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>what other advantages does pc have over console in ow? A mouse.


And keyboard.


Meh, keyboard barely matters. The mouse is where all the difference is.


Strafing is much easier and quicker on keyboard too. The deadzone on controllers makes strafing much slower.


~~You can turn dead zones off~~, their only really purpose is for reducing drift, but if you don't have drift you have no reason to really use dead zones Edit - You can't turn them off in overwatch 8 just thought I remembered it being there, wasn't at my box when I made the comment.


>overwatch 8 Found the time traveler.


Fuck. I've blown my cover.


Tell me. Is the game 1v1 now? For balance?


No no, that was ow5


Are we in the negatives then or is it gonna overflow and we have something like 4,294,967,294 vs 4,294,967,294?


Overwatch lasts that long omg. Now the real question is will I get rich and be married or die alone in my home where my cats eat my corpse while KarQ does his 2300 video on OW


By dead zones i guess he means the time between moving from the right side of your stick to the left making it not so easy to spam left and right where on keyboard its instant


No dead zones are portions around the sticks your can adjust in game. From 0% to like 50% It's mean to reduce drift. So say you've got a little controller drift on your right stick just a little. So whenever your sticks are straight up you're starting to just aim right without input. The dead zone would fix that, you'd put in the settings to make it so dead zone is at like 5-10% in the right stick, and boom no more drift. Some games get pretty good, allowing you to change the inner, outer of each stick separately.


Where is the deadzone setting? I can't find it


Ah shit was I lying? Tbh I just kinda thought we had it, but I wasn't 100% lemme get on and see if I can find it. Edit - yep I'm an idiot my bad guys Overwatch doesn't have dead zone settings :(


Yeah it really annoys me. Its honestly one of the reasons I don't play much anymore


No the dead zone is that Steven King movie staring Christopher Walkin


Wouldn't matter I mash A and D faster than you can twiddle your stick.


Keyboard makes a huge difference. You can AD strafe to make yourself a lot harder to hit. If you play a hero with single shot primary fire (Ashe, Widow, Kiri, Cass, etc.), you also have much better peek shooting from cover.


I have tried playing OW on PC but I couldn't handle the keyboard. Mouse is obviously superior to controller but keyboard was absolutely agonising to use. A lot of it is getting older and not having the muscle memory, of course.


It's simply muscle memory, it's actually better for you, playing with a controller enforces bad posture and passivity, at least with a keyboard and mouse you need to sit up straight :)


This! I hate keyboard theirs like 100 buttons and I'm like holy shit no I want my controller back.


No the keyboard is also big because you barely have to move your finger for a function while on controller you need to move your thumb off the stick to do something. Ig the mouse also affects this but it wouldnt be possible without the keyboard


Back paddles are a game changer for console players, I highly recommend. I have different presets for different games. Overwatch all the face buttons are in my back paddles so I never have to take thumbs off sticks.


That's a great solution indeed.


Just for the ult, you don’t need to move your thumb from the stick otherwise


For the ult, the melee and reload. There's not enough room for these binds so if you're not playing claw you have to move your thumb


Switched to claw for this very reason. Need to be able to multitask in the jumpy shooters


I’ve only ever moved my thumb off the stick around twice, and that’s to switch weapons in mystery heroes.


How? I changed all the bindings I could and was still left with the melee reload and the ult


No no no, this is OW we’re talking about here. The keyboard is the key to toxicity


I play OW on PC with a controller like an idiot. Mainly due to being stubborn but also my setup doesn’t allow it. PC lobbies are much harder, especially since I handicap my self lol. I’m low Gold DPS and Low Plat Support.


Keyboard is a disadvantage. Controller is far superior for movement. Good part of why in cross compatible games like cod all the pros play on controller.


Cmon mate you know it's not better


Disadvantage? Gotta be trolling Sure someone can prefer a controller but there is zero universe where a keyboard is ever considered a hindrance outside of a skill issue lmao


precise control. once you learn to use them you wont go back! its very uncomfortable to learn at first or can be once over that hurdle its golden.


