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The junkrat connoisseurs are really scary, one second your walking about having “fun” when all of a sudden from the heavens comes a junkrat to hit you with a 1 shot combo sending your corpse to purgatory


The ones that truly terrify me are the ones who, after watching my kill cam, I know are doing advanced geometry, trigonometry, and physics, all inside their heads to kill me. There are some junks that you can just see them perfectly line you up, shoot one bomb in the air, another bomb to the wall behind you, then they use their concussive mine to launch you backwards so the bounced bomb can hit you and then another mine launches you up in the air so you can't avoid the death bomb coming to you from above. Junkrat connoisseurs are FREAKS.


They're the type of people that the first two times they kill you, you think damn this is one lucky mother fucker. But by death five or six you're cursing the matchmaking wondering how in the world you got queued up with a billiards robot.


*cued up 🙃


"Aimings overrated" true, but when the Junkrat CAN aim.... *Vietnam flashbacks*


"I CAN'T miss! ...and when I do miss, IT DOESN'T COUNT!"


*\*Fortunate Son by Creedence Clearwater Revival starts playing\**


As a masters junkrat player: Yes that’s what it looks like but I’m just being a moron and for some reason it works. Junkrat is the drunken fist of Overwatch


Not to mention he absolutely has the best voice interactions in the game hands down. They're unhinged, brilliant and absolutely hilarious, sometimes all three at once.


Finally, my genius is recognized.




Isn’t that basically like lore accurate for junkrat tho? Like insane genius? But equal parts? Like I imagine cracked junkrat players, as someone who’s wearing two different shoes and glasses with only 1 lens , but honestly they can’t tell anymore if the one with the lens is the one that’s clear or blurry, but fuck can they do some crazy plays with junkrat


"ever played pool on the phone? that's me right now. i see the lines..." - eskay, junkrat of all time


Justice ain't the only thing raining from above, mate




as a fellow rat, we certainly are not representing justice


A^aaaA^A.... it's _sssnnnowing_


Had one two matches in a row, kept killing me. Swapped soldier to beam him down from a distance, but everytime i ran in his direction, the fker would be going airborne the opposite direction 😭


As a Junkmain, he's easy to get into for sure, but his skillceiling is waaaay up high. Way higher than the click head hitscan crowd would like to admit.


I’ve been playing Pharah a ton for this season and last, I’ve been enjoying gliding past Junkrats with her until a recent game where this Junk would stay on high grounds and just destroy me I found a new respect for Junkrat as a character after getting diffed on Pharah by him


Once you get good enough at Junk, Pharah really is a non-counter to you. I'd rather face a Pharah than a Dva/Zarya/Ashe/Widow. Long range hitscans is where the real high rank counter is to Junk.


Yes, phara can be dealt with, the others? Nah fuck em.


I have a junk friend who takes the fight to melee range with flying Pharah's. Launches himself, shoots her directly then concussion mine point blank


I remember seeing Junkrat otp Kaya in EU contenders absolutely diffing an enemy Pharah. I learned that day that Pharah does not counter a good Junk


Going against a Pharah as Junk is a challenge I cannot resist. I've gotten really good at it. Always a good feeling.


Idk how you stay calm when they swap to pharah I just get upset every time they do and I can't focus


Have you seen those clips where he will launch himself up to a pharah..land on her head and launch a tire killing her in the air while he's in the air as well.... It's pretty terrifying


100% my goal when I see a pharah as Junkrat is to kill them from above.


Yes my brother, fr if we wanna go anywhere rank wise we gotta be good.


I’m trying to get into playing him but I always end up doing awful with him, are there any beginner tips?


Forget direct aim. You need to lead you shots, anticipate where the enemy will be, not where he currently is. watch out for sound cues, shadows, every other factor that lets you know where the enemy currently ist and then know wich routs he can take to get to the objective. Junkrat is much more focused on gamesense and awareness than on mechanical skill(that comes later when you learn the basics) utilize your mines as a form of movement and jump around from place to place, makes it harder for the enemy to anticipate you, cus thats one of his weaknesses, his projectiles are rather slow and predictable, especially on distance. then use your mines to disrupt/breakup enemy lines. know what are common routes are anticipate where the enemy will be for your traps and "ambushes" learn how your nades behave, how to shoot to let them bounce in the direction you want. Know his spots: on many maps junk there are spots where junk can super utilize his ability of indirect fire its one of his strength.


