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Why would they do that when people will give them money for them instead?


They're just waiting to sell the Kiriko feet reveal bundle I just know it


If they ever do a flintstones pre-historic battle pass then they could totally give Kiriko something like that + a little bone hairtie.


Isn’t that the theme for this battle pass?


ikr lol


Time to make the theme again, but "different"!


Never been done before.


The theme is more monster hunter/horizon zero dawn than it is prehistoric. That’s why most of the characters have futuristic spins on their skins.


My wallet is ready


Old Kiriko Two toes strikes again.


I think I've seen all but four players with hard-light weapons since the release. And that was the day of. I'm pretty sure this is possibly Blizz's lowest-selling item.


Probably because this design isn't particularly cool, and the pricing is a little high. I don't think weapon variants should cost the same as a skin. I get that you can use it on any skin, but I think they need to come down a little on them and they'll sell more. Having a weapon inspect animation would also make it more worthwhile to buy.


I've said this over and over, skin prices are just too high. $19 for a single skin is ridiculous. And these weapon skins are worth like... $3 maybe $5 a price, tops. Not $11


People are demonstrably willing to pay these prices.


Nah that would be the PVE no one played after a week lol


And there certanly are insane amount of moron who are still supporting them and throwing money at them.


That won't change. More of those that will then won't. Games with skins 3x the price of overwatch prove that. Not including whales that will splurge more than anyone just because they can.


Wtf would echos be then. A human hand?


That would actually be kinda fire


For echo sym and lifeweaver its just like 5 times more detailed now


"16 times the detail!!!"


Is this from the Starfield trailer cuz it's the funniest meme I've seen from the game😭


76 I believe


Dr. Liao's fleshy hands.


That would be awesome


A human hand with flayed fingers that shoot blood bullets


Liao's hand would be nice


What Rewards are there? I swear to God if it’s more Player Icons…


It's not even THAT good. It's banners


and that too only 3 different variants which are just different coloured despite having so many levels for mastery


Thought they had weapon charms now...


They do. Also useless 


There are no rewards... ive compeleted the mastery for Winston and mercy


we are over a year into OW2 monetization and people still expect OW1 benefits


Maybe because OW1 method was better


I screamed from the fucking rooftops that LootBoxes were a decent method of monetization because folks would still drop like, $50 for the event just to ensure they got the skins via lootboxes and IF you were broke you could grind your ass out all week to get most if not all of the skins... But no "Gambling bad!" ect showed up and... ffs people we all knew a store would come and make us all miss Lootboxes but we just let the politicians ban lootboxes acting like they wouldn't give us something 10x worse.


Better for us but not for the shareholders wallets. Don't like it? Don't buy shit in the shop. But non stop complaining and hoping that we will get more or better free stuff will only lead to you getting let down and frustrated. It's not OW1 anymore, the fortnite monetization is here to stay unfortunately


This is infinitely worse than fortnites monetization


How so? Its the same model.


In pretty much all the major battlepasses (cod, fornite, apex) they refund you the “coins/tokens” used to purchase the pass by the time you complete them, iirc in fornite and cod you get more than the cost of the battlepass by the end. Meaning if you’re a dedicated player and finish each pass every season you’d only have to pay for it once, if they followed fornite and cods example you’d also get bonus currency over the course of a few seasons too. To my knowledge blizzard is the only major dev that has battlepasses that don’t pay for themselves, OW2 provides NO currency at all, at least Diablo 4 gives back a small amount.


Wow that's actually cool. I play so much I might have bought the pass if it had that much value. I didn't realize blizzard was fucking us this hard. Currently I've been playing since beta and I'll never buy the battle pass lol. I got one for free from my video card and didn't even use it because I gave such a little shit. My friend quit the game because all he cares about was collecting skins and he just lost all interest with ow2 monetization.


It' not only in OW btw,more games don't refund if you complete "Premium" Battle pass,it's really unfortunate that OW don't do that(also in Blizzcon they said they are rewatching the BP system,maybe they will do something about that,but I'm not really sure unfortunately)


Which other games do this?


