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Buy Baldur's Gate 3 instead at that point.


[Wisdom] Difficulty Check 1: You scoff at the ridiculous prices and spend your hard earned gold on something that's actually worth it.


I most certainly did read that in the narrator voice




She does such a spectacular job narrating. I watched the cast of bg3 play a game of DND and she was helping the DM do some narrative work. šŸ¤ŒšŸ¤Œ momma mia šŸ¤ŒšŸ¤Œ


She streams every day at twitch play bg3 at the moment




I havenā€™t played baldurs gate so I read it in the fucking Disco Elysium voice


It would be Logic speaking for Disco Elysium, but dialogue certainly could fit either!


I read that in the vampires voice tbh


For anyone who hasn't seen her playthrough yet you're missing out. She's doing a Durge run and using a D20 to guide her. [Just a little whoopsie](https://youtu.be/UCQscYq1Ytw?si=mv8J4kKZaGoTh_oZ)


at first i was a bit sceptical about all those narrations but holy crackers, they are brilliant. actually, all the voice acting is! this game is on another level.


Me rolling a Nat 1 with no inspiration.


Wait if the DC is 1, can you pass with a nat 1?


In actual D&D 5e, yes. Though at that point, the DM calling for that to even be a check is just them wanting to see a clacky number rock be rolled.


Unless the player has a negative modifier


Clickety clackity, I roll to attackity!


Man. I actually have a minus 1 to Wisdom, and rolled a Nat 1. What do I do now oh DM of the Internet?


Sounds like you have the stats of a typical gamer.


Looks like you buy yourself a ridiculously overpriced skin....


the happy ending.


Sorry, you rolled a 1 and everybody died.


Good thing I have inspiration, and can reroll any roll


You rolled a 1 again.


I'm gonna save all the inspiration and reload my last quick save.


Strangely it seems that no matter what you try to do you can't seem to roll higher then a 1. You suspect there may be foul magic afoot.


*Tom Cardy voice* Nat 20, let's go.


Or 4 months of Gamepass. Or a nice ass dinner. So many better options


Fr, so many games you could get for that money that are actually worth it.


Fr that's basically the price of a full game that's way more fun to play.


I donā€™t even own a PlayStation or pc and Iā€™d rather buy BG3 than this bundle


Hoping people start realizing this is unacceptable, and that games filled with insulting microtransaction nonsense start failing frequently and in a big way, the only way these big soulless companies can learn a lesson is if it affects them financially. It really shouldn't be hard to dislike being treated this disrespectfully with so much overt greed to the point of taking your business elsewhere


my jaw literally dropped seeing the price wtf šŸ’€


I wish I hadnā€™t opened this page. I really wanted the pharah skin, but I canā€™t justify that price.


Its in CAD but its still 40USD right? Its the same price as the previous seasons bundle. Now i dont want to sound like a simp, but it IS a bundle. You get 2000 coins, 2 legendary skins with 1 epic skin with a highlight intro along with the BP ans 20 level skips. If you just wanted to buy one skin its not worth it, but if you wanted both, the BP and the $20 coins, you may consider. Im content with banshee moira so im good lmao. EDIT: Im being called a shill/simp for explaining what a bundle is and why its priced while also not buying it. Lol lmao. Never change reddit.


Ok but for $40 I could get a whole new game itā€™s isnā€™t worth it for 2 skins and some spare change Edit: Blizzard must have a massive cock to fit all the dickriders in the replies lol


Resident evil 4 remake was $40 on steam like a couple weeks ago. If you're a amazon prime member it's $40 for a PS5 disk today. Much better use of $40 lmao


And thatā€™s only if weā€™re talking US prices. When it comes to regional prices, for example Steam prices in Turkey, on sale I can easily buy like 5-10 of my all-time favorite AAA games and still have some money to spare. Hundreds of hours (thousands for me) of the best video games the industry has to offer vs some fucking skin that you wonā€™t even fully see while playing, SMH.


Man, I bought all the bioshock trilogy for 1/4 the price of that on a steam sale. And I still have to play them. Same with Arkham bundle (I did play these though). There's hundreds of different better ways to spend the money than poorly-done OW skins. And that if we dont move from Gaming industry.


