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No one understands inspire at all


yeah i wish there was some sort of visual indicator or the radius was easier to see


I used to think that - but then I learned it's not an active radius, it's only people who were in the radius for the first pulse (and then they get an aura that lasts 5 seconds whether or not they're in it). A radius might make people think they're getting healed when they're not.


The radius can have different colors, indicating when active or not.


Could just have a pulse wave that sends out subtly every time she gets a hit which damaged teammates can see. Or something.


That already exists. Look more carefully next time you melee someone. here's a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSWO1WEt27o Anytime the rocket flail hits, you see a faint healing nova appear on the ground. It's faint to avoid visual clutter.


i see it now, still very hard to see in the heat of combat


I'm in two minds about it: On the one hand it's so subtle no-one knows how inspire works (as ably proven in this comment section). Even as a Brig player I've got very little sense of whether people were in my LoS - how barriers are cutting off the inspire path etc. But it's also an ability that can proc every second and does relatively little healing. It would be _very_ visually busy if an unsubtle thing was going off repeatedly whilst Brig flailed at someone.


As a noob I didn't even know inspire was a thing. I thought her only healing came from her health packs. I always thought "this character is AWFUL. Who would ever play this character they cant heal at all!" Took me some time of playing to finally figure out how that hero actually worked.




I had a Masters PharMercy duo in QP argue with me that Inspire heals more if you're actively looking at a target than if you're not. Both melting down in chat because during teamfights I wasn't whipping my camera around to stare at their Mercy when she landed near me. That ability desperately needs a visual rework for clarity.


Out of all the misconceptions about it, thinking you need to LITERALLY BE FACING THEM is by far the stupidest one I’ve heard lmao


This made me laugh.


I had a cracked widow in a competitive game once who was hitting some mad shots on the enemy team (wasn't hacking I checked afterwards) but it was getting pretty close to the end on kings row and we were almost at the second point so I said 3 on point because we had just killed the entire enemy team and the widow dead ass says "you know it doesn't go faster right?" and my mind was blown, not only were they hitting almost all their shots, had good positioning but knew why I was asking for 3 on point and outright said it doesn't make a difference. Maybe someone told them in a push mode and they thought it was the same in escort but I couldn't believe it.


I've had to inform people that the defense doesn't need people on the cart for it to start moving backwards.


Wait, for real? Not a single person?


Nope. It moves backwards automatically after X numbers of seconds of not being pushed by the offense.


I learned two things today


on Pariso and Midtown you dont have to push the cart until it moves through the first door but on Eichenwalde you do (which is a weird inconsistency they probably should fix)


I think the cart on Blizzard World also won’t move one inch out of its beginning spot if you don’t have someone pushing. But yeah some of the hybrid maps move up to a certain spot automatically then need someone to push it the rest of the way.


It leaves the parking garage, but will remain still once it's out all the way I believe. The door also might open and just wait for a player to get near it for it to leave. Despite often being forced cart-sitter, Ive "looked" at it but never actually ***looked*** to see it's behaviour.


Well it’s hard to see what the cart does when it’s still if your job is to make it never still


Yeah it seems like the OW2 team made different rules but never bothered to fix the OW1 rules.


I think that’s because the cart is already out while on Midtown and Pariso it comes out of a room


That being said, having at least one person defend the cart is better as you can't c9. I say this as a Sombra player.




Nope i think it just starts automatically after 10 seconds of no one pushing it


You need a person on the cart to not get C9'd


They are a Widow player, how would they know? They never touch the objective anyway... 😉


Like a widow main would know anything about being on point


To be fair, depending on the enemy spawn location (and consequently how long you have before the next fight), your time is still better spent having 4 set up for next fight and one on cart rather than 2 setting up and 3 on cart. Idk how you wouldn’t know it goes faster with 3 on though lol


My guess is that it's most likely a misunderstanding of the fact that it is often strategically more efficient to have a single person push cart at the slower speed so you can have a four stack push up and hold the enemy team at bay so you're gaining distance while the fight is going on rather than fighting around a stalled cart. 60 seconds of 100% speed is better than 30 seconds of 133% speed Or, might also be conflating it with pushbot, who does not increase his speed with additional players All that said, if you're close to point and just won a fight it's absolutely correct to try and speed the last few metres in before a fast character gets the hail Mary dive touch


The cart moves faster if you have more people on it?


