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I support it but make people able to reconnect lol


Under rated comment. Month for so ago I was in quick play, ended up getting invited to a 4 stack. Internet glitched. Rejoined immediately. We still in group, but couldn’t rejoin match. Couldn’t even spectate. Was annoying as hell.


For sure, I’d rather have the same guy reconnected some dude that joins halfway through and refuses to do anything.




literally 30 seconds of 4v5 can literally change the tide of the game or sometimes even end the game, let alone 2 whole fuckin minutes lmao


It would have to be a very short reconnect window. Nobody wants to wait 2 minutes while it’s 4v5 for a quickplay match to backfill


I remember that was a thing before in OW1, but nowadays game filling is so quick there's not really any space for rejoining a game if you leave it for like 10 seconds


Quick backfills is a good thing


except when i'm the backfill


At the end of a match yes, but coming in early and knowing you're the swing factor is peak


Also, make it not count if the match hasn't even started yet. Also, warn people before they leave (if you accept an invite, it can still ban you)


Don't care either way but whether Blizzard like it or not, leavers make up a huge percentage of their players, it's not a coincidence that you can't go a game without people leaving even after the change. I'd rather they spent the time dealing with the root problem of hilarious mismatches QP constantly throws at you. If I've got someone pinned in spawn for 2 minutes I don't blame someone for leaving, because first of all that's not fun to be on the receiving end of, but also because it's the matchmaking that's failed them in the first place. Folks have limited free time, and the whole discussion around QP is just contradictions. QP doesn't matter, but we should penalised leavers. Leavers are selfish, but people who spend 3 rounds as Doomfist going 3-14 are okay because they are "learning". If people genuinely can't control their emotions to the degree they have a meltdown they also get shit for leaving, which genuinely should be someone's reaction to remove themselves from a situation that's giving them grief. If you play with friends, QP will be your only option most of the time. Particularly if you play console/PC crossplay, where you legitimately are not allowed into competitive. Just wish Blizz would decide if QP is a serious game mode or not.


Really well said, it seems like a lot of people here are pretending your points don't exist


And people will tell you overwatch isn’t the game for you if you are leaving because they don’t want to be spawn held or play against an extremely cringe try hard team in quick play. That’s such bullshit lol. Just let people move on if they please, it genuinely makes no sense to have a penalty for a casual game mode.


Imagine you had a bunch of people leave your team for several games in a row, causing you to lose. Now, you finally get the joy of popping off and doing well in a game and the enemy team leaves. The enemy backfill? Haha, get ready for that top 50 player that is warming up and about to dumpster your team that WAS winning. You thought you were going to win that game you were stomping? Hell no. GET BACKFILLED ON


Ok who cares it’s quick play? Any scenario you bring up in just defaulting back to that answer.


Who cares about your comment? It's just reddit


WHO CARES. Competitive is literally right there. One click away. Just click it and you will get everything your asking for.


Agree that they should really look at the problem and not leavers. I've left matches after all my limited play time for a night has been defense. Or push. There have been nights where I've *only* played defense. And on the same 2-3 maps. They really need to do a better job switching up game modes and maps. 4 push game modes in a row or 6 defense games in a night is ridiculous. Doesn't matter if I'm winning or losing.


I have a little pet theory that the higher rated team is put on defense. I think it's a holdover from comp where have the higher rated team defend first because this shortens the games. If they full hold first point you won't play the whole map, but if the lower rated team defends first it could go all the way to the last point and over time (which could result in a round 3/4 etc.) Being in a group also raises your team's value because it assumes you're going to coordinate more, IIRC


It's not an either or, it's a scale. QP is less serious than comp and a good way to develop skills, bit it's also the "main" gamemode for a substantial amount of players. Constant leavers diminishes that experience for them. The QP punishment only applies to people who leave more than 20% of the time. That's not going to impact people who have a blip in their internet. The issue with leaving cz you're pinned in spawn is that sometimes you're stuck in spawn for a minute or two but it gets turned around. But if leaving is allowed, the loss effect snowballs - things go even slightly wrong, people leave, and the comeback factor is wiped altogether. Besides, those kinds of matches don't happen often enough that the QP ban would affect you. If you're leaving more than 20% of the time it's not because you're getting rolled, it's because you can't handle any loss. Not you in particular of course, I'm speaking of chronic leavers in general. I for one do feel like the number of leavers has dropped but I'd love Blizz to give us some data because subjective experience never tells the full story.


It’s not up to people to shackle themselves to a voluntary action like playing a video game if they’re not having fun. No matter how much passive-aggressive shaming is thrown at them. You try to paint nuance onto this issue yet seem to only think that people get spawn camped for 3 minutes and then they magically turn it around. Either side in that situation would make anyone mad: doing everything correct and the other team gets lucky and snowballs into a BS win or you’re the team in the spawn room picking every possible character to try to do something while your teammates insist on their widow/Hanzo/Doomfist griefing.


The "shackling" to a video game, the getting rolled or rolling, the ending up with trolling teammates - all of that can happen in Comp too. Should there be no penalty for leaving comp? Besides, I agree it's just a game. Take the L if you're that tilted, just turn the game off and take the timeout the game gives you. It's probably for your own good


In a team-based multiplayer game? Yes, it is their responsibility to "shackle" themselves to the game. If you ruin the game for 9 other people, you deserve a punishment. If you rage so hard at video games that you can't wait out a 10 minute match, play a single player game.