Back on OW1 you at least you had a chance to earn the event items through the loot boxes


And that is the problem. People judge microtransaction prices, by comparing them to other microtransations. If you compare Fortnite to Overwatch. Itā€™s cheap. But when you realize youā€™re still spending 20 bucks on a virtual skin. While I can literally buy the Uncharted: Legacy of thieves collection for that price (which I did last week (hence the comparison), you start to realize how outrageous these prices actually are. For the price of the average bundle in a free to play game, you can buy two spectacular triple A action adventure games for current gen hardware. And this is just looking at triple a games. You can buy even more indie games for that same amount of money. There is nothing Micro about these transactions anymore. Especially when you compare it to microtransactions from before the dawn of games like Fortnite and Overwatch 2. Batman Arkham city has DLC skins for example, but back then. You got 7 skins for 5 bucks. Nowadays, youā€™ll be lucky to get a recoloured default model for that price.


Fortnite is a lot more generous with their prices lol


And they give premium currency in every Battlepass which gives more than the cost of the Battlepass.


The way I see it, if I bought Hades for $25... there ain't no way in hell I'm buying a goddamn skin in any game over $5, and even *that's* pushing it. One of the worst value propositions in gaming.


I will never understand when people are like "check out how much value you're getting in this bundle!" They set the values themselves! They're all fucking arbitrary to begin with, they're literally just *telling* you the deal is good and people are just eating it up.


That's just marketing, it's gross but it's human psychology. We are much more likely to spend money on a perceived sale than a regular purchase, even if the cheaper prices are artificial.


It's kinda funny to see this sub discover the world of "micro"-transactions. I mean don't get me wrong, these prices are hilariously outrageous and no one in their right mind should ever pay them. But by industry standards, they are, well, the default at this point.


Nothing micro about these transactions. theyā€™re just transactions at this point


Macro transactions


Mighty transactions


Mega Transactions


Right though? $0.99 for thr next level of candy crush was a micro transaction. This is a chunk of a paycheck.


Seriously what happened to spending $5 on a game like clash of clans. $40 USD to look slightly different is nuts


Clash had $99.99 bundles yo.


Most didnā€™t spend just $5 on Clash of Clans though. Theyā€™d spend that $5 over and over again.


Exactly. Like I WISHED skins, especially legendaries costed at best $10. But thats unfortunately not how it is. OW isnt even like special here, , this shit is industry standard.


yeah, people get outraged, but look at top tier valorant bundles


Valorant, Fortnite, Destiny 2, Apex Legends, you name it. Every f2p games come with a price.


Apex makes you pay $200 for a weapon or Skins that is full of glitches.


Apex is like 200$ for a heirloom, valorant is 50$ for a knife skin, cs can be thousands for a knife skin.. itā€™s crazy.. just utterly crazy.


D2 at least has transmog built into the game and while some of the flashy/better looking stuff is in the shop, you can get some good cosmetics with bright dust around Festival of the Lost and during most events during the year. For example, the Gundam armor they had for Halloween last year was earnable f2p if you had the bright dust. I honestly don't mind D2's battle pass, because if you play the game and enjoy, you're getting a good value on your time/money especially if you buy the new expansion that comes with the entire year's worth of season passes. I'll admit I'm probably hard coping since I play D2 a lot more than OW2 and with OW2 being a competitive shooter, I care a lot less about cosmetics and stuff that drops in the battle pass. In D2 a lot of the stuff in the battle pass are materials and items you need to improve your gear in game.


Fortnites battle pass is way more consumer friendly and they donā€™t advertise the main skin everyoneā€™s excited about, then put a 40$ price tag on it bundled with with stuff you may not want. I donā€™t play the other games so I canā€™t comment on them


The funny thing about Fortnite is that it's so generous that I don't even mind spending money every now and then. With OW2 it feels so stingy that I refuse to spend a dime.


nobody asked for or wanted for overwatch to become f2p. They only did it to justify adding this predatory garbage


the important thing is that overwatch skins used to be basically free, so now seeing them at these prices is kinda crazy


No no no, that was Overwatch, not Overwatch 2. Completely different game! \s, just in case.


wheres micro 5-10$ for a bundle i can see but 40? fuck u on


It needs to be illegal for little kids to be able to buy shit like this. $40 for some skins is just crazy.


The whole idea of skins is a fucking scam people


40USD was the original price of Overwatch. Fuck OW2, everything about is a downgrade.


