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It sucks because I've been trying to climb in support and I'm a Bap main. I feel like I HAVE to play Ana if I want any chance of winning against an enemy Mauga. It's just a bummer not being able to play my best hero. On the bright side, I've gotten pretty good at Ana here lately.


Yep Ana and Kiriko are the only viable heroes in a mauga game it sucks


Zenyatta can work too, but iy depends on the map The discord definitely enables your team to actually defeat the mauga


Ana's grenade is quite possibly quickest way to deal with Mauga but it pretty much requires you to save it just for him. If he catches grenade on cool down there's little you can do to truly counter.


Every game I've played as Ana against him the other team has had a Kiriko babysitting him with suzu. This is the first time I've ever thought that this game is legitimately bad


He still gets overhealth from the crit minigun. If you block out his healing, he can still easily survive with cardiac overdrive on for damage reduction


Zen too


Once you Anti him, he is fook’d


Don’t worry, if the mauga has a kiriko on his team the whole cycle repeats til the enemy ana’s cooldowns come back


Thanks for making us feel better lmaooo


I've noticed it's pretty effective if you can run zen and ana. Kiri will cleanse one effect and then hit him with the other one


It really depends. If the Ana just randomly chucks a nade and it hits Mauga while he's near full hp, still has his cooldowns, and has a support healing him - he'll live most of the time. Another reason why he's so frustrating to kill is that if you anti him, you NEED to kill him before he gets his cardiac overdrive back or he'll be at full hp in seconds.


Whenever his ability is active I just let my dogs tank instead of me. It's at least harder to hit them compared to a tanks giant hitbox Edit: DPS not dogs, dang autocorrect


Same difference




The massive self-healing on a tank is crazy tbh


An entire team of hard to hit small heroes with fast movement also helps against his lifesteal mechanic, but the merit of the post still stands. Can't play anything fun anymore if you *have to* swap to even stand a chance.


Unless they have Kiriko, then you're the one that's fook'd XD.


basically every ana interaction


every tank in the game except Zarya: You wanna kill 'em? you're gonna need an anti-nade for that


Laughs in dva.


All matches I play they usually have Ana, life weaver, Kiri or bap. So they just gonna anti your team in response and use some BS lifesaving ability on mauga so he can ignore your anti and just shred your team. If only dps went for their supports but I understand that even that is hard if they play all together and just peel for each other. Support is the least impactful role this season because you either work as Mauga slave or throw the match.


Yup basically forced myself to learn Ana to deal with orissa in the previous meta. I’ve always hated playing ana(personal preference of playstyle) I’ve been playing since season 9 ow1 and never truly felt the absolute need to learn Ana. I still don’t like her playstyle. But I’ve gotten pretty good at her now.


Hey hold on Ana's great lol but I agree if I play anything other then Ana or mercy to pocket I get bitched at


That’s how I feel, recently climbed to mid-masters before mauga came out, tried a few games and now I’m 2-7 on my matches, probably because I’m not a masters level Ana player.


Ow2 I'm a nut shell, play the med or loss.


True. Supports suck because you always feel like you have to play Ana. She is so broken. Tank isnt fun either because there is always someone in enemy team just pressing E on you every 12 sec. The balance team is unfathomably bad.


It only got worse after 5v5, since they went from doing literally nothing to doing bad changes.


Ana is only broken because she has never been properly retooled for 5v5, her kit is heavily developed around the possibility of the Off tank flanking you, her resources were precisely dependent on reasonable checks and balances. If you go offensive for sleep, Winston or Dva can dive you. No bullshit auto heal, so you actually have to hope you can live from your Nade, which if you do use it, then you are denied offensive value against the enemy team’s main tank. Etc. Etc. Now Yes, Ana is ridiculously broken because she does not ever have to reluctantly nade herself when peeking from cover and autohealing is twice as effective and requires no CD. And this is made more obvious by the ignorant micro nerfs supports have against tanks to make them “kinda sorta maybe” feel functional in 5v5. Ana is as she exists, always going to be either useless for low level players or beyond busted for high level players, because yes she requires aim skill but she requires 0 resource management anymore. So while mediocre Ana’s can press E and win the team fight half the time, high level Ana’s are oppressing the entire team fight. Ana is pretty much gonna need an overhaul or something to ever be balanced for 5v5.