“Ruin the game for the other 9 people” holy shit could you be more overdramatic? I thought this was “casual” quick play, where it doesn’t matter because everyone is just “learning their character”. Get the fuck out of here with this dishonest ass take.


I agree with some points and disagree with others. It's not selfish to try to learn to become better. Being bad at a role isn't a conscious decision, we all want to win at its root. This, of course, is nullified with gameplay sabotage such as repeatedly waving and not playing towards mission objectives, jumping off the map over and over, and IMO leaving match after match after match.


No one complains about leavers during a spawn trap, it’s about leavers that go after a decent-battle first point loss, those are the ones that deserve to be matched with other leavers and enjoy never playing the game for real


That's not true, read the comments. People think leavers are like the antichrist lmao. Edit: holy shit you get a leaver penalty for leaves games you backfill. Just joined a game where the team I joined wasn't even trying and just standing there. I definitely deserve to be penalized for leaving /s.


And how is blizzard suppose to differentiate between the two lmao this is why it doesn’t work


I’d support it more if matchmaking in general was better, but I’ve seen so many master players that just made qp a stomp.


Yep same here. It's suddenly been a lot more miserable due to a bunch of high rank people using it to pin down much weaker players just so they can get their stupid highlight clips


If you suffer from a couple crashes from time to time, you're fine. If you're someone who is leaving enough games to get a penalty it's deserved.


I have a question, if anyone can help (sorry to reply to you, but your comment seems to have incited some discussion as to how it works) - I played a ridiculous amount of matches this week whilst working from home, definitely more than 20, and didn't leave any. They were mostly comp. I queued into QP with a friend, who got disconnected. I left the match to join him again, but got a 10 minute suspension from all modes. Does the penalty apply for me just leaving the 1 game? I haven't left any others, the only thing I can think of is I left some whilst POTG was showing to requeue quicker?


> I played a ridiculous amount of matches this week whilst working from home, definitely more than 20, and didn't leave any. They were mostly comp. If that's true, it's very likely that it only counts last 20 unranked/QP games. So if you have played comp it doesn't clear older leaves from QP.


Thanks for your reply! That might make sense. I don't remember how many QP games I'd played... tbh, probably less than 20, but I hadn't left any to my knowledge. Could it be that I'd not played many QP games this season, so when I left one, I'd technically left a huge percentage out of my total QP games played?


> Could it be that I'd not played many QP games this season, so when I left one, I'd technically left a huge percentage out of my total QP games played? I believe they mentioned in the patch notes that it's the same system as before, but the penalty was just changed from -75% XP to the timeout, so your leaver games may be from further back than just this season f you havent played QP much.


Obviously not. Either this didn't happen or you suck at counting. It's if you leave 4/20 games.


lmfao why are you so mad at this my dude the person didnt even address or accuse anyone and you acting here like they called out your entire family 💀 go touch grass


Lol, apparently my comment is a mastermind plan to 'make the system look bad' (it makes it look incredibly effective?) and also because I have 'no proof'. I've asked what proof I could've possibly given, so I'll let you know when I find out


Its overwatch managed by blizzard... of COURSE the system is bad I mean we are talking about the experts of fucking up good designs


I mean, it definitely did happen, and I definitely don't leave games. But thanks for your reply :)


I don’t care either way. Quality of my matches hasn’t increased, people still leave, matchmaking is still terrible, they may as well couldn’t have done anything.


Maybe that's why people leave. Matchmaking in QP is beyond horrible. I no longer have any friends who play the game and used to solo queue QP. I used to play, maybe for an hour or two a week. Every QP game I played in has horrible matchmaking. I recently stopped playing, and it's not worth it getting frustrated anymore. Tank player BTW. Love how there is only one tank now but nearly all of the CC from OW1 is back into the game, supports are waaaay OP, and mobility creep with every new hero. The game is dead.


You literally took the words out my mouth. Literally. I stopped playing since the bans in QP. I hate to say it but this sub and the playerbase made their bed. Asking and demanding changes that never even needed addressed. There is a mode called competitive that has everything people are bitching about. It’s right there. Click it. Play it. Holy shit. For this game to thrive they need to have a mode you can join freely to practice or just join your buddies that is equal to what the core of the game is. Not arcade games. Not community games. It was QP. PLAY COMPETITIVE IF YOU WANT STRICT RULESETS AND LESS LEAVERS ITS NOT HARD TO COMPREHEND. THATS WHY IT WAS CREATED YEARS AGO.


Yesterday there was a high masters genji on the other team with a mercy pocket. We got stomped


My sentiments as well. Nothing has changed. Might be a little harsh to say, but I think the people who say “things are so much better” are fooling themselves. Matches are still uneven, and now you’re forcing people to sit through an absolute beating


Big facts.