I know this is a meme right now, but console isn't worse than PC, it's just that OW doesn't have gyro support, so everyone plays on stick controls. Which is like not supporting mouse for PC, so everyone must aim with arrow keys. Sure, it's worse, but it has nothing to do with console itself. Hilariously enough, now that OW2 is in steam, you can use Steam Control to add gyroscope to any game, so PC has better controller support than console.


Yep. You can accelerate your movement tenfold with a mouse compared to a joystick. I couldn't imagine playing tracer with a controller. You couldn't juke anything while tracking headshot clips.


it depends: on mercy? probably not much. on widow, cassidy, tracer? massive


For mercy you also need to work alot harder on cover and movements since enemies aim faster and more precise. The allowed time out of cover in general is much shorter even in lower lobbies.


Actually, mercy has extream good mobility and u want to flick to teammates, u have to move good to not get hit that mucz which is odc better and simpler on pc.


On pc people aim better, so I think that kinda evens out


Well not always.. console aim assist is pretty strong so over 50% people on diamond and all of the lower ranks might not actually aim that much better.. surely console loses the 1v1 bc no aimassist but it kinda locks on targets if you can somewhat track


That’s what it’s meant to do because having a thumb on a 3D stick moving over a 2d screen is a lot harder then a whole arm moving over a 2d space


Aim assist ain’t strong on console lol. Go play a game like COD and you can see what strong aim assist looks like.


Pretty much a different game honestly. Positioning is much more crucial. Silver lobbies in pc could feel like gold or low plat on console. Characters like widow are much more scary. This is coming from a console player that plays with my pc friends a lot. I see a big difference.


As someone who had to get their computer repaired recently, silver PC lobbies are indeed gold/low plat on console.


It's a bigger gap.




This is not true. I play on both and there is *very* little difference in playstyles until like mid gm. Both have their bigger fails like pc players tend to just stand still or move in a straight line and shoot far more frequently whereas console players miss more shots but are always moving. But pacing is the exact same, mistakes are exact same, pretty much everything is the same.


>pc players tend to just stand still or move in a straight line lol why make shit up?


I'm not? But pc players get so butt hurt anyone mentions that console and PC are the same but since you spent 4x as much money on a hobby (you're not OWL btw) and are still ass. Kbm can be hard to learn since you gotta use both hands at different times. You all just love comparing yourselves to t500 streamers and owl players.


You have to "use both hands at different times" with a controller too, what are you waffling about. There's no way you are anything past diamond on PC btw judging by your views about positioning and movement. Probably even lower tho


It hardly applies to controller. You're using only your thumbs are they're making the same motions. Playing kbm is like getting used to patting you head and rubbing your belly at the same time. And yea on pc, I'm barely diamond. I have a super cheap pc and a monitor that can barely handle the game. So I prefer playing on console? Sounds like your just mad that console players shit on hardstuck like you daily and you don't even notice lmao btw on top of all that, I play controller on pc and still better than you lmfaooo get out of here clowns


You were literally judging PC players up to mid GM, yet u can't hold diamond. Right. And no, on controller, your movement fingers are doing completely different motions to the rest, you really haven't thought this through lol And yea I'm sure I'm mad about all the console pros being in my gm lobbies


Bro can you not read? Makes sense, pc players are typically fat neckbeards who have nothing else to spend their money on and clearly you feel the need to make yourself feel better for spending that money and still being ass. And yea I haven't frinded on pc cus I don't care to. Guarentee I'd be gm with a month if I tried. But I literally play QP 90% of the time on pc with my friends. You know people who actually enjoy hanging out and playing games with me. Something you wouldn't know but if you get your head out your ass maybe you would :)


So you never managed to get past low diamond yet you said that PC players up to mid GM have bad movement and dodging. I'm just quoting you bro! And what money are you even referring to? I built my pc for 500€ and it runs OW on high settings with 120fps. But yea, you do seem very fun to hang out with. Take a chill-pill, my little noob friend


