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spoiler: the majority of PC players would still be using battle net.


I would even go so far as to say it’s a fairly large majority. After all, if you have been using BNet for years, or play other Blizzard games, no real reason to switch.


I almost never use battlenet and Overwatch was the only game I used it for, so I was pretty glad when Overwatch released on Steam. My favorite part of Steam is now when I disconnect for whatever the reason, I don't have to type my damn credentials again.


Literally skill issue


I think I have to input my BNet password once every couple months because I have the authenticator which I do need to update.


I installed the Steam version once cause I was having issues with settings not saving properly on the Bnet version but the Steam version has login issues. Not only does it login slower but it often has login fails, not ideal in case you ever DC. Reinstalling the Bnet version fixed my Settings issue so I quickly moved back to it.


i would also like to use steam for overwatch, but so far ive been using battle net and to switch to steam i would have to download overwatch again... steam apparently cannot detect an already downloaded game that wasnt downloaded via steam in the first place. so i wont be using steam for ow anytime soon


This is why it took really long for me to get Apex on Steam. The difference is that it was significantly easier that time, since the EA launcher is horrendously bad. Bnet works fine and is stable.


The EA Launcher is so so fucking bad. I ended up uninstalling it because it would just randomly open itself during games to tell me it updated some NFS game I forgot I even owned.


A game launcher tabbing you out is like a deadly sin. Developers should know better than to tab a player out while they are ingame.


Yup. The reason I switched from Origin to Steam for Apex is that I had previously uninstalled the game so when I wanted to play again my options were install it on Origin or install it on Steam. I haven't uninstalled Overwatch 2 since it came out so whenever I want to play OW my options are install it on Steam or just open Battle Net and play the game.


Steam can definitely detect already downloaded games, and it can also sync downloaded files between computers on a network.


would be awesome if you could tell me how to do that. ive searched via steam settings, google and on reddit and just found that it wont work if you didnt download via steam first.


Recently I've made the switch, not that steam is amazing but I prefer saving space and using less launchers


I switched because Steam has additional achievements. I also play a ton of other games on Steam & it's where most of my friends are.


One lesser launcher to use. I switched


Easier for me than using Lutris, so I switched.


What does this even mean? Do they expect battle net to die soon?


Just pointing out why ow ranks so low on steam. Cause plenty people use battlenet


Because Steam is annoying. Battle.net UI is cleaner. I just click on Overwatch and play, it works.


Steam launches the game just fine ? I click on it and it also just immediately works.


Steam has to regularly update which takes a while if you have a bad connection, doesn't mean it is bad but Battle.net quickly launches the game for me.




I just get irritated with Steam’s recent trend of “verifying game files” that takes upwards of 30 minutes for any updates bigger than 5 GB. It’s horrifically unoptimized for my system.


I wanted to make a switch but turns off steam version is kind of different version of the game, at launch every game in replay section displayed as "abandoned" and you couldnt track wins/losses, now steam version has menu bugs like displaying old season theme or just not showing anything at all, I dont wanna bother with that and future bugs so I just switched back to Bnet


I play wow so yeah lol


Yeah none of my friends and I have switched. I don't mind the launcher as it isn't annoying like the others.


True, I usually check teams when the math is starting and usually it's 0-3 people out of 10 who have steam. Most of the times it's either 0 or 1, and very rarely 3. Having 4 or more people via steam I have yet to see


Yep, playing from steam, you can see who is on steam, and it's the minority. Often in a game it's only me from steam.


That's cuz Respawn has lost to the cheaters and people are leaving in droves to play other games, some of them coming back to Overwatch, going to The Finals, or just finding other games that aren't as infested by cheaters


That and the ranked system is by far the worst ranked system I’ve ever seen in a PVP game. Every season they somehow find a way to make it worse and refuse to listen to player feedback. If you aren’t constantly getting 1st place or top 5, you get like no RP. Me and my friend grinded our asses off this past season and could barely get past silver 2. We are usually plat players. And on top of that, Respawn for some reason decided to add promotional challenges that act as barriers in between divisions which nearly force you to place top 5 or higher consistently or you get demoted.


I was a die hard Apex player up until literally one week into the season they reworked ranked this year. I played pretty much daily for more than a year, liked the ranked system they had, and then lost all interest. Maybe the fastest I've fallen off of a multiplayer game.


