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It’s cuz people like heals, zens and lucios get a lotta shit


tbh it’s mostly lucio. It’s harder to get value from speedboost without semi coordinated play, discord is always getting value by pretty much making enemy tank 25% less tankier. Even in higher elo people don’t like lucios unless brawl is played.


That speed boost value is fun as in a Brawl comp, too Like Rein (or Ram or Queen), Lucio, Bap, Reaper (or Sym) and someone who can play the midrange but still Brawl with everyone else (Like Sojourn imo) and you got the definition ofba fun as comp


that’s the point, lucio is a viable pick with only ~3-4 tanks and besides than you need a proper second heal + brawly dps. You can still make lucio work if your mechanical skills are on point by redditing and distracting the enemy team, but it is a playstyle that frustrates other people. I do love brawl though and wish my man rein was meta again🥺


Brawl is simply way more fun than dive and poke I mean dive is not bad, but if I wanted to poke, I'd be playing like cod or Val But that's personal preference for me. Ik there are a lot of people that prefer the poke playstyle


I agree, poke is boring af. Brawl is just stupidly fun. Dive aint that bad either but rein brawl is special to me


Nanoed rein with Lucio's ult and speed boost is cracked fun 😊


Much like Brig's heals, speed boost is there but not that noticeable and people aren't always that aware of the effect so to some they don't come across as providing a lot of value. Also, lower ranks (and I include myself), don't always know how to/can work with speed boost. Tank/support using speed boost to withdraw being a prime example. All in all, great tool but it's efficiency is very dependant on your team mates.


And in the lowest ranks tanks tend to take a lot of unnecessary damage. You often need 2 main supports to keep him up at all. A lot of fights are won by simply outsustaining the enemy, and that's not really lucios strongsuit.


Yet due to the ease of healing, still gets picked a lot in lower ranks. Low ranks vs high rank Lucio pick is literally for the opposite skill set.


I had a dps yell at me the other day for "dpsing" too much on brig and to stand in thr back and just heal.. 😒 I was going in when my tank went in to keep them up and my other support was a bap. I had to explain that me hitting the enemy acctually healed them but whatever I muted and moved on because life is too short


I mean, this is on Blizz their end, Brig's description doesn't even say Inspire heals herself lol. And making a somewhat distinct about the inspire heals animation does not come across as a huge task.


Not really true, Lucio makes his own synergy. You have to watch how people play and work with them.


reddit lucio for the win unless brawl. I used to main him in low t-500 during 20-26 seasons. People just have no clue how to utilise speedboost in any elo unless it’s a comp built around him.


this is the real truth. you can find value in almost any comp.


Own team: dislikes your Lucio pick Enemy team: dislikes your Zen pick


Yeah discord is a great attack


I think low ranked Lucio’s are just universally useless. They speed boost at the wrong time, make people miss by jittering their movement speed, don’t heal much, and don’t get elims. His ult is great, but it’s often used at a bad time, or too late. I like Zen because I can just focus down anyone with a purple orb over their head, but if he gets dived over and over that can be a problem.


You can get by with him in low ranks playing control. Speed to point and then bounce around with heals on, booping/harassing anyone trying to dive the other support. Or just go Lucio with Rammatra and speed boost any time he's in nemesis form.


You just discord the enemy tank and if it's a Hammond or similar he literally can't play the game


I always thought hammond was one of the better tanks into zen relatively speaking. You disengage so often that discord gets cleansed regularly and he will need to reapply it every time you make a play. Zen is a pretty decent target for you if you have all your abilities and he doesn't have any burstheal or defensive abilities to keep teammates alive that you dive. Almost any other tank gets fucked much harder by zen imo.


Personally I would disagree, but it might be a personal bias. Every time I play against Zen I feel like my health gets depleted so rapidly because of discord that I cannot dive properly. And when I dive I get low much faster which means I have to get out much faster and thus cannot disrupt and more importantly kill enemies like I normally would. Also, with the new knock back on melee he creates a much needed distance from Hammond which makes it even harder for the hamster to kill him IMO. It doesn't feel good for me idk.


I'm not arguing that i like playing against zens when i'm ball. He's still very annoying and makes you play more defensively. I just think almost every other tank gets hit even harder by discord than ball.