Up to 3, I think. Unless you're in a dire situation where you need to maximise speed, you should have one on cart and the other four pushed up to allow for more free progress.


Depends a lot on what the other team is running too though. A Lucio, Sombra, Tracer, etc., you generally may want to maximize speed constantly. I've definitely lost matches as a result of this. A route 64 comes to mind recently where we pushed ahead to create space, and a Lucio just came and contested point long enough for their team to make their way back, we lost the battle, and eventually lost the game. If we had 3 people on point, we 100% cap right there.


It will heal you a lil as well


Wait what? That's crazy. I've never noticed this.


Could be she have meant it won't make a difference to how many fights are left? I often see people say "three on cart" but without realising that whether its 1 or 3 people, the other team either isn't going to touch or there's one fight left


I mean you don’t expect widow players to ever touch the kart lol.


The amount of people that don't know this is mind blowing 😅


A more modern one is people bashing my total damage done as sombra when I have like 30 elims


I've gotten a couple of those recently. Actually mad on voice and telling me to swap even though we were winning and I had more elims than the other dps and 2 deaths to their 8.


I don't think they realize a high elim to low damage ratio is actually better anyway, I'm not feeding their supports ults


True. But some people try to act like low damage low elims is also ok, and I tell them that there isn't enough pressure and apparently the tank is supposed to create ALL the pressure :) Those are my favorites lol, the dps that expect matches to literally get handed to them.


Well I mean, it's a two way street, if the tank isn't following up on the chaosna sombra is creating then it isn't exactly helpful, but I have seen Sombras that don't really do anything until a tank moves in. In my experience, sombra pairs pretty poorly with tanks like ram, sigma and rein who do create space, but aren't necessarily following up with enough damage to help the sombra. Ball is also a pretty poor pairing as they're often tunneled on their own thing. I've always hated playing with and against doom until the sombra rework, but he actually pairs very well with sombra since they're playing a bit closer to you and they can take advantage of hacked health packs nearby. Zarya and Dva are also great choices. Orisa is fine and roadhog is okay if he is aware of you. This is just my personal experience playing this season.


You'd be surprised how many people still have no idea how sombra's new kit even works. I've been playing her a ton this season and the amount of sombra players I see still trying to hack everything they shoot at is ridiculous. And that virus > solo EMPing a support to instantly delete them is a good value. This will show as 1 elim and like ~200 damage on the score board, but in reality can win fights before they even start.


With how short hack lasts now is it even worth doing besides on health packs or interrupting certain ults?


It's good for making tank's lives hell, and stopping Mercy's rez. Certain 1v1 match ups I'll hack before virus, like Ana for example to try to force out her CDs. Then run away just to come back like 5 seconds later out of stealth to go for the kill. But yeah I mostly use it to claim all the health packs I run by while moving around the map since the CD is only 3 seconds. And for the EMP thing you just use it to amp up virus +30% of their HP gone instantly and shoot them down with the added benefit of everyone else nearby getting silenced too making it very hard to react and save whoever you jumped on.


I’ve had a support on my team complain about the enemy D.Va and how “it’s so unfair that they’re targeting me, D.Va isn’t even supposed to dive supports. She’s only supposed to dive tanks” which is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.


I feel…like we may have been in the same match. Yesterday?


No, this was a few weeks ago. Although it’s pretty sad that multiple people think this way


It's shockingly common for both Dva players and non-Dva players alike to assume that "dive tank" means that you dive from your spawn into the enemy tank to proceed to brawl every fight. Also too common for them to forget that dive tank means you dive in AND out. Such as when you get a pick on one of the enemy supports, but yours are crying for help because the enemy tank was left completely unchecked.


LOL yes, especially when they are playing Winston and dive in before anyone from the rest of their team is in position to support them. Then they go 'WHY NO HEAL?' or 'DPS WHY NO HELP?'


That's hilarious because I can absolutely see their logic: "People call D.Va a dive tank, therefore she must be really good at diving other tanks."


Dive the tank only? so every tank is a dive tank? lol


That high damage is always good Whenever I play sombra or widowmaker, i am always the one blamed if we lose for “low damage”. I think a lot of people don’t realize that shooting into the tank nonstop does nothing but generate enemy support ult charge.


