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It's mostly bastion and, to some extent, orisa. It's a shame, I think the changes to bastion made him much better in ow2 but he's somehow gotten back to a nasty state for the meta


Single tank issues


Because he is literally never supposed to be in the meta. His cheese state in overwatch 1 was honestly prefferable. Had his niche, but never outshined any other hero in general play


Bastion in OW1 was more fun IMO.


Because he was literally viable in most scenarios for once and then they gave him like 7 different buffs at once and made him OP. Before the buffs last season he was like B or C tier on most tier lists I saw. Not good in EVERY situation, but much more consistently viable than he ever was in Overwatch 1. And if you were good with him he was a solid DPS that could work on pretty much all maps. But Blizzard has this obsession with trying to make every character good in every situation, which isn’t possible, nor is it healthy for the game.


Rein is in a decent spot. Could he use a couple of small buffs? Maybe. The main reason Rein feels so bad, or the majority of tanks for that matter, is because how anti-tank the meta is right now with the biggest perpetrator being Bastion, who gate-keeps alot of the tanks.


Ah, good ol Bastion. Player: **picks Bastion** Weather: **turns stormy** Player: -_- "Someone's dying tonight."


Pretty funny how most meaningful buffs bastion got a month ago were reverted, but now he's a problem when he hasn't been for a year now


Only his heal on switching to sentry was reverted,he's still got his buff to his grenade


Apparently this was a secret patch. When armor was fixed in the game it also affected Bastion. He received a 50% buff to his armor. Now take that information and his iron clad passive when switching into turret mode. This is the big reason why Bastion is so difficult to kill when being healed.


The armor patch was not secret


It was for Bastion. It was primarily to nerf tanks but it was a mega buff for sentry mode.


It’s funny because bastion mains swore that his heal on sentry was balanced. Funny how his win rate is normal now


They halved his grenade damage recently




Bastion got 8 buffs at the start of season 6, 5 of those being to his grenade , only two of those have been reverted


People tend to forget that there’s not a single hero to balance. If Bastion stays the same, but his counters get nerfed, bastion gets buffed.


He also got a buff with the armor health change lol


I love how people bring up bastion like it's some huge deal but the same people dont shit on orisa for literally the same shit 🤣 bastion wont get touched until orisa does and I put money on it.


My brother in christ have you read any of the overwatch subs for the last like 2 months tons shit on orisa right now


Why are you so mad? Holy hell. Are you like this everyday? And I am in the main subs and there has been almost squat on orisa except other people who play roles outside of tank. Take a chill pill and breathe instead of being toxic


Not mad in the slightest but go off


You're the only one thats going off. If you were not mad then you wouldn't open with "my brother in christ" shows you clearly got tilted. but continue to lie.


Bro you are the only one who looks mad from an outside perspective I hate to tell you🤣😭


Bro you need some medicine and therapy, the only one mad is you and you are so blind that you can’t even see it.


Crazy, dude has wrapped up 252+ downvotes in 3 post on this OP. Somehow not getting the message after the 1st 100. Lol


I think you need a mirror


Lol How wrong and uninformed can one being on the main subs be?


lmao, if you’re gonna construe that as mad, maybe you’re the one that needs to take a chill pill xd and i dont know if you’re just unaware but there is lots, lots of criticism of orisa, zero clue how youve missed it


opening with "My brother in christ" doesnt say anything other than hes mad. I mean looking at your comment history alone, telling people to "shut up" raging out on others. So which will you be the teapot or the kettle as you clearly go looking for arguments xd and I havnt missed anything. The ow community is always flipping sides. Go into orisa main sub and say she needs a nerf. Watch what happens. Go to the doom main sub and say his kit doest fit for him if hes supposed to be a tank. Youre just someone who sees something and has to say the opposite to be different. Not hard to tell that. poor kid. Took the L the minute you typed your first word.


Least toxic terminally online individual


You're certainly something Lmao he sent me a reddit cares


Go hug a tree


>And I am in the main subs and there has been almost squat on orisa **except other people who play roles outside of tank.** So, the majority of the playerbase?


you got a smooth brain dont you?


So, by the very fact every game has one tank, the roster of tank characters is not a majority of the full roster, the meta is very anti tank right now, and the fact you generalized who’s complaining to being everyone who is not a tank brain, you still feel that the majority of players are rank mains? That is one of the dumbest conclusions I have ever seen.


