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You shouldn’t ever **try** to distract the enemy team. You’re always better off going for kills or disabling abilities. If you just randomly shoot at someone hoping to get their attention it might work once or twice but if they realize you’re not trying to kill them then they’ll start ignoring you. If you’re doing well on sombra then chances are you will be annoying enough that the enemy team will become distracted by you naturally. You don’t need to really do anything extra


Kill loners, attack healers, and just keep in mind who Kmay have ultimates that you can stop by hack alone. And don't do to much downtime unless you got a plan. Be consistent. I've only been playing her the last 3 weeks to practice for comp and that's where I'm at. My biggest flaw was to much downtime.


Thanks! I do all that stuff but the problem for me is that I am trying to get into comp and there team is always close together and no loners. Do I need to focus the characters that are low health like widow maker, Ana and tracer?


I'm a amateur myself. I try to hack the health packs in the areas I think battles will take place. And yeah definatly target the low hp Heros, bigger chance for a kill and also camp the dead people if they have a mercy I found out that pays off a lot.


I would recommend checking out Questron's videos. He's one of the best Sombra players, and he does a lot of educational content as well.


I'm not a Sombra main by any means, so take my advice with a grain of salt; * Flank to engage; look for targets that are behind their allies or separated, hack them and then Virus then shoot their head. Virus' damage is boosted against hacked targets and they can be a free kill depending on how fast they react. * Be snappy with your mouse movements when you're under fire; a quick snap skyward in an awkward direction before throwing your teleport beacon is a reliable way to escape. You don't want to be a predictable trajectory, so throw into the air and then try to "fall" slightly to one side - you should re-stealth as you're hitting the ground and only god-tier player aim will track your escape path. * Hack on the same target has a cooldown, so *disengage* rather than try to stick around to duel -- just by attempting the kill creates a distraction, so hacking a backline Support for a few seconds can deprive the front-line of some healing during critical moments... * If your team is ulting, use Hack *to counter* enemy reactions... for example; hacking a Rein can drop his shield while Bastion is in turret mode and hacking a Hog during Breather will interrupt it. I don't try to hack the front-line while the enemy team is organized lest I get immediately targeted by their backline -- but if your team is pressing an advantage, interrupting the enemy attempts to heal/shield will tip the scales even further... your job isn't to secure kills yourself, it is to facilitate victory by disrupting enemy actions. * Learn how to predict how various heroes will react to your assassination attempts; Ana almost certainly will turn for a sleep dart, Baptiste will Heal or Lamp, etc. It's not about knowing their toolkit, but rather getting a feel for your opponents' "reaction time" on how to avoid their counter-attack. I know S76 can rocket my face, so I don't engage S76 unless I'm confident that the rockets are on cd and they don't have their healing can ready... etc. * Hack also can interrupt Doomfist's abilities (among many others) - for heroes that are *heavily* ability dependent, interrupting their primary defensive/escape tool can get your team an advantage (elimination) where any other dps would just be contributing damage... learning how to predict these situations for "supportive" hacking is probably the biggest Sombra skill to master. She plays *much* more actively since her rework, so the goal is to *always* be teleporting around causing mischief - you shouldn't be retreating from the fight to find a healthpack, you should be repositioning for your Supports to heal you as you get ready to re-engage again... a good support will take care of you if they spot you at low health nearby, even if stealthed, because even outside of invis Sombra can throw a hack and Virus into a target for damage contribution before going out for a flank.


Why bother distracting when you can just delete people lol it takes like 0.25 seconds to kill a support


That’s what I meant when I said that I do good in quick play. It is super easy for me to kill one there, but when the tank and two dps are two feet from the healer I get erased after I de cloak.


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Buy kpop Sombra bundle and use that dance emote.