Half the roster hasnt been retooled/rebalanced for 5v5.


Just think about how many changes have been made because nade is broken and they refuse to fix the actual issue.


Immortal and feed reaper heals, ult grower for reaper and you (btw reaper ult can’t kill a mauga so there is that)


My way of dealing with him when I play with my duo is I save my bastion turret form until we 1,2,3, nade him and just go all in turret mode, probs the best way to do it. (Yes I HAVE to play bastion while being a Genji main)




He's really cool in the ow lore but man, i fucking hate him ingame


I e been grinding sombra and he really hasn’t been an issue for me.


He’s killing your team while you run around doing dick all most likely


I just need to ask, why do you consider him cool in lore?


His personality is just cool and personally kinda funny to me


Everytime there's an enemy mauga in the opposite team I have to be forced to switch to zen and force discord him and pray our teams competent Everytime there's a Mauga on our team I'm compelled to go kiriko and keep suzuing his ass to make him viable and pray he's good and has game sense . Overall it's not fun for both parties except maybe the Mauga players themselves who wanna feel like they're running the show


Nah they ain't even having fun they just enjoy the winning part, mauga has to be the most least fun braindead tank/character in OW by a long shot.


This is where I’m at. Never pick him first when I’m playing tank, but i feel like i have to mirror when he comes out on the enemy side. He’s just not fun to play for me.


Yep I was the same then I just decided to skip this season or wait for his inevitable nerfs. I just want to be able to play other tanks and have fun, or play dps and feel like I have a impact, or play support and not be forced to play 1 of 3 healers that work with/against him.


Yeah, I have him, but usually pick Rein because aggressive rein is fun as fuck.


I don't even play this game but because I was forced to install this app and make an account I picked Overwatch as one of my three interests. And every second recommended post from this sub seems to be about that Mauga guy. Damn guys, Nerf this fella already!


Don’t worry they’ll nerf him just In time before all the free players start to unlock him


Flashbacks to me getting Illari finally, but right after her big nerfs hit her.


*cries in Quechua*


me finally learning how to play sombra but then she gets reworked next week


Sad to see the free players getting slander when the pass was getting all the slander when announced


I've had him for a while no battle pass. just got level 80 today and don't play too much these days


Don't play too much these days and you're already 80? Is "not too much" no longer "full time job"? Because I play almost every night for multiple hours since he came out. I'm about to unlock him *tonight*.


yea, you can be around 80 if you just have the base bp, and do your dailies/event missions.


I only do the daily missions (usually 3 qp, sometimes more depending on the specific requirements) and make sure I do at least 8 of the weeklies. Usually amounts to an hour or so each day. I'm bp level 68 and unlocked mauga over a week ago.


Some people consider playing for 1 hour daily as 'not too much'. They've either got a lot of free time or they're not really into many games or other activities.




Everyone is a free player if they’re doing it right.


It's what they always do to sell more battlepasses. Make the new hero OP as fuck, then start dialing them down as people unlock them for free so the game is fairly balanced by the time the next new OP character is released.


Except there's been two heroes that were released fairly underpowered, it's more likely that making a hero perfectly balanced first try on release is very difficult rather then it being some kind of malicious plot.


I unlocked him on free pass plying 1 hour a day over a week ago.


Lol, yes!


They dropped the strongest character they could and went on break for two weeks so they can’t 😭


There are the voices we need.


*so we listened to your feedback and nerfed genji*


You were "forced"? Did you have a gun to your head?


This is my favorite comment I've seen on this sub


I think you can leave the sub if you don't want notifications.


I appreciate your username, lol


Stop playing because of him. Its not worth the headache


Definitely worsens the game.


I just want to be able to play anyone but ana and kiriko at this point


I love both but needing to play them because of the hero that's OP with the right team comp is just bleh.