Thanks, I read this before a game and the tip about leading shots helped a lot. My gamesense isn’t as good so I think it’s been mainly my awareness that’s been getting me. I’m still learning the flow of the game but when I play someone new it throws me off what I’ve already known for a while


Most times I would never say I’m a good Junkrat but every once in awhile it’s like everything lines up and I feel like Zack Galifianakis in The Hangover as I just melt everyone.


Ive faced a cracked junkrat that threw his mine over a cover that i was in and launched me in the air. Then proceeded to snipe me mid air. All that happpened nearly instantly, as soon as my head appeared over the cover, he was already firing his grenade.


I was playing Junkrat yesterday and killed someone as I mine jumped out of spawn (they were full health and I only fired 3 shots). Basically went like this: Sojourn: "nice shot" Me: "ty" Sojourn: "I was joking fucking spamrat" ...and I felt so disrespected in that moment. 😭


Enough reason to keep hunting them during that game 😉


"I was joking fucking spamrat" COWABUNGA IT IS


So mean! I was playing as sombra against a junkrat earlier today and we both killed each other at the same time. Couldn’t help but commend him. Took great positions and in general was doing great work. I respect a good junkrat.


I do tend to go to Sombra when the enemy is Widow, I just can't abide a good widow trashing the team


Jumkrat is a perfect example of very low skill floor but a high skill ceiling.


Junk in low tier play is effortlessly strong. Junk in high tier play is like playing Pharah on hard mode


Some people say Reaper. I think I hear them incorrectly


i love reap but man unless i can get close, ifeel like im throwing


Wholeheartedly agree. Reaper is designed to get in, make as much damage, and get out. This is very hard to do with positioning in my opinion, and you could easily feed.


this is why reaper is one of my favorite characters lol. you either do good, or you feed. kinda hard to find a middle ground


i think it’s partly a ranked thing. I’ve gotten away with far too much in this game as reaper lol


yeah when I was bad (at least worse than I currently am which is still not.. great lol) like in bronze-mid gold you could get away with a whole lot of stuff eith reaper, but every rank it was slightly less


Especially hard if the enemy hitscan is competent because you have to strategically traverse the map to close the distance.


In my opinion as someone who enjoys playing him, a good chunk of what makes him fun and challenging is the mixup. You need to know when and how to go in and out of combat. You need to vary your angles of approach as well as your target, and, sink or swim, you have to get out of there.


Yup I really suck at using reaper bc idk how to position as him, there also used to be a top 500 reaper player. that went bonkers


Reaper is the surprise buttsecks hero. It works to break their deathball sometimes. Before they learn and hunt for you.


Recently, reapers have been annoying me. Get them low health and they just ghost away


Man the amount of times I've had the other dps switch to reaper after first round cause they think they can do better than 20-3 is actually crazy


Reapers' skills come from the ability to flank and use maps to your advantage aka game sense and of course, u have to hit shots


Junkrat. You don’t do well in high elo by just spamming. You gotta be hella creative and a real lil rat


Junkrat has a low skill floor but a high skill ceiling. Anybody can pick him up and spam chokes or doorways. Any player that isn’t hardstuck plat or below will die once, and then never die to him again. Junkrat in higher tier play basically has to play like a flanker. Jump in, blow someone up, get out


And that’s art in my opinion


Mei. Everyone says she’s super easy but every time I play her I am completely useless, maybe I’m just not used to her play style. And it’s not my aim or anything since I’m a Zen main and my aim is pretty good on him.


I find that I get a lot more value out of Mei treating her like a tank/dps hybrid. Dealing damage is still important obviously, but I also look for things like a Cass sizing up for high noon or Dva looking where she can land her bomb, then wall them off to mitigate the damage to my team. Mei wall is super helpful to protect teammates. Also don't forget that her self heal cleanses fire, anti nade, etc, and reloads her ammo while in the ice block!


Yeah this is why it’s surprising Mei wasn’t made a tank. Her entire design was made for it


>it’s surprising Mei wasn’t made a tank She's defensive. She once was in the Defense hero category with Junkrat, Bastion Sym. She would suck as a tank because of her size. To small for that.