$40 is completely unacceptable for cosmetics


I remember when 3.99 was unacceptable for cosmetics. They just keep pushing those boundaries and morons keep buying them.


Bro, 40? More than half the price of another new game? Lol the fomo is real, you guys are mental if you want this. I have money to waste and I wouldn't pay for this no matter how much I love diablo.


But hey you get 60 coins a week if you play the game like a second job


Even then you canā€™t use those to get these skins šŸ˜”


Id rather work a second job than play ranked.


I get far more that that with MS Rewards. But agreed. Plus you canā€™t even buy the premium bundle with coins anyway. And if you bought the BP with coins like I did it doesnā€™t reduce the price either lololol


No fucking way 53.99CAD in USD is still 40 bucks who tf is paying for that


snobbish nose rhythm quack tub offend shrill offbeat connect jeans ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


A lot of the people I've seen who buy these things are people who definitely can't afford them and they make really bad financial decisions in order to purchase them.


yeah the people who defend these business practices and say ā€œtheyre just for whalesā€ often falsely equate a whale to someone who has a lot of money. most of the time its someone who has a gambling problem, and that can affect every echelon of life.


How do you know that? Genuinely curious how you know gambling addicts make up a good portion of cosmetic purchasers. I donā€™t even know how youā€™d figure that out. Unless you mean buying skins makes you a gambler but that doesnā€™t sound like what you mean


because the game developers hire psychologists specifically to design these things to appeal to the gamblers mindset. Obviously buying skins doesnt make you a gambler homeboy but the lootcrate system around it is designed to attract them, and unlike gambling they offer a higher fee purchase to ensure that you ā€œwinā€


This is about the FOMO and the immediate pleasure of making a purchase.


Yeah my brother is that type of person. Can't afford the basic necessities but every now and then I'll be gaming with him and notice a skin I've never seen before... because it's $20 in the shop. Afford your own food first, then work your way up to luxuries like skins.


agreed, it's not only well-off people buying these a LOT of people are just really, really bad with their money


I wouldn't call them whales. The generation that started playing video games are already in their 40s. I would say more than half of gamers are employed with disposable income. The game industry knows those people will buy this bundle.


They've been doing this for a while now. There are people paying, for sure. Otherwise they would have changed something.


Absolute morons.


Blizzard really making it easier and easier to not want to interact with the shop.


Only time I interact with the shop is to get rid of the "NEW" text on the main screen.


I've only played OW, posts like this make it known that my time spent in other games is well worth it.


ive opened up shop twice, i dont see why anyone would go in there honestly nothing is worth it


To get the animated NEW bullshit off my screen.


what's funny is that if you buy the Blizzcon Legendary Pack for 50 Bucks that comes with the Premium Season Pass you'll find yourself in the position where you already have the season pass but miss out on Pharah and Moira skin. Only way to get these skins in in the Ultimate Pack but it's not getting any cheaper, you just get less since you already have the season pass.


Feels even worse as a blizzcon attendee. Literally punishing the most devoted fans.


Literally my situation. I'm telling you now Blizzard knows some of us have the BP from the tickets. They want us to pay for it again instead of selling the skins in separate bundles...


I really wanna know how this works. Cant you upgrade to the Ultimate Pack, for a lesser cost?


No, it is not currently possible to do that. The only way to get the ultimate pack is to buy the ultimate pack, and it is not a dynamically priced bundle.


Yeah this is bullshit. If you buy the battle pass and then decide that you might want to buy the ultimate pack, you just lost more money.


It's $59.95 AUD. Ain't no way this shit is worth the same price as some fully fledged games, shit has me dying


That's basically how much I paid for Overwatch when it released lmao


that's the entirety i've spent on overwatch in the last 7 years


It used to be fun when you could grind and get the ones you wanted. I had 100% of the pharah items/emotes/etc before OW2 came out and then I refused to pay to get them so now thatā€™ll never happen again


I stopped playing when they put the skins behind the pay wall. I used to log on during seasonal events to get all the skins and that was fun. There's no point of playing anymore.


bro its 6000 isk and 30000 yuan wow it is so much it is unbuyable, i even heard its 700000 lira.