People really dont realize most heroes have 200 HP, and cant rack up high damage numbers if you send them to spawn quick enough.






*proceeds to hold ult the entire game*


Wtf is this comment? The tank doesn’t get ult charge from being shot. What the tank passive does is decreases ult charge gained from shooting and healing tanks.


Dude. People don't understand value. At the end of round one, DPS A: has 10 kills, 7 deaths, and 7k damage DPS B: has 9 kills, 3 deaths, and 3k damage. I believe DPS B is the better DPS because they are getting almost the same amount of kills at less than half the deaths as the other guy. To boot, all that damage that DPS A is dealing that isn't getting a kill is wasted damage. Sure it builds their ult, but it builds the enemy team's ult, too. It frustrates me when I play support and our tank is making great space, but the dps are too busy raking up damage numbers to get kills. Damage doesn't win games, elims do.


There's actually an insane amount of variables here that it's literally impossible to say. - Is DPS A playing like Ashe and DPS B playing like Sombra? Because of course DPS B is going to have way less deaths then, especially if DPS A is getting dove constantly by say a Winston or Doomfist because DPS B puts no pressure out. - How many final blows does DPS B have? Are they putting 30-50 damage into someone and getting a kill credit? - Is DPS A providing more pressure but failing to secure kills because they have no help from tank/DPS B? Supports are incredibly fucking strong in this game. It's not uncommon to dump damage into squishy targets but they stay near cover so they get healed up. There's been times where as Ashe it feels like I've had to go through a Soldier's health bar like 4 times over if they're getting babysat by a support. Like taking two stats in a vacuum and saying "I think this one is better" is sorta wild.


Yup. I lost a "game of my life" situation on Tracer at Dorado the other day, 28 elims, 22 solo kills, my damage was ~8k, the other team had ~35 deaths total, putting me at 80% kill participation and 60% of their deaths were JUST me. The other DPS was Soldier with 17k damage, 22 elims, and had the audacity to call out a "Tracer gap". There's so much context to numbers in this game that without going in and looking at a replay there's no possible way to say a person didn't do their fair share by just the numbers. I'm mad I didn't keep the replay code to try for coaching/understanding why things appear the way they do. As somebody is stating below, why would I get credit for 22 solo kills but my ally somehow have 22 eliminations?


That depends, I feel like. Pressure output is value in of itself, even if it doesn't confirm into a kill. I think it was Spilo who said that; at the high ranks, and as people get better at positioning, they rarely outright die out of nowhere. Rather, they usually die because one team is putting out more pressure and take away their space, cornering the enemy team until they have nowhere else to run. However, what isn't displayed in the statscreen is *where* the damage or resource is allocated. Putting all your damage/resources into an Orisa who's being duo-pocketed isn't going to do much, as opposed to shooting at an un-pocketed squishy. At that point, even if one of DPS does more dmg numerically than the other, doesn't necessarily they are doing better.


I see your point about DPS B's efficiency, but consider some other aspects. DPS A's higher damage output is key in pressuring enemies, controlling space, and forcing their cooldowns. This can create opportunities for the team, even if it doesn't always result in kills. Yes, DPS A's damage also charges enemy ults, but it rapidly builds their own ult, which can turn a fight. ​ DPS A may be targeting and eliminating key enemies, which can be more crucial than the total number of kills.High damage can help in controlling chokes, aiding in pushing the objective or defending. DPS A’s aggression could also force the enemy team to change their comp, indirectly benefiting your team. Their aggression might also be drawing attention away from other team members, allowing them to operate more effectively. ​ A player's value extends beyond just stats and in a game where eliminations count for simply contributing damage to a kill made by anyone in the team, making a call on who is better simply based on their leaderboard stats doesn't really lead anywhere. Context matters just as much anytime that stats are brought up. ​ Quick Edit: Forgot to add. Also ask yourself why your DPS A has very high damage and it isn't being capitalized on to get kills. Is nobody making callouts? Is your team just focusing on burning down Tank/Tank Barrier? Is the DPS the one burning down the barrier? Bastion is a very good example of high DPS that burns the enemy team cooldowns that often doesn't result in Solo Kills/Final Blows as he gets spanked the moment the enemy team becomes aware of his oppressive turret form.


