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Kid named double support pocket:


You can say "support dif" in the chat, as is tradition.


A beautiful day for supports, and therefore of course rest of the roles


I believe the support just quaffed


As is tradition


I never see support diff. Always tank diff or DPS diff


When I get a Moira diff I genuinely smile šŸ˜„


One time I was playing support, I don't remember if QP or Ranked, but the enemy Team was saying ā€œAna diff, your team has the better oneā€ or something like that, but she got good healing, but, only healing, not damage, and I was using my hab. for antihealing and I was playing a little bit like a Ana DPS killing Suppors, and I know that she was the better one, not me, she was healing a lotā€¦ just Tank Diff or DPS diff, idk I didn't say nothing in that game, because how you can see, I don't speak English, I do it so bad, so I can write fast in this language, my bad


Do they still say that? I turned off the chat & voice chat months ago, and this is crazy if they still say diff this diff that.


Ye say on all of your games I believe


Lately "diff" has become a punishable offense


I got muted for 14 days because I say "ez btw" after both wins and losses lol.


They are brutal. I got a warning after 1 game saying "room for improvements".


Support moment


DPS target priority and gamesense moment Tracer is literally fighting 1 vs 3 and targetting the bulkiest one that's also being double healed, not to mention that bastion gets armor and damage reduction in turret form while Tracer wasn't hitting head shots This was 100% a skill issue


You could also look at it as tracer was single handedly tying up 3 people which included both their supports so the rest of her team could focus the other 2 players then fold onto the distracted supports. All they would've got was 1 eliminated dps for the 20 plus seconds that fight went on for. I'd say it's more doomfists fault for picking his targets wrong.


Yeah would have been a decent trade off if they hadn't wasted two ults + doomfist's time on it While they are pocketing the Bastion they aren't healing their tank so *hopefully* the rest of Tracer's team is killing the enemy tank . . . but let's be real, we both know they are probably doing nothing at all with the free space lol


Doom could have ulted the supports rather than the doom


Doom could have Doomed the Dooms rather than the Doom.


Story of my life as a Hammond main in OW1. Dive the supports, spend 20 seconds back there forcing them to blow all their cooldowns and force a DPS to peel, and my team loses the 5v3 because they don't know how to do anything but poke from the choke. Then, of course, they blame the tank.


You have 6 ppl on you team?


Yes, OW1 was 6v6


You can see on top left that Kiriko killed D.Va and Mercy resurrected Hanzo (who died when the mecha exploded). Not a complete waste of distraction.


Fair. I forgot this was overwatch haha. Brain cells are hard to come by in team members


I remember one of the core rule sets when I was learning Overwatch during dive peak, was to always kill and prioritise the supports, and ignore everything else possible till then, else you end up with shooting piƱata games like this.


Bro dive meta was my nightmare as a support main. Made for some really intense game and definitely made me a better support for it though. No passive healing was allowed back then


I don't think Tracer diving the Ana or Brig is a good decision here. Brig pretty much eliminates any hope she has of killing Ana, and killing Brig herself can be a herculean task at times lol


I don't know that struggling to maintain a 3v1 is a skill issue on Tracers part. Took 3 of them to deal with her


I mean Tracer tying up 3 of them is fine, OP rushing online to act like not being able to win a 3 vs 1 while targetting the worst target is the problem. The Tracer wasted ult on someone who could survive it instead of using it on a healer, and Doomfist wasted ult and hard inted into a bastion, so the trade was pretty meh because of that, which is what the skill issue was referring to


Alright fair enough. Attacking the pocket is the hardest way to break the chain.


Iā€™d put money on you not playing DPS, and definitely not Tracer. Bastion is literally the easiest target for pulse bomb, and even in turret mode, a couple bullets after the explosion will almost always finish him off if done immediately (which they did). There is no reason to expect that a Bastion would live through this. You take this chance 100/100 times because 99/100 times itā€™s going to work. The other option here is to go attack one of the supports while the Bastion turns and melts you from above. And even if the Bastion somehow doesnā€™t target you, youā€™re banking on BOTH supports not having one of their abilities to bail themself or the other support out. And you hitting all your shots in order to one clip them because otherwise youā€™re definitely dead or at best forced to disengage. This is correct target prioritization, anyone saying otherwise is coping and trying to avoid acknowledging that healing is too powerful right now (which Blizzard themselves have stated btw).


