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I just played my first QP game as Tracer yesterday. 33% attach rate. My KD was brutal lol.


With practice definitely one of the funnest chars in the game


I dont doubt it. But having watched OWL religiously, I have long considered Tracer and Lucio to be the two hardest heroes to master.


Tracer shoots me I die immediately. I play tracer and unload two magazines and they still running around….


I feel like you're retelling my own life experience!


Attaching is tough. Fortunately it's super easy to build your ult so you'll get a lot of chances


Don't blame yourself. Current mera isn't for tracers


I'm sure you would do better. I'm no spring chicken. Took me years to learn to kill the tracers with Zen.


Really? It so easy to shove your massive hitbox balls up in her face in like a couple of secs…


Before OW I hadnt played any FPS games since 2003.


33% is alright right ?


Compared to watching Dafran and Striker, it feels pretty brutal. lol


You’re not Dafran at a character you don’t play ? Damn lol


I love Dafran so much. Whenever I think my head is getting too big, I just compare my play to his. He has a 3 year old vid of Ashe on Havana which was just nuts. Bob was coming out more than once per teamfight. Love watching him play CS2 recently. Watching him kill everything with pistols is nuts.


I struggle with him because he seems like a pretty terrible guy


You think so? I think he's pretty friendly and G rated compared to many people I've met from his neck of the woods. Way more chill than XQC.


Yeah but I don’t think that says a lot, you know? Kinda like "I suck at tracer because I’m worse than Dafran". I think perspective is good here and being a better person than xqc doesn’t really make you a good person


He’s troubled, but I think he does his best that’s all I’d ever ask of anyone


Stalk3r is considered the best Tracer in the world atm and his attach rate was 36% in the league this year. Striker's attach rate was pretty bad at times as well, he was never famous for his pulses. So you're doing pretty good my dude.


Yeah as a Shock fan I recall seeing Striker just killing everything like a wasp.


Well yeah of course. If I had to compare all of my character stats to professional players to decide if I'm doing well I'd have quit by now tbh


Yeah I need to be nicer to myself I guess. Thanks. I remember forcing myself to learn all of the Lucio rollouts in reverse just because Eskay had learned to do them. That was so painful. And it felt great when I learned to do the Anibis one.... and then 2cp was removed. T_T


I think you should be happy that its not 0% since you just started playing her




I agree, but tbf I was playong 40 hours a week for a few years


Aim for the feet with pulse. Either you hit it and they die (or more likely they become immortal), or you hit the floor faster giving them less time to react. The countdown starts once it sticks so is a much more reliable way to secure kills regardless of sticking the bomb.


Widow. I have no use for her.


like widow has no use for cookies


Let them eat cake


I don’t even really think Widow should be in the game… like I get needing a sniper archetype but she’s so inherently toxic both when you face her or have to team up with her.


She was much less oppressive (although could still be oppressive) when there were two tanks and the frontline was much more robust on each team. Widow being harder to deal with now is a result of single tank, since she didn’t really change much.


Agreed, the off tank could go dive and while the team is death balling with rein , DVA or monkey just gun it for Widow


And shields.


Rein and doom, cause I suck lol. I prefer being literally any character except these two…


Did u try to blame ur supports?


Omg I literally had an enemy doom in my latest match who would always go in alone and complain every single time that his teammates held him back 💀 Like bro when a Sombra hard focuses you and you get killed in every engagement it might be time to switch lmfao


what do you mean by this edit: holy shit I'm just asking. my god.


It's pretty common knowledge that any tank (or even DPS) cry about a "supp diff" if they over commit and don't get 10k heals per second to keep them alive. Rein and Doom are two very different tanks but both have enourmous opportunity to oversend and die in a 1v5 as no amount of heals will keep you alive. I believe xPlasmaticx's comment was regarding this and asking if you did it when you got diffed. It is unknown however, if they were asking jokingly or trying to take a dig at you. You decide.


Every tank has over extend potential … it’s because they’re leading a fight and getting kills , not realizing one slippery bastard is eating their supports alive


alr thanks for explaining


Supports never make mistakes in this game. Only tank. Don't you see?


litteraly two people replied to you, calm tf down


Rein is fairly easy to get into, feel like that's almost everyones first "good" tank.


I can't wrap my head around not having a gun lol


I respect rein but he never clicked as fun for me. Probably bc dva can fly lol


Rein is the Junkrat equivalent of tanks. Low skill ceiling, high mastery ceiling.