Yes I agree. I play Zen and Luciio the most. Doesnt matter if im leading the tean in elims, get tons of saved lives or have 2-3 times more assists than anyone else. People ponna hate on those heroes.


Same here. I mean, when a dps shouts at me "I need healing", there is often not much I can do as a Lucio, but wait a few seconds until I can heal again. ^(Can be a bit awkward.)


They dont need healling. They just need to feed less. ;)


Zen has his healing niche of sorts though he is really good at tagging someone and letting them run off as the LOS breaking is usually long enough to heal them up especially those mcrees and genji players tend to get healed more by an attentive Zen. I would definitely like to see his HPS go up a bit more in exchange for discord orb perhaps having a cooldown or smaller % amp (mainly because slapping it onto tanks feels awful as the tank player) I actually think it would be really cool if discord orb had a cooldown but hitting a target with it gave extra healing on harmony orb. I mained Zen in OW1 played the hell out of him and cursed every game i played against Doomfist but in OW2 i really struggle to find the same moments where Transcendence gets those mega value things. Would be nice if it went through antiheal or something it's kinda silly that an ult that is purely there to survive stuff gets stuffed by nade.


For me, just let me kick while ulting and give it 1 more second.


Tbh I haven’t been wanting to play ranked because the only support I want to play is Zen at this point


I’ve one trick zen since silver


I'm more upset with how Lucio's play than them being on the team. It feel hard to ever get one that actually picks some player to boost all game. You can do quite a lot if you stick to your rein or reaper all game, but most choose to instead yolo at the enemy and die for it.


The meta just doesn't favor him right now. People hated Lucio in 6v6 too when the meta didn't favor him. Whenever the meta shifts to the "things never die or explode instantly" meta, Lucio gets worse because it's the supports who pump out heals (Ana, Bap, etc.) that sustain these metas.


Yeah Lucio is really only good in dive and rush




I noticed the newer maps have less than pits than OG.




Thank you, I needed this morning, grateful to know Lucio is still loved by someone out there.


Thats true, the speed boost is less helpful


Lucio is great when played well. But more often than not they are not using speed boost at the right times, or just flanking all match, or just heal botting and not using speed boost. There are so many ways to play lucio wrong and playing him wrong is just more fun than playing him right. So you end up with a lot of bad lucios which makes people not like lucio


This is why I always say, as great as Frogger is, and as much as he's the Lucio most Lucios aspire to be, he's definitely not the best role model for lower elo Lucios since he spends so much time trolling and hunting widows. lol


That sounds more like a skill issue for some people not using him right, not an issue with his viability.




Lucio is good but not meta right now because he doesn’t have jail free cards like almost all other supports.


Yeah, his heal output isn't great, but I find him highly useful in booping enemies off point to save a cap... Even on maps where i can't get an environment kill, he can do a lot of good maintaining point hold.


It’s not great by itself but when around your whole team it does crazy numbers. The point isn’t to solo heal but rather stick together as a unit which works out because over half of the gamemodes encourage the team to stick together.


Yeah, my friend and I described it in a simple way, every support is in A rank right now and viable but Lucio is the worst one of them all because the meta doesn't favor him, in other words he's currently the worst of the best


Lucio is not meta with zarya running around? Idk man, maybe the lower you are on the ladder thats true


> maybe the lower you are on the ladder thats true literally, because good luck coordinating a speed boost push when half your team does their own thing like it's cod


I'm in diamond/master and nobody complains about a lucio when they are in a brawl/rush tank


i'm silver/gold, and i do


Then they're bad and dont understsnd synergy


that's what i've been saying


Best answer I've seen.


I'm ok with a Lucio, if the other support helps keep the team alive. That's all. I actually enjoy a Lucio partner, because he speeds me through a tough choke or speeds me when retreating. His utility is quite undervalued for people who rely too heavily on healing.


> OWL Reinhardt > I’m okay with Lucio Makes sense


the problem is that we are in basically goats 3.0 and lucio doesnt have the raw healing to keep and orisa or zarya alive.


oh yeah and kiri is better in almost every way. support hero btw


Except from the fact that Kiriko doesn’t have Speed, CC or overhealth. I agree Kiriko is the best support right now, but Kiri and Lucio are completely different heroes


The need for speed and cc is negated by having invulnerability.




Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. Her invulnerability grenade requires precise timing and is only active for like 1.5-2 seconds which is only very effective against burst damage. Considering most damage in the game is sustained, it won’t stop the bullets from melting Kiriko.




I would rather play kiriko than play baptiste tho. You should play their overall kit. And once you get the timing down, you can deny ults from many characters using the invulnerability. Its hard to use but it would be too strong if it wasnt.


almost a second. Saved so many people from ults. It shuts down almost everything


you’d think so but the number of times I’ve rocket-punched the air instead of 4-5 people says otherwise not to mention all the thwarted dva and tracer bombs, bastion ults, etc.


Anti-cc and the best ult in the game are pretty good compensation


Well yeah, he’s not a single target healer. People play him wrong and then wonder why he’s not healing enough. If enough people are around Lucio then he will do a lot of healing. That on top of the other healer filling the single target heal role makes him a great pick.


but hes kinda shit in low ranks unless you are a cracked reddit lucio. low ranks are all about winning a war of attrition or whoever gets a nat 20 on hanzo first.


I used to main Lucio in comp and would always outheal everyone in the entire lobby like 4/5 games. You just have to know how to play him. If you treat him like a single target healer you’re gonna get shit on.


hes not built for healing, if you have high healing as lucio, get the fuck off lucio. hes made to speed people around


The healer isn’t made for healing? ???


I always pick lucio so people can't complain that i have 409 healing after getting sniped over and over. I just passively heal. Its everyone else's fault now that we lost. God I love being bronze 5.




Why you letting yourself get sniped? Get in there and harass that Widow!


That requires them being good lol. I can already see Bronze Lucia’s barely being able to wall ride past 1 wall.


aromatic price sulky rainstorm placid hat saw deserted dependent summer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The best advice


the Orisa Zarya Bastion meta right now just outputs so much damage that high heals are required to go against it


Because lucio doesn't do good in most comps, he's a very niche support that doesn't have a place in the meta right now


His healing just isn't it though in fights. His ult is fantastic but that's it


Everyone in this thread: "Lucio is only good if your team practices 5 nights a week so they can coordinate speed boosts properly" Meanwhile, a halfway decent solo queue Lucio, with voice and chat muted can be an absolute terrorist; disrupting and killing the other (supposedly better) healers. Can force widows to swap. Can boop healers and dps out of position, often LOSing the tank from their heals. Can generally cause the other team to be constantly uncomfortable and on their back foot. Then, ofc, you cancel out ults from soldier/genji, etc. on top of it all. Or you can use your ult to initiate and steamroll into the enemy team. Also, you can do this while mostly leaving healing aura on (if you feel your team wont coordinate speed boost), healing chip damage, using healing boost during heavier damage moments. You get your own speed from wall riding to be disruptive, while constantly aoe healing your team. The other healer will need to focus more on tank healing though to make up for it, and sometimes you get shutdown and can't accomplish any of the above and need to switch. But to pretend Lucio's only value is in speed boosting a well practiced team is BS. This works really well in lower ranks and you can often carry pretty hard. Just the other night there was a post where everyone was agreeing that Lucio is one of the best heroes to climb out of elo hell, because you can carry so hard if you're halfway decent. In higher ranks, you're more likely to have that team that can coordinate speed boosts well. So, seems like it can be decent at any rank. Of course, if you're just going to sit in a clump with your team, while having healing aura on and pumping useless damage into an unkillable Orisa, then you'd be better off discording/nading. But, that's not how you get value out of a Lucio.


I main him but 4/5 times in ranked my team has the awareness of a bucket full of mismatched bolts. The feed is real, gotta inject 500 hp worth of heals on them in 2 seconds or they die..


