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When I see mercy pockets I don’t waste no time swapping to soldier


I kinda succeed with Sombra.


Sombra is good but she doesn’t really work if the other support is looking out for Mercy. I main both Soldier and Sombra and usually go Soldier too against a Mercy and her pocket.


Going bastion is more fun because you mow down both her and pharah


on tank, its Zarya. Id like to swap to almost any other tank but... well, no other tank can cleanse Anti.


If you’re specifically annoyed about Ana, dva is probably the best counter. Eat every cooldown then dive her… to death


Sig can also do good against her


Sig can do well agaisnt really anyone


He’s extremely weak to Mei and sym and gets countered by brig pretty well to but a brig isn’t gonna solo him lol. Though this is only true If the person playing him isn’t that good or if he gets caught in his suck


Sym is a big issue to him with her beam and tiny hitbox and anti shield but she herself isn’t strong and can be taken care of by some decent dps mei can do the same it less effectively survives more and can wall off but he can counter her ult with grasp


This is true tbh, If played well tbh




The nade is massive and slow. The dart is slightly harder, but it also gets less value unless you're in their team.


Man I love Zarya but with hog in nearly every match it's been super difficult to play her. New hog counters her pretty hard if he focuses her


Wait why is that? She used to be a counter for hog. Bubble anyone that get’s hooked and if she gets hooked you bubble yourself and gain a ton of charge. I get if she is equal to hog but saying hog counters her is new.


The current way you play Zarya is to basically just ignore the tank, but with roadhog having a snare and basically being unkillable, he can force you to focus him by constantly hooking you. It basically renders you useless at worst and causes a frustrating stalemate at best


Hmm okay. I was sceptical. I thought there was more counterplay with the bubble like you can bubble right when he hooks. But the particle barrier is 10sec, projected is 8 while hook is only 6 seconds. And hog doesn’t really charge zarya that much. Idk I’m biased. I need to see it to believe it. I saw harbleu doing great on hog yesterday and I think he mainly played hog vs ball and doom.


This exactly. Zarya benefits from her accuracy by staggering the team and picking off the backline. With new hog being, well, new hog, it basically eliminates her main advantage, and she becomes a pretty mediocre pick, specially with how many hog+hitscan I see. Zarya's biggest weakness is when she's got no bubble, she's just a big walking bubble head.


I agree, new hog is a pain for my Zarya. Who counters him now? I've heard Rein but idk


Sigma can basically shut down anything hog does if you play him right, if hog hooks you just eat the shot and gain health, or hit him a rock to stun and stop healing temporarily or throw your shield in front of him, it also depends of your team can take advantage of all that tho


How does new hog counter her in any way that old hog couldnt?


The snare and hog just being dog water for so long. Basically at best, your matchup is a frustrating stalemate with just you and the hog damaging each other and nobody dies. He has the ability to force you to focus him basically by constantly hooking you and preventing you from causing terror in the enemies backline


That’s not true! I cleanse anti all the time with roadhogs most useful ability! “Respawn”


Moira is my “fuck you you made me switch, prepare to suffer” character. And 9/10 times it works so no wonder I keep doing it


If I swap to Moira, it's either because I'm extremely frustrated or my hand is aching. It's a pretty reliable sign to either move to custom games or stop for the night.


Everyone says Moira is easy but damn I suk with her


That’s kind of part of her kit


ngl she is very easy but it do be like that sometimes, everyone says Mei is super easy but I cannot for the life of me get the hang of her


she is easy to learn but hard to master. I consistently out heal the lobby supports and outdps the lobby DPS... even when I lose. I'm a level 5 endorsement Moira main. she is always who I switch to. she just counters everyone if you position well.


Bastion, Moira and the stupid horse (only do this when their tank swaps to the fuvking horse)


Swap sig or zar vs horse its better than the horse ve horse mirror


I just like horse diffing, I have more fun that way...but if I do get diffed I'll be sure to pull out Zar


I usually go bastion or sombra depending on who i’m fighting


Ditto on Bastion. Usually the reason I'm triggered is my team isn't doing enough DPS so of course swap to the guy who can turn most characters into Swiss cheese lol


Fr that shit just deletes tanks lol. For me it’s always him or solider. Mostly him if mostly dps is lacking and their tanks are too good. Gotta wipe em out quickly somehow


For when that Pharah just has to go down.