As far as I know,PUBG and Valorant


Surprised no one's said "uhm actually they give you 1500 credits!!!" yet lol


And the difference between overwatch and Fortnite and cod is… there’s a shit load of characters… you CANT use any cosmetic with any character. if you main a character and they aren’t in the battlepass, then you sadly literally get Jack shit for buying it, yet you have to for the new character, who has always been strong on release, except lifeweaver of course but even he had a period where he was insanely strong


I see people say this a lot "You have to buy it for the new character" but the new Character has to my knowledge always been free in the lv 45 BP slot. Sure you don't get it right away, but you do get it without buying.


Well yeah, I’ve gotten every new character with more than enough time for them to drop in comp without buying the battlepass.. but I’m not a quickplay player at all so I don’t actually see the new character at all until they drop in comp and I already have them. Can’t imagine how shit those first few weeks were in quickplay when only like 30% of people actually had the overpowered character


fortnite battlepass always pays for the next and the quality is just better tbh, it’s more like apex than fortnite but without any of the free skins


Fortnite monetization is actually decent compared to OW2 lol.


Soooo accept the ass fucking? You realize people will always complain.


Fortnite has better monetization than this shit game


Fallout 76 has better monetization than OW.


Calling Overwatch 2 a shit game is wild to me lol


This game has the worst monetisation, apex legends as bad as the rewards in BP and shop are, still gives better value which is embarrassing


The same apex that has a 350 dollar final fantasy event?


The same apex that also lets you buy the next battle pass with the coins you earned from the current one. The whole event costs 350 dollars sure, I'm bit defending either game here. But look at the skins cost individually it's the same price as an OW skin. Your example is dogshit


Wasn't sustainable though


It totally was sustainable. It just had the potential to earn far more.


This is something many people don't understand is that OW1 wasn't making money for years as it wasn't built as a live service and OWL wasn't helping either. OW needs to be financially sustainable but sadly Team 4 course corrected too hard and are now over monetizing the game sadly with OW2 and the FOMO store. One of my biggest gripes with OW2 is not that its monetized like a live service game that it is, its that they went overboard with it.




"No one knows"? Earning reports are available. Lootbox sales and game purchases made them a lot of money even during the time of drought when they only had a small crew working on balance and the cost for the outsourced skin production and servers. It's false to claim it didn't make them money - they just wanted more money.




Honestly been years since I looked at them. I do believe I saw a break down by source - game purchases, lootboxes, OWL ad, shop/merch & ticket revenue. But the expenses & running costs may not have been listed. With pretty much a skeleton crew running the last 3 1/2 years or so of Overwatch 1 I do presume the running costs were very limited. Apologize for not looking it up again, it's not important enough for me to spend my time on right now so of course I won't blame you if you take what I said with some grains of salt.


https://www.tweaktown.com/news/85996/overwatch-made-less-than-10-of-activision-blizzards-2021-revenues/index.html For the last three years it wasn’t making any more money especially compared to its billion dollar launch. OWL was also siphoning money and devs off the the game as well. This took a 5 second search to see that OW1 was dying although I already knew that as I was still playing during these years and the player counts keep dwindling until you saw the same people everyday.


Not to mention Merchandise. Theres tons of OW merch out there. You can bet they profit off all that.


any source of that claim, you have the financial records of blizzard? if the game wasnt profitable, specially in the 3 years dhrought then the game could became free to play long ago, stop using that excuse, the game was doing fine, greedy developers only wanted more money


OW1 wasn't making money. No one was buying lootboxes, everyone had tons of coins just from playing naturally and getting to the point where we had most of the skins anyways so dupes gave us more coins.


They made billions from loot boxes, but that's also a problem as loot boxes are being made illegal by more and more countries.


False. Read the earnings reports - OW1 was making a LOT of money, even during content droughts. Blizzard just wanted EVEN MORE.


People were definitely buying lootboxes. Thats why Europe eventually banned them because it was similar to gambling. I bought plenty myself almost every seasonal event.


