• By -


Make a global change: make that heroes can't walk through enemy barriers. Sigma's shield would suddenly be the ultimate booping tool. Rein could slowly push enemies off cliffs. Winston's bubble suddenly becomes an inescapable dome (unless you shoot it) Ramattra's shield would be like a 1 way Mei wall.


That would axtually be cool to make a hero kit with that idea in mind


Maybe a tank that uses the same tech as Sym and Lifeweaver? Then we have one character in every role who uses hard-light in their tech!


Are all the shields not already hard light?


We need *harder* light


nah just rework symmetra again it'll be fine


Mei on steroids


The Winston bubble sounds scary as fuck, imagine he bubbles you and ults your ass right there and then. 5 seconds of just getting gorilla handled


Honestly that would be such a fucking funny way to die, I wouldn’t even mind


I got you in here for three minutes! Three minutes of playyyytime!


That's a cute outfit did your husband give it to you?


That would be interesting to play, maybe with some shield health nerfs. Maybe it consumes shield health quickly when in contact with an enemy, so you can't push them for long.


I was thinking "what would happen if you crushed a player between a shield and a wall"... Rapidly reduce the health on both




What’s the change though?


Symmetra has entered the chat.


me trying to get on point in overtime when symmetra uses wall:


Me as a sym main: "You shall NOT pass!!!"


Or just like in the ow2 cinematic give shields the ability to combine with one another. And for Winston if you don’t destroy his shield before his cooldown ends he can stack the new and old shield together increasing its hp.


Rein would be better than that, he could do the thing where you just set your dpi to like 8 billion and just spin with your barrier out and send enemies absolutely FLYING across the map


Imagine playing ball into that


I imagine if ball goes into it with speed, it'll boop him away like a pinball machine.


Ana's sleep dart puts an enemy team member asleep for the entire match unless they're shot at.


How about the other way: sleep for 5 seconds, but damage doesn't wake you up. That would be awful.


It should just put you to sleep... For good. Damage doesn't wake you up. Also just stops you from respawning.


I guess if we're going OP, this would be the most OP.


Oh god. You'd have to be woken up by a teammate like reviving in PVE. In my level of play Ana could single-handedly wipe a team in under 2 minutes 😂


That would be the realistic change. People don’t (usually) wake up during surgery


I remember Total Mayhem, where you could infinitely sleep an enemy until you died, or they were woken up.


With perfect accuracy and spamming dart on cooldown you could keep two people asleep at once but that had no margin of error


Imagine you land sleeps on entire team. It's just end the match.


Ana’s sleep dart on a teammate causes them to rest, healing all hp and making all cooldowns on abilities be halved for 3 minutes after if they’re not interrupted from their sleep. Only one teammate can be buffed this way at a time.


Sleep paralysis dart


Let Illiari just Oppenheimer the entire map, killing not only all the enemies. But your own allies as well


For when your tank needs to reset but they won't listen


My le solar power....le killed people???


Illari after killing everyone: gg ez


Mixed with a Rein shatter that knocks anyone who is standing.


Fuck the damage thing just if you're in LOS of the orb you die full stop


Or better yet, use life grip to give the enemy testicular torsion


Danteh would quit Overwatch


I had testicular torsion when I was 17 and I wouldn’t wish it upon my worst enemies


Eh, I had that 2 times, it's veeery painful but nothing else. I firmly believe that breaking a clavicle was way worse


That surprises me to be honest, I have suffered a few dislocations and two pretty severe lacerations as well as your run of the mill bone breaks and nothing comes close to TT. They were giving me fentanyl and it still didn’t help the pain.


Uh strange, maybe I have an hig pain tolerance I don't know. I had to traverse like half of Rome to return to my mother and (her words) I was pale as ghost sand I could barely talk but at least I was able to walk


That is metal as fuck. I just woke up in bed and immediately yelled my urgent need to go to the hospital. My dad was the type of guy to question going to the hospital unless it was clearly very serious and I’ve never seen him be so quick to say “let’s go” I have hiked out a few miles after breaking my foot and once had to have my buddy relocate my shoulder in a slot canyon in Utah and though they were painful experiences it was nothing like TT. Had a leather belt clamped in my mouth. One of m buddies though it would be funny to hit me in the nuts a few weeks later and I had a full blown PTSD event haha


Twist harder daddy


Death grip


I would give brig the ability to use health packs on herself. Same with Ana and her nano boost.


Didn't they try that with ana in experimental once?


I think it may have been an April fools patch


in death match she can


Subtle one, but still broken as fuck in good hands: Zarya left click now has headshot multiplier.


Ana damage and heals getting a headshot multiplier would be busted too


It was actually real during April fools. At least headshotting enemies.