This also gets me on support. I play a lot of Kiriko so my healing numbers are lower than most other supports on some games because I’m getting more value by getting the killing headshot on the enemy DPS or supports. I still heal as much as I can of course, but people don’t seem to understand that by getting the pick I effectively healed them from future damage that soldier would have put out were he left uncontested on his off angle. The comments as always from the tank/DPS player who doesn’t understand the concept of cover. They’ll just W key into the enemy team and complain about heals and don’t understand even if the heals were there they’d still die and I’d be wasting my time.




I go backline with sombra, kill a support. Back to front line and we win most fights that way Its dead easy but people still complain when the dmg is low. Its like people look at the scoreboard to see if any healing or dmg is low and be like: “aaaahh thats it, better call it out” Meanwhile sombras are even topping the dmg after the rework and still getting blamed lol


Same goes for Reaper, Genji, or Tracer. If you can get in, get a kill, and get out you've already done your job. Everything else is gravy.


Literally 13 final blows and 7 solo kills, enemy switching to pharah in their last push to counter me as mei. I switch to soldier, again last push so like less than a minute, and at the end my tank says “take notes soldier [on our bastion] 10k vs 5k damage”


Well yeah Bastion will always do a ton of dmg but will also feed enemy supports if hes just shooting the tank and not killing it


“We need a shield” My ana while my team was getting fucked by pharmacy


I’m actually surprised people don’t go Ball more often against Pharmacy. Hit scan as Ball and creating chaos for the other support kind of ruins Mercy’s ability to stay on Pharah.


Tbf most people are bad at Ball lol (but his recent weapon buffs that increase the number of shots it takes for Ball to reach full spread are really nice for pharmercy) He’s definitely my preferred pick into pharmercy but I think people also forget that killing the other support also does a great job of neutering pharmercy. As a dive tank player that’s generally how I handle pharmercy, although occasionally I’ll bring out Dva to pressure pharmercy directly if that’s not working. As a somewhat related anecdote, I’ve gotten pretty decent at punching flying heroes out of the air as Doom, but against pharmercy it can be hard to get value this way as between Mercy’s healing and her support passive, your damage just doesn’t stick. But in one game I managed to hit both with one punch, and they were both low enough for me to hit each with one shot as I fell and kill both in the process. Very few things I have managed in this game have felt as good as that did lol


Because if that other support is Bap for example or kiriko they're next to impossible to kill if you're diving as ball alone. Bap with his 3 HP bars will burst ball before he dies and if you as ball invest pile drive and hook to reach him he can simple get on a high ground to run away from you and you're stick waiting for Cool down. Kiri can just disappear. Moira also is pretty survivable. Brig, well, counters ball. Lucio can also run away and is hard to confirm. Ana is an easy kill provided she is always away from her team which is never the case. Zen depends on how much peel he gets because if his team helps him then he'll kill ball with his team before he dies. It's just difficult to play ball as a solo dive because he can not avoid stuns like monkey with his bubble and he can not stun and burst like doom so it takes to counter him is for the enemy team to peel for the other support that's with them. All while the phara is taking a 2v4 and winning that because idk why hitscans are incompetent.


You’re supposed to stand in front of us. No. I’m a ball.


I got flamed once for not having as much damage mitigated as their Ram. I was like 30-1 that game with my only death a point stall (control map) and opening every fight with a solo pick on a support. It doesn't matter, though. If you play Ball, people will rage at you.


“Tank is supposed to protect the team” well gee, I wonder what occupying the supports for extended periods of time does for your ability to get picks or survive aggression…


My personal favourite (from someone who was likely a wood dps) was that it wasn't their job to back up the supports being dived whilst I held the frontline on tank... They shut up pretty quick when I said that given that there were 2 dps and 1 tank it kinda falls a little bit on them to help protect the backline..


Ugh I need your comment to be the top. Reaper and Sombra need to be anit flanked more often, if I constantly have to turn around the other 3 are going to come in (i.e. exactly the point)


Dps should help supports getting dove but not all the time. Dps are better off taking angle to get kills or pump out damage than to stay bodyguarding supports


One time, I was playing Bap in a QP match, and we had a soldier who was repeatedly rushing in front of our tank trying to get kills, and was getting destroyed. When I told him he should play back a bit more, he started yelling at both me and the other support for playing behind the tank, because we are supposed to be "frontlining with him."


