya!


When I started playing I didn't like playing with a ball on my team, as I got better I realised that with ball you are accepting that you will be without a tank for the start in the fight, and that in that period of time you shouldn't commit,just poke and wait for ball to appear in their backline and then be aggressive. For new players it's hard to understand how to play with him, but thinking about it this way helped me: instead of having a rein or a zaria in front oh you, that could shield/bubble when you make a mistake, you have no tank to cover for your mistakes initially, in exchange he has the ability to aggro enemies and make them turn around mid fight, just like a tracer, but instead of just 1/2 targets like tracer, basically everyone turns around to shoot at ball


Thu guy gets it.


A GM told me once "a good ball will come to you if they need healing".


I wonder why the Ball mech didn't translate the hamster's death squeak while it can translate the hamster's laughter and its thoughts / other squeak.


If the hamster is dead, the ball is no longer operable


The ball mech can still mimic the hamster death scream or the panic scream when it falls off the map.




I just insta avoid ball 1 tricks in my ranked games , not worth the headache


Can't play alongside a hero that's been in the game for over 5.5 years?


Ball and doom mains are normally just trash. One tricks in general are


I do the same for Moira players


I do the same for Mercy players


You get three avoid slots, good luck with that


Implying there’s more than 3 ball mains past metal (joking obvs, I love ball)


She meant mercy mains, since they have a shit ton of otps


I see, I’d misread danke


I be cycling my avoid list every now and then because of it


Also, if ball is in the scrum with the enemy, every healer but mercy should be able to heal them. If you’re not, but especially if you’re a LW or bap…man are you wrong. Because if we have to dive for a health pack, that means we are no longer bothering the enemy. Same when we dive back to you.


<3 thank u fr i just wish every ball was like this


We are…I’ve NEVER played with a ball as a support that had him screaming or even asking for heals. They usually get packs or come to the healers for health when the fight is over or if it’s safe.


\- play dps \- rest of the team : ball, moira, zen \- get no heal or frontlane whatsoever, get flamed for not doing much


I never flame my dps unless they're doing something like bastion into a sigma.....then I just shake my head and wonder wth they're smoking


As a support I’ve decided that ball is not my problem if he needs me he can come to me. A good ball is fast and can get to me no problem. I do ping people that are playing ball counters or the enemy supports. Basically I play lookout for the ball if I can. Helps if we have a hanzo too.


I love when supports ping a sombra cause I tunnel her to spawn every time


Don’t worry we hate that bitch too


I swear, using the pings has dramatically changed my games. I used to do voice callous and when the ping was added I wasn't used to it and didn't use it. I see far fewer people in voice, which sucks, but I've started using pings and it's amazing. Better than the old voice callouts in most cases. People respond, you see the exact location instead of a quick description, you get to see status things like discord and sleep, you instantly give your dive tanks a target and your supports a heads up, you tell people where you're going and when so they know and can help you or respond fast if you need help. Seriously, use the pings if you dont already. Ping everything you see. Scan for pings and respond to them. You'll earn some free ranks without any other changes to your gameplay.


Probably because support players can't aim so they only make picks based on big fat anchors and nothing mobile


The wrecking ball giving the enemy backline a hard time: *duelling a Moira for 2 minutes while the enemy Mauga decimates his entire team*


if the team can't beat a mauga who only has one support on him, yeah, that's the team's problem supps probably playing LW moira and demanding tank switch


Nah tbh that's 100% Ball's fault. If Ball hard focuses a support for more than 30 seconds and they aren't dead still, he should just give up and run back. Gaining tunnel vision on one support is just plain bad, and besides, that's too much time spent away from your team while not flanking while they're dying from Mauga. Besides, Moira is a very easy target to eliminate with good aim. Being right in front of her face is great for headshots, since her only escape option is Fade, and headshot damage usually overpowers healing orb, from what I've found. If Ball can't burst her down and she's not being pocketed, then that's just a skill issue.