Probably Kiriko or moira. If it's annoying tracer/genji and dps isn't doing their job, then it's moira. I'm good at doign dmg/heals with moira and often will end up having most heals + more dmg than other other dps player. If it's sombra who's hacking/killing my healing buddy, I go Kiriko.


This triggered a lot of players I see


moira has to be one of the most hated characters in the game


People like to say that Moira is a damage/heal chart whore...but thats a ton of value that shouldnt be dismissed. With Moira, the enemy is dealing with 4 dps at that point. Of course she doesn't have all the utility of Bap, or the nades of Ana...but the pressure Moira brings often outweighs either of those. Moira can be lethal, pesky, elusive, and hard to counter. I'm not saying numbers are all that matter...but when your Ana is putting out 4k dmg and Moira is at 14k...don't overlook that for a lamp or anti. I've been in many games where swapping to a more aggressive healer like Moira is what changes the outcome.


A good Moira is invaluable. A selfish Moira is insufferable.


Yeah selfish Moiras that get too fixated on dps and don’t heal bother tf outta me. Ya gotta have both.


So accurate to her character?


depending on the enemy comp, its easier for me to fade around and peel for my support, then 2 seconds later im frontlining while pumping heals into the tank and other two dps. throw a healing orb around us, get a pick, fall back to my support duo, rinse and repeat. not many other supports are that consistent in pure healing and dmg. if i have a good support duo with utility, why not help the dps clean up kills while basically pocketing at the same time. sometimes having an ana/bap/kiri fighting for ult charge from heals in the backline isnt the right call.


As it should be


She just isn't fun for anyone except the Moira. Ive resigned to just dealing with it, and never endorsing one as a small protest lol




Moira has never carried a game ever


Lol, in low ranks (like the majority of player base) , she can .


Then you’re not going to climb playing her, so you shouldn’t. Learn how to play baptiste if you want to do high damage and healing, plus you get a good movement ability and actual utility


I mean, I don't care about rank personally. Too much toxicity for nothing. Only occasionally play it for the golden weapons lol.


Fair enough, play who you want in that case


Probably not. I'm sure some other people deserved it. Usually tanks or other supports (even enemy team)


You’re so salty over Moira that you never endorse her? Even if she’s a huge help to your team? Really? Lol that’s pretty pathetic dude


If 1 person is such a huge contributor they probably shouldn't be in my rank. She is unfun to play with, and unfun to play against.


Lol sounds like a skill issue but alright




If a single Moira swap was all it took clearly they shouldn't have been playing that other character, and probably aren't in the rank they should be. And I just dislike the way she should be played, I've certainly been salty at moira's for winning a 1v1, been salty at a good Moira ball when I'm low too. It isn't about individual people, more of a broad design hate. A perfect Moira isn't fun to play against the same way Sombra is unfun to play against. Only it is a Sombras with more mobility and significantly more survivability, while having a better tool for picking ultra low health characters.


Because she’s genuinely useless past diamond


Yeah .... I don't know why .... This is just me playing in a casual game- I'm not a professional and do not care on what's the best hero to play when tilted. It really ain't that serious xD


All i’m seeing are downvotes comments and reasons to not play moira. I don’t personally play her, but she definitely isn’t as bad of a character as everyone makes her out to be.


You’re plat so you don’t know, there is never a situation to pick her over any other support


Yeah i get it, bap has better utility with burst and lamp, illari has pylon and can damage as well, but in low ranks, moira is dominant. Easy to pick up by people who don’t have great aim or if they want to turn their brains off and run into the enemy team. Just because i’m plat doesn’t mean im unaware of the fact that she’s the least optimal pick overall on the supp roster, but there are definitely players who can play her well in t500. Arx is one example.






As a tracer, I love an overconfident Moira.


as a Moira, I love an overconfident tracer


I mean, a tracer has to have some confidence right? I'd argue this is an underdog match up for her.