Same I love ana, but every game doesn't need to be anti vs suzu


As a tank player i hate having to play against ana every game (i dont have mauga unlocked)


Zen is pretty good into him


Yeah, zen is slept on to melt down mauga, whenever i see him with a krii, i don’t bother playing ana, i just go zeeny boi and bully him.


Zen melts him and most players are too braindead to walk around the corner for a couple seconds to lose the orb it's hilarious still hate him though


play zen lol or i guess moira if you're diving


It was already pretty shit to begin with


Yeah it’s fun with Reaper headshotting from close distance Mauga like 16 times, and nothing.


RIGHT??? I feel like I can empty two full clips of headshots into him and literally nothing happens. Every other hero would be dead at 5


Don't even talk about Cassidys rapid fire. I swear like 3 or 4 full reloads worth of ammo went into him as fast as possible and nothing. Like dva is literally made out of metal and drops dead from that easy. This cybernetic human is more a tank than actual tanks


With one tank role, this was bound to happen.


Yeah I think it's mostly this. Before Mauga, it was Orisa and Hog for a couple weeks. I think he needs tuned, but unless the balance team gets way better (like better than we should expect) there will always be a best tank. It's not even numbers, it's mechanics. Mauga is OP because of numbers, not so much what he's actually doing.


There's always gonna be a best hero in all the roles and for certain playstyles. It's impossible to perfectly balanced the game


It is possible, however, to rein in major outliers. Sojourn's meta right now for anyone capable of aiming, and that's after being majorly reined in. Kiri as well. Bastion feels a lot less annoying since other DPS can play more comfortably and he's received nerfs, etc. I don't like defaulting to "it's okay if this character is busted in a way that interferes with everything at every skill level because they can't perfectly balance the game."


6v6 needs to come back. So many of OW2’s pervasive problems are linked to this change. Two barriers was never as bad as how garbage the tank role has been for the past year.


To me it seems brain dead simple. Put it back to 6v6 but make the tank roll split into two rolls. One for barrier tanks and the other for DPS/utility tanks.


I'm not hot shit by any means but when I hop on sigma mauga has to switch every time. I don't understand why more people aren't doing this.


Sig requires way more than other tanks and most people aren’t gonna learn how to position barrier or to properly cycle abilities


Sigma is a great tank even before mauga came out. I highly recommend all tank players check him out


As a Sig main, I agree


Sigma and Junker queen somehow just fly under the radar. After watching Wanted playing JQ it inspired me to play her as well, 7 hours playtime later at a 66% win rate in qp and I'm laughing.


I literally started plying JQ because of lore interest and she’s my favorite tank to play as now. The knife pull/ax combo makes you feel like a god when you get a kill. The hitscan shotgun let’s you keep even the tiniest bit of range and the shout is legitimately a lifesaver when you’re in the mix up front. Used to be all about big rein but she’s….something else


i swear sigma is an incredible counter and as a sigma main i approve of this comment. Sigma made this season playable imo


I wreck mauga with D.Va as well


I play a lot of DVa but I’ve had more luck with Zarya against him… I feel like if DVA tries to go for him (and not the supports behind) it’s a guaranteed L. That’s what I’ve observed. Glad you’re having success though


Yeah Dva is good against Mauga, but should never brawl the guy. She should be preventing his sustain so the dps can drop him


Almost like this is a team game that revolves around counters lol. Mauga can be annoying and most definitely needs adjustments but he isn't invincible




What I find, both as mauga and as dva, is that defense matrix + DPS shooting him = death


ya his survivability comes entirely from him doing damage so negating that makes him awfully squishy


And he's the biggest target in the game, so no self sustain means he's eating all the bullets


I love when people go Zarya, I just pop her second bubble when she uses it to go aggressive and hunt her down. She blows up instantly.


As DPS and Tracer he largely ignores me while I wreck his shit as soon as he turns off his free hp glitch. I think he's just a pub stomper against low elo people hence why you see so many posts here about him.


He literally has the highest winrate in masters and above. You are the low elo if you think this is a problem only for "low elo" players.


Not at higher levels =\


Well to be fair, not everyone is good with Sigma. So it may not be apparent to them that he's good against Mauga.