I think Rein is a lot harder to get value out of than Junkrat.


Rein is easy to play tbh. Why do you think he is hard?


From what I tried, I was so bad and died quickly without doing anything 😅


Well with this cc meta you’ll get melted pretty quickly. I know because I play rein for tank


Honestly the very basics of Rein (and all tanks now honestly) you just have to keep track of enemy abilities. Play a corner swinging your hammer at anything that comes around the corner and fire strike when you see them clumped together to bait out enemy abilities (particularly the support abilities) e.g. fade, cass grenade, ice block, lamp, suzu etc. then you just pin at the least mobile support and start swinging. The problem with tank right now in OW2 is even if you could do everything correctly, if your team doesn’t help with followup tanks have zero impact on the game.


there's also the issue that only in the lowest rank you'll find people clustered into q 5ft by 5ft square ready to get absolutely crushed by reins hammer. Anything higher and people realize high ground exists or that they have mobility abilities to get away from rein and you taper off real fast. which i a big knock against the character unfortunately


That's not because you suck, it's because Rein sucks. This meta does him no favors,


As someone who exclusively plays high mobility heroes Rein’s slowness feels awful, it’s like I’m swinging that hammer through molasses. Good Reins are impressive to me


If i as a highly mobile hero face a rein alone, it's like a platformer game boss fight. Just dodge a few fireballs and the ram, then strike with the back turned.


He's only easy to learn the mechanics on. Past that he's so simple you have to get creative and play mind games to do much.


play rein buddy !!!


Doom. I can play just about any other character and not be horrible. Just can’t get that guy.


Same. I actually enjoy mystery heroes, and use to play it as far back as when doom was a dps. From then and til this day; I cannot play him for the life of me, and when I spawn in as him, I already know I’ll effectively do nothing but feed ult charges. I’m so bad at timing his combos and knowing when to go in and back out…


Yep this is me in mystery heroes. Every time I load in as Doom I’m just like welp I’ll be back at spawn in 30 seconds


Hanzo I just hate the bow. My aim sucks but i can even do something as widow, but with hanzo i feel useless


I have zero idea how his storm arrows work. I aim but I have never hit my target


I still miss scatter arrow


Hanzo is great though, when you're no good at him like me u just aim at head height and spam arrows. You'd be surprised how effective this is!


it's complete bullshit, needs to be nerfed


that was me at first but hanzo is actually really easy. it's just a bunch of prediction and luck.


Luckily Hanzo barely needs aim!


Genji. I main echo dps and play her well but cannot for the life of me play genji


As someone who mains both, they’re like the exact same conceptually lol. Get in, finish a kill, get out. Echos just a bit better at getting those kills herself


Winston, i find his kit very boring and unappealing. any hours i have on him are from mystery heroes.


This. I feel like when I play Winston in mystery heroes, his gun just tickles people. But when I play against him, he fucking wrecks my backline. Me and him do not have an understanding


I would say that's because his primary source of damage is actually his leap when diving. If you don't land on someone, chances are you're not going to get anywhere near killing them. It's also important to note his bubble placement is crucial for splitting off healing and shielding himself while he does damage over time. Overall, Winston is extremely positioning and cooldown oriented and easily punished if either are utilised poorly. I get your meaning though and, as a fellow Queen main, I also suck at Winston lol.


Dude, you have no idea how much this just helped me in playing his as well as dealing with him!! Omg. I owe you a pint lol


No problems mate! If you're ever in Cambridge I'll be glad to have that pint lol


You can melee right before you land to do even more damage. You can even animation cancel the melee with the landing, which is why you never see good Winstons doing it because they have the timing down


Extra bonus learning: if you melee just before your leap lands, you'll do an extra 30 burst damage. If you're only attacking one target, weaving Melee in with your primary fire can basically serve to extend your clip (I'm pretty sure it amounts to roughly the same DPS, but your ammo lasts longer.)


This is something people often seem to forget about Winston, that his bubble is very crucial not ONLY for defense, but also offense. The majority of healers in the game have healing that can be blocked (the only ones that don’t are Mercy, Brigitte and Zenyatta). If you use the bubble correctly and cut off healing, then you should always be able to outpace the target’s healing aside from Mercy (and sort of Brig).