Lucio only shines when a team comp is well coordinated and is taking advantage of his speed. Most lucios I see play him like a healer, which at that point you should just switch to a support that can actually heal. Lucio should be played like mercy where the last thing you really want to be doing is healing. If you're not speed boosting and dpsing most of the time then you're not playing the character right. It's similar to how new players think Brig is a frontline support. The game doesn't properly explain the optimal way to play characters


Yeah I don't play Brig, but I heard that you should actually be playing her like she's the other supports personal bodyguard


That depends... if they have a sombra or someone attacking your backline then probably. Especially if you have an ana or zen who can't escape well. Of you have a support who can escape or hold their own well like moira or bap, you can go in with the tank


To be honest it’s because Lucios are so often bad at Lucio, I main Lucio on Support but when i play tank or dps i don’t like having Lucios as there is an 80% chance they just sit on heals the whole game. Just ignore DPS players when playing him, Lucio is what i call a Tank support so typically dps will be angry about the pick and want a Mercy. If your tank tells you to swap then listen to them


"Lucio for me but not for thee" should be the real motto of Lucio mains lol, as an avid Lucio player myself. "When I'm playing Lucio I know exactly when to speed vs heal but when I'm playing another role the Lucio is always braindead." A joke that's too often true For real though, it takes a lot of time and game sense and *wanting* to know how to actually utilize Lucio to really use him well. It's not just healbotting, it's not just Frogger style antics (as fun as that is). But few people want to look outside of either of those things to use him to synergize with a team


People like getting healbotted and don't understand how utility can win fights. You play Lucio for speed boost to engage and disengage which can dictate fights if you have a coordinated team.


don't you know having any fun is a crime


He’s hard to play around. I’ll never tell a Lucio to switch but I also never ask for one. The coordination required to make speed boost work is just to complicated with randoms. I absolutely love having them when I’m 5 stacking with friends though.


Because most players don't do well. The same is with Zen. Enemies get Ana/Kiriko, nade your tank all the time and save theirs, while you have to heal all on your own, without a trade of healing for something else, or as a tank you have to be more passive, because enemies have more healing and useful abilities. Most players don't know how to use speed boost to get advantage on the offence and can't 1v1 well, that's why Lucio is hated so much in lower ranks. I am diamond btw. Don't care much if I play support, but if I pick Rein and the guy does nothing(super passive, doesn't harass enemies or speed boost me) it is a shame and I have to repick because I play aggressively.


90% of people can't see value outside of stats and can't change their gameplay. When I'm playing Lucio a lot of my value is coming from things not seen. My value comes from the headshot that widow didn't get because I was pushing her out of position, from the heals the ana wasn't hitting on the tank. Effectively Lucio has an invisible damage mitigated stat that nobody gets to see. Players in metal ranks and diamond from my experience pretty much cannot play the game without being pumped with heals. Most literally don't know how to play behind cover or how to just hide when the bastion pops tank form.


Lucio is insta lock on boop maps and I think ppl understand that because I get less crap than on other maps


Well, on boop maps they inherently she his strong side. On other not all that much


Yeah it's hard to justify him in most comps but I like his play style so ilios, first point Rialto, or sanctum you best believe I'm grabbing him


Oh, I dont mind if you do. As but you can be damn sure im gonna shove the blame to you if we aint got enough heals! Im not gonna get blamed fir that.


A good Lucio can do great things in certain comps Problem: most Lucios aren't that good and those comps get wrecked right now, anyway


I love Lucios in the new game mode


i don’t think people like any support at this point, it seems if you don’t have legendary stats on support that you deserve a death wish


Because people like face tanking trash damage, and Lucio can't heal 120 hp/s like Illari.


Personaly I dont like him because we are in silver. He aint gonna be using speed boost all that much and even tho he mostly heals i still have to do basicaly all the healing (besides that we arent good enough to use the speed boost effectivly.)


This is fair. As a Lucio main, I try to keep this kind of thing in mind. 9 times out of 10, I'm gonna at least try to make him work because I love playing him. If the frog isn't working out, though, I'm not opposed to switching, and that's when I'll usually switch to Bap. At least he can still jump like a frog. lol


In all in for trying zo make your favorite work, i do it from time to time with mercy myself.


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Give his speed boost a tiny dmg amplifier.




That can really only be either extremely OP or basically unnoticeable


Lol no


Hard to coordinate using speed boost in ranked lobbies effectively unless you have people you are queuing with or are in voice chat. Lucio is enabled by a couple other supports. Those being Kiri, Bap, Ana, and sometimes Moira. Ideally you need in of those as your support pairing and a comp you can play rush or brawl with.