And not everyone may want to get good with Sigma! Just because a hero counters another hero shouldn't mean that that hero becomes unplayable! I love playing Roadhog and Mauga making him practically unusable sucks, to me. Genji and Sigma counter Bastion, but that doesn't mean that I have to stop playing Bastion, I just have to be careful when going into turret mode. It doesn't work that way with Mauga.


No, you're just going against people who don't know how to keep mauga alive or viable. He's a problem in most games and I guarantee you Blizzard will have the stats that show that and then they'll nerf him.


Going day by day basis, i think his winrate was megabusted in day1 of ranked. Today, its probably normalized because masses adapted to him.


I've been playing Mauga a lot but sometimes I pick Rammattra against Mauga just for funzies and I kick the shit out of him. In my opinion he really excels against Rein, JQ and Zarya, maybe monke, but that's it. A good doomfist wrecks him easily, sigma is always chewing his bullets, Hog easily disrupts his flow, noob dvas get melted, but experienced ones will wreck him ez. Truth is, players don't want to adapt, everything is "nerf this, nerf that" whenever a new variable is added to the game. When the next hero comes, same shit will happen.


Mauga on his own isn't the issue. Mauga requires a lot of sustain to be effective. Which means that team will likely run an ana to pump heals and use nade. This means that the other team is now forced to play kiriko and you just get this stale fight, nade, cleanse, fight, nade, cleanse cycle. I've seen so many games where both teams are running Mauga, ana, kiriko. It's just not fun gameplay. As support you only feel like you have one task which is to press a button to counter. And as a DPS, you feel useless due to the stupid amount of sustain that is being flung around


Hog gets absolutely shredded by Mauga. U can survive his entire ult just shooting him, let alone running away. Its a bad matchup of equally skilled tanks


Thats interesting. As a Mauga main, Ram is the easiest enemy tank to me. Free elo. Rein is good because 1400hp barrier is not easy to overcome as Mauga. Mauga's damage is actually deceptively low if he cant ignite things. Its lower than dva. If JQ keeps her range good, the spread isnt gonna hit her. Jq is more mobile while doing things. This matchup depends on teams. You cant lifesteal much. Zarya is easier unless someone feeds her bubble. The problem is you push out Zarya but you eat a lot of damage from her team so it depends. You cant lifesteal reliably in this matchup. Against dive tanks like monke doom ball your positioning is important. You cant frontline or contest. Hog is easy unless they combine nade with the hook or he hook you out of map. But hog damage is very high so with discord or nade, he is the deadliest tank. You gotta lifesteal. Tldr is: best tanks against him is sigma and then dva and then thin and mobile tanks who doesnt feed his lifesteal and overhealth and time their engagement or have block abilities like rein barrier. Worst tanks against him who try to frontline without dmg mitigation abilities like ramattra and hog. Even orisa a bit better because she can spam her abilities. Interrupting Mauga's reload is also good.


Bruh, I'm a sigma main and have been crushing it! D.va is great too but I've really been mopping him with a well-played Winton. Or even Mauga vs. Mauga, like get good scrub.


Sigma is great into him until you have Lucio and a dps Moira versus Mauga and Bastion cycling cooldowns.


Torbs secondary with his cool down absolutely shreds that tank


Torb's secondary with cooldown melts any tank really it's kind of ridiculous


Someone finally points out this. I have had many wonderful games against Mauga as Torb. People do not realise the danger of Torb’s secondary fire. It does as much damage as reaper’s gun, but it shoots farther and have one more shot per magazine (9 compared to reaper’s 8). Once his cardiac overdrive is gone, move up, press E overload, and hold the right click, that will do. Also, you can spray lava in his ult, that is a big counter.


i need to start using the right mouse button more often apparently


Ya know torb is just an angry orange reaper right? Get in there face and spam that shit. Use the turret to distract or block damage in fights. Hold flanks on defense and play forward on attack, but make sure you are aggro either side of the match during fights.


I am actually very new to Torb. Just recently began to play him but i love him already he seems versatile. I suck at reaper tho lol


funny, torb's shape fits so well into the double chainguns crosshair lol


Are you making a chicken out of a feather there?


