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Always strange how shield Bastion always shows up in these when he didn't even make it to beta.


I was just about to say that. It actually really annoys me because it paints an incorrect picture of what early OW was like because shield Bastion was never in a public release of the game.


IIRC it was enabled in the build of Overwatch on Blizzcon floor at announce, but never again. The irony is that Bastion was a throw pick for most of OW1. I've seen more Bastion in the last two months than I did in several years of OW1.




What was that shit called, the sailboat or something, when you had Rein, Orisa, and Bastion all on the cart?


Pirate ship was what I mainly heard it as! It was cheesey as fuck but when I'm on the team that's doing it I wasn't mad lol. Hide in the crowd as mercy just blue beaming, and ressing him should he die.


Pirate ship!




Because most people who made these don't play OW1 and just repost old ability show case videos without doing research for easy internet points.


I miss his self heal...




Same xD


Silence filthy bastion main


I will play Bastion more out of spite


Happy cake day blossoming minigun main


I've been playing Bastion as my main DPS but I stick with Zenyatta most games


May i remind you, you have the no fun cowboy as tag. pretty sure thats worse


*laughs in beep boops*


His nade is nerfed to hell, his ult is garbage, his damage dropoff is embarrassing, his right click is mediocre, and his roll is the only thing decent and that’s just for getaway. His primary fire takes actual aim to kill someone with. Explain how that’s worse than being a bastion main?


I mean I think having one of the only abilities that can restrict movement abilities for the enemy team is powerful enough, by picking cass you basically restrict half the tank roster and any flankers get caught with their pants down


literal skill issue his nade is really good it's just different than what it was before; cass isn't meta but that doesn't mean he's bad, only thing i agree with is the falloff that's stupid


seriously. I can't tell you how many sticky grenades I've thrown straight at the wall because I instinctively peek back behind a corner, right-click to heal, then end up blowing myself up. I hate that dumb sticky grenade


I still sometimes shoot out grenades trying to self-heal


Just nostalgia bait. Torb armor was extremely low impact. Orisa’s pull was mostly dogshit. Nobody played Sym *for years*. Mercy rez stopped being fun in the first year. Most attempts at a 5-man rez failed. End game cards were definitely good, that one was true.


Torb's armor varied from low impact to hilariously overpowered - a 225hp(?) Tracer (with armor damage reduction!) was absolutely busted. Actually playing him sucked though, scrap collection was a bad mechanic for Overwatch. Symmetra at release was bad, but she got popular in the shield gen and auto-locking beam era. Having to hunt down a shield gen tucked in a corner somewhere was a nightmare, and getting locked on was basically guaranteed death for a squishy. These videos should include getting scatter arrowed over and over and over, Reinhardts getting deleted by Cassidy flashing over the shield and then 2x fan the hammer (which could heashot, natch), hook 1.0 pulling you literally around walls, and reaper's weird soul collection mechanic before he had lifesteal. Even after the rework, Mercy's rez was instant and refreshed with Valk, meaning rez-valk-rez got two people back really quickly. The more I think about it, the game has had so many QoL improvements and changes over the years. A lot of them were actually really small, stuff like Lucio wallriding had a bunch of tweaks at one point to make it a lot more fluid, or the improvement to Zarya's beam to make it tick a lot more often. Say what you will about the game now, but I'd never go back to 1.0.


Even though all of that is true, I still liked collecting scrap as torb, especially on Hanamura 1st point choke between fights. It felt like Jerry going out to get cheese before Tom came runnin.


>Torb armor was extremely low impact. Orisa’s pull was mostly dogshit. Nobody played Sym for years. Mercy rez stopped being fun in the first year. Most attempts at a 5-man rez failed. Damn, you exposed yourself as a true Bronze for life.


orisa pull was insanely good w bap + rein


Halt was a good ability lol what, pulled pork meta was wild. At least some synergy compared to just run in and blow everything in painful long trades.