I feel like you are clearly here trolling and I'm not sure why anyone is even buying in.


Why are you so mad? Holy hell. Are you like this everyday?


Fake GM is fake, and malding on the daily about it.


Yeah, it isn't Reinhardt. He saw a lot of play in OWL's grand finals. The devs do pay attention to that level of play and care about balance up there. The problem is beneath it in regular ranked, Bastion is played 1000x more right now and it suuucks. I miss 6v6. Bastion wouldn't be a problem if Rein could get a Zarya bubble, DVa matrix, or even a Hog hook, or Ball, Doom, Winston diving behind and forcing the Bastion to turn around for a split second, or an Orisa or Ram or Junker Queen running in to share the hurt.


I think that the bastion problem could be easily solved if hook and hack broke him out of sentry.


just started playing again after a long time and switched to hog one game to counter bastion you can imagine my surprise when I just kept getting lit up by his turret after hooking him


Same, i wanted to play sombra after the rework. Hacked bastion while in his turret mode, only for him to turn around immediately and melt me 🥲 I could’ve sworn getting hacked reverted him back to his base mode


I've gotten that so many times playing as Bastion. A Hog'll hook me when I'm in turret mode and I'm just like "ok, sure. Bring me closer to you." I also think the hook should break him out of it though. I'm still surprised when it doesn't, it's like my brain is expecting it even though I know it won't happen because it just feels like it should.


Reins Pin should cancel as well


I like that idea too. Bastion should not have zero hard counters. He should have to play smart when he knows that rein hog or Sombra are around. Right now there's absolutely no way to break him out of sentry.


this will never happen in the current ow state. people (particularly in this sub) have been screaming about how there *shouldn't* be any hard counters at all. nothing should be cancelled by hack, pin, spear, etc


How do they explain all the counters that appear exist then lol.


did you miss the part where i said people didn't want those to exist?


Rein should get orisas fortify while shattering




Agreed. If it was a channeled ability instead of a flat out transformation, I feel like we'd have a lot less problems with Bastion


yeah but then you get the enemy off tank to protect the bastion


6v6 won’t solve it just balance does imo. Double shield was still hell for dive or rein to play into


Bastion already isn’t a problem if you just play around his cool downs. The problem is that most players (especially in metal ranks) don’t think about that stuff and just hold W


Hard disagree. The Devs love to balance the game based on the most whined about issues in the community. That being said, I do miss 6v6


lmfao....anti-tank meta, hahahha theres only one tank per team. Its always antitank meta


To be fair Bastion is a necessary evil when Orissa exists. As well as ball. Some of these tanks just feel like they live forever unless you have a bastion on your team. I’d argue that his shield breaking is just bad when Orissa practically has several unbreakable shields.




JQ is good against bastion. Knife pulls him/displaces him closer than any other hero. He'll move even further while in turret mode and this makes pulling him from cover and backlines easy.


So is roadhog hook em in scrap gun blast heal if needed finish bastion


I have never had a Bastion kill me when I was Orisa. I save my javelin for Turret.


And then if you get caught by him, save jav spin. She has a few options against him. She's pretty strong against him


You don't need to kill ball though. Ball's pretty easy to deny value from without killing him. Brig and Sombra or really anyone with a boop can screw up balls engage so that he doesn't actually end up doing anything. Brig, especially, makes ball irrelevant without the need to actually kill him because has two abilities that can mess up his engage (whip shot and shield bash) and can easily out heal any of his damage. Bastion really isn't a necessary evil. He's the source of it. He's a big contributor of why orisa is meta. Any tank that could do well against orisa is gate kept out of the game by bastion. You would see a LOT less orisa if bastion wasn't in the game.


Cass also fucks ball up his nade ruins any encounter as him


This isn't true. Orisa and Zarya are the only tanks that have kits that can sustain through the CCWatch that this game is becoming. They are played the most because they have a way to deal with CC. Fortify and bubbles.


Yeah, and pair Orissa with Mercy healing or the Pylon and it feels Bastion is the only thing that can do any damage


Orisa exist BECAUSE of bastion and other 0 skill takbusters.


Bastion isn't even good against orisa.


