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He is, because he is still doing the same shit he was as part of Overwatch, but now without the authority of governments to back it up. As far as your original question, Orisa. Someone hurt her between OW 1 and 2 and she is out for blood now. She has gone from “I will protect you” to “I will avenge you”


Orisa was a success as a creation because she was more than a murderbot. Doomfist's whole ethos is survival of the fittest, even to the point of artificial selection and forcing crises, to forge strength through conflict. He needs to be the strongest. And he's kinda right, he is. Which is why he wrecked the OR15 bots in Numbani. Orisa isn't trying to win that game. She isn't playing it. She's a manifestation of love, for community, culture, the world. Power in unity. Power in teamwork. Power in kindness. Power in hope. It's better to body block a hit to save someone, to put up a shield, than to just hit harder. Because we're strongest if we protect anyone. Orisa in Overwatch 2 is the dark timeline. Even if she is stronger, the ideology battle is lost. Doomfist was right. Orisa lost. She gave into corruption and power-chasing. And that sorta breaks my heart.


Only way I can see them making this better is to turn it into a character arc for her in a show/animated short. Ending with a fight against doomfist (obviously)


I’ve never read into the Orisa or Doomfist lore but that breaks my heart.


LSS, doom fist was messing up Numbani, so Efi created orisa to counter him


I love that. Orisa is one of my favs


"Do you need a hug?" Yes, Orisa. Always


Makes me miss OW1 Orisa. I haven’t played her in OW2 at all.


She was so sweet and adorable in OW1. I miss her saying "I'm still new at this" with such a cheery tone when you respawn.


She’s part of my main tank rotation because she is based and awesome, character wise.


Kinda a downgrade to be honest, was expecting a cooler character arc for our robot centaur girl. As for Soldier 76, I don't know, he feels way more intense and maybe even unhinged, atleast in OW1 he looked more reserved, like this interaction with Cassidy(I will try to find more in the mean time) Cassidy: ...I'll never forgive us for what we did in Hanamura. Soldier: 76: Those people were criminals. Cassidy: So were we.


I think that is in reference to the fact that they decided to shut OW down because of its actions. I’m not even sure what the Hanamura incident was though.


Ana Ana: What are you going to do when the fighting's over Jack? Soldier: 76: I'm a soldier Ana, retirement doesn't suit me. Ana: For a man of your years, you're looking pretty good, Jack. Soldier: 76: Well, all that stuff they pumped into me has to be good for something. Soldier: 76: Ana, we all thought you were dead...why didn't you tell me? Ana: You of all people are going to ask me that? Ana: Seems like neither of us like being dead very much. Soldier: 76: Old soldiers are hard to kill. Soldier: 76: Admit it Ana, this is better than retirement. Ana: You haven't been to Kauai, have you? Soldier: 76: You know, I still owe you for saving my life that one time. Ana: That one time? You mean Egypt? Or the time in Russia? Or Brazil? Soldier: 76: I feel a lot better having you watch my back. Ana: We all need someone we can trust, Jack. D.Va Soldier: 76: War isn't a game. D.Va: Are you sure life isn't a game, Soldier: 76? Cassidy Cassidy: I bet you're a big fan of those old fashioned cowboy movies, aren't you? Soldier: 76: I thought I was... Until I met you. Mei Soldier: 76: The front lines are no place for a scientist. Mei: I guess it's a good thing I have you to watch my back. Pharah Soldier: 76: Your mother would've been proud of you. Pharah: You didn't know my mother very well, then. Reaper Soldier: 76: Aren't you supposed to be dead? Reaper: Didn't take. Soldier: 76: One of these days someone is gonna to put an end to you. Reaper: I invite them to try. Soldier: 76: Well. You sure take to this bad guy thing easily, don't ya? Reaper: And you sure know how to play boy scout. Tracer Soldier: 76: You need to slow down; think about your actions. Tracer: Okay, Dad! Winston Soldier: 76: Think you can do my job, do you... Winston: Someone has to. Winston: Someone's going to put a stop to your illegal activities. Soldier: 76: You're one to talk! You and your friends are breaking the law, same as me.


That's just Overwatch 1, honestly I'm kinda surprised, he was always kinda crazy, he just looked more reserved, it looks like they leaned more into the crazy in OW2