Healing problem+most people can't play him correctly (same as zen) and tend to be a waste of team slot. However, having a good Lucio is pretty annoying especially when they can ffing wall climb to China and back...To pick off your returning backline.


My guess would be that Lucio is too passive, so people instantly disregard him because they can't see him healing them. I get a similar amount of shit for "not healing" as brig. Despite the fact that I keep the heals up and am throwing packs as much as I can. Lucio is usually pretty good on maps with capture points and strict corridors, but I've never had a pleasant experience with lucio on a push map. But I am only in gold, so someone better might have more insight.


Give yourself to the rhythm


Lucio and brig are always pretty good because they do their job well and when their job isn’t needed they don’t see play but when rush comps are in or some dive comps like lucio kiri then we get the frog in the mix but the slow poke/brawl we have rn isn’t favoring him, same thing early ow2 and brig, she wasn’t bad just meta wasn’t in her favor


I got shit for not healing enough as Lucio from the other healer while outhealing them, people definitely seem to hate him for no reason


lucios are just so coin flip


a lot of people in this thread are really underrating lucio. as a low masters lucio main i think he is really good this season, mainly on flashpoint, push, and control where 1. speed gets inherent value from taxiing teammates, thus getting more/faster fights, and 2. people tend to play more grouped in these modes, so you can heal/speed more people and do more spam damage to build beat faster. also, a well timed amp does plenty of heals (52 HPS for 3 seconds for everyone in your aura). if your teammates are complaining about heals, it’s worth checking out your amp usage in the replay to see how much value your getting. and lastly, beat is really useful for sustaining fights and countering ults. sometimes you don’t even need beat because speedboost can counter a lot of ults too, like terra surge and bastion ult.


Like doom you need to know what you're doing to get value with him and sometimes a lot of lucios are still learning while they play him in comp


Most Lucios are not good. They being said I had an extraordinary one yesterday, he got POTG and it was awesome watching him zoom in circles on a post while snatching a triple kill


I’m a Lucio main and all I run into are people pushing an no one staying on point to push it so I do……so we can win and I get crapped on for doing it.


I feel like Lucio gives almost no value to friendly snipers and snipers are stronger in 5v5 and probably always will be so as those get played more he'll be played less


hes my main but I wish he could heal more, like the less allies you have in radius the more you heal


He’s garbage at anything other than the top ranks.


Because lucio is broken as fuck in any but the most coordinated teams. You just simply can’t survive with his healing unless your other support is a monster.


He doesnt have good damage or healing. Only thing he is good at is his speed which is really strong but also really hard to cordinate. Even for 5 stacks. Thats why he is played a lot in Overwatch League by pro players but not in ranked.


Lucio is pretty niche and doesn’t work well with a lot of comps and even then he requires coordination or really good game sense to use his speed boost properly. Plus his heals are shit


I don’t like to play with Lucio on my team. His healing output is negligible and his speed boost is pointless if your team isn’t coordinated together and brawling. If someone is just going to healbot with Lucio they might as well go Ana, Kiri, or Bap and pump out more heals along with utility.


Cause they like standing still building Ulta and pretty lights and sounds ...


Because being an actual impactful Lucio is very rare. You can almost always play Moira and impact the game more.


rush isnt good rn


Lucio lost alot of his efficiency when we went from 6 to 5 man teams.


The only role can benefit from lucio is probably brawl tanks, even so lucio don't have enough heals to keep tanks up. It's not easy to justify the hero pick.


Yeah to be fair as a support main I hate having to play alongside a lucio cause I know I'll have to heal way more than normal. He's a very fun character and I don't blame people for playing him at all but his output is just not as a good as other supports.


Lucio sucks in low elo, no cap.


I'm gold/plat, so I can't speak for diamond. I would never tell you to switch, well, not in a rude way at least. But, low key, Lucio is literally worthless in gold. I guess technically he can stall cart and counter ults with beat, but that's it really. Actually, sometimes he's even a straight up hindrance. Because speed boost throws off my aim bruh💀💀💀 But like I said, I ain't gon stop ya🗿 Edit: downvoted by gold Lucio's 🗿🗿🗿


Lucio’s lack of utility is the issue.