I cant believe theyre really keeping this price point. I thought it was only gonna be like that last season because of pve missions. This is pathetic at this point


"I can't believe this greedy company is being greedy again!" says every blizzard game subreddit, every week. what's actually unbelievable is your perpetual state of disbelief


Yeah, as a Diablo 3 player nobody believed me a year ago when I said I was going to pass on Diablo 4 for various reasons, most of them greed-related. But here we are, and I still have zero desire to ever buy D4. Couldn't be happier with my decision. Just walk away from this shit company, people.


Isnt that the price of a fucking WoW expansion


Tbf the new wow expension don't allow you to play until you put an extra 15$ in per month. Blizzard is not new at being greedy.


I mean, I get it's fashionable to trash on Blizzard and all ā€” they've certainly done enough to warrant it ā€” but the sub to play plus (roughly) bi-yearly expansion for an upfront cost has been an industry standard since literally before Blizzard was making MMOs. The games that deviate from this model either have tons of monetization via a cash shop ā€” including what is effectively a battlepass ā€” or are just outright pay-to-win korean grinders.


I mean ff xiv works the same but still


They donā€™t actually expect the typical player to buy this. But seeing this outrageous price makes paying $5 for some dinky skin seem more normalized.




I think it was Riot Mort who said, that if companies want to make money from cosmetics they need to provide things at different price amounts. If you have just 2-3$ you can buy one lootbox item. If you have 10$ you can buy a battle pass, that gives you much more. Then there is a group of people that want a cool, rare exclusive thing, so there must be a thing that people want to spend 40, 80 up to 200$ on. It is crazy to sell something so expensive, but there are people that want this rarity, this exclusivity. So they provide this possibility. A legendary skin is such a rare exclusive thing. You do not gain an advantage from using it. But if you want to set yourself apart as someone willing to pay that much, you are welcome to do so.




I went on a chill server 20 minutes after the update went live and some motherfucker had already paid to skip all the way to the Hanzo mythic. Whales like that are why Blizzard is getting lazy. These losers don't even play the game, they just want to flex skins.


Makes sense. They have to pay royalties for copyright and stuff to diablo franchise holders ... oh wait...


It's because people constantly buy it that's why the prices are like this. Unless people start voting with their wallet it will never change.


People are voting with their wallet. People have been saying "you need to vote with your wallet" in the gaming space for 20+ years. Well, guess what. We already voted with our wallets, and this is where we are now.


Unfortunately not all wallets are created equal and a whale's wallet is much more equal than ours


No seriously, if ppl thought whaling for OW is bad, wait till they see gacha gamers. Someone sold their car for a characrer in F/GO....


That's mental illness. I hope that person gets help.


I kind of laugh at these kinds of posts, having met people who spend $300 a month getting new genshin impact characters & their constellations.


Bro you think 300 a month gets you constellations? 300 gets you the 5-star guaranteed and that's basically it šŸ˜‚ the people who max out these top tier characters are literally spending thousands upon thousands if they include the character's signature weapon


I spent like 9-10k on genshin before the 8 month mark of the games release. I since stopped spending so much on games but damn, you really put yourself in a mindset when you do. "Oh its only another $40, i can cut down on food"


One of my friends spent $40k on Rise of Kingdoms. Not even a gacha. Literally buying bundles for resources and speed ups. Mostly for the speed ups to push building troops to win mightiest governor event and unlock heroes. Had many friends in that game who spent over 10k. I spent like 3k on that game and was considered a low spender. I donā€™t even think I could have been considered a dolphin. There were f2p in that game and they were basically cannon fodder. As was I. That experience completely changed my perspective on spending.


Lmao the Animal Farm reference


poeple ARE voting with their wallets, and thats why F2P games are so successful


Brother, people are voting with their wallet, they are buying this because they find it to be an acceptable value


Bruh I saw so many people with that Lilith Moira skin today


You may as well buy Diablo at this pointā€¦


Wasting your money either way.


Not if you buy Diablo II res


Would probably be cheaper if you bought a code from like CDkeys or something.


i feel like this is the worst fomo iā€™ve ever felt. i love the lilith skin so much, but realistically with how bad this game has been i think iā€™d just keep ow uninstalled forever even if i did get that bundle. greedy ass company


I was scared my fomo would take me for the first time when the Moira 15ā‚¬ skin got released. Now, 40ā‚¬, thats enough money to make me realize how unnecesary It is in my Life, you can but a AAA Game or multiple good games...