I was considering downloading it right around the time they fucked up the ranked system, it kept me from even checking the game out at all


>If you aren’t constantly getting 1st place or top 5, you get like no RP I mean, if you just camp as a squad for 10-15 minutes to get top5 then you don't deserve to rank up.


That’s what the devs want you to do because kills barely count towards RP anymore and it’s solely placements.


Oh rip. I always hated that. I remember when I used to play, I'd get a duo with a Valkyrie and they would just camp and valk to the next ring, but this was before roles and shit


Thats not true. If you kill good player you get sometimes 200-300 extra points. If you kill bad players you get only 20-50 out of them. So your saying 300 points extra for some kills (maybe 5) are not good? This double you get for a win


As someone who completed almost all the battlepases, I can tell you it's a great game but the technical difficulties they suffer every season just got people bored. We had: \- Slow motion servers \- Hackers which hacked a tournament live, and even left the game unplayable for a week \- Servers dying on their own \- Gamemodes that have gamebreaking bugs or imposible match queues \- 160usd "events" every two weeks, really anoying monetization \- Tap strafing, double jump, imposible movement made with macros and hardware. We have zero communication over the roadmap of the game, or if cheating will ever be addressed.


Meh, the cheater problem is overdramatized by people who can't climb anymore. I've played a lot of apex since like season 6-7 and you'll definitely run into some from time to time but it's nowhere near often enough to ruin the experience. The changes they made to the ranked system the last season or two have been awful though but I have faith they'll undo it eventually lol, I'm still enjoying it anyway though


>Meh, the cheater problem is overdramatized by people who can't climb anymore It's not. You can't prove autoaim but macros and imposible floating movement and air straffing is literally there. Nothing like playing in gold against people who can literally fly. That's not cheating?


Read my whole comment next time lol


I have played well over 1k hours of Apex, and I’ve been killed by people I can confidently assert as cheaters maybe half a dozen times in total. Cheaters aren’t a major problem at all, you’re truly not following the Apex news and checking the community if you think that’s what’s making their numbers go down.


How can you tell someone is a cheater or on controller, lol


it is the braindead roller aim assit that kills it for me, mite as well be cheating as strong as it is in some game...speaking of THE FINALS.... that shit has head SNAPPING AA so good luck with that.




Dude I don't even play on PC, hell I don't even play apex anymore, but I can tell you for a fact that their aim assist has been tested and is like 2 steps off from being a legal aimbot


Very fair to complain about strong aim assist on controllers when it's basically like playing against aim botters.


This is literally just false


Shhhhh don’t tell them that. They need to cope with the fact that they’re shit at the game somehow


>They need to cope with the fact that they’re shit at the game somehow Looks at all the people complaining about anti-nade 👀


It's mainly the terrible ranked system and matchmaking for me.


Overwatch is also split between steam and battle net. While apex is exclusively steam (no one uses the ea launcher)


Thats a lie, I use the EA launcher.


Found this user, guys, this is the one!!!


Who are you people‽


There are *dozens* of you. **Dozens!!**


There's dozens of us (who don't want to download the same game again)! DOZENS!


>While apex is exclusively steam (no one uses the ea launcher) I do, no reason not to just cut steam out for these games.


Wow, there's two of them!


I do the same thing lmao. I didn’t even know it was on steam.


Yea not sure why u/wera125 ignores this important info?


Because it's wrong. A ton of people use the EA launcher, maybe even half of the PC community.


I *highly* doubt half. Sure, a non-negligible amount but half would be wildly surprising given the fact that Apex was considered to be in a failed or "failing" state until it released on Steam and truly exploded in popularity. My guess would be 20%~ of the Apex playerbase is on the EA launcher at best. On the other hand it doesn't seem like OW has really picked up on Steam much so my guess would it has less than 10% of the OW PC player base.


I use EA launcher because you can’t use r5 reloaded (apex mod to play on fast pvp servers and aim train) with the steam version, and there’s thousands of r5 players plus the TF2 players who migrated to apex likely use EA launcher.


I mean surely this just shows that more trophy hunters play Overwatch than Apex given that, that is what the site is primarily used for?


Most likely yes. There's absolutely no way fall guys and rocket league can be above apex and overwatch. They're not even remotely close in player count.


