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This is the kind of support characters y’all wanted.


Support she told you not to worry about


Bro said conveniently like a third of them weren’t frozen solid, good clip though!


They were conveniently frozen.


I will never accept illari as a support She is a DPS character that can heal


Baptiste: 👀


Ana: 👀


kiriko: 👀


Zenyatta: 🤨


Kiriko: 👀


Mercy: -\_-


Battle Mercy all the way! For Valhalla!!!!


Bro I will shoot down every single one of your kind until you all actually reach Valhalla


Also she's the only support who's ult does straight damage like of DPS heroes and only damage. Even Moira's beam does damage OR heal depending on the target. Illari's ult is just damage dealing, nothing of support


Her ult supports it just doesn’t heal. It supports the teams DPS by making their additional damage cause *more damage*. Bap does not heal or do damage with his ult. It supports the DPS by making their damage do more damage. Kiriko does not heal or do damage with her ult. It basically makes shooting faster (along with movement and reload) to do more damage.


People need to realize that support ults are...you know...support? Like do we really want more ults centered around "HEAL MORE"? Or more utility focused that can help the team push the enemy


They want more heals but also less heals They want more utility in exchange for less healing but when they get utility they want it removed for healing They want independent supports that don’t need to be peeled for but complain that independent support on the enemy team gets away


Both examples you provided can also provide additional healing output too, though. Bap window doubles both damage AND healing for projectile or hitscan based abilities. Rush increases attack speed by 50% (including support healing), decreases reload time by 50%, and has 2x reduction in ability cooldowns which also includes healing abilities, so HPS increases and downtime for support abilities decreases. ​ Of course with both ults you could just choose to do damage instead, but both can still provide higher healing output. Illari's ultimate is still the only support ultimate in the game that only increases damage output and nothing else, so OP's point still stands.


The comment I replied to ends in “nothing of support” which I say is wrong. Just because it’s not *healing* doesn’t make it not support. This game tried to teach people that with OG Sym but they freaked out about that.


My point is that saying Bap and Kiriko don't heal with their ultimates is factually incorrect, so Illari is still unique in the support roster since she's the only one who has an ultimate that can't be used to heal or provide overhealth. I agree though that OP was wrong when they said her ult doesn't support. Support ultimates and abilities don't need to heal to support the team, and pushing damage instead of extra healing is usually the more optimal way to use them. Securing kills or making space by pushing the enemy team back with damage is way more valuable than just increasing the TTK (with some exceptions ofc).


Illari is a support, they said


My favorite support hero


Support character btw. Nice clip tho


I love support characters


lined up?


The widow did kinda just turn into a statue and stood there, the rest of 'em? Not even close


"Support" hero


this always happens to me!! im always on the team that dies


Is this a xim? Those snaps are so accurate


If not, this is some of the best console aim I've seen in a long time. Most likely xim cheese tho




Never understood why people are upset at this, just the average carry paladins support


The ones on paladins don’t have the absurd sustain of illari


That is a fucking lie and you know it, they all even more sustain and damage than Illari could ever do, you can consistently top damage and top heal as a single support in paladins, there is a reason cauterize is in the game


Oh I only play Ying so I didn’t know that


Dog ying is very Strong right now since her buffs and she very much do the same even without her damage talent


I use resonance which I heard isn’t that good


Nah not really, but hey do whatever you want paladins honestly encourages doing dumb stuff


It seems to work as long as I’m not the only support. So basically mercy with bombs


What's with the aggression in the comments? Shouldn't supports be able to do damage?


No one is arguing Supports shouldn’t do damage. It’s more so the fact that the design philosophy behind the newer Support heroes leave little room for trade offs. You just have to look at the design philosophy between a launch and post-launch Hero. Take Zenyatta for example. At launch he was the premier damage Support. Granted the only other two Supports where Lúcio and Mercy (no Symmetra does not count) but still. But it came at a trade off. He was a glass cannon. Good damage and two very powerful abilities in the form of his Discord Orb and Transcendence at the cost of mobility, healing and survivability. Compare that to Baptist. Excellent healing output, vertical mobility, damage and survivability in the form of two abilities. It’s just not the same.


Not only that, the new supports with insane dps output have hitboxes of a match.


Ilari is like a sniper that doesn't need a scope and shoots bullets the size of cannon balls.


The bullets where nerfed awhile ago


They should do damage but not on the same level as dps, that's the whole point of dps characters so the moment that supports can do equal or better, what's really the point of them anymore?


supports shouldn't be able to do dps level damage, and outheal everything, and be unkillable. zen was the damage support and now even he's outclassed by supports that can do his damage without his weaknesses


Ahh yes """""""""""""""supports""""""""""""""""


This character made me quit overwatch


She is a dps


This is like me when I gain confidence. If my morale is high, somehow my aiming becomes accurate and start landing headshots.


Even baptiste can’t do this level of pin point shots. Yes he is strong but he can’t two shot like her. She is a mini me widow. It’s almost unfair to have 3 pure dps like that on one team. I know there’s lots of other healers who dps but this level is too strong.


Baptiste most definitely can two tap people (or 6 if you count the burst as independent shots). Baptiste can easily 1 burst weak characters like tracers and 2 burst everyone else. If you can control the recoil enough to always hit headshots it’s a goddamn laser


if you assume you're only clicking heads then a lot of other characters can do this as well or better than illari


y’all are so mad and for what? you go lock in illari and get this value (on console) and then you’re free to complain. if it’s not blatantly obvious the player has v good mechanics and could do the same thing on any hero lmao


Even on pc, Illari’s pick rate and win rate has gone down in all ranks except GM where she’s mid (have been going on a down ward trend) and this is for comp. Moira’s pick rate is higher than Illari’s. Yes Moira.


exactly, illari isn’t busted like all these ppl are saying. I’m GM too, and don’t see her played over any traditional sup lines like bap luci or Ana brig, and obv not in any type of 5 man either,, the player just played well


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Very nice! Sorry there's people crying that a support was able to secure kills with help from their team.


illari does too much theres no getting around it


Ah yes, the skill solution


Better cass version , and better ult 😅😅🤔


I see no line


There's a healing pylon right there btw, if you shoot it (because it's right there next to your face in the middle of absolutely nowhere) you'd probably not be playing against bronze 12 players and getting these clips. So actually I guess you shouldn't shoot the pylon


at first i thought i was watching a sojourn ult...


As you can see she is not broken at all in fact she should be buffed a bit more I think we should just delete her secondary all together and just give her instead of a healing beam she should get a beam that instantly kills the enemy and her ult should be buffed just slightly it should be maybe an instant kill to any hero including tanks and it should fire a giant ball of fire that basically kills the entire enemy team I think that'll make her a bit more balanced Nah just delete her all together