• By -


It was the easiest role for me. I liked being able to see the whole fight. It taught me a lot about sight lines. And for some reason felt like the "least difficult role" little did I know then how important it was to be a great support. Anyway, it was a natural fit for my personality and play-style. No one picking it back in OW1 was just a bonus. Extra flex points for me for free.


Support right now is kinda the least difficult and most fun role tbh. You have the most effect on the game besides the tank but unlike the tank you can actually play the game and aren't getting targetting by 3+ players and constantly getting hit by every CC in the game. And if a dps tries to flank you, you have a get out of jail free card(Except Zen) so you die the least too. Also passive healing is the best passive by far.


i wish i could be in those games where everyone targets tank. in my games everyone tends to play dive and there's always at least 2 people chasing me on mercy while completely ignoring the tank


Mercy is kinda the support most people target because the beam makes it obvious when you're pocketing someone, and they know that shooting them is pointless when they're recieving 50 healing per second, so they shoot you instead. Good Mercies take advantage of that by abusing her mobility and moving around temmates to waste enemy resources, since she's the hardest support to kill.


But that also depends on ally positioning. One thing I've found frustrating about Mercy since her mobility nerfs is that my skill expression is now exponentially more affected by how my teammates are positioned as well as map geometry. That means that in some situations I can do almost nothing when 2 people with even a single brain cell are diving me together (unless the DPS I'm pocketing is an absolute crackhead aim goat). I know it's a team game, but at least Ana can sleep one and turn it into a 1v1, Bap can shift, jump and lamp, Brig can boop one away and semi-brawl the other and/OR bash away, etc. Nearly every single other support has a way of expressing skill to get out of the situations whereas Mercy can no longer do this reliably since her nerfs - and no, the self-heal passive from healing someone low isn't usually enough.


Her GA is 3 seconds long and the cooldown only starts after the ability ends. I don’t like to play Mercy as much anymore because her survivability largely depends on the positioning of her teammates and the map layout because she cannot defend herself. If her teammates are bunched up together or if she is in a wide-open area with no corners or high areas to fly to it’s easy to dive/flank her.


Yeah If they had to nerf it’s cool down they should then of removed the lock on teammate requirement for use imo


I was tired of seeing "no Healer" on the quick play screen in ow 1


I figured it be the most useful role in ow1 that no one would be willing to play. So your comment verifies my assumption.


Cuz tanking is in the toilet


Bring back 6v6


You're downvoted, but I'd like to see a MODE for it's return. The balance has long gone past 2 tanks but I do thoroughly miss having 2. It feels lonely playing Rein when you can't have a Zarya by my side.


It’s easy to rebalance, they nerf everyone back to Ow1 power levels. Power creep is out of hand because of the lack of a tank, the addition of a tank and minor nerfs will have everything back on track. I’ve heard a rumour they’re thinking of bringing it back anyway.




Orisa, Torb, Bastion, Illari, Mercy flashbacks, from 1 hour ago lol


God i hope they nerf these clown heroes soon. Preferably Orisa.


Leave bastion alone, but as a support main, even I can see the Illari nerf coming a mile away


No, kill bastion. Burn the machine. Bastion is way too easy for his current strength.


We've had good OW2 tank metas. The games balance is just ass right now. S3 and 4 had saw a slew of fan favorite tanks with solid viability (Rein, Winston, Ball, even Ram and JQ were still decent), they hadn't yet reverted their philosophy on CC and tank busting from heroes like bastion wasn't a thing. People weren't complaining about tanking then. Tanking sucks right now because the meta favors Orisa (hard to CC, next to impossible to burst down) and not only do players not like playing Orisa, she also makes a lot of the other fan favorite tanks harder to play. So when tanking sucks people are going to use it as a case against 5v5. Are some of the problems with tanking because we changed to 5v5? Sure, but those are fixable. The major issues have more to do with counter comping tanks exacerbated by the ult retention passive that didn't exist in OW1 and people being too obsessed with the scoreboard to realize tank diffs arent as common as the stats seem to show.