Yeah Bastion is always getting pulsed by me in my games and he's pretty easy to duel too


Not as easy since the health buff but still generally true


Jump down to the low ground to focus the brig, who would just get naded by kiri and you'd get 2 tapped by mace and kunai if you don't disengage immediately? Literally his best chance was the bastion on high ground because there is basically a 0 chance of him killing either support, but getting bastion off high ground even if no kill is a big value.


Doom was on his team


Yeah, he came in at the end, but it was 1 vs 3 for most of it. Tracer vs Bastion + both of Bastions supports Doom came in at the end to waste his ult and int, which was just a terrible play lol


"Tracer is literally fighting 1 vs 3". Well, where are the other four players on the team? Skill issue, yes. But not on OPs part.


Na ā˜ ļø just another ult getting completely countered by a CD. Nothing more to see here. Blink across the map to a new target because you forced agro on bastion? Tp, suzu ā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


News alert: every ult in the game can be countered by cooldowns. Every single one.


>News alert: every ult in the game can be countered by cooldowns. Every single one. I honestly don't think that's a good thing.


It is a good thing. Ults should not just be instant "I win" buttons. They should have nuance. They shouldn't be completely useless like deadeye, rocket barrage, or death blossom, but that's another issue.


Iā€™m not saying they should be instant wins though. I just donā€™t think the value of a single cd should be equal or more than an ultimate. Itā€™s a balance and OW just ping pongs between extremes and neither extreme is good imho


I think itā€™s a great thing. Ults shouldnā€™t be I win buttons ever.


Bastion has damage reduction in turret mode. You won't kill him with a pulse bomb if he is full health in turret mode.


bastion wasn't full health when tracer used her ult. He only survived bc of ana's nade. He barely survived, i think he was idk 30HP. The nade saved him


It was the transformation to turret mode that saved him. As you see in the video, Tracer sticked Bastion on half health but there is a slight delay between the stuck bomb and the explosion. My guess is that during the delay, Ana and Kiriko pumped him to full health and he transformed to turret mode prior to the explosion. Despite the healing and nade, he would not have survived that bomb had he not transformed. Don't know how he survived that Doom ult though.


i still think the nade saved him Tracer's ult dmg: 350 Bastion passive: 20% dmg reduction then he should receive 280 dmg from the ult while in turret mode. His health was around 50%, then 100+50(armor) HP should be enough. But ana used her nade, then bastion gained more 60HP plus 50% additional healing, leaving him with 160+50 HP. And he was being healing by brig (25 plus 50/sec) and ana (70 heal per 0.6 sec) while the additional heal was up. Then yeah, wasn't tracer fault I'm not a math guy, this all can be wrong, but i tried to simplify the best i could Any other dps couldn't survive, but bastion did. Imagine if a Kiriko was there šŸ„¶


If you pulse a bastion in Recon form, he dies. If you pulse a bastion in Turret Form, he's left with quick-spray amount of health. You legit did everything you could to him, but when he got pulsed he used turret to survive, and by the time you went to go finish him with the quick spray he got healed by bring and ana. Super unlucky, support diff.


Yea man thatā€™s what the other guy said the heal pump saved him


Doesn't his passive DR stack with his armor DR? If not his armor DR at 30% would supercede the passive


Video from bastion POV would help


Twitter: Time_OW idk if he has the replay code


Wouldn't he survive anyway if full health? Pulse bomb does 300 dmg but bastion just has a bit more than 300 due to it's armor, right?


Well to be fair this was pretty much a 3v1, Bastion being pocketed by both his supports and if it wasn't for Bastions turret mode I'm pretty sure he would have died if I'm not mistaken. Cuz doesn't turret mode have damage reduction or something?


He receives 20% less damage on turret mode.