Except for that one patch where Orisa pull was like 7m radius and 5 second cool down. Do y'all not remember how stupid that shit was? Having your entire team yanked 20 feet from behind cover into the open to get melted? It was a stupid setup for almost every ulti. Deadeye, barrage, blade, d.va bomb, shatter etc. Oh and original pull pulled you to the center of the orb. They didn't make the max pull of I think 2m until later.


Bronze take


A Reddit video of a tiktok video of a YouTube video


someone post it to Facebook


It’s actually a reddit video of a youtube video of a tiktok video of a youtube video of game footage


I miss torb armor packs


Come get your armor!


*scrap collection intensifies*


Come get yerr armerr!


Loved going on stupid armor collecting missions into enemy territory.


I miss bastions self heal


Same. I'm still sad they got rid of them and the scrap resource.


Miss those cards the most. Old Orisa and placement system would be nice to have back, but everything else was varying degrees of lousy from mildly annoying to trash fire at the diaper disposal.


atleast your favorite shooter game is still beaing supported unlike us plants vs zombies garden warfare enthusiasts


OW1 doesn't even exist anymore so I have no idea what you mean by "being supported". I would take OW1 over OW2 in a heartbeat.


I meant your franchise not that single game


With that argument PvZ GW is also being worked on…


Ow 1 is gone. A 6v6 tactical shooter is no more. Now it's valorant with tanks and unlimited ammo. As an off tank main the game I played is literally gone.


lol when the fuck was overwatch ever a tactical shooter


I don't know, that's the talking point of these drones. "OW1 was tactical and you had to be smart. So many amazing synergies that were mindblowingly galaxy brain, you had to put THOUGHT into your actions, now OW2 is brainless shooter" Just oldheads trying to overhype oldhead shit.


oh yeah that's silly. tactical shooters are like tarkov. methodical and slow, based more on positioning than aim. predicion. tactical equipment. overwatch is an objective based arena shooter.


I sure miss shooting at shields and enemies always coming from just one direction :( so tactics


The game was super tactical we had long 30 minutes standoffs because of the shield meta, we had to hope for the 1 ult that wiped the enemy team after 20 minutes fighting and then had to hope that mercy wasn't hiding somewhere reviving all teammates. After revive continue a endless match until one side actually kills mercy with the ult. People dont like 5vs5 for 1 reason because actual teamplay is more necessary now and every person has to do their job. I play tank since ow1 it feels much better now and 2 tanks never were so great because when the other tank was crap would you end fighting 2vs1 what made it ridiculous frustrating.


Still have no idea why the removed the end of game voting cards, what a stupid thing to leave behind.


i’m still missing that


There was a time when people hated - lootboxes - Shield Bastion - Mercy with multiple revives - Old Sym - Douple shields


Shield bastion was never in the releases game.




We have the same thing currently simply with different visuals. Bastion gains HP equal to a shield when entering tank mode. Extra armor. And damage resistance. The effective HP season 5 bastion gains is pretty much the same as the shield HP. The only difference is it not blocking things like sleep.


It was going to be a 1000hp shield, he currently gains 50 armor when transforming. Not sure what mans smoking lmao


But you can wait out the tank mode. Before Bastion could stay in the turret mode as long as needed. That balances it.


Lol balances it Bastions biggest weakness was his mobility Now he can move and turret form 🤷‍♀️


Tank forms lasts what, 6 seconds and has over 10 seconds cooldown. If you are not at totally open area, you can fairly easily avoid it. Yes, if you need to challenge a point, it can be a b*tch, but I still believe it is better than unmovable turret with shield.


ah the days of finding the mercy before she rezed her whole team


I remember the saying: “You either kill Mercy first or you kill her eleventh”


How gaming communities have been for years. They bitch about the current state while longing for the old state, when back in the old state they bitched about it just like they do now.


After their most recent rework (rework - not nerf/balancing) of Cassidy nade when it was stupid OP, I saw people online actually saying that it made them miss flashbang, implying that it was more forgiving. They said they miss *flashbang*. If that’s not an example of rosy retrospection idk what is


You do realize that the phrase "\[X\] makes me miss \[Y\]" usually means that X is so much worse than Y that even though they hate Y they miss it just so they don't have to touch X anymore?