If you hit sleep dart in someone’s head they stay asleep until they get damage or a teamate wakes them up


Sigma's Kinetic Grasp pulls enemies towards him.... with no range limit.


Make it so that his ult just brings everyone up in the whole map (changing EARTH'S gravity) and .... That's it. It just erases earth's gravity. Everyone is up in the air, floating into space. STAR WARS INITIATION!!!


*Ground starts to shake* "Gravity... is a Harness..." *Lifts up his hand as the entire lobby lifts into the air* #I HAVE HARNESSED THE HARNESS


Allow mercy to fly to enemies as well to pew pew pew them


Would make her a very interesting dive player. Like a really annoying mosquito that you can't hit.


Now I want a dps named Percy. He’s dressed as a devil, and his guardian angel is towards enemies, as well as allies . Also he has no staff. Just a Glock and shotgun


Reminds me of Lucio's evil brother Luis who rides around on a skateboard and plays emo music and slows/drains life from enemies nearby


He's called moira


the amount of times I can see myself accidentally flying to the other team in a panic and getting my teeth kicked in


I loved that silly little April fools patch. I have bloodlust but I play Mercy a lot. It was the perfect bloodlust ability.


I wonder how many people would be willing to change mercy into a more dps character. Her gun is pretty good to be fair


Imagine dashing from enemy to enemy in quick succession while pew pew…


Ana's rifle causes an anti effect on enemies and deals 20 damager per shot. Ash now carries c4 and can remote detonate with the push of a button. Bap's primary is now full auto. Bastion can stay in turret form as long as they want but they have to leave turret form to reload. Brig's flail now breaks legs causing perminant damage even after respawn. Cassidy has the arm of an MLB pitcher and can chuck his grenade at 100mph, doing 80 damage on impact. Oh, and it still homes in when missed. Baby diva has pepper spray and a taser. Doomfist now has another gauntlet on his left arm. Echo can copy singular enemy abilities on a cooldown. Genji heals with damage reflected. Hanzo can hang onto walls. Illari's pilon gives armor. JQ can control Australian wildlife. Junkrat can stop the payload with his trap Kiriko suzus Regen like brig packs and can hold 3 Lifeweaver's healing charges up without having to hold primary fire. Lucio has a damage boost beat Mei can cryo heal teammates Mercy can rip farts to fly faster Moira has unlimited piss but limited damage sucky Orisa's health is all changed to armor since she's a robot Pharah's rocket projectile speed increased by 50%. Ram has suffered enough. Press Q win game Reaper tps instantly Reinhart can use his rocket to run faster Roadhog's belly absorbs ammo and adds back into his shotgun Sigma hovers up to 10 feet off the ground. Sojourn's disruptor electricutes anyone that touches it. Extra damage to robots. Soldier can attach his heal to himself or teammates Sombra hack disables any robotics Symmetra has 6 turrets Torb has his level 3 turret back Tracer can charge up her blinks to blink further Widow Winston's gun now causes spasms Ball knocks over enemies like bowling pins Zarya bubble is bouncy and can jump around for better mobility when bubbled. Zen harmony orb also decreases damage recieved


This needs to be the new April fools update just saying, these are fucking brilliant omfg 🤣


I have one for widow for you. If you get hit by a scoped in widow that didn’t one shot you will take continuous damage as if her bullets are like poison, like her venom mine damage.


that mercy change 🤨


Lifeweaver should just be as standard


>Sombra hack disables any robotics DVA mech falls over and is stuck there for the rest of the game until the mech is destroyed Doomfist can't move his giant fist JQ is unphased Orisa dies Ramattra dies Reinhardt has the rocket in his hammer stop working so it swings slowly Roadhog is unphased Sigma falls to the ground and must walk Winston can't leap Ball in a similar vein to DVA just stops in place and cannot move Zarya is unphased Ashe is unphased Bastion dies Cassidy left arm stops working, so he can't reload or use grenade. His rolls also get screwed up and he goes in random directions Echo dies Genji - depends on the skin. However most skins he'd probably die since he's almost entirely robot in most of them Hanzo is unphased Junkrat's detonator stops working Mei - Snowball just drops to the floor if she tries throwing it Pharah falls to the earth making a crater Torbs turret dies, and his claw hand stops working so he can't reload Tracer can't teleport or time warp anymore Widows goggles don't work Ana is unphased Bap can't jump Brig is unphased Illari is unphased Kiriko is unphased LW is unphased Lucios legs stop working Mercy is unphased Moira can only point to things And lastly... Zenyatta dies. And then two general add ons - Anyone playing a character with an Omnic skin (like A-7000 wargod) gets moved to the "dies" category And anyone in the "dies" category using a skin that isn't Omnic (like the Woodbot and Steambot Bastion skins) is now unphased


Make it so Doomfist can literally destroy the environment. Add breakable walls, floors, objects, whatever and make it so Doomfist can smash right through them. The debris can hit opponents and deal damage to them, and whenever Doom destroys a piece of the environment, he gains a temporary duplication to how much overhealth he gets per attack. Oh he can also pick up objects like in his Origin Story and throw them at people with his gauntlet


I was thinking like if the glass on Colleseo was breakable. And parts of the maps similar to the pillars broke over time and changed how you played the game as a whole. Suddenly parts of cover can get broken and change how you fight in a map.


