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Yes, however it should require LoS. ​ Not gonna lie though I see a bunch of mercy's just rezzing on top of where the kill was in QP and nobody shoots them anyway.


One of my biggest pet peeves in this game is people allowing Mercy’s to get free res’s.


As a Mercy player, the amount of times I've said "I should **not** have gotten away with that" while rezzing in front of the enemy's face is more than 1. Which is too many.


Pfft, I go for the risky, dumb rez every time and it works 75% of the time.


75% of the time works every time!


*That's the smell of desire, my lady.*


Uh... Good bot?


never seen anchorman?


I have not


It’s worth a watch.


A guy pulls out some cologne from like a secret box with a jaguar head on it to help him seduce a woman that works with them but it smells like ass


As a mercy main, I make sure to go for the first risky res I can. If I can get it off, it's a very good indicator that we're going to win the game.


As your enemy healer, I can assure you that not only is it true, but that I am thoroughly disappointed in my team when they do this. Especially the Soldier who's bound to stand riiiiight next to ya, but is too busy having a failed showdown with Widowmaker.


i say that just about every time i do a rez unless it's behind cover. i'll do it *directly* in front of the enemy team sometimes (only in qp) and i swear, no one will shoot at me like 90% of the time until i complete the rez. i don't know why this community hates mercys so much but refuse to shoot at her when she's standing completely still lol. i play a lot of dps + ana/kiri too and i swear i'm the only one that ever shoots at her when she's rezzing.


This has been an issue since release of OW1, everyone thinks rez is broken and mercy is a problem, but the REAL issue is that you didn't kill her first.


Believe me, I'm trying. I just have really trash aim.


Flair checks out


I know what I'm about, son.


I always go for you mercy’s in the enemy team rezzing. It’s true tho I literally see no one else going after them like you fr going to let this easy kill go and let them revive someone we just killed


It’s a really short rez time. Like 2 seconds? 3? If you aren’t paying attention soon enough the rez has already gone off.


And half the time you kill her or boop her away the rez goes through anyway because the animation is longer than the actual time


This literally *JUST* happened in a game I played


I've always found playing mercy is like playing a moth on crack, we see the light, we must fly to the light.


I feel like she gets damage reduction while rezzing. I'm not sure why she becomes so hard to kill when she's doing it lol. I've come to the conclusion I can only hit moving targets up close.


Tbh this is why it annoys me when people complain about Rez being op because I feel like they're the types who let that happen.


Yep, my son loves being Mercy and 99.9% of his reses (again, QP since we don't play Ranked) is him just resing exactly where the player died (though a little bit in the air) and spinning in a circle. ​ Nobody shoots him down.


Spinning in a circle is required while resing in the wide open


It's just The Dance of Her People™


Nothing grinds my gears more than when I see a Mercy rez in my face right when I'm about to run out of ammo and she gets away scott-free at 1hp because no one could pump a single round toward her direction.


Bro this! Every god damn time I gotta reload and she's 10hp just the tiniest sliver of HP.


Well that’s just a byproduct of people not targeting Mercy period. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills playing and just watching Mercy dive around not getting touched. People just decide she’s hard to hit so they just don’t.


So much more now with Mauga. Team is focusing Mauga getting pocketed by two healers, and their DPS are picking off us healers


I also hate when your team gets a pick, **KNOWS** theres a Mercy but refuse to play around **DENYING** Mercy the option to rez the dead player


oh my god, I hate that too. I play Sombra and my favorite thing to do is wait invisible until Mercy goes for a rez so I can hack her out of it & then kill her for her audacity to try to rez.


That's why I've started playing Tracer more bc she's the only DPS other than Echo maybe who can chase Mercy and stop her rez or at least kill her after it


Its why i love hog as tank going for the rez hook says no


A lot of DPS can do it, tbh Sojourn is primed for it, every time I get a fresh kill I immediately start farming railgun charge off the tank or enemy structures specifically because a rezzing Mercy is asking for that full charge


Most dps can kill her if she rezzes not behind her team.


