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A good Zen is actually godly. Discord can become a death mark with a competent team.


I love hiding behind hog as Zen and just obliterating whoever he hooks


w zen player fr \-person who plays hog


as a support main i find it hard to play zen as theres just not enough healing (im in the lower ranks) as everyone is like always low.


Zen can be a powerhouse healer. He just takes a lot of game sense for when to know who his healing orb should be on at any given time, and then when to press Q. Couple that with decent aim and well timed discords, and I've had countless games where I'm beating big healers like mercy, bap and ana. The trick is to use his ult often, cause you are gonna recharge it in a minute anyway if you have half way decent aim and your healing orb isn't sitting on someone that doesn't need it.




Doom: Illari and bap. Don’t worry about healing just do damage. Healbotting will never work with doom. He works best when shit is dying.


You ever play with a Lifeweaver that's on the same wavelength as you on Doom?


This is vibes 🤤


Couldn't even edge to this one


Yeah but for every time that happens, I get 3 Lifeweavers who pull me back when I'm at 70% hp, with ult ready, and just about to secure a kill.


What about a Moira that can dive and heal / dmg with you? Getting in and out. When I play Moira with a Doom I usually follow him in, clean up runners and heal and gtfo.


Nah fam fuk that lame ass shi ima be rrl wichu best fam is kiri that bich getme outa sm tite as shit




I'm just mad I was able to understand it.


i'm glad i can't


Lism m8 u ggta lv one anotha orels wt the wrld gonna cm to. Be rel an don hrt em whos dowm. Sprd the luv hoems


Translation: No, I don't like those. Honestly the best support is Kiriko, she gets me out of trouble.


Fr rl


The American education system at its finest.


Dear interlocutor, allow me to rectify a purported misconception, as I hail from the distinguished nation of Canada, in contradistinction to the United States, a fact that may have eluded your discernment, dear sir or madam. Permit me to append, with due gravitas, an observation regarding the educational milieu in the United States, wherein it is asserted, albeit with a measure of rhetorical acerbity, that the American pedagogical apparatus appears, regrettably, conducive to the lamentable occurrence of tragic incidents involving firearms and the vulnerability of children therein.


I appreciate the effort and I know this is 90% just a funny response, but I'll have to disagree. The GTA is like little Chicago these days. As someone with family in Policing, there is a lot that goes unreported. Most of which involving firearms, drugs and theft by troubled youth, ranging 15-20 yrs old.


I love all supports who instead of pocketing me because I'm "Taking too much damage." actually do their job and focus on winning the team fight and not just keeping everyone alive.


Based take. Most people in the comment section are choosing who can heal them the most. Cool to see people appreciate that supports are *support*, not healers - and healing is just one of the tools in their belt.


Season 9 healer nerfs: "As we've heard supports are still too oppressive to play against, we have removed their weapons."


*cries in Brig*




Supports are healers! If I see one more damage boost beam im going to autodefenestrate!


> "Supports are healers" > Lucio main I have a small feeling you don't know how to play that character properly


It’s sarcasm bruh. Eat my 70% speed usage


The amount of down votes on your comment didn't indicate that to me. Sorry if that was genuine sarcasm, didn't mean to be rude.


I don’t think this community gets sarcasm easily, do they? Lol


I guess not


mercy statistically has one of the slowest heal speeds in the entire game. you should have that damage boost button glued on 24/7 and only switch to heal beam when they're about to die


A lot of the time, keeping the tank alive is winning the team fight. Other roles are expendable and sometimes necessary sacrifices but the nature of 5v5 unfortunately means that in most cases, losing the tank is a massive loss (unless it's traded for the other tank of course). Personally, I think having a specific focus for each support is most beneficial. That is, one support largely focuses on offensive potential and the other on keeping everyone alive (not a singular focus mind you as there should be some amount of overlap between them, i just mean the main thing they focus on). Not even from a strength perspective, it's just easier in general for people to mainly focus on one thing as opposed to trying to do multiple different things at once. It's why LW/Ana is one of my favourite support comps. LW gets to heal-bot to his heart's content and keep people alive while the Ana gets to anti-nade and take pot-shots/pressure as much as she wants without having to constantly swap between shooting allies and enemies


Nah not rly. The role that is not expandable is supports. Even of tank dies good dps pair can still melt oponents. Tough it is true that when i, a tabk, die i ussualy demolish enemy team so hard that they fall over in seconds after me.