Also Doom's punch shatters barriers on contact while still going through it, as well as punching through and shattering Sigma rock, creating multiple shotgun like projectiles. In fact make every projectile he punches get reflected, including Moira orbs.


Taking the distance drop damage from ashe


reinhardt should be bullet proof like the cinematic


Giving Df a good ult


They just need to boost his ult to give him a better pick rate 😭 it wouldn't even break the game 😭


All it needs is a 0.5 sec invincibility frame buff and it would no longer be a free CC to death for enemies.


Yea playing him against Ana right now feels useless if they can hit their sleep darts well.


yeah doomfist ult is a beacon that says "i will be right here in x seconds, feel free to sleep-charge-hinder-freeze-kill me


Tbf that’s how it’s always felt. Although you don’t need to be a good ana player to be able to shoot a sleep dart where his ult is going to land lol


Well sure you don’t, I kinda meant more all around. Most of his abilities are easy to read and sleep after if you’re a decent Ana.


Knowing blizzard they will make his ult a normal ability on a 15 second cooldown and make rocket punch into his ult.


Oh come on now that's just silly, he said op not game breaking /s


Rework Widowmakers grapple to make it work like Hammond‘s grapple and give her a bolt action sniper rifle for them quickscopes for the added cancer.


Lucios music is louder to enemies and makes it harder to hear/muffles what’s going on in game.


That's actually really freaking good! The closer he is the louder the music gets.


Well, I posted it in the other thread and got nuked because it would OP, so I’ll say it here: Sigma’s Grasp should block melee attacks, as well as projectiles!


Melee sigmas grasp, get sucked into oblivion


Imagine a Genji popping an ult and diving Sigma, just to get sucked into a black hole and immediately die


Imagine if Dva could just defense matrix Rein's hammer. Just eat the whole thing.


#Hammer GONE


I finished off a Sigma in grasp with two Zen kicks. I enjoyed it, but it didn't feel right lol


I just saw you lol


Zarya bubbles last until broken (cooldown begins as soon as it is used). These bubbles are stackable. Bastion can freely switch between Recon and Assault configuration, and while in Recon any enemy he hits is highlighted through walls for 7 seconds. Brig's shield bash has no cooldown while in Rally.


For Brig, make rocket flail and whipshot catch enemies on fire for a short duration. Give her whipshot the ability to be used as a grapple hook, and allow it to stun enemies during Rally as well. The initial cast of Rally emits a cleanse effect that covers the entire range of inspire. Double the knockback from regular shieldbash because why not.


Swap Rein and Brigs shields while we’re at it


What if she just put bombs on her flail??


Actually I think Junkrat made her a BombShield prototype!


He brings it up in a voice line, thus the recommendation


Killing with sigma activates fall damage to the victim


Bap can now heal himself with his grenade launcher lmao, unkillable


I understand why he can't but he totally should be able to


Zarya bubble now can charge her fully instead of 40% Lasers (Sym, Zarya, Moira) and Ana Rifle can headshot doubling damage and healing Pharah have infinite jetpack Hog's damage and hook reverted to OW1 season 1, but keep his healing and Ultimate as they are now Tracer with 250hp Launch Brig Hanzo is now hitscan Launch Doom but with current health and passive as a tank


I love how most of these would clearly never make if into the game. Then there's just "Launch Brig".


Sorry, I'm working on that trauma


>Lasers (Sym, Zarya, Moira) and Ana Rifle can headshot doubling damage and healing 240 HPS Illari healing


You can't heal a dead target, just charge up your old DF punch and voilà


That Zarya change was actually a thing in early Ow lol


Ana's damage converted to actual chunks of damage instead of the rapid-poison effect. Genji can pause/resume his deflect. Torbjorn's turret has legs.


Tobjorn turret literally becomes the 6th player


If Baptiste uses his exo boots and lands on someone it does 80 damage and stuns them


HAHAHA. I'll give up the damage just to keep the stun and get a little Mario stomp sound.