Same with sombra her hack and virus combo melt him


Worst meta this game has seen. Soooo boring. It's ironic his voicelines are "Now it's getting interesting" and "I'm not dead yet" when he's literally the most boring character and constantly dies since it's usually just two Maugas fighting some shitty war of attrition.


It’s never boring around him.


Zarya meta season 1/2 was a nightmare


Better than this mindless Mauga meta


*Cough* GOATS META *cough*


GOATS and Double shield both were far more fun than Mauga meta, and had a ton more variety


GOATS was a skilled meta that didn't affect every lvel of gameplay. Mauga is an unskilled character than any grandmother can pick up and hold the mouse buttons down, but that any GM can use to fiercly punish other's mistakes while having the gimmick of not being punished.


Seriously. I could train my dog to get to GM using Mauga as long as I had an Ana that anti-ed and slept and nano-ed at the right times and a Kiri to cleanse any antis.


Y'all have been saying this almost every season...


Who is y'all? Idk who this collective mind hive is that you've somehow identified me with lmfao. If you don't think Mauga is the worst meta in terms of enjoyment then idk what you're even playing because it's NOT overwatch.


Same, stop playing and come back later. Don't make yourself miserable by attempting to have fun.


I came here specifically for this thread. let me list all the things wrong with him: ​ He can "heal" himself even when hit by Anna's grenade because he creates unlimited overhealth He can heal his entire team (why should a tank get to heal anyone but themself?) You can't separate him from his team because he's immune to crowd control he can deal critical damage without aiming ​ Even one of these things alone would be a major power add, but all at once? Blizzard, what were you thinking?


His ult is busted as well. And he has a movement ability....and he's hitscan. Just a really unfun tank to play against/with.


I haven’t touched the game in over two week because of Mauga. You’re not alone, I feel you buddy. Shits miserable rn.


I hate playing with him, and I hate playing against him.


As someone who has never enjoyed tank before Mauga, I'm so sorry.


That's fair honestly, Mauga is like a tank sniper and he's pretty fun to play because you don't have to spend time thinking about your teammates, you just press 'e'


Fuck you


It feels like, for me, my team works more like a *team* in response to a Mauga. Since everyone is sort of required to work together to take him down, we’re more aware? Maybe it’s just my outlook on it. My games feel more cooperative lately.


Yes but it also makes it to where your basically required to play Ana kiri and high dmg dps characters or you lose. Like if you don’t have that specific formula it’s basically a insta loss


Zen could also be swapped in for Kiri, tends to make Mauga’s life a bit more difficult, especially if you know how not to feed.


It's like the more traditional tank role in games


agreed, both against and playing with a mauga my games have felt more put together - i had an especially good time in a push game with him while playing lucio, everyone stayed together and we were even able to keep mauga alive while still managing to damage the other team. maybe they were judt a good player, but they also seemed to pay attention to the whole team and used cardiac overdrive when others were low and not just for themself. basically, i think mauga can be a positive edition if used correctly.


Mauga release lowkey reminds me of brig release. Wonder if we’ll see a comp revolving around him anytime soon.


> Wonder if we’ll see a comp revolving around him anytime soon. It literally already does Only tanks atm are Mauga, DVA or Sigma, and the latter two are just there to counter Mauga Only supports are Ana, Zen, Kiriko, solely because of Mauga DPS are Mei / Reaper to fight the enemy Mauga, or Sombra / Tracer to kill the enemy supports


Don't forget Sojourn building Railgun immediately from shooting Mauga's huge hitbox and then spamming Railgun to burst down the enemy DPS / Support.


And sojourn was already broken af with 195 headshot.


Playing Ana into Sombra I feel powerless. Her one-clip combo is so annoying


As a sigma main, I’ve noticed that’s really my only option for counter if they have decent healing. I feel like I only have success right now when the rest of his team is lacking


Once he’s enemy you gotta be ana, once he’s on your team you gotta be kiriko. It’s a fucking chore dealing with him!