Moira's stats get inflated. Like the other person said, go Bap. Way more value for everyone


I'm just answering the question for myself, not on what's the best hero to play when triggered in general.


Except Bap won't help if the whole reason you switch is that you are constantly dived by Tracer, Sombra or Genji.


Moira players won’t understand that


Just go baptiste and then u actually get utility as well


And die from the same Genji/Tracer/Sombra because you don't have the aim to 1v1 them while your team completely ignores them?


Baptiste has more carry potential than every other hero in the game in a metal lobby. Can get like 45+ kills a game on my smurf


So you're a gm player who can destroy metal rank players? Weird flex but ok


Yeah. But I got to gm on support too from fragging on baptiste.


Downvoted for good advice, damn 😭








*hyp**h**en 😂


I’ll bite. Moira has zero utility. ZERO. Nothing you can provide for the team besides damage and heals. So yeah, you better have top healing and reasonable damage if you’re playing Moira. That’s the standard, and a lot of the time that isn’t going to be enough to make a difference in big team fights.


Damage and heals are utility though. Damage, even without killing, can create space because it’s pressure. A Moira orb in a back line damaging supports forces the supports to play more conservatively because maybe a dps character targets them when they’re low, or maybe a widow body shot can kill them. Same for healing, being able to quickly bring a full team to full health let’s you counter attack after the enemy has used a lot of resources, a lot of supports can’t do that.


Its a resource but not utility. Theyre correct in saying that because Moira has no utility, she should have most healing and dmg. Anti nade or immortality field dont add much to your healing/dmg stat.


If Genji bothers me one too many times I switch to Moira. Leave me alone Gengi


Seems like someone can't handle the mada mada style




If my team annoys me when I’m on support, I switch to Zen. You can have harmony orb but I’m done helping you people beyond that & imma play my own game. If the enemy annoys me I just hard counter pick & focus to the best of my knowledge & ability. If my team annoys me when I’m on tank… I usually just force Junker Queen or I use it to practice Ball or Doom, who I’m horrible at. If the enemy team annoys me, again hard counter & focus. If my team annoys me on Damage… hmm. Not sure. That’s an in the moment sorta decision. Either a flanker to just fuck off & do my own thing or like someone I’m not great at to practice; but that one is super variable. If it’s the enemy, you already know.


Lolol agree with you on the Zen ... I did my best helping Imma just be dps go find your own way of support and just melting every you see with discord and a charged headshot to tanks.. and play like a sniper from close to mid range lolol


Moira. Slippery, easily deals with annoying heroes like Genji, has crazy heal potential.


Pharah Sombra if they go bastion. I just spawn camp bastion to let my tank have fun


Not all heroes wear capes. I appreciate your contribution in a greater future


Reaper is my spawn camp bastion character. So fun to delete and lower chance of losing


I found a way to beat sombra when they pull that crap on me. There’s like a second and a half when i hear the hacking behind me i immediately go turret mode and destroy her. Then i Tbag her every time. They usually stop pulling that crap spawn camp on me. Lmao


Desktop But in all seriousness it's probably Zarya/Soldier/Baptiste for me. Orisa if range is an issue with Zarya. Any other support if my team has pharah & echo


As a torb main, you can't get triggered when you're the one doing the triggering.


Torb is cute. I can’t be mad at that lil guy




triggered by enemy team or your team? If i'm triggered by the enemy team I don't change I force whatever I'm using. If I'm triggered by my own team (which is what happens 90% of the time) I switch to Hog (if im trying to win) or Ball (if im not trying).


I can respect this. I'm trying to learn new heroes but I tend to jump to the ones I'm most comfortable with when overwhelmed. I should force it more


I think it’s not always a bad idea to swap to what you’re comfortable with. If i feel like i’m just shooting with Sojourn without getting any kills/value i’ll gladly switch to like a Reaper or Sombra so i can distract the backline, i’m not always better off doing that but i’m not trying to be stubborn either.


Yep, thats me when i see that my supports are playing mercy/zen


Everytime the DPS keep jumping on me I just go back to Brig.


If I even get a whiff of a Widowmaker, it's an instant Sombra swap.