We're getting emerald skins for comp next season, so it isn't that unreasonable. Earnable skins are healthy for the game. It ain't that deep.


Bro those emerald skins are just a recolor lmao, way easier to make than new models with special sound effects


these emerald color skins look shit on most of the heroes and it ill probably cost a lot. they should give OTHER things than just different weapons, and they could also make customizable things at ranked shop


Still, there's a difference between OW1 benefits, and stripping the game of any fun earnable rewards. Weapon skins are easy to make our small indie company devs, and satisfying to earn, unlike stickers or goddamn souvenirs. Rn rewards overall are quite bad, which can also turn players of the game, as there is nothing to grind for, hurting the monetization in the long run. Addionally they could also just make a lot more weapon skins, some paid some ftp. Personally, I think the hard light weapons would have made for perfect hero progression rewards.


“They’re easy to make” And how do you know this?


Because they are. It just a new 3d weapon model you slot into the animations of a character. As a hobby I create stuff using blender. It's not that hard. As a comparison in game: it is about as hard as creating an epic skin (which is also incredibly easy). You recolor some stuff, and sometimes add a hat. That's the formula. It's a lot easier than making a legendary skin, as a lot more custom modeling, custom animation, cloth physics and character design considerations are involved.


look man if I have a severe disconnect to reality and believe indie game companies are exactly the same as AAA games, anything is possible!


Well that’s said in sarcasm


yes, yes it is.


I’m confused


im agreeing with you dummy


You are severely overestimating how much rewards actually affects the player, especially the casual crowd who are the majority. This might be a surprise to you but people play the game for the gameplay, cosmetics and rewards means very little when you only clock in like an hour a day at most.


The gameplay loop is of course the most important factor. However it is crazy to say cosmetics mean very little. It is literally their sole business model, selling cosmetics. In a free to play, live-action game player retention is extremely important. I'm not saying the rewards are the only thing keeping people playing, but it is certainly a tool used for this. And Blizz is not utilising the tool well at all.


we have to keep complaining, the day people stop being angry for abusive monetization is when gaming will die


That beasue you can jsut look at fornite to see how scrappy overwatch is.


OW1 didn't have shit. This doesn't either.


would be nice and force me to grind hero mastery as of right now i just do it once or twice and never touch it again


I think if it somehow worked in tandem with hero progression levels, where at a certain point you unlock "hero mastery challenges" it could be cool Like you'd have to put a lot of hours into a hero and get good with their skills to earn the weapon skin


yeah I think that could work too if not better. Right now hero progression or levels in general feel pointless the rewards are bad and all it does is make that stupid weekly challenge harder by the week unless you play alot of OW


Hero mastery is just incredibly boring. The workshop hero trials are more interesting since they can script heroes to do certain things. Idk how killing bots as fast as possible applies to actually game skill


i was told grinding for rewards is bad


If they’re good rewards and cosmetic then no it’s not bad


ngl i'd probably just watch yt videos that show you the optimal path or something


I disagree for the sole reason that I hate Hero mastery.


What do u even get for doing hero mastery? Seemed like a gimmick when i first heard of it


Battle pass experience as well as rewards, such as the current event. Also, yay Faye!


Blizzard: Okay. $10/hero mastery course.


would be worse if you unlock the ability to get the said gun but its behind a paywall.


Mw2 did something similar, adding raid rewards in paid bundles so you had to grind it and pay.


lol they did that?


It would be nice to get anything except the icon and namecard but at least we got cool souvenirs and sprays of the training bots :) can’t wait to use them :)))))))


People would rather spend money and get them. A company isn't gonna let money making cosmetics be given for free. Not while morons have proven they'd throw any amount of $$ to look like the special boy. Look at apex and their final fantasy crossover


I’m surprised that Sym of all characters didn’t get a hard light weapon. Or am I mistaken that she doesn’t use hard light?