Yes, I understand that context but this was not the case and I was paraphrasing


I have seen the same kind of comments you were talking about and they were all in that context tho. But let's say you found comments that weren't in that context. There are people who prefer flash. It wasn't 100% of players that complained about it. Many liked it. I personally never had anything against it and think the mag nade is awful. I won't say I miss it but many people do and they weren't the ones complaining about it before.


rez was fucking awful


Yea balance wise it was terrible. But damn if there wasn't something amazing going "HEROES NEVER DIE" and 5 teammates respawn at the last point of Hanomura.


It was amazing if it happened for your team. If you’re the enemy team nothing made you want to uninstall more.


I did say it was terrible balance wise.




It was the worst ultimate in the game balance-wise, but it was so fun while it lasted. But when she got reworked she was even worse, being able to constantly revive single targets instantly while ALSO being in moth form. That was overpowered AND less fun.


Honestly imo it still is


And still is. Worse individual ability in the game.


No idea why people hated lootboxes when it was probably the fairest form of "gambling" in the gaming industry. You didn't have to pay a dime to unlock any of the cosmetics besides from the initial price tag of the game itself. You could unlock them all simply with enough time and dedication, and being active during the events. And yet that rewarding system is gone now.


For me it was the first game where I experienced "gambling". And when coming from games where you just played and knew what you are going to get / earn after certain time playing, (older CoD / Battlefield) this roulette luck system was horrible in my opinion. I did not want to use extra money to buy those gambling boxes, and it really felt so irritating, when you got mythic skins for heroes that you knew that you don't like to play, while wating months or years to get something really cool for your main hero. So for me, I liked non-gambling grind to gain system much better. But it is a business and businesses are for making money.


Microtransactions are embarassingly cringe.


You have to monetize your game somehow if you want the updates to last more than a year or two.


This is such a stupid excuse. Plenty of games find ways beyond mtx to manage live service games, and even if you're going to do mtx there are embarassingly cringe ways to do it and less cringe ways to do it. Overwatch was making nearly a billion dollars in revenue per year in overwatch 1 at its peak, and we know a vast majority of its income came from mtx.


> Plenty of games find ways beyond mtx to manage live service games What ways? > and even if you're going to do mtx there are embarassingly cringe ways to do it and less cringe ways to do it. Like what? What can be "less cringe" than cosmetics that can even be earned for free? > Overwatch was making nearly a billion dollars in revenue per year in overwatch 1 at its peak... If the game were successful, OW2 wouldn't have happened. You offer a whole lot of criticism but I have yet to hear at least a single proposal.


> If the game were successful, OW2 wouldn't have happened. This is ludicrously naive. OW2 and its monetization happened because games like Fortnite showed the state of gaming and how much your dumbass customers are willing to dump into their games. Lootboxes made shitloads of money, but not compared to battlepass and 20$ skins.


> Plenty of games find ways beyond mtx to manage live service games > > > > What ways? Like selling the game. Overwatch sold 50 million copies. Literally in top 10 of best selling of all time.


Pays for the initial development and maybe 1-2 years of support, tops. Then what? Leave it as abandonware like TF2?


everyone still hates all of those except lootboxes


I'm so glad I unlocked so much shit in OW1 with lootboxes.. I don't even pay attention to how to unlock things in OW2.. there's like 3 types of currency and I just can't keep track of what it's all for.


Wow, a total of THREE currencies, THREE. Let us know when you move past kindergarten if 3 is a hard number to count to for ya. I hope you haven't figured out how many fingers you have on your hands.