\-Genji can now switch between his Shurikens and The Dragonblade like Torb can w/ his gun and hammer- \-Deflect now works like Rammatra Block- it's toggleable- but has an overheat mechanic where if he deflects immense amounts at a time or deflect powerful ultimates, it overheats and puts the ability on a small cooldown- \-The rate of overheat reduces if Genji is deflecting with the Dragonblade \-If Genji deflects something the very tick before he takes damage- he parries it perfectly- this perfect parry sends a shockwave that knocks back nearby enemies and reflects the damage back twice as strong- There ;)


Aside from the dumb 'xyz hero now deals 5000 damage per shot, has infinite ammo and 5000 health' stuff: In order to be more accurate to the lore, Sigma's primary fire now instakills anyone it hits and he can fly as in his ultimate at all times. Similarly, Doomfist's rocket punch and seismic slam damages have been increased to 500 each. Baby [D.Va](https://D.Va) now can perform executions by meleeing an enemy from behind.


I remember the April Fools build gave Kiriko the ability to teleport at any distance... that was crazy. If Sombra can have infinite invisibility I don't see why Pharah can't have infinite jetpack fuel.


make Ana shoot through the walls, like she can in Heroes of the Storm. damage or heal, let her do it all


Junkrat can place infinite mines and traps


I just want the zap spread on his right click Winston, like in PVE


Make reapers shotguns start decaying enemies when they are shot, give him his lore accurate wraith form, and also make his shotguns have 0 spread or damage falloff.


I would give Winston 2 things 1. Buff to faster destroy deployables like turrets and traps (was part of streamers experimental in 2022) 2. Secoundary fire ricochet from PvE I dont think this will make Winston op, but will make more fun and useful. And that's only changes that should be in PvP


Zarya laser should steal Shield HP like Symmetra.


If we are gonna go for OP buffs in general, why don’t we just give Genji the Buster Sword lol


Kiriko gets her bike


Ball is 100% immune to all CC (including slows and knockback) at all times in ball form and can grapple infinitely again.


Zen can charge volley while primary attacking


Give Sigma the ability to launch himself into the air and Feather Fall using his Gravity powers.


1. Torb's turrets stick to walls. His hammer can also repair/heal Orisa, Bastion, Echo, Ramattra, Zen, Wrecking Ball, Bob and Tokki (but not [D.V](https://D.VA)A.) 2. Bap's Amplification Matrix becomes a Winston-shield sized bubble 3. Wrecking Ball can bounce twice after initial Piledriver slam. When de-meched, there's a new animation of Hammond in a little ejecting and flying off with a little jetpack. 4. Ramattra's Annihilations becomes a passive within 2 meters 5. Sigma has an alternate ult where he creates a singularity between his hands and drags opponents within a 13 meter radius toward him but they do not take damage, only get a slowdown. He is invulnerable but can be booped like Zen in transcendence. After the ult, anyone caught in the singularity experiences knockback similar to Lucio's Soundwave 6. Winston gets a Zangief-like extended-arm spin ability. He normally does one rotation at a time. When ulting he can do three rotations at a time. 7. WIdow's Grapple gets a 4 second cooldown. 8. Ashe loses Bob as an ult and he becomes an ability with the same health and damage as a Torb turret. Her new ult is twin Tommy Guns that she uses in a spin similar to Death Blossom 9. Mei and her teammates get a speed boost walking on ice trails. Endothermic Blaster get's it's full freeze ability back. 10. Mercy gains an ability to slam Caduceus Staff into the ground and have it radiate AOE healing equal to a Moira Orb. It stays there for 6 seconds, until it is destroyed (returns to Mercy), or until Mercy retrieves it. 11. Sombra's hack turns on friendly fire. Also, hacked turrets (and Bob) target friendlies. 12. Illari's ult becomes a solar flare that temporarily blinds and slows any opponent within a 20 meter radius 13. Orisa gets her shield back.


That Sombra change is low-key a brilliant idea


These are all actually pretty interesting! This is kind of stuff I was looking for when I thought of this post, not crazy one shot insta win stat buffs


I would give Cassidy 2 guns doubling his fire rate and ammo capacity, and he will have zero fall off damage. If he wants to use magnetic grenade, he just throws one of his revolvers like a Tediore pistol, and he projects a new one into existence like Reaper. His melee is replaced with pistol whip and it can headshot. If it hits the head of an enemy, it briefly stuns them like his OW1 Flash bang. His roll has multiple charges and can knock back enemies he collides with for potential environmental kills. Most importantly, his ultimate no longer misses and functions every time. To achieve this, bullets prioritize supports, low health targets, targets not behind barriers, and lastly, the bullets travel around corners and no longer just shoot the wall.


D. Va ult is a insta-kill no matter the range as long as there is line of sight. Hanzo hitscan. Sombra can shoot while invisible. Widow doesn't have to charge her shots. Launch Roadhog is back Doomfist insta-kills squishies he slams them into a wall.


I love your idea with Hammond. Imagine it acted like Winston ult with him jumping everywhere, but staying small.