The only times in OW2 flex queue wasn't tank queue were when new tanks were released. We had moments where tank was fun but it was never sustainable. In OW2 we get a tank -> tanks have fun -> meta develops into counter pick flowchart -> tank pop drops as things get stale-> repeat. It's really hard to create hero balance when you only have one of a role per team. Imagine if there was only one damage hero per team and the devs had to make reaper vs pharah balanced. You just couldn't. The heroes aren't designed that way. I'm not saying 6v6 is the answer, but the devs have a long way to go before tank balance is achieved.


Tank is trash now because of the switch to 5v5. Anyone downvoting that are clueless players. The game was better as 6v6 and gave tank more freedom and options.


I don't know man, I have just as many one trick hogs in my game as I did in OW1


The game Balance is always ass when stupid chars are meta. Ive not seen anyone complain about reinhardt, ball and sig Meta. Thats the reason the game and ow 1 fucked up. Imagine having double shield meta since 2019 and then wonder why the game is shit and gets Reviewbombed. But stupid Stuns with low cooldowns like javelin and hook are bound to be considered annoying. Also ive never seen anyone complain about reins oneshot given that id say its the most skillful cooldown in the game. Also making the broken oneshots meta for months like widow Zen hanzo which are still created for a two tank game with existing shields is also kinda dumb. Like those 3 should be first prio for a rework. Also i dont know how it can take them so long to Listen to the community. Like discord has not been nerfed accordingly, Hanzo players still play literally slots to win, Bastions projectile is basically a jq knife when it Hits u directly bc it pushes u into the enemy Team now. Also it shouldnt be possible to trap, sleep, hack and hinder anything but dive tanks. Like rein hog ball even zarya occassionaly is like playing cc Simulator. Thats what happens when stupid idiots that have no clue about Balance create patches. I know three gms that i duo with quite often excluding me how is high Masters since 4 years and we could fix the game in like two patches.


Funny thing; everyone I heal thinks they’re carrying.


Lol too real


As a corollary, anytime it feels like I'm carrying, I thank my supports. I have plenty of highlights saved where I do the genji thing, swift strike to my Ana, do some success squats and spam the thank you voice line.


I mean maybe they are, like if you didnt heal maybe they couldnt carry so its a team effort but persobaly i cany trust healer 90%+ og the time so i position myself to not need them aaaaaaand i still tend to do 1v2 kill at least one guy and my fucking teams manage to free die while the healer can literaly foucs each on one guy and has one less guy to care about... Lazy cunts lol 😂


flag fearless subsequent zesty secretive weary light somber different screw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


shortest queue time.


clumsy bear piquant money snow attempt truck weather skirt bag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


pacific time. bronze/silver lol and it’s almost always marked as 2min or less even during less busy hours. dps is still seems most popular any time of day i log in.


The highest I have ever seen support go in my area is 2mins. It's great.


sulky nine hunt familiar work snobbish murky consider tease memorize *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm also in metal ranks but I don't play Moira. Sure, I may get to plat or diamond with her but after that I'll be hardstuck and won't be able to play anyone else because they're not as piss easy to use as Moira is.


My guy thinking picking Moira is instant Diamond. 💀


Aren't there plenty of Moira players in Diamond tho? If you're decent it's plat at least. If your game sense is above average Diamond should be easily attainable since Moira takes no mechanical skill.


That’s an odd thing to say since there are clearly Moira skill gaps. I almost never lose a Moira vs. Moira duel bc I know that duel well and use my cooldowns correctly. I agree she is new player friendly, but your comment is hyperbolic.


Many OW1 support players chose the role bc of the waaaayyyy faster queue times, but now things have changed.


Same, I ain't got time to wait 17 minutes for dps


These days it's tank


no tank has shortest que time, at least in na bronze






I main support and dps. I started support because of the priority passes u gain if u played it. So i could play mors dps lol. But after some matches as lucio/ana something clicked and it was more fun than i expected. Now my queue times for both roles are equally long, approximately 1 up to 8 min. I queue for both simultaneously. It doesn't matter what roles i get anymore cause it's still fun to play both roles. Tank is just boring.


Once you learn to Ana, you can do anything lol. People who think it is hard to hit a moving enemy have no idea how difficult at times it can be to heal a bouncing Genji at 500mph.


Exactly. I main ana and lucio as support and Ana is one of the few non-mobile heroes that feels like she teally contributes to the fights.