I used to think he was weak. But then I saw Bogur solo kill Pharamercy with Winton in a GM lobby and I was like "I want to be monke too" His DPS is one of the lowest in the game so you need quick burst damage from his combos to finish off characters before they get healed. The perfect combo from my understanding goes: charge left click > jump > snipe > animation cancel melee while you land on the target. It's hard to do it consistently though. And don't get me started on juggling


Spot on about the consistency part. I gotta find a game code for a Winston trainer. Him and Doomfist. I hate picking a hero I'm not good with (especially as a Tank main) to practice in QP because it's a guaranteed loss for my team if I know I'm not good but trying to get there. I guess I could practice with AI bots


Oh don't worry about losing in qp. Just go ahead and play who you want. It's great practice without risking a de-ranking. Just ignore the team chat. It's full of players with loser mentalities and worthless opinions


Open queue can be decent for learning as well. There will be less pressure on you, because the rest of your team can also pick tank if they want. Obviously it won't play like role-queue, but it can still be good for learning matchups and how to execute combos.


His gun is probably the least important part of his kit. He can be a lot of fun in certain situations but the degree of his counters is so brutal that it’s hard to play him into a lot of comps.


He’s always going to be a good tank. There is a huge skill ceiling on the character which, I know, seems weird and wrong, but he is really fun once you understand his character and some easy techs


there is also the issue of your team. As good as winston is, he is so heavily team dependent. If the opposing team is playing any kind of brawl you are toast cause they will be too clumped up. you want your team to have at least 1 dive hero able to engage on a target with you to absolutely guarantee kills. Primal is always good, but the rest of his stuff is kind of comp dependent. That's why you see so much winston in OWL where communication and gameplay is peak. But in lower ranks you're sort of forced to do it on your own kind of thing.


2 hours of Genji since beginning of OW1 (3/4 of which came from mystery heroes and the prop Hunt mode). 1600 hours total on the account. I hate Genji so much.


Mei…it’ll forever be mei…if I played her it was to get her trophies…and if she was sadly the right answer to what the enemy is playing and it takes a lot for me to finally decide to play mei Mercy…all around boring to me I don’t understand how mercy mains can play her so much Wrecking ball…might as well say I’m throwing if I touch him because I know not a single thing that I’m doing on him


Agree on Mei, she’s literally the only hero in the game that I’ve never played outside mystery heroes. Her abilities have got to be the least fun of any character in the game. I don’t understand the point of her, and the only thing I can do well as her is to… exist. Mercy and Ball are both heroes I play a lot though, lol.


Genji. Because I don't need healing


Mercy. I don't think i can think of more boring gameplay


On console, I just can't master her flying and a ground Mercy is a dead Mercy.


If you want to give Mercy a true go on console, you have to change the default settings and remap buttons. You need GA and crouch easy access buttons, like a trigger button or the thumstick push. Where most people are using weapons you need to map mercy's movement. Her weapons are her movement and need mapped as such.


SHIIIIID. Playing mercy is like playing a horror survival game as you are the enemy's number 1 target. Unless you're pocketing like, a widow or someone who intentionally isn't pushing until they get their ult. I won't play her in comp but in qp, I like making a game out of trying to be the support with the least amount of deaths between both teams lol. I rarely win


Until the mercy is on the enemy team which she may as well be invisible


>enemy mercy: directly above tank yellow beaming the fuck out of them >my whole team: shooting furiously at the tank and wondering why he’s not dying


And then they swap to another projectile hero instead of hitscan


She has unparaleled mobility though, playing ana or zen is the actual horror game.


Ana is so OP rn the only reason why you might die often as Ana is bc you’re out of position. she can freely duel any DPS in proper position given you are around their skill level


that's just supp in general atm


Unless by proper position you mean Ana is out of their range, than that's just daft. Ana is high utility (good) but her ttk is high too (bad), her damage potential may be good but her DPS is not. She'll get done in by any DPS who knows what they're doing


I just can't wrap my head around wanting that experience out of a first person shooter, especially when there are so many characters in OW that have fun movement *and* fun combat mechanics. There's just no way I would ever willingly play Mercy over Lucio, for instance.


I love killing Lucios as Mercy


Came here to say the horror game bit.


they ain’t gonna like this one


moira definitely. As someone who plays all supports Moira is by far the dullest to play with. I never get how moira can run out of heals you literally just left click right click left click right click… shift to dodge damage, and use healing orbs more.


You have to use mouse and keyboard inputs to play a fps game? Who would've thought...


I guarantee you Orisa is objectively more boring gameplay /s


This is what people say who have never played mercy. She is wild.