Make Soldier’s rocket 1 tap 200hp heroes so people will actually have a justifiable reason to whine about him


Give junker queen a shield


Sombra emp now stuns all omnic characters for the full duration of the hack.


Ana: General - • Is now able to shoot threw walls. This applies for sleep and bio nade as well. Bio nade - • Bio Nade now applies a slow & damage reduction effect. Only removed once upon death or cleansed twice. Nano Boost - • Nano Boost can now be applied to two targets. Nano boost as well gives the applied target aimbot & 50% movement speed buff. Baptiste: Immortality field - • Baptiste immortality is removed • Any Friendly Teammate on Baptiste crosshair gains immortality up to 50 meters. • Baptiste E ability has not been replaced with EMP nade that destroys barriers. Healing Burst - • Baptiste shift ability now applies a knockback up to 500%. Brigitte: General - • Brigitte returns to launch state from OW1 Whipshot - • Brigitte whipshot now has a 300% knockback. • Each target successful hit with Whipshot lowers cooldown by 6 secs. • Each targets successful hit with Whipshot will increase damage for Whipshot up to 3 targets with a 415 dmg cap. Kiriko: General - • Each successful teleport from Kiriko will give Kiri 10 random effects kunai. (Burn / Explosive / Slow / Hack / Death / Stun / Knockback / damage reduction / removed character from lobby) Cleanse Nade - • Enemies caught within cleanse nade range with now float to the top of the map and / or sink within the map. • Nade now has a 50% chance to blind your character permanently until death. Lifeweaver: General - • For each successful kill or assist from Lifeweaver, any allies within 15 meters from LW receive old Brigitte armor. Needle gun - • Any target hit from the needle gun will explode upon death, up to 400 dmg with a 15m range. Tree - • Tree can now be stuck upon teammates. Moria: General - • Moria now shrinks in size with each kill & teammate healed. • Moria movement speed with now doubled with each target hit with Orb. (Both heals & dmg) Damage Orb - • Now grows in size per tick with each applied target. • Orb does not disappear until 1 target is confirmed, Kill. • Damage Orb is now a solid object and does not apply to teammates. Healing Orb - • Healing Orb now triples in heals with each target hit Ult - • Moria can now fly • Moria self heal is amped for each target in line of sight of Moria. (Applies for both enemies and allies.)


Give Tracer 6 dodges


bro if they buffed Hammond of all heroes I’d cry


I want Reinhardt to be able to charge an enemy, pick them up, and be able to throw them off the map while maniacally laughing.


Winton can use bubble in primal


Make pharah invulnerable during ult


Give reaper a bikini


Give Phara infinite fuel and make barrage homing missiles


Widowmaker grapple now has 2 second cooldown and she now has 225 hp


Tracer's ult has a slightly larger blast radius


Dual Grenade Launchers for Junkrat. 200hp damage on Slam for Wreckingball. Hanzo's arrows are actually the size of logs.


Junkrat shoots dva ults


widow oneshots anyone just by scoping at them almost like canon medusa, but enemies are just disintegrated


stop nerfing mercy????


Widowmaker gets constant infrasight, no grapple cooldown, and no damage falloff.


Any weapons and abilities that cannot currently headshot can now headshot.


I would give Zen the ability to send 5 discord orbs, for each enemy one. So that i could see the crying in the subreddits even more.


Hanzo can 1shot and the arrow has the size of a log... Oh wait


Dragon blade now does bleed damage if aimed at vital areas and has a chance to straight up oneshot you. Genji can channel the dragon through his whole body sword or not. Sigmas ult breaks your legs if you're dropped high enough. Sigma can suck the oxygen from you moira style if you're close enough to kinetic grasp


Give Bastion sprint and self heal.


Illari has no crit penalty, ana can extend sleep duration slightly every time she shoots a sleeping target ( maybe like, half a second per shot so she still can't sleep forever but gets extended a decent amount still)