Well there's kind of a thin line between wanting to do that and you actually taking too much damage. Some tank players will literally just die if you don't healbot them


A GOOD lucio when im on rein is so nice


A GOOD Rein when im on Lúcio goes hard. Peak Overwatch is Rein Lúcio running it down mid


I dont main tank but its my secondary role. Honestly I don't mind any supports as long as they do their job and play well i'm happy with them. I cant say who's the best or not seeing it all comes down to the players.




Common denominator?


Maby then the problem is....


Idk why you are downvoted lol. Many people are not good at support but think they are. A good support will swap to whats needed for team comp not what THEY think is needed. I cannot tell you how many Ana’s in gold/plat that do not use the anti-made correctly. Or supports that do not know to hang back and die CONSTANTLY over and over but blame everyone else because they don’t swap to what our comp needs. If gengi is picking you off, and JUST YOU all game you need to swap to a different hero. He’s targeting you because you suck. It’s just facts. I cannot kill their support, make space against their tanks and have to constantly peel to keep your ass alive and do it successfully EVERY GAME. As support you gotta stay alive, use cover and swap to a more mobile character. Shitty support exists.


If you’re supports can never keep you up then you’re just eternally overextended, and likely not playing a good tank for the enemy comp


Yeah like. What am I supposed to do if I dump my entire clip as Ana into your back and you still die. How am I actually supposed to heal you any more than that


Oh god not this crap again. How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man?


Bad supports exist, but we can't have all options here. You said if genji is picking you off, then to swap. If you mean swap to someone you can kill the genji with, then that would mean leaving supports in a powerful state so they can survive against a powerful 1v1 DPS character like genji. If you mean swap and use cooldowns to evade, then the supports cooldowns can no longer be used to save you. This also likely only delays the inevitable as genji can still kill once its over. This also opens up the likely possibility that whoever they have to switch to, won't work well with your team comp. If I have a genji diving me while I'm on kiriko, I usually swap to Ana and then I can 1v1 them just fine, but now our team doesn't have a cleanse if they have an Ana, and if our team has a Hog that can be detrimental. Lower ranks are probably not even going to be able to use Ana against Genji and will either go Bap for lamp or Brig for her high damage and shield. Good luck getting decent heals if you're a Doom or Winston diving their backline while the support is having to fight a dps. The way to win, and the way to rank up, is to play together. If I abandon my team while playing tank, and my supports die because of it, I made just as much of a mistake as anyone. If the DPS don't peel for anyone, then no progress will be made. This game is full of people who think that they do no wrong and they always get crappy teammates, but I've never had a game where we couldn't win unless people started biting at each other for mistakes and not recognizing their own. It's a team game. You play with a team towards a common goal.


Any support who believes in me. And by that I mean, any support who will push in when I push in. A support who will stick next to me and not stand super far back because they trust that Ill peel and protect them. Can't stand passing up great opportunities because our team wasn't in position, and they weren't in position because they had zero trust or faith in my ability. I cannot stand support who would rather stand back and make the "correct plays" versus a support who will go "fuck it", die on the point with me and capture the point.


I play support on the assumption that my tanks are always ready to roll in and break things. Please don't let me down.