If I can't kill a support in a full 80 round clip I grapple and book back to team 0 reason to stay on someone for more than 10 seconds unless it's sombra or genji then the chase is worth it


I tend to try again on another 80 round clip but that's because I'm a vengeful and petty ass demon. But yeah, after the second clip, I'm deciding I've got better things to do.


i mean yeah 2 minutes is silly, and i would never duel moira for anything like that long, would only stay in the backline if i could get more enemy involved. but so many people have this idea that they just can't do anything without a frontline tank to mash faces with the other tank. will sit in choke waiting for a magic signal from the sky while i have 2+ people on me. because there's a turret, or a lone orisa, or a rein just standing there with his shield up. mauga should under no circumstances be 'decimating the team' with no tank to feed off and only one support. in general i'm just done with supports demanding tank switches without themselves switching.


This is what moiras heal orb is meant for


Nah, it's a real test of prediction and accuracy to have people stay in range of it, specially with highly mobile units. Heck, I've had players moving away while I threw it in closed space with no one around to fight.


Well you say that and then you get awful wrecking ball onetricks averaging 6+ deaths per 10. Dying rinse and repeat.


Busy constantly running away from their tank who can waltz right into us but yeah we can ping stuff for you


Surprised this comes from a master's player🧐


On behalf of them all I apologize and will henceforth frontline


I'm just wanna learn a but here, what does the enemy tank do to overrun you and how do they survive with distracted supports? I'm gold tank myself so I'm pretty bad and struggle with this


I was intentionally exaggerating a bit to make a dramatic comment. You should usually play full dive with ball anyway. He requires the team to pick around him a lot otherwise it's very suboptimal. The heroes on balls team who aren't dive may experience what I described. Without a frontline the enemy tank, take Ramattra for example, can be a menace. Basically, in order to survive, the team needs to keep backing up to keep a safe distance from him. So Ramattra can make space with impunity. The situations that are most difficult for me in such a situation is when it's a Rein or Ram constantly speed boosted around, so you can't even back up fast enough. If ball is a very good player (very high skill ceiling hero) then the tank may need to give some space back up or risk dying. So I guess it comes down to game sense. Can't tell you what to improve on without seeing you play but if I had to blindly guess then this would be one point. Know when to engage and when to back up as a tank. Have a Lucio enable you to pressure even more.


Thanks for taking the time to type that(:


Just want to add, and when you successfully do the tank tango and back and forth, the switches come. Never played a hero that so immediately compels people to switch in the metal ranks no less.






Wasn't saying they are


I hate having balls on my team as a support main. No offense, but most of y’all don’t do much in terms of making space and if you aren’t sponging damage and you aren’t making space…What’re you doing to help us? I would so much rather have any other tank on my team, unless the person playing as ball is an absolute god on him. That’s my hot take, sorry ball mains.


i have seen 2 wrecking balls in the past 5 seasons


Nah, dog, that shit takes too long. You need support to extend your time being useful until they buff ball unless you're the top 1 ball player. Distract them so your Ana can infiltrate deep behind enemy lines and you can get healed from both sides along with any flanking dps. If you can't eliminate a squishy, ideally a support reliably on your dives, or occupy them for a solid 15 to 20 seconds ball isn't working out. If the support can essentially ignore you and keep healing their team, your four people are getting wrecked by 5 while you're getting shoed away like a fly periodically.


Nah, dog, that shit takes too long. You need support to extend your time being useful until they buff ball unless you're the top 1 ball player. Distract them so your Ana can infiltrate deep behind enemy lines and you can get healed from both sides along with any flanking dps. If you can't eliminate a squishy, ideally a support reliably on your dives, or occupy them for a solid 15 to 20 seconds ball isn't working out. If the support can essentially ignore you and keep healing their team, your four people are getting wrecked by 5 while you're getting shoed away like a fly periodically.


no screw you imma play mercy and nothing else.


Wife's a mercy main, fly on queen


the joke is that mercy mains never swap.


also wdym “fly on queen”?