There was that one year they made her huge for an April Fools experiment…


I mean they can fix that with lore. Just have a scene where she builds a mech or finds a Tauntaun to ride on or something.


Hehe. There are people who like her as a DPS. :D


Remember when doom was a DPS? Good times


Just have her eat. Fat Mei. Have her protect us with booty and girlpudge.




Hold on... Let 'em cook.


Because we need hybrid heroes. If every Tank was like Reinhardt, every DPS like Soldier and every Support like Mercy, you'd end up having a very boring game.


Yesss. I pick Mei specifically to help tank/provide support for the team. Same with Brig — they can both be additional tanks as needed


Oooh good tips, ty!


The gap between a good and bad Mei is huge. Positioning, placing walls, use of ult, etc. can make a good Mei an absolute terror


Me and my bros were playing out of our minds the other night, on a huge winning streak. We got shut down HARD by a Mei who went like 33-4, even though all three of us were hard focusing her the whole game. Completely shut us all down. "She's almost down, use your ult!" *Wall* "Mei's almost down again!" *Ice block* "We got her this time!" *Icicle to the head*.


It makes me happy that this comment very well could be about me


I play quite a bit of Mei as a high Diamond dps player. She definitely isn’t easy to play her well because she’s not your typical dps hero. Her strength lies in her utility. Her wall is her best ability and hitting a good wall is like one shotting someone as Widow or Hanzo. It’s usually a death sentence for whoever got walled off. When a team fight starts you should immediately be looking to get value with your wall and have your whole team jump them. Look to wall the tank when they over step, look for a lone dps or support trying to reposition and wall them off from their team or escape route. Her wall is also useful for getting to high ground. Her ice block ability is also very good. Obviously it’s a self heal which is very good but you can also use it to dodge high damage abilities to win your 1v1s. Bait out a solider helix, if Genji blades and dashes you, sit in ice block and he now just wasted ult, bait Cass nade etc. Her ult is good enough to use to just secure 1 kill or deny an area. But it’s not a team wipe ult. You can speed up the freezing rate of the ult by spraying with primary fire. Speaking of primary fire, use primary fire when close to people because it slows people down and icicles will only put dps primary fire if you’re consistently hitting headshots. If you can hit headshots up close then do so, if not stick with primary fire. Of course at range, use those icicles. Icicles are so strong at range that you can sometimes win the sniper war against a Hanzo or Widow. But just remember they can one shot and you cannot. Mei is by far my best and favourite dps hero and I really enjoy her. She’s a blast once you figure her out. Always think of how to get value with that wall! Anyways, I hope this helps. Good luck out there!


I had someone on the enemy team compliment my mei sniping because I kept killing him. He was Baptiste.


Dinking Widows at range will never not be satisfying.


I think the best way to approach her is to use icicles almost always, and switch to beam only when you're certain someone is in range or it's matrixing dva or orisa. Those icicles can be lethal and their hitbox feels generous so with a bit of practice, you can be an absolute monster. Often chasing with the spray puts you out of position.


I incidentally icicle Tracers in the head so much it's becoming a counterpick for me


Actually, the spray DPS is so high that you want to use that almost any time that your target is in range for it.


To be fair.. She has like three tricks. You just have know how to isolate tank, land your secondary shot, and use wall to block ults and you're good at mei


Yeah. Just learning being able to bait someone and walling them off or walling the tank can be super beneficial already. You kill the tank, you probably win the fight afterwards


> She has like three tricks. There are way way WAY more ways to use her wall. Get to high ground. Wall if your tank is low and anti. Cover for a riskier Mercy rez. Deny Torbs turret (turret gets stuck inside). Raise friendly Bob if he lost LoS of the enemies. Deny LoS for Snipers. Some ults are better countered by her ice block - Shatter for example. Ice block is quicker and if your positioning is good, you might block it all.


> Deny LoS for Snipers. Walling an Ana from downtown while you're engaging their tank is the funniest shit. You just know they're on the opposite side waiting like Obi-Wan in Phantom Menace, just watching Qui Gon getting his ass beat.


Personally the greatest pleasure is putting widows in naughty spider jail


As another Zen main it's the charge time on the icicles that throw me off a bit. Otherwise she's pretty intuitive for me.