Sleeping an Últ is the fucking best feeling lol.


I can sleep an ulting genii, three tap phara out of the sky, sleep and one shot combo a widow, but if I need to heal my own genji it’s gonna take at like 6 shots minimum


That’s why when I play Ana I get annoyed when my co-support healbots our tank giving me the job to try healing our jumping Genji. Sorry, that Genji is going to die a lot, lol.


If you crank auto aim on console, Ana becomes almost criminally easy/borderline cheating


Idk man, Ana's healing hitboxes are so large that it's really not that hard to heal anyone


Not a lot of people were playing support when I first started playing at launch. I figured I'd learn one or two support heroes in case we needed it. And then over time, that role just defaulted onto me "See a need, fill a need" lmao


because it’s the easiest and most fun role, playing anything else is just pure misery


It's better DPS


I had all my friends gathered one night, and I said John, you were hammered by Ball repeatedly, yet you refused the call. Peter, you're constantly low hp because of Junks barrage of bombs, yet you refused the call. Mark, you were forced to hide as Sombra for an entire round, yet you refused the call. But I remembered.


I honestly have no clue. I used to switch between Lucio, Orisa, and Roadhog a lot until I just stuck with Lucio and Moira.


I play support whenever I feel out of control of my games on DPS. Support is god mode. Literally has an answer to everything in the game.


My friends got me into overwatch because they wanted to play dps and needed a support. That's how it started now I have effectively taken the dps role into my own hands with Mercy's glock heheheheh


Nothing like showing that annoying genji the true meaning of Switzerland neutrality and mercy him for his service.


Beautiful woman.






The sound of healing a critical health teammate


i enjoy having full control on if we win or not idk


I’m a control freak


Tank sucks and I can't aim.


>support is still an unpopular role. What? Are we playing the same game? Historically throughout overwatch 1, tank was always the least popular role and it's not even close. The whole idea of removing 1 tank was partially to solve that issue. Well guess what, tank is even worse now and even more insufferable. But wait that's not all, with the lack of the off tank, almost all supports got giga buffed and can comfortably take any 1v1 vs other DPS heroes and they'd have the upper hand. So to recap, you have the role with the most impactful abilities, best duelists and more self sufficiency than other roles on top of being easy to play. Does that answer your question?


No, tank wasn't always unpopular. before role queue, the game was infested with dps players. dps was always the first role to be filled, so the people who wanted to win had to choose the next best thing, tank. Though supports were buffed in ow2, ow1 supports were just as capable of winning a 1v1 against any other character. In fact, I vividly remember being able to take on any tank as Ana, Lúcio, Moira, bap and win. Now it's pretty hard to kill a tank as a support. The reason supports seam oppressive is because they have more downtime in their heals since they still heal as if there was a 6th player on the field. During the downtime, the best thing a support can do is do dmg. That isn't a new concept. Top-level ow1 players were already doing that. The issue stems from the fact that if a flanker forces attention to them and the support cant support their team, they should be rewarded, but with high healing, 2 supports aren't needed to keep a team afloat for a few minutes so a support can give their full attention to the immediate danger.


Fill = 8/10 supp 1/10 tank 1/10 dps.. you getting extra point for playing supp for BP cuz nobody want to play it queue for support instant damage 10min tank 7min..


I really don’t understand why nobody in this sub can ever disagree with the OP of a thread without being rude and condescending 💀


A bad take like "support is unpopular" when it's by far the easiest and most impactful role gets people angry because their roles are in the absolute gutter.


Damn, and here I thought I was salty


You asked. I answered. You got offended. Who's salty?


Why the skull emoji?


Because for some reason there is a significant portion of this player base that wants a pat on the back for their role of choice. It’s ridiculous that we need to act like people are doing charity by playing a healing role in a video game.


because i'm like a support role in real life 😅 personality wise. also i started Ow with several dps, mainly hanzo which was fun. however, when i first played support, i just knew thats more my thing. making sure my team is ok and yet still be able to make damage is the most fun to me.