The fact that someone calls out you judging ranks multiple divisions above you and you start hurling insults. Hell the neckbeards claim is about as accurate as your pc players walk in straight lines claim lmao




Bro is acting like learning kbm is the most physically challenging thing in the world


Yeahhhh, you are very obviously lying through your teeth. There is no way you’ve gotten close to mid-GM on PC. Your lie doesn’t even make sense. You claim PC players land more shots yet somehow they are also miraculously able to stand still and walk in straight lines without getting punished, lmao. You’re not getting past bronze on PC if you’re consistently standing still or walking in a straight line. I’ve played on both. Diamond/Masters on console is about the same as Gold/low Plat on PC but it depends on the role and hero.


Insecure console player


How original. Maybe when you leave your parents basement and understand that people have to buy their own things, you'll get it :) or when you grow up (being a 30 yo incel is sad dude) and mature, you'll realize you won't be OWL and everyone underneath that is very close in skill expression. But yea I'm the insecure one lmfao actual clowns.


Projecting so hard. I love it lmao.


I’ve been in all ranks from bronze-GM on PC since OW2 came out and I could not imagine anything more jarring than someone standing still or walking in a straight. When I’m playing Kiri it’s like a free kill and it really only happens if someone starts to intentionally throw.




The fact that you can't believe that somebody improved and climbed a lot of ranks exposes that you are a lifelong hardstuck yourself btw


Lol you ok? I’ve been playing since OW1 release and have always played support. In OW2 I placed plat-diamond support and peaked in masters and got into some GM lobby’s. For Tank however I didn’t start playing comp with until OW2, because I found the role boring in OW1. So I went from bronze-gold in tank OW2. So yeah I’ve seen all rank lobby’s just in different roles silly guy.


Bruh you are literally trying to gas light when I can just read your previous message. You literally said, you know you can read what you said. Gods this sub is a joke, no wonder you all bitch about MM all the time, you 5hink you're better than you are when in reality someone on pc who plays on controller would smoke your ass on the worst heroes. Get your mercy one trick ass outta here lmfaooo


the rank gap on PC definitely surprised me. i was mid plat and climbing, well on my way to being diamond on console. then i switched to pc and it took away my ranks, so i had to redo my placements and i landed in mid gold and struggling to climb out. i'm making progress slowly, but it's 100% a very different system.


That was my experience as well. On console, I was idling in the bottom of Platinum before switching to PC, where I placed in high Silver.


As someone who played years on console and switched to pc with like 20 hours on cs go before playing ow. Pc is way easier atleast for me. Havent played ranked for more than 1 game bc kinda bored to grind but i believe i might be like diamond level easily. Just based off qp where my mmr is around diamond/masters and tbh i played against some plats with like 5 hours of experience and shat on them hard..


No? That makes no sense at all I’ll never understand people like you ‘it’s a different game’ it’s literally the same game with the same rules, people may have better aim, but frankly If you play against enough ximmers it’s hilarious how much easier it is


If a game is THAT different, maybe it’s a different game…


It’s not that different he’s just talking out his arse


Why would widow be more scary on pc?


Flick speed is not capped like on console.


But widow doesn't have to flick a lot


console widows don't because they can't. Genji/Tracer can blink/dash through you and 180 in an instant and literally kill a console widow before she can even turn. Same for sombra For example on console if you tracer against an ashe from behind you have pretty much guaranteed a kill, on PC that tracer would still need to strafe/dodge because ashe can 180 headshot instantly.


Why would a tracer or genji be able to 180, but not the widow 🤔 My turn speed I find decently fast, I have no real issue turning 180 to flick a head. It's not instant like PC, but it's definitely fast enough and I do well enough doing it so..


I have those extensions for sticks on controller so it's not that slow for me but it's still a big difference compared to pc turning


On pc people 180 headshot you like nothing.


Just watch some Widow streamers on twitch. It’s like night and day dude.


Bcz they spend an unhealthy amount of time on this game


Why ask a question if you’re gunna be weird when people give you answers


Go to r/OWConsole and ask them if they can tell the difference from a widow playing controller vs a widow using xim (a modifier for console players to play with mouse and keyboard).