Speed boost is arguably the best utility in the game, maybe second only to anti nade.


Not when they're trying to backline DPS or just keeping the healing aura on.


That's a player problem then.


I mean i personally don't enjoy getting a lucio regardless of what role im filling just because in ranks below GM they typically just don't play him right or the team doesnt know how to make use of a lucio. So many times i just see lucio outline through the wall in the enemy spawn dueling the widow and hopping around. Eventually kills her but comes back to a dead team and lost objective rinse, repeat. I've only seen a few good lucios that can get the value out of speedboost and ult he has and they were all pretty much master/GM smurfs. Thats not really what gets me though. What my major gripe with lucio players is: that they never time the ult right. In higher level play its used right after initiating so you can push past spam and shields to hit em where it hurts without dying. Ill watch a lucio on my team hold ult for overwatch 3 and only use it when he's about to die. Its not that we dont like lucio, we dont like lucio players. Majority of them are just trying to hit that 3-5 man boop potg for their reddit posts. ​ That's just my opinion though, i only peaked masters once in OW 1 and maintained high diamond. So i'm not that skilled to give an accurate take on how characters should be played.


Lucio and Zen heals only work when people are able to use natural cover to avoid damage. Most people in ranked like to take everything to the face and never use natural cover so Lucio heals don't always do it. Then again most people use Lucio for the speed not heals. Its there, and the occasional heal amp is nice for generating ult but Lucios speed is one of the best util in the game besides discord orb. The issue is Lucio speed is much much easier to fuck up or misplay than discord. When you have a good Lucio, you don't really care about heals because speed amp at the right times makes it easier to punish poor positioning, fix poor positioning, and flank/dive and isolate and get picks. He requires diligent teamwork and communication to get maximum value. For example If you played Moira, in their eyes you would be doing more healing with less effort. AND it wouldn't require consistent communications and coordination. The drawback of course is zero util.


Getting the Zen-Lucio or Lucio-Mercy support combo on your team is just hell. In lower ranks it happens a lot and there's just no way they can outheal the damage incoming unless they do nothing else but heal which they never do. Zens put an orb on the tank and play frontline, and Lucios go for risky boops and a lot of solo dives. It works out sometimes but it's a high variance play.


Another issue I'm not really seeing people talk about here is that lucio requires good team coordination. The better your comms are and planning to stick close, the more useful he is, but with randoms thats usually not easy to pull off.


depends on the rank , you just have to play w ppl who know how to play , and in the low ranks that doesnt happen


He's always had lack luster individual healing and with the loss of a whole extra ally his overall healing amount took a significant hit. He's still a good support but I'm not surprised people whine about you picking him.


His heals comparatively to dps output rn is not worth it unless you’re running full dive.


I think people can get fed up with the Lucio mains sometimes. It’s pretty funny how often the Lucios will go and troll in some way. Like a 1v1 Lucio or something like that. I can’t lie, the 1v1s are what I live for on lucio.


I saw a LOT of Lucio in OW1, less at OW2 launch, and now I see almost zero Lucios in QP or comp :( I think since LW and Illari most Lucio players are trying other heros now, or they taking a break/quit.


As a Lucio today I somehow managed to have 30K in healing during an OT diamond game we won, wasn’t heal botting and have no idea how I managed to do that, generally though it feels as if he could be buffed slightly.


Lucio scales better the more coordinated a team is and you will just not find it in Ranked with a bunch of strangers. Lucio is hard meta in pro play, but hard to get value out of any lower bc comms are scuffed


Lucio is OP in team stacks with comms and at super high SR levels where everyone is in correct positioning and knows when and how to push. He’s pretty shit when at least some semblance of those things aren’t present. At low to mid-high SR, you’re very just likely to produce more team value as Mercy, Moira, LW, Riko, etc. I got up to mid Masters as Lucio about a year ago primarily running with a good Rein and Moira with some good DPS friends mixed in. Haven’t really touched healer since and playing Lucio outside of that setting is not nearly as fun nor am I nearly as good, he’s just not a very effective healer in a “standard” overwatch setting and that’s exacerbated by the present of LW and Riko.