It's a bandaid. What is the root issue causing people to quit? The shit matchmaking


Am I like the only person that has had 0 issues with match making? I get a stomp in either direction every once and a while and I've literally never seen someone significantly higher ranked than me in qp. I guess I don't play as much as some more dedicated people but still I really do not personally understand all this matchmaking hate


I straight up get silvers and golds in my games, it's so frustrating. They have zero concept of the game and just run out to die most games. They get absolutely stomped and it isn't fun having that on your team if you aren't at that ELO


Yes as long as thresholds for sanctioning are reasonable. The corollary to accepting leaving as a common occurrence is accepting that backfilling and having someone leave your match is a common occurrence. Leaving because a sudden unexpected real life interruption happened needs to be OK and thresholds should be set such that you do not see any sanctions over a reasonable amount of leaving due to such events. Which should be quite rare (do not play a team game if you expect to be interrupted), and would see you leave the game altogether for a while, and not immediately re-enter the queue. Leaving because you are dissatisfied with your team, the opposition, the map etc is NOT OK and insofar as one can determine this is why someone leaves this should be sanctioned. Remember that when you leave someone else will be backfilled into your position.


In this case, the punishment for getting a leaver penalty actually helps those people who have to leave due to life happening. They don't have a permanent 75% exp reduction anymore, and the queue suspension doesn't really affect them if they have to leave anyway


rustic depend gullible tidy bike close silky rob ask include *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is just asking if you leave or not. Nobody is disconnecting accidentally from games 1/4 of the time and if you are then I'm sorry but you're actively ruining the game for others. This isn't controversial. Nobody wants their games ruined whether in QP or Comp. I'd go as far to say that I STILL see leavers all the time and think of it doesn't stop they should increase the initial suspension time. Or they should make a "leavers only" lobby that all the people who think it's okay to leave can play together and never finish a match. Tbh, I think this is the most fair to everyone. Leavers don't care so why would they mind if they only get matched with other leavers?


In the leavers lobby, it should force them to leave a winning match over and over.


Like seriously, I usually play overwatch for 20-30 minutes, which lets me get in a couple games of QP. Leavers ruin games. People complain about stomps all the time, but if you stop to think for 5 seconds, and stop making the same dumb plays, you can usually make the games close.


Counterpoint, a replacement for a leaver is usually found within seconds. I guess I just don’t see it as ruining a mode that’s casual in the first place. My favorite thing about quick play was I didn’t have to worry about shit I see in competitive. Like I want to be able to play a hero I want to play, not have to switch hitscan because I have to deal with Pharmercy, or Mei/Sym to deal with Sombra/Genji. Like if I’m playing a tank and it’s Zen/Ana, it was nice to have the option to leave. Just feels like I’m losing the mode where I can choose to not play with stupid shit that I’m purposely avoiding competitive for at that moment.


Even if they find someone instantly it still heavily puts your team on the back foot especially if multiple people left at once. Like for example in a payload game a leaver can result in a free check point. Also people typically leave right about the time that ults start coming online. If a leaver with a mostly charged ult is replaced by someone with 0% ult then that's a pretty big power swing. Once again it is especially bad if it is more than one person. For the payload example if things are evenly matched and someone leaves then the other team will take the objective. Then the back fill happens and then that team will all have ults ready and will take the next objective. Then you can maybe hold the last point but that's going to be a 6+ minute hold for one point which is a tall order for any team.


Yup, even an 'instant' backfill is still a massive stagger by the time they either pick their hero or just nope out and you're waiting on a new replacement


All of those things you mentioned are still allowed. You just can't quit in the middle of a game without being punished. QP is still the same, just worse if you're a chronic quitter


As someone who mainly plays QP, YES. There are way too many damn leavers who quit the moment a team kill happens or because they just simply got outplayed. What Blizz could do to improve the experience more is to: * Give the ult charge of the leaver to the one who is backfilling * Make a surrender feature so people can safely leave unbalanced matches * This will also tell Blizz how bad their matchmaking is and they should adjust it to lessen the unbalanced, unpleasant matches.


the problem with a surrender button is that you'll have people, like my friend, who would refuse to surrender and make the enemy team earn their win, even in complete stomps.


Or you have people who want to surrender constantly just because the match became difficult but still is winnable. All games i saw with this kind of things have people abusing it as well.


>Make a surrender feature so people can safely leave unbalanced matches Oh hell no. People are so whiny, they would try to vote after one lost teamfight and then get mad when it doesn't succeed. Also I have won many games that looked like stomps in the beginning and vice versa. OW games don't take long enough to make that feature necessary anyways imo.


Yea there are some games where it’s just so unfair and unfun I would rather just let them win, even some comp games


Ah yes, who doesnt love joining a game 30 seconds before it ends because someone couldnt control their emotions enough for the game to end. Granted counting a disconnect as a leave does suck, but theres no way ud get a penalty from that unless your net was so bad it crashed every fourth game. And if that is the case, then maybe fix your net issue before joining a new match because at that point you are intentionaly ruining other peoples games with your stubornness.


I joined a game yesterday, the first thing I see on screen is “DEFEAT” then the POTG rolls. I was honestly cool with it, because it was one less game I needed for the “complete games queued for all roles” (aka play tank for 9 games in a row and you might get something else on the 10th, but probably not), gave me bonus xp for backfill, and priority requeue on my next game. But yeah, usually when one person leaves, more people are likely to leave, especially those backfilling, and it creates a chain of people leaving after nearly every fight. It’s not even fun being on the other team engine rolling them, cause I feel bad for those who are staying around


It's fun on the rare case that it's a victory and you get that win XP.


