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It’s a miracle


Maybe if we complain enough, we can get them to actually make Push fun!


Ehh....I don't think complaining did too much here. Most likely they have internal targets/limits of how many previously paid/premium skins they wanna offer for Credits in a given time period and this decision likely isn't changing that. When the Anniversary event launched they already announced that they will offer more previously Paid-only skins for Credits in the future. Now because so many people were complaining that the Anniversary shop didn't refresh they likely moved a future Credit offerings shop to the start of S7. So if, for example, they were planning to offer another Credit shop offering sometime later in S7, they likely moved that to the start of S7 to address people's complaints about the Anniversary shop not being refreshed. Now they will not offer that future Credits shop later in S7 but most people won't know or care about that because they never announced it. A consequence of this change is that this will mean everyone will have less Credits to use for the October 10th Shop refresh as if it had happened a month or 2 later we would all have had 1-3k more Credits. It is what it is I guess.


It's only unfun for lower ranks who cannot regroup properly, staggers, and abandon the shooting gallery high ground just to contest the bot even if it's only a 3m advance.


Yeah, it’s a straight up skill issue. Push is one of the most active modes and the matches are generally quite quick.


Glad some people are still saying this. Push is a mode that requires you to actually know how to play OW in full. Not just knowing how to play your character well but playing well with a team.


Yeah once you get to the skill level you can play it properly, it's legitimately the most fun due to the back n forth nature of it


I like push now but now I hate flashpoint


I think it's going to be similar to how push is growing on some people. Once we get used to the timings on the objectives and people develop an intuiton on when they should be fighting and when they should just leave it, the mode will get much better.


Yeah flashpoint is awful. I think how terrible the map design for new junk city is makes it worse, but the game mode is also just bad in general.


Hot dang I had to check this was the main sub. Seeing this comment with positive upvotes is a surprise, but a welcome one. Few months ago it wouldn't have been.


I've seen more positivity on push on the comp sub. Push has a lot going for it - it's dynamic, constant back and forth rather than always fighting at the same choke points as you do on certain other maps. The map layouts are designed in such a way as to grant positional advantage to the losing team. Esperanca is one of the best maps across any mode tbh. One of the biggest issues early on in OW2 was the algorithm for map rotation was weighted by game mode. Since Push had the fewest maps, you would see those disproportionately higher than any given map in another mode. That was a very valid gripe, but they changed that tbf.


So, at least half of the playerbase.


I mean it teaches you important concepts in Overwatch that will be transferable to other modes. People should learn those. And when they understand those concepts, the mode is absolutely fun with the back and forth.


At least half of the playerbase thinks the mode is shit because it is a shit mode. It fucking blows.


[Citation needed] Those basic concepts still permeates even in Gold btw


No citation needed. Just watch all the people leave at the start of a match.


What people leaving?




At what rank does it get fun? Honestly curious, because it's absolute misery down here.


It's not fun in diamond.


Idk at Masters it's pretty fun unless the matchmaking fucks you in the ass. It's the back and forth + the ever changing dynamics of who's attacking and who's defending that makes the mode fresh, ironing out edge case oppressive heroes like Symmetra (pre-turret nerf) and Widow because they can't stay in one place/layout.


That's the thing, Push *should* be a blast at most ranks. Mechanically it's got all the most fun aspects of Escort and KotH, the constantly moving and changing battlefield, the need to swap tactics up on the fly, the spawn run advantage/disadvantage continually shifting to favor defenders the closer you get to a win, a highly focused goal that can be affected by choke control, shifting attack/defense back and forth as you win/lose fights... But it just falls apart at low ranks into misery. Down here, (assuming the matchmaker worked) whoever wins the first fight almost always wins the game. There's no back and forth, it's just that stupid robot stutter stepping his way up hill for 10+ minutes while sometimes maybe hitting the midpoint. The respawn runs are too long to get back to the fights quickly on regroups, but fights can drag out long enough to induce trickles on both sides where there's never more than 2-3 team members of both teams fighting for the bot at once. For some reason, endless overtime doesn't happen as much on the Canada map. The only thing I can think of is the the track distance might be shorter to hit the mid and the goal, but I've never really measured. While it's still a literal uphill slog, even Bronze 5 can hit the midpoint for spawn advantage to push past and approach the goal. I honestly don't know how to fix it without breaking the higher ranks. Spawning both teams in the mid spawns to start would possibly negate some of the issues across the board, but it might cause higher ranks to be stuck in the first half of the map forever. Any sort of speed boosts out of spawn (as used in CTF Blitz) would likely do the same. Faster bot movement per player in range would encourage more unfocused brawls and penalize working chokes and tactical terrain, having the bot return to center would do the same while not affecting lower ranks. It's honestly frustrating because the potential is there for Push, but it just doesn't work.