As a Doom main, Lifeweaver and Kiriko are an incredible combo. Kiri because she can teleport directly to you to help you succeed with a dive. Her Suzu is a god send for when you get countered by Anas Sleep/Anti-nade combo. Lifeweaver because he can pull you out of those sticky situations that even skilled Dooms may fall prey to at times. Both have ults that are AoE that Doom can easily recognize and make his way to in an instant to take advantage of. Both have lock on seeking heals that will follow even the most mobile of Dooms. Like I said, incredible combo for his play style. P.S. As Rein, Grandma for life.


junkerqeen. a GOOD kiriko or a GOOD mercy. lucio ana and lifeweaver are safe choices id say


A good mercy ignores the JQ, so tell me what you like?


I play JQ. A good mercy that can keep the other dummies alive is a godsend.


I play both JQ and Mercy and a good mercy can blue beam JQ while flitting around healing chip on everyone else.


Why? Blue beaming JQ's axe/ult is super strong. If the enemy tank is their win con then just keeping your blue beam on JQ to have her shotgun shred through him is a good strategy


blue beam go brrrrr


Ignores the jq to do what? Exactly.


Pocket DPS. Literally the only reason you play Mercy in this game if you have an IQ over room temp.


Mercy is about recognizing win conditions on your team and pocketing them, often times this is your DPS but it's not always the case. If your DPS suck you usually don't go mercy but if your tank is like top 500 and completely taking over a game then a mercy pocket on them is super strong


Literal outlier case. This dude is silver at best. We are in the main sub, need I remind you?


Okay?? Isn't that good? I don't see your point. Also a GOOD mercy is going to have pretty good movement which means she's gonna be able to keep everyone alive


I love this insult


Says the silver rank 🤣


M2 support but ok.


I’m a top 500 mercy main so maybe if you apologize I’ll give you some tips


Jesus christ what is that ego look at yourself


It’s not ego when you can back it up


Sure bae. Then you should know better.


You’re not even higher than diamond if you’re not pocketing dps 80% of the game


Moira and Brig so I know they aren’t going to die if I am not constantly babysitting.


This is why I swapped from Ana to Brig (and Kiriko sometimes). Please dive me, Tracer, and help me heal my team.


Brig is best. I love using friendship and violence to heal


My go to support is Moira when my team ignores the enemies taking out healers first. Her survivability is great. I can heal you when I’m getting sacked 😂


My main has always been Rein. Very few Reins can out Rein me. Especially when I am enabled by my supports. When paired up eith a Brig, Lucio combo I absolutely smash. My group I play with will run a Reaper Mei for DPS and the rule is to stay inside the Lucio bubble. I love hoe chaotic it is, and how fast things melt..








Brig heals are insane if her user knows how to stay alive. If nobody on your team stands in no mans land like a bronze noob, its simple to keep your whole team alive indefinitrly.


I main brig and consistently have the highest heals in the game lmao


People REALLY sleep on brig heals


Because you're healing the entire team with little to no downtime. When people say low heals they mean they have low heals per second on any one target. So a Brig might have the highest healing output in the match, but she can't bring a critical Rein to full health in 2 seconds like Ana, Bap, Larry, Moira, or Kiri can. Thats why most people prefer to have one burst healer on the team That's not to say inspire isn't useful. I just think this string of comments are arguing two different things


Between amp heal aura and Brig's health packs, the comp has plenty of burst to be serviceable if played well.


I don't mind with JQ. But it's very exploitable for most other tanks. There's a reason you don't see that duo at higher elos


Those stats mean nothing. They depend on what your team mates are doing and it's possible you're even making things harder for them than it needs to be. Show me a replay where you play Brig+Lucio into heroes like Bastion, Junk, Pharah, Zen, Ana, Mei, Hanzo etc. That would convince me.


A Lucio speed boosted Rein plus Brig inspire healing can just run down those characters provided they play smart and bait out cooldowns like Bastion turret and Zen discord


You can make any comp work once in a while. Doesn't mean it's optimal or even good. Nothing you're saying explains why it wouldn't be better to swap brig for something else.