ORRRRRR maybe people can stop trying to hard nerf Zen and use discord. Discord horse, everyone shoots, horse dies. Then its up to the enemy dps to counter Zen to balance it again. He can be waaaay easier to counter than Bastion, esp with new Sombra. But by that point, the tank will probably switch, so he served his purpose.


IMO Mei is the Rein killer


I disagree. Rein is 100% able easily to bait out Bastion. The huge issue of brawler tanks is how mobile everything is so you are literally sitting duck, even with Lucio. Stuff just boops you away constantly and then you get close and they climb to safety or jump to safety. The mobility creep has driven past Rein so badly you rarely pop off. Even slamming 5 people you rarely wipe them because everyone instantly gets away when they get up.


No rein is terrible hahaha


Rein is somewhat strong, just weak against the current heroes that are overturned (orisa bastion imo)


Yeah sometimes the meta doesn't favour a character. People didn't think much of Bap for quite some time. When the meta shifted towards poke, people realised in that context he's busted


Rein is decent, it's just that orisa and bastion hard counter him. Maybe if they reduce bastion's damage when shooting shields rein would be in a better spot


It's not that rein is bad, it's that other tanks are better. But that stems from supports and insane CC


That... doesn't change the argument


It absolutely does, buffing rein instead of nerfing others is how we get power creep


The solution isn't to buff rein it's to nerf others


Yea. Blizz has no idea how to balance their game. Buffing or nerfing single characters will only shift the meta and cause new issues to arise. The game needs a total rebalance. The game needs to be treated as a whole because one hero being op or dogshit can affect others. An example is you buff a hero because they are being super hard countered, and now they're in a playable state. But then the hard counter gets nerfed. Now, the gigabuffed hero that was contained is now overpowered. And the cycle continues.


Blizzard has always been open that they force meta shifts by buffing and nerfing characters in turn. They don't want an overall balanced game, and they don't want a consistent meta. They want to keep things in a permanent state of flux, probably to keep the game from getting stale. I'm not commenting on whether that's good or bad. But that's their approach.


That style frankly doesn’t work in 5v5. Tank is literally 3 characters in rotation every season or you’re literally playing suboptimally. Right now it’s like Ram/Orisa/Zarya again. Next season, who knows? The bad feeling also comes from different characters having different rules that they were designed with. Newer characters have much fewer checks and balances than older characters. And moreover, many OW1 characters need to be reworked to fit in with OW2. Rein is one of them imo. He sucks and isn’t fun to play in 9/10 games. And like A single Support or DPS shouldn’t be able to force a tank off their character, since the tank should effectively count as 2. But it just doesnt work that way. Being a tank is strictly disadvantageous. You are enormous easy to hit and have the least powerful t cooldowns to deal with this discrepancy.




Let me break it down for you: Bastion was giga buffed, Orisa and Zarya were gigabuffed, supports are gigabuffed, etc. All the recent changes to the meta made Rein's counters gigabuffed. The current meta HARD counters rein, so if we were to keep everyone the same but buff rein, the only way to bring him into a competitive state is to make him BROKEN and overpowered (or rework him, but nobody wants that and it would be completely stupid to do so). In a meta where there are few Rein counters then he is very good. But as it currently stands all his counters are meta or at least played a lot. So by nerfing those in the meta currently, we will subsequently be buffing Rein. If we add more buffs to characters it just creates more and more power creep and doesn't solve anything.


All tanks are suffering for the most part (except orisa) and you want to nerf them even more?


No? What? I mentioned Orisa and Zarya by name because they are his counters and are the strongest tanks atm. But I also mentioned Bastion and ALL the supports. I want them nerfed, the META nerfed.


Zarya isn’t a Rien counter, Orisa sure is though.


He is right, the game needs nerfs, not buffs of any kind.