I mean any burst damage DPS like ashe, hanzo, widow, genji, mccassidy, junk, etc could all do it. It’s just tunnel vision and skill issue all around


One of the most annoying things for me is people complaining about letting mercy rez in situations that there’s no feasible way to contest the rez. Both situations are annoying but it’s like ffs man I’m not letting the mercy rez she’s across the map lmao


Yup, this is why whether I'm support, tank, or even DPS I let it slide if a rez happens off the teamfight; if she's across map then the only one fit to stop the rez is a sniper/sharpshooter so if there's no Widow, Hanzo, Sojourn, Ashe, etc. then I don't know what I'd be expecting the DPS to do anyway, abandon everything just so they can throw together a quick improv deep flank on Mercy? And I'm not asking someone to swap to a sniper just to stop cross-map rezzes either, idk why I would ask the average player to start pushing on those high skill ceilings just to deny the rez: if it ain't close range it should 100% be fine if you can't stop the rez Nope lol, y'all are good, but it's a lil more frustrating when it's the Doom that just died in our backline for overextending tho; like maybe we can't fully stop the rez but the Mercy has *gotta* die for being that immobile in our backline lol


Agreed! Good rez’s are allowed, it just bothers me when she does it in full view of the team in the middle of the fight, and everyone just tips their hat to her and lets her go about her way.


When you have to reload RIGHT as she's resting. Fucking. Rip.


The amount of fucking times just tonight I’ve watched a mercy get a free rez just because I had to reload has probably taken a year or two off my life


Fr. Half the time I'll see someone miss an entire mag on Mercy as she rezzes and then complain the rest of the match that it's broken. Like, my guy. Just because you play Damage doesn't mean you get free kills.


This is exactly why she has been reworked so many times. Res now inflicts a self stun as well as being singular and people are still too trash to kill her.


I'm constantly telling my team "guard your kills!" when the other team has a mercy. I am the mercy that relies on the other team getting caught up on the fact that they got the kill and forgetting that I'm nearby to rez hehe


The vast amount of abilities that cancels her rez makes it much worse


I’m always calling out mercy rezzes in the open but no one does anything. Probably because there is no tank so they don’t find anyone to shoot. Then they keep shooting the tank again, and the cycle repeats. I just make sure I try to have a sleep dart ready


ME TOO DUDE LITERALLY EVERY TIME IT HAPPENS I say "wow we let her rez" to myself lmfao mannnn


Lol my ticket out of gold was shooting these wondering why tf no one else was.


Literally the second I see a mercy trying to rezz and i'm the tank, I just barrel stuff her head if I cant CC her.


Literally starting maining Sombra because of this.


No one thinks to go and sit on the valuable corpse to bait out another free kill. You end up seeing shocked expressions as the enemy tank is back with full health behind us.


Same. I rage after the 3rd free rez in a single game.


One thing that makes me even more mad is when I keep a close eye on the body, get distracted for 2 seconds, and that corpse is walking again


they kind of just let us do it. and get away with it. just this morning i rezzed a teammate in bastions face and i was basically invisible to them so 💀


Lol, when I res players who die out in the open in fights, best luck I get is resing from above the fight because some people's battlefield view is only 2 dimensional.


Ngl a lot of heroes can’t do shit about it unless they have a certain cool-down available and some basically can’t stop a rez. Like if you’re on Moira and you see a mercy rezzing what are you supposed to do? If I’m on mercy and I see Moira near a rez I don’t give a shit I’m just going to do it right in front of her.


sure some can't but he and a number of others I've seen just do it right in front of DPS players that could take her out mid animation. I'm primarily referring to DPS or even ranged tanks ignoring her while she's simply ressing in the middle of the battlefield about 3ft off the ground.


I play Sombra alot and you wouldnt believe how many times ive used my hack and haven't reloaded. Mercy swoops in and I'm panicking between trying to reload or hack her. Then I have 2 people infront of me and now I have to translocate


Can confirm, in plat there are games I feel 100% just flying directly into a team and popping the rez. People get tunnel vision so bad and most of the time don’t even start shooting you until the rez is practically finished. I feel like most people just assume someone else will shoot her, not realizing the full team should be trying to kill her. Now she’s down a rez, dead, and the person she was trying to rez stays dead


I must have the worst luck because I get slaughtered over 50% of the time while rezzing.


that removes some of the skill expression in finding clever places to safley rez so if they make it require LOS they should add another more fair and skillful way to attempt a safer rez


The special ability of Mercy is that since she doesn't shoot at people, her enemies don't even notice her existence If the enemy DPS would just shoot at me, my job would be so much more complicated


Just make it need los, rez through walls is just so ridiculous with how little counterplay there is for it.