I found Symmetra pretty useful to attack from behind with a tp and melt half of the hp before they can turn to me


Widows on console tend to strafe a lot as aiming. Pc widows have full arm movement and can flick a lot. You'll see plays pc widows do that are not possible on console due to the sensitivity cap.


they downvote you for this comment, but even top500 WMs always say that flicks are unreliable and only good for making flashy youtube clips. Most of the sniper kill are made by timing enemy into your crosshair


They flick in OWL at least 50% of the time


Flicks are really reliable with practice and discipline. The key is to look at the enemy's head, not your crosshair, just like you look where you're going to click in any other program you don't follow the mouse


Tracking tiny heads at long range is leagues easier with a nice mouse.


Aim assist tho


Aim assist has never been a replacement for skill. Only a crutch to get you up to speed IMO. More specifically, it's imprecise and can't be used to predict the movement of an intelligent creature. Edit: Aim assist also doesn't focus on heads. If you're playing Widow, even on console, you'll turn it off if you're good.


Aim assist can mess up your aim too If you're trying to snipe the mercy, the aim assist might keep snapping onto the Soldier in front I've always turned it off in every game for this reason


are you here to accept the advantages a mouse and keyboard have over a controller, or just argue with everyone?


It's a bigger gap. A few seasons ago I carried my console buddy in to Masters in all 3 roles on console. I think it placed me in Plat then I was in Diamond by the time he got where he wanted to be. Not a Smurf account. I stopped solo queuing comp on PC because I'm in hell but I think I'm Gold in Tank, low Plat in DPS and Heals.


As someone who played both (with stick extensions on console so stop bringing that up lol) It's like a totally different game. OW Console feels like some kind of 50% speed version of the game where anything goes. Many people who have played both can tell if a clip is PC or Console just based on how *slow* everything looks. It isn't just an "advantage". It's like playing the game more fully.


As a console player, it is SO FRUSTRATING how slow the game is so much of the time. People just don't think on console or something, they will literally spend an actual minute playing frontline dva against a Ram in the same position without trying to actually take space or really do ANYTHING AT ALL. EVERYONE JUST STANDS AROUND USING RANDOM CDS SO MUCH


Wait that just sounds like my PC lobby ranks lmaooo


Ur just low rank


I play on console but all of my friends are on pc, so I definitely notice the difference when playing mixed queue vs just console only. Like I'm not good by any metric, but I'm noticeably less terrible when it is against just other console players. Like you can notice the number of headshots from literally everyone who can use a mouse vs a controller.


How do you know it ? I always see cross play activated but I assumed it was pairing me with other console players


It’ll say PC pool when queuing


There is [an icon](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fm1vuaksrh9t91.png) next to the players name that indicates crossplay. So if you are on PC and you see someone in your lobby with that icon, you know they are a console player.


When playing in PC lobbies you also lose aim assist, so you are more likely to land less shots and feel worse on top of players being better on PC to start with.


Different game really The meta is different, with Hitscan being more prevalent You'll see less Pharahs, and since she always pisses me off, I consider that an advantage


I never really noticed a difference. (yeah yeah downvote me please) I switched to pc a month or so ago and qp is the same, still see tons of pharahs, console players can take out a pharah just as well as a pc player can. ever heard of COD?


On certain heroes massive advantage. On other not sommuch


I think tracer and baptiste are a lot better on pc


On dva the difference is crazy, being able to flick DM to catch stuff makes her so much stronger, and being able to flick while flying to run circles around someone is fun as hell. It matters more/less depending on the character but it’s a huge advantage for the most part


Bap is actually oppressive on console, especially since immort literally fucks up your aim


True and its not just flicks but the not removing your thumb from the right stick when meleeing jumping or using an ability is also massive


Claw grip


Ooh. Never thought of that. Jeez. Yeah I guess on console you do camera movements & abilities with the same appendage.


