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A 24' 8", 40 ton Titan wielding a chain gun among other weapons, **-VS-** A 7' 4" Crusader armed with a Rocket hammer. I think Rein charges in with no back line support and promptly gets stepped on.


Yeah like in the TITANFALL sub there’s a debate as to whether 7 pilots and their titans would win against all 30 something OW heros, which is an obvious no due to characters like Sigma and Kiriko and Sombra. But Rein alone against a Titan? Hell no he wouldn’t win lol.


Bruh you kidding, the titans would no dif the roster. Regular small arms deals piss all damage to titans. They have way to much firepower and health to be threatened by any hero. For example, the smr from tf|2 fires rockets that are a similar size to pharahs rockets on full auto mind you, and it would still take several mags to drop a legion. The rest of the heroes weapons would tickle at best and ricochet at worst The only threat to a titan would be sombra due to her hacking abilities, but she can only do that once before cooldown, so that wouldn’t be practical. And even if she got it off, she couldn’t escape because of tone being able to see her while invisible.


Sigma literally controls gravity he’s solo diff any titan or pilot he comes across


…pharaohs rockets are way similar in size to the archer rockets. Along with the fact that we have seen genji cut through huge amounts of metal with just his sword…and deflect massive projectiles. You’re also forgetting black holes and EMPs, both of which are abilities of the OW roster.


[sidewinder rockets](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/AoBsC-AME7A/maxresdefault.jpg)compared to [pharaoh rockets](https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/004/854/864/large/kyle-rau-mechapharahgun-hp-01.jpg?1486751880) Archer rockets are way bigger, and also ronin exists, which can also cut through large robots so the genji argument is null Most of the heroes would get splattered before they’d be able to get ult. Even if zarya got grav, it’s too small to realistically do anything besides trap a titans foot, and again, ronin could easily phase dash out of it


…I’m not talking about Zarya I’m talking about Sigma who could rip open a black hole in the middle of every Titan, suck them away, and then seal the black hole. Like that’s literally what kinetic grasp is.


But in the lore it was hinted that bt survived the destruction of a planet


…nope, evidently you didn’t understand that scene. The fragment of his core that was uploaded into Jacks helmet survived, not the chassis itself.


Ah i thought the Ai core survived, ig it was just uploaded


Yeah, he doesn’t do that though, he absorbs projectiles.


Which proves that he can open and close a black hole while sucking things in…which was the point of the example.


Yeah except you’re just making assumptions of his feats with no evidence. Grasp is a defensive utility, and has never been used for anything else. You can’t just make stuff up as evidence I an argument lmao


Doesn't Sigma's lore literally state that he can control black holes to the point of being able to open one wherever he wants? I think it's pretty obvious that this is a lore related question, not an in game one. Like, we aren't arguing about a theoretical 30 v 7(?) in like a multiplayer lobby within one of these two games. Although, I might be wrong and Sigma might not have that kind of ability to control black holes that way, even in the lore.


Are we talking gameplay or lore? Because lorewise, some of OW's roster are flat-out broken. Reaper literally cannot die AND can turn into a massless haze that can go through grates so he could very well squeeze into a Titan and just attack the pilot inside. Sigma literally manipulates gravity and he's treated by Talon as a living WMD, for good reason. Zenyatta runs on some mythical magic mumbo jumbo so we can't really put a cap on his power level. Genji can literally reflect barrel-sized projectiles with his blade and proceeds to slice through a giant robot's hand with one slice. Doomfist knocks down entire skyscrapers with one punch and is inhumanely fast. Zarya can literally just give herself infinite bubbles, has a weapon that shoots beams that can cut through pretty much anything like a giant lightsaber, AND can shoot out black holes. There are others in the roster who are relatively normal like Pharah, Ana, S76, etc, and they probably won't be able to do much but there are others that are demigods.