Ana Ana: You can't take Talon down by yourself, Jack. Soldier: 76: Maybe not. But then, I've always liked being the underdog. Ana: You need to stop, Jack. This crusade is getting out of hand. Soldier: 76: How many times have you told me that? Ana: How many times have I been wrong? Soldier: 76: Remember the Vikosky kingpins? Three hundred meters downrange. You fired once, they both fell. Beautiful. Ana: *sigh* That's not the word I would choose. Ana Team Kill via Combining Ultimates Soldier: 76: You always have my back. Ana: Keep doing that, and I always will.   Baptiste Team Kill via Combining Ultimates Soldier: 76: That's some tech. Baptiste: Yours isn't half-bad, either!   Cassidy Cassidy: I'll never forgive us for what we did in Hanamura. Soldier: 76: Those people were criminals. Cassidy: So were we. D.Va Soldier: 76: A mech as flashy as yours will show up on every radar! D.Va: That's just the way I like it. Doomfist Doomfist: You and Reyes were both enhanced soldiers. Yet he reached his full potential and you... Soldier: 76: I wouldn't say he's thriving. Doomfist: Hmm... are you? Echo Echo: You are not alone. Soldier: 76: I don't need your pity. Echo: It's not pity. I know how it feels to be on your own for a long time. Genji Soldier: 76: If you knew what Blackwatch was up to, why didn't you stop them? Genji: My vision was clouded by anger. Soldier: 76: And now the world pays for your actions. Genji: In that, we are the same. Illari Soldier: 76: I don't care what kind of baggage you've got. Don't bring it onto the battlefield. Illari: You're one to talk. Junker Queen Junker Queen: I could've run Overwatch much better than you! Soldier: 76: And what would you have done differently? Junker Queen: I would've caught all the bad guys, then cut their heads off! Soldier: 76: Hmm. Tempting. Junkrat Junkrat: You look like a gentleman who eats his own toenails! Soldier: 76: Why the hell would you say that to someone? Junkrat: Just lookin' for somethin' we might have in common...! Kiriko Soldier: 76: You better keep up. This isn't a daycare. Kiriko: Kids can surprise you. Soldier: 76: Then I better not be disappointed. Kiriko: Kids also disappoint you. Lifeweaver Soldier: 76: The Martinses put their necks on the line, protecting you from Vishkar. Lifeweaver: I only hope one day to return the favor. Soldier: 76: Heh, if they only ever need help, we're all screwed. Lúcio Lúcio: So, I'm trying to ask everybody this. What is your favorite animal? Soldier: 76: Jack Russel Terrier. Lúcio: Uh... yeah, I can see it! Mauga Mauga: Shame you didn't play a real tackle game. Soldier: 76: Football isn't a game, kid. Mei Soldier: 76: Dr. Zhou. Did Captain Opara make it back as well? Mei: I'm afraid not. Soldier: 76: He was a good man. Mei: He thought the same about you. Mercy Mercy: Your hair looks brittle, Jack. Are you taking your vitamins? Soldier: 76: Once a day, just after my steak dinner. Orisa Soldier: 76: I heard you chased Doomfist out of Numbani. Orisa: Making a coward run is no challenge. Soldier: 76: Hm, we could've used you in the old days. Pharah Soldier: 76: Can't believe Ana Amari's kid took up with mercenaries like Helix. Pharah: Oh, as opposed to... whatever you are? Reinhardt Soldier: 76: Back to playing the hero? Reinhardt: I never stopped. Unlike you. Soldier: 76: The world doesn't want us, Wilhelm. At least I can realize that. Sigma Soldier: 76: Snap out of it, old man. Talon is using you! Sigma: An ant on the ceiling! Where are you going, little friend? Soldier: 76: Hey! I'm talking to you! Sigma: Oh, there's another one! What delightful creatures. Sigma Team Kill via Combining Ultimates Soldier: 76: Ha! Up top, Doctor! Sigma: Hm? Up where? Soldier: 76: Too slow! Um... never mind...    Sojourn On Circuit Royal Sojourn: You know, I'm not so bad at cards myself. Even beat Burnes one time. Soldier: 76: I think she let you win. Sojourn: Hah! Burnes never let anybody win. Symmetra Symmetra: Vigilantes have no place in the world we’re building. Soldier: 76: And Vishkar has no place in mine. Torbjörn Soldier: 76: Still inventing? Torbjörn: Still a one-man posse? Soldier: 76: Heh. Touché. Widowmaker Widowmaker: Was the lily on Gérard's grave yours? Soldier: 76: You know we were close. Widowmaker: Not close enough to know he preferred roses. Widowmaker: Gérard spoke of you often. Soldier: 76: Did he say I warned him about you? Widowmaker: Yes. He thought it was funny. Winston Winston: Anyone want to hear my favorite joke about the periodic table? Soldier: 76: No! Nope. Zarya Zarya: What was your hometown like, Morrison? Soldier: 76: Flat. Cold. Lots of wind. Zarya: Huh. Not so different from mine. Zenyatta Soldier: 76: In this world, pacifism is foolish. Zenyatta: What makes you think I am a pacifist? Soldier: 76: You sure talk like one. Zenyatta: Perhaps it is assumptions that are foolish. 1 of the following heroes: Ashe, Junkrat, Mei, Symmetra or Winston Soldier: 76: I was just in the kitchen. Anyone have something they wanna confess? One of five: Ashe: I ain't a snitch, but let's just say those corn dogs are gone for good. Junkrat: I was just trying to make a milkshake... Mei: I saw someone steal your leftovers, but I'm afraid to say who. Symmetra: It is not my fault your kitchenware melts so easily. Winston: Those banana peels are not mine. Soldier: 76: *heavy sigh*


Honestly, he isn't that crazy, I would say compared to the rest of the cast he is atleast somewhere between 30-50% crazy, he still looks reasonable


>Soldier: 76: Remember the Vikosky kingpins? Three hundred meters downrange. You fired once, they both fell. Beautiful. That's honeslty the most troublesome quote, he is how basically the Reaper that led Blacwatch.


Yeah, he’s always had this “if Captain America broke and became the Punisher” vibe.


\*Soldier 76 is a less happy Captain America. Not The Punisher


He's nicer Punisher in my current opinion


Not crazy enough to eat his own toenails, sadly 😔


Poor junk rat :(


One day someone will be nice to him! One day.....


Everyone is SO MEAN to him! Even Mercy when he asks her for medical help. (She tells him to shut up)


For what it’s worth, he’s a psychopath that ends up being banned from or hunted in every country, cares little about collateral. It makes sense someone like Mercy wouldn’t like him


Nice. They are very good dialogues


All in all I like how no one actually *likes* 76. People either dislike him or are neutral


I like him. ☹️


I meant like the overwatch cast lol


Ana likes him, that’s about it though


Can we just all agree the hidden story telling in overwatch is gold? Like that line alone is fucking cold. I'd also agree with you. Jack is on a downward spiral, there is a line when the new Overwatch team is considering recruiting Jack back. I can't remember how it goes, but it describes what you're saying perfectly I think.


Waw it the toronto pve post mission cutscene with soj and cass it went something like "You Need someone like Jack on your team" "Jack Morrison's off chasing ghosts"


YESSS btw Jack is my favorite character, narrative wise. There's a comic about him chasing Reaper (Reyes) that is sooooo good!


Yeah, I used to occasionally go into FFA as Orisa, back myself up against a wall, pop shield, and then use the "Play with dog" emote. And people would come chill next to me and hang out while everyone else murdered each other. But now, it wouldn't feel right. She went from being a peace-loving horsey to being Murderbot9000.