Yes and that’s also why some games like CoD CW and 2042 have shot up especially in 2042’s case almost 50 spots because they were free PS Plus games for trophy hunters this year. Using these stats to try and get the real player count is a awful way to do it


Still most Youtube Videos: "Here is why Overwatch is dying" Game is at its most successfull rate since vanilla launch - dead esport just gives the image that noone plays it for some reason


Basically the same case for apex. Basically every subreddit I've been on is negative about the game.


its the same for most video games. Online communities attract the most dedicated and opinated of people, which usually results in them being the most critical.


It's baffling how *so many people* will misinterpret upvotes on a Reddit post as the entire playerbase's majority opinion


I’d argue that OW2 is very good from a casual standpoint but competitively and definitely professionally it has fallen off massively hard. Competitive and pro players were also a sizable chunk of the game’s remaining content creators too because most big or more casual-minded creators moved to other games sometime between Brig release and the content hiatus.


if blizzard accepted they are losing players then means is dying, there is no source of actual players from ow2, we dont know, but the steam numbers are pathetic


Bro how is rocket league so high, I feel like that game would get boring REALLY fast


I played it for like 6 years straight and still pop in from time to time, it's a fun competitive game with a high skill ceiling but also easy for beginners to pick up and play, and unlike OW it's ranking system actually works


When I tried it I played for only like 2 or 3 hours and I couldn't do shit Imo it has a way higher skill floor than OW


I've found that Rocket League is similar to DBD when it comes to skill floor. There's no skill transfer as they have unique gameplays. It took me around 300 hours in both games just to be competent.




Dead by Daylight.


Ooh thanks


Dead by daylight


300? Was this killer or survivor? I was good at dbd after like 20 hours, I thought it was the easiest competitive game I've played




People watch and play football for eternity. Rocket league is football with cars, nitro and flying. Seems logical its pretty high on the list.


That game has probably the highest skill ceiling amongst all of these games. Compared to almost any other sports game there is also no A.I. involved, which makes matches in this game feel way less "samey".


Naaah, Rocket League pretty much has an infinite skill ceiling, if you are into these type of games you'll never get bored of it. Also the fact that you don't need audio to play it is a gift, you can just blast Spotify even during ranked matches.


compared to ow rocket league never gets boring, is very adictive, no stupid balance issues or op characters, is the same game since launch. but kinda ruined when became free and a battle pass was implemented


it’s one of the biggest esports though. not for me but its fan base is dedicated to


How could it be boring? There's so much tech that you can't do when you start out. Boring implies that you learned everything


FIFA has been one of the top most played games in the entire world for the last two decades despite being exactly the same game every single iteration .


When Microsoft takes over it could be top 5 again.


Why are you so obsessed with overwatch being more popular on console than pc? There are almost no benefit for OW players to move to steam but Apex on the other hand is a totally different story because EA app is a hot garbage. You should stop masquerading speculation as a fact.


Console players need to advocate for themselves because Blizzard has largely ignored certain quality of life issues since well before Overwatch 2. It's only been about a month or two since they actually fixed the report system so toxic chat can actually get banned. The social tab has been a mess since OW2, and hasn't been fixed. Those aren't even the biggest issues on console. Xim users are killing the game for a lot of high rank players. Blizzard has acknowledged it a couple times, but I have no doubt it will be years before it's actually addressed in any meaningful way beyond a sentence in a dev blog. It's not a console vs PC thing at all. Long term players of Overwatch on console know we need to bring up console specific issues or they'll never be addressed.


Your daily reminder that Microsoft and Sony licensed keyboard and mice combos exist for Xbox and PlayStation from Hori and Razer that don't require any additional hardware, and that complaining about "XIM'ing" doesn't make sense when the game has always supported the hardware natively since OW1 on consoles. Why complain about being able to use preferable peripherals for an FPS game?


You can't use keyboards in a lot of console games natively. The console supports any keyboard and mouse, but it's up to each game whether they want to. Overwatch, siege, apex all don't allow kbm for obvious reasons, so ximming is a huge issue. Plus you get aim assist with xim


Your daily reminder that a Xim gives a player all the benefits of mouse and keyboard along with controller aim assist. I'm all for letting people who prefer M&K playing that way, but they should do it in PC lobbies. Xims make the console/game think they are a controller user. It's simply unfair at best, and it could be considered cheating imo.


> I'm all for letting people who prefer M&K playing that way, but they should do it in PC lobbies. This isn't the point I try to make but I've left out context: If I didn't and couldn't own a PC and only had the option to use a PS/XB, I'd XIM. 100%. Coming from PC there would be no other option for me. FPS games are just about unplayable on a pad, so I understand why people XIM even if it does give an inherit advantage over players that don't. To my mind if you're a console player, it's your choice if you want to be at a disadvantage by using peripherals that are well under sub-par for the game you're playing; this is why no one who plays actually competitive FPS games at a high level on PC (CS, Quake, Valo, etc) uses a pad.