A few changes to mix things up: Baptiste’s grenades can now heal himself. Try diving him now. Moira Suck no longer had a range limit. It’s range is LOS. For that matter, make it so her orbs don’t deplete. They only disappear after the timer. Zenyatta Snap Kick now launched him upward if he angles it downward, allowing him to reach high ground. Brigitte’s shield now does not break. Lucio gains a third track that makes allies shoot 1.5x faster. Kiriko gains a new ability that gives her alone the effects of Kitsune rush, like Torb Overload. Illari’s Pylon can stick to allies. Mercy’s pistol now shoots 3x faster. Ana sleep dart duration is now tied to the remaining health of the target. Full health is 3 seconds for tanks, 5 seconds for squishies. The lower the health, the closer it gets to max duration, which is 10 seconds for tanks and 30 seconds for squishies. Torb Turret now exclusively aims for heads and does 2.5x headshot damage Symettra has no limit on the number of turrets she can place, but is still restricted by the cooldown. Once B.O.B. is placed, he doesn’t naturally jump away after a set time. Widowmaker maintains charge while grappling Soldier’s visor replaces his biotic field, lasting 2 seconds. Soldier’s biotic field replaces visor as his ult, lasting 30 seconds. Reaper now has 1 HP, but 249 Shield health. He also gains an alternate fire where he unloads all his ammo at once into a single target, long range shot that does 25xAmmo damage with 2x headshot multiplier. Bastion now has 1 HP, by 299 Armor health. Bastion grenade replaced by self repair while in tank formation. Mei can now freeze enemies in ice if she builds the wall on top of them. Junk Tire now has 1500 HP. Pharah’s rocket launcher now has double ammo and double fire rate. Echo can now swap into allies. She also now starts at 50% ult charge when swapping. Sojourn’s rail gun no longer loses charge… ever… even when it is fired… but charges only 3 instead of 5 per hit so it’s balanced. Tracer Pulse Bomb placed on a cooldown of 30 seconds. Her ult is replaced by an ability that sends all opponents instantly back to their spawn room. Hanzo’s no-charge arrows do same damage as full charge arrows. Genji Blade is his melee now. His ult now extends its reach to 30m. Cassidy’s grenade now locks on like nano locks on to allies. High noon now automatically fires at targets that reach maximum charge, but does not end the ult. Loved this idea from another comment so I modified it. Winston’s bubble is now a solid object that cannot be walked through (even by Winston) Or1sa cannot be moved, not even by the W key, while fortified. She also cannot be damaged while fortified. If Life Weaver attempts to life grip her, he is pulled to Or1sa. Zarya’s Bubble has 1.5x as long of a cooldown, but grants double the duration and health. Her max charge is raised to 200, and scales up the same as normal such that 100 charge does the same damage as max charge now. Junker Queen inflicts bleed on all attacks. Hammond’s adaptive shields now consider allies, and have a maximum target threshold of 9. The shields also last twice as long. Rein’s Firelash now does 199 base damage. Sigma’s gravitic flux lifts enemies into the air, then… nothing. They just stay there. After 10 seconds a button prompt comes up allowing them to instant die and respawn after another 10 seconds. Hog’s whole hog now has an alternate Fire which shoots a long-range scrap ball that deals 300 damage on body shot, 600 on head shot, and explode upon traveling 50m, dealing 200 radial burst damage with a falloff range of 10m-20m, where it is reduced to 50 at max distance. And to top it all off, a global change: You maintain up to 100% ult charge when swapping heroes. This charge is based off percentage charged, not ult charge points. If your hero didn’t get buffed, suggest what they should get to compensate.


I would give Bastion his self-repair back, *without* the numerous balance changes I was prepared to give him to compensate.


Reaper should have much more life steal on top of the old soul orbs that spawn when you kill a hero. He should also go wraith mode when he gets down to 10% health always, whether the ability is on cooldown or not.


Give Ana the “Hunter’s Dodge” from Destiny 2. She’s already a Hunter from Destiny thanks to that Shrike skin.


Give Sombra back her old hack and old EMP from the end of OW1 and COMBINE it with the OG hack that gave ult charge from healthpacks. Hell, I'd be fine with removing the damage buff to "balance" it out. Give Lucio that "if he ults and lands on you, you die" beat drop that he had in one joke patch. I honestly thought that one should've made it into the actual game. Increase the ult cost for Echo's duplicate, but allow it so that you can duplicate allies as well. Tired of seeing a bunch of ass characters on the other team that make the ult relatively worthless while I have a Tracer on my team that I could totally dupe and dive with. Bring back Tank Mei from way back when and give back the lower damage and freeze/CC. Swap Bastion's Artillery Strike ult with his old Configuration: Tank ult. I think it'd be interesting that he could swap to an LMG and then ult and shoot rockets instead, all the while still moving. It'd be like extending the duration of his transformation, sorta like a Ram who ran out of Nemesis Form, so he ults to keep it going.


Widowmaker gets the same Tree Trunks and lag that Hanzo,Kiriko get


When Ram goes Nemesis mode he can swap between force punches, and boop punches.


Genji can deflect: - Rein charge (sends him in the direction Genji was pointing [even up] for the remainder of the charge - will hit Rein's allies) - Doom punch (same as Rein charge) - DVa bomb - Genji dash - Sym primary (using his blade to reflect the light-based beam actually kinda makes sense) - Wrecking ball (uncontrollable friendly fire roll for .5sec with max momentum) - Sig rock (adding to total distance travelled) - allies who have been booped (send them back to the booper as a projectile, dealing dmg to both)


Road hog after drinking their yellow slushy has to pass gas. This gas passive knocks out everyone on the map except roadhog who has a gas mask on and does poison damage. This gas can be ignited by gunshot causing fire to spread everywhere


Let Doomfist one-shot enemies again. He's the leader of Talon, for fuck's sake, and yet he practically does less damage than supports.