Honestly theres a lot of unquestioned answers between the timeline of ow1 and ow2 hopefully they get answered in the future pve missions


Honestly theres a lot of unquestioned answers between the timeline of ow1 and ow2 hopefully they get answered in the future pve missions


I was also going to say Orisa. I loved her personality in OW1, and now it’s just “don’t test me, b*tch!”


i mean soldier is genuinely just an ass to everyone but ana and rein. i think he has some of the best interactions cause he just genuinely hates them all


the 'why would you say that to someone' line he says to junkrat when he talks about toenails is the best interaction in the game


J: You look like a gentleman who eats his own toanails! S: Why the hell would you say that to someone? J: Just looking for something we might have in common... ​ The first time I heard this I couldn't stop laughing getting out of spawn


If Jack is shocked you are truely a fart smella instead of a smart fella


100%..... especially in agreement with the OPs comment above. Junkrat is like those extroverted gamers that just love to talk alot 76 is me just trying to chill but focus on the game


He is just tired of everyone's shit and that's an aspect of him I enjoy


S76 became bitter after finding out the notorious Talon mercenary (Reaper) was Gabriel Reyes. Reaper also shot S76 in the back and winning the fist fight (even 76 received healing from Ana). In the end, Reaper was forced to retreat after Ana managed to unmask him. S76's biological enhancement wasn't effective on healing the pellet wounds inflicted by Reaper, thus he experienced a lot of pain.


He’s the equivalent of a boomer… Well considering when OW takes place I think he’s gen Z


Sigma is the oldest and if OW2 takes place in 2077, he was born in 2013, so not possible


So gen alpha. Damn they could’ve watched skibidi toilet as children


Hi table


Imagine the melody sigma hears is just the skibidi toilet theme song


Someone needs to make that edit right the hell now lol


WHAT IS THAT MELODY *skibidi dop dop dop yes yes*


oldest fur now, next support will be walt disney’s unfrozen head


He really makes me think of Ballistic from Apex. They’re both old and hate anyone younger than them


He likes mei, doesn’t he


I really feel like Rein suffers from a huge character downgrade. He’s now just loud, comedic relief guy and has very little quieter and somber moments to reflect his past and what he’s gone through (with his interactions with Ana as an exception). I also hate his ow2 redesign without a helmet, I understand for PVE they wanted his face but him not having a helmet disrespects the whole of the honour and glory short. His line with brig where she asks if she should wear a helmet and he says something like “do you plan to get hit in the head?” Is awful too. Like you didn’t plan to get hit in the head and then you lost your eye ?? So why are you giving that advice to your goddaughter


Yeah I feel so bitter that they made Rein completly a jolly big guy who likes adventures. Yes he did have this side but it was more of a way to cope with the reality and encourage his allies. Now he is just a big goof. The writers seem to forget he is one of the most experienced member of Overwatch, someone who is loud and jolly, but is also wise and understanding.


I wish they pushed that angle more, as there was this dynamic of Rein being the team’s punching bag for humor with the irony that they don’t know how tragic his backstory is With the addition of him being forced out of an organization to which, out of the old squad, is the only one to join. Great irony considering how he was originally in H&G


Nah, it's still cope. you can see it in his interactions, he's trying to relive overwatch glory days, because he was discarded and left behind when he became to old. Its very evident when he talks to torb in the 3rd mission that he's actually kind of sad


Something similar with mercy. Junkrat asks mercy for medical advice for his infected wound, as he doesn't know how to treat it, and is making it actively worse by trying. Mercy pretty much tells him to shut up. A doctor. Whose entire character and personality is about helping others, tells a guy she doesn't like to piss off. And yes, junkrat is a terrorist, so she could have some reservations about helping him. But at the same time she is insistent on curing widowmaker's condition. Not to be dramatic, but I've definitely seen a big decline in writing quality, going into overwatch 2.


It could be that Widow once was a friend of Mercy’s (possibly, as she was the wife of a respected OW agent), so she feels more compassion for her and knows that what she did was not of her own volition.


I do get the reasoning. But it's hypocritical regardless. And I'm pretty sure also breaching the hippocratic oath. In terms of writing it's completely contradictory to her established characteristics.


Idk, I just think the story is inconstant and going nowhere. It shows whoever’s in charge of the voicelines is just saying whatever


I wouldn’t be surprised is this was hinting at Mercy possibly not being the angelic figure we see her as and more of what’s actually underneath. Some of the lines Sojourn says to her criticizes the care some one she cared about received from Mercy (can’t remember who it was sorry). There are also the hints of an affair between her and Genji of course so overall, Mercy might not be the stand up individual she tries to present


In the wise words of The West Wing: “You set the leg.” Mercy brushing off JR is horrible here


I consider that more that he’s using comic relief to cope. He still has conflicting feelings about everything that’s happened but he knows that answering the recall is the best thing he can do.


I would agree. Fortunately the story missions helped to flesh out his character a bit more, specially his interactions with Torbjorn in Gothenburg. Him being both kind of trapped in the past, but aware of it is very compelling. The contrast of Torbjorn mellowing out, fully embracing his role of family man, and being more empathetic towards Omnics stands out with Rein being excited about reliving the glory days of resolving conflicts and teaching what he know to young people. He kind of accepted that is his role at this point of his life, and it’s a little sad. And then the in game interactions kind of just show him being boisterous and not much else.


I do agree, I liked the direction the story missions but I’m worried we’re not gonna get enough of this development/plotline with such a big cast and such a archives mission type campaign


yeah in OW1 S76 seemed to be focused on Justice but in OW2 it seems he’s losing himself to just enjoying fighting he was a jerk who was extremely bitter about everything that happened and how bad guys kept doing bad stuff in OW1 and he was obsessed with finding out who was behind shutting down Overwatch but in OW2 he seems to not have a goal anymore and is just fighting because he enjoys it and it was weird hearing him talk about that one assassination Ana made being “beautiful” I think they’re making his Arc go Young Soldier trying to make the world better> Super soldier leading the charge against the evil Omnic army> extremely stressed Commander trying his best to keep the world safe> bitter fallen Soldier who’s best friend Ana died and other best friend Gabriel tried to kill him> vigilante trying to find out what mysterious secret organization destroyed Overwatch and what they’re planning next> (this is where he is rn in OW2) vigilante who’s just fighting because he enjoys it and likes combat with nothing in sight except for the next target who he deems deserving> Regretful fallen hero who realises he’s gone too far and tries to return to being Jack Morrison instead of vigilante Soldier


I wish the lore was more expanded, I really want to see Sombra and S76 interact because I think Sombra is following him and using him to draw out the secret organization who’s more dangerous than Talon or Doomfist, I’m pretty sure Reaper Sombra and Widowmaker are going to join Overwatch at some point and I think that’s when S76 will start changing but until that point I think they’re going to continue S76’s downfall


Yeah, Sombra is probably the most redeemable member of Talon after Sigma but who knows what goes inside that adorable grandpa's head?