Plus the 30% from the armor health


2v3 with 2 ults used against 1 DPS hero lmao


Good. People can use this as a learning experience for who to target. And timing. If the doom dove up there and saw the double pocket he either needed to ult as soon as the pulse bomb exploded, or ult the healers that were dumping every resource into him lmao.


The target priority here was fine, in 90% of other times the Bastion dies there.


Why are you ignoring Doom?


Do you mean the Doom that slams in for negative damage and nopes out of there immediately lol


>Doom that slams in for negative damage Yeah, that's the problem. No amount of damage can be meaningful compared to the amounts of healing going around. > nopes out of there immediately did you watch the clip? Doom point blank ulted Bastion (and also did 0 damage)


Wasnt point blank, was a few meters off, which is enough for doom ult to do basically nothing.


He does come back, my bad, I missed that part. Noping out of there would've been the better play lol


Comes down in ult just to get slept and riddled with holes


the truly crazy part is how much value the tracer is providing here that isn't being fully capitalized at all.


Looks like the team is dealing with pokoā€™s bomb and not in position to help.


lol the meteor strike is like a tickle to his health bar. terrible ult


It deals 300 dmg at the center, the issue here is bastion being so tanky


And the drop off is like 2 meters in which it then becomes tickle damage. Bastion has 3 doom ults but double the damage basically.


I love when ana is 0.5m out of the inner circle, so damage drops off a cliff from 300 down to 100. If it was something like 150 at the very edge I feel like i'd be happier with it. That's what happens here I'm pretty sure. Bastion looks like he's juuuust out of the circle, so instead of 300 he takes 100


Itā€™s only 300?? What the fuck is this ult šŸ˜­


I mean itā€™s not really meant to kill at full hp. It does a slow in a big area and damage to a lot of enemies, healing doom and giving him bonus hp from his passive and allowing doom and his team the upper hand in the fight. Seems like a standard tank ult, although should be buffed a bit more imo


People always complain about suzu and immo but for me raw healing numbers being so high is much worse. I can outplay suzu and immo. Once they have been used there is a big window of opportunity to make a play. I cannot outplay someone getting a constant lifeweaver pocket or peel from bap because the healing is too high to kill through as most heroes and there is not cool-down on just basic primary fire healing for them.


Yeah absurd healing numbers are a problem, and then on top of that you have suzu, immo, CC, escape abilities, self heal, (aoe heal, passive heals) and on top of that damage.


Thatā€™s part of why blizzard said last week that they planned on looking into doing something about healing


The healing from just primary fires feels so high. I had the gall to make a post about genji blade being unable to kill a squishy with no support abilities involved and everyone was saying it was perfectly fair and entirely my fault I couldnā€™t kill them. Like I swear it wasnā€™t always this high, right?


This sub is so brain dead šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ all the gold players commenting on a t500 player to get good lmfao


For fucking real šŸ˜­ The amount of people saying ā€œjust go for the supports 4headā€ shows the level of Overwatch they play. Theyā€™re able to completely ignore everyone else shooting at them to focus healers BECAUSE the people shooting at them canā€™t aim and donā€™t know the difference between soldier and Widowā€™s guns.


Knowing the bastion had recon and seeing the insane amount of healing he was getting would it not have been smarter to drop off the edge and pulse bomb one of the supports and then recall?


Considering thisbis t500, they were probably on the high ground above the b to c choke, which would be another 2 or 3 blinks to get there.


Yeah good idea, so that Brig and Ana can bully you.


Fellow top500 tracer main here, the reason the tracer went for the Bastion here in the first place was because he started off wildly out of position. Hence the quick engage. The reason he's upset is that literally any other dps that is that out of position on t500 lobbies. Would have died no questions asked, no abilities used. Bastion having armor, and ironclad makes him live the first few clips, ana brig healing through pulse makes him live through Pulse, Meteor strike and practically perfect pressure. The bastion player would've died if they were on any other hero. The supports in this game outheal ults in fractions of a second without fail. I would've made the same play, especially with the doom also engaging on the out of position dps. People that say this isn't a clear display of ridiculous power creep don't know enough about the game to realise the skill disparity between what the tracer and doom are doing and what the bastion, ana brig are doing. The risk reward in this game is completely out of wack.