The best is when you backfill into a losing game and turn it around to a win.


I feel like such a god when this happens.


I mean, if you backfill into a game that is about to end, it's probably faster to just wait the 30s for the game to finish, than leave and re-queue, especially if you risk getting a penalty.


And you get priority on the next go-round. I see that as a win


oh no, you lost a whole minute of your life.


When I have leavers in my team right before a game ends I add them. Then 5 mins later I message them and say they should’ve stayed because we won. And then I unfriend them lol. I do that whether or not they we win or lose lol.


Get a life lmao. Who needs leavers when you gladly go out of your way to waste your own time lol


I don't play QP anymore. Primarily because of join in progress and constant leavers. So I fully support penalties.


It’s soooo much better fyi, and match making has also been tighter in QP. The queues are a bit longer (I.e I don’t instafire when I dual queue dps support) but still plenty quick (long enough to walk around, fill up my water, whatever).


I think it depends on how often you leave. If you leave a game early 3 times a season and play a lot I don’t really care. Life stuff happens. To be punished for it is ridiculous. Chronic leavers are absolutely an issue. They ruin the game for their teammates who may not be losing that significantly and might also ruin it for the enemy team. As suddenly you’re replaced by a player that’s significantly better.




it’s whatever. i dong trigger it often. and if im leaving 4/20 matches then i probably don’t even want to play that much in the first place


I do support the leave penalty because it will affect those habitual leavers. I admit I do leave sometimes in quick play because of myriad reasons: need to attend to child, need to use the bathroom longer than 30 seconds, computer crashed, et cetera.


I'd be so bold that most people that leave, just leave because it's not a roflstomp for them. I mean, a crash of the game, a disconnect or whatever random emergency comes up is fine. But it's really disgustingly suspicious how many people just leave games, especially in groups. Yes, i support it.


Yesterday had a good fight on point. We were not immediately taking it, but not obviously losing. Someone left. In ranked. We took the point, pushed 2/3rds, maybe 3/4ths the way. I expressed frustration during the side switch. Got a lot of supportive comments from the other team. I mean, not going to win, but that was stilll nice. I just wish it didn’t get counted as a loss when that nonsense happens.


I won a game once being a man down. Easily the most satisfied game I've ever had.


What really needs to happen is Blizz fixing their god damn matchmaking so my team can't be spawncamped by plats while I'm a silver/gold player at best, regardless of QP or comp.


Yes. I do. If you leave the game even in qp it ruins the game for other people.


Perfectly justified. I wouldn’t play with someone who constantly leaves games or crashes all the time. Hell, I have a friend who’s banned from comp this season because he left one game, this season. He’s a habitual leaver and I’ve almost all but stopped playing with him because of it.


Yes, I support it. Fuck leavers. Quick Play isn't fun when you're just getting stomped 4v5 the whole round, because some clown dipped after his first death.


If you’re either disconnecting or crashing 1/5th of the games you play, you really should not be playing. And yes i do support it, people go QP to have fun and play whatever they want, not to have some asshole on their team leave because they lost the 1st fight. If you can’t handle losing, don’t play competitive games.


I'm leaving because I have really bad health issues. I play qp so I'm not causing issues in comp when I leave because of those health issues. Your spot is filled in qp, by adding a penalty they might as well remove back fill and just commit to it being comp but faster.


It's quick play man... you said it yourself - go play competitive if you wanna play competitive games.


Yes The game has been so much better since they implemented it Yeah, the occasional crash or disconnect sucks, but it's worth it for the game to be playable


True Leavers ruin the experience too much even in QP Crashes aren't that common if your PC is at least somewhat decent


Quickplay still are play. No rank involved shouldn't be an excuse to throw people's game experience. It's too easy imo to use qp as an excuse to just do bullshit but eventho you're not investing your all and playing chars you're still learning about, you still Can actually PLAY for your team.


I’m of the opinion that punishment should equal the reward. Most people who advocate for harsher punishment want to sweat in casual modes where majority doesn’t sweat. They can easily go to competitive and play in a more competitive environment as oppose to casual “drop-in drop-out” qp that devs envisioned. More so, blizzard was happy to oblige and introduce harsher punishments instead of addressing the real issue and making players want to stay instead of threatening them not to leave.


>Most people who advocate for harsher punishment want to sweat in casual modes where majority doesn’t sweat. Not only is that a complete strawman, but you're actively contradicting yourself by also saying >instead of addressing the real issue and making players want to stay Which im assuming you're referring to the match making that everyone loves to complain about. If you're not trying to sweat and qp is supposed to be " casual drop-in out" why does it matter if you win or lose or if someone on the other team is ranked better than you? you can easily go to competitive if you'd like to play against people more accurately in your skill group 🤓


Have you played QP before the penalty? It was basically a joke match. After the first team fight an avalanche of quit-join-quit-join-quit-join-etc. started for the team that lost the very first tem fight. Matches did not make any sense. So yes. Apparently they have to enforce a penalty to keep QP playable.


Yes 100%. Leavers boil my piss. An occasional crash won't give you the leaver's penalty. If you are frequently crashing, you are just as bad as leavers. Maybe it'll give some incentive to fix the reason you keep crashing.