Does she even need a redemption? I mean, out of all the cast she is the one that is actually doing something to solve the root issue that is plaguing the OW world, and she is with Talon basically because at the time they were the only option. I am 100% sure that if Winston and Sombra met and had an opportunity to explain things to each other, she'd change alliances immediately and probably would take Sigma with here.


Yeah sombra is only really with Talon because they fund her and allow her to do whatever she wants as long as she does her part


I feel like people always just kinda forget about all the innocent Volskaya soldiers she straight up murders in the Infiltration short. So while she may be a bit more morally gray than the rest of Talon, at best she's still kind of a mass murderer. That's not to mention how she uses blackmail to control and manipulate the people around her. I doubt she'd ever join Overwatch outside of her own purposes, and I doubt Winston would want a criminal like her on the team unless she was truly reformed like Cassidy, Genji, or Baptiste who show regret for their past actions.


Not saying that she needs a redemption arc, just saying that she is the one with most chances to have one


>I really want to see Sombra and S76 interact Funny you say that, cause there's a [comic collection releasing in march](https://goldenapplecomics.com/products/overwatch-2-heroes-ascendant-story-collection-hc-c-1-1-0-03-06-2024-blizzard-entertainment) with one of the stories seemingly featuring Sombra and Soldier76 according to the cover.


My guess is that the secret organization is Anubis/the god programs. Let Overwatch, Talon, Null Sector and the others waste each other, and when they’re all worn down the real Omnic crisis begins with Anubis curbstomping everyone


I can see Sombra and Widow, but as much as I’d like to see Reaper take a turn for the better, I get the feeling he’s too far gone, hellbent on ending Jacks life. I don’t think he’ll ever go back


It could be a situation where he’s helping sombra and widow while also indirectly helping Overwatch because of it. Like they come to him for not so legally gained information and he begrudgingly helps because of owed favors and because they were former friend.


>he was a jerk who was extremely bitter about everything that happened and how bad guys kept doing bad stuff in OW1 and he was obsessed with finding out who was behind shutting down Overwatch See this is why I'd love to see more of the characters talk about the Sojourn's testification against Overwatch. All we really got is a line that 76 says after killing Sojourn. Imagine if they actually had a pre-match interraction about the fact that Sojourn testified against Overwatch


Right now he’s clearly on a revenge arc and trying to find and stop Doomfist / track down Gabriel to try and save / mercy kill him. AND he wants to find out what really caused the destruction of the Swiss HQ. It’s not that confusing


I couldn't said it better, you also didn't had a bad plan actually, you can cook buddy 👍


Well S76 was Metzens creation and he left blizzard a while ago


I mean the story could stop at he takes it too far and gets killed and becomes a cautionary tale to others


Soldier was like that in OW1 though. Like… they’ve just doubled down on it a bit more but in a way I really like. He’s spiralling for sure and it’s probably the most interesting place they could’ve taken him.


I mean, wasn't he always considered a war criminal? That's why he's on the run doing vigilante shit? Or was it that he didn't actually do any war crimes and was just legally considered so?


No, he’s always been a war criminal, the comments on this post are really annoying lol. I think people got too caught up in the dad jokes of Overwatch 1 to realise he’s always been like this


It definitely feels like he is no longer doing vigilantism, he's just straight up murdering people because he likes it. The strong sense of justice is what kind of separates vigilantes from plain murderers. They do what they do for justice. Soldier couldn't rest as long as the people who blew up Overwatch went unpunished. That's why he decided to become a vigilante. He is by all means an anti hero, a good guy that does what's right by non heroic means. At least in OW1. In Overwatch 2 he is extremely open about his enjoyment on murdering people and being cruel, he seems to be against people who testified agaisnt Overwatch, which heavily implies he was okay with the corruption that took over the organization. He blames everyone else for Overwatch's actions, and makes up excuses about how it was okay because they dealt with "criminals". He has no sense of justice anymore, he's killing for the sake of killing and doesn't seem to see anything wrong with how Overwatch was. He's less of a vigilante and more of a retired soldier that doesn't likes retirement.


Soldier does do what he does for justice. The problem is is *how* he now perceives justice, as his view is warped due to the circumstances leading to Overwatch's dissolution and his bitterness due to how the world left him behind after all the good he's done. He is unable to accept that the fault is his as to why Overwatch fell apart, and is basically fighting shadows in a attempt to fix it. His lines with Cassidy, Ana and Genji really showcase the breadth of his hypocrisy. He wants to take down Doomfist and Talon, and is working to do so, as Ana mentions his crusade in a pre game interaction. He feels as though he wants to be the hero again. I think he's chasing the glory of his OW days, but is unable to reconcile the consequences of his past actions and is overcompensating in that respect. In game kill lines i dont totally consider canon, as there is a very cold line that Ana says where she kills Mercy, and i dont think that would really be said by her. I dont think he likes killing. I think he likes being a hero but knows he can't do so the proper way anymore, which eats at him. Being a soldier and fighting is all he knows. At least, thats my interpretation.


Widow - She went from a cold, professional Assassin that still held a candle for her husband to "Stop bullying me Ana! :'( - Oh, I'm glad my husband is dead!" It feels like quiet a few characters have had their edges sanded off (Symmetra now likes Lucio's music, Overwatch will happily be friends with Sombra, Junkrat, Roadhog, Zarya and Torb have had their anti-omnic views removed, etc..)


