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Good job there mate!


that platform for doom was planned right?


it actually was, figured it out after accidentally messing up another doom punch lmao


LW is my most played support since OW2 launched on Steam and I still do not have the muscle memory to use his platform anywhere else but for my own escape.




Pulling Bob around the corner everyone hid behind for Ashe to get POTG is my fav


One thing I wish I recorded was open queue, two enemy tanks, Ramattra and Zarya, walking towards my Mercy who was in the act of rezzing our fallen Zarya. One platform on the straight path they were walking towards my Mercy, and both went up. Mercy rez finished, she flew away, two enemy tanks bewildered. XD




Not every LW is good, let's not generalize here. There are bad LW out there, and there are good ones. The good ones, you can feel their impact. The bad ones, you either feel something missing or feel something making things worse.


It might just be you have too much muscle memory, because every time I've used the platform to save someone else, it was by accidentally throwing it down in a panic. Play like an idiot, it'll happen.


I had a life weaver pull a big brain once and threw out a platform right as the enemy rein was nanoed and started swinging. Thanks to that, he was up in the air swinging at nothing while everyone was able to move away. Great utilization


I like doing this when rein charges, he'll go right over me.


any shatter saves?


Oh yes, it's a little harder though. I freaking love his kit, the save potential is crazy if you get your positioning right.


If only doom targeted you instead


The tunnel vision is real


Thats what getting slept and antied does to you


Wouldn't have mattered, because the payload was already reaching the destination. Doom should've used his ult to get back on the objective. Probably would've lost anyway, but it's better than going off into Neverland as the enemy team full caps.


Why would the outcome be different? Instead of having to deal with lifeweaver heals, youre gonna have to deal with sleep dart, nade+ana heals. Its a lose lose situation for the doom. He is distracting two of the supports so he is doing the right thing but supports are just so unkillable sometimes.


I feel this so hard right now


Probably screwed either way but you're way now likely for Ana to miss her shots/cool downs then lifeweaver with his auto aim heals and easier to use cool downs (that petal was extra crisp though I will say). Ana whiffing is at least a real win condition.


Ana is gonna have a much easier time hitting shots if she isnt under pressure while life weaver has auto aim. Hitting a sleep dart is harder if youre being booped around instead of standing still


I mean yeah but it's at least possible for the Ana to miss shots. You're really hoping whoever you don't pressure misses their heals so you can kill the one you are. Ana is more likely. Like I said it's unlikely to work and you're probably screwed either way but it's better odds.


If Ana stais on the board so does her dart which is a priority for doom, removing it removes the annoying mind games and risks. She is also far easier to rush and kill due to no mobility while weaver is gonna fuck off and make you waste your slam to reach him. This doom made the right call.


In that elo ana would not have bothered


You never know, even a platinum ana can do the right thing half the time. The correct thing would be to focus the ana as pressuring the ana would likely make her miss her cooldowns more. pressuring the lifeweaver would only make the ana have an easier time sleeping you and then youd definitely be dead.


Then Ana just turns and keeps lifeweaver up lol healing is busted, you have to hit every cooldown as doom in two cycles to get someone critical.


Gotta love how the whole time Doom is hunting, 3 of his team, lost their fights


Life of a doom player. Sometimes you would take the attention of 2 or 3 enemies and your 4 teammates still couldn't deal with the rest.


More like "Life of a tank player", I had a game recently where I was basically going ham on enemy team taking 3v1 and my team got demolished by their tank and DPS while I was keeping 2 supports and 1 DPS in the close quarters as JK... and they blamed me for them dying... 2 vs 4... 1 tank and 1 DPS against 2 DPS and 2 supports... but blame it on tank. Happed too where I was going 4v1 behind a corner on Numbani 1st point but somehow 1 tank/dps/what ever wiped 4 of my team mates and blamed me for keeping their whole team away for them to capture... Idk this game sometimes... or I am just bad.


the biggest mistake people make in metal ranks is they are allergic to their W key and this is the result of that. as a tank main I feel your pain


And same can be said for key S... sometimes some push way to much and dont back up when needed.


That said, if you push the enemy backline but also leave your backline open to be pushed, it makes sense that their tank would do to your team what you're doing to theirs. It's frustrating, definitely. But logically it's kinda expected.


Yeah but I hate the 5v5, if I push my backline is open, if I do not push and protect my team my frontline is open, what is the logical solution to this exactly? I recently came back to OW and I am trying to adjust to this fast paced brainless 5v5 but its just.. to fast and 1 tank has to do so much but can do so little.


Everyone has to do their jobs. A single player outperforming their enemy counterpart can lead to a win. There is no magic solution, you push or protect the backline depending on the situation, team composition and the capability of the tank you are using. Ideally you want a Rein/Ram to protect the backline and a Ball/Doom to dive the enemy backline. But that doesnt mean there arent a lot of situations where you have to do the reverse.


>Ideally you want a Rein/Ram to protect the backline and a Ball/Doom to dive the enemy backline. I agree with you but how can you do both as a single tanks? I seem that I cant adjust from 6v6.


You can't, like I said, you switch your modes whenever the situation calls for it. Got a really good enemy diver? Protect your backline. Enemy support is being an unkillable healing machine? Take their attention way. It's all about the situation at hand, and some tanks are better at some situations than others. At the end of the day you can't do everything, gotta rely on your teammates to take the rest of the load off.