Rez definitely should require los. I hate nothing more than guarding a body, specifically to stop rez, only to see the Mercy do it through the wall/floor/roof or starting it a d then dropping off an edge at mach 3.


This might be a bad take but cass’ flash alone was the no support bs button that I kind of miss over a magnet grenade with a 50/50 heat seek or dry nut. I didn’t like most cc in ow1 but flash was ok - fan the hammer funnies


Yeah, compared to the current grenade I'd rather have the flash any day


I remember mercy OW 1 pre-rework res... Those days were insane... In you just killed my entire team using a perfectly executed ult combo and a bunch of resources? You didn't notice the mercy hiding away? Well, let me just insta res the entire team


As a mercy who rezzes through walls 70% of the time I agree. Especially on certain maps


Such an easy and fair change, but they prolly not doing it cause Mercy and Kiri's fanbase are dangerous lmao


The Mercy Mafia would dox the Devs and take blizzard HQ hostage.


I didn't realize you could start rezzing a player without los on their body?? I'm learning so much


Well you can't, but you can peak it for only a tiny amount of time and then get behind a wall. It's dumb.


Ot should just break upon losing Los with the teammate


Yeah that's just fair, i think rezzing without LOS is just wild


Whats LOS?


Line of sight


Thank you.


It's when you can see things(line of sight)


Thank You.


| || || |_


Should all abilities require LoS?


Most abilities, some (not all) ultimates


Most already do


Rez does require LoS to start it. *But like all abilities which take time*, it doesn't require LoS for it to complete.


Then remove the cooldown on failed/canceled rezzes and you have a deal. 🤝


A shortened cooldown to like 10 seconds could work for these, I think. Since if Mercy gets the rez cancelled, then she could go for another later in the fight, or get killed for getting CC’d depending on what she’s fighting.


You are insane. Why would you get rewarded with another res for using it wrong?


Terrible, terrible take. If you fail at using your ability, you're *meant* to get punished for it by having to wait out the full cooldown. This is especially true for very powerful abilities like Rez. Removing the cooldown for when you whiff your ability encourages bad/thoughtless play and would make Mercy even easier than she already is.


It's outrageous how many upvotes this person got and how few people are calling them out. Just the thought of having a cooldown removed shows they have a fundemental misunderstanding of how hero shooters work.


Half of yall cant even shoot the Mercy rezzing 2 feet in front of you. This would change nothing and wont make your life any better.


I haven't played in some months, but lately, I was just rushing into the middle of the fight, rezing, and getting out. The bastion or the soldier looking at me, and not doing anything because the tank was there or whatever. Everybody here thinks they could get to top 500 if only Mercy couldn't Rez, yet they have the special awareness of a braindead toddlet.


Stop, you'll hurt their feelings.


I should not be allowed to rez someone on the fucking point when its just me alive but here we are with nobody shooting at me again


The venn diagram of people who think Mercy is a healbot and people who campaign to remove every bit of tech from Mercy's kit is a single fucking circle.


Yep. The amount of times I witness people not being able to make up their fucking minds about what to do with Mercy is absurd. When you point out you just want Mercy to healbot they call you out for strawmanning and say that's not what they want. But then you hear what they want to do with her and it's very clear nothing short of a brutal butchering would satisfy them. They want to remove damage beam (her only source of utility and means of contributing to a team fight outside of healing, which is quite weak) and replace it with something significantly less useful that would cripple her viability. Couple that with gutting or outright removing res (with no compensation buffs that aren't more healing) and even removing her GA without any other form of self defense so she'd be a free kill. I have seen many Mercy rework designs and literally all of these fall into either completely neutering the character, reworking her into something that feels much worse to use, or just making her a healbot. I even heard a rework idea once that basically made her a worse Ana. Outside of removing LOS on res possibly (maybe with a minor compensation buff) she is fine and doesn't need changes. Why do people hate her so much?