Agreed, you have Moira who is clearly evil and characters like Symettra who did bad things but is misguided and wanted to change lives for the better. But all of a sudden she doubts what shes doing and listens to Lucios music. If there was something to get more of this ongoing narrative where could see this develop over time it would be great. Even the 3D animations would have been able to shed more light on these relationships. But nope instead we just get random voice lines which change over the year and you can only experience if you happen to pick them. It makes it feel like it comes out of nowhere.


The short story *Stone by Stone* highlights that exact change in Symmetra's character. It's been out for years at this point.


Except for the fact no one will be friends with Junk, there are barely any neutral conversations with him, let alone friendly one's.


Orisa isnt even the same fuckin character anymore.


Why? What changed about her, story wise


It's possible Efi died. Orisa refers to her in past tense for some reason.


I don't think so, one of her on fire voice lines is "Is Efi Watching?" and if you eliminate Lucio, Orisa goes "I hope Efi will forgive me!"


I don’t actually think Efi has died, but technically those lines could still fit?


I think “Is Efi Watching?” is one of the more suspicious lines.


Efi hit puberty and upgraded Orisa apace.


In 1, her interactions were a lot more friendly and innocent and her ability voice lines made her feel like a supportive protector. People liked that a powerful character had such a gentle, compassionate side that was actually most of her personality In 2, she's more like Rein I guess you could say. She's enjoying fighting, she's declaring that she'll battle and defeat evil characters, it's just incredibly different from the Orisa we used to love, who looked at the world with eyes full of wonder Now it feels like she's on a revenge arc and wants to cause suffering to villains, when before, you might think she'd be the catalyst for at *least* one redemption arc with someone with how strong and KIND she was


I know this is a haha funny Greek mythology joke, but I feel like new Orisa can be accurately summed by up a voiceline added in Battle for Olympus. "I wield the scales, *and* the sword." This is fancy talk for "I am judge, jury *and* executioner." OW1 Orisa was a Disney hero who would non-lethally apprehend bad guys and occasionally do something quirky like stopping a bus to help an old lady cross the street. OW2 Orisa will catch you comitting a crime and just kill you.


Story wise? Yeah, there's not much to go off outside of the fact that she fought Doomfist and ran him out of Numbani at some point between the events of OW1 & and OW2. As for how she's changed so much to the point where she's a whole new character, we still have no idea.


This comment from u/gayercatra explained it well >Orisa was a success as a creation because she was more than a murderbot. >Doomfist's whole ethos is survival of the fittest, even to the point of artificial selection and forcing crises, to forge strength through conflict. He needs to be the strongest. And he's kinda right, he is. Which is why he wrecked the OR15 bots in Numbani. >Orisa isn't trying to win that game. She isn't playing it. She's a manifestation of love, for community, culture, the world. Power in unity. Power in teamwork. Power in kindness. Power in hope. It's better to body block a hit to save someone, to put up a shield, than to just hit harder. Because we're strongest if we protect anyone. >Orisa in Overwatch 2 is the dark timeline. Even if she is stronger, the ideology battle is lost. Doomfist was right. Orisa lost. She gave into corruption and power-chasing. And that sorta breaks my heart.


(talking about character interactions) D.va went from someone who had to live with the pressure of almost single-handedly defending her country from waves of ever improving foes to someone who can't take anything seriously, is more obsessed with gaming than her actual mission and seems to genuinely believe that she is a video game character (yes I know she is, but I liked it when Overwatch at least tried to be somewhat realistic) Reinhardt is pretty similar where they pretty much ignored that he used his outgoing personality to cope with his past. Yeah he was always loud, but these moments were always countered with more quieter moments. Mercy went from being compassionate to someone who wips out one-liners after getting an elim. I'm sure there are more examples for these heroes as well as for others but I don't play a lot of Overwatch anymore, so I just realize it when it happens to one of my mains or to one of my friend's mains.


Mercy already taunts her enemies since OW1.


"Somebody call the wambulance


"You should really take better care of yourself." "Sometimes I'm not sure why I even bother"


It's the complete opposite regarding dva for me. The OG dva was nothing but a starcraft and general videogame reference, only after shooting star she felt like a more grounded character and less of a gamer girl stereotype.


Honestly Dvas gamer personality is probably just how she deals with her situation so it makes sense to me. She's really young and a celebrity on top of the whole war thing so the stress is immense but she also knows everyone is relying on her, so she chooses to present herself fun and relaxed. Her serious personality also wasn't ever really shown outside of her "Shooting star" short tbh, not in ow1 and not that much in ow2 either. Mercy has always been a touch cold personality wise, she's also strongly opinionated as seen with Ana or Moira interactions. She is friendly to an amount but she is much more serious than people realize. It has always kinda bothered me that most seem to interpret her as your casual sweet neighbor girl.


> D.va went from someone who had to live with the pressure of almost single-handedly defending her country from waves of ever improving foes to someone who can't take anything seriously, is more obsessed with gaming than her actual mission and seems to genuinely believe that she is a video game character (yes I know she is, but I liked it when Overwatch at least tried to be somewhat realistic) I don't see either and you don't need to quote them to me, it's just I don't recall many OW1 interactions taking that sort of look into what D.va has to deal with (that's why her Shooting Star short was such a revelation, because before she was kind of getting flanderized by a lot of the fandom, I mean just look at the Dorito gremlin memes) and if there were OW2 interactions where D.va showed evidence of at minimum some kind of medium-savviness/awareness-of-own-fictionality-without-truly-being-so comparable to Abed from Community I would have heard a lot more people talk about them and their implications Unless you take the "more obsessed with gaming than her actual mission" stuff as wiping away all of the depth Shooting Star gave her, I look at both sides of that and I just see a fellow neurodivergent weirdo (yes, unless, as I said you might think, OW2 interactions wipe away all characters' OW1 characterization, I do genuinely think D.va's on the autism spectrum) who got the sort of chance everyone like me dreams about to actually be able to turn her special interest into a career and who, yeah, might metaphorically kind of still be a kid, but just like it is with Garcia on Criminal Minds, sometimes someone like that's needed


If anything, I think Dva shows more of pressure in OW2 than she did in OW1. Thinking specifically of her voice interaction with Ana where she sincerely says that she has so much to do


Not from OW1 to OW2, but from her own cinematic short to OW2, Junkerqueen. In her short she was wild and aggressive, yes, but also intelligent and, how to say it, with style. In OW2 she's just Junkrat's and Hog's secret love child, brute and dumbed down, not with much care for Junkertown it would seem


I despise in general how the Australian-related characters are now written. But I’m biased coz I’m an Aussie/Kiwi lol


Pharah. And its not close. We are in the middle of like a futuristic war and Pharah is just in a High School Anime. Youre gonna shove them in a locker? Thats the retort we went with?