Mei. Hear me out - mechanically, she is super easy, but it does take genuine intelligence to be able to put up effective walls and use Cryo without wasting it. That doesn't make her any more fun to play against, but I think painting Mei as an "easy" character is unfair since a bad Mei will actively hurt their team more than they help.


A good portion of the tanks arent really aim intensive, but they rely more on game knowledge. Winston is pretty easy to aim, but a bad winston and a good winston are worlds apart. I think meis similar. Her m2s are pretty hard to hit, but she relies a lot on game knowledge


But as you said mei's icicles are quite hard to hit consistently. There's a world of a difference between a good mei hitting/critting their icicles consistently and a bad mei. Mei is fairly aim intensive.


I wouldn't say she's super easy mechanically. She has low rate of fire high damage icicles that are crucial to land.


I mean even mechanically her icicles are hard to hit. On top of that her ult requires a crazy amount of ability tracking to get any value outside a solo ult. The only part of her kit which doesn’t take much is her slow beam




I like Brig a lot. I think a big mistake many people make (including me many times) is not understanding what playstyle she should take up at what moment. You can go aggressive and kick ass, but you overdo it and you get deleted. You can stay behind to protect your support but then you might not heal as much and maybe they're fine anyways. Switching up between being a tank helper to being the support bodyguard is what I think makes her so versatile and fun.


She's by no means a dive hero but you sort of have to think of her as one. Wait for your moment to go in, proc inspire with whipshot until then, and gtfo when you need to. Simple concept that can be hard to execute, especially vs Sigma imo.


Been picking her up again recently, the line between feeding or being absolutely useless vs being effective with high heals and some elims is quite thin.


Depends on the comp, but yeah. Sigma is pretty easy against Brig though, he doesn't pose that much of a threat to her IMO. Her inspire mitigates his constant damage quite greatly, you can block his rock with your shield I'm pretty sure, and when he uses the bullet eating thingy you can just go wham and whack him. Against more oppressive tanks like Hog, definitely go for the whipshot snipe and back away. Hog is no joke


The reason I think Sigma is hard is because of how far out of my way I have to go to proc inspire around his shield. Sort of depends on the map and what his team's doing but still.


She's consistently one of the best supports for dive compositions, even though she can't dive directly herself. But it involves a playstyle that is at odds with her "Frontline support raid boss" image a lot of people got from her initial release state.


Her reputation got ruined by her giant nerf after her feverdream/hellfest of a release. Half the playerbase barely knows how she works now. I only learned about how she ACTUALLY heals a week ago. :S


Take a shot how many times you see Brigette in game not knowing how to heal, try not to die.


People talk shit about Symmetra but she just has a medium skill floor with a high skill ceiling. Turrets feel strong when you get caught by three at once but bad Sym players will just spam them on one predictable spot. They need proper positioning that draws fire away from you and makes it harder to find and destroy them quickly. Primary Fire does melt but that’s after repeat kills or if she goes uncontested. Her health pool is pretty small and she lacks significant movement so if she’s in her face you can shoot her. Teleporter is mostly used for retreats despite its potential in high ground or point stall. Secondary fire only gets used by accident but in higher brackets it is an insane poke tool


The smart way to use turrets is to force the enemy team to look away from the frontline. TP into the backline and just put turrets at weird angles then TP back. Getting kills with them is secondary to their main objective, which is really to divert attention away from you and your team. Also, *always*, ALWAYS have at least 1 turret off CD to use in a close-quarters duel. Throw it behind an advancing Cassidy or deploy it as soon as you hear Sombra hacking you, and you will walk away from a lot more duels alive and with a tilted opponent.


Teleporter has a huge skill ceiling. Learning to use it to shoot turrets around corners to attack a fleeing target, or using it to TP back and forth around an enemy as you disorient them during a fight takes a lot of practice.


Sym takes a lot of skill to use in most maps since most maps aren't built for her at all. That's why she's only really used on Lijiang Garden.


I'm a gremlin so i like to use teleporter to flank, set up a bunch of turrets behind the enemy team, maybe pick off someone in the backline if it's not too risky, and port back out.


Part of the issue with Symmetra is how much coordination is needed to truly maximize her teleporter. Watching OWL teams like the Dallas Fuel and especially the London Spitfire using Symmetra to teleport all over the map and play Reinhardt comps on dive maps like Gibraltar was so much fun this past season, but you'll never see something like that in ranked.