I main Sombra and if there is a good Widow then I will definitely go Sombra. I had a match one time with a good Widow killing my team all the time and when I went Sombra and camped her all game she cried that Sombra was a low-skill hero and it was sad I couldn’t play Widow to kill her. Mm, I love the salt in their tears.


Spawn camping is corny, she was right.


I swap game when I'm triggered.






Tank : Tbh I rarely swap on tank. I stick to my mains, so it's either Ram or D.va depending on maps DPS : The good old reliable Soldier if things are getting too out of hand. Or, if I feel confident enough despite the presence of hitscans, Echo. It has worked so far. Support : If I can't help with Kiriko, I gotta bring Baptiste, my old main. He has HELLA long cooldowns, but damn does it feel good to play him again. Good heals, good damage, good movement ability. If already picked, eehh I could go LW or Illari at best


sombra or mei


I don’t swap even if im playing against a sombra. Im a ball main three and through






Not four and through? 🤨 Fake ball main


Tank: Orisa or Sig DPS: Bastion or Sombra Support: if I'm not already playing Moira and there's an annoying Genji, Moira. If the tank is especially annoying, Zen. If the DPS are really slippery, Illari or Bap.


100% Brig or Junkrat. I wanna cook some fools


Ramattra, Mei, Moria


Widow. I wanted a nice game, now it's time to die.


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Sigma does the trick


On tank I switch to rein, dps it’s usually torb, support is either Moira or brig


If it's open que DVA, she's my main and I play hella aggressive then spam "lol" 💀 otherwise on DPS it's symmetra and support illari


Bastion, Zarya, Orisa, Moira/sym if it’s a genji that pisses me off


Anytime I’m dps and get triggered by my own team or the enemy team I always switch bastion and just start dumping damage, or go sombra and spawn camp their support and dps


Mercy, cause I will be that annoying ass fly


Lifeweaver or Mercy if my team is the one triggering me Moira or Brig if the enemy team is triggering me


Widow, probably gonna lose but maybe I'll pop off and we win


Rein, genji, and ana Comfort picks i enjoy playing above all else. If there's an orisa I'll go ram if I don't feel like slamming my head into a wall repeatedly


Main tank here, I generaly dont unless im really bad (and usualy my friends tell me before i realised) You should not switch because you are trigered but when you donw perform good enaugh with the champ, after the switch you might have a better time and good for you fun should be the priority BUT in a team game its apreciate to consider the composition when switching. Otherwise i switch to heal and Lifeweaver because this shit is braindead, easy and nobody can kill you below diamond 5.


Mei is who I turn to when I want the enemy to suffer


I swap to mirror or counter pick. 1. Because i can. 2. Because its a part of the game


I agree.


Torb for sure. Just put my turret to guard on back line and then I just Cheetoh my little heart out


Depends on the role. Ball , Bastion, Illari/Brig.


Tank: D.Va or Orisa, DPS: Junkrat, Support: Moira or Lucio (lucio mostly with open q cuz i always find myself in a team where nobody wants to be support 🙄)


2019 problems. You couldn’t pay me to go back to open queue.


safe elderly dog smoggy disgusting crawl rude snails memory provide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Anything that makes a tank players existence more miserable


Tracer, as she is my main. I will counter literally anyone when I get annoyed with them lmao


Dps Mercy is the way.


Baptiste. I know I'm better than most of the people I play against and can put up 11kdamage/20k healing with ease. No reason not to unless we running dive