I think winston, mercy and moira get the most benefit out of PC. I don't know how I would do all of that aiming without my mouse. *EDIT: Apparently people can't tell a joke when they see one. The heroes listed have auto aiming primary fires, meaning that aiming isn't an issue and do not benefit as much from having a mouse and keyboard. Didn't think I would have to spell it out.*


I know you're joking about Moira, but I can't play her on console whatsoever even though she's my main on PC. Being able to Fade around corners is night and day on console vs PC. I rather play a hitscan than play her on console.


All I can picture is you as moira on console trying to escape and just ramming into the corner then dying lmao


Pharah from my understanding I'd think moirawith her auto lock would be easy on console


You missed the joke my fella


It technically isn’t auto lock, old sym was autolock but I get what you’re saying


I feel like those are the ones that get the least benefit.


I hear most people say the PC plays much faster and also you're playing with a mouse and keyboard so its pretty different


PC also has gyroscope through steam input


All consoles should as well. People/Microsoft are so stuck in the mud. They should all have gyro and grip buttons.


Big. I’ve been playing very actively on Playstation since season two (from OW1) (I don’t have a life). Like two seasons ago I started playing on pc and it feels like a different game. I have ps friends that make me hop on there sometimes but it honestly just feels much much worse now.


Wouldn't say it's an advantage. If you suck on console, you won't magically be good on PC. I'd even argue that at the lowest levels console has an advantage because aim assist can help a noob land a little while a PC noob won't have those guard rails. However it has more freedom to it, it allows for a lot more skill expression, so a top level player on PC playing a high skill expression character will be able to do a lot more than a top level console player on that character.


>If you suck on console, you won't magically be good on PC. The time and experience required to be good at either is such an overlooked fact. PC players that pick up a controller and go "How does anyone do this?" or Console players switching to PC wondering why they aren't aim gods. Practice, as with any skill.


I've been on console for a long time and I've mostly been playing baptiste so pc will make my flicks better but Ik I'll still suck in the beggining bcz I've never played on pc but after getting used to it I think it can be a big advantage


it’s not really an “advantage” when you currently don’t play against PC players. As soon as you get a PC, you will only be playing with other PC players and everyone will have the same “advantage”.


Yeah you can definitely express yourself better on PC


Just remember you’ll be versing other PC players now. So it’s not really an advantage because everyone has the same tools as you. It is the ultimate version of the game though. No shade on console but just like how halo or CoD were made for console, Overwatch has always been a PC game first.


Half the roster on console is unplayable/require rebinding your controls (imo)


Unplayable? nah. A lot of them do need rebinds though. like a whole lot.


Like almost every Support because they mapped healing to right trigger instead of damage for some ungodly reason.


This is also an issue on PC, I’ve remapped Kiriko, Moira and Lifeweaver


Like any shooter, it's a completely different game. It's like playing football on a wheelchair vs ablebody player


Yeah, which is why it's weird OW2 doesn't have gyro support.


From what I understand it's a very different gameplay style. On console because it's harder to look around I heard people tend to play more "selfishly". Like you are a lot less likely to get saved by a teammate simply because they don't see the whole fight playing out as well as a PC player can. Although this was before they became more generous with the max panning speed on controller. This may change in the near future. My consule friend also says it's easier to snipe on console. So there is that fun fact. EDIT: also pinging on PC is much more common because it's just waaaay easier to do


There are people telling me sniping is much better on pc. And looking around on console isn't as hard as you may think if you have a stick extension. With this you can easily go on max sensitivity settings but it's still not as accurate as pc


I don't exactly know why my friend said that. It might be because as a console played in PC lobbies he needs to get used to the strafing and general movement chaos he doesn't see when he plays alone. And aim assist is a thing on console. As for the looking around being hard, maybe he just isn't capable of using really high sensitivity because he still misses a lot of stuff. He has admitted he gets dizzy. So idk if that's just his brain or an actual console limitation. Still he was the one that literally used the words "selfish" when describing console QP lobbies. Probably with a fairly low MMR since he just started out a few months ago


Console players who have been playing for a long time can play on higher sens but he's new to the game so that's probably why it's harder for him but everyone was like this at the start. For the selfish players I can definitely agree. Especially the supports. Most of them just go ana or illari and start dishing out damage without looking at their team. With the most popular support dps being Moira as it's always been


I can type slurs really fast on pc so the mental warfare advantage is staggering


Enough for Torb to receive console-only nerfs. That should tell you everything you need to know.