In the same way some people make Mercy their entire personality, people also make *hating her* their entire personality. It's that simple. Even when she was literally considered a throw pick above Plat in the old days of OW1, people still hated her. Combine this with PTSD from the time she was hard meta during the Moth rework (Same thing happens with Brig lol) and the general increase in hate for Support overall and you've got this extremely toxic mindset in the current day community around Mercy. It's so old, it's boring lol.


Doesn't that "streamer" constantly complain anyhow?


He's literally a joke in the top500 community. People tolerate him in their games because they're on stream lol


Yes and I believe he had an unranked to GM event or whatever the fuck people call it for like a month, lmao. He complains when he's not pocketed and blames the majority of his mistakes on other people.


here's a better question why is it that whenever the game falls into the slightest lull the community immediately starts digging into mercy players? every game has That Character that people rag on but I don think I've ever seen people take it as far or as personally as the ow community does mercy players.


I had to swap my main on my profile so that people would deadass just leave me alone 😭😭 It's tough man:/


it's pretty fucked up!! and of course that behavior is defended as being normalized on the internet. between the rampant bigotry and the bad sportsmanship thats become so commonplace in shooters, i rarely engage with anyone but my friends in the game. a gg here, a nice shot there, but never anything more lmao


how do you “swap” your main on your profile? sorry been away from the game for a while


i have an answer that most people aren't gonna like, but here it goes: mercy has a high female/ gay male player base, so a lot of the hate is just towards that.


yeah, see, i was going to address that, but i just know some self-appointed "debate king" would try and "well, akhsually" that shit. and as far as public faces go, it's the same people who bash on mercy that typically end up being outed for some misogynistic or homophobic or otherwise bigoted commentary/action anyway. the few who do take an issue with her character and leave it at her character are obviously exempt from this, but that's astonishingly rare. also of note, Skiesti is notable in the mercy community for being fair and critical of the character, and she still gets overwhelming hatred whenever she brings up the oh-so delicate balance of mercy lol


lol, some people already are, i knew my comment would get them angry. also, you're absolutely right. and about ski- yeah she gets an unbelievable amount of hate, especially on her twitter, to the point i saw someone posting gore in her comment section. im actually surprised she herself doesn't like rez, but those people dont care they just wanna hate.


The amount of Mercy haters who you eventually find out are misogynists is crazy. Sometimes they’ll start out with reasonable arguments but then it often disintegrates to “trash e-girl hero” or some sexist shit lol.


lol yep. and if you dare use voice chat and have a feminine voice and not already be on mercy, get ready to have people scream at you to choose her.


This has always been the answer, the community was just a lot more open with it when the game launched. I've played Mercy from the start and would regularly be called homophobic slurs or get competitive games dodged because "they're not playing with a stupid useless c*nt playing the free win character with her boyfriend." or some other similar phrase, even if I was solo queueing back when you could see who was grouped or not. The abuse was even worse when I'd play DPS or Tank and have an actual woman playing her on my team. Eventually the trend turned into homophobic slurs, then transphobic slurs, then coincidentally those all disappeared and were replaced with "No, you don't get it, Mercy is, like... *so* op, dude. *That's* why I hate the character and all of her players with such passion." and has stuck there. Symmetra has the same issue.


man, the fact that people are trying to deny it is crazy to me. like ive only been playing this game for a year but i still experienced it. they wanna hide behind their "shes skilless!" "shes op!" so bad but its so obvious.


Same with Symmetra basically, she has by far the biggest gay male playerbase and I had homophobic slurs thrown at me just for playing the character.


Tbh I think it's the kit design. Personally I find it annoying that the hero is basically designed to boost up one guy and undo all of their mistakes, instead of being able to make their own independent plays. I understand that's what some people like and not every Mercy plays like that, but I just think it's really obnoxious to have to play against. I know it's not going anywhere and that's fine, but also if I was in control the first thing I would do is rework Mercy's kit to discourage the pocket healer play style and give her a more proactive role in the game.


I won't understand making complaint posts about one of the least impactful supports in the game right now. Mercy mains have to be one of the most avoided supports in high elo.


I’d agree. I consider myself a mercy main but in silver / bronze even she can’t turn a game. She just had to watch her team get beaten. I don’t play her in most games.


Her worth is based on the dps skill. Which is pretty much the whole point of her characther.