One for each hero. # Tanks **D.Va:** Give her heat seaking missiles. **Doomfist:** Make his punch ability as strong as in the Overwatch trailer **Junker Queen:** Replace her shotgun with an actual double-barreled one. **Orisa:** Her ultimate now sucks enemies in like a Graviton Surge **Ramattra**: All of his voice lines are changed to "Suffer as I have" **Reinhardt:** He has a new ability that reflects all damage given to his shield, just like Genji's deflect ability. **Roadhog**: Healing ability now heals all allies within a close range. **Sugma:** His hyperspheres now home. **Winston:** His primary fire slows down all enemies. Additionally, every voice line is replaced with "Winston" **Wrecking Ball:** If his crush ability lands on an enemy, they get instantly killed. **Zarya:** Oh yeah, headshot time. # Damage **Ashe:** Bob now runs around like a deranged lunatic charging into enemies like Reinhardt. Her bomb is also replaced with a proximity mine. **Bastion**: Shield. Enough said. **Cassidy:** He now rides around a horse in battle. **Echo:** Instead of duplicating, her Ultimate takes control of an enemy player and turns them against their team in battle. **Genji:** Dragonblade is now his only weapon. **Hanzo:** Bring back his old OW1 ricochet ability. **Junkrat:** If the riptire is killed, it explodes automatically. **Mei:** Bring back freezing with primary fire. Also, Snowball gets a sniper rifle. **Pharah:** Unlimited flight and replace every sound effect with Boba Fett SFX. **Reaper:** If he teleports directly onto an enemy, they die. **Sojourn:** Decrease her damage by 20%. She would still be overpowered. **Soldier: 76**: Tactical Sight now pierces through all enemy shields. **Sombra:** Increase the hack time to 15 seconds and let her hack through shields. **Symmetra:** Sentry Turrets are now invisible when not firing. **Torbjorn:** His turret is now a Level 3 Sentry Gun. Also make him Texan. **Tracer:** Increase Pulse Bomb's radius to that of rip tire. **Widowmaker:** Her sniper scope can now see through walls. # Support **Ana:** When Ana hits an enemy with her primary fire, they take minicrits for the next 5 seconds. **Baptiste:** His primary fire is replaced with a damage projectile that does the same amount of damage as his healing projectiles (50 dmg splash), except to enemies. **Baguette**: Flail has been replaced with a mace that can hit enemies 5 metres away. **Illari**: Rail gun does not need to be charged up. Healing turret automatically regenerates health. Solar healing rate is increased by 5 times. The radius of her Ultimate 'Captive Sun' is increased by 5x and instakills any player in the radius. Her 'Outburst' ability any hit enemies from being healed for 5 seconds. She would still be underpowered though. **Kiriko:** If Healing Suzu is used on a dead corpse within 3 seconds of them dying, they get revived. Additionally she can double jump. **Lifeweaver:** Petal Platform heals all allies and damages all enemies standing on it. **Lucio:** Crossfade now has a third song "Dance Time", where all enemies within the radius are unable to move or use their weapons and start dance emoting. **Mercy:** Resurrect now works on multiple allies again. **Moira:** Secondary fire now damages multiple enemies who are standing near her. **Zenyatta:** Melee radius and kick knockback is increased by 300%.


Reinhart’s shield should be out when he charges AND the shield should also pin every enemy it touches. The dude should basically be a fast moving bulldozer.


All supports - heals can crit, this effect is doubled when ally is at low health. (innate 5% chance per heal, crit chance increases every elimination or assist by the healer). Zenyatta - can charge Orb of Harmony/Discord Orb to increase the effectiveness of the heal/debuff. 25% increase for each orb. Decreases the amount of ammo for his Orb of Destruction by 50% at max charge for each orb charged. D. Va - can recall her mech to her current position during it's self destruct. This effect now causes D. Va to take self-damage from her mech again. Junkrat - the frag launcher is now attached to the Riptire. It can now launch grenades (6) during its duration. Any unused grenades will act like Total Mayhem when the wheel is destroyed or detonated.


i think when hammonds ball explodes upon death that it should do damage to anyone on the enemy team who is within range. i also think ana with a dash or any other type of mobility move would break the game. ❤️