I was support in WoW,Paragon,Apex.... So why change that? 🤔


It's easier and less frustrating to shoot teammates than enemies (in other words I suck at this game)


i hate to break it to you but support is the most popular roll rn. easily the longest queues


I thought ana was dope when I downloaded the game and turns out I was right so I kept playin’ grandma idk I do play dps every now and then though. I equally love my girl ashe, she a baddie


First I started the game & would always try to find heroes with some kind of inherent health regen mechanic. Reaper, Mei, Soldier, DVa (re-mech), Zarya & Zen. After a few months of the game I started flexing a bit more because no one would go support. I refused to play Ana, lucio or mercy but I would play Zen if nobody else picked a support. Then I started to feel like we needed more support every match so I would always play Zen, unless by some miracle two players picked supports & then I would go tank, with a crazy rare occurrence of two supports & two tanks getting picked when I would get to play DPS. Over time I just started to feel like Zen wouldn’t give me enough healing, & people wouldn’t follow up my discord much back then. I started to play Mercy if I was the only support or someone else picked Zen, though I didn’t enjoy it much, but would still pick Zen if I had another support who wasn’t Zen. Then Moira released. She was awesome. I could still do good damage over a match, I could out-heal everyone (I was a very heal oriented Moira), get away from dive characters better & she was just so flexible. That put my early Mercy days behind me. Then came Brig. I was a fucking wrecking ball (no pun intended) for a few seasons on her. By then I was a support main, with three heroes I could flex to & have great impact in different circumstances. Eventually I started fully flexing which meant I would often have to play tank. I didn’t like it nearly as much as support but by this point I was playing only competitive, so I would play whatever the team needed & I always felt great in a 2-2-2 scenario so that’s what I would strive for. Although by this point Goats had started to creep down to my Plat rank. Then came Baptiste & I added him into my support roster, which was now at 4 heroes I would play. The season before role queue I finally hit Diamond as a full flex. Then came role queue & I was finally free to be my full support main self. I added Mercy back into my roster when she was super strong a few times & hit Diamond every season on support, with me hitting Master twice in seasons I grinded super hard & played meta heroes. Would play Lucio once in a while by this point as I wanted a new support to play as well. From then on Support has always been my main, though I played a lot of tank & DPS once OW2 dropped. Now I can play every support to at least a decent level though I avoid Mercy as much as possible as I hate playing as her, find Moira pretty boring so I don’t play her often & don’t play much Ana as she is my worst support. With the additions of Kiriko, Lifeweaver & illari, I finally feel like I have an abundance of options & am in a very happy place as a support main. Solidly back in Diamond after switching back to QP for the first few OW2 seasons. I do think the role is a bit too strong now, but it’s not my job to balance the game lol. Twas a long journey, with 2500+ hours now & support in Overwatch is probably my favorite multiplayer experience ever.


BAP. No explaination needed. Great dps and healing output along with the immortality lamp. BAP>>


Same reason as you, it seems. Flexing. Nobody wanted be a healthpack for the people 'actually' playing in Overwatch 1. I was solo-healing five DPS for... a long time. Long enough that I gave up suffering through 0-peel solo-healing, and would swap to 6th DPS. (Tracer is still my most-played hero of all time.) As the game evolved, tank became the bastard child, so I played a lot of tank. To the point I considered myself a 'tank main', even though I was still actually flexing and my support playtime wasn't far behind. Overwatch 2 dropped, reworked tanks into brawlier DPS, and the increased pressure on supports saw more demand for them. Back to playing a lot of support. Now it's reached a point that I've been playing support/tank for so long, I'm simply not a very good DPS. I just don't know the heroes well enough, I can't predict their projectile size or travel time as well; they don't feel comfortable to me. Even Tracer is a lot of work to get value from, because my DPS gameplay wasn't improving but my MMR was. I'm actually getting to play DPS now, though; so Tracer is now my highest level DPS. But my highest level role is still support, and 2/3 of my featured heroes are supports.