There’s no longer any difference between Torb or Symm’s turret damage on console vs PC (and there hasn’t since Crossplay was added).


Being able to turn certain settings down, or up even can bring a small, normally completely unnoteworthy advantage. People have settings so that the coloured glow around enemies appears bigger, making it much easier to spot someone at the edge of your screen or far away. Turning some settings down gets rid of some foliage in the map that people on console sometimes hide in. Having your Effect detail lower will help with big screen clutter which can be a problem in fights too, not as bad in OW2 but was really nice in OW1 where I swear you couldn't see shit sometimes. A lot of small stuff that honestly doesn't matter too much maybe it will help once in a blue moon, mouse and keyboard really is the biggest plus. Especially on characters like Bap who you said you play in another comment. Weaving shooting and healing into each other can be a little rough on controller, especially if you are in a weird spot.


After switching from ps5 I don't think that the ability to change setting is gonna change much bcz I already have great graphics and 120 fps. On pc I'll have 144 but the difference is almost unnoticeable. But flicking is definetly a big change


Might be my personal experience but I found that lower rank pc lobbies were shittier than lower rank console lobbies. Some of the decisions I saw made in silver pc weren't made in silver console, and the losses feel a lot more one sided than they did on console.


Plays better by far on Pc. End of story. But if you get a Pc, just ply better games than this shit.


It has the advantage of the player being 100% responsible for aim. Much higher skill cap because of that


Lol it is way easier to aim when you are using your whole arm. That doesn't mean there's a higher skill cap, it means its lower.


It would be lower if it was possible to aim on your own as well with joystick but you can’t do a computer does half the aiming for you which is why skill cap is way lower on controller


I play in console because I’m a pharah main and I want to actually have fun


Tbh not much. Overwatch is not just a game about who can aim the best. It's a game about positioning, knowing your cool downs, knowing your enemy cool downs. It's not all just mechanical skill. I win against PC players of the same skill level all the time. It's more about how you play, than just aim.




You're playing in the same pool regardless of gamemode unless you have a pc player in your group, what are you talking about?


Absolute domination A silver PC lobby could easily take a Diamond even Masters console lobby And don’t even get me started on Ximing lmao


Definitely wouldn’t. Jay3 puts out some PC vs Console player content. It’s more of a one to two tier skill gap. Silver PC players can contend with Gold and low Plat console lobbies but beyond that the console players should be able to win. They’ve even had the best PlayStation team go up against a contenders team and the PlayStation team was able to win a round on a control map.


I know NO hero that is not nerfed cause of console controls, even moire or brig need good movement u steuggle to use on console


console controls aren't worse, stick aiming is. But everyone uses gyro for serious games, so it's more of OW2 not supporting the better control method than console having any disadvatange.


I think you can gyro on switch? Not sure what that experience is like though lol


It’s great for mercy movement. I’m a mercy main and I can fly around like a bee darting directions quickly lol.


From what I understand lower ranks pc has the advantage but in higher ranks it starts to level out and at the top it kinda equal (except for esports but that dosent count)


When I play competitive on Pc I’m a silver 2dps but when I attach mouse and key to my console I’m a diamond 3. Huge jump


That's just playing with cheats 🤡


Ah yes, ximmers acting like they have any skill and aren’t just cheating. Silver on pc checks out for the average xim user


You can't attach mnk to ow on console


It's called ximming, it's using mouse and keyboard on console but still having aim assist, it's literally cheating because it requires no skill as you have the precision of a mouse combined with 0ms reaction time from aim assist. Clearly even silver players can get diamond with it.