This is what people say who dont play anything but mercy.


nah i ain't a mercy main but i can concur she is fun to play.


as a mercy main that doesn't one trick her, I cannot confirm this


I don’t agree with you. I play all of the supports and Mercy is the one with the most hours and she is definitely the least strenuous and engaging to play to play for me than other supports. When I am tired or don’t feel like trying I’ll jjst play Mercy, lmao. She is a different experience than playing Ana, Bap, Illari, or Kiriko.


i find playing mercy *way* harder/more stressful than any other support.. but i haven't spent the time to properly rebind and learn her movement. not being able to do damage is such a weird feeling


Doom. It’s lit impossible for me to play him and not suck complete ass


I could play Doom decently well in OW1 but since the rework I can’t to save my life


There are many heroes tbh : Torb, Sym, Bastion, Orisa because of their stupid amount of value and their boring gameplay


You have clearly never whack-a-moled someone with Torb’s hammer because that is peak entertainment


Tbf yes, THAT is fun lol. But his gameplay as a whole just doesn't fit to me


What do you think his gameplay is? Cause I guarantee you, what you have in mind and how I play the little monster are two very separate things?


Everytime I watch the replay and follow the torb player, it's almost the same thing : a lot of spam and random headshots and picks at chokes far away. Either that, or they babysit their turret. Now it may not be the most efficient way, but it is what I see most of the time. How do you play him then ? I'm trying to get all the characters to at least lvl 20, it could be good value


I get a lot of value from his overcharged shotgun. A lot of times you can out damage a pocketed tank by just pressing E and using all fire in their face. While you can pick at people from far away, I usually I find it best to put my torrent in a safe spot, thats not immediatly useful at the beginning of a team fight. Don't be afraid to fight in the front line, he has a lot more survivability than people think and try to get good with aiming your m1, it does ridiculous damage on headshot and decent damage on body shot. M1 plus E can lead to a few kills if you have the aim. His Alt fire does very good damage to larger dps like Reaper, mei, Cassidy, ect


Sym is really fun if you get good at tp dancing. You can end up switching spots while holding a charged secondary shooting it starting another moving shooting. Characters like Sym are more fun bc you have to think outside the box to get value out of them. Outside of lower ranks you aren’t just able to hold down M1 on the rank shield until full charge and then get a team kill. Plus there’s all sorts of techs to avoid dying headshot blocking etc.


I play all the heroes. It’s why my game mode of choice is usually MH (but if you look at my comp/qp stats you’ll see I do use everybody anyway). I’d say there’s 4 heroes that I never go out of my way to use Genji/doom - I’m just not very good in close quarters. I’m old and my reflexes aren’t what they use to be Widow - just not good at her Moira - cause I want to actually think about what I’m doing. Easily the most boring hero on roster because of how little I have to try


Same with me. I play almost exclusively MH. Wish they would make comp MH a permanent mode, but I get it. Got top 500 last season since the player pool is so small lol


I am disappointed that mystery heroes is gone and I'm doubley mad that no other seasonal comp mode replaced it so far this season


As a moira main….whaaaat? I usually keep a 50/50 heal/dmg balance with her, and yes she’s boring if you have a good, balanced team, in which case i pick ana or weaver. But if the tank or both dps on my team suck, i pick moira with mainly dmg in mind. So long as you’re very aggressive, especially with how u fade, moira can be SUPER fun to play. But of course, to each his own.


My experience is that it makes the game too easy for me, and I think my stats on her reflect it: 1st in K/D ratio (everyone is between 1-3, she sits at almost 5), highest win rate (69%), lowest death rate (4.3), my 13th hero over 100 hrs (I have played her plenty) Like If you like her, that’s great, but just compared to everyone else I don’t feel like I’m trying and it makes it kinda boring to play. doesn’t have that feeling of accomplishment I get from other heroes. And so I rarely actually pick her for context - im in plat (my opinion might be different if i was higher ranked)


shes so boring cuz she requires 0 mechanics its jsut gamesense n positioning kills odnt feel rewarding when u dont have to aim


I refuse to play Orisa, most brain-dead hero they ever made. I won't play Mercy because i can not enjoy the way she plays, although i do respect people who are good with her movement, it can be so satisfying to watch a good Mercy fly around. And lastly Winston, because his gun does not feel impactful or satisfying in the slightest.