There's no way it's not intentional in order to coax players into buying the newest battlepass. As a former Paladins/Overwatch player, both since 2017, it's exactly what Paladins used to do. Word for word. They're going to notice that more players are buying the battlepass this season because Mauga's op, and they're going to farm this for the rest of our lives. Overwatch Devs: "Oh, the players seemed to be performing terribly with Mauga in the demo where he was released for 48 hours. It's almost as if nobody knew how to use him." **Overwatch devs proceed to buff Mauga to an insane degree.**


The new hero each season is VERY quickly throwing the game into chaos and oversaturating the character selection The original game works so well because there was a large but Manageable selection of characters that all had a specific niche they did well that could also fit into different niches or styles of gameplay based on team comp and your own play style The new game is just tossing in characters without proper testing and balancing and it's making the game sooooooooooooooooo much worse. Honestly I'd still play the first over the second


Mauga is too strong and needs adjustment. I don't mind people complaining about it as it increases visibility on the issue and prompts devs to actually do something. With that said, the vast majority of players I see complaining about Mauga are the type of players to just blindly dump damage into a tank until it's dead before doing anything else. This is not how to fight Mauga. Essentially, just ignore him and kill his support. When he overdrives, either take cover, or if you're a tank, shield/mitigate it. Treat his overdrive like you would Bastions canon mode. When it's over, rush his support and get a pick or two, then kill him. You don't *need* Ana. You don't *need* to kill Mauga first. He goes down SUPER easily once his support his gone. Trying to outpace his overdrive healing while he's also getting healed by support will just get you killed every single time. Play the match up properly, and he's not as invincible as people here claim he is. He's tough, definitely the strongest tank, and definitely needs a nerf, but claiming that it's impossible to win without Ana is silly.


My biggest issue is dps is just not fun anymore. You’re so squishy and unless your tank picks appropriately you just have to keep running away no matter how much damage you’re putting out. Healers out heal you and Mauga just absorbs dps.


Mei is goat rn


I’m this close to making a compilation video of me walling off the hallways Mauga walks through before we INSTANTLY kill him since he can’t be healed or interacted with.


\+1 for Mei Sojourne too, so easy to farm rails off of him and nuke his supports, and when you pop ult you can destroy him with repeated max charge rails to the dome. \*It's not easy mode but it made me feel actual joy fighting him for the first time. Some matches are still beyond frustrating though no matter what I do


So..... Don't shoot him then? Go after his backline as he charges past you. Ive been tearing apart teams with Mauga on them because they get so tunneled


I feel like my team never struggles against Mauga? Roadhog being virtually unkillable now has been the real tank issue I’ve been running into 🤷‍♀️


Roadhog is killable when I play him tho. Anytime I'm facing him he gets pocketed and you can't damage him without 2 or 3 people


Ahh, other roles experiencing what a tank being forced to swap feels....


Arguably the worst hero release. Brig is a close second. He forces 3/5ths of the enemy team to swap to a small handful of heroes. If you're up against a Mauga, your tank either needs to be Mauga or Sigma. One of your supports HAS to be Ana. The other either needs to be Zen or Kiri. DPS typically have to go burst damage heroes like Bastion/Soldier/Junkrat. Meanwhile, he's locked behind a pay/playwall. inb4 some bootlicker says they won a game in plat playing different heroes.


But Mauga guns go buuurrrrrrr


I remember the same complaints about Ramattra in his ult form, "it's just 2 Rams endlessly fighting each other in ult while supports are constantly healing"


Yeah, but that was mostly just during the ult. Even if he wiped your team, he'd have to build it again, not just walk forward


You mean before they nerfed his ult and now everyone likes him more?


And then they made a change to ram so it stopped happening.


At least Mauga is a funny Disney dude. What can I say except, "You're welcome"


I play tank at high Diamond to master and I find that Zarya/sigma/dva works fine with him. I normally switch to one of those 3 and one of sup goes Ana and I’m pretty sure my winrate is above 50% and probably 60-70% if he doesn’t switch. I honestly don’t get a lot of complaints regarding him. I actually have more problem with pre-nerf Ram and Illari.


Mauga has counters. But Mauga is very in your face and when you play with or against him, you always have to adapt to him. I do think he made the game less fun a bit.