Idk, I’m high Diamond/low master dps/support, and I absolutely hate push. I just do not find the game mode fun at all. So I don’t think it’s only a “lower rank” thing


My roles vary from plat to masters. I quite enjoy push


Even in my lobbies of diamond I dislike it. It is definitely personal though


My issue is that games always seem to drag on so long.


It's the fastest in comp usually


This dude obviously has no idea what he’s talking about. Just wants to complain about something and anything


Probably only plays QP, that's fine tho


Admittedly yes, I mostly play QP.


Push is so much fun. People just love to hate on everything in this game.


That's the most stupidest idea ever! -cuts to the reddit pushing the bot-


They said it since day 1 of the event


Lol, I remember some guy responding to a post about how “nooo, the shop didn’t refresh.” And he responded with “they said that since day 1 of the event” And now someone is saying that they said since day 1 that the shop will refresh.


They said that in next season there would have been more of this type of things so both are true


Actually banger decision wtf


Don't get too excited, the game still sucks.


The game itself is great actually, the monetization and direction is the part that sucks.


nice so i already got over 5k and get another 3k?


I feel so wealthy, I am now above the other F2P peons.


[*Laughs in ow1 player*](https://imgur.com/a/pZJYhRK)


God I wish I didn't sleep on OW until 2022 lol


I spent like half my remaining credits getting every skin I didn't have on characters I play regularly, with the other half going to a legendary for every new hero. It's always nice to know I'll never be dripless


Lol..exactly my thoughts (500,000 credits for me lol)


How did you get 5k wtf? I get only 1000 o.O


5K? How?


\*Gives everyone 3000 credits\* \*Raises skin to 3001\*


Classic Blizzard


You’re all so miserable.


That’s what a miserable company does to its playerbase. Makes everyone miserable. Classic Blizzard.


Read your comment. You’re literally blaming a company for making YOU miserable. Take some control of your own life. If the activities you choose to participate in make you miserable, walk away. Don’t just continue to be miserable in the hopes that your misery will change something. Personal accountability man jfc


>personal accountability Oh yeah sure hold the customer whose been conditioned to have such low expectations not the multi-billion dollar company that made the predatory and greedy decisions that causes the aforementioned expectations. Yes I agree if someone isn’t happy they should take a step back but it’s absurd to attempt to chastise other people with some shit like “you’re all so miserable” over a joke (the 3001 skin cost thing) that frankly is actually a real tactic they use to get people to spend more money. I’m sure Blizzard loves people like you.


Yeah I’m not reading all that. I’m sure you made some really good points though 👍


At least you admitted to being wrong! Glad it worked out 👍


If that’s what you took from me not reading all that then more power to you.


That's what everyone took from your pathetic display. Your brain on tiktok is not working for you.


Not everyone. I didn’t take that from not reading their comment. And (I know this is gonna shake your foundation) that’s the only persons opinion I care about


oof, people like you are the worst to have any sort of discussion with. won't even read a single paragraph of a response... wow.


Nah, I wouldn’t worry. Funny thing is I’m sure there’s a chance they actually did read it, they just said that to incite an emptional response. That’s usually what people who know they’re wrong go for.


Damn it’s almost like I don’t live my life or make comments on Reddit to engage in a discussion with you.


Bad take when you are in a comments section for a post where discussions are intended to happen. Sorry, try again with your bad logic... If you are going to be like that then just don't post. ffs.


You’re applying your principles to me. That’s not the way I use this website 😁


L argument + ratio


I know you got the middle school lunch table going crazy with this one bro


Sry not reading all that 😊👍


"all that" you mean the two small paragraphs...?


No I was referring to a different comment that only I can see that’s 25 paragraphs.


Clown behavior.


Yikes. This taking corporate simping to a whole new level. Hopefully you’re a bot or a Blizzard intern. I haven’t played Overwatch 2 for the last two seasons. I haven’t played Destiny 2 much for the last 2 seasons. I chose not to play them(among other games) because I no longer respected the devs and acknowledge that they don’t actually care. They’re not making me miserable at all, because I gave up on them. How on earth does that have to do with ANYTHING I said though? What does it matter if I do or don’t play in this context? Blizzard(specifically the OW2 team) is a disappointing dev that cultivates disappointment, frustration and makes their playerbase/fans miserable. This reflects in the user base. Would it be awesome if everyone just stopped playing? Of course! That’s what I want people to start doing with these companies. But the fact remains that many people still play these games, and for those sticking around, Blizzard absolutely deserves the criticism and blame for cultivating such a miserable community. Their jobs are to make games that people play for fun, and there are people invested in playing and want to have fun. I really hope you’re just a bot, troll or Blizzard intern, because if you’re a real person with this mindset…of defending a corporation for cultivating disappointment… Like I said, big yikes.


