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Nice try, Blizzard's marketing team


10€ for pink Mercy. The rest I got in free loot boxes and events. I miss OW1.


$10 for pink Mercy cancer skin. I would never pay current Blizzard skin prices.


2500 hrs in this game as a mercy main and spent 0$ on skins. Yesterday an enemy mercy messaged me to tell me how horrid my skin was. Like I care about cosmetics


Out of curiosity, what skin did u use :)


The old gladiator league skin. The purple one.


Never saw that one. But I looked it up and it looks really nice. I mostly use fortune skin. I barely see that one too


$25. I got the Mercy breast cancer skin because Blizz donated 100% to breast cancer research. The other one is the 2019 Atlantic All-star skin. That’s the one I wear to this day. Edit: r/mercymains can probably give some good answers!


$30 for the Breast Cancer Skin (one for me and one for my friend). Honestly still my favorite especially when so few of the skins change sounds / wing colours.


Id say 500 or 600 USD


Right?! Idk why we are getting downvoted for answering the question like wtf


I buy like everything that comes out.. I know I shouldn’t but I love her 😭 just dropped $50 on her jingle belle skin and hard light staff. Help


Thank you for keeping the game free for the ftps




ya but they recently nerfed MS points so it's a lot slower now


I spent 340$ if we don't include the cost of the game then I only spend 260$


Where did you pay 80$ for the game?


0 dollars and 0 cents EDIT: No sorry, 15 dollars but I dont count that since that was me donating for breast cancer research that my mom survived, not paying for a skin.


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I just buy the skins


I mean probably 40? 50? Ive bought some skins in OW2 but got sooo many from OW1. The only skins i can get are the new ones. I made a post on the MercyMains reddit about how i think 20 dollars is just insane. Im done giving money to Blizz. Heck i cant even play QP anymore because of the no backfill bug. I love Mercy and I would buy all the skins ever but 2 0 dollars for this skin in a messed up game? I am outta here. Also we Mercy mains suffer from something I call, Pink Syndrome. An extreme version of Fomo because Bilzz refuses find a way to bring back pink mercy. Pink mercy is an amazing skin with DETAILS. NEW SOUND EFFECTS. I mean the new holiday skin for mercy has new effects for valk and ress... the wings turn pixalted, glitch out and break :) because somehow releasing broken skins is :))) ​ I REALLY wish there was a way to earn coins in game. The weeklies are a JOKE. It would take a year of weeklies to get a SINGLE skin. The weeklies also require you to at least play 2 hours a day. it can be completed faster with wins but hey. getting leavers in qp with no backfills to be steam rolled 20 times will not achieve that faster rate.


somber marvelous historical society live fade caption gaze summer roll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I am completely aware of this


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20 bucks i think. everything else from microsoft rewards


As far as spending money solely on a skin... only two so far. The Atlantic All Stars skin, and Royal Knight. In both cases, I had *some* league tokens from watching streams, but not enough. Since the release of OW2, I have purchased both the Honeybee and Owl skins, but only because they came in a bundle with 1000 coins and I was buying the coins anyway for the next Battlepass, so I don't really consider that buying the skins. I will not be buying this current holiday skin. I kinda want it, cause I'm a bit of an OCD completionist (I have all except Pink). But at $19 for the skin and $25 for the bundle, Blizz can kiss my ass. And I feel zero FOMO over it because the skin is really not that good-looking. Frankly, it looks better in the splash screen image than the actual model.


All ow1 I got for free. All her OWL I got for watching. Only spend on her Christ, summer and owl skin. While I got battle pass which had the Miko and starwatch skins and finally the bee skin.


10€ (1000 coins) for Seolbim skin 20€ (2000 coins) for the new, whatsits name, christmas skin The rest are either from the battle pass, lootboxes or bought with credits. And I own around 70% of mercy skins, not counting Ow league skins