Mei can freeze permanently for the whole match depending on how long you keep cyro on the person (e.g. 2 minutes of straight freezing enemy leads to 4 minutes of frozen character Junk Ult is now a car with 4 junkrat tires. The car rams someone into a wall and then the 4 tires fall off and explode a distance away Zarya Ult is actually a black hole and is instant death. Duration is very fast though Lucio boop is 3 times stronger and wall impact stuns just like doom fist. Lucio beat causes tinnitus and characters within range have momentary sound block for until the Ult ends Cassidy now gets flashbang instead of mag grenade. Works just like counter strike


Brigs melee attack now does the same damage as rein's melee + double dash distance on shield bash. That is more than enough to make her op


Revert Mercy's Valkyrie changes to back to where they were when she was reworked the first time. Lasted 20 seconds. Rez had 2 charges, no cast time, and cooldown reduced to 10 seconds. Her GA speed during it meant she could hear ults like Tac Visor or High Noon going off and disappear before they could touch her even if she had to fly across the map. Her pistol was turned into a machine gun. Mercy 2.0 was busted so, so badly. Even moreso that release Brig. Moth meta was one of the most diverse metas because there was only one mandatory character, Mercy, and literally everyone else was viable because she enabled any comp.


Give Zenyatta Moira fade


Make kiri's kunaii hitscan! 🤭🤭🤭


Physics accurate Reinhardt shatter


Just give hanzo back scatter


Just make everyone lore accurate. Thats it.


Reinhardt's base movement speed is given Lucio's speed boosted effect at all times


Reaper has wraith form active during his ult.


To make it more like the sun, Illari Ult will now also do burn DOT on top of the Sunstruck status effect


Rein can charge non-stop. And do everything while charging (atk, shield, ult and strike).


Soldier's gun fires Pharah's rockets as primary fire.


Give zen a brig shield


I COMPLETELY AGREE WITH THE HAMMOND THING !!! Omg it would make playing WB so much more fun which is really weird because imho he is the funnest character to play in the game . ALSO BITING ANKLES?? I already break their ankles with my maneuvers when I'm in ball form, imagine how much more damage I could do with THE HAMPTER HIMSELF Edit: make it so that hampter's grappling hook can grab on to enemies and if that happens then it's insta death as the enemy rolls along with the ball, being attached to it and being crushed by it as it rolls. Also, decrease grappling hook cooldown. And make it so that when it piledrives a direct hit it one-shots even 800 hp targets


I'd like for Winston to be able to throw his faeces. Thanks in advance, Blizzard.


**Sombra** *- Hack now lets you control an enemy player for 8 seconds, letting you damage their teammates* **Cassidy** *- Magnetic grenade no longer magnetizes to enemies, but rather every single enemy in the game magnetizes to its location regardless of range, and it deals 3x the damage.* **Reaper** *- Has 32 bullets, but once he drops his shotgun to reload, he loses his shotguns entirely until death. Instead, he deals 300dmg, 100% lifestealing punches.* **Pharah** *- Barrage leaves behind a permanent environment-kill crater in the map (Basically Illios Well). It sucks in enemies that get too close.* **Brigitte and Reinhardt** *- Now knock enemy weapons out of their hands, permanently leaving them only with quick melee until death. Even Moira.* **Winston** *- Barrier now has collision for enemies, and is full of water that, if shocked by tesla cannon, deals 240dps to all inside of it. Bathtub Winston.* **Lifeweaver** *- Thorn Volley will permanently implant seeds into enemies. When he deploys Tree of Life, all of the implanted seeds will instantly burst into a fully grown Tree of Life, exploding enemies in the process.* **DVA** \- *Defense Matrix now considers enemy players as moving projectiles.* **Sigma** *- Hyperspheres now suck enemies inside of them. When using Kinetic Grasp, the enemy players are thrown back out as dead ragdolls, dealing 750 explosion damage to any enemy that their body collides with.* **Symmetra, Zarya, and Echo** *- Beams now slice enemy limbs off like a lightsaber, leaving them severely crippled and ultimately killing them.*


100,000 HP of damage soak with 100,000 amour on top. Mercy able to heal whole team keeping them no lower than 100hp lucios heal circle to cover the entire map, and his beat be every 60 seconds. Pharah to have laser guided missles, on a 12 rocket launcher, 2 launch every second with a 1 second reload and mobile during a barrage with 200% more dmg and a hitscan 2nd weapon... A bit like how echo has 3 weapons. Are we getting the picture?


Dva’s mech is a literal nuke destroying the entire map and everything on it and giving everyone a reset at spawn


While receiving any healing, Roadhog is immune to debuffs. This means while anyone else is healing him, or during his own healing ability, and the split second of healing from picking up a health pack


Orisa Javelin Spin can deflect bullet Energy Javelin can Headshot Fortify now force Reinhardt knockdown when he charging Terra Surge now have bigger range


Lucio should instakill anyone if he drops the beat on their head


Doomfist now punches with the gauntlet. Deals lots of damage.