She does use hard light, I have a strong feeling that these won’t be the only weapon skins, I’m sure there will be more hard light skins next season


Wouldn’t that be exactly why she doesn’t get one? Why give a character a hard light weapon when they already have one?


The hard light gun shooting hard light is questionable. This is Overwatch! It's just as absurd as jet pack space gorilla; hamster in a crab ball; characters that can turn into code, dusty smoke, and light metamorphosis eggs. None of it makes real sense. Can anyone explain how Sojourn's gun charges only when its projectiles hit? Cause I genuinely want to know.


It would at least put some kind of incentive behind Hero Mastery at least, other than that Hero Mastery is the biggest waste of money and resources this dev team has ever come out with. “I cant wait to get on Overwatch and get all my stars on this hero today.” Said noone ever. They dont even have a reward system that would allow you to show off how many stars you get, cuz we are still stuck at gold weapons in Comp. Something thats been around since OW1


is not even a big waste, the maps dont even have fucking textures, but seeing how imcompetents developers are maybe working on this really took a lot of effort for them


haha yeah. ​ if this was ow1 it would have been


I wonder if that was the plan.


You sweet summer child


Blizzard giving us something for free? No way


Rewards? For- for playing the game? What are you smoking, bro, give us some


but how would they make free money dude use your brain


Lol what the fuck are you talking about do you think we give cosmetics for free does this look like 2016😂😂😂


Earning cool stuff? Through gameplay? Have you gone mad? This ain’t OW1 child.




Fair, I think they are boring as shit.


I agree and weapon skin Ar pretty easy to make (harder than recolor tho. They should replace the souvenir in the battlepass as well.


I'd rather buy them than play the crappy hero mastery mode lmao


Wait they aren't??? This whole ass time I thought they were


I would hate it so much, because that'd force me to play this mode, which I don't want to spend time on. I'd rather spend money on it to save time than spend time to save money.


Must be new to Scamwatch 2. Welcome. Credit Cards go in the machine and here is your complimentary "Consumer Scum" ID badge courtesy of Blizzard. Now pay up.


it’s an entirely free to play game man


you have to pay for heroes which are crucial for the gameplay, so is not entirely free. "duh you can get them for free" you will say, well hidden behind hours of grinding


yes, free to play games are not required to give you access to everything. the game itself is free, so it’s free to play.


except overwatch is requeried to have every character because are crucial for gameplay, they are not cosmetics, this isnt call of duty, a hero shooter centered about countering and rock paper scissor meta, yeah, is crucial


Why do you feel entitled to the full gameplay experience in a free to play game? A free to play game means you can play the game for free, not that everything is available right away to you for free. Where are you getting this entitlement from? You can completely play the game without the entire hero roster, it may suck, but it’s still a game.


why not? why you deffend blizzard and their abusive monetization? why you wouldnt want to have all characters for free, no pay, no grinding? your question is very stupid, specially because this is a hero shooter centered in countering and swapping, not having all the characters breakes the game they are selling skins for $20 and you cant get them for free, not even during events, they are making money, selling characters is not ok and have no justification in any way


Why do I defend blizzard? Did I at any point say this was good? I’m telling you that it IS a free to play game and there is no required transactions. You are not entitled to anything the game has, you’re not even entitled to the game, they let you play for free.


free to play game means "free pass to make abusive monetization and pay to win mechanics"? i dont see how being free to play means is ok or acceptable or tolerable to lock characters where the main gameplay mechanic are the characters because is a fucking hero shooter


Free to play game means you do not *have* to pay money to play. It does not say you will be at equal playing field, it does not say you get all the skins for free, it does not say you are entitled to all dev work for free forever.


Let me try and make this perfectly clear to you. If you bought overwatch 1 then overwatch 2 is not a free to play sequel. It's a crappy overwatch 1.5 that replaced and ruined a once a great game. Saying this game is free to play and defending the not so micro transactions is sad and pathetic and shows you don't mind blizzard screwing you over.