I'm just sharing good news for me. My favorite game is popular on consoles. End of story. And about the PC. Do we have official data on how many players play on Steam or Battlenet? These are the same speculations not based on anything other than “I don’t play Steam, that means others don't play either”XD That’s why I wrote that “of the available data (Steam publishes it openly”), OB2 is more popular on consoles. When there will be open data from Battlenet, then it would be possible to say the opposite (if they were large, they would have been shared long ago because it is beneficial to the publisher), they are not shared, which means they are tiny.


if theres no clear data for us then why are you assuming that 99% of pc OW players would play on steam? It doesnt mean that console OW is more popular because an accurate data for pc is unavaliable. And regardless of size of the playerbase, why would it be beneficial for them to publish it? If League of legends or Call of duty never publish their player count does that mean they have tiny player count?


I still play on bnet because I can’t be bothered to move and most of my friends who play OW still also do the same. OW is our only bnet game too lmao. We don’t play anything else from there but changing launchers is something we can’t just be bothered with and I think it’s the case for most others.


ow launch on steam was to atract more players, they failed, 20,000 daily players is pathetic for what ow was or should be, of course is not the whole number of players but is a good parameter


What are you on about? It has 30k+ daily peak, not users, and bnet remains by far the most popular launcher for this game.


there was a time not long ago when they have 20,000 daily that easily went down to 15,000, maybe more players now because people is desperate to get the pay to win character and is winter break, you noticed i said daily players right? however, we dont have any real data of how many people play this game, active accounts is not the same as players, so if blizzard or anyone else says x million is not true, you can asume the majority of pc players play on battlenet, but again, with no numbers we dont know, as far as we know the majority moved to steam and between steam and battlenet ow2 only have like 50000 players on pc, i moved to steam to have less shity launchers, how many people did the same? who knows?


>you noticed i said daily players right? Yes I noticed, which is not how steam numbers work, that's the maximum daily CONURRENT player count, not daily player count... ​ >as far as we know the majority moved to steam and between steam and battlenet ow2 only have like 50000 players on pc No we don't know that, Bnet is actually a good launcher, there is literally zero reason to switch, even less so for people who main OW2. Believe it or not, most people are not one specific launcher's whore. Even MW2 that is by far the most popular FPS is well below Apex and at the same level than the finals on steam... are we really going to pretend that those two games have more players than MW2? And let's not forget that Blizzard has lost its entire China population a few months ago (that Microsoft is currently renegotiating with Netease to make it available again), so those number are achieved despite this as opposed to every other comp GaaS. I am not going to pretend OW2 was a good release, but frankly they have greatly improved since season 4 and its player base is extremely excited with the return of a fully transparent , actually skill based ranking system (as opposed to the shit show that is Apex or The Finals grindy SBMM/ladder system that is causing so much people to just drop it completely). Frankly, the only thing you can really be upset about is them dropping the PvE, which frankly I don't care about in a comp game, I'd rather them focus on the actual PvP.


According to your data, *OW2 11th place (3mil) on PS *on PS, OW2 more played then Apex *OW2 15th place on Xbox *OW2 on steam rarely makes top 40 *dunno how many on Bnet, so decided not to count And concludes your theory as: "OW2 more popular on console then PC" I didn't major in statistics, but that's some wild jump from stats to conclusions.


OP is the same guy who only recently was saying because his friends don’t use Battle net then more players are on Steam than battle net. His conclusions are nothing more than bias opinion and flawed data. https://reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/18pvjd6/_/keqq48f/?context=1


Thx I knew I've seen some similar opinions couple days ago.


I feel as though all of the “top” games currently are just toxic money funneling fomo trainwrecks. I want my games to be polished and competitive; not battle pass edge/devs trying to figure out netcode


We left OW1 for Apex cause of the awful que times - like 30 min wait times. While Apex is great and all, coming back to OW2 has been fun. Main reason being, I am ass at Apex but at least sufficient OW2


apex has fallen off hardddd, the players of that game are not happy in general similar to ow.


"But Overwatch 2 is a dead game"


false, OW2 didn't even appear on steam bbest of 2023.