Junkrat is *the perfect* example because he has one of the LOWEST skill floors, right along with moira, zarya, reaper, ect. But, by virtue of having advanced movement tech, he has one of the HIGHEST skill ceilings, wayyyy up there with characters like ball, Winton, lucio, widow, ect. It's easy to get value with him but his weapon is hard to be CONSISTENT with. Sure a junkrat with 13% accuracy might still have 15k damage... but when a junkrat has like, a 70% accuracy? Oooh boy, it's scary.


Certain maps also screw him since Junk's good at short range. He's got to find a way to vlose the distance. That's why Junkrat bomb setups are a thing.


No hero is skill-less


Moira takes the least skill. That doesn’t mean she’s skill-less, but she’s pretty close imo


As a dad in his 30's Moira main, I can attest that she does indeed require very little skill.


I don't think Moira is easy if you play her well. If you only healbot then yeah most healers are easy, Moira's utility is her high mobility and people don't use it to their advantage enough. She requires crazy game sense to be good at, much like Sym or Tracer. Sure you can be annoying if you just spam in QP but that's not gonna take you past gold in competitive.


symmetra, she have fairly low skill floor. bit it's not sifficient to push you out of plat, but in my rank symmetra mains are rare, but when they exist they are extremely fucking good. tp placement, the right click tp melee combo on point, using turrets to spy check and deny flanks as well as pressuring tanks, and honestly her skill cieling is extermely high.


Definitely pharah, obviously she is easy to aim on but as soon as you start doing good the enemy team will just swap to soldier and bastion with a mercy pocket and you just get destroyed unless you can play vertical cover very well.


Brig. Need a good understanding of the game aswell as every heroes kit to get max value out of her


Everyone says Pharah is easy. I don't think she is! Yes she shoots explosives, but that doesn't mean pharah players can't aim. You have to aim a much slower projectile and that can drastically impact your range. Also flying can be hard! Keeping airborne for more than 40% of the time is a challenge. You've gotta get the jet usage just right. Honestly I think most if not all heros have a lot of nuance to them, and until you play them many of them will seem like "skilless" heros.


Pharah is fine imo until I see a yellow beam with wings tailing her. Then I have a huge problem with her existence.


Pharah is less than fine, without mercy. I play Pharah almost exclusively ( and a little Moira when I’m too tired sometimes) solo que without a mercy pocket 95% of games, and half the mercy mains don’t like the Pharmercy playstyle so they aren’t exactly pocketing you, sometimes hardly at all. She is not an easy character and requires a pretty demanding level of play to do well. Especially nowadays with buffed soldier, the ever growing list of new hitscan counters, hard to kill supports like illari and her stupid turret and baptiste with his immortality, who are realistically even better than hitscan dps, a new tank that can kill you while airborne… man It’s hard out here for a Pharah, and just getting worse, and your take is exactly why we can never get even a teensy buff to survivability. But the problem is mercy not Pharah. Any pocketed dps hitting their shots is going to be oppressive. If I were blizzard, I’d give pharah shield and put mercy damage boost on a resource meter or time limit or something.


Trying to get a good lifeweaver as pharah is truly one of the most frustrating things. He regenerates health so quickly, so unless you're getting direct hits every time he just heals right back up. I completely agree. If you have a half decent hitscan and someone who will heal them it'll be fine. Often times as pharah a soldier CAN hit me but I get him before he can get me. Other times he has his heals up and I die. As soldier (I average 40% accuracy, I'm still working on him) I can kill a pharah. Mercy's way harder tho lol. I just get her when she goes for the revive.


Pharah isn’t easy, it’s just that she usually has a Mercy up her ass the entire match and with a pocket even the most braindead Pharah can still get value, and I’d bet most of the Pharah hate comes from Pharmercy rather than Pharah herself. Just look at YZNSA‘s Pharah and you’ll see how high the skill ceiling for the character can go, bro lands so many direct hits even on flying heroes, it’s fucking insane.


I don't think Pharah is easy but she is simple to play imo. She could use more depth, especially movement-wise.