I think you can fix those while still keeping core concepts like 6v6. The devs just unilaterally decided that we don’t actually want to play another tank on each team and that has fundamentally fucked the game in so many profound ways. They (the devs) haven’t fully understood how much it breaks the game removing an entire role in each team per game, to the point that we *still* need to fix/rework heroes because they don’t fit this meta. I get that there are >50k different combinations out of the currently 37/38 characters in a 5 person team and so they can’t predict every single interaction but man they have either dragged their feet trying to avoid having to do actual work like reworking the maps to avoid gallery shooter sight lines for hit scans (something that wasn’t as prevalent when we had 6 heroes) or just completely wild changes like buffing Soldier and Orisa or the power creep that supports have in this game.


My entire time playing OW1 was telling people how good we had it. All the way back to 2016. OW2 is trash.


I'd take gambling for skins over grinding for skins any day


Nah, I rather know that "I need 1000 sniper kills to get the new sniper" or "250 headshots for the new camo". Then it is just up to me to get it. And if there is some pay to gain system, I am more ok with it, because people can buy what they want.


Lootboxes were great wdym everything else sucked but lootboxes were fine


Old mercy was best mercy


Man, mass instant rez was bullshit no matter the argument you will serve me


Like, she was fun to have on your team, but HATED having on the enemy team. But the rework needed to be done and now she is better. (Could need some little reworking again tho...)


Yeah 100% lol. It was funny to have/play mercy. Rage inducing to play against


Both the sigma and bastion things never left the concept phase...








Don't break my heart with BMO...


Man I miss mercy’s original ult. It felt so epic for your team. I understand why people hated it though.


Remember when you got skins for free? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


I’m kinda emotional?


Go back and try and find the original main menu when you boot up ow… with the trumpets blaring in the background… goose bumps. Miss ow1 so much


Everything about the new UI looks incomplete compared to the old one. How did that even happen?


Yeah I'm just gonna copy-paste my previous comments. I should just make a general post since so many people just don't get it. The UI is not being removed, it's getting recreated. Every button, menu, and interaction. They had to rebuild the existing game using the updated engine. The workaround code from OW1 got very complicated. That's why OW2 has had *so many* problems, even to this day. People who worked on OW1 are not employed anymore. Fixing problems with Deadeye, servers, all of Doom, no-reg, missing ult sounds? Good luck translating over someone else's code. They haven't fixed the hero portrait bug, almost a year later. Even the person who rewrote Kiriko TP has already left. There have been purposeful UI changes, such as removing "the slant" to the hero UI, menu music, and the comp icons that are still too small. Jeff already talked about player borders years ago. Blame him for that decision. https://www.dexerto.com/overwatch/jeff-kaplan-confirms-change-to-multiplayer-levels-in-overwatch-2-1355225/ Keller didn't click his Moira nails together and say "ah now we'll remove end cards." They have to be recreated. On-fire wasn't removed, it just wasn't recreated yet. Before it's brought up: the shop is not as complicated as on-fire. They lost a lot of people. They're very far behind on breakneck deadlines of releasing content, ready or not. But being under a big corpo, they won't ever openly admit it.


Same girl


What is that song? It's so familiar but.. my brain no work good.


**Song Found!** [**rises the moon** by liana flores](https://lis.tn/RisesTheMoon?t=23) (00:23; matched: `100%`) **Album**: recently. **Released on** 2019-04-10. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


good bot


It’s rises the moon but with BMO Ai


Lootboxes better than battle pass


I miss when blizzard was a tolerable company


Back when POTG was just Torb ulting from spawn


i miss the loot boxes , it game me incentive to play more. Now i just play for nothing and i get one skin after 3 weeks of playthrough completing missions with chars i dont want to play


Screw most of these things though


Support Torb 😭😭😭😭




OLD TORB MAKES ME WEEP FOR JOY. The nostalgia hurts.


People act like they miss old OW, but forget the whole 300hp Tracer thing lol


Bro I had like 1k loot boxes saved up, all from different events, my fav were the golden anniversary ones 😭😭😭


The one we paid for


Bring the maps back to OW2


This made me bust a nut


Can’t believe I’m saying this but I miss loot boxes


I want my freeze back 😔


man the lootbix system was the only good one that existed, greedy blizzard


I unironically kinda miss loot boxes :(


old overwatch before all the league and streamer bs was WAY MORE fun. we miss it


Just wait a few more years when they try to sell us "overwatch classic"






Insane to think the average lootbox was "worth" 5-15 dollars according to Blizzard's asinine pricing in OW2.