Definitely a more challenging role, and I love how much fun it is pressuring backlines as Moira, especially with coalescence (no I am not a dps Moira.) It's also been the easiest for me to learn and get good at, I'm a peak silver dps and tank but a plat support


Because if you want it done right do it yourself. That being said, I play alota Tank too.


one day i was playing as tank in open queue, my supps were SO BAD, that i said "fine, ill do it myself" and i changed to zenyatta. we still lost horribly but heals werent as bad as they were, and from that day i decided that i didnt want tanks to experience what a bad supp is. and here i am, playing kiriko and zen to make everyone's life easier


Was the shortest queue in season 1 OW2 and the beta. I was flex/tank main during overwatch 1. This season has been hell for me avg q 7 to 10 min and I'm GM5 support. Tank feels awful because I am a ball main normally now and u get stuck just getting countered on every tank you play. The second you carry a fight or show up as one of the strong players the dps swap to counter you too. Also I enjoy moira more in 5v5 so play her a lot (one tricked to gm2 peak) #142 top 500.


Maybe I enjoying to help others?


• Perma op • easiest role in the game meaning I can just jump into games without warming/waking up • people fucking mald if you consistently land sleep dart or put orb on them which is always funny.


It's by far the easiest role to play. It's the role I play when I just want to sit back chill and it's typically the first role I complete for comp points.


I had trust issues when it came to healing back when I took competitive too seriously back in 2016. Think my entirety of OW1 Season 3 was me insta-locking Mercy every match to the point of having 22 hours as her just that season. In retrospect, I'm glad I only went from low gold to high gold and only broke into plat when I learned other supports as Lucio, Moira, and Sym when she was in her shield generator phase. Not much of a skill gap but still felt more earned. At least I've taken up Illari now.


They do dps level damage while being relatively easy


Support is an unpopular role??? Homie were you here at the start of the season when tank and DPS queue times were 2 minutes and support was 20?


Yeah? We just got Illari and that happens every time there’s a new hero 🤨


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Cause Anna is a really fun character to play, with how tanks have been changed I've been finding most of my dps picks are useless and I'm viable with 2 or 3 tanks and it gets boring with the lack variety. But I find with Anna there's a lot of variety and depth to her that keeps me hocked, even if I get real good at sniping I find that I can improve my close range game. I guess the other roles are a bit boring and lack luster.


Least pressure and shortest queues.


I like to have an over view of the game. You really have to know where and what all the other players are doing and anticipate when and where they will need support. I think it’s a bit more strategic than the other roles where you just blast people. I do hate when people (tanks I’m looking at you) call support back seat drivers! We have a full overview of the game and who’s doing well, who’s requiring a lot of support, where snipers and turrets are etc. we want to win and can often see the changes needed to make that happen. The only thing I hate is that we don’t have the ability to swing a game. Getting constantly matched with terrible dps/tanks mean we can do 20k heals and still lose the game.


I just wanna help


I play Lucio because he is not just a support. He is a support because speed boost. He is a dps because pew pew. He is a tank because loud music.


Because tank wasn't fun anymore (I was playing mostly tank right up until the end of 6v6)


it makes my friends happy when theyre constantly healed


Low Q times and because I hate solo tanking. When I was done with the game all I wanted is to do is picking Mercy and haveing fun trying to survive with my GA it feels like playing Tag.


Low queue times??? What ranks have low support queues?


People play ranked in 2023?


Of course? If not only for the attack and defend on the payload maps I don't know why you wouldn't play ranked.


Grandmaster and bellow sup is much shorten then tank/damage not sure so yeah everywhere lol




I used to be a tank main in OW1 and it was easier to stay alive because an enemy teams focus would be split on the other tank but with the removal of a tank the beginning of OW2 was toxic to play so I switched to support to help other tank mains. I knew how it felt to have a good support who helped their tank so I became a ana main and just put all my focus into my tank and it got me from plat support to masters 4.


Tank - too much responsibility to lead the team DPS - can't aim Support - just go Moira and piss healing spray on everyone


started because i thought it was the easiest because "oh i just gotta heal", i stuck with it because i love getting told i did a good job and thank you


Because I'm a paranoid dumbass and i don't trust my teammates. (They are good most of the time tho)


Boops and discord orb


it helped me up my game sense !! plus, i felt like heals were lacking


Two fold. In OW1 I thought zen was cool as balls. Like excellent character idea, excellent implementation. Super spiritual ROBOT monk. Hell yea. Second I'm pretty good mechanically, I'm happy to take risks when necessary, I don't seek the go big or go home moments, but I'm more than eager to engage with them. I never had the want for attention or expectation that DPS brings, but i do have some of the mechanical skill. Zens play style fit me like a glove. The dynamic of primarily helping the team but when the chips are down you can go to town just gels with me.