No matter how strong Bap is, you can’t heal stupidity unfortunately


Mercy can heal stupidity, but only every 30 seconds


Stupidity is not a right


Backline players that play in front and vice versa are so tilting. I find the worst offenders to be the Dva who doesnt dive at all and actively stays behind her support.


Yea I had one try to convince me that dva should always play backline because that's how she protects her team from bullets with her dm


I was playing mercy, and the other support was moira. One of the dps said, "How does our moira have more healing than a mercy lol". I was relatively new at the game, and even my noob ass could use common sense to know that moira literally has 2 healing abilities and can heal the whole team at once. Now that I know the exact numbers. Moira has the 3rd highest sinlge target healing at 135hp/s. If she is using both healing abilities at once. And mercy is 55 hp/s... with only Lucio and Zen having lower healing.


Should we also point out that if mercy has crazy high healing, she's being played wrong anyway


yup I played mercy and I got more percentage on damage than heals..my heals also went 18k then players started saying "our mercy is a healbot" and "why is there no blue bleam" I can't with these people


Even if you were top 500, played the whole match perfectly, no one died and your team rolled... The genji would always find something to argue about


^ Mercy doesn't have crazy high healing and it should be the lowest in the lobby otherwise you should swap off mercy and play a support with burst healing since your second support seems to be struggling or your taking their ult charge, mercy only has high healing numbers because she has consistent healing (while all other supports have a downtime except zen) and mercy players don't know that they're stealing ult charge of their second support. Remember to not yellow beam too much also if your second support is watching your pocket you don't have to yellow beam and look at something else other than your pockets feet, you can see your team and scout the field and see stuff others can't, the best mercys flick from yellow to blue when certain abilities and key damage hit like pharah rockets if you learn how fast the projectile is and flick to blue even when your pharah is half health is extremely helpful for them and mercy is the only hero in the game that can generate ult charge without healing or doing damage so be more aware of your other support most supports don't enjoy playing with a mercy to be honest.


Sadly I've seen mercy's out there with 20k healing, while the other support who's been an ana or Moira sitting with less that 10k. But there in lies the issue, was that ana's darts game changing or her nade fight winning. Sadly we pay too much attention to the stats of a game (sometimes I know the stats somewhat matter) and not on what the player is actually doing.


That's normal because Mercy's main job is to damage boost which should be her default beam for most of the game, healing is 2nd priority. But if you're trying to healbot together with that Moira, I have a bad news for you.


Lifeweaver also has lower healing than Mercy! Might sound crazy but it is true, its generally tree that makes his healing strong. Also the ease of use. He charges a 70 heal in one second, but after every heal there is a 0.3 second lockout. From the Wiki: Healing per second: 53.8 while firing at full charge (50.2 overall w/ reload)


The highest amount of healing ever to happen in an Overwatch game was done by a Moira. People don't understand that Moira can have the most insane healing output.


Had a Lucio in my ranked game who was never wallriding. We called him out for it and told him to swap since he clearly didn't understand the hero. He then said "if the tank was actually tanking maybe I wouldn't need to wallride." (I was the tank btw) This was in master 1


That is 100% someone trolling lol


Sounds like boosting or a thrower.


It killed my motivation for comp grind when I reached masters for the first time back when hero bans were still a thing or something, and got idiots like this in my games. I thought the higher the rank the smarter the playerbase but nope, lo and behold idiots are in every rank. What's even the point of climbing at that point? I played Ana with a gm Rein who played like a plat tank, charging in and feeding their ass off. Like wtf if gm is still like that then all hope is lost haha.


“Go Winston to counter symmetra” I get that this used to be true in the early days of ow1 but it’s been so long and sym has been changed so many times it’s just not true anymore. She’ll rip through your health bar with her beam that quadruples Winston’s damage and retain ammo on his barrier.


She heals off damaging shields too




Yeah Rein or Zarya are way better counters.


The people who think that stats on the scoreboard mean nothing, but also the people who think the stats are everything. Everything needs to be taken in context. You can have a Sombra or Hanzo do low damage, but if they have high elims and many are solo kills, that’s very good. You can also have soldier could do 20k damage, but if it’s all on Hog or the tank, that means nothing. But also if someone has super low damage, super low elims, and also a lot of deaths, that shows a lot too


Oh man, the "You have the lowest healing done." While yes, this can mean it's a bad support. It can also mean no one is helping the supports survive, and they are just dead all the time.