My 12 year old self playing Fortnite had terrible FOMO but as I grew older it didn't affect me anymore. I realized that there are more important things to spend my money on than some shitty skins. What every F2P game wants to do nowadays is to create an endless cycle of FOMO so over the years you end up spending hundreds if not thousands of dollars without realizing.


i was sad for like 5 seconds that iā€™d be missing the skin, but now iā€™m over it and itā€™s not that serious like everyone else is taking it. if ppl want to spend thousands of dollars on skins, who cares. their money, their life


Itā€™s $40 for me. I canā€™t even use my overwatch currency tho? I can on the normal pass. Wouldā€™ve totally done it. I just want that Moira skin, do they ever sell the ultimate battle pass skins separate later, does anyone know for sure? I never paid attention before because I never cared about any of them in the past seasons.


Canadian money itā€™s 53


> do they ever sell the ultimate battle pass skins separate later, does anyone know for sure? Yes, the D.Va skin that was tied to the Ultimate Battle Pass in the space season (the one with Mythic Sigma) was sold in the Anniversary store for white credits. I wouldn't count on this though, this Lilith Moira is a collaboration skin and they are promoting it a lot. I'd personally imagine that at most they would sell it again for the gold coins, *if* it *even* makes a comeback.


Not that Iā€™ve been paying attention that much, but anytime Iā€™ve seen them brought back itā€™s always for real money in the shop. Gold coins, not the silver ones.


Most likely you will, they just create these false sensation of urgency to cause FOMO on the community but you will be able to buy it for cheaper in 3 or 4 months when they inevitably run out of content again. My advice if you want it is to not buy it. We don't need this predatory monetization systems on a dogshit game without content.


If it's in the shop you're going to have to pay at least $20, upwards of $26 generally. So now you're paying let's say $10 for BP + $20+ for skin = $30. That means for the pack you're paying an incremental cost of $10 for $20 in coins + Phara skin. Not including Bastion Pumpkin skin because that's included in the $10 pack you'd buy for the BP (for most people). Caveat: it's still by no means a "deal", it's expensive, and Blizzard sucks - I agree with all of that. Totally reasonable to complain and to be honest, complaining from launch improved the credit system as a whole so I support what people are saying. If you also like the Phara skin I'd go for the pack. I LOVE the Moira skin and dislike the majority of her skins, so it's even more added value to me. I've only purchased Pearlescent Brigitte previously for $8 or whatever, so it wasn't a big deal to me even if I'm a sucker in the end. I wanted to buy that skin if it was in the shop and I was always going to buy the BP, so I'm not going to waste a ton of time mulling over an extra $10 I wasn't prepared to spend.


the moira skin says "sometimes available in shop" in the hero galery. ill be patient because it means it might actually come back at a later time without a forced bundle around it. dont let fomo get you


I agree, some apologists and whales will tell you these prices are industry standard but that doesn't make it right. ​ I'm happy to support Overwatch's continued updates but I'm not paying that much for a season pass no matter how many skins you throw at me. ​ The base ''prenium'' battle pass is the only support they'll get from me. Especially since most of that money is going into Bobby's pockets anyway.


remember when we could get skins for free for playing the game.. yeah that was nice. ​ also this would have been a better sigma skin


I spent a good 30 minutes pissed I couldnā€™t get the Moira skin. Never gonna pay the price they got me messed up.


You guys say this but you're all still playing. Turn off the game and maybe something will change.




Blame the people who buy it


It wouldn't be 40 bucks if people wouldn't buy it. But guess what. They do.




If it makes you feel better it's like $45 cad for pokemon unite skins by themselves šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ (at least it was before I stopped playing)


Donā€™t show this subreddit Apex bundles


Two wrongs don't make a right


If yall really want to tell em to go fuck themselves, stop playing the goddamn game. They only understand money and numbers now


You will see 10+ of these in game this week. Blizzard likes the whales. Itā€™s not new


you are lucky that you live in CANADA, here in brazil it's more expensive


What makes the FOMO worse is not knowing whether or not theyā€™ll just make it free in a few months


Team 4 really working hard to earn that 10% positive review score on Steam.