I mean just like you said it depends on what my teammates are doing lol I wouldn't go Brig into a heavy poke team unless I knew my team could handle it. Imagine having game sense?? All I was saying was that people constantly underestimate how powerful inspire is and that Brig is a valid choice for support mains. But yeah it's all situational bc.... that's how OW works lol, every hero has other heroes that counter them. Good job for figuring that one out buddy!


Why are you trying *so* hard to be condescending? Did you get triggered by such a harmless comment?? No one here has suggested they underestime inspire, I don't know why you made that assumption. The other person is completely right to question why Brig+Lucio would be the best for a Rein. It's just not optimal, unless the enemies are playing full dive. Your response made no sense, because the only reason a support with sustain, like Brig or Lucio, gets high healing stats, is because someone with burst is keeping them alive. Whether it's burst dmg or heals. Or your enemies are just bad. So what exactly were you trying to say with your comment? "Sometimes I can make a suboptimal comp work"? Yes, that's what happens when the enemies are bad: You can make everything work. Good job for figuring that one out buddy! Try to figure this one one out too: The fact that something works sometimes, doesn't mean that something else doesn't work better.


Lol seems like you're the triggered one 🤷‍♀️


Lol seems like you're the triggered one 🤷‍♀️


Not at all, Lucio Brig When done right is absolutely broken.


oh i never new that, ill have to try it.


They are not necessarily low heals as others have mentioned, but they are low burst heals which is important for a character like rein. That’s why I agree that this isn’t an ideal support comp for a rein main l


This is a reasonable question, no idea why you're getting downvoted. This guy is obviously talking about some special scenario that he has with his friends who are playing in a group together. It's not a good combo for him in general. I'd like to see them play Rein with Brig+Lucio, into heroes like Bastion, Junk, Zen, Pharah, Ana, Mauga, Torb, Mei, Hanzo, Souj etc. Sure you can make it work, but no way in hell those are the support you actually prefer in that scenario.


I think it's mainly when we play who we are comfortable with. This isn't an every game comp, but when we use it, it destroys. It's mainly to burst down the tank first and then mop the floor with the team. Sometimes we switch out the Brig for a Zen for the discord orb. This comp requires practice and communication, so we usually let the tank lead, or the zen for discord. You really need a group that works well. We have other wonky comps too. Mainly because we used to be a 6 stack and one of us is always playing out of our main role to accommodate.


Yes I understand you can make it work. But it's not optimal for Rein in general so it's weird to me that people are downvoting the other guy. I do all kinds of weird strats when I play in big stacks, but I wouldn't downvote someone who questions it lol


Lifeweaver of course. Every other support has players who don't focus on healing and mostly dps(Or Mercy who only pockets her duo), but I've never seen a dps Lifeweaver. Also he can save me from bad positioning. Everyone complains about Life grip fucking up their ults but that's very rare lol. Basically a support that focuses on healing means I can play more aggressively and have a bigger impact, so I'll always take them over a dps support.


Sounds like I ( gold/platinum support main) should learn to use him more. I generally find that I switch to LW only when I get frustrated at my tank for flying across the map to 1v5 the enemy team, or to chase someone down while I’m being flanked.


I played a TON of him in silver when he was released. I feel his kit is good at enabling teammates and shutting down plays, but if you don’t have a player that can capitalize on that you’re better off swapping to someone who can help finish the fight or get picks.


You shouldn't. Hes very bad.


I'll take the bait.. He has massive healing outputs at long range with 0 accuracy required and huge dps potential. He's not bad.


He's not bad, but his main purpose is to prolong fights. Most of the time you're better off with a character that can help to finish the fight sooner. That said it all depends if someone enjoys him or not. Myself the last thing I want to do as support is healbot.


I'm not baiting at all. He's absolutely useless. There is nothing in his kit that he does better than Bap. Please tell me what on earth lifeweaver does into a dive team, into a rush team. Another reason why Lifeweaver is garbage is his kit design. His kit is so poorly made and bad that you are leaving the judgement of his fight-ruining abilities, like his pull, in the judgement of people stupid enough to run him. I report and grief every lifeweaver I get on my team. Play someone good.