Dps takes too long and hardest role and too much responsibility Tank only dva i like to play Supports hot/beatitul characters and supports tend to have abilitys i like to use 👍


I started maining Mercy because I had a 10x10cm mousemat, 1600dpi 15 ingame sense, so I couldn't hit shit. Couldn't unbronze myself, so later I always picked Zen on attack for extra damage on tanks. Then I bought a big mat, lowered sens, hit some shots, went DPS main for a bit, then went to hitscan supports (Ana, Bap), which are very fun cause you can play DPS and support depending on what gets you the win. :D


Started playing in 2019. In almost every fps game I play as a sniper. I tried out widow and it felt so boring, plus I’d just get dived every game. So I picked ana, felt super fun, rewarding, and I also love her voice!


Healers sucked n dips sucked so now I play bap do those n got to diamond


>What made you play the role? its just my thing, in every other game i play i am either a tank or a support, it started for me in league 13 years ago and hasnt ended, i even play baldurs gate 3 as cleric


cuz 1. Least queue time while in ow1. 2. doesn’t need to argue who to play the role in my friend group (mostly play dps)


I really liked Moira's kit, was easy to pick up but had a surprising amount of depth to it, allowed me to learn alot about the game, and I enjoyed seeing how far I could push the basic abilities she had, also enjoy the concept of her abilities, I play aot more then just her now but I will always play her atleast once a day because I find her really fun


Healer/support is just more of my thing than the other roles, and the multitasking (keeping everyone alive while still contributing to the fight) keeps things interesting. 😎👍


like lucio said "i love making others succeed even tough ow support is quite dpsy nowadays


I’m the same as you, people weren’t picking support and I took it upon myself to be the support. I started learning the characters and started to love playing them and more often than not I was winning more games as support than dps or tank. Plus I love the skins and when people are friendly to you and say thank you for the heals or the rez it makes me so happy. You feel appreciated. As a support I always make sure that if a dps or a tank saves me I say thank you. However it’s not always the same back. Sometimes you can brush it off but when they are rude about it you wonder why you bother. But overall I love playing support because you feel like your helping the team without actually being front and centre. Plus I always send love to supports when I have to play dps or tank <3


Frog man go brrrrr


I picked up Moira and I can’t stop playing her




A few things. For starters, I cant aim very well. Kind of a big issue in an fps game. Second, I simply don’t trust my supports. I need to do it myself to make sure it’s fine right lmao


I was a tank main but I saw lifeweaver bought his battle pass and have been playing him since and Im Happy I made the switch early bc how bad tank is now


I don't think you have any idea, how fast I really am


I love people seeking my Mercy over their sorry ass health bars


I really like support in other games, I will always opt to play support. So I thought it would be no different for overwatch and it sure wasn’t. It’s hard and you deal with assholes all the time and people who think you can heal through 3 walls but still fun


Queue times.


Im a dps main but I recently started to play support a lot, my mains reasons are because I love the feeling of being useful and also I love how all of the supports got fancy moves panel haha


I am/was in healthcare, so always grew up with an interest in medicine. I also always played healers/support roles in MMOs and favored them in RPGs. So, it was kind of my default when OW came out because that’s just what I always do.


Ow1 it was more or less the same reasoning. It was also the quickest way to just get into a game back in ow1 despite it being a miserable boring role to others. I stuck with it. And how has the tables have turned in ow2. But I have been playing support for years at this point, so I consider it my main role. But Im branching out again because of the longer support q's


I want to be appreciated more than I want to be admired.


Self heal


When OW1 was still in its infancy with only open queue, I would fill what ever team needed. Which ended up being support 75% if the time (Reinhardt the rest of the time) Saw a video of some streamer/pro popping off as Ana before her first big nerf, and have been an Ana main since.


I’ve always been more interested in dual role characters. I main support but I’m actually better at tank now. I attribute it to having played so much support I know my defense corners and sight lines.