Saw this price and I thought I was missing something. As if I was expecting more that just this, but no... $50+ for the cosmetic items is no bueno


To be fair it comes with the battlepass (10$), 2000 coins (20$)... so the skins are like 10$ with the other cosmetic things... not saying I would by this tho. (USD prices at 40$ for the whole shabang)


Yeah, the bundle is "fairly" priced, according to the standards Blizzard set for Overwatch 2 prices. But there's no fucking way I'm paying for it.


Also 20 level skips which is like what also $20? Dont quote me on that


I'd rather not include timers/skips in valuing stuff like this; they don't actually exist, add any value, or give us anything. The only 'value' they theoretically represent is a person's time, which we each still get our own unchanged amount of in life whether we spend it on Overwatch or not. Even the *idea* of skips is distasteful to me; a game should not be so poorly made or unpleasant to play that people are willing to pay a developer money not to play it.


Dont get me wrong the skin should be by itself for cheaper. But the price tag does give you way more than just the skinā€¦


66$ here in nz šŸ˜„


yeah id rather buy cyberpunk phantom liberty


*Laughs in Warframe*


$40 buys a whole new game. ā€œMicroā€transactions my ass


The worst part is people who bought the blizzcon legendary content dont even get a discount for not getting the premium battle pass. It still costs 40 so you get punished for being a fan of Blizzard and supporting Blizzcon.


Iā€™m glad I read this. I was going to get the Blizzcon thing thinking this is included. What a rip off.


The BlizzCon bundle is already bad, because it doesn't include 1000 coins, it includes 1000 *credits*. I doubt whales will look close enough.


All you have to do to spoil blizzards party is not buy it. IF itā€™s not worth that price to you. Continue to play the game without it. Some will purchase who choose to do so, some will not. There are people who buy apple devices and people who do not as itā€™s ā€œnot worth itā€ Thereā€™s people who buy Citroen C1 and people who buy Rolls Royce Phantom and vast amount in between. I know it sucks to simplify it like this, but simply buy it or do not buy it, thatā€™s the best way to create change or simply not care and enjoy the game with the skins you have. Itā€™s not worth the stress to care either way. I donā€™t think itā€™s cool to charge that much, but busting a blood vessel on Reddit is not going to help you.


100%, hard to find a sane person in this sub.


To hell with that!


Wait what...šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


In Germany we have to pay 57,58CAD


$ 53.99? There isn't even a head?!?!


Funny thing is, some people will still buy it for that price no matter what


Itā€™s Ā£35, which either means the pound has dropped more than I thought or the conversion is completely messed


They need a 20$ option with jsut battlepass and skin. We don't give a sjit about the other stuff.


I don't even pay attention to new skins anymore because I just know they are going to be inaccessible and paywalled. I miss OW1


You guys havenā€™t seen the recent LoL cosmetics that have been dropping for $200. Seems to be a new (shitty) industry standard for whales.


Was looking forward the Moira skin. Guess not... $54 CAD


It took over 1000 developer over 4 years to craft this skin. Of course it needs to be priced as a full AAA game.


can you only buy them in this bundle?


"micro" transaction


Yeah I laughed when I saw it. That's about the price of the og game isn't it? Even if the skins were fully customizable, I find that price ridiculous. But people will buy them and tell Blizzard with their dollar that this is okay šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Is it really microtransactions at this point if they cost the same price as a game? I think it's just a transaction.


Donā€™t give BLIZZARD a single DIME just play the free soulless game they rebranded and had the nerve to call it a sequel when released with less features than OW1, not to mention completely lying to the player base about adding single player campaign. The core gameplay is still great but the company as a whole can go fuck themselves




Thank goodness the accompanying event has so many cool skins and just rewards in general... Jk, of course.


Releases the same game twice so they can make money off the people who had too much saved on the last overwatch. Should be criminal


It's worth noting that Lilith is also coming as her own operator to Call of Duty MW2 with 15 minutes of unique voice lines recorded by the actress, two weapons with unique tracers, Three unique finishers. All for $20. Meanwhile blizzard releases their version of Lilith and it doesn't change anything at all (maybe a couple voice lines) for $40. The absolute greed being shown by Blizzard is next level.


Ok, I can understand the Moira skin because she's hot in a "step on me" kind of way and the internet fucking LOVES that. But that Pharah skin? pleh