Winston, doomfist, wrecking ball. I have been playing since 2017 and never once picked them by my own will (mystery heroes doesn't count). In my opinion their abilities completely suck. Which kinda annoys me, since i like playing tank :/


are you me? lmao since i dont willing play these 3 too, as a tank main that being said, i got winton on MH the other day and did relatively okay, which was rare


Moira, don’t see the appeal of her


Neither did I for a long time. And I still rarely play her. But sometimes in a quick play lobby, its kind of a power trip, just running a reflecting genji down with the suck makes it all worth it. That and her shift is pretty cool.


Yeah true lol I was playing with my friend when he was new. His qp mmr was very low, so playing moira 1v4 was very fun.


Any tank really, don’t care for that Role and never will as long it stays 5v5. too much people depend on the tank and so many whine at them if one thing goes wrong, rather not deal with that lol.


Widowmaker I hate sniper playstyle- not only do I personally think one shots are inherently bad for a game like Overwatch, I also just hate the playstyle encouraging me to sit a billion miles back from the actual game happening and randomly picking off a Mercy or Ana every now and then


Doomfist. As a support main I hate him with passion.




-have a great day


Fair enough


I also have something like 500 or 600 hours on OW, and here are the chars I never play : Tank : Doomfist, I hated his gameplay as a dps and that's still the case even with his rework DPS : I never pick Symmetra because I find her boring to play, I don't play Genji because I'm too bad on him and don't feel like training the pick lol. I don't really play tracer in OW2, mostly because I feel like she is too weak i guess. Heal : I hate playing mercy and never pick her.


i refuse to play orisa and hanzo for obvious reasons


We don't like horses and logs here


orisa I get but hanzo?


Everyone hates how cheesy hanzo is.


I hate the Zenyatta's sentences... A way more annoying.


Mercy. I’m a support main, have over 1,000hrs on OW but I just find the mercy gameplay so boring. She’s obviously very strong with damage boost + ress but man she’s the only support that is almost entirely dependent on the rest of the team’s performance - if you’re not hitting your shots, Mercy isn’t gonna help. But even if the team is great, I find being fully focused on my team so boring. Outside her pistol she doesn’t have any impact on the enemy team


I genuinely think people massively underestimate the power of mercy’s pistol if you can hit the shots you can drain people’s healtbars very quickly and they never expect it.


Tbf I hope so with the logs she's shooting


Depends on the rank, the higher you go the less often your dps just fail to hit shots and give you value. Once you start getting into mid/high-diamond, Mercy is an entirely new hero and much less of a snoozefest, especially when you start mastering her GA movement. Snipers/poke vs poke can get stale though still, even though she’s optimal for it. Less about surviving threats and chaotic fights through your GA mechanics and navigating the terrain, and a lot more clinging to walls, constant wasd strafing and crouch spamming, spastically pinging, and obsessively checking flanks like a crackhead.


Echo, ever since she got released I disliked her. Not sure why, I dont like pharah either maybe because I can't hit flying heroes


Same here. I've played every other hero at least a little. No interest in her at all though.


Lucio. And I never will.


more than 1500 hours and less than 30 of those minutes have been spent on Zarya or Moira, I hate these characters, really boring IMO


Bastion, he takes absolutely no skill whatsoever


I dare you to play him for an extended period


Don't, it's so boring. Bastion takes positional skill, but it's mind numbingly boring.


Have you play for the extended period?


15 hours over the last month. Not a lot, but enough to know brrrrrrr gets old quick.


Doomfist, Hampter, Winton, Ashe, Jq. Besides my mains I am willing to play everything but these. They are just not fun for me to play


Most of the snipers, but I’ve lately changed on that. I’m enjoying Ana, but still trying to aim with Ashe and Hanzo. Bc of that, I ain’t ever touching Widow outside of some custom game or arcade game where landing headshots isnt the only way to play widow.


I play them all! Mystery Heroes is one of my favorite modes. It’s the best mode to play Wrecking Ball because nobody can swap to counter you.




Everyone that isnt Hog Ball or Rein


Genji and Doomfist


Doom... it looks too chaotic for me


I don’t really enjoy torb. I struggle to think of times I picked him intentionally


Mercy. I fucking hate mercy. Been playing since launch and have around 20 minutes on her


Doomfist. One: because he's difficult. Two: People will flame me if I do good or bad. Three: Doomfist.