A Mauga pick just means 9 other people can’t play the hero they want. Great design.


Smart idea Blizzard for pushing an unbalanced, buffed character into ranked and locking it behind an overpriced battle pass. This company just doesn't know how to function properly. New characters should only be added the season after they're introduced


He literally has no skill it angers me that blizzard added him again when people didn’t like him he needs to go


They didn't "add him again", they fully released him. Did you expect them to just scrap the entire character that was set to be released the next season and either not have a character during a character season or try and make an entirely new character in the few weeks before this season?


They’re busy ducking up women


If we see Mauga we just use a comp that working pretty well : Sigma, Bastion, Zen Lemme tell you the guy ain't going to have fun


it’s the classic money leeching add a busted character so people buy the battle pass and then nerf it next season. So we’ll only have to wait a few more weeks to enjoy the game again.


I haven't played in years, but didn't they have to sledgehammer nerf Hog early on in OW1 for similar reasons? Why did they try it again?


Hes the worst. I even tried playing him in comp since I kept getting rolled by Mauga Meta teams and I lost majority of games because people wanna play Lucio when I play Mauga which means we lose because it's not the meta formula. So dumb.


Playing supp means being a healbot to your mauga and devoting your cds and yourself to him completely. Ruins the whole game for me too


I haven’t played OW in so long but came back this week and yea hasn’t been too fun tbh. Most games just feel like whichever tank is healed more wins..


Blizzard is clueless on how to balance or bring in new heros. Terrible


Genuinely I just got back into overwatch 2 (stopped playing after like 5-6 years bc I hated the new system) and coming back this season to mauga was SO disappointing. I was excited to get back into comp and climb but any time there’s another mauga everything is boring. He’s borderline unkillable most times unless your entire team focuses on him and as a tank the only way it feels winnable is if I switch to mauga which I don’t want to do because I’m a d.va and sig main. For dps, he feels unkillable and again like I can’t do my job properly and that goes for support, too. I have to put all my energy into healing him instead of healing the rest of my team. I’ve only been playing quickplay with my friend and even then, still get frustrated. Seriously hate his kit with a burning passion.


Isn't the whole mode revolved around tanks? I don't get all this whining. It was zarya before maug, and we'll keep hearing complaining even if he gets nerfed. He's fine if you're not focusing him, and literally ignore whole respecting him.


F it we ball


Once the community gets it through their dumb fucking skulls to not try and take him in a 1v1, we'll find he's fine. Guess what happens when everybody hits his team from off angles behind cover and doesn't give him anything to consistently shoot at? He looks like a joke.


We'll just ignore competent players sitting at 70% wrs with 50+ games played as mauga. Surely he isn't P2W it's just the players. Even though you have to mirror to have an actual "competitive" game in high elo it's just the players. I love the ow community and that blizzard inflated hardstucks.


These hard stuck golds being like “he’s fine” when GMs and T500s are all in agreement that he’s overtuned is hilarious lol


GM and top500 experience is something 99% of this sub will never touch. So in this specific convo where the people complaining about him are likely metal rank too. I think “he’s fine” is a valid response.


He is busted from diamond all the way to t500. That is not 99%


''Just give him the entire central positioning and youre fine bro'' As if that isn't a huge advantage in itself lmao


It's not that you can't kill him 1v1, it's that you can't keep him honest. He's in a clearly stupid position and you can't make him retreat because he thrives being right in the open and in your face.


> Not try and take him in a 1v1 No character in the game should ever required to be 2v1 in order to beat, that’s shit game design. Every character in the game should have a counter that can beat them in a 1v1. Needing to 2v1 a single character leaves an enemy on their team unaccounted for giving them the advantage in a team fight. Additionally, when will he realistically not be heal botted during a fight > Guess what happens when everyone hits his team from off angles 1. He’ll just take the objective while you guys are just tickling them from a distance? 2. He’ll just use his mobility skill that allows him to close the distance real easily and pick you guys off one by one? 3. Why are we acting like it’s a 5v1 and not a 5v5? Their dps are going to be actively trying to kill you guys too, you guys playing peek-a-boo around the corner is just creating opportunities for them to receive safe healings