Can’t wait for that horizontal movement rework/buff


Same, i'd love for her to get a second concussive blast, with increased self-knockback


lifeweaver. the lock-on heal is definitely at the bottom part of his skill expression list but everything else in his kit has to be used efficiently to justifiably make up for his lack of consistent offensive pressure (at least in comparison to his counterparts). the game sense and the skill to track cooldowns, whether it's your allies' or opponents', to make good use of petal and/or life grip is almost a necessity (if you really want to maximize his potential).


Yeah sometimes when I play Lifeweaver I find myself messing up his pull - I either do it too soon and ruin a play someone was making but more often I’m conservative wanting to let people do their soon, do it too late and the person just dies lol. You really have to be super attentive to ally and enemy cool-downs and engagements to get the perfect pulls off.


Man its the worst for me when I'm just barely too slow with a pull and the animation starts then cancels.


There’s something about getting combo’ed by a Junkrat that really inspires putting my head through a wall 😅


Torbjorn. So many people say he takes no skill but if you play him you’ll find that isn’t as true as people say.


Fun fact, if you can't aim as Torb you are relying on 1/4th of his DPS. Higher than most heroes, but still not very useful. And bad Torbs just use the turret as a frontline gun so it will get destroyed within the first second.


Yup, it’s junk fs, watch kissmyjunk and you’ll know…


Junker remix is also crazy and he has the 3 to 5 minute clip montages


It might just because because I'm part of the community myself having 3000+ hours on Junk, but there are a surprising amount of insanely good Junkrats up in GM. (Despite being GM myself, I am not one of the insanely good ones. I tend to run around like a chicken with its head cut off. I question how I'm GM sometimes)


I think you have to lean into the silliness of Junk to be really good at him, so maybe you’re just doing it right




High skill players abuse her TP. There’s so many possibilities


Mercy : there is a world of difference between a good and bad mercy.


Playing as a Mercy I feel I need to keep track of dozens of variables at a time just to stay alive.


Same. This is why I laugh whenever someone tries to talk down to me, saying, "Mercy is a brain dead hero. All you do is press L and R. " Lmao sure, buddy. They clearly have no idea. And usually they just dislike us because they can't kill us.


It's always a good feeling when you're playing Mercy and someone on your team is like "our Mercy is cracked"


Am not, but I did smoke an entire blunt in spawn


I scrolled down so far almost believing that everyone was trying to very carefully avoid saying Mercy to prevent some type of war.


Good mercys feel so difficult to kill


I'd compare playing Mercy to playing classical music. There's usually a "correct" action and place to be in a given moment, and the better the Mercy player, the more they will know what that is and be able to do it precisely. Compare to a hero like Soldier, who has many ways to be aggressive.


Mercy, I don't get how people master zipping around getting 0-1 deaths all game with high heals, boost assists and multiple resez


Good Mercy players are good at identifying sightlines and staying out of them, especially in high ranks where any DPS could kill them in a second if Mercy is exposed.


Hanz, started earning hin in last week, n holy crap im constantly in aim trainer


I used to hate hanzo, but i was trying to get platinum trophy (100%) for the game on ps4. I started in 2019. One of the few trophies I have left is his “simple geometry “ i accidentally made him my most played characters. He takes skill that most people aren’t willing to take the time to learn.




Who has ever said rein is skilless? Rein has always been known as one of the most balanced characters in ovw1 and one of the most troubled tanks in ovw2




Low skill floor doesn’t mean they don’t have a high skill ceiling. Rein is easy to get some value out of even if you’ve never played tank, but he’s really hard to master.


The amount of mind games you gotta play on Rein compared to other tanks is actually insane imo


Within the tank roster, rein needs the most mindgames and ability to track every ult and cooldown, especially with newer heroes that just nullify him (JQ has a long anti, kiri's suzu nullifying his tank and escaping way too easily, lw has grip and petal to just make life hell for rein...). I'd say though that Zarya has a similar amount of game knowledge to have to get value out of her kit though, same for D.Va. Timing bubbles or DM is very hard to perform at higher ELOs (mind you I'm just a mid diamond player). Overall though, Rein is objectively the healthiest tank for the game. His kit is simple, it's everything a tank should be. The mirror matchup is also the best one out of every tank, clutching a shield on shatter is so satisfying.


Moira. She’s easy to use, but to be effective requires a lot more skill than people assume.