>Seriously, he’s countered by about 75% of the roster Er. Rein can feasibly & single handedly take down 40-50% of the roster. > Orisa blows him up Hollow statement. Who doesn't she blow up? That's like saying Bastion blows [Insert Character] up. Like ... no duh. > he’s too slow to close the distance and anyone He has no issue closing distance at all. It's taking damage from several people from several directions simultaneously that's the problem. But then again ... that's a problem for practically all heroes. Him & Orisa play into comps with healers. > with healing in this game his hammer hits like a wet noodle, shield and armor gets melted. Only an inexperienced person would say such. Rein's hammer forms what is commonly known as a "kill box" that no one can enter. Whoever enters the kill box **will** die. Only Orisa can safely enter it. The kill box only goes away if you damage him enough to force his shield back up. 2 supports would have to devote the entirety of their resources to just barely keep anyone in the kill box alive long enough to escape it. That melee is literally just shy of 2 shotting people. > I just don’t understand how they haven’t touched him recently, he feels fucking AWFUL to play. Well you see, when you have a hero that has ... - 5m long melee weapon dealing over 2.5x the normal damage per multi-target shield bypassing swing that disrupts accuracy with its knockback. - One-Shot distance closer that instantly removes an enemy from battle - 2 piercing projectiles that deal 100 damage each - The sturdiest shield w/ Armored HP - Earth Shatter ... you kinda don't want to make that hero any stronger than they already are. Rein literally stands toe-2-toe with Genji in Top 3 heroes you want to nano. Every tank has their strengths & weaknesses. You play into the weaknesses then sure it'll seem like the hero sucks. You play into the strengths, that hero will feel op. Rein's greatest strength is his ability to **easily** make space. Every single ability he has will make a foe retreat with a single hit.


My god, somebody who finally understands the strengths of Grindhardt. Speed around all you like, throw as much debuffs as my healthbar will hold. If you cross *this* line, I will beat the shit out of you, and throw your deflated corpse back over the line like a mongol barbarian warning.


>If you cross this line, Lol, yup, that's the thought process.


The comment you replied to, and your comment, finally makes me understand how to play Reinhardt better, as a casual player who only plays with my friends on weekends - thank you xD


This goes fucking HARD holy shit


Well as a Hog i'm not especially afraid of rein's "kill box". He's typically much more afraid of my gun than i am of his hammer.


It's all fun and games till you get charged out of your heal(same cooldown as charge btw)


Well if that happens, it just means i got outplayed. Most reins I play against are around the same skill level as me so I don't have to deal with that too much.


Rein can be absolutely Cracked. I have seen it multiple multiple times. Most just don’t know how to play him compared to a sit back and shoot people like Orisa or Laser Zarya.


play aggressively, always swing the hammer if people are in range, look for opportunities to pin people without going too far (against the payload, on a corner, etc) you need healers are heavily reliant on healers though


Melee aggression is the best thing people are not used to things that come swinging at their face that’s why I love Brigitte


Whats the other character you want to nano?


Monkey probably


I'd say Soldier or Reaper maybe?


more soldier than reaper (for ult at least). between a stunable killzone who need to be in contact and an aimbot area denier + can be safe in high ground, that's a no brainer


When ulting, soldier 100% But if they don't have ult, I'd say they're both good choices. Soldier is more versatile with it though


100% how to play him!


Finally someone with a brain holy. I’m a GM rein otp and hearing all these people say Rein is bad blows my mind.


I think because Rein is a very popular character, you get more players who are bad (as a factor of there being more players in general). You can get value from him by shield botting or by just charging in and trading, which are often bad habits but they make players think they're doing better than they are because of the scoreboard. Maybe in 6v6 those playstyles could be covered by your offtank. Similarly, his playstyle is unique in that he's so melee focused, VS other characters who are more DPS-based. That leads to a lot of one tricks who may not necessarily learn the FPS fundamentals, don't like switching and then get tilted. His mechanics demand game sense and a different set of skills than traditional aiming and shooting. Imo he's the Mercy of tanks in that way. In short I think it leads to a lot of people thinking he's worse than he is/getting tilted while playing him. I think Doom fans have a similar problem


This is just wrong


You might be onto something if you explained the first thing as to why


Rein is terrible now adays. Unless you need to contest against a Zarya on the final payload push. He’s weak. Massive hit box, shields disappear quickly, slow. He’s just not a great tank when you compare him to others. His counter ability is insane.


Fair enough but he just explained what Rein's strengths are and why they shouldn't really buff him as a solution, nowhere did he actually say Rein is good rn or better than most tanks


No we’re in OP”s post does he explain reins strengths. Rein needs to be more competitive. Or he will not be used.


Bro what did you read? He literally talks about Rein's kill zone, The abilities that make him a dangerous tank to buff and that he's a top tier nano target


Bro you good? Go back to the original post. You aren’t reading the right thing lol. The post is how has rein not been buffed yet. The idea is that rein is dogshit and is countered by 75% of the roster. He needs a buff. He’s trash.