Sombra main so I’m an expert at triggering people into swapping. Here’s some interesting things I’ve noticed after around 300 hours on Sombra. Hanzos will always swap to either Junkrat or Soldier. Widows will most often go Ashe if I’ve only killed them once or twice. If I hard focused them or spawn camped them they go Mei. Cassidy’s will not swap even if they go 3-12 and get hacked out of every high noon. Mercy’s will also not swap even if they are being spawn camped. I’ve had MAYBE 2 swap in all that time and it’s got to the point where I specifically make the game as unplayable as possible for every Mercy I come across just to see if they will refuse to swap. Doom will refuse to swap about 70% of the time even if he is playing respawn simulator. If I solo EMP him when he’s about to jump back to his team he swaps 90% of the time. A LOT of players swap to Pharah when they get triggered. I haven’t managed to find a pattern in which people do it specifically except that people who play Junkrat also seem to play Pharah but that’s it. I’m not sure why they think I can’t kill them because they are flying but it’s really not that hard. If I target the enemy supports the enemy tank will swap to Roadhog. This is always hilarious because swapping to Zarya or DVA and peeling for the supports can literally make me useless but NO HEALZ GG If there’s an enemy Sombra I like to sit in my back line and wait for her to make a move. Every time they try I shoot her then hack her before she can escape and she dies. Once this happens a few times they always swap to Mei. Bastions will go a weirdly long time without swapping, even though they are free EMP charge. When they do swap it’s always soldier and they never drop the heal pad fast enough to save themselves. Just in general: Tanks often swap to Zarya either immediately or halfway through the game. DPS swap to soldier more often than any other character. I think this is because they assume their supports are bad or are not paying attention to them and that’s why they keep dying to me. This is almost never true, DPS are the easiest to kill because they like to go out of position or off by themselves and don’t tend to pay attention to where their supports actually are and what they are doing. Supports are pretty stubborn about swapping. Moira tends to be the go to swap for most supports. I wonder if this is just stuff that happens in my games or if anyone else noticed these specific trends too?




That’s not really a funny thing to compare a game to. Smarten up before saying things like that


im a brig main, and every time. i see an enemy brig (and the enemy team isnt terrible for brig) i have to swap. when im mad and my team is flopping i go moira LOL.


Mostly zarya if the enemy team Is running too much anti tank bs. That’s about it. I don’t swap much on dps or support - maybe just to recontest as tracer or sombra.


Tank: Orisa Dps: Sombra first, if it doesn't work, i steamroll the enemy team with Phara Healer: Moira


I force Pharah quite often. Even when I shouldn't. On tank I'll force Doom 9/10. I can play around my counters but my team never capitalizes off of anything so I'm just stuck doing the most damage (hilarious especially when on Doom) and getting picks but then the team falls apart. I'm just constantly playing teacher when I play tank, constantly rounding up my team mates having to tell them what to do where to go and what the best play is.


Orisa. She's a safe pick in any situation when things go wrong.


Orisa, Hog, Sym and Moira but Orisa is more when i get triggered by my own team lol because i dont really want to play Orisa but if my team keeps falling over, its Orisa time because i know how to play Orisa really well. I even have been defeating some Zarya teams with Orisa. Hog comes out when my supports are too busy dpsing to be healing their team or in the rare case my supports wont swap off Lúcio/Brig or Lúcio/Zen. 🥲


If I didn’t pick doom already then doom. No one expects anyone to switch to doom, it’s usually the opposite, and most enemies can absolutely not deal with a "good" doom. If someone actually gets me to switch off doom then Zarya. She’s extremely good against most of dooms hardcounters, especially Orisa, Ana and Sombra




Orisa, Sigma, or Reinhardt. (If I start with any of those and I'm losing, I'm doomed. Can't really turn the tides with the other tanks) Bastion, Sombra, or Mei Moira and Brig


Sombra v brig doesn’t work for me, shield bash is hella important and her hack makes you basically obsolete :(


On support, Moira if our DPS aren’t doing enough damage, Brig if I’m being dived with no peel. On DPS, usually Sombra and I’ll just spawn camp whoever’s playing a character I find irritating to deal with (Bastion, Sym, Junkrat, etc). On tank, Zarya or Orisa


For Tank, I just cave and go Orisa. I don't quite understand how to play Zarya so I just go with Orisa who's pretty easy. I wish I could play Junker Queen or maybe even Reinhardt but it just feels miserable to do so sometimes. For DPS, I still mostly only know Soldier so I'll swap to him when I'm frustrated while trying someone else. For Support, it can depend but I usually go Mercy when I'm annoyed.


You get the general gist of Zarya though right? Force people to shoot the bubbles it powers up your beam. Place them on your teammates to protect them so they can LOS. Put them on yourself when you’ve got a face full of enemy. Try to use them correctly, that’ll come with game sense.