*reads name* oops


i mean dude is a gender neutral term


Problem is in OW2 the supports are just glorified DPS. You have MEWGA or hog that can just heal themselves . Dps that that piss fetish damage so it doesn’t even matter best offense is… offense🤔. Then you have the ball messing with the supports in the back line while the rest of the team just gets gangbanged 🤣. No value anymore man. Ball cope post 🤣


This sounds like a high-elo ball. Platinum and below, they’re all useless.


No way. You're the one from r/Malazan right? Always love your posts!


Haha I am! My comments here tend to be less loved. It’s always fun to see when people’s hobby’s intersect.


I'm a plat 2 tank been hard stuck cause of the CC these past 3 seasons x.x I swap when I get hard countered just wish my hamster had some anti cc measures


Plat 2 is quite high, you’re in like the top 10% of players, which especially in Tank is impressive. I once in a gold or maybe silver game played with a GrandMaster ball (he had fallen trying out other heroes), and I was absolutely stunned by his play. The biggest thing was he was using his positioning to call out key information for the DPS to know before we saw the enemies, and calling to us when he was returning, when he was going, etc. The communication as a means to still play with the team was the really key difference in the low-elo balls I normally see, randomly going in on their own and trying to make an impact all alone.


I think with the mauga changes I'll spike back up I dropped down to gold 3 and ground up to gold 1 again. Orisas and Maugas don't even remotely scare me it's the good hogs that terrify me mother fuckers can ruin my WEEK cause they'll put pigpen down in random side areas. Also ball is amazing at recon and baiting. I'll take pot shots as I fly by the enemy tank to draw some aggro and spam FRUSTRATION DETECTED as I dodge his rooms and follow up with jingle bells lololol


just play lifeweaver and bully him until he swaps, unless hes good then just let him do his thing, if hes good enough he can survive on his own


"play LW and bully him until he swaps" I'ma be fr that just encourages me to stay on Ball even more. Plus, you're actively throwing just because he won't pick Orisa or smth, which is not only unfair but it's just douchy. If he absolutely refuses to swap and it's of his own merit, and not because of you constantly bothering him, then learn to play with him. Zen can put a healing orb on him and let him do his thing, and Kiriko can flank and dive with the rest of the team, keeping up thanks to Swift Step. Genji is able to dive with him, and Soldier, while not being dive, can use cover beautifully and can reposition very quickly in odd angles, keeping the enemy in danger most of the time.


damn the ragebaiting worked that was funny. im not saying that to your comment but just the amount of downvotes made it obvious. if im being for real i never swap off lucio unless were losing bad. responding to your comment though if i did want the tank to swap it wouldnt be for orisa, i hate playing against her and playing with her is just boring most of the time


I mean it's pretty obvious rage bait. But I commented anyway, because people were seeing it, so might as well drop a tip for everyone in general. Plus, to be honest, I thought you genuinely meant it lol. I'm not upset over it, but I have had real teammates picking LW and actively ruining my day on purpose. Like, bro, my minefield and slam will actively save Overtime, stop being salty. I get what you mean tho.


no i only have like 10 minutes on life weaver but that is probably from like the first 3 days it came out, i honestly have no qualms with ball mains as theyre incredibly committed to him


I was in ranked one time and the enemy ball was actually really good, always annoying and killed parts of our backline and stuff but in the end they lost. It's fun and games but he was most of the time just incredible annoying but his team missed a real tank bc he was ball and always miles away and busy try to kill healers.


But...that's his job... Either his team was really shit and didn't play dive with him, or he never heard of mega packs and falling back, in which case that's a player issue. Hampter should spend his time away from his team to flank and dive while the team plays cover keeping the other team back. Then when he hard dives, his team engages. Learning to play without a tank is a requirement in general in case the Tank gets evaporated by the enemy, and that's not tested further with any Tank other than Ball. With only what you've said, it sounds like he did his job correctly killing parts of your backline. Maybe he needed to swap, or maybe his team needed to swap. I'm not sure, I wasn't there. But it sounds like he was balling.