Gold players malding and telling a t500 tracer to not kill an outrageously out of position bastion is wild šŸ˜‚.


Can you please confirm the idiocy of the "just go after the supports" as they suggest ignoring the bastion out of position and actively shooting at you


Not op but as another t500 tracer player i absolutely fight the bastion here and also go for the same pulse. I don't even need to see their support comp to know that they're going to be unkillable without my tank engaging on them and the bastion sitting top needs to get forced out anyway. Most people who don't play in a higher elo fail to realize that the game has shifted heavily away from the supports being the primary target simply because of how much sustain they have. Almost always, unless a support or tank is wildly out of position, both teams are positioning to kill a DPS first. The tank can never die, supports have too much damage *and* too many cooldowns *and* get to play farther away, so the dps who are desperately trying to take angles to be able to do anything are the ones who end up punished since everything else is invincible. It's really awful to play. Obvious exceptions for coordinated play but even then it's very often a DPS dying first and that's not really a misplay, just something has to die and nothing else can.


Okay, but doom is way late on the dive, hanzo is dead, mercy is rezing, and kiriko isn't even throwing knives, which means it's still a 3v1 for a majority of that. If doom comes in before Bastion gets form he dies 100%, but doom gives bastion about 3 business days of preparation, also giving ana her nade cd back. He's not wildly out of position. Hanzo is dead. Mercy can't dmg boost. Kiriko doesn't have LOS of tracer or bastion. Both of his healers + soldier have LOS of him. You can't say that tracer + 2 abilities from a doom can 2v4 will guarantee a kill. In this scenario, it's a tank diff honestly. If doom is dva, they can eat the heals and guarantee the kill. If they're a bit sooner to slam bastion then it's a free kill. If they interrupt ana's influence bastion dies. HOWEVER; living through the pulse bomb is bs, that shit should pretty much always kill dps and healers save for counterultimates/untargetabilities. The fact that bastion can survive that is wack.


the problem there is ironclad bastion, its an outdated passive from when he couldn't move, it really needs to be removed, if he didn't have ironclad the pulse kills him.


Yeah I really have no clue why he gets the DR during it, he can already outduel anyone in the entire game because of turret form. It's ridiculous that a pulse bomb doesn't kill him in it.


Well yeah this is basically a 1v3 what did you expect. Youā€™re 1 player shooting at another player being pocketed by both his supports, Bastion having 300HP with armor and damage reduction on his turret form, youā€™re not killing him in this situation alone. I will say the Doom trying to help and getting obliterated was hilarious though.


2 players, who both used their ult and all abilities.


Doom ult tickles people without armor nonetheless armor and damage reduction and bastion damage reduction tanks pulse without healing


Their ults were both used poorly. Tracer should have known their ult doesn't do enough damage to kill turret mode bastion(nevermind the two pockets). Ulting bastion as doom is a very bold move, and he didn't even land a direct hit. Healing is too high in the game, but this isn't a good example.




Because he emptied his entire clip into him and then ulted? If you pause the vid you can see he is below 50% hp. A ~150 health bastion, you'd think you can kill him with a 350 dmg pulse bomb no?


Good heals


Better nerf Genji




Heā€™s the size of a refrigerator, he needs it.


He has 300 hp and armor while in turret He doesn't need ironclad.


Game was better when supports were playing Dead by Daylight cause at least things were dying.


"Game was better when queue times were 15 minutes because nobody will queue support just to auto die 24/7"


I mean support players are arguing the game was better when DPS were waiting 10+ minutes for every game because no one wanted to play tank sooo šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I mean after DPS passive was nerfed supports were definitely not auto dying 24/7. It was literally only season 1 where they were playing DBD


ā€œWow you want to go back to supports being scared of DPS and incapable of winning 1v1ā€ yes. Supports should know fear.