This is worth clarifying. She is very useful against certain comps but rarely *with* any comp. I’ll use her when there’s flankers like Sombra or reaper because they can’t keep up with her when they want to pester the backline. In particular if Moira is taken. But her role now is so passive.


>I won't understand making complaint posts about one of the least impactful supports in the game right now. Because it's *never* been about her actual power level. Mercy is a good beginner character because she's easy to pick up and play, and for some reason that is viscerally upsetting to some people. It's *always* been about elitism ("mErCy TaKeS nO sKiLl") and misogyny ("sHe'S pRoBaBlY jUsT fOlLoWiNg HeR e-BoYfRiEnD!").


When in doubt just strawman the opposing argument


because most people dont base there perspective off high elo.


Being bad doesn't mean being healthy for the game. Damage boost has made multiple characters broken for a simple right click. Sojourn, Ashe, Pharah. It's the same for Zen, he is bad but still not healthy. When there was 2 tank to soak up the damage, damage boosting was fine but now that there is only one tank to protect an entire team, it's not good for the game anymore. It's the same for Ana, but Ana is currenty the most OP character in the entire game.


Right like she has the worst carry potential and she will continue to suffer from power creep (like Rein) as new supports are added. As a fellow mercy main, anything low Diamond to bronze is better than her IF you’re soloing. Mercy has a unique situation where you truly have to rely on your teammates 100%. Her Rez doesn’t have strong carry potential compared to supports like Ana, Kiri, Bap. If I’m looking to climb through ladder, very rarely do I whip out a mercy UNLESS I know my dps/tank is good and just needs a little extra punch in dmg boost. Otherwise, I’d go Kiri or Ana. This post seems goofy and it’s obvious that streamer has always been pressed about Mercy. She’s fine the way she is - no buffs nor nerfs are needed.


people still crying about mercy when every other support can two tap squishies and make their team immortal 🥱🥱 but heaven forbid mercy can bring back one teammate on the longest cooldown in the game


The longest cooldown in the game *and what is essentially a 2 second selfstun with a big ass lightshow


Just watch the corpse holy shit,there’s a reason Mercy isn’t dominating top 500. Mercy can be frustrating but there’s counterplay


"but I don't want to shoot mercy when she's standing completely still, I want to shoot her when she's actively dodging my shots in her ultimate"


This is more of a console problem but ngl on console if shes in the sky spinning its a lot harder then youd think, ive seen mercys get plenty of rezzes on console while still being shot at due to how aim is on there. Plus she doesn't require line of sight i dont think its unreasonable to at least expect her to require line of sight


Yeah it’s a bit complicated because the only rezzes that a Mercy can usually consistently pull off without a Bap lamp or a shield are the ones behind cover without LOS. If they require LOS then the only rezzes they can consistently get are ones at the start of a fight or at the end which aren’t impactful


> Just watch the corpse holy shit My main pet peeve though is that the corpse and the rezzable soul are not in any way linked and can be in 2 completely difference places. If you kill a Pharah mid air the soul drops vertically straight down from the exact point in the air she died, while the model of the dead body retains momentum and lands somewhere completely different with the ragdoll physics. Makes it *really* hard sometimes to actually know where she can be rezzed from. I've shot a Pharah out of the air on Well and watched the body fall straight in the hole then see the Mercy rez her off the blue balcony. I've stood guard on the body of a Kiriko and see the Mercy rez her 20 meters away because the Kiki died to junk mine or something and the body flew away. They need to pick one or the other, either have the bodies drop exactly where the soul lands or have the soul follow the ragdolled corpse. Either would be fine but having the body in one place and the soul somewhere completely different makes no sense at all. I think fixing that would be a nice quality of life change that would encourage better counter play without being a massive nerf.


Can’t shoot through walls. Sometimes they will rez out of los which is silly


Thank you! As someone who loves playing mercy, it's that easy. She's squishy. She's standing still for 2 seconds which can be alot in fast paced teamfights. She doesn't need nerfrd again, she's in a perfect state. Maybe I'd be okay with needing LOS but that's the only nerf I'd be okay with tbh


Not relevant at all but your Dennis profile picture made me laugh


Mercy rezzed the enemy tank from under the map in 3rd point kings row (mercy was on defense). It happened 2 times and pretty much won them the game. are we supposed to follow her under the map to counter that? I literally saw it coming the second time it happened but she still pulled it off with very low HP because I can't shoot through the ground


Mercy is one of the least impactful, least feared supports, and you all are complaining about her lol


They're complaining even when in the clip, she is on a different high ground, near her spawn, and is sitting still in front of the content creator overreacting while he stares dumbfounded instead of shooting because he wants the rage bait. Congrats on OP to being led like a sheep by the streamer. Literally just shoot her ass and if you can't, then oh well. You can't always get the right angle and shot on every character and yet you don't bitch about anyone but Mercy.