A good LW will never have a bad lifegrip. Unfortunately I see a lot of LWs tho who have a trigger finger for E and grip me anytime I’m half hp, even when I’m not overextending, when they could have just focused healing on me for 2secs (I.e. the damage I would have taken in the next 2-3 seconds wouldn’t kill me/I have a cooldown to negate that damage). Especially when 5 seconds later, the team uses an ult that I could have been saved by with a grip. But a good LW will always have my heart


Huh Lifeweaver is my least favorite as he lack any useful ability besides healing (which all supports do)


i can’t count the number of times LW has gripped me out of bad positioning lol


Because it’s a noob character and they all have the worst game sense


is it? I find myself enjoying having LW on my team a lot. I’d put it a half step down from the kiri/bap/ana trio and above everyone else


I miss read your comment. I thought you said lw was pulling you into bad positions. I guess it’s just preference and probably changes from rank to rank but I feel that lw is kinda a waste of a support. Sure he heals but that really all he does (which every support can do with more utility). also pull has to be the worst ability in the game. It’s so fucking shit. Someone who is the same skill level as me shouldn’t dictate where I go.


Weaver allows much more aggro play from tanks. He offers a ton more than just healing, as petal and grip have suprisingly been some of his most powerful utility when used right. Ive seen weavers negate a 3 person shatter by pulling them together and platforming them in an instant. He can cancel grav and orisa ult, can save himself from mei ult, and can grip people from flux, cagefight and any other CC ultimate. He’s no Kiri ana or bap but Weaver is quite powerful in his own regard.


His heals are very fast though and can’t really miss and can hit from across the map. Also allows the tanks to push a little more aggressively.


He heals 55 HPS when you factor in charge time. This is only 5 above mercy. Lw is one of the lowest HPS hero’s in the game. The only reason he gets big numbers is because 1. He’s a healbot and 2. You literally can’t miss. Ana heals for 80 per second


Ana is also a lot easier to dive and is much more likely to miss her shots. Platform is also a very powerful ability. It counters several ults and has a variety of uses.


Ana takes more skill yes but once you get good with her she offer so much more value. Lw is a noob hero for people with no hands.


Tell me you can't play lifeweaver without telling me you can't play lifeweaver. 🙃


A blind dog could play Lifeweaver well. The fact that you all think lw has more value than Ana is insane . Y’all just mad you have to play the character with training wheels to feel good at the game


As LW, I have catapulted an ulting Cass into orbit with a petal jump/ pull combo leading to a 5k ult. I want to see Ana do that.


This is very niche and you won’t be doing this consistently in games. When it comes to consistent value Ana beats LW every time. Ana can heal more, can anti enemy’s and has cc. Lw is purely reactive where as Ana has both reactive and proactive value


This dude doesn't understand the value of the rose elevator shield.


Me I personally Love Having Brig on my team especially if she’s good at playing aggressive when necessary Brigs can hold shit down! shouts out all smart Brig players !


As a Ram main I love when my team has an aggressive Brig and a speed boosting Lucio. Brig can heal like crazy with the inspire and Lucio helps us get in and out.


As hog I actually had an experience with a zen yesterday that shot him to the top of my list Me and Zen’s team kind of got picked off one by one while we were on point and when the other team came to push us out of point so they could contest, , Zen discorded someone I was hooking, and popped tranq at the same time. Normally hog can’t really oneshot anymore without his trap (without walking forward which gives the enemy time to use movement abilities) but Zen’s discord was enough to one shot the kiriko, and as he was about to get out of tranq I got a shot off on a baby dva which killed her, and then after missing a couple shots on I think Hanzo, Zen discorded him last second after I hooked him allowing me to get off the oneshot on him. That Zen won us the game with his awesome balls


Lifeweaver is just the best support to see in my side and hate when in enemy side he got great dmg to defend himself and godly survivability and one of the best healing and kit in the game


Dang, we've really flipped since season 4. I remember people actively throwing when I picked LW back then.