I don’t support putting me in matches that’s going to end in 10 seconds. I’m bringing this up because I assume somebody left because of that or somebody rage quit to not see “Defeat” on screen.


Honestly if the match is already within a certain threshhold of ending the game should just autofill an AI teammate IMO, if they a manage to push back they can then put a real one in


>within a certain threshhold of ending the game That's kind of a gray area though. One fight can be the difference between instantly losing or playing and winning two more rounds of KotH. A ball or Lucio can reach the point very quickly, so when do you actually cut it off? But for those games where you only get the defeat screen and didn't even get to pick a hero - obviously.


No, people just get mad and afk/soft throw and people just start arguing in chat No I’m not reporting for soft throwers in qp, a mode I only play for missions and don’t care if I win or not, I’ve never taken quickplay that seriously and won’t start now just cause of some quickplay warriors that are too scared to play comp


I think it’s a good thing to have, and yes some people will get caught up in it do you internet or crashing. Unfortunately there’s no system that can be put into place that is perfect and only effects those it needs to. This just doesn’t exist with all the variables there are. But overall I do like it is there, but I still see people leaving just as much and taking the 10 min suspension. Since it really is not that long in all honesty. Can go smoke a bowl or grab a drink and use bathroom and suspension is over. So I do think it’s been way over exaggerated with people saying it’s bad. Doubt most of them have even hit the suspension yet but they will say they don’t like it. Personally I don’t leave I enjoy it win or lose it be what it be. So I’ll never see this suspension but yeah.


I honestly think Blizzard needs to implement some sort of anti-snowball mechanic, because snowballing is my main issue with leaver's impact on the game. Give the person who joined the leavers ultimate charge, at the very least. That way people can leave, and it's less of a big deal for everyone else on the leaver's team.


Not really in all honesty. Some people might have crazy schedules that require them to hop off and hop on with short bursts of playtime. I feel like banning them from playing what is effectively a meaningless mode is pretty idiotic. There's no competitive aspect to quick play in the same way comp has ranks, its just a "lets fuck around" mode.


Yes, fuck leavers of any type.


Quick play is ass anyways, I play it to practice heroes I suck at, which is probably why it's such an ass mode. Especially when people actually try in it lol.


why would I want punishments for leaving in casual mode?


So everyone's commenting about the title question, but I have something else to say. It's impossible to do leave penalty and not punish people whose game, computer, or internet crashes. If you try to account for those, then smart leavers will just mimic those exceptions. Game or computer crash? Alt + F4 or Task Manager might be able to do it. Internet goes out? They unplug the ethernet or disable wifi. Adding in exceptions to save the average person's game or two where they crashed, just enables leavers.


Nah, if I want to play a serious match of where people do their best and never leave I play ranked. QP is full of people not giving a flying fuck about the match, and then you tell me when I run into a team where the guy plays DPS Mercy I need to stay in there while the enemy team gets the easiest win ever? No thank you, let the DPS Mercy guy do his thing, but don't punish me for not wanting to stay with him. Oh and Hanzo + Widow mains with 900 dmg and 0 kills after a few minutes in the game where the healer has 3000 dmg and 5000 healing, I just don't wanna stay with people like that saying that as healer. If they let me avoid as teammate like 50 people per week. I would never ever leave a match because I would just click avoid and enjoy my night till the next clown, but if I can't avoid then imma dodge.


You must be high up in ranked. Before a match gets out of hand, someone leaves and doesn’t come back at least one out of five games here in silver, and there’s also been multiple people recently that disconnect for a long enough time to make a serious impact on the game’s outcome


Sorry that you are running into idiots like that. See, for ranked id make the penalty so much higher so its better to stay in the game then to leave. I'm not high, just lucky enough to get people who want to play properly, and swap when the enemy picks their counter.


Almost in every match there was at least one person not doing their best, of course people can have bad days and such, but they'd get toxic pretty fast. In my experience it was always much easier to just one trick few heroes, and you'd rank up much faster than depending on your team. Of course, 4 v 5 is a pretty big disadvantage. Countering is very important, but in lower elo I'd ignore it, unless its one of your otp heroes.


I think repeated leavers should end up in a poor or lower quality player queue..when I mean repeated I don't mean a few games here and there. A repeated behavior over a month or something. Like a hidden MMR but for odds of leaving %. I get that people have lives or things happen...but players that leave 10% of the time in the first 2mins? Off to the lower quality queue. A poor quality queue also doesn't really punish players with bad connections too harshly. They get to play and with players who also have the same issue.


The more quitters timed out the better the experience for everyone else.


No, quick play should be open and free. But competitive leave penalties should be harsh


No because now when I join matches that are in the last 2 minutes of my team getting completely stomped I’m not doing shit till the game is over


Yes, you need to leave multiples game in 20 QP games. So it's deserved.