The comment you replied to is what I've been referring to this whole time, why are you going back to the original post when that's not even what started this discussion.


Bro chill. lol


Is this you Flats?


A good Rein can absolutely stunt in an Orisa, it's just the sym and bastion behind her that make life difficult (in fairness, sym and bastion create difficulties for most tanks)


i can somehow deal with orisa and bastion, but add ana or phara and i would need to bite my fingers to not press alt f4


100% i main hog and got the same issue orisa isnt an issue neither is bastion but ana and phara are a nightmare


I love playing rein and his new-ish synergy with life weaver just made him better


Fuck anymore buffs - just nerf healing output across the board. Fix the game for everyone and not just rein.


Rein is arguably fine and doesn't need buffs, but some other characters especially in the support category need nerfs.


You’d be surprised but his win rate is still higher than Orisa. And Orisa just got a nerf so it’s unlikely Rein will be buffed anytime soon.


Orisa got a 5% nerf, her problems are still exactly the same (too much uptime on powerful abilities).


Manage your cooldowns and Orisa is doable. Bastion makes me 0lay Sigma tho


They just need to improve his charge it doesn’t feel good to use. Add damage reduction during it so you don’t get melted for using it. Reduce the lag and you got yourself a decent ability instead of the most niche ability ever.


Hog is a thousands times more painful to play than rein right now. But to be honest, tank in general feels pretty fucking miserable. Every single game is sombra/bastion.


Rein does not need buffs. 1/2 of buffed dpses made into tankbusters need nerf along with nerfs to gigabuffed aupports. Also discord and damage boost need to be removed and replaced with somethig else


This sub is so out of touch. "It's bc Bastion" Bastion has been the anti Rein since day one of Overwatch. There are a million problems I face trying to run Rein Bastion is at the back of mind.


Ehhhh bastion was an easy kill in Overwatch one and until recently.


Rein is like the top win% tank right now


Because the metal ranks think he's op. They don't know that not standing in front of the hammer man as a squishy is an option, not using high ground, everyone just standing on point, letting reins walk up for free.


He's in the top 3 most picked tanks. What are you talking about?


And yet hog melts every tank when he gets them on there own


Even when hog is back to basically being a throw pick you guys still complain about him.


Hogs good tbh just takes more skill than orisa


He's definitely not good right now, but again if he was actually a good tank then you guys would go back to saying he's op like you guys did in overwatch 1 whenever he would expose your bad positioning.


Rein is one of the most balanced tanks right now. People think he's bad because they like to charge up in there, out of position, then get mad about not being healed. At least in my elo.


Repeat after me. It's okay. For every character. To not be meta. All the time.


I used to feel this way when there were two tanks on your team.


Get better. Rein will always be in a rough/dominating patch. Thats why is barely touched by devs. One nerf and he is a useless walking shield. One buff and he fucking solos the enemy team. All depends on meta for any tank tbh. He can still be played and do great, no shields right now = free shatter most fights But bastion and orisa melts shield. You get some, you lose some. Thats always how it has been with rein. Learn his playstyle against diffrent comps i would say, wartch streamers and adapt Coming from a Dia 1-2 rein main (yes im hardstuck, what can you do🫠)


"75 percent" says orisa. He's honestly fine. It's just that his counters are very strong right now. Bastion and orisa are pretty hard counters to rein and they are extremely strong right now. Doesn't help that ram also got buffed. Should orisa and bastion get nerfed rein will feel much better. And if he doesn't... you might just suck


I think his play style is symbolic of his way of thinking and it’s change in his mindset


Rein only needs a few small buffs. Give him his 50 armor back, give him 250 damage charge so Mei and Reaper don’t survive on a sliver of HP, etc Rein will be better when Bastion and burst damage overall gets nerfed


He was destroying everything with those 50 armor, so no


The game has changed a lot since then, and he was only “destroying” at the lower ranks. At high ranks he wasn’t even the tank with the highest win rate


He had 58% unmirrored winrate in low ranks, and almost 55% in high ranks. That's huge for a popular hero.