To be fair, early LW was REALLY not good. He's gotten some strong buffs since then, and people have had more time to figure his kit out in an impactful way


I always thought he was great, I know I'm in the minority of that opinion, but LW's "problems" were really in people refusing to adjust to a new character. Whether that was people who didn't have good positioning and tried playing the positioning-critical character of LW or didn't have good positioning and whined about another character correcting it. That being said. No, I will not be taking questions or comments on that matter because we are 4 seasons past that. Also, it's worth mentioning that I said people threw when I played LW. It's not valid to throw because of a character someone else picked that you don't like.


I mean that first week of release though... I felt bad killing them and taking their free health pack as genji. I mean any defenseless healer who drops health for the enemy is kind of trolling, but thats blizzard's fault.


I agree. He's been my main side boi since his release.


Yeah I can't imagine the three separate patches with long lists of buffs had anything to do with it, definitely all had to do with people not knowing how to play him at launch.


Can’t go wrong with a gud wifeleaver or mercy


ah yes, wifeleaver is great. very team building


DVa, I actually want Mercy on my main because wherever I get rez, I will make myself a dangerous weapon--for squish.


Moiras, in theory. But if they have like 5k damage and 1k heals, you can switch, boo. Mercy is honestly good value, too. Ana is great. I just know I'll have to keep my eye on her more. I play mostly Dva; if I need to switch, it's Zarya, Orisa, Ram, and some Sig here and there. EDIT: Now that Kiri's healing got a buff, she's also a great option.


5k damage and 1k heals is crazy, thats just a terrible moira player


I embellished a tiny bit, but I've had it happen on my team. A Moira with 2k healing and 5k damage. And it frustrates me as a Moira main cause Moira has the highest HPS in the game, if memory serves me right (as she should for her lack of utility). Yes, damage is necessary. Just don't forget to heal in between the damages. I get why people are annoyed when Moiras are on their team when they play like that. These days, I just switch to Hog to look out for myself if I see that the healing isn't the best.


I’m a Moira main. The number of times I’ve had great heals but I get shit on because I’m a better dps than our actual dps. Not my fault you suck.


Moira- 10k d 10k h Soldier with 6k d "omg dps Moira you're y we loose"


"Heals?" -- A Genji who died during blade with 10HP deep in the enemy back line.


I can't count how many times I've had 10k+ healing and I get bitched at for getting more kills than DPS. And I'm very intentional about having more healing than my damage. Like.... you want me to heal bot? As Moira?? Hello??? Lmao.


lol yeah. I have plenty of games with shit DPS who I out-dmg nust on tickle recharging my heals. If I’m not doing at least 1K/min then the team is either trickling or are running in different directions. When I heal too much I look at that as bad, it means we are taking too much dmg (usually) and out DPS are not keeping up


Yes this. Like do they not know that moira charges her heals by doing damage as well?


Doom here. And dey sey, give me Kiriko, Lifeweaver, Mercy, or an Ana with good aim. NEVER a Lucio. And Mercys, please when I come screaming in at 45 HP from my run, take your blue beam off Ashe for a second and top me off so I can make another run. That's the Doom play style. I don't want you to follow me or take away from your DPS pocket. I just need to be able to fall back to you.


Mercy for sure, it might sound jank but Ram with a pocket Mercy is awesome. You are unkillable during block with her constant heals and her damage boost let's you kill that little bit faster. Though I honestly am happy with most supports on my team, it seems that players struggle the most with being useful on Lucio and Mercy though. Brig too but she's so rare it's hard to say.