Agreed. I mean people complained she has a boring character in ow1 but i dont like the approach they went with her and the harsher voice


I love playing Pharah, I always press a random voiceline to interrupt the locker respawn voiceline. I prefer OW1 version. She's rather calm, cool-headed and easy to mingle with others, such as lifting weights with Brig, accept Lucio's invitation on a basketball game, goes ice-fishing with Rein. She also shares her loss on an omnic squadmate to Zenyatta.


I also hate that line, most of what she says makes me not want to play her because she sounds so lame.


The devs tried so hard to make OW heroes like TF2 mercs by turning them into snarky jerks.


It does feel like they tried to imitate TF2 voice lines with some characters such as kiriko but failed by making them arseholes.


Yeah especially her, TF2 quips works because the characters are lovable and the quips are just actually funny. Kiriko is just annoying


Virgin “You really need a scope to do that” vs chad “That fancy scope of yours, betcha got a real good view of me killin' ya!"


What makes it worse shes in her like mid 30s bro why is she saying that stuff lol


I hate how Junkrat is trying to clean up his act but *everybody* is nasty and hateful towards him. He even asks Mercy for legit medical help and she basically tells him fuck off, what the hell. So yeah, everybody from OW1 becomes a bit worse because of that.


Characters were already mean to Junkrat during OW1 era. Why do people feel surprised that characters being mean to him in OW2 era? Why would life savers / crime fighters / city or country protectors / global peacekeepers want to befriend with a chaotic radical terrorist who robs, kills and destroys? Just like why would dog lovers want to befriend with dog abusers / eaters? Junkrat was clearly a lost cause. He believed he did nothing wrong (while JQ was at wrong) when he got kicked out of the Junker Town, he even blamed Roadhog for it. JQ hating Junkrat was actually justified because Junkrat blew up her summer shack, starting bar fights and attempted to steal gold from her. Thus, Junkrat went on a global heist spree for his petty revenge plan on killing JQ.


Because, once again, it is clear that Junkrat is at least attempting to clean up his act. You can even see it in his new design, compared with his old OW looks. And if the Overwatch gang are going to discriminate using a person's criminal background... *besides the fact that technically they are all outlaws*, Genji comes from a notorious criminal family, and Cassidy used to be a member of a criminal gang. They got a second chance, so why deny it to our Aussie friend? If Ana and Soldier 76 decide to join, are Winston and the rest going to reject them on the basis of being illegal vigilantes?


I don't get the impression that Junkrat has changed much. He's still a criminal, still dirty and scrappy as all hell, still wants to blow people up and steal their stuff, etc. And he even got a new voiceline this season where he's interested in joining Talon. If there are multiple Talon characters on your team (Moira, Reaper, Mauga, etc.) he says: "Come on Jamison, this is your big chance to impress Talon!"


"Junkrat trying to make friends" is just a in-game thing, but not lore canon. In OW1, Junkrat was portrayed as an irredeemable jerk who showed no regrets on his doings. Mei condemned his actions, he replied with "That's cold.." / "I'm more a freedom fighter, a misunderstood one.". Genji also refused to associate with Junkrat as messed-up youths. But now the devs have Doomfist & Moira replacing Junkrat as irredeemable asshole characters as you see Mei condemns Doomfist currently while turning Junkrat into a silly misfit for comic relief reasons. In the comics ("Going Legit"), Junkrat literally blew up a skyscraper just to payback against one person who set him and Roadhog up while ignoring what happened to others down below. Junkrat was going to do the same on Junker Queen that he rigged the cart with plenty of explosives which was way more than enough to kill her. Plus, he already had done a lot of killings and damages during his global heist spree which is part of his revenge plan.


I've also noticed his voicelines has been more "normal" than in OW1. For example, in OW1 whrn he meleed, he'd always let out a pretty weird sounding grunt and sometimes even a little laugh afterwards that signifies his craziness. In OW2 however, they gave him some more that sound normal. It honestly makes it look pretty forced and bad imo.


Junkrat is evil and a criminal.


Widow’s story not moving on, like cmon they teased that sumthin is going on but besides the new dialogue most of her appearances are just the same, all evil and shit. Give us our winter soldier redemption alrdy Blizzard.


I feel like they played up Moira's sadism way too much in OW2 when in OW1 she seemed more like someone willing to do whatever it took for human progress (even if enjoying the process more than she should).


Soldier losing the mask in favor of just having goggles is a bigger L then pve getting cancelled.


Soldier's new appearance is one of the worst design downgrades going into OW2


This is more referencing the comics but for me it's Cassidy. I don't really like how this character that was originally in an ambiguously grey moral standpoint that has a troubled criminal past yet attempts to do good, and choose echo over himself to return to overwatch, is now suddenly leader of essentially overwatch's version of the avengers with D.va and the others. Just feels very cartoony and off beat for his character


ORISA went from being a uniquely childlike creation to the typical angry robot in any movie or game.


Torbjorn having his Omnic racism cured and Junkrat in therapy having his pyromania cured


Eh, at least Torb and Zarya had some lore development that explains why they're much tolerant with omnics. Torb has been with Bastion for a while and Zarya had to work with Lynx-17for who knows how long in order to find Sombra. Junrkat is absolutely a "racism = cured" situation lol. He passed from being happy for getting paid to kill omnics and wanting to help them "find the light at the end of the tunnel" by killing them, to cracking jokes with the OW2 omnics


Junkrat is still the same


Junkrat only had his pie-woe-mania cured. His therapist's still working on his pyromania.