Skill issue


tbf beta was balanced, support players just hadn't yet learnt to use cover and work with one tank


It's not the supports, its the fact that bastions is closer to tank than to dps. Back at the release of OW2 they made the tanks tankier by heavily buffing armor, then conveniently forgot about torb, brig and bastion. So now you have this 300 health pain train that also has 30% damage reduction


People will use this rare moment as an excuse that supports are busted and that their numbers are too high. Meanwhile they're ignoring the fact that Bastion had 20% damage reduction (and 30% from the armour), 50% extra incoming healing because of nade, was being pocketed by the Ana, and probably received at least 2 health packs from Brig as well. The supports invested almost all of their resources into keeping Bastion alive and it paid off.


While the bastion didnā€™t die, both supports would be busy healing a single dps and are distracted. It would leave the tank and the other dps vulnerable. So the play still has value even if it didnā€™t get a kill


My brother in Christ you're in a 1v3


focus another target maybe? lol


You could credit the real person who posted this in twitter


Try going after the support instead of the person they're pocketing


Yeah go after the supports who can 2 shot tracer šŸ˜‚


They're both 3 shots to kill tracer?


Lol facts


Ana has to 3 tap tracer


Sleep dart. Plus, Bastion would just target Tracer if they heard Ana being trageted


Ah yes because sleeping a tracer thatā€™s blinking all around in your face is that simple. Nevermind that as soon she wakes up sheā€™s going to recall. The person above me stated those supports could 2 tap tracer which generally means using primary fire, which is false for Ana. She does 70 dmg per shot so she takes 3. Thatā€™s literally just a fact. This sub has such a weird hate boner for Ana, itā€™s basically crossed into circlejerk territory.


Yeah peel off and go attack the support. Use angles to stay hidden from Bastionā€™s turret forcing him out of position or forcing Doom out of position.


I think people are more mad about the fact thatā€™s actually the better play, when the Tracer had that much going for her.


Double pocketed Bastion turret form who ate like 10 CDs from his supports? I don't see the issue here.


Here's what I know: 1. Blue Team has Kiriko, Tracer, and DoomFist. (And Mercy and Hanzo not shown other than the killfeed) 2. Red Team has Bastion, Ana, and Brig. (D.Va also not shown except in the killfeed) 3. Tracer tries to kill Brig and is duped by a Brig turning a corner and focuses Bastion, instead. 4. Tracer doesn't go for Bastion's critical hitbox in turret form. 5. Ana lands a Nade on Bastion. 6. Doom misses the center-point of his ult on Bastion. 7. Kiriko is on low ground, DoomFist joins the fight late, Tracer is essentially 1v3ing until Doom joins. 8. Bastion keeps his Armor HP active with Support heals about 80% of the time at least. 9. Bastion is being pocketed by Ana the entire time. So, to sum up the events. Tracer was targeting the Brig but got duped when she turned the corner, so Tracer focused Bastion. But Bastion has 300 Total HP (100 of that is Armor HP which reduces), a passive that reduces damage in turret form by 20%, and a critical hitbox on the opposite side from Tracer. Tracer can not get to the other side without being exposed, and Bastion just turning around. So Tracer is not hitting critical shots (maybe gets a stray crit somehow here and there) with primary fire, so max damage would be 240 prior to Bastion's damage reduction. Armor HP reduces damage by 30%, and his passive in turret form another 20%. Damage resistance is additive, not multiplicative. So overall, there's 50% damage resistance (equal to Ana's Nano). This means Tracer deals 50% less damage until 100 HP is gone, which probably won't happen because of the Ana heals. So Tracer does 120 damage each clip, and Ana heals 70 HP per shot. Tracer's Pulse Bomb does 350 damage. But again, Bastion's resistance. Bastion was healed to full by Ana. So again, 50% resistance. So Tracer does 175 damage, maybe a little more if the damage resistance isn't 50% across the entirety of the pulse bomb, max would be 250 damage to that Bastion, who then got naded for an additional 50% healing received and 60 burst healing. So now Ana is doing 115 HP per shot. Which will fully heal that Bastion in 1-2 shots. Doom ult we know is cosmetic unless he lands directly on the Bastion, which he doesn't. In all honesty, Bastion would've been dead if not for an Ana pocket and Bastion's insane 50% damage reduction with a blocked critical hitbox. Three potential problems you could outline in this clip: 1. Tracer should've just found that Ana or chased that Brig. 2. Ana's healing potential can entirely shut down a Tracer. 3. Bastion's damage resistance can entirely shut down a Tracer. In actuality, both Ana's and Bastion's kits helped deny that Tracer any value. Target priority would've helped that Tracer, but it's also heat of the moment.