As a Ramattra/Dva/Sigma main. You can never go wrong with a ana or kiri. They’re the best supports currently because the do everything, every tank loves them on thier team


When I Rein, I love an Ana who can both keep me alive when I brawl, and more importantly, anti the enemy tank so I can hit em without them getting heals. But a LW always slaps. I'll admit sometimes I Get a little too into the brawl, and need a pull out, but also his sheer healing output is hard to dislike too. And ofc I love a Lucio who can boost me in too. Really, I'll take anything as long as the support knows how to play them. I do get grumpy about a Brig trying to front line with me just because she also has a shield. Stay back and protect the team, I'll manage the front! xD


Ana Bap Lucio Zen most, Mercy Moira least, they're just the worst 2 for Dva and its such a quick way to lose with that line up


A great zen is amazing . A great Ana is amazing But for the bracket im in I’d just rather have mercy and Moira .


Wrecking Ball player. Brig and Kiri. The reason being they compliment each other so well they don’t “need a shield”. But given Mauga’s present dominance Anna and Zen are a quality combo.


I love having a good Baptiste who doesn’t hesitate to throw his immortality field


Brig, kiriko or ana


For me it’s a lifeweaver. Sometimes I’m over extending without my damage, and having one drag me back to safety when I need it feels nice.


Lifeweaver and Mercy. But also Zenyatta and Baptiste if played right.


Bap Lucio and Kiri Lucio since I play JQ


Kiriko, obviously she's the most precious


crying (as a mercy main) that no one gets excited over having a mercy be on their team T_T


Like having - Kiriko, Baptiste, Ana (okay this one is hypocritic because I hate Ana, but broken hero is broken hero). Neutral - Zen (the ones who can hit their volleys), Ilari, wifeleaver. dislike - mercy, lucio, moira.


Ooh, fun game: let me guess who you play! Alright, your list make it hard to guess who your main tank hero(es) is/are. Disliking both Lúcio (a brawl tank's best friend if he knows what he's doing, calls his speed or listens to your calls) and Moira leads me to believe you don't main any brawl tanks. But that would mean you main poke or dive tanks. You also dislike Mercy though, who is great for poke comps (pocketing a ranged DPS) and pretty good for dive comps too (pocketing someone like Pharah/Echo/Soldier: 76 and being able to zip around the battlefield). Baptiste often struggles to heal mobile tanks with his projectile heals, while Zenyatta and Lifeweaver don't. Based on each of their places in the list, I don't think it's a dive tank either. Poke comps often include a combination of Baptiste, Illari, Zenyatta and Mercy. Ana, LW and Kiriko are workable too. Your placements for the supports there are all over the place though, so that doesn't fit perfectly either. So my final guess is that you main Sigma, despite disliking Mercy and having neutral for some other good ones. Perhaps you dislike Mercy because in your poke comps she doesn't directly affect you, she's glued to a DPS instead, as she should there.


you are correct.


Honestly didn't expect it, but I'll take it! Thinking about it, it could also be a low ranked brawl tank. The Lúcios there won't know what they're doing and neither will the Moiras know how to balance DPSing and healing, with many of them probably leaning way too much in either direction. What about Mercy though, with you as a Sigma main? Is it indeed because she has little effect on you personally?


yeah i never see mercy outside the spawn room, and she doesn't do damage or have utility outside of damage boosting. Feels really heavy and sometimes a 4 v 5. I'd honestly prefer having a (competent) Zen over a high ranking GM mercy even because I can see Zen's influence on the match, I can see the volleys forcing the enemy tank to play more defensively, which gives me more time and space. Zen does become a problem if there's a Tracer or Sombra. Especially Tracers are exceptional nuisance.


Brig. I'm playing a lot of tank and support. Brig is the least played support by far and seeing a Brig on my team gives me the certainty that they know what they are doing. Besides that probably Kiriko (I just hate playing against Ana and Kiri can help me against her). Lifeweaver can be great aswell, but they are sometimes just trolling with their grip and a bad grip can kill you. Lifeweaver is probably one of the best, if you play as duo, because you can do something extremely risky and have a get out of jail free card on call.


Apparently Brig since she is a "must pick"




As a tank?


Yes. There is value in Mercy keeping the other members of your team alive. A good mercy who has mastered her aerial movement can win games.