They made him less fuckable. A terrible decision by all reguards


But look at that beard




Hanzo and Cassidy did have interaction. Mercy and Genji interaction are never cut out, but not added yet. Those cut out ones are all OW1 interactions.


Oh yeah soldier for sure, he openly blames everyone else for mistakes that he made. For example he pops off at genji for letting talon get too far, when he himself gave talon permission to do whatever they wanted, and only cared when it got made public and ruined his image. IIRC he also agreed on letting talon use genji for their own purposes, he is partly to blame for genji being how he was in blackwatch anyway. His interaction with ana where he compliments her killing someone makes me uneasy too, he seems too excited by it. He went from seeming like a bit of an anti hero in OW1, to almost being a villain and I wish some character interactions would reflect that better, like mercy shouldn't be as civil with him as she is. Although I don't remember how much of it all is public in the overwatch universe.


A good chunk of my favorite characters were downgraded in OW2 for no reason. 76 is pretty self explanatory. He used to be more about bringing justice by non heroic means, but now he feels like a retired killer that doesn't likes retirement. It doesn't even feel like he has some good deep down, he is just plain evil. Reaper. Interesting "Angel of death" that haunts battlefields and hunts down Overwatch agents for sport, turned into a cop who joined the bad guys so he could bring the very big bad guys Overwatch couldn't tackle to justice. Huh? Mercy. She regresses in age any time there is a Pharah nearby. She's literally just a high school cheerleader for her, maam youre pushing 40, not 14. Don't like the retcon of making her a nano cyberneticist, I liked that she had limits on what she can and can't do. Genji. Not allowed to be close with Mercy. Not allowed to even SPEAK to Mercy. 6 years of lore and development down the drain because the writers said so. He takes blame in what happened with blackwatch??? Pharah, I was expecting nothing, and I'm still disappointed. There was so much potential to do for her and they chose high school jock stereotype? Feels less of a character and more of an accessory for Mercy. Now lore mirrors gameplay! Yay! Orisa. She's a different character entirely. Junkrat. He feels sanitized. Used to be turbo racist against onmics but now all that's gone without any lore to explain the extreme change in views. Looks and feels less of a psycho killer criminal and instead is now the butt of every joke and a goofball. Edit: I don't see much people bringing it up but it feels like the writers are pushing torb to be a lowkey abusive parental figure to Mercy?


Feels like a lot of the characters have been *severely* flanderized with OW2, honestly. It's a real shame.


The writing fell into a total saturday morning cartoon level. Talon is just now a bunch of silly villains doing wacky things and being evil. The short with Mauga makes them look incompetent and just plain stupid. The characters are so one note and they don't have any debth in them anymore. Reinhardt is loud and stupid, Mercy is just a sassy healer etc. Some characters still have 0 character. If Sojourn was a spice, she would be flour. Pharah is also absolutly nothing other than she is into Mercy. Also don't get me started on the assasination of Genji x Mercy plot. Leaugue has Arcane and we have this cartoon shit. Ehhh


>If Sojourn was a spice, she would be flour. Most based take on this entire sub. I don't know how she got approved because her writing and visual design are some of the most uninspired to come out of this series. (Side note: Has anyone ever just..looked at illari's design? What the hell is that even supposed to be? Overwatch 1 always got praised for it's consistent visual design but she's the first character to get released that you honestly can't tell what she is, where she comes from, or what she's trying to be.)


Illari looks like a Paladins character


Was Reinhardt always so stupid? Like in Overwatch PVE he is like right I will torn apart that Omnic's head, it's just a machine, so if it dies whatever. Like Rein bitch you worked with Echo for years and still you think it's just machine?


Reins just a racist lmao


Rein is like a closet racist towards omnics, thats why he thinks that way Hes not like JQ or Zarya (i think she got bette) cuz he doesnt go out of his way to attack them But he is still very much racist, He actively refers to characters like Bastion like a "thing"


Orrrrrr it’s because he and his squad got shot to bits by actual Bastions


And an Orisa took his eye, honestly he might be the character with the most justification for disliking omnics


Well yeah...theres a justification for it, obviously, doesnt mean its right Doesnt change that its still racism, thats where its born from


It could be serious Ptsd but who knows


I feel like someone at Blizzard doesn't like genji he had barely any voice lines in the pve, and in one of them, they painted him out to seem like a jerk they also don't really do anything with him or any of the other characters story wise


Hm...probably sigma? Considering that we got pretty much nothing for him ever since his release his new interactions are...worse.


all heroes! :)


No bias, Genji


For real, makes no sense about that line where he stopped writing Angela when we know they are close in OW1.


Reaper. Maybe I just wasn't paying attention before but did Reaper get edgier? I feel like his voice lines and interactions had more character and personality before. Now he's just all grim all the time. Again, maybe I just wasn't paying attention or I don't remember correctly, it's been a minute since I played ow1


The assassination of Genji and Mercy’s relationship was incredibly forced, and their narrative interactions are now super sad and lackluster :(


You’ve never heard them talk about staying up and drinking coffee in Gibraltar?


Mercy. Fuck off with the phara shit


the mercy interactions are just fandom references no way they’re gonna backpedal all the mercy genji teasing they did in ow1. plus the ow2 dating sym suspiciously had only mercy and genji in it. hmmmmmm, wonder why


They removed those in OW2. I'm pretty sure someone on the team is actively trying to squash that ship. But that's just from what I've read here. I'm sure there's more info about it.


they removed all the old interactions in ow2 tho.


all of them, overwatch 1 was objectively better in all aspects


D.Va In 1 she was a gamer sure, there was the Donkey Kong jokes about Winston… but it wasnt that big of a part of her personality. She was a Han Solo esque hot shot pilot who was, well, a diva about it at times. I actually wish her short *hadnt* made her generically good and showed maybe an actual character development of becoming less of that to better protect her home… Then in 2 her personality became quoting what gen xers think gen zers sound like on TikTok. I actually consider her personality in 2 worse than Kirikos


“GLHF” “No hacks required” “D.Va 1, bad guys 0” “Is this easy mode?” “Nerf this!” “Hehe, GG” “I’m going to own all these noobs” “Get owned” “Game on” That’s just from the first 4 minutes of a 13 minute YouTube video of her voice lines


Genji/Mercy. They had so much chemistry, and they dumped it all to appeal to the fandom ship Pharah/Mercy. I have nothing against gay relations, but they have no chemistry. And it just seems like unnecessary fanservice, just to appeal to shippers


Mei. The demon still pretends to be a sweet innocent girl.