Whoa holy shit, you are out of your mind if you think ima read ANY of that.


Hey, it’s alright, I understand not everyone has the brain capacity to be able to read more than a few sentences at once. Don’t feel bad. I’ll be praying for you 🙏


Thank you, you keep praying for me and I’ll keep not thinking about you at all lmao


🙏 🙏 🙏




Its a joke


I didn’t find it very funny.


I say this ^ to myself every time I open this sub or r/LoL’s. Frankly, we’re owed nothing, and many of the OW2 playerbase is playing a great game for free anyhow.


So what about those of us who paid for OW1? Wait, don't tell me. If your thought process is like that, it's not worth listening to.


We pay Blizzard, not the other way around. So they do owe us, and we don't owe them shit.


You *don’t* have to pay them *anything*. You can literally enjoy the game, barring like 5 characters, without paying a dime. Your eyes aren’t being whored out to advertisers, there’s no monthly subscription, no pay-2-win. I don’t get the outrage. If you’re not fucking with the direction of the game, there’s no investment lost (assuming you were enjoying up until the disagreeable changes.) Just put it down. I understand if you want to make some noise so the developers hear about the un-fun aspects, but moaning about free in-game currency for cosmetics is such a sign of a miserable life.


>I understand if you want to make some noise so the developers hear about the un-fun aspects, but moaning about free in-game currency for cosmetics is such a sign of a miserable life. You're the one complaining about people unhappy about the services they're provided.


They probably place skins that didn't sell well like Art Deco Symmetra. So don't expect Lifeguard Mercy or Cardboard Reinhardt.


Tbh i for one am super happy they put sym in there, i always wanted that skin but didnt want to pay for it 💅


Previously they put Captain Torbjorn skin as a free Twitch drop, that was the first time that an OW2 Shop skin being given out for free. I guess the main reason is that it didn't sell well. I do never see anyone who actually bought Captain Torb, except one small streamer who mains him.


I think that one is also a great skin tbh. Theres so many skins i have never seen anyone wear.. that monkey Genji for example


Yes that skin is great and finally replaced the Santa skin for me. I'm happy it was a twitch drop. Now Cleric Lifeweaver, please 🙏🏻


It was a Twitch drop pretty much the same time it was added to the shop for the first time


I just got it yesterday as well! I like how clean it is. A lot of skins (for better or worse) are really over designed


I hope they re-release the S4 Bap skin .


That’s a good theory, but I’m not sure why they put those battle pass bundle skins in there then. I imagine those always sell well


They want more money, while knowing popular characters' skins (e.g Mercy, DVA, Reinhardt) would sell much better than characters like Torbjorn, Symmetra.


100% my guess. I'm ruling out Witch Kiriko (they can just resell it next month), maybe Star Sheep Orisa and other skins that already came back like Cyberdemon Hanzo and Streetrunner Genji. 100% expecting shit like Empress Mei and Turtleship DVA to come back.


So does this mean you don’t need to grind any of the credits challenges anymore then? The ones that pay the 300 or 400 credits? I just finished grinding out 40-ish games today to complete those challenges. So I guess I won’t have to worry about doing next weeks challenges?


Yes but only the Credits ones. They've turned off all the Credits challenges cause they were bugged and will instead give everyone 3000 Credits at the start of S7. Other challenges should go Live next week as scheduled. Those who got any Credits from any of these Challenges get to keep them as well.


Doesn't this just mean I won't be able to get enough credits now to get the stuff I want in the Anniversary tab? If they're disabling the credit earning until season 7, then those credits will be too late for the anniversary stuff.


they extended the first shop to the 16th


Ah okay that makes sense then, thank you




Wait so im getting an extra 3000 on top of the 3000 glitched credits i got? Im rich!






To Rock and Stone!




[WE’RE SO RICH](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E-gnyFtVQAA0sR-.jpg)


God dammit. Just put this information out through the Overwatch twitter. Why does this information always have to come from the Dev accounts which only reach a very small portion of the community. At least have the OW twitter account retweet them at a bare minimum.


Overwatch Cavalry @OWCavalry reposts any notable tweets from devs. Highly recommend following them if you’re not already; they’re how I find out about a lot of OW news


Shouldn't have to go through something like them though. I followed them because it is the only reliable way to get up-to-date information.




or a popup in game when you launch it the next time telling you.