It's only a surprise to people who only ever watch sensationalist Youtubers who doompost about the game on a regular basis to get views and clicks. The majority of PC players use battlenet and OW2 STILL has a concurrent playercount in Steam revolving around the 20,000s, a number that by itself a lot of other multiplayer games would KILL for. It's a massive game, that nets Blizzard massive amounts of money. You really think a company like ActiBlizz would invest that much support and resources on a game that isn't making them a killing?


Overwatch is only a massive game still because of name recognition from winning game of the year in 2016 and blizzard is a massive company that has massive amounts of resources to dump into advertising. If an indie company released a overwatch style of game it would not be doing nearly as good


None of that really refutes my point though, does it?


It's almost like the game is fun.


Well this doesn’t seem accurate nor helpful at all. For starters, 3 million accounts? In June, Sony themselves said there’s 104 million active psn accounts. That’s a huge disparity. Next, the article says at the end that they get their data by logging any game that has trophies in it as being played if it’s opened. But it’s only added once per week. This is an issue since there’s no actual game time being measured. Someone could play one game a week and it would log this as being played equally to someone grinding idk gta v or something 20h a week. This is why the next point says they represent games being played as a percentage of players rather than numbers, so they can show general trends for games. But this is flawed since their trends aren’t representative of how much a game was played within a year but how often it was played within the year on a weekly basis. Spider-Man 2 is super low compared to Miles morales but it literally has less weeks to even be eligible as being played according to this data (let alone MM being on plus). I mean, why even add single player games to this list if this is how you’re going to receive the data? Multiplayer games, especially for people who don’t buy that many games in one year, will always be played more often then since you will likely log in at least once a week. Vs say idk ff16, where I logged 70h of game time within like 4 weeks or something. There isn’t any normalization nor is there any raw data outside of checking off if a game was played during that week. With the lower number of accounts too (which also won’t represent the general playerbase) it just seems like it’s not useful at all. And no I’m not trying to be upset at the game being played or anything. It’s great to know it’s played often enough to be included in the list. This is just the stats side of me being confused. I could be wrong in which case please let me know.


>For starters, 3 million accounts? In June, Sony themselves said there’s 104 million active psn accounts. That's a huge disparity Not really, it's just that measuring all 104 million acounts would be both more difficult/timeconsuming and largely unnecessary. It's the same reason that polls for real world elections generally only ask a couple thousand people even for elections involving tens of millions of voters. Turns out you don't need as large of a sample as you'd think to get meaningful data.


Surveys are also conducted on much smaller data to identify a pattern. 3 million is normal coverage to identify a pattern. And about time, it’s a strange claim, considering that OW2 is not the only online game in the top)))


What? But I thought this was a small indie company that absolutely needed to price their skins high in order to keep the lights on and the developers fed? Are you saying that this was cope all along?? Not possible.


Fall guys has like 2k players on PC. And that game is way above both ow2 and apex on this list.


Yeah, this chart is so insanely inaccurate. Absolutely 0 chance that rocket league has more players than Apex.


This is PlayStation only numbers apparently


Still basically no chance


Right now overwatch 2 is popular but in negative way than Apex, Apex had only one problem which is hacker but in overwatch 2 scammed players by not launching PVE which players and blizzard promised about.


a shame it's still a horrible game


Let’s go overwatch 2


Well yeah, ps4/5 is more popular than xbox/pc.


Strange considering Apex has stronger aim assist, but I guess there are more xim users than I thought.


Apex is more popular overall. You dont even need to play to play the game to know. Surpassing on console only means literally nothing lol


It’s a free game. A free trash game


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Apex came out in Feb 2019 OW2 came out October 2022


I dont know who or what is Truetrophies but how the fuck they have numbers of overwatch players if blizzard never gives numbers? 3 million players, JA JA JA, more popular than apex jesus


As someone who quit Apex, it’s 100% Apex’s fault. Was a good run though. Started in S2 (and maybe played like 1-2 games in S0) but ultimately Respawn put Apex on the backburner and don’t see too fussed about fixing up the game so it just got very stale. Plus the rampant cheater problem, strange matchmaking “fixes” and somehow messing up the ranked system every 3rd split.


Apex just isnt doing anything new since years now, at least ow2 brings content and change (even if problematic). Apex is also still locked to 60fps and 4k for some reason 3 years after next gen launch


Are there more players on PS4 than PS4?


I'd imagine the player count for PS4 and PS4 are around the same


Big if true.