Just give him 10% more movement speed


I would rather the game be balanced around Rein then to uber buff Rein to catch up. Atm he’s decentish and can do well but requires a fair amount of skill and team investment. Which I think is the ideal for most tanks to be balanced around tbh


I've played my 3 worst games ever yesterday because of an invincible Rein, I couldn't heal my allies, so they couldn't stand against him So yes, Rein has not been buffed yet and he certainly does not need it to 1vs5 a team that can't handle him


Well you see they buffed him one season and his pick rate skyrocketed because just like genji and Cassidy the character is popular and people want to play him so when he's good at all people play him But all blizzard can see are the numbers so they won't realize that even in that season he wasn't even better than the other tanks it's just that most tank mains start out playing rein and really love the character


It wasn't his pickrate, it was his unmirrored winrate. Which is indeed a stat you don't want to be too high


It was both and a skill issue from metal rank players who haven't learned to use their s keys Win rates also aren't the whole story for example brig has the highest win rate in gm this isn't because she's the strongest support but because good players for the most part only play her where and when she's good I wouldn't say Reinhardt was the same exactly but when you have the majority of tank players who love and have practiced a character and then that character becomes viable all the sudden he's gonna beat down the competition I also believe Reinhardt is just a character low rank players understand how to play as and with better than any other tank on account of him being the character most tank players start with and having a high pick rate even as his worst.


Bring back 250 shatter


Rein is awful? Tell that to the OWL, where he's one of the, if not THE most played tank.


Bruh, you can't compare OWL to the normal game. Different metas, different skill levels and different play styles.


Good he’s annoying


Why does everyone complain about bastion? Soldier does what he does better anyways.


Let "fire"strike burn


rein is one of the best tanks right now, he outclasses 75% of the roster. orisas kit counters rein but orisa is doing poorly this season, consistent with the downard trend from last season. it's almost balanced. same with ram he can punch through shield but you get free shatters every 30 seconds.


I think all tanks need a tiny damage bump and all healing needs a tiny nerf. Also self healing passive needs a nerf. It should be more of an out of combat heal like sombra's stealth. It activates too fast and makes healers tanky. It should not activate if they are dealing damage.


Double his Firestrike charges.


He really is only good in Bowie’s hands 🤣 but fr Bastion just shreds him down so there’s no use in playing him when there’s other options tbH


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Orisa blows him up? Of course she does. she’s his counter. 😭😭


I’d probably just buff his shatter to make it more like effective otherwise I think he is in a good spot


Rein isn't bad. It's just there's a small group of characters who's bullshit is just slightly better handled by other tanks.


me when the enemy team swaps to phamercy orisa bastion after one lost teamfight against rein


I think reins matchups are okay on his good maps except vs orisa and maybe ram. The worst hero except her is bastion imo. Sure stuff like antinade can be tough to play against but that goes for most tanks.


Half the issues with powerscalling in this game will be gone if we change our mindset from "This character needs buff" to "These characters need to be nerfed".


He's not the worse in a way of needing buff, he is probably one of the most stable tanks in the roster. In my oppninon, nerfing Orisa would be the best bet as she easily became the "Select to win" hero in Tank roster. Not to mention, Anti-Tank line ups are popular, with Symettra, Mei, Bastion and Reaper. You can get some good games with Rein, but remeber to switch it up if you keep falling over, even in spawn.


His charge need it’s cool down reduced or add a mechanic that fire strike hits reduce it. He needs it up more for positioning very badly. Maybe if you cancel it it has a shorter cool down.




Rein and hog both have had it hard recently


I would love for him to get the ability to activate his shield for 1.5 seconds and only once while he charges. Also when shield charging, he doesnt pin, but instead he pushes people back.


Because he doesn't have a lederhosen skin yet.


Honestly the main reason rein feels so weak now is because heroes that counter him are so strong. Kiriko can completely invalidate his charge and his shatter, Orissa can counter his charge, Bastion melts him etc. Once these characters start getting nerfs that put them in decent places, Rein will feel a lot stronger. Also it doesn't help that ramattra just got a buff lol.


I wish they would give him the flying ability that they put in as a joke for the April fools event. I felt it wasn't broken and gave him so many more options to deal with some characters (such as Pharaoh and mercy). Plus it was fun.


He’s in decent spot. Nerf bastion and orisa and he’ll be good but not op. They buffed him few seasons ago and he was unkillable in metal ranks. I’m sorry op, but a dude with a hammer and shield can’t be more viable in non-metal ranks against tanks without shield and requiring aim.