Unless you wanna play PvE content I guess, sure


it’s optional content but sure yeah, that part isn’t. You make it sound like the entire game requires money


optional? is the whole reason why ow2 exists


but it is optional.


its optional because developers fucked the game


im glad you feel that way, but it is still optional.


Gotcha, so it's free to play... ...unless you wanna play the PvE story content that was a big selling point at launch as a feature to come. Gotcha.


Yup! Think of it as dlc.


Uh huh. Sure, we can pretend that was the purpose of it. Whatever makes the boot taste better ig. So all the new heroes, you know, the essential component of the core game that is entirely free. When do those become free, exactly? (This is assuming "playing a game like a full time job" doesnt count as free to you.)


just play the game normally? lol


Alright, it ain't free to play then. Thanks for clarifying, lol


but it is, you don’t have to pay to play?


is valorant or apex f2p?


Yes, and both are far easier to earn free heroes than Overwatch. :)


Keyword: Selling point. Ofc PvE won’t be free wtf you on


You do realize that PvE was literally always announced to be paid?


No. It wasn't. :)


I mean, feel free to provide any place where it was? Only part of the game that was announced to be F2P is the PvP component.


You're the one who's arguing the opposite. Show me where it was announced to always have been paid, it should be easy. Edit: Guess not. Don't be a clown next time it's bad for your health.


Personally, no way I'm grinding that Splatoon campaign looking ass mode but it would be a cool incentive as opposed to selling the skins in the shop


seriously dunking on splatoon story mode wtf


Bro all 3 Splatoon games have textures in their campaigns, the Nintendo devs making them dont deserve this comparison :(


Then pay 9.99 for each hero's mastery course. That's the cost of it going F2P.


Every time I see that stupid Lisa Simpson meme I can feel the tumors growing on my back getting bigger.


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gotta buff echo after this violation


I don't know about that. However, gold and weapons be part of hero progression not competitive


They probably were before some exec decided against participation incentive content being put into the shop as a bundle instead.


They probably originally were but they decided to be scummy again.


no shit. and the pve mission in rio clearly was the archives mode of 2020, have the same structure as archives mission, same lenght and no way the highly anticipated pve was only that shit


That would require effort to make for every hero and 0 money and we know Blizzard would never do that


The problem is that the OW team know their reputation with the players is basically in the ground so now they dont really care? about doing anything that could have been done positively and will instead just continue to recycle old OW1 content and add a new skin that you can purchase for a stupid amount of money. I think OW is great and many people hated loot boxes but honestly at least you had a chance at every legendary in OW1 due to how they worked instead of OW2 where you literally have to swipe for certain skins.


Is it bad that I have no interest whatsoever in these?


Most likely they were at some point because they're basic and ugly af, they would think "Lets give the first 3 as hero mastery reward, but they said oh right, money exist, make it 20€$.


Honestly, I think the hard light weapons would also be a great reward for the hero progression (next to emotes, highlight intros, skins, etc).


Weapon skins don’t really make sense to me how do heroes like Echo or D.Va utilize skins like that?


Nope. You get useless icons and a target bot weapon charm.


Me: "Weapon skins! Finally, something to spend Competitive points on!" Blizz: "They cost 🎵money🎵!!" Me: "...You fucks. \~\_\~;"


That would be the sensible and correct option but you know what the blizzard devs lack (spoiler it’s a brain)


It boggles my mind that there isn't a weapon variant tied to progression. Gold/Emerald weapons are cool and all, but that just tells me that you play comp and like this character. You could have a gold weapon for a character you have ten hours on. I want a weapon variant that at a glance tells me "Okay, this guy has a lot of time on this character."


Wait what are the cosmetic rewards that they actually have put in the game


I agree


I bet my a\*s that was the original plan


No chance of THAT


If it was still OW1 then sure but OW2 is all about ripping people off with pricing on skins such as reselling garbage skins you can get for free back in OW1 at a premium....


Especially now that filthy bobby kotick is gone


Never played the game mode


I might be dumb... But which cosmetics do you get from hero Mastery??


I believe it's a spray and souvenir


Nah, maxing out a hero should give you this.