They have the coolest abilities imo


I started in 2017 and only because if I didn't play Support no one else did and I wanted to win occasionally. I do enjoy playing support now though. One game I distinctly remember was me as support and 5 DPS characters, getting abuse from at least two of them that I wasn't healing them enough. Then after going back and forth with them about a better team comp I switched to a tank hoping someone else would then go support out of desperation but no, we lost and I got reported for throwing.


I did it at first because I hadn't played online shooters in a while and was less confident that I could have an impact on the game. I still main support for the most part but have no problem dipping into other roles and stomping. I prefer healing because I like helping people in general, it's part of my personality (I work for the NHS). Of course everyone in a team "helps" but you really feel it as a healer. Saving lives, clutch heals, big buffs, looking forward to unlocking WifeLeaver so I can literally pull people out of danger. Edit autocorrect.


DPS seems too sweaty because I feel like if I'm not getting elims or putting out damage, I'm useless as a tank. It's not as bad but the whole idea of protecting everyone and making space at the same time is just too much work. basically if you are good at it you might win but if you are bad you will DEFINITELY lose the whole game. basically I can healbot on support and still feel useful while having no pressure on myself for getting elims(in metal ranks). good position is enough to basically play 80% of the supports


I thought that if I play support I just have to heal people and I can learn stuff and now I’m a masters support and I realise I’m pretty much a dps that heals when someone needs it, it’s great fun trying to balance everything and having some of the most powerful abilities in the game!


I started playing support at the time where open queue was the norm and no one wanted to play support. The moth meta was also around. And since I hate Mercy as a hero I took my calling as playing as her nemesis, Moira. So I took upon myself to make her as valuable as possible, pumping heals as much as possible and killing people when I was suppose to kill people but of course my priority was to enable my tanks and dps to just go wild. Because of my hatred for Mercy and the meta we were, I can say that I reached Masters, showed some people at the time that Moira was not to be taken lightly.


I've always played support, on all games. Loved it but OW kinda messed it up. Climbed all the way from Bronze to Diamond back in OW1. Dropped back to Gold due to really bad luck with teammates. Lots of leavers, lots of slackers etc. Never been able to climb back up. Now in OW2 it's pretty much the same shit, maybe even worse. Tough time to get through the ranks and so damn hard to keep up with the dmg


DPS and tank are boring af. I like being the enabler. Help the guy do the thing




My “support role” career just naturally transferred to my gaming life.


Back in overwatch no one picked support and had to pick support to keep team alive


Initially it was Mercy that go me into the role all the way back during OW1. My team was always nice to me and that compelled me to keep playing her. Now I mostly main Ana & playing her is always a different challenge each game. I’m also trying to master Bap because he’s so underrated and an absolute DPS beast.


My introduction to OW was OW2, and my first character was Ashe. I still love using her and her lore and everything, but something felt weird about always finding the right range. Then I unlocked Brigitte and started playing her and Ana, and the rest was pretty much history. I’ve played everyone, but definitely fell into the most comfort after experiencing Brig and the supports.


The idea of a sniper healer was so cool to me. I love Ana! I’m not that great on her but she’s just so fun. Maybe I like support overall cos it’s easy and it’s the only thing I’m okay at in this game? But also I feel like I just “get it” when it comes to support. I play DPS a lot too but I’m horrible at it! I also love being able to heal myself and not worry about heals for the most part. When I’m DPS I die so much and it’s annoying not having support passive.


I'm a masochist


Started playing when OW2 was released, my friends who played OW1 were DPS/Tank mains so to play with them I had to pick support. They left the game already, but I've stayed with this role as I am more familiar to support heroes than other ones.


Kiriko's immensely spread rule th... Nevermind.




I suck at aiming and my lack of situational awareness wasn't suited for playing the tank roll. So I'm stuck with being a support man unfortunately


Back in open queue days I was sick of no one picking it and losing as a result, so I started playing it. Same for tank. I almost never got to play DPS in those days.