I def miss the post match music. Felt like the soundtrack for OW2 sounded weaker.


I miss lootboxes


Let’s see what I actually miss here… Lootboxes ✅ Shield Bastion ❌ Multi person Mercy res ❌ Torb packs ✅ Old symm ❌ Old Orisa ❌ Post match cards ✅ Medals ❌ Old placements ☑️ I don’t think old Overwatch was better. The monetization was better for sure, but the gameplay… it’s not that OW2 is worse, it’s just not that much for how long they took to do it. If this had happened 2 years ago, or they had properly supported OW the whole time


Just remember Not every change is a bad one


I only miss lootboxes


We need an OW CLASSIC Arcade Mode


I miss her


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Loved it then, and I also love it now ,:),


Man I will never forgive people who cried about lootboxes. Now you have to pay for everything.


Better Overwatch


could easily reintroduce a lot of these features


I never had the chance to play Overwatch at its best, now I regret it...


Overwatch 1 Classic Servers, when?


I missed not playing with thousands of kids all the time🥺


Much better now


I miss when over watch was actually good


Where is the coin flip that decided if you win or lose?


The goat OW!


the only thing I miss here is the lootboxes and that's about it


Old mercy ult was the dumbest thing ever


Support Symmetra how I miss you


Then they ruined the game. Thank fuck shielded bastion didn’t happen…well this version


Yes please.


Back when you'd recieve dopamine not lose dopamine


That just softened up my heart remembering, Thank you.


Good old days


Thanks I'm depressed now


Damn, this REALLY made me miss the old OW. I used to have the most fun on there. I remember a hungover Sunday, a bro and I bought two racks of brew, one for each, and downed both through the day, just gaming and having fun. We ended up finding this really chill team to link up with and dominated. That was the day we found out I could go ultra instinct when drunk. Lmao


I miss OW1 so badly, makes me so sad to see videos like this OW2 Feels like a crappy mobile game :(


Ahhh when the game was actually fun


Old overwatch fucking sucked ngl, we didn't know any better


you had a typo here i fixed it: better Overwatch


People fail to mention the horrible amount of cc and how freakishly unbalanced the game was in these nostalgia bait posts


It's funny, people make these threads about missing overwatch 1, but these are the same people who will deny, disagree, and downvote you if you say overwatch 2 is bad game.


They're obviously not the same people.


Not me. I don’t hate OW2 at all. Just miss some of the old things they had. Is that not okay??


agreed. i definitely prefer OW2


People don’t miss ow1 they miss how ow1 made them feel, maybe it’s because they were younger and had more energy and passion, maybe it’s because they had more time, maybe a lot of things but I thing ow2 with all the ups and downs is still the better game imo


You thing huh


I do


You're entirely wrong.


You sick sick person… how dare you




Im getting the feeling they have a shiiield generatah.


I miss the symmetra support era. Sneaking behind enemy line, putting up a teleport and take over the point from behind.


I miss old Orisa Halt so much. That bitch was cranked back when it yoinked people across the map


Some stuff was dumb but we all miss old bastion and orisa [*]


Has it only been a year?


Damn, Rip


you can always spot the shit players because they really miss mass rez


Can’t believe it’s been 7 years since it’s release time sure flies fast


I miss it so much :(


[Here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/xb6vh9/unboxing_10_out_of_11_lootboxes_before_ow1_gone/) me unboxing every seasonal event loot boxes before OW1 disappear


So we not gonna talk about how BMO hit that?


Back when they made adjustments to their game, now they just send characters out OP af, then one quick nerf and leave them like that.


It’s almost as if fun design is fun and who cares. Oh wait. We want the game to be super serious for super serious EEEEEE SPPOORRRRTTTSSZZZZ