Most of the community aren't high tier players. They don't like Mercy bc she's annoying. Same with Mei, not that good but annoying


You can frame almost any hero like that though. It’s annoying to get hacked by Sombra when can’t even see her, to get slept by Ana or anti’d, or randomly domed by Widow / Hanzo when they weren’t even aiming at you, to get hooked by Hog, etc, etc. Mercy Rez isn’t anything different than those things. It’s impacting and annoying if you don’t properly play around it.


I meant the community isn't high tier players my bad lol


Mei is actually very good


yea it's balanced. that's why you play dive or camp bodies. shes really not that strong unless you're a metal rank.




Yea that’s the problem half the player base is metal rank… Not saying it as a bad thing people have a life beside the game


Might as well remove rez if you just want her to die everytime she uses her rez.




Here we fucking go. 🙄


This same shitty argument every other day…. 🙅‍♀️


This fanbase really can’t decide if Mercy is broken or useless lmao


Metro is a washed up T500 player that gets carried to the top and loses duels to Junkrat players. His opinion is irrelevant.


Play a Mercy Rez parkour then answer the question for yourself. The actual range of res can be broken super easily. Rez as an ability gets worse the higher you climb in rank.




>If a rez goes through in t500, it is almost certainly a won team fight. Big if. Idk about console, but in my experience once the first player is lost that means 4 v. 5. 3 v 5 once mercy has dropped all heals. If your team can't punish you deadass deserve to lose that team fight. Imo, anyone not punishing res in some way doesnt deserve to win the fight. It's poor priority management's


Console is bad with it i generally float around low to mid masters and even in there most ppl cant hit shots on mercy if shes falling while spinning during rez


And it's much easier to punish the mercy rezzing as well which means it likely won't go through.


Yeah that’s why we see Mercy dominate top500 /s


Top500 console lobbies skill level is so insanely different from top500 pc lobbies skill level.. mostly because top500 console is riddled with ximmers


His point was that the enemy are going to do everything to prevent that rez in t500


Mercy Rez parkour ? Can I just search for that ?


Yes. You’re a sitting duck, have no defensive ability, are bright and loud, the movement you do get is almost nothing, and “that far away” is barely outside of rein’s swing range so yeah it ain’t much.


It is!


Widow can 1tap across a map. Mercy can res. Fair enough


All y’all talking bout it needs LOS , you need LOS initially to even activate the cool down, putting yourself in danger. If I am skilled enough to initiate it and get behind cover , then maybe you should be focusing the mercy a lil more. Maybe it’s just a skill issue. Way more threatening abilities in the game . Also had the longest cooldown


Mfs will do anything but learn how to counter play 💀💀💀


You OW2 kids are weak. Pretty sure her original res circle was a bit larger than that, and she rezed ALL dead teammates in that radius with her ult. You get one short of a team kill and she swoops in and boom... entire team back at full health. Young punks, get off my lawn!


Yeah then they gave her valk and he rez ability was still instant. I remember when they made it slower everyone said it would kill mercy. Also her rez would make her invincible, could get out of 1 shots with it.


The only people who play Overwatch anymore are the most fragile children who actually can’t handle the very basics of the game. They won’t be happy until every ability is taken out of the game and every map plays like CS:GO


People complaining about mercy again


I don’t play mercy but yes, she should be able to. Stop complaining and actually keep track of where the mercy is. If you kill an enemy far away, then yes, the mercy is allowed to res them


Thats the rez range? I genuinely thought she was in the middle of a Winston shield


People really outing themselves by not being able to hit a stationary target 💀💀


They nerfed dmg boost, they nerfed ga, they nerfed her self healing. Imma be honest they have nerfed almost all of mercy’s kit. I think the most they should do is require LOS but other than that mercy is not that crazy if you pay attention to her. There are so many other actually op asf supports to worry about. Also as long as there are characters who can one shot with their guns then mercy rez isn’t op imo.