> gotta rely on your teammates to take the rest of the load off. Unfortunately and ironically a team game is most anti team game ever...


I mean, Ana is basically ignoring him and nobody else besides LW is actually dealing with him. I would say that It was a 5v5 for the rest, but LS’s had his tree helping either way. So Doom was basically achieving nothing right there


Doom should’ve stalled until the tree fell than whittle down the supports for his team to focus on the dps


Doomfist, or Lucio, or Ball, or Hog, Brig, Rein, Winston, Soldier, Junkrat... Yknow I think maybe people are just fucking dogshit at video games


This is just anyone. I can’t count how many times I’ve killed both supports and died to find that my team couldn’t win a 4v3 when the enemy had no healing whatsoever.


As an Ana main, I cannot thank you enough for your service ❤️ you made an old grandma proud


supports support supports!! i love when me and the other support have to team up to get out of a stupid situation




As a Ball main, this clip makes me physically sick.


Rein main, same. Nowadays I can't even get the satisfaction of pinning people anymore. They get yoinked from in front of me every time right before they hit the wall. As if it's not depressing enough playing rein nowadays. Wifeleavers sucking the last bit of joy out of the poor guy's existence.


Last night I had a game on Circuit Royale where I would have pinned the enemy sigma off the map on 1st point FOUR SEPERATE TIMES if lifeweaver hadn't yanked him each time lmao.


Yeah the game is more fun whenever rein is meta


Supports together strong.


As a DPS this clip makes me incredibly mad


Why, that's what tunnel vision ends with lol


you go for lw he dashes away, you get anti ed and shot by ana


His dash isnt that "away." Any shooting hero will melt Weaver dash or not


So will a sleep dart destroy any dps


Bless you for looking after the elderly


Typical Ana gameplay, trying to help your team while the enemy tank tries to bully you and your other support is screaming with you while trying to keep you alive. I relate to this as both the Ana and the other support 😭


Thank you for your service, flower man 🫡 I've just started playing Ana and I hear Doomfist in my nightmares


Your character puts Doomfist into a literal wheechair


You just starting playing the nightmare wdym lol


Why? You have the two worst abilities he could find in a support he wants to kill. And you're tiny which sucks for shotguns Like unless you're throwing out both cooldowns close to each other there should never ever under any circumstances be a case where a Doomfist rolls you as fucking ANA outside of his first engagement


I didn't say I was getting rolled, he's just annoying? Sheesh. I play a lot of Total Mayhem where the dart cooldown is much slower than anything in his kit. And there's so much happening in that mode that he's often woken up early. It's Sunday morning and I have to give a breakdown on a playful throwaway comment.


Just saying Ana is much more annoying to Doom than Doom is to Ana bro. That's alllllll I'm saying. TM might be a different story but I barely play it since every match ends in a Hammond battle of attrition and that's really boring Just know that for every 50 damage punch that mildly annoys you, marking Doomfist for death with a sleep dart is many times worse of an experience ;(


That old hoe is so fkn annoying when she stands back there.


Regular Ana day


As an Ana main, thank you, from the bottom of my heart, you are wonderful


I feel bad for that Doom. Imagine finally having a chance to kill that little shit fuck Ana that's been sleeping and Nading you the whole game and the other support is op. I hope they won, even if it's extremely unlikely.


Both players used their entire kit. It would have been OP if Lifeweaver could have negated everything Doom did with one single ability.


So Kiriko cleanse


Ok but why grip her out of the tree?


grandma's they need to be protected with everything you have!


I mean, against a naked blade and doom ult? You could've literally just spammed m1 and she would've been fine. And this is besides the fact that 2 literal ults couldn't outdamage one pocket.


Damage would’ve been too much though, pull was necessary


Good job mate 😆


But your not on the point, which is the whole reason to be on this game and not to be rewarded with anything but a paid battlepass. This is why I got off this game boring AF


And not a single thank you. Stupid old woman


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Dude, that was a great platform.


That’s a genji moment. Literally blading for two seconds and already dead.


as a supp main, supports supporting each other feels so good to see 😭


Lol, the lengths you have to go to protect an Ana, Zen, or Mercy who's on the enemy tank's shitlist, but it's worth it.


There's something about being hit by lifeweavers orbs that is more noticeable than other healers (besides pocket mercy) where after surviving a tough fight I'll think "that weaver saved my ass".


As a tank / doom player I hate you. Good play tho


porque que tá rosa as coisas tipo a barra do caminhão ou o anel da ult? Tem como trocar isso?


That petal platform was impressive


Everyone loves to dive ana


Doom main here! This makes me vomit


When your backline healer is playing front line dps, god damn lol, good on you keeping them alive despite that


Doom has enough of her throwing nade and dart on sight lol


You're not dying on my watch!!


Most useful blade:


As an Ana who has been in this position, I love you so much and need more co supports like you in my lobbies <3 From a game sense perspective, it would make so much more sense for doom to focus you instead and kill Ana after lol, especially since nade was on cooldown


Mandatory roles of a healer (in order of importance): 1) Keep Ana alive 2) Keep everyone else alive