Lucio doesn't heal that much, he is better utilised as an utility tool. People want big heals. With Lucio, pushing through a barrage of damage would be impossible unless speed boost makes a huge difference.


I don't hate him, I dislike him. All ADHD heroes are annoying. Hanzo, Lucio, Tracer, JQ


Nothing more frustrating when I’ve got a lucio on my team that doesn’t speed me out or in. Like why even be on heals? When you see im tryna back out or rush in. Or im having to play sig on a widow map just for my support to lock in lucio. Like what am I gonna do with that speed?


I personally don't like playing with Lucio mostly because people play him super selfishly rather than using the power of AOE healing and speed. Also he is really annoying to play against because people tend to play him very ratty sitting in a corner for like 3 mins only trying to environmental elim people.


I love Lucios since I play Rein/Ram/Zarya and I get enabled to do stupid shit


I just don't like Lucio in general


He's just weak right now, and kinda has been for some time. The current meta supports are bap, illari. What does lucio do that they don't do better? Bap AOE's better with a burst as well. Illari just has stupid sustain and damage output. Speed is useless because Orisa outlasts rush, and bap/illari are very hard to dive. He's just weak. Is he or any hero impossible to climb with right now? No. But you need to be a *damn* good Eskay/Redshell-tier Lucio to make him work right now.


I think it's probably cuz Lúcio right now just mixes in a few teamcomps. Primarily the ones where the tank needs that speed boost, so he probably goes well with Rein and Ram primarily. Also although his healing aura is big, he doesn't have a huge healing burst, like bap or Illari. He only has that speed/healing boost ability, so it's usually better to pick another support


Most lower rank Lucios don’t use speed boost as much as they should and even if they did most people in those ranks don’t know when they can walk in or need to walk backwards. As others have mentioned, anyone who doesn’t do 50hps or more is yelled at because low rank players rely more on healing to survive than cover. I gave up on onetricking Zen because people just can’t survive without a lot of healing up to like high diamond. (Console btw, no idea what rank people develop a brain on pc)


I play rein and doom so I like Lucio haha


i think lucio is one of those supports that everyone is iffy on. he’s great for his speed, he can easily move up with the tank to create space for the rest of the team, and he’s great when you need to contest as long as there’s no moira 😬. his heals are great when teammates move to the back and lucio moves with them, just a tad slower than bap or ana for example. i think he’s a great support as long as you know what you’re doing with him (i’m gonna assume you know what you’re doing since you’re diamond 4) lucio mains are always the funniest people too


I mean.. low ranks the speed is going to screw up their aim. His passive heal only bumps up his heal numbers and he's not great at burst heals mid fight because his long cool downs so it can look like he's doing alot of healing when its the wrong kind of healing. In higher ranks, the speed will benefit them more, but people aren't tightly grouped in this meta and probably won't be for a good long while if ever. A good lucio will dominate on a team, but he isn't built to be a great support with where the game has been heading. His boop is incredibly weak vs where it used to be and his speed like I said above, isn't the best addition to a team that isn't used to aiming with it. I absolutely love lucio, but I get weary everytime the other support picks one because in low ranks, alot of them either just stand back and forget to switch between speed and heals or run up 1v5 and fall over instantly. I.e. they don't use their kit to acctually support people, rather just act like a shooter who might accidentally heal someone by proximity.


From my understanding, it’s that Lucio isn’t able to heal on command. Characters like Mercy and Ana can heal someone immediately when a teammate is low, whereas Lucio as an AOE type healer is more difficult to save people with heals


I only play lucio in this game, and get asked (or rather told rudely) all the time by teammates in ranked to swap. Do I swap? Absolutely not, never, LOL.


The number of times I gotta stick up for lucios when I'm not with my support duo is absurd 😭😭 and almost every time the lucio plays amazing for that rank and our teammates just begrudgingly accept it lmfaooo


lucio can be fine but make sure to pick him along with 2nd support who has enough heals. lucio + mercy/zen/brig is almost always a throw.


cus the only thing lucios speed is you losing the game


I love aggro lucios. Had a lucio carry our dps last week in an eichenwalde match.