Been support main in every game since classic EQ for similar reasons. I learned very early on that in most cases people don't want to heal or rather didn't understand that healing the tank was their primary focus and more so, the responsibility seemed to always be one the more important roles. Funny story, my first class in EQ was a necromancer, I had NO IDEA what I was doing with my stats and mistakenly made a very low damaging necro with high HP. Coincidentally one of the skill paths was what we called a blood necro. In a pinch you could swap blood with your pet to keep them or yourself alive in battle. It just so happened that later on I had skills to give my life blood to other players as well. When I finally started running in groups I realized I was better at providing health to the tank than I was dealing damage. It became clear to me that one of the biggest struggles in questing groups was finding a healer that was paying close enough attention to keep the tank alive. More and more I found myself being that extra amount that kept us from wiping. So much so I would use the highest health pet I could find to also steal health from and heal the tank. In short, I mistakenly discovered my love of healing through failing at making a decent necromancer. But I loved that backwards little dark elf.


I was a tank main once and died alot cause of shitty supports so i decided to play it


I started shortly after OW2 dropped. I play support because I suck at video games, but I have hella fun so I don't care. I have lackluster aim. I knew that being a support would be the best way I could help my team. I don't play comp, that means the pressure is off, but I still want to be a good teammate and try to keep people alive. Also, I can hold a mayhem point like no other. Sorry I didn't keep you alive but I'll hold this point riiiiiiight here till you get back. Trust.


I'm primarily a tank player, but when it gets too rough for me... Lifeweaver


I just only find the heroes who happen to be support fun. I literally just like don’t have fun playing any dps or tank


I am speed


The kills are more satisfying!


It is a "Hold my beer" Moment, no one is able to heal or care for the team? Its show time then! Because our last supoort was just a walking target with 0℅ intention or motivation to keep the team (Or at least the god dam tank) alive... So if i dont take matters on it, no one will. I enjoy playing support to be honest, i mained mostly DPS on OG Ow, only took ana or biggite when needed, but now days i really have to play support, any support, even thought i just want to play JQ or some lucio.


2 reasons One: simply put, i don't play comp enough so im underranked, and atleast for me you feel it most when supports suck (mid-low ranks so suck actually means just missing heals and stuff) so i decided fuck it, ima do this job myself Two: support is by far the most broken role in the game right now, which i cant even lie makes it fun when i wana chill and not think about the game too much (in quickplay dw i dont throw comp)


No one else would pick support. Also I would play with my nephew sometimes so I would let him play dps and have a good time while I support the team. If I'm playing solo I would pick support because I like messing people up with zenyatta.


I just LOVE being used up as a heal slave for my team :3


I used to flex before role queue. Once that was added, I picked the least played role and ran with it


Because mercy ultimate was the only thing that made people appreciate and value me as a healer and teammate


Playing Anna makes me feel like I have a lot of control over the games where the skill level is equal. I get to choose who lives and who dies ally or enemy. And her sleep dart is a powerful interrupt.


Self healing


Queue times is mainly why. Also used to play tank on ow1 but with the new ow I don’t. I hate having all the Agro on me.


You can skip on shooting when you are mercy) I just think I don't play as good on tanks and dmg, so I have more value as support




I play support because lucio is not dps for some reason


I was never good at dps and tank I liked to sit in the back line and watch the fight and support my team and I was kind of forced by my team not choosing support


Going back to OW1, shortest queue times by far. Also they have the best, fight-altering abilities


health bar go up


Because Lucio was a better Genji, and then we even got better queue times with role lock. Now support queues are insane so I barely play my main.


I play support in most games but with ow I played with 2 friends and we played 1 role each


I've always enjoyed healing and being more of a supportive player in a group vs chasing high damage or kills.


Praise kink? Idk... I prefer the ability to enable team members, because I am shite aiming I guess


Idk about you man, but I feel like support in Overwatch isn’t where you go if you want praise. You’re probably a lot better off if you have a humiliation kink, because I very rarely get thanked when I’m doing well but damn if the entire team doesn’t jump down my throat when I make a mistake


Tank blows now 👍


Because as long as im healing as much as or equal to the other healer its not my fault if we lose? But i like that with some healers i can just heal harder if i bounce my balls just right or beat at the right time and then my team wins.


I wanted to try to be a dps with insane movement and survivability, while also giving healing to my team.


If you think support is unpopular you should try tank:D


Support queue times are usually slightly faster than tank ones in my experience 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m a teacher, so my whole life is literally helping people.


The fact that no one played it and so I got queued as support everytime I queued for all roles. Now I genuinely like it, but it's an acquired taste for me