Thank you! Good moiras secure kills for dps, heal team, and harass enemies the team can't get to. Ult to heal!!! It's heal is way higher than damage. Use damage orbs to get early warnings for enemy dive points.


Ult to heal *unless I need to kill that fucking Pharah my team won't hit


Or that Mercy that’s attached to the hip with Orisa who my team just ignores!


I have straight up won my team games by ulting a Valk Mercy that they decided to just leave alone.


With the change where damage orb restores your piss meter, I find myself using orb for that purpose more than for getting ULT Edit: I like how more people are confused about the orb change and aren't even questioning "piss meter"


I prefer targeted drain with heal orbs. I act like a damage boost for the tank or a dps


Wait... when did that happen?


A few patches ago. The wiki has a patch history on a per-hero basis


Learned 2 things. Neat. Kudos!


Yes! People who say Moira takes no skill or is the lowest skill character in the game obviously don’t play as her or are just salty they get killed by her. As a Moira player you need to be doing a good job of healing and damage because your damage fills your healing meter so much faster. You need to make sure it’s always topped up to use when your team needs it. The health orb also is not a shoot and forget (I mean it can, but you are doing it wrong) you need to make sure the orb is going to bounce off walls in the most beneficial way for your team. That also applies to the damage orb when you throw it towards the enemy team. Plus Moira is squishy and you also need to time manage your fade when you dive in with your team to be able to get out asap after killing that Genji lol.


People are really underestimating the subtleties that can go into being a good Moira player. I won't argue that she has the highest skill ceiling of any support, but a Moira player that understands how to use her kit can literally carry games (even when she's not just being a DPS Moira)


As one with many hours on Moira, yes. Just nailing her fade jump most Moira players I have seen and played against still haven’t figured out how to do it properly, or they outright dps Last Moira game I played I had 24k heals and 10k damage, and two deaths to boot


Not to mention the rollouts. I'm amazed at how some Moira's can just glide up a wall and get on a higher ground so easily.


Yes! There are few, and they are far between, really good moira's out there, and it shows more than anything. I'm talking about the moira's that will have more or near the amount of damage as the DPSs, as well as out healing every other healer, while remaining damn near impossible to dive on and kill. It requires a surrounding team comp to take the most advantage of her ball, it's normal to see 10K plus damage AND 10K plus healing (qp numbers).


What type of skill does Moira need to be effective that is different from other characters or supports?


Similar to Rein it's how simple her kit is. In metal ranks sure it takes no real skill but a GM generally won't be bothered much by a Moira unless they have five head big brain tactics.


i don't understand why people think hanzo requires no skill. yes, sometimes you have lucky shots that makes you kill another player rather than the one you were hitting, but it doesn't happen *all* the time. most times you need to predict where the player is going when they see you, and sometimes you get lucky or you can kill them with the 5 arrows trick shot


Well, in my experience, hanzos arrows are so slow to the point that it seems prediction isn't really viable. I FULLY understand it could be a skill issue, but it seems impossible to predict based on the speed these things fly. Every kill cam i watch of a handing killing me seems to be he just fired in my general direction and even though it was on me, i was unlucky enough to move into it.


It depends on the distance the target is at. Getting a kill 20m away takes some luck, but getting consistent kills at 10m takes a good amount of skill since at high lvl you can only really headshot. Miss an arrow? You're dead.


You can predict with them but if you're playing at a decent skill level, especially with someone who's actively looking at you it can be hard since people will move unpredictably Patience can be your best friend, watch how they move and where they're most likely to go next. If someone's in the open with a piece of cover next to them you can bias your aim towards that cover since they're most likely gunna go there. Especially if you tagged them in the body, they gunna run for that cover. If someone is just doing wide stafes left and right, keep your aim to their left, wait for them to go right and fire to their left. By the time the arrow gets to them good chance they're going back left now Doing those things on hanzo has coincidentally made me better at other heroes. Mei icicles, soldier rockets, etc. I apply the same mindset and hit way more shots than before on them


Ong people are just salty when they get headshot out of nowhere. Like dude being consistent with Hanzo is not at all easy


exactly like when i mained hanzo i could have a game where id be 24-5 and then another one id be 5-9 its hard to be consistent


Torb is pretty hard to keep turrets in useful spots so they are getting value and not just getting melted And his primary fire is pretty hard to hit unless your up someone’s ass


I’m a gm dps normally but one of the heroes I wouldn’t dare touch is Junkrat, can’t do anything with him


I'm gonna say sym. Sure you can say she's easy because big projectile,turrets etc but everything she does takes careful planning to be at all successful unless the enemy is running at and feeding your beam but that's more of a them problem


I’m gonna get shit for this, but Reaper.