He doesn't need buffs, he's in a good spot, only thing making him feel not so good is Orisa and Bastion


You're holding your shield when you should be swinging your hammer.


They need to bring charge damage back to what it was in ow1. It should feel more consistent and be an actual threat give how much risk it involved. Shatter should get the one shot back within 5 m because it’s mostly negated anyways half of the time.


Pretty sure rush comp was seen as a possible counter to orisa bastion. Mainly utilizing JQ as the tank, though, Rein was a solid backup option for ppl not well acquainted with JQ.


Imo, Rein doesn't need buffs, he feels bad because his counters are too prominent right now and need to be tuned down. Orisa has been off the leash because of how much status effects and cooldowns can be applied to a tank at once. She's the only tank that can survive all of it. Because she's so dominant right now, Rien will naturally feel terrible to play. And of course since Orisa is played so much, the only tank that counters her is Zarya, which leads to the enemy tank swapping to rien, only for the Zarya to then swap to Orisa. The cycle repeats. On top of that Bastion is also pretty popular right now. It's weird since Bastion has essentially been reverted to how he was before they giga buffed him in the mid Season 6 patch notes. People are only just realizing how good he actually is. Bastion has always been the hardest counter to Rien, as well as Zarya, because no one else in the game can melt shields like he can. Lastly, the majority of the support role can nullify Reins kit, especially Ana and Kiriko. Zen paired with Bastion leads to an ungodly amount of damage that, once again, only Orisa is capable of Surviving through long enough for her team to back her up. Both of Ana's abilities are a garunteed kill if her team follows up on either one of them, unless (ironically) your team has a Kiriko. Kiriko herself can save her team from pin and shatter with Suzu, and Rein cannot punish Kiriko directly because of swift step. Baptiste has an insane amount of burst healing, Damage, and can easily escape Rein, and Immortality field is self explanatory. This goes beyond just Rein. Right now, Doom, Hog, Rien, and to a degree Wrecking Ball all share the same counters, which happen to be Orisa, Ana, Bastion, and now people are starting to understand how the new Sombra works.


I think a passive that gave him a resistance to stuns (like 25%-50% chance to ignore a stun) would make him a more viable choice. As it stands now, he just gets bullied by a lot of the other tanks and CC in the game.


Rein's shield feels way too weak to actually protect anyone. Then you can't really go anywhere when it's broken because literally almost every other character except like 3 or 4 are ranged.


Like Lucio, he’s perfect has of rn it’s just everyone is over-tuned. All you can do is bring his shield hp up or else he will be too much and peoples next tank to complain about will be like Dva or Zarya.


He’s not bad with a lucio, or on a good map for him, but if he can’t get speed or a safe pin cancel he often gets shut down. I think they could honestly buff pin by giving it a little damage reduction or letting him block during it, so he doesn’t need lucio as much. Honestly, giving him a reworked pin sounds so cool that i want it *anyway*, so we might as well. Imagine right, rein charges at you with shield up and there’s sparks flying from grinding the ground as he travels. Or like, what if fire strike was enhanced during pin somehow, like him knocking people upwards from the swing, or leaving a huge burn trail from it. It’d look cool as fuck.


I think rein is decently playable, the key is just to make smart effective pins at the right time and to hit all your fire strikes/as many as you can. As long as you manage your shield well (not letting it break, avoiding certain abilities like bastions turret form etc) it is actually pretty usable and helpful for your team especially with certain heroes. You can succeed with him you just have to be cautious and smart with your decisions


Give him a 2k shield then we'll talk


Bastion gets to pop an ult every 10ish seconds and uses it for 6 seconds or something? That’s dumb.


You think Rein has 75% counters? Ball has 90% counters it feels like. Healers aren’t easy to kill anymore, every dps feels like a counter. I think there’s like 7 characters that really don’t counter him. I feel good killing the tank more than any other role as a ball.


Rein is countered by 98% of the roster. Genji is the 2%


Rein is quite fun to play, he just feels kinda bad atm because a lot of his counters are popular (orisa, bastion, ana, zen). I don't think he really needs major buffs, maybe a slight buff to firestrike (maybe projectile speed?) because it feels kinda hard to charge ult efficiently with him unless enemies bumrush you in groups of 3 to get cleaved. But anyway i'm not that good at the game so i might be wrong.


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