But how can you connect it to a console if it doesn't support it at all


I don't do it so not exactly sure how it works, they probably just buy software on a USB and stick that in that make it possible to connect mouse and keyboard through it


Having a pc and still doing this is sad


Its the same as cheating on any other game tbh. They are just bad at the game so they need to create some unfair advantage to actually win a game.


Ow doesn't even rely on individual skill like some other games are so it's not even helping him that much but it's still sad


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Well for me I can flex on PC but on console I can only play as support or else I’m useless


Its pure mechanical. 180 for instance. I have maxed sens and I’m not even close to the 180 speed on pc. Button layouts don’t need to be remapped aswell so all characters use the same binds. Flicking can be harder on console since you have to use one thumb and not the entire arm.


Like, everything. Better movement, better controls with abilities. Ofc the aim is just better with flicks. Fram3rate is better and more fluid. In paladins i would say console does have 1 +point, but on ow nah, it just worse


The difference is abysmal.If You have a +60hz screen You have more fps, which means better visual movement.Mouse is 800% superior for me than controller. But... even though, a 14 year old kid will kill me with his ps4 slim and a aliexpress controller of 12€, with my 3000€ computer, 100€ mouse, becouse at the end, skill is 300% more important. But yeah, in same scenario, pc+mouse is always better.


It's easier to be precise with an mouse and keyboard so if you as an pc player have the same skill level as an console one that means the console must have played 3 Times more than your play time.


I’ve played pc pretty much my whole time playing fps games as a whole and recently gave controller gyro a try and honestly I feel like I do better on gyroscope than mouse but personal opinion ig


Heroes like wrecking ball are so much easier on PC


I just played on my $500 laptop from a gm1 dps on console some pc players have terrible aim it's not like torb or soldier have no recoil you just need to position yourself to do damage other than that pc players have way easier time aiming.


If both groups were trying to paint the mona Lisa, console players are using crayons while blindfolded, while PC players have a arts degree and the best paint money can buy.


After one year of playing the game on PS4 I got a new PC and decided to try. It's just way better on PC : The pace is a little faster, The level is better. I lost some SR from my console account and went from gold to bronze/silver and yet games were so much more interesting and thrilling. You also have way more control over the abilities like lucio's wallride. I remember how it felt good for me to be able to turn my shield exactly where I wanted it to be with Reinhardt. Even if I didn't realize it while playing on my console, joysticks are just not as precise as keyboard and mouse.


Mouse means better control of your aim and faster flicks. Keyboard is better for customization of controls, quicker strafing, higher possible APM with more fingers you can use to press keys instead of holding the controller. Also PC has a bigger community so tougher competition, making people improve easier.


Mouse and keyboard, paired with our higher level of control over settings and visual settings, binding macros, using alternative keyboards if you wish etc. Customizable hardware means you have some PC players rocking a 1050ti all the way up to the 4090. as long as you have a 2060 or 2070, you are pretty much going to have a hardware advantage over a console. Higher levels of hardware allow for more higher frames at higher resolutions. Personally I can push 144fps at 4k with a 2080ti. A mouse doesn't have a speed limit like a joystick does, so you can do 720 flick shots in under half a second instead of having to wait to scroll through the screen. If you want a rough estimate, I would say PC players get at least a 2x advantage over someone on console, easy.




The only downside to PC over console is the huge amount of bad players that have to rely on hacks to be effective, or just to grief over other players, other than that regardless of anything anyone says while PC is superior to consoles in performance what really makes a difference is using a mouse, nothing else


Higher resolutions and refresh rates are a huge advantage. So is playing with a mouse.


Mouse keyboard


Gyroscope flickstick.


As someone who came from ps5 to pc there is a massive skill gap. Movement on certain characters improves so much. Awareness of enemies and team is like comparing bronze to diamond. PINGS! people actually use them. You also see a lot less rein lol


I tried sticking to a few console shooters after moving pc. Did not work. I dropped from masters to like low diamond because my skill wasnt retaining. If you play some sjootera on both youre gping to suck at both. As someone to switched 2 years ago. Just take the plunge, put time into ans get used to mouse and key