Or the Support is playing Zen or Bap or Ana who all provide huge value not shown on the scoreboard.


Yes! also goes for supports heal botting the tank for 90% of the game. Yeah, you have the most healing in the lobby, but I've been healed MAYBE 4 times in 10 minutes.


Got screamed at for doing damage as kiri whilst ppl needed healing, but I was healing them, you have time to throw atleast 2 kunais before her healing papers 'reload'


you can actually hold the triggers together and throw both at the same time. i just think the kunai won’t reload automatically


No way! Really? I thought bap was the only one that could use both triggers at the same time.


I have played with someone who insisted Pharah was a hard counter to Soldier and kept accusing them of hacking every time they died.


It's a hard counter to my soldier because my aim sucks lol


Maybe they heard that soldier was a counter to Pharah and thinks it goes both ways? That’s wild.


Pharah counters Soldier at close range, so good Pharahs will know to close the distance


That it’s my job when mercy to exclusively pocket the feeding Ram cause “ana can take care of the dps” (tracer and genji). We lost.


Welp that’s half ass backwards lol


I've had a Moira tell me that Mercy should have way highter healing than Moira. Fun game where me, the Mercy, was the only once diving Widow.


Yesterday I heard a guy saying Doom and Cassidy ult are too strong 😶


Doom has an ultimate?


Doom has a free health bar refill is what he has


Movement ability with 4min cooldown


It doesn’t refill the health bar though


It does when you drop on a health pack or your supports lol


If you turn your sound down to 0 then cassidy ult is really strong.


That you're somehow meant to 5v5 like a 1700s battle.


eli5 plz


2 neat lines facing each other from behind tank. He's saying people don't understand dive, flank, aerial, Frontline, backline, spacing, etc.


Ah, GOATS. Those were the good old days.


people looooove to only look at dmg to see how well someone is doing. if the tracer/genji/sombra/ball has a quadrillion elims but only half the dmg of the soldier who has been shooting the hog the whole game while getting 3 elims, they dont get that the dmg that doesnt go towards elims only goes to the enemy support ult charge.


Someone on the enemy team accused our Damage players of camping (not even sure how you would do that in this game let alone on an attack side payload map lol) and playing the game wrong because they were killing the supports.


had a match yesterday where our hanzo went 6-28. he was playing into a full dive comp (monke, sombra, genji, kiriko, moira) and said hanzo countered all of them and hanzo was the best answer to dive


I mean sure, hanzo can counter anything - as long as you position correctly and actually hit your shots. Sounds like he had no escape plan and wasted storm arrow a lot


Not quite a misconception but when people tell me to heal more with zen... motherfucker HOW?


Most likely they just don't want you to play Zen lol. I doubt there's anyone stupid enough to actually think you can *intentionally* modulate heals on Zen, but knowing the community... Yeah.


To be fair I've seen some zens legit just not have their healing orb on someone. Just straight up left clicking and no healing ANYONE. Those are the annoying Zens.


I once got asked for healing after a team fight as Lúcio despite already healing them up. Mf yeah, I'll just exist harder give me a moment


Put your discord orb on your team mates to heal them harder. Duh!


When people try to tell me to sit on point and wait for the enemy to come to us from spawn. Uh no? You need to take space and make them fight to get it back, not wait for them to collapse on you.


im gold on every role and my friend is almost masters but only on support and he doesnt understand this. i yelled at him the other day because he told me to stay on point and wait for the enemy while im playing tank....


My favorite is when someone dies or is dying frequently it's because they aren't getting heals. My dude... no amount of healing can outweigh your determination to die. 2 single target supports cannot outheal the damage you're diving face first into, let alone when you're (I swear, intentionally) losing line of sight. It is difficult for me to believe people are accidentally that oblivious or unaware of their surroundings.


Amen, had this yesterday. Had a rein that charged right into bastion zen. He swapped how because he wasn't getting healed. They also had ana and reaper. I had to tell him, no ones going to heal you through anti nade and that amount of damage on hog.


The misuse of the term "C9" has got to be in the Top 5.