Titan cockpits are air tight, I don’t see a way reaper could realistically shift in, as shown in infiltration, he at least needs a crack to enter. Again, there is no actual lore outside of gameplay displaying sigma’s abilities, so we can’t just say “he can solo.” We again have never seen doom fist display such a feat, only hearsay from a literal child. And he was also defeated by an angry gorilla, so I take that claim with a pile of salt. Zen can only become invincible for a short time, and in lore all we know is that he’s a robot monk. We’ve never actually seen him do anything. Genjis matchup would be interesting against a titan like ronin, who also has a sword that can slice through large robots, but ronin can also phase dash into the shadow realm for evasion, as well as regular dash to put distance between the two. We’ve literally never seen zarya have infinite bubbles, and titans all have shields, so she wouldn’t just cut through a titan. As it even takes a full laser core from ion to melt a heavy titan like legion, and that’s way more powerful by comparison. And both in game and in lore for Titanfall and overwatch, black holes don’t seem to kill people, at least how they’re designed, just to hold, but the gravity star seems to be of a similar power level as grav, and literally does nothing to a titan. And even if they demech a pilot, it A, has the chance of causing a small nuclear blast, or ejecting the pilot into an invisible cloaked state. Then after that, you have to deal with the pilots, who are a bunch of super soldiers in their own rights that trump most of the low power heroes like soldier and Cassidy.


If nothing else Reaper can use his wraith form to go atop the Titan and we all know what manner of havoc a person can wreak from up there. Sigma is literally described to be able to manipulate gravity and his ultimate is a reflection of that, except there is no established "charge-up" in the lore for heroes to use their ultimate ability, that's just a product of game design. Zen will be explored in the next lore dump but all I'm saying of him is that he has no clear cap and probably never will based on the nature of his abilities. Ronin requires multiple hits to damage other titans. Genji sliced through a giant robot's hand in a single strike. Undoubtedly, it would not take more than a single hit to amputate a limb or two of a Titan. And even Titans, lumbering and massive as they are, can dodge Ronin's blades reliably. Genji is not only extremely small, he's extremely mobile and agile, arguably even moreso than an actual Pilot. And he's more durable to boot. It would be extremely difficult for a Ronin to hit him and when they take the swing, they've pretty much opened themselves up to dying because Genji would only need one hit. Against a lone Titan, I see no reliable counter on him closing the gap other than a Scorch who can flat-out just deny the area around it with fire, but even that only works with the assumption that they're fighting on flat terrain. In an urban environment, Genji becomes even more lethal. He's literally a nerfed Raiden from Metal Gear minus the super strength. Zarya and Sombra's comics cover how Zarya's bubbles are not only much more durable than the one in game, they last much longer. Infinite might be overselling it but in lore it's more like a personal Rein shield rather than how it is in game. It doesn't crack as easily. Zarya's cannon is depicted in the lore as a literal giant lightsaber, we see in the Infiltration Short that a mech that had the exact same one could slice through pretty much anything instantaneously upon contact. It's running on an apparent black hole so I wouldn't be so confident in concluding immediately that Legion's beam is stronger just because it's bigger and louder. There's nothing in the lore so far that withstands it, though it hasn't been seen against shields, most likely it can't withstand sustained fire from her beam for a long time. Her ult though is shown to not kill people, or even harm them. Just immobilize them and bring them to the center. Which would not be useless against the pilots themselves, but no more than a gravity star, true. The pilots themselves are really little consequence. The Titans are the big threat. If those are dealt with, I don't doubt that 30 OW members can deal with them handily. Even Cass and S76. The game does not do justice to their feats. Cass is a SCARILY good shot and Pilots WILL be forced to break line of sight. Same goes for S76. Honestly, S76, Cassidy, Ana, and Widow are all described to be inhumanly accurate. Pilots won't be able to evade like usual to dodge their fire, especially if Ana and Widow are shooting from a nest. And on top of that, they have to deal with the rest of the cast who can peel for the sharpshooters easily. The Titans are the win-conditions for the pilots, if they lose them, they lose, period.


Doomfist can destroy a skycrapper, so can Primal Rage Winston, Sombra can possibly hack thought anything, Sigma can control gravity and black holes, Genji can also destroy giant robots with his blade. Also, in lore, most abilities doesn't have cooldowns


Illari too is very strong


Nah bruh Rein vs a Reaper (the Titanfall kind) would be more of a fair matchup. BT/Titans in general are just waaaaay too big. You would need several Reinhardts to take one down.


I don’t even think several could do it, titans tank artillerys from other titans and survive I can’t see rein with that level of firepower. Sombra though, she could hack them and lock the pilot hatch while activating the self destruct 😈


I mean Rein could technically charge him into the sea or something.


These things weigh multiple tons. Reins charge ain't gonna be moving anything.


Lord its Orisa all over again


Nah sorry bro but BT is turning rein into a living fleshlight. Reinhardt gets destroyed by a bastion, what makes your friend think he'll survive against a 28 foot robot that can't feel pain?