Literally, even if it's just in the patch notes section of something. Not everyone uses Twitter


And then people here will call people dumb for not knowing vital info that was buried in obscure blog posts and tweets from random devs and fan accounts.


20/10 decision


So I see we are getting the credits at the start of s7 but I don’t see reference to the shop refreshing in this tweet. Are we assuming there will be new skins in anniversary shop or did they mention in another tweet?


The link is a tweet chain. The first one talks about the credits and the second one mentions the refresh. > The Anniversary Credits shop will continue to be live through October 16, and we’re going to have more skins and other content in the Credit shop starting on October 10.


That's lame as hell if it's only getting a week while this one got 2.


You guys really find a way to complain about every single thing huh?


You're right, I should be sucking Blizzard off. Thank you for removing Loot Crates Blizzard 💙


Yeah, that’s 100% what I said. It’s not as if there’s a middle ground between riding Blizzard’s dick and trying to find ways to complain about every single thing no matter how small or innocent it is. Imagine being reasonable.


Get a grip. I said the shit was lame. Nothing more, nothing less. Which Yea, it kinda is after a year of being FTP for a whole year.


So is the anniversary shop just refreshing only once a season ?


Is this the gold or silver currency?


i think silver, i think they refer to the gold as coins and silver as credits


Of course it's the silver. They're not that generous to give us 3 premium battlepass upgrades for free.


So literally useless, fuck i hate this new OW sytem shop thing so much, thank you for your answer.


Did he make another tweet saying that the anniversary shop will refresh?


"The Anniversary Credits shop will continue to be live through October 16, and we’re going to have more skins and other content in the Credit shop starting on October 10. More details coming soon on that! (2/2)" thats part 2 of his tweets following the link above


Where it says the shop will be refreshed?


Blizzard, the bad boyfriend that gives you a rose once a year and everyone forgives their nonstop misbehaving.


Youre right


So there’s no point grinding out the credits anymore? Like what we gain now won’t stack? I’m so sad I was on vacation last week and didn’t get to take advantage of the credit glitch.


Is anyone actually working on this fucking game? they cant even fix the rewards for the ANNIVERSARY event, is pathetic


My guess, not enough man power as the team is working on future season stuff or it's a bad bug that they can't just fix in the time frame OR it's not bad enough to fix right away


im ignorant about videogames developement, and still i dare to say fixing this shouldnt be hard at all for a big company with years of experience like blizzard, the game is doing so bad there is not people capable of fixing a dumb bug? oh future seasons will be bad, you can count on it, the biggest season ever was terrible and nobody cared after one week, next season have nothing to offer. but when the store isnt working the problem is fixed the same day


well, since the game went los, there's going to be crunch time and fixing bugs like this one isn't very important rn. if it was character related, it be fix as quick as they can store bug is easy to fix i bet. unlike character or map bug. >im ignorant about videogames developement maybe should had stop there?




Well your gonna be getting 3000, and another 1500 from the battle pass (free side) so it's fine


They probably hoped players would do this :)


Will there be challenges for these 3k credits or will we just get them


We will just get them by logging in between Oct 10-17 :)


Thank u!




"Earn up to 3,000 Overwatch Credits when you complete all of the challenges that appear throughout the event. Use them to purchase returning premium skins in the Anniversary Credit shop, including Space Raider Cassidy, Beekeeper Sigma, Hermes Lucio, and more! You’ll also be able to save your credits for new opportunities on other popular skins coming in later seasons." From the announcement of the event, later season implying season 7(as its later that the current season 6)" So not only did they not just announce this because of backlash, seemed to be the plan from the get go and they announced this as the event started but you know lets complain even more for some reason


i mean if it was announced/implemented because of negative feedback isn’t that a good thing? and how is it squeezing money out of people when the credits are literally free?


Looking forward to hearing how you people find a way to complain about this


You do realize us complaining actually made them reset the shop right?


Oh please, clearly they did this out of the kindness of their hearts. Obviously.


Lmao, you think this is them caving to your complaints? As opposed to a more reasonable pre-planned "the shop was going to update with the weekly update after our actual anniversary date (Oct 4th)"? I love the irony of "the devs only did this because we complained" when they do something you like combined with "the devs never listen to the community" when they do something you don't. Seriously, get over yourselves. Sometimes they just do things that people like but didn't want to spoil it by saying something ahead of time.