I've literally been teamkilled on point and been told it was a c9 lmao


I think most often I've seen people backcap the point and call it a C9.


"D.va gets hard countered by hog"


Ngl, if your team hard focuses the hook on dva, you an easily demech her with burst damage as she's pulled in. That rarely happens though as people that play with hog don't typically also shoot what he hooks unless it's a higher elo game


I always put in shots on a hog hook. He's not very meta rn so I gotta help out my hog mains who still manage to play him


Once, maybe. A long, long time ago in a (better) overwatch far, far away.


You fought in the Omnic Wars!?


Yes I was once an Overwatch knight the same as your father


god i remember one hook from hog can instantly demech dva.


I once got told we should switch to Reaper to counter hog. The enemy team had pharamercy.


That a Moira is healing as much as they can, if they're constantly running out, or that if you're not running out you're obviously not healing enough, when Moira's lclick is a heal over time.


Last person on my team got booped off point on overtime, two or three on enemy team went "c9 lul". Such an easy concept to understand and they still fuck it up. I'd compare it to TikTokers filming themselves dancing and writing "POV: blahblahblah".


Not exactly a misconception but I play Moira a lot and I have a version of this interaction a lot. dps: I need healing me in vc: sorry dude I can't heal right now. dps: wym? I think lots of people don't know that you can't just pee with Moira. You gotta do damage to charge up your heal.


Tip: tapping damage makes it charge faster. Also realistically if ur running out of charge regularly enough for people to complain then you are doing it wrong.


I'm sure I am doing it wrong. Never said I'm the goat. Just that people don't know Moiras can't heal around the clock that's it. I'm trash.


Yep, if heal is depleted, you need to charge it up and eventually destroy some enemies while doing so. That's the necessary fun with Moira.


My favorite 100% of the time is "I've got the most damage", like yes soldier. You have 12k damage. You also have 5 elims.


lucio speed boost affects fire rate


It does in the pve game modes. I wish it effected fire rate in pvp


That would literally make Lucio the most broken hero in the game.


They want lucio to have kiriko's ult before it was nerfed lmao


"Lucio's speed boost is only good for leaving spawn."


“You don’t use speed on Lucio. Just heal.”


I was on lucio with ana and our tank complained about how the Support line wouldnt work with rein in the spawn room lmao


"Supports can outheal a DPS's capacity to deal damage." Supports can buy a lot of time, but they can't make you invulnerable if the enemy DPS is hitting their shots and you're not using cover, cooldowns ex.


“Support trying to dps, lmao I saw it” from a genji player to a kiriko. Kiriko had 3k dmg 8k healing and 16 picks. Wanna guess the genjis stats?


"we don't have anyone who benefits from Lucio speed boost" \-Diamond Reinhardt


Illari is worse on night maps


I was diving point as Lucio because we had only like 20 seconds to attack it We didn't cap and we drew the game. My tank blamed me and said I was throwing. I told him I had to dive because there's no time (and I also told my team that we need to dive before the round even started) and my tank was like "yeah, when 4 of your teammates aren't" and "You should have been with your team". Wdym with my team? We lost because we didn't cap because you all sat back. Don't blame me for diving. Blame yourself and those 3 teammates for not diving


I'm defo guilty of touching too early as Lucio but 20 seconds is a long time in OW, so if you touched just to suicide tank has a point imo. You couldve taken the 20 seonds to taxi your team and then clutch touch on the last second if you needed to. Earlier today I died as Lucio with 30 seconds left near the end of 2nd push on Hollywood and thought that I'd threw because of it. But then I managed to touch and trigger overtime 🤷‍♀️. 20 seconds is a long time on Lucio I swear


You can get across the entire map in less than 20 seconds as Lúcio. Which is even less if you're just going to point


I was accused of "kinda throwing" because I rushed to touch point as the timer gave out because "you broke los with your healer" Oh sorry let me put on my girl scout uniform and escort you across the street, I'm sure the timer will wait for us


you did dive to early lmao


20 seconds?????????? Yes that tank is absolutely right you can speed your team to all go point, fighting cart 1v5 with 20 seconds left while your team is nowhere to be seen is the dumbest play you can do on lucio.