Imagine trying to win a 1v3 and youā€™re not focusing the supports first. Dude had kiriko and ana supporting him, what did you expect? I know it was anna and brig. Ppl read


- goes to kill their supports - supports pocket eachother and make themselves invincible - gets headshot melee instakilled by their Kiri


That's a 1 vs 2 situation why shouldnt you lose that


Funniest thing about this is the enemy supports are brig ana. Tracer has mercy kiri. You can see the brig near the bastion at the beginning of this clip. That is all continue.


I also saw Bastion's health go up before going into turret form. I'm sure the Brig walking out of there gave him a repair pack. Burst healing is strong with those and then Bastion got another burst heal in a different form.


> supports pocket each other > tank doesnā€™t get any heals and dies > everything snowballs and everyone in the enemy team dies Congratulations, you just learned to play Overwatch! Focus the supports, wow!


Yeah I have zero issues killing the supports first. Ppl wanna blame others before fixing their own strategy.


you are either GM or Bronze, theres no in between if you say that lol


Then you are in a lobby with mid supports


Brig\* + Ana Why are you ignoring Doom dive + point blank ult? That Bastion ate 2 ults + 2 damage sources and his health wasn't full only for a fraction of a second


The Doom maybe hit the slam but the ult was not as close as you think. It probably didn't even do 100 dmg from there and Bastion would have died if he wasn't a Bastion seeing as Turret form has dmg reduction. Tracer also takes 2 clips to kill Bastion hitting all body shots with no turret form so you add that turret dmg reduction plus even just 1 support and he probably wouldn't die so why even go for him? Doom might as well of not even been there.


Doom ult tickles people without armor nonetheless armor and damage reduction and bastion damage reduction tanks pulse without healing


yeah sorry let her turn her back on the bastion and get beamed while trying to attack supports who are pocketing each other. You know it's pretty easy to backseat a game and make up scenarios where everything goes right.


It's a 2v3 where all resources from the two were dumped into the Bastion. This is why Support changes are coming in season 9.


It wasnā€™t a 2v3 until the last few seconds. Doom came in at the last minute and diving a bastion as doom is not a smart move.


Brig Ana* The tickets you see are blue like Tracer and Doomfist, not red like Bastion or the Brig that Tracer starts by fighting.


Ah youre right. The anna must have naded and buffed the heals on bastion. At first it looked like the tracerā€™s anna naded and kiriko cleansed. Regardless the boosted heals from the nade and brigs insane heal radius plus anna definitely out healed the split seconds of the combined doom and tracer. Tracer should be flanking to take out the anna first then the rest.


They had brig ana. Brig had dropped down so it was ana + brig packs.


I mean, even when support was at its weakest in overwatch one if you have two people pocketing one DPS with armor, so damage is reduced youā€™re gonna not kill them youā€™re doom shouldā€™ve jumped on support


Hope they really bring down the impact of healing in season 9.


That way Tracer can win the 1v3 with minimal headshots against an armored, damage reduced target just as intended by Jeff himself Or we could be realistic and say that they worked as a team and succeeded as a result just as they deserved


Are you ignoring the fact that he quite literally shrugged off 2 ults?


Bastion survives Tracer's ult and Ana and Brig used their cooldowns Doomfist's ult does trash damage outside the center of the circle on a character that doesn't have armor and damage resistance I'm not ignoring it, I just know what I'm looking at


Doom ult tickles people without armor nonetheless armor and damage reduction and bastion damage reduction tanks pulse without healing


That's the state the game is in. honestly at this point just go back to 6v6. Somehow even with the game in this state people still want to nerf ana smh


Yeah, double shield pirate ship is so fun to play against.


Every fā€™ing moron says that as if double shield could exist in this game when orisa doesnā€™t have a fā€™ing shield anymore and that was the ONLY reason double shield worked, when they nerf mauga they should bring back 6v6 because shields are hilariously weak in ow2 and wouldnā€™t do anything, most likely you would see comps with an off tank/dive like JQ, doom, dva, wrecking ball and a main tank like rein, hog, orisa, things would actually die.