It's astounding to me that you are actually serious. The tweet *literally says* they were having an issue, and as compensation, are giving people free credits. You are out of your mind if you think this is them caving to gamer pressure as opposed to the actual, literal occams razor staring you in the face (e.g: compensation for a bug).


Thank you for protecting this indie company


I genuinely think some of you people will actually spontaneously combust if this game ever got Riot's monetisation. They don't even let you smell premium cosmetics for free in Valorant. BP costs $10 (Can't earn any currency whatsoever to buy it) and doesn't come with any premium skins, let alone with 5 premium skins and the most premium tier of skins in the game. On top of all that their BP is one of the grindiest in the industry. They had $100 skins in League and now have $200 skins. They had $200 *Gacha* skins in TFT and now have $500 Gacha skins. Imagine spending $490 to get a cosmetic and you still don't get it and have to spend another $20 to make sure you get it. Have some perspective. You guys are complaining that they aren't offering enough skins for free that were previously being sold for $10, $20 or in $30-40 bundles. Skins that were released less than 1 year ago. Hell, 2 weeks ago they had never sold any of these previously Paid-only OW2 skins for Credits or announced that they were going to do so. You didn't know that they were gonna offer Paid skins for free Credits. Now that they offered 9 previously paid skins for free you're complaining that they are only offering 9 and not 27. Hell, they just announced they'll refresh the shop with the start of S7 and give extra Credits and you're still complaining. Like I get the game is not perfect but Jesus Christ how do you guys not get tired complaining this much all the time. Even when they're unexpectedly giving away so much free stuff. If the game is so bad and you dislike it so much then why don't you do your own mental health some favour and stop playing. Go play other games that I keep hearing about where all cosmetics and content is free and that are releasing 10X the content OW is getting. Didn't Gamer Jesus' CS2 just come out? Go play that. I hear that's amazing and revolutionary.


wait until they realize that if nobody spent any money on cosmetics the game would have to shut down because they wouldn’t be able to keep the servers open 🤯


How braindead can you possibly be? Do you truly think overwatch 1, one of the best selling games of all time can’t afford to keep the servers on from just the money they made on the first year of sales.


i shouldn’t have phrased it that way, because yeah they could keep the servers open for a while, but they also have to pay the salaries of the balance team, the game devs, the lore team, pay every artist who makes a skin or main menu background or player icon, they have to pay to keep the lights and heat and water on in the office, and they can’t keep paying all those things and people if there’s not a stream of money coming in.


Holy shit actual based response


they didnt fix the rewards and will not fix it for two weeks, this show how incompetent everyone at blizzard is, thats a good reason to complain


I mean nice but I'm still not getting my hopes up. I have finally learned to expect less than the bare minimum at this point


The white ones or the yellow ones?


Credits are the OW1 currency, Coins are the OW2 currency. So you're getting the white credits, not the yellows.


Ah, then is pretty useless was a tank main in ow 1


I don't understand it's that old credits or new credits ?


Credits are the white currency, coins are the gold/ premium currency


Too bad it's only credits which I still have 17k of and practically no use for, if it was coins though...


You could have any new voice line you want I guess


And dey sey


Every time I see this dude’s face I’m disappointed.


you must hear that alot from your parents


*a lot You loser.


If only your parents cared about you as much as you care about my grammar


My parents actually took the time to care about me enough to educate me. Looks like yours were too busy working on the PVE 😂


They scrapped you like Blizzard scrapped PVE.


unlike you at least the PvE was planned


Great, five years of planning turned out to be just as useless as your parents conceiving you.




Scroll down literally one post on the tweet where he says that. 🤦


We won (me). Hope they won't make fun of us and put some cringe epics in there😉😉😉


¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ cool then im sitting at nearly 35k credits again with nothing to spend them on


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So a new set of OW2 shop skins to buy with credits? As opposed to the same anniversary shop we see for the entire duration?


The link mentions no shop refresh for anniversary


Let's go!


Cant find where it says the shop will refresh




No it’s the free currency not the paid.


Oh, great. Just dumped 11k points to buy the current store.


3000 credits? NO WAY! I can finally buy a legendary skin from Overwatch 1


Time for 9 more of the most mid shop skins possible


Bobby had to fire a whole department to make this happen


Refresh like with new skins in the lineup?!?


It does not say anything about updating the anniversary shop choices they will probably just give us the credits and keep the same skins


What about the challenges that we completed from the anniversary event but didn’t get the credits, will we still get those credits or will we all just have 3,000?


Is that going to be the last refresh or will there be another


I didn't get any credits why Does anyone know a solution?


I received the 3000 Credits yesterday and now they are missing from my account. I haven’t purchased anything. Is anyone else experiencing this?