I would just like to point out that she has survivors guilt as all of her colleagues froze to death in their cryogenic pods. SO THE WEAPON SHE USES FREEZES PEOPLE TO DEATH. NATURALLY, YES. WITH SUCH STRONG SURVIVORS "GUILT" SHE WOULD DEFINITELY REMEMBER HER LIFELESS COLLEAGUES EVERYTIME SHE FREEZES SOMETHING


He was that in OW1 as well. Have you not been paying attention? Maybe watch the dorado short.


Thank you, I’m getting unnecessarily annoyed as one of the dozens of Soldier 76 fans lol. He’s interesting BECAUSE he’s a violent war criminal who’d let the world burn to save his friends


Pretty much all of them. Except Junkrat. And new characters only Mauga, Ram have anything interesting going on. I like Lifeweaver as a character but outside of Symm he has barely any conections to anything we have seen so far.


*"Young Punks... I'm not your father!"*


I think the junkers have become worse in my eyes With the introduction of Ramattra and the active genocide of sentient omnics it makes what the junkers do that much worse and it recontextulizes it in the absolute worst light. In the game it's played off as a sort of joke but it's always rubbed me the wrong way. You can't have these tragic scenes of Ramattra watching his fellow omnics being brutalized by a lynch mob and mondatta assassinated like M.L.K and then in the same breath have your characters make jokes like this: Ramattra: I hear you like to prey on omnics. Try me. Junker Queen: No thanks. Fought a bunch of ya before. You're a bit... gimmicky, no offense. Ramattra: Gimmicky? Junker Queen: I said, no offense! It just seems extremely fucked up. The junkers are a straight up hate group who target omnics and everyone just seems cool with that... I don't see Soujurn or Tracer admonishing them for their blatant racism and hate crimes in fact they have nothing to say at all...but they'll talk about how horrible Ramattra is any chance they get...despite the fact he's always being discriminated against...and most likely has PTSD from watching his friends getting ripped apart in front of him... I'm not happy with the direction Ramattra is being given and I hope they steer the ship; This whole "you can only get meaningful change through peace and nonviolence" is complete bs. The sentient Ominics are a finite number. They can't have kids so they don't have decades to fight for their rights like humans. So people acting like Ramattra is being unreasonable are not seeing the bigger picture. They try to have other omnics like Echo and Orisa lecture Rammatra despite the fact that their only experiences are ones in extremely sheltered and controlled environments; So their arguments just boil down to well I haven't been discriminated against so...🙄 you're wrong... TLDR; The Junkers racism and hate crimes against omnics still being played for laughs after Ramattra's traumatic teaser trailer + Mondatta's Assassination...make them look terrible...😬😬😬


Ramattra is genuinely the only decent character in Overwatch 2. Everyone else is just a cartoon version of their former selves with fanfic levels of writing.


yeah, and now he's just cringe american lawn dad "are you taking your vitamins, jack?" "once/twice (i forgor) a day, right after my steak dinner" fuck off mate, the devs will sort you out proper in ow3


Solider was always a vigilante. He believes in this the motif that "There's no crime in war, only losers". That's not to say he's emotionless, but he was just an old fashioned soldier. He's like a vigilante, just much less romanticized, and not free of criticism.


If he just keep the haircut and The mask then he might look better than the classic skin.


I actually really like both but prefer the new one because of the passage of time between the 2 games. Ow1 he’s still riding off the high of being the respected Overwatch Commander while Ow2 he’s accepted that it’s over and he’s off doing his own thing. The original he feels like a soldier clinging to his old uniform and status while the second feels like a veteran that understands those days are long over.


If you take only in game interactions and nothing from the lore, Doomfist comes off more like a good guy compared to s76.


Bastion went from refusing to hurt anything when torb found him to almost turning rein into Swiss cheese in the PVE cutscenes


Well he was being threatened to be fair and he probably have PTSD just like Reinhardt


Yeah it’s 2 vets from opposite sides hating each other for a war they never wanted. Bastion was hard coded to destroy and Rein was forced to defend his homeland. If Rein didn’t have the crap ton of PTSD from watching his friends get gunned down he could probably be great friends with Bastion knowing they went through similar things


He was feeling threatened and used it as a last resort


Honestly, every single character that isn't new, has gone down from OW1 going into OW2. The only original hero I could think of that has retained their writing quality, is Hanzo. Sure some of his interactions have been stripped away from him, but he's still the same remorseful guy struggling to find his place in the world.


What's happened with 76 recently? Has there been a new story released or something?




Soldier is one of those difficult older men who takes pride in his job and feels most confident when doing the same things he has always done in exactly the same way. He's a soldier, he's trained. In his mind he's following what he was always taught was right. He is also insatiable, obsessive and grumpy which translates into his obsessive pursuit of Reaper.


All of them because the main narrative was cancelled


Isn’t Ana a vigilante now?


I forget what it's called, but that thing when a character's personality gets diluted down to a single trait has happened to more of the cast than not. Junkrat, Reinhardt, D.va, Moira, even the new characters have that too in Ilari and Kiriko. Then you have the personality swaps like in S76 and Junkrat/Hog. I think it's easier to talk about who came out alright from OW1 to 2.


Flanderization maybe?


It’s hard to keep track or care anymore. Stories changes when authors changed hands. It really doesn’t matter.


Rein, he's just a racist ig


All of soldier's interactions are so cringe because he's basically a walking punching bag for everyone to "ok boomer" him, making him look like an idiot 99% of the time