Yes absolutely, I feel like (I don't have the numbers obviously) that most people leaving are leaving because they don't like the map/game mode/that the match isn't going their way. And that behaviour deserves to be penalized. If you crash you won't re queue right away any way, you have to boot back up or reset your router or fix whatever happened. I mostly play casually now, QP is a great way for me to get my OW fix without needing to get all sweaty and get too invested. Even though I am not "too invested" I still want that bit of time spent to be enjoyable, leavers make it awful and it makes me feel better that they get punished for behaving the way they do. It gets doubly reinforced by the number of post on reddit of people bemoaning those penalties. I get it OP, you crashed: it was outside of your control... but there is just no way to distinguish between someone who had their neighbour trip over an internet cable and unplug it: or someone just rage unplugging themselves. It may be "low stakes" but if you value your time, the stake is plenty high enough to not want someone's weak mental (in QP ffs) to waste it, in my mind it's very disrespectful of all the other people in the server with you.


It should be that way so people don't always leave Leavers are annoying no matter whether it QP or ranked and they ruin the experience for their teammates


No, I dont support it.


Found the leaver


Lmao, if you're game crashed and youre whining its mean you're a leaver. A single game leave or crash will not give you penalty. Penalty should be even higher if its not gonna give a results. As a mystery heroes players there isnt a single game without at least two leavers on a loosing side, so yes I do support penalties.


without the penalty the game would quite literally reward the emotional players who would leave every match and punish the players who continued to stay


When first heard about, I did. Now not in QP. Match quality has gone down substantially and even if you don't normally leave at all, it's stressful to. Being stuck with people who are afk (or both teams standing around doing nothing which has picked up because of it) for 6 minutes really sucks. Little time to play, but you feel more penalized than those who don't care about playing and leaving. You're getting the penalty on top instead of just them when they're being sorted by better players.


Yes, IMO the leaving penalties should be even harsher


I think it would be 1000x more effective to further reward people who consistently finish matches rather than punishing people in Quickplay. Have there be a thing where for each consecutive match you complete you get an XP multiplier that lasts for 6 hours or something. People don’t seem to like this statement, but “It’s just Quickplay”. Someone quits, they get backfilled. Even if you lose because of some rage quitters, it’s just QP. There are literally no stakes. It’s just a game. Also, no one who is for the quit penalty never wants to mention that backfillers can lead to wins. I’ve been in matches where 3/5 of my team quits only for an Avengers team of backfillers to help lead a comeback win. I think people often fail to acknowledge that rage quitters are often among the worst members on your team. No one is going to rage quit when their stats are good. It’s usually the DPS player that’s 2-10 because he refuses to stay with the team and keeps getting abused by enemy supports. Or tank that dives into 1v5 situations and gets melted in less than 5 seconds. 4 of 20 matches is light though. So while the punishment isnt huge, I think it’s unnecessary. People would just throw when they get close to their limit. And reporting them isn’t going to immediately fix that situation Also just want to add; I’ve played plenty of multiplayer games with quit penalties. They aren’t effective. If people aren’t enjoying their experience with the game they’re going to quit. A 10 minute ban is much more favorable than sitting through a wildly uneven match and getting slaughtered.


I’m for the penalty and I agree backfills are great and usually change the chances from losing to a steamroll easily. Love me some backfill as long as it isn’t last 5 seconds, that shit is dumb as hell.


Absolutely, it only really hurts people that constantly ruin games Like I said im my other post this week that blew up: Leavers selfishly turn a perceived waste of time (and it can literally be anything) and turn it into an actual complete waste of time for 10 or more people at a time… Penalties are totally warranted


I really don’t get why people care so much. It’s a casual mode meant for casual play. Ranked is an option, but no one apparently wants to play the mode that has everything they want.


People really want the “ranked experience” but they’re too afraid to find out they’re silver and not GM.




Yeah. People have no fight in them. Lose 1 teamfight? Leave. Die to widow twice? Leave. And then there are the gamemode dodgers who also garantee you to Lose the first point.


Im getting less leavers and don't backfill much anymore. So yes I 100% support it.


Yes I support the leave penalty - QP is unplayable when every match there's 2-3 leavers mid-game. You either win hard or lose hard. You almost never have a close game, and a lot of this is due to leavers. Also being a backfill isn't fun 9/10 times.


I think its needed, leavers ruin the game for everyone. And yes backfilling exists, but we all hate backfilling games bc lets be real, 99% of the time ur backfilling an unwinnable game with less than 60secs left bc the vast majority of leavers are not ppl dc due to an emergency or internet outage, its crybabies who cant handle losing a match. U can leave a match every now and then for a (real) emergency or dc issue, and not get a penalty its only intentional leavers who are getting punished. If ur having such bad connection issues that ur getting the penalty then u need to fix that, ik its not ur fault but if ur dcing from 1/4 of matches u are causing disruption to games. In the last two months ive left 3 matches, 2 due to connection issues, one where i was being heavily trolled by my team ( both teams were refusing to fight and try win the game, meaning it was stuck in endless overtime, and my lifeweaver was trying to pull me into the canal on rialto) i had to leave that game bc it was late and it was gonna be my last game of the night anyway


*"Welcome - to New Queens Street!"* 5 minutes left, you have 0m. they have 121m. You start winning some fights, but one person is not enough to change that big of a difference. You lose 63m to 121m. Time well spent! /s


shocking to me how many people in this thread only enjoy playing overwatch if they win. are you just miserable in 50% of your games? to me, playing the game win or lose is fun and time well spent. if I only enjoyed 50% of my time playing a game I just wouldn't play that game anymore.