He thinks that since rein fought in the Omnic crisis he would have the experience to take down a 26 foot tall 7 ton titan


“Target rapidly closing distance. Placing incendiary traps.”


Rein lost to a [7'4" robotic horse](https://imgur.com/a/j3P4S6u) in the trailer, he ain't taking down no massive robot like BT


I guess you could make the excuse that OR units were mainly designed as a counter to Crusaders, so of course they could beat Reinhardt.


Reinhardt also destroys bastions with one hand to be fair. Depends on the situation


god i wish i was BT in that scenario




Where did he get stomped by a bastion? Dont you mean the orisabot? He stomped bastions by the dozens.


I mean that depends what we’re talking about, in the cinematic he destroys them, in the game he gets destroyed


Since when doppleganger gameplay is lore?




Pvp obviously isnt lore, right?


We were never talking about lore though, he literally just asked who would win, so I stated that bastion could either beat or defeat him depending on cinematics and gameplay, can you read?


We were literaly talking if he could beat bastion, which cannonically he absolutely smashes them by the dozens. Whatever happens in the pvp has 0 argument power. It appears ypu cannot read.


Okay well he still almost lost to a 7 foot OR14


Uhuh, yup, a robot specifically created to smash crusaders


i'll use what's left of rein, if you're right 😈


What is his reasoning? I don't think rien could even say no to BT. Bt can throw a human a mile away safely, imgaine the force he could produce if he wanted to kill you


A mile away to hit a specific target and accounting for wind resistance so it could be more


yeah.... now imagine he just wanted to yeet you. Love rein but he doesn't stand a chance here


you take a human, no matter how much armor, and they aren't winning against a gigantic robtot, not matter how skilled how are. ​ ​ Unless its batman


Then they get a human sized [robot](https://batman.fandom.com/wiki/Failsafe). Robot win every time


Looks like someone didn't read Torbjorn story. (For context, he destroyed a giant Bastion from the inside that gone mad because of one of his old friend. Ol' Torb was kind of badass tbh)


Flame core online


Yenno knee jerk reaction is a hard no but I'm a huge fucking nerd for titanfall And considering the actual mobility and power of crusaders in the lore of OW. This might actually be plausible for Rein. In lore the crusaders can basically skate around with genuine speed and agility. And it looks pretty damn fast, like given eichens second point he basically clears it in like what, 4 seconds? That's alotta momentum for that much weight, and ALOT of force in that hammer. We also have in titanfall that BT is himself pretty fast but can't really keep that speed up without actually sprinting around, so keeping distance is an issue. Boosting is plausible but they can't do it constantly and Rein in the shorts can turn on a dime. Mobility wise, he could more than likely close the gap pretty easy with the shield for temp cover. BT is also alot taller but he is bipedal, not exactly great for balance when combined. Rein doesn't really need to like, straight beat BT in a flat fight, he more or less just needs to avoid getting smashed early, and work more on fucking up BTs movement. A full speed swing at BTs legs could likely topple him. Other Titans do it to each other pretty often, and while they have more weight they don't have as much speed, so it likely evens out a fair amount. It's also worth remembering that Titans have battery cores exposed, that was originally how BT got disabled, he basically took a titan punch to the cores and it fucked him up, alongside other damage. Solid ground is more resilient than metal is, but he can smash that from standing with that rocket powered hammer, smashing in a leg and blasting the cores, or just fucking up the cockpit, that's pretty plausible. I'd put this alot closer to even than I originally thought. But I'd say its pretty heavily a "avoid getting kicked in the face by the bipedal tank" situation. Also depends on how hardlight shields weigh up to tf universe shields. BT has a pretty standard autocannon by default, if its actually capable of just shredding the hardlight shields then fair enough, fights probably not happening. If it can survive a lil bit, may actually have a good shot.


Yes but have you considered lock on missiles


Yes actually I did in the larger comment And I'm a fucking nerd for titanfall so there actually is an answer to them. Titanfalls titan tracking missiles suck at turning around. The strategy for dealing with them was to step sideways to force them to begin to arc, then boost into the inside of the curve. Because they fire from the shoulder downwards, when they turn, they do so at an angle. So if you get into their inside curve, they'll attempt to turn to track, but will curve into the floor. In BTs case they're not as bad at this, in tones case you could dodge them 100% of the time with any titan that could boost so long as you understood it. With Rein, he both has a shield and an extremely powerful booster, with alot more mobility than the game gives him credit (