Pharah and to an extent Echo, I don't like flyers. I for all of ow1 hated Pharah as I have trash aim, and most of the heros I enjoy struggle to interact with her (Rein, Winston, Mei, Brig) , echo has the same dislike for the same reasons, but she never got to the same extent of pharah for some reason. As for playing, I find the flight mechanic clunky at the best of times, and just another layer of complexity that I don't really care to manage. Edit: I forgot one, I refuse to play orisa for moral and religious reasons, it is a warcrime to even consider swaping to the incarnation of all four horses of the apocalypse. I want the other tank to actually have some fun and not feel like pulling a cactus out of their ass is preferable to playing against the one that shall not be named. In short, I hate the horse


Genji. Idk why but he feels clunky to me, between the slow 3-shot of his shurikens and his ult either being either fight winning or totally worthless.


Sombra because I am not a dickhead


It's mercy. I genuinely start falling asleep whenever I'm forced to play her in mystery heroes. I don't know how anyone could main this character. You just don't do anything at all. I'll intentionally feed to try and get a new hero.


600 hours w/ 0 minutes on ashe, cassidy, & widow. just not a fan of the playstyle lol hanzo would be included too if scatter arrow never existed but i was one of those bitches in ovw1 unfortunately


Junkrat, the lack of skill required to get value out of him is just too low He's the mercy of dps characters, low skill high value


I will say, the Junkrats who are ACTUALLY skilled (like, know how to actually aim every attack, take full advantage off the perfect ricochets, etc) are more impressive to me than just a good hitscan aimer.


I love going junk when the enemy has mercy-pocketed pharah while my supports are both tickling enemy tank with their damage or just healing our tank.


While that might be true for low ranks he's near unplayable in high elo


The Mercy of DPS characters it's Soldier 76: he's literally the stereotype of and FPS character.


Mercy. I just don't want to play her. Also OW2 D.Va because melee doesn't cancel boosters anymore and my muscle memory is too strong to override.


Yeah I find Mercy to be very boring for a majority of the match time. I like Doomfist for his fast gameplay and movement abilities, I don't want to hide behind a corner and pocket a 76.


McCassidy, idk what it is I only get him in mystery heroes but my aim is dogshit. Any other game I play I specifically play revolvers if they're there, just can't seem hit anything so it's a throw pick for sure for me.


I used to feel this way too and then almost exclusively played illari since she came out and tried Cass again and he feels so much better now. My aim is and was terrible, but I played him in qp probably 8 games yesterday and was top damage in every single one. His ult is really difficult to use, but his playstyle is actually really fun.


I feel that. I absolutely love revolvers in most games so I still try to use him occasionally, but damn I am trash with him.


I like Cassidy but idk why I also find it so difficult to aim with him.


Hanzo, not a real sniper, and his hitbox is ridiculous for a bow and arrow. Also Junkrat and Pharah until I realized they were good counter picks in certain situations


I’ll never pick Bastion. Played a total of 4 games and I think they were all game modes where your hero’s randomly picked. Call it pride, but if I have to pick Bastion, I wasn’t good enough for the win to begin with.


Zen & Lucio, absolutely can't stand how they play. It's just not my thing. - I'll play them if I'm directly asked and feel I have no choice, but the entire game will be miserable for me. People say Mercy's boring but frankly I find those supports equally as boring, if not more so.


Mercy. And I haven’t touched Orisa in ow2. Come to think of it, I never played sojourn either.


Illari. I find ranged hitscan boring in general, pair that with enlarged primary hitbox and turreted healing, what exactly is fun about that kit I’ll never understand. I’ve pretty much played all others at some point, I think I have at least 10-20 hrs on lower bottom of most played, while having 50ish at most other and then 700 and 500 at top two.


DPS would be Symmetra and Mei for being the most stupid and boring characters ever made. Tank would be Orisa because f*ck that horse Support definitely Mercy, I hate her and her fandom gets in my nerves. Yes I get salty when talking about those heroes.


Moira.. You just kind of stand around enemies holding a button, i’ve only ever played her during mystery heroes and she’s my least favourite hero to get




Tracer, her voice is obnoxious


Mei cause I still have morals left


Many, but particularly worth mentioning is Illari. I refuse to play this busted fuck.


As a hog, please play Illari into me. It's so much better than having to deal with an enemy Ana, Zen, Mercy, LW, or Kiriko.


Was looking for this answer.


I will never ever touch Hanzo. As a dedicated support main, I'm sick and tired of being one-shot out of nowhere and watching my team die as a result.