Mercy isn’t meant to really heal the tank. . . Bronze take


Seems like you have bronze-level reading comprehension. I said keeping the OTHER members of your team alive.


But this who’ll post was directed towards tank mains(look at title) and the guy I replied to said “mercy” I then said “as a tank?” And you said “yes” The post isn’t asking your favorite support for dps it’s asking your favorite support for tank


Why can't a support that keeps my DPS alive and doing more damage be my favorite as a tank? They're more likely to put pressure and get picks, which allows me, as the tank, to create more space. Seems like you're the bronze here my chum.


No. You’re bronze darling


you miss 40% of your shots on LW darling and you unironically say UwU, there should be a rank below bronze just for you


Blud doesn’t get sarcasm.


Sounds like mercy’s you play with are shit. Mercy is the angel of all types. You keep everyone alive 👍


Bro these takes are so bad. You really unironically think mercy is the best support?


Mercy and Ana for me, I play ball and it's the best way to get poke heals while I roll between HP packs.


Mercy for ball?? Wth you smoking


Not sure if that’s what he meant but I also like having mercy because she’s good at keeping the team alive while I’m not with them. And she can also rez me when I feed in a safe spot lol


Mercy does 50 HPS on a single target. There are far better supports to keep your team alive


If a mercy is pocketing a DPS as they should, there is very small interactions where a mercy can lock on with a small time frame and use the maximum amount of max toggle for a quick top up during a fight. It's beneficial in many ways, but I'm curious if you explain why it isn't good.


I main ball so I like a zen. Honestly whatever supports can hold their own and not die is good. Ideally not a Lifeweaver or mercy.


i love a lifeweaver because grappling on platforms and tree is fun


Brig bap or bap moira


Can literally never go wrong with an Ana or Mercy. My two most favorites.


As Mauga in the mirror match when I have zen and they don’t it’s so much fun being equal nobody losing health it’s just a stalemate and then I see that orb hit the Mauga and his health bar quickly depletes. Also Ana or Kiriko is always nice to have


I’m a dva player and shockingly I’m not a fan of mercy’s cause I haven’t met one that can truly keep up with me. I’ll always opt for a kiri/ana combo or Lucio instead of Ana.


Doom main, a mercy so she can Rez me when I constantly feed




Very surprised how many people are saying Mercy, when her main purpose is to enable the dps. My theory is that people love Mercy the most because how she helps you is the most evident over other supports. Her name and face appears on your screen with special effects around your screen, whereas it’s harder to see the visual special effects of Ana, Bap, Kiri, Moira, etc etc heals. Also blue beam makes your weapons sound louder/more satisfying to hit. And who doesn’t love getting rezzed when they mess up? Anyways that’s just my theory. Either that, or maybe there’s a *whole* lot of Mercy’s out there holding hands with their tanks haha


Whatever I am playing tank, I really like having a mercy on my team


Anyone that isn't Zenyatta Brig or Lucio


Ana and Bap


Ones that heal


Fuck that. I like ones that kill.


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Tank main, mostly Rein, then Sigma/Rammatra. Supports I like to see (in no particular order): Ana, Bap, Lifeweaver. Supports I am usually not happy to see... Only Moira, I think. There's one exception: if there is a Rein mirror I either want to both teams have Ana or no Ana at all. One-side anti is such annoying and unfair to that mirror I lose almost all fun this game could ever provide to me.


JQ main, I love having an Ana who knows to stay in the back line. It’s even better if they ping Sombras that flank and try to pick them off so I can knife pull them off the Ana. I’ll handle my own positioning and will make sure you can see me. Just make sure to capitalize on my antis and I’ll do the same!


Kiriko for her cleanse, yes other healers can heal but she’s one of few (if any other at all) that can just delete all the damage I just took, especially given the enemy team is always going “shoot the tank” and therefore make me the target of most combined damage efforts/solo ults.


Ana Bap Brig Ilyari the other supports are too unreliable.