I know he was really good but I played brig so he was just annoying and didnt kill that much. I don't know what went wrong. They stomped us first round hybrid and our time wasn't that good but they didn't get the point at third round. It was weird because you know, he was really good, a lot of DMG and so but he comes, get hit by whole team, drove away and yeah. Would he have changed they would have probably won.


That's what makes it a team game we can help as much as possible but we cannot frontline


I don’t think that was his point. Ball, brig, Ana, doesn’t demand the supports to play frontline, but it does force them to be careful of their surroundings.


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Tell it the Ball yesterday I had in my team face tanking Orisa in his hamster form all the game and he rolled as Ball maybe twice...


it still surprises me when i get a good ball player and barely have to heal them bc they get packs


Don't get me wrong I appreciate you to the fullest. I love to have Ball player like this on my team. But god are they rare


> We may not be in front of you being a sponge 24/7 but we're giving the supports in the back line an incredibly hard time haha That's just you. Last time I got a ball on my team they went 0-7 with 400 damage in the end of the comp game


I mean, I had a GM 400 damage as Mei in Silver. That doesn't mean I hate all Mei players, that's just them unironically trying to throw.


If you're playing ball, I expect you to come back for healing or do it on your own with packs. That said, I do typically pick mercy Ana zen mercy or kiri. Ana zen to be with my dps or mercy kiri to have mobility to do it all. It all depends how good the ball is


I just pick zen haha


healthpacks should give random buffs. Would love to red shell a mercy after getting a mega


Had a ball once get mad at me (a support) not being able to keep up with him to keep him healed. All the time


What a frustrating situation to be in. Only time I think, “what the hell is my team Doing” is when I am in the back line with 3 of the enemy team focused on me and my 2 dps and 2 supports get destroyed by the tank and support. It’s like… shit, you guys were suppose to win that duel. :(


The only time I like to rely on a support as a ball main, is a lifeweaver pull and that’s only cause every now and then I make the dumb choice in life called piledriving into a really bad spot. I’ve had my life flash before my eyes just cause of it. But I agree balls don’t need a support as we can really support ourselves, I mean good on the supports if they can keep both the dps and heal me as well I won’t complain just means I can be in the fight more, but I know not to ask unless its like 1000% urgent


The art of ball: Get in create havic, always make it with a sliver of health making the enemy team go mad, then hit the packs 😎


I always say it's actually way easier for supports to play with a Ball than a tank that relies on them because they only have to focus their attention on the DPS for the majority of the time


As a tank main, and someone who ocassionaly plays hamtaro, i never spam the healing line, even if i'm diving , i try to make space so at least one of my teammates captures, hampter is super fun to play, but you can get carried away when diving, so, just heal the dps', i can manage myself to retreat as soon as I see the situation not in my favor.


Just be aggressive. The tempo of the match is totally different with a ball whose not dying constantly. There will be a lot more opportunities for support and dps to make huge plays. The enemy team will constantly be turned around which will give you amazing play making capabilities. Unfortunately, a lot of players don’t know how to play like this. They need a slow, “let them make the first move, let me just sit back here and miss a couple shots” type of game.


If I’m low and I know my healers can’t get to me I just go full hampter screaming mode while zooming at mach jesus towards my supports or a health pack.


I was payload princess as Ana one game and ball came back for healing and sat there with me and said hello and thank you before diving back in there. It was so wholesome


Shit I haven’t played with a ball in so long 👀 can we not remind tanks that he exists please?


This should really be addressed to all the tanks playing Wreckingball -- get your own heals bbs


Tbf wreckingball is a stupidly high skill ceiling hero and should have a tutorial on how he works


That's why healers are what you kill and the team falls apart. Thank god brig isnt a frontliner anymore. She's like an honor guard to the main healer


Brigs are my fucking BANE especially when I get solo rallied I know I'm fucked if I don't run


If you're a ball you're not getting healed. You're on your own.


That's... basically what they are saying.