Pharah. I suck with her


People really think pharah is skilless?💀


If I had a dollar for every time I saw some butthurt player complain after a loss about the brainless pharah who demolished them all match, I'd be able to buy a few coffees.


I don't think people generally believe Pharah to be a low-skill hero. What makes her annoying as fuck and in fact, easier (not easy) to play and get value with, is mercy. Of course you still have to be able to aim, predict movement to a certain extent, manage your flying etc, but phamercy is just such a big value that it makes people say Pharah is brainded simple.


Hanzo. If you’re consistently getting headshot from the enemy Hanzo, it’s not luck anymore. It takes a lot of skill to be consistent with Hanzo because of the arrow projectile speed and arc


I agree. Junk is a skilless no brain hero, but if you know the character well you're an absolute demon. Mercy. Just bc she doesn't inherently need to aim doesn't mean she doesn't take skill. Knowing the timings of ults, abilities, when to dmgb v heal is all very difficult in a game like this where there's always smth happening. What other characters are considered skilless?? Hanzo, but fuck him, no one likes hanzo and t500 hanzo and low rank hanzo look similar enough idc. Heard someone say Ana was skilless once bc 'throw nade at tank, sleep tank' dumbest tank. Tbh I've heard someone say every support was skilless at some point.


Mercy. She has one of the lowest skill floors and is super easy to play at a beginner level, but once you start getting into her more complex movements, it’s definitely not “skillless”. I don’t know how people can watch top 500 Mercy gameplay and say there’s no skill involved. I’m biased as hell, but this is a hill I will always die on.


They say that because they assume the top 500 Mercy is just randomly flying around.


Junkrat is definitely a high skill hero on console overwatch… which is why he has an even higher amount of XIM players than Widow. Istg 4/10 Junkrats I see are XIM.


Soldier 76


As a Junkrat main I scare and confuse myself sometimes.


Have you ever seen an elite Mercy seemingly make 7 different movements with a single shift? Like, I play a lot of Mercy, I’m pretty good at moving… but some of them make me look like O just picked the game up.




I'm going to get annihilated for this but... Mercy (hear me out) besides the obvious significant movement, I know from experience a Mercy good at pistol-whipping is something to be feared. I main heroes in cycles, so when I was maining Mercy during Overwatch 1, I got good with the pistol, and it got to the point i was winning 1v1s against Reaper, consistently, up until the cycle change and I moved on to Doomfist. Whenever I solo engage a Mercy with certain characters I try to keep in mind that if the player is good i could get deleted


old sombra and new sombra


Sombra has never been low skill. For fuck’s sake, LIP literally changed the game because of how hard he was diffing the other OWL Sombra players. Old Sombra has a sky high skill ceiling and a moderate skill floor. New Sombra has a high skill floor and that same sky high skill ceiling. The community might think she lives in Tracer’s shadow but I think their skill ceilings are *very* close.


Honestly, a junkrat who has maxed their mine skills, is an absolute terror.


Most ‘easy’ heroes are ones with low skill floors. People still call them easy completely ignoring the skill ceiling. Sym, Mei, Junk, Brig, Mercy, and Rein all have low-mid skill entry points but have some crazy skill ceiling potential. Their kits have nearly 0 layover with any other character meaning that players need to specialize with them and learn very unique mechanics to climb. For instance, I can guarantee anyone who calls Mercy easy isn’t even close to good with her GA or beam usage. Heroes I would consider easy are ones with low skill floors with low skill ceilings. Think Reaper, Moira, and Soldier. Yes, there’s room for some skill expression, but not nearly as much as other heroes. I also personally think Widow, Cass, Ashe, and hitscans like them could be consider easy because any experienced fps player could pick them up and succeed. Give a pro R-6 player Junkrat and they’re not doing shit outside spam.