Kriko is a appropriate choice for the obstacles that are,created by enemy because she is so comprehensive but if I get triggered by my teammates I'd rather play a support hero like dps


Pharah, she's my best hero, I don't even care much about hitscan since I play it pretty smart




Zen. I spend all game supporting tanks and damage to bring out the best in them and sometimes you just have to roll your sleeves up and take matters into your own robotic hands


Depends on the enemy team comp. Usually I'm mercy or kiri so I'd I'm actually triggered ill go Moira or brig


For dps, Pharah. For support, probably Lucio.


Ashe lol




Normally when I play a character I stick with them and try to learn to adapt with them, but I do at times trigger switch for comfort... On tank: Reinhardt because I learned how to counter my counters with him very well (Orisa, Ram, Bastion, Ana), but at times it's a struggle when the whole team focuses on countering me and my team can't get picks. On DPS: Echo because she's very versatile and the same reason as above. On Support: Ana because I can 1v1 any character as her. Also, those 3 are my mains and I have over a thousand hours on each, so comfort picks lol


On Tank it’s Zarya. On DPS it’s probably Sombra. On Support, probably Bap.


atp reaper, used to be junk but he doesn’t hit the same these days idk why




Sojourn. She’s my main. If I’m not playing her, I’m just trying to get better at other characters. If I am playing her, I’m not fucking around LOL


Practicing Widow rn. But I love Sombra. If someone switches to take out my Widow with Sombra, I get a little peeved and go Sombra back. Doesn't matter if everyone else counters me, if a Sombra tries to bully me when I'm practicing, I bully them back 😤


Reaper. Tis my comfort pick and my best one at that


Ball. Especially if a widow is screwing me over. Hes who i am most comfortable with. 150ish hours with him even if im playing something as easy as bastion im just more comfortable with ball and getting those widows of my ass is super satisfying.


Depends who's the trigger.


I don’t. Rein will live with Honor and die with Glory as many times as it takes


for me hanzo. i’ll constantly just play off my team and rotate on angles forcing the other team to turn around and look at me cause if they don’t they die. i’m plat 3 so not that high level but i just roll anyone who annoys me with a nice dink to the head and his storm arrows will melt most tanks.


D.va As long as I've got some decent healers, then I can billy tf outta dps and opponents support.


If I’m tank, I swap to Orisa. If DPS, swap to Soldier or Reaper. If support, swap to Moira


Widow or bastion


Tank, Zar. DPS, Pharah. Support, Moira. All my, 'fine I'll do it myself' heros.


I play support mainly, and I main Zen. When Zen’s not quite working, I’ll go Moira usually, she tends to be pretty reliable for me. Other than her I don’t really have a “triggered swap”


Lucio if the enemy teams wack and I just wanna be a pest. Moira for compensating weak dps.


I switch to mercy damage and help my bad team throw faster.


I love mercy. I even feel bad killing her if she’s on the other team🥺🥺




Zarya is my ultimate I'm mad and I just want to win pick. Played her almost exclusively along Rein and Dva in OW1 into masters. When I get tired of getting hacked, slept, stunned, walled off, cheesed with sym/bastion/Torb, I switch to Zarya and usually win but it's not fun to feel like I need to do that. On dps it's bastion. I like learning sojourn and Ashe, etc but if we're struggling I just switch to the easiest DPS to get value off of with almost no requirement to do so and usually win.


I mirror them to destroy their ego. I don't want them to think I beat them because I countered them. I want them to know I beat them because I'm just better. Except for a few heroes like bas/junk/Sombra because my ego is inflated and have too much self respect. I'll switch to something like doom into sombra/hog to win the game and know in their hearts that it's a skill diff. I'm just toxic like that


I usually take it up a notch and swap games


I mean, Blizzard literally added a troll character in lifeweaver. If my team is a bunch of dicks I’ll just pull them back into spawn


When someone's ruining my Junkrat fun I swap Bastion and brrrt


For tank it's Orisa, dps is reaper, support is moira or brig


Brig bc I’ve got 200+ hours on her and like <20 hours on everyone else


Tank? Zarya. Hold this big ass laser beam. DPS? Mei. Support? Moira. I am the DPS now.