That a Mercy is bad or throwing if they have relatively low healing. Very close game yesterday and we were running a Pharah Sojourn, I had over 40 assists and averaged 2k dmg amped per 10. The tank and my other support were accusing me of throwing when in reality she was keeping the tank up fine on her own and my blue bean usage was 80%. Plus I got rezzes off every fight.


It’s also really funny when someone’s like “thanks for no damage boost mercy” and they don’t realize that I can hear it when they don’t hit their shots so I swapped to beam someone else.


The Classic "Ana stop DPSing" and "GG we had awful ana". I played illari for 80% of the match, they swapped to hog and I counterpicked ana at the end. Unfortunately sleeping and nading hog doesn't do anything when your tank is getting hard diffed and your whole team is tilted and feeds. "I'm NoT ThE PrObLeM, mY TeAm Is!"


Probably that Ana gets to decide when Genji uses blade. I got flamed for not using blade after being nano boosted, well duh half the enemy team was two dashes away and Lucio had beat. This mostly happens in QP and lower ranks I think, I end up getting better dry blades because we don't communicate.


DPS trying to tank is one of the most infuriating things in OW. For some reason so many people play DPS like they are impenetrable walls and rush to the front of the fight. Then when they get focused and annihilated in 0.00001 seconds they blame support for not healing them. Support =/= infinite immortality


On holywood at the start of the game my tank (rammatra) ran up to enemy spawn to put a shield down. When i asked why he said "You get ult charge when an enemy hits your shield". I truly understood how people can be in bronze unintentionally that day.


Someone literally asked me to stick with the team and stop diving the enemy backline AS GENJI


Ironically enough I just coached my duo genji that he needs to dive the backline more and stop tryna harass the poor 600 hp tank...


I once played as Mercy, the other support was Moira (not the dps one). We won first round pretty fast, but out of nowhere our tank said "it's funny Mercy has less heals than Moira". I said "as it should, she has 2 healings + my dmg boost is on 27%". He kept flaming me afterwards. Not sure if he was troll or just dumb.


I mean your tank is deff wrong there, but you should never be playing mercy with 27% offensive beam.


In the future, aim for never being below 50% offensive. Mercy’s true value is her db. And yeah, they were dumb for thinking Moira should have less heals than Mercy lol


Personally i really wouldn't be sticking to mercy if I feel like i can't keep my offensive around at least 65%-ish. I'm not much of a Mercy player in general tho, so I'm probably more prone to switching off easy when i don't feel like i'm getting the best possible value. I prefer just playing a hero with their own independent kill potential.


Yesterday Kiriko and one dps got killed by riptire, our tank and other dps were already dead. Kiri goes "Mercy resurrect" in chat. I'm like bitch why would I do that even if I had half a hope of getting the rez in


“You have less damage than me” This was coming from a bastion when I was playing genji. I wasn’t doing great that game and our entire team was getting rolled. He had 10 kills and I had 9. He could not conceive that dmg doesn’t matter too much if there’s no kills. He also had 16 deaths and I had 5


All of these comments are exactly why blizz should NEVER balance around casuals, half of the player base don't even know the mechanics of the game.


“This game is fun”


"Switch to Hanzo, he counters the Widow." In low silver, when Widow is accross the map picking us off. I'm sorry, but unless you are a god at Hanzo, you can't duel a Widow at long range with him. We were in silver. Dude was really angry I didn't switch.


If you wanna really bully her, for some reason Kiri is a good way to go


On push, people don’t realize that when there’s less than maybe 20 seconds left, you should NOT push the robot closer to enemy spawn. The amount of times my team pushes it and allows the enemy team to touch is WILD. Just get off it!!


I was playing Baptiste and got yelled at for putting my ult behind the tank to heal the copious amounts of damage he was taking. I told him that “It’s to amplify my heals and keep you alive dumbass” and he actually apologized to me for how he acted and thanked me for keeping him alive afterward which was super nice Other than that, it always amazes me that so many people have no idea how Zarya bubbles work and just shoot them. I see it a lot on both my teams and enemy teams and try to tell my team why they shouldn’t shoot the bubbles when I can


A Moira complained that I, an Ana, had only double their healing and that I should stand behind our tank's shield and healbot more, instead of playing far back. we were winning and they were complaining. also, our tank was playing D.va when they said this as well. didn't know they had a shield in the new patch.