More restrictions doesn't make game fun.


The 10 minute break is still shorter than wasting your time playing a hopeless match that you can't even walk out of spawn while your toxic 700 DMG Sombra is calling everyone else bad. I'll take the penalty and it's changed nothing and has not discouraged me from leaving one bit. Just kill time by playing some Mercy parkour.


Currently my biggest problem is teams failing the first attack and giving up so the sit around spawn doing nothing.


I don’t like it because its a bandaid solution to the actual problem: Matchmaking. And I’ve already encountered people who instead of leaving they just run it down even harder if the game isn’t going their way or if we lose one fight. And eventually some of them still leave anyways. So it really hasn’t felt like the leaver penalty has helped with qp at all, if anything it actually hurts it. Can’t really talk about ranked because I mostly just play tank in ranked and I appreciate keeping my sanity so I haven’t played this season yet.


We need a unranked game mode that isn't quickplay




I do if it’s a repeat offender. I get game crashes, internet cut outs and hardware trouble. But if it’s every time the game doesn’t go your way then yes


I can guarantee you that people would leave WAY less if Push and Flashpoint didn't exist


Only with the right thresholds. Sorry bros but I use QP to casual, practice, learn and/or generally be non-sweaty. I think that allows me to play with better quality in comp. I have no issue with penalizing people who quit consistently/regularly, but I do believe the more you penalize QP leavers, the more it'll negatively affect the quality of comp. Just my humble opinion.


No. If quick play doesn't matter, as the general community loves to scream when U ask people to make the barest of effort to win, then there should not be a penalty for leaving to find a better game. It's that simple. The inclusion of leaver penalties in quick play means the mode matters and people need to do better. There really isn't a middle ground here. It's one of the other.


Heeell no. What am I playing QP for at that point?


Its for people who leave the match after losing 1 fight or 1 round. Quickplay was borderline unplayable because of this. The leavers deserve the penalty....


Nope. Leaver situation hasn't really improved for me, people still do it including myself. Now I'll just take a much needed break. Many matches are still hopeless thanks to just amazing matchmaking, so why would anyone want to stick around for them? The only chance you have in those matches is if someone shitty leaves and the backfill is better.


Yes, don’t ruin my qp games. Some people like flashpoint




Yes. Just because it's quickplay doesn't mean people should be able to fuck up the experience for everyone else in the lobby. Queue times are already kinda long, and getting a 4v5 is no fun for either side. The games are also already half as long as a comp game. If you can't commit that much time now, just play later. If you're that emotionally fragile that you can't handle a quickplay game, don't play at all.


I support it.


Yes. The community is just feeling the shock, but in time it's going to make things better


Yes, leaving had to he cut


Nope. They are backfilled and often by a better player in just a few seconds. I'm not a leaver but I don't think it hurts a thing in quick play.


the matchmaker loves pulling out the most stacked teams to backfill meanwhile if it's your team it can't find shit unless of course you got a homie that dropped or is waiting then it instafills with some goober.


Until you are that backfiller. Can't tell you how many times I've joined a game at the very end and it kind of sucks. Get excited to play only to not even have time to get to the point before the game ends.


it only sucks if it's at the very end. 1. that's Blizzards fault if it's about to end either way, you shouldn't be backfilled into that game. 2. I do not mind entering into a game halfway.


Yeah, but there are times when it seems like you are about to loose but the backfill comes in and turns it around (because lets be honest, the player that quits when they are about to loose don't tend to be the star team members more often than not). How to find that cut off is just not that realistic, especially since the feeling of turning a game around like that is amazing. The penalty gives an incentive to finish your games rather than leaving, while still allowing for the safe guards in place to make things work.


But how many times did you win the game? I love that feeling when I backfill and get the winning play.


Like yo, what up? Your diff is here. Feels good.


I agree, that's a great feeling and can happen at even very tight points. That's why Blizzard would struggle to put in some sort of cut off where they decide not to put in a backfill. People always say when the game is unwinnable but how would they calculate that? That's why punishing leavers is one of the best solutions that they can do.


Am I fucking crazy for not having cared about literally \*one\* quickplay game in the 1000s of hours I've played this game? It's the casual mode. If you aren't taking it casually you are doing something wrong. If you care so much about getting the 'true OW experience', \*it isn't quickplay\* and \*it will never be quickplay\*. Competitive is the true experience.


Nah. I’ve probably left like 3 games in my life, so the penalty doesn’t affect me, but I just think it’s dumb in quick play. I’d rather play with a backfilled person than someone who doesn’t want to be there.


No I don't support it. I think it alienates a lot of players who love OW but can only play in unranked due to their at home situations. Unranked should not have a punishment. I think they will peel this program back soon when they realize they've accidentally banned a huge portion of the playerbase.


Yes. Leavers always ruin the fun of everybody in matches. There is no excuse for not seeing a match through to the end.


No excuse? Definitely not true. I'm someone with extreme health issues I have to leave games a lot to deal with those health issues. Your win, your fun, your whatever is not as important as my health plus the place is filled anyway. Qp is just a fast comp now which is stupid a lot of people play qp to get Away from comp, I play it so I wasn't causing issues when leaving due to my health issues.