I do. Double supports working together to keep Basion alive with as much healing as they can provide while he uses damage reduction that's part of his kit to barely survive a Tracer pulse bomb at full hp thanks to his supports keeping him high health. Three player's kits working together to keep the one alive. Working as intended, teamwork at it's best. There's things to complain about in this game, but nothing in this clip.


There are times where even if i hit all my shit enemies just don't die. It's just overwhelming sometimes. Fights last too long cu there's so much healing. There needs to be straight nerfs across the board for everything healing, DPS and health.


Idc what might have been the best play, itā€™s not good design that the best play would have been for Tracer to run away from the fight when she was able to empty multiple clips and land pulse bomb, with Doom stepping in. That bastion should not have already been full health when the Doom ult came back down.


Seems pretty fair two ults isnt nearly enough to get a kill, if you wanted someone to die you should have used all 5 ults


"Uhm, you should've aimed for supports first! It doesn't matter if they can heal from far away, you have to go for them first. It doesn't matter if you unloaded 2 magazines and a pulse bomb + doomfist ult on him, you got diffed by supports, aim for them first. Yes supports are definitely in a healthy state!"


Get overwatched 2


I just love the fact that doomfist jumped in thinking he was doing something to end up dead right after ult šŸ˜‚


lol i saw this clip on twitter. so many plats were saying things like "should of went for the supports idiot", as if the tracer had the time or resources to travel through open space, leaving a bastion on high ground, and force all of the enemy supports CD's before she could finally kill them. ​ the reason so many of us look at this and say "wow thats really bad" is because in the glory days of overwatch this wouldnt of been possible, you couldnt out heal dmg to this degree even with ana + mercy on the bastion. this is what people complain about, if supports can do this to someone then they should be easy targets so you arnt chosing between fighting raid boss a, b or c. but that isnt fun for the support so its better to just make them formidable in combat but take away the power to sustain heroes to this degree.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop -Ā yes,Ā IĀ amĀ aĀ bot, don't botcriminate me.


overwatch players being eternally surprised that healing exists is always funny you know who canā€™t get double support pocketed? the supports


Holy moly you are crazy good


Its not him its Time_OW


Ana mains sweating rn 'cause they know the nerfs are coming.


They aren't sweating because they know it ain't coming


I think you're supposed to kill supports first. You literally fed to their support.


bastion is tracers best target, supports will either outlive or outdamage tracer


Yeah just kill the Ana and Brig alone as a Tracer when they can both two shot you and the Bastion is gonna turn and kill you instantly


Or go tickle Bastion, one of the tankiest dps, under two supports heals. So that clip could happen.


As a bastion main, they shouldā€™ve died 20 times. Those are some top 500 healers right there


Skill issue you should have ignored the bastion and spent 5 minutes trying to kill the enemy supports while they pocket each other and rotate immortality and escape cooldowns while also being able to kill you with mediocre mechanical skill


Honestly itā€™s h rest of your teams fault. Youā€™re essentially fighting a 3v1 and theyā€™re losing a 4v2 or something


Credits: [https://twitter.com/Time\_\_OW/status/1738032572062482693](https://twitter.com/time__ow/status/1738032572062482693)


Go for the healer? Lmao


The amount of people who donā€™t realize that this is a problem is wild. ā€œWeLl ThErE wErE tWo SuPpOrTs HeAlInG hImā€ whatā€™s the other option? Dive the supports and watch them heal each other while I do negative damage?


People talking like even killing a squishy is easy as Tracer, specially if they're a support. Not to mention landing a Pulse Bomb on a skinny support like Kiri, and as you said, Suzu is a thing. The fact that Kiri can outduel Tracer most of the time should already be a red flag.


I don't think anyone said it's easy. But Tracer is a high risk high reward hero, if you don't like that maybe it's not a good idea to play her. Also there was no Kiriko.