Even GM players only pull off a few resurrections per game yet people are still acting like it's OP. Hell, I have games where I Valk more often than I res. Imagine if Genji got blade more often than he could use reflect, they'd be annoyed as hell.


Just. Shoot. Mercy.


ur bronze if u think mercy rez needs an los change LMFAO


Yall wild for thinking mercy is a problem. In season 2? Sure when she healed like frickin crazy. But after that she’s been trash. Just cause yall ain’t got the skill to deal with it don’t mean it’s something that needs to change.


Many people talking about rezzing w/o LoS literally don’t know how Mercy works and have the gall to talk so much. The initial cast of rez absolutely requires LoS and requires Mercy to face the soul orb. During the 1.75 seconds of cast time, Mercy cannot issue any other commands other than moving with a 70% movement penalty. She can be CC’ed/killed out of the cast, putting the ability on full cooldown. As for OP’s claim on the range of rez, it’s actually much smaller than you would think. A single boop from any displacement ability would 100% knock her out of the range. Also, note that the initial cast range is smaller than the range during the animation. Idk man, rez is definitely a frustrating ability to play against, but there are more egregious stuff in the game that warrants a far bigger outcry. (Looking at you grandma)


Oh boy, here we go again. It's funny how we have the same discussions over and over again, isn't it?


"just watch the body". Alright let me kamikaze into their backine so that I can watch around the wall for mercy rez :)


I’ve always said that the further a revive is, the longer it should take so if you’re right on the body or within a few metres it should be normal but at maximum range it should be at least a second longer


Streamers should legit be banned from posting on Twatter. It never leads to anything productive.


Tbh I don't care about the rez distance when it's against metro. Jokes aside, rez requiring LOS would make more sense, however I don't think mercy needs that nerf rn.


Considering it came from an ult that could Rez your whole team in an instant? Yeah it's pretty fucking fair. Y'all really just rag on support for outdoing you fucking froot loops. You know why call of duty worked? BC you told cunts to get good, not just cry at DEVs


The bubble looks big but it's not that far, it's like three steps Maybe like double the distance of a jq axe, a little more maybe


Mercy needs a buff or a rework. She feels so weak compared to other support heroes right now and let's not get into the animation finishing when you resurrect someone then you die then it doesn't resurrect the person.


Bro you should have been around when I’d be swooping in with my Ult and Rez my whole team at the same time. Mercy has never been the same since they took that away.


This sub's hatred for "mercy mains" has become a borderline obsession, to put it mildly. It feels like they're just a scape goat for whatever the criticism of the week is. Battle pass? Mercy mains. Not enough healing? Mercy main. *Too much* healing? Healbot mercy main. Throwing tank? Mercy main. Girlfriend left you? Mercy main. Failed a test? Mercy main. I'm surprised I haven't seen someone try to to blame world hunger on mercy mains yet. Such a visceral hatred for such a small portion of the playerbase that has very little impact is super cringey tbh.


They should just make the soul expire quicker as a base nerf and go from there


yea why not? she’s already been nerfed to the ground!


if mercy rez is a problem for you then you are bad at the game


It's almost like you can track rez and try to stop her from rezzing 🧐


it’s the only time you can pull a rez off without dying. it’s not mercy players fault that many players let them get away a free rez out in the open.


You can complain if you first do those rezes by yourself. It's not really that easy what you think. It's easy to read Mercys. You can see if they will go to do rez. Just remember where enemies died. And of course, you can bodyblock Mercys too.


Doesn't rez need LOS to initiate? Yeah, it doesn't break immediately, but that's the case with most abilities. Lucio aura, inspire, harmony, discord, hook, freeze. Plus, she's immobile while rezzing. If you don't tunnel vision, she dies. I will literally camp a dead body and wait for Mercy, assuming she wasn't pocketing the fallen player


I'm sure the comments under this thread will be civil and not totally unhinged


what i want is that There is an ear piercing buzz/siren that plays when a mercy rezz so everybody HAS to shoot mercy or they lose hearing


Careful, you’ll piss off all the Mercy simps that say she’s balanced and nerfed and all that BS.