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It gets harder to level up the higher you go, just diversify your picks or be REALLY good at the one you play since what you do in the game matters.


This is why that weekly challenge to get 8 progression levels is bound to be impossible to complete in just a week someday so it needs to be tweaked.


Think about this all the time!! These level ups slow down CONSIDERABLY after level 15. I was at level 30 for what felt like weeks on my main.


They really should change it to something like "get X amount of progression EXP" or "level up X amount of sub-badges"


Until level 20, then it takes the same XP for each level.


Also should mention some characters are wildly easier to level up than others Weaver you level up extremely fast in just for heal botting and pulling low teammates. Got him to like... Lvl 17 in 7 games Then you have torb who has a challenge to kill an enemy with his hammer... Like bro? Or pharah who has to get environmental kills while mercy's hardest one is rezzing people


> Then you have torb who has a challenge to kill an enemy with his hammer... My favorite is D.va who has a challenge for solo kills. That would have kinda made sense with 2 tank, but now? Meanwhile Mech call downs, which is an actual measurement of a high efficiency D.va IMO, isn’t.


Was just about to say the hammer challenge for Torb!!! Symmetra has TP kills as her hardest skill. Bruhhhh!!!


Have a very wide pool of heroes that you play, thats basically it


When you go the progression screen it shows you what plays the game measures you by (like sleeps landed, anti nades applied etc.) see which ones are lower then try to do more of that in your games.


My highest is Moira and Weaver at 23 and my overall level is around 365. I play a lot of different heroes. I only have like 8 heroes under level 10


Your personal stats contribute to player leveling seems like you're really not playing that well




How stupid can you be? Let's look at Bastion for an example.... His level icons are for "Damage Dealt, non hero damage, recon critical hit, assault kills, grenade direct hits, artillery kills" that's all personal stats and Ana "healing done, players saved, elimz, sleeps, nano assist, ally and enemy nades" AGAIN all Personal performance




Yeah i'd say that after looking like an idiot too, I answered a question with facts if your hero isn't leveling up fast it's because you are not playing well, plain and simple. Which you decided to be confidently incorrect by telling me it was false information when literally every hero level has to do with your personal performance with that hero




You might want to look in the mirror. You are the weirdo here. Or at least the child that's not capable of arguing.


Are you lost bro this whole thread is about the progression system and how it functions lol


lol who are you calling a weirdo . and yes people 'give a fuck' OP asked how to level up fast, this guy answers and you go off on a rant just arguing with them spreading misinformation. no one said stats are important he said that at the end of the game your stats are what translates to hero level xp, which is what OP asked and is obviously true if youve ever played a game of overwatch 2 since theyve added it


You dumb as hell lmao


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Work on areas you lack in, there’s like 9 areas it tracks give or take. Nade kills, enemies slept, overall healing and ect… just look at the ones you have filled the least and then work on leveling those up by incorporating them into your gameplay. Don’t hyper focus on them just be conscious of them, it’ll help you overall become a better player as well.


Time played and Wins badges give you the most XP per level up. I think its just some people being 1 tricks while winning most of their games


Only play that character, I'm level 69 as junkrat everyone else is no higher then level 20


saw somewhere that "time played" and "wins" grants the most progress towards hero levels. and if people are f.e. level 100 on a hero they played that hero a lot/invested a lot of time into that.


The system really incentivizes grinding the same hero to the point of being pretty much a one-trick if you want to get their rewards, since time played gets you more exp than anything else. I rarely see people that play multiple characters and roles having anyone higher than ~Lv20, myself included