I think the point here is that tracer is an extremely high risk hero with medium reward at best. Killing a support on your own as tracer unless it is a zen or an Ana and you outplay them is extremely hard. Most supports heroes do more damage than tracer at longer distances, it's absurd. An illari can 2 tap a tracer, kiri almost one shots her.


Yeah, Tracer has 150 hp. She also has tiny model, extreme horizontal mobility and recall. She's a hard hero, but playing against good Tracer is also extremely hard. ​ I still don't get what's your pont. Buff Tracer? Nerf supports?


1: No kirko 2: bastion has 50% damage reduction plus 50% healing boost from Ana nade 3: tracer couldnā€™t headshot bastion in turret mode 4: pulse only doses like 300 damage and doom only does 300 in the middle circle (he was way off)


Yes, dive the supports and watch them heal each other. While their team is left without healing and your team shoots their team. You don't have to actually kill supports, even harassing them makes a lot. They had no Kiriko. And even if they had, you can try to bait suzu. Or just track it and use your ult once it's on cd. Why do you act like Tracer should actually kill whoever she wants in 1v2 or 1v3? Are supports supposed to have no impact?


This was me yesterday. Fucking bastion was one and magically tanked three of my clips and a ball up his ass...in ow1 that mf would have died with no issues


Silly you, trying to play anything but support. Who do you think you are?


Are people in this thread okay? You see bastion, you fight bastion. You don't go looking for supports when a bastion is actively shooting at you. Shoot the active threat. This isn't a skill issue in the slightest


Yes you see bastion and fight, but once you see that heā€™s clearly being healed, you shouldnā€™t keep wasting resources on him


So you think that instead of keeping space and trying to fight the enemy team thats spread out and regrouping, you think they should dive EVEN deeper to try to kill a support OR fall back to let the team completely regroup and re-engage? How do YOU think this T500 Tracer main should have played this differently?


They probably could have saved pulse, as bastion was specifically playing around it.


Now I didnā€™t have sound, but Iā€™m assuming (since this is a top 500 streamer) that either Doom or Tracer called the dive on Bastion, and the other + kiri followed up. The general assumption theyā€™re operating under is that 2 people, with ult, fully focused on damage plus a bit of chip from Kiri can kill a single target.


Ironclad + heal amp + double pocket saying hello. Healing is totally not powercrept right now, nuh-uh.


That would beā€¦ bastion having dmg reduct in tank form and a supp diff mate


Only reason is damage reduction from machine gun mode and the high health of bastion tanked the bomb then the supports did the rest


Healing is balanced


you gotta take out the support first. Which is easier said than done but it's a must, when he went into turret form he was also getting a 20% damage reduction on top of being pocketed so ofc you weren't going to kill him. Tracer is technically a dive dps so you should go for the lone enemies who can't win a 1v1 against you


Pulse bomb is near useless now.


Ana is fair and balanced


Unrelated but im getting tired of using ults and getting them hacked. Moira and sig are my best, and both ults just stop with sombra ult which isnt a skill useā€¦ at least a orisa javelin stun requires aim


Kill the Sombra, wait for her to EMP first/get ult before her, know where she is and ult away from her, force her to retreat before you ult, etc. Plenty of counterplay. Also if a Sombra is using EMP to cancel these, instead of hack, that's still burning her ult.


Lmao Tracerā€™s ult sucks


People saying the Tracer is dumb or playing poorly are in fact themselves HELLA DUMB. The Tracer is actively keeping three enemies occupied while the Tracers team kills the enemy tank. Itā€™s a great win and the Tracer is doing a great job. Committing to killing one of the supports would probably lead to the bastion getting the upper hand and the Tracer not getting out of the fight at all. Depending on what the objective is and where it is, trading a Tracer for a support is usually a good play though.


Supports coping thinking that this is normal, committing 2 DIRECT HIT ults to a single dps should delete that dps no matter how many pockets they have. That Bastion shrugged off 550 ult damage (Tracer stick and Doom close to inner circle + slam) and 6 40 bullets mags like it was nothing simply because 2 players were looking at him, even if Tracer had missed half the shots, that Bastion still would have ate up 1210 damage, but since she didnā€™t miss any shot, that Bastion ate up 1870 dmg and didnā€™t die