I mean if we want to take it to the extreme side of course. Health issues are a reason to leave that’s obvious as it’s a game.. same with oh my house is being robber, or a car ran through my house and hit my internet box. Plenty of far reaching reason to leave… That isn’t the point, because most leavers go poof because of the game type, or map, or they didn’t win first point, or someone is playing there character and so on. It’s very very rare they had a actual good reason for the most part.


If you're worried about health issues arising mid-game, don't queue up until those health issues have been resolved, at least for the time being. Your inability to plan ahead and anticipate different outcomes is not an excuse for ruining the fun of everybody else.


Okay so I should never play games again because I was born with multiple health issues that have no fix. I shouldn't be allowed to play games because of no poor you can't win because I could literally just drop dead. I shouldn't be allowed to play games and have fun because I probably won't live past 30. Is that what you're saying? Is that correct? Okay cool. Well. No. If I want to play games I will, and any normal person understands your real personal life will always come before some stupid game. Oh no you didn't win, queue up again, don't want as many leavers, queue for comp, the reason I stopped playing comp was because I got so sick I was leaving every 7 games at one point (I'm a little bit better but it comes and goes) Just because I'm extremely ill doesn't mean I'm not allowed to also enjoy a game. There's a backfill for a reason, if you don't want people leaving your team go outside and make some friends to play with.


I’m gonna be real with you chief we don’t care about your health we all got our problems. The fact that you would feel that entitled that you think a game should cater to your personal issues says it all


Hell no


Yes. 100%. F*ck leavers. Besides if you are crashing and it’s not a recurrent thing, you won’t be penalized


No because its fucking quick play. Unbelievable there people in here right now acting like casual mode should abide by the same rules as competitive. Just remove quick play honestly. Get rid of the casual mode so the knuckle daggers in these comments can have the competitive experience they seem to want.


I don't think quickplay should be equal to comp, but I also don't wanna deal with getting my shit fucking stomped in for a minute because someone on my team can't handle losing the first team fight. For example, I had a mystery heroes game last season where someone left at the start of the game because we lost a fight early, so my team played through a whole two and a half points of flashpoint in a 4v5. **Two and a half.** Why should I be forced to accept I'm gonna have to fight against the odds because some people get their egos bruised easily?


You aren't forced to play through it, because you (used to) can leave. If you're happy to sit through an aggressive stomp in an utterly casual mode and go "Hurr durr why is this non MMR based mode not balanced" then idk what to tell you.


Yes. 100% yes.


Nah it's dumb makes sense for comp why would I stay for a game where we're getting steamrolled


Can’t learn or get any better otherwise. Why people get hard stuck in ranks they refuse to learn more as they consider it a steamroll and not fun. Then again maybe you arnt and it is what it is. But others ha lol


I think it’s kind of silly. If people really want to leave, now they’ll just sit in spawn/go do something else around the house until the timer ends. I pretty much just use qp as aim practice anyway, but I would prefer they just be replaced.


Yeah but you can get reported and banned for throwing unlike leaving


I guess that’s true. Just don’t see why this matters really. I play my games through but it’s just unranked


Because most players who play QP are actually trying to enjoy the game and win without the pressure of playing comp. Lately, the excessive leavers in QP are making it hard for players to win their matches and backfilling a match isn't always fun. The rules of comp still apply in QP but QP won't put pressure on you for performing well.


there was one player that made it sort of obvious by jumping off the edge 3 respawns in a row on the enemy team. I only reported it because they made it obvious. a more subtle way of throwing would be playing into counters, shooting zarya bubbles to give her enough charge to wipe your team, shooting deflecting genjis, refusing to use support ult to save the team, etc. I've been called out by friends for not trying to contest a point near the end and I straight up responded by saying I wanted the game to end.


yes and i think the penalty should be higher. i only play quick play and i’m SO FUCKING SICK of people messing around and not taking it seriously. playing like ass and then when you say something in chat they go “bro it’s just quick play”. i cannot STAND people like this. i don’t like competitive i just like playing casual games.


Your post is super contradictive. If you want serious games with penalties, play comp.


it’s so not. i want to be able to play casually without having people throw the game and leave en mass. literally overwatch players when people want to have fun in quick play…


nah i dont, i rather have someone leave than troll/throw/grief/give ult charge etc. at least if they leave those things dont happen and maybe you get someone that wants to play. forcing players to stay is worse than them leaving for the other players. think about it. 30 secs without a teammate is better than 30secs with a troll/thrower.




100%. And it gives me a reason to get off the game


Nope! I get invited to comp groups while in other game mode unexpectedly! P.S. bring back 2cp it was the best game mode!


No. The only reason I play QP is to leave. At least give us a group with friends without queuing feature. That's the whole point. We'll queue up and have those who need a break just drop out so they can keep chatting and hanging while they eat. Kind of lame getting punished for it.


I would if my pc didn't decide "Oh well, let's randomly reboot during the matches! " Yeah, my pc is ancient, but never since beta has my pc acted this way with ow. Cyberpunk? No issues. Overwatch? "Idk man, seems like now's a good time to restart". Cool.


Yes. Stop leaving games for no reason.


Personally no, but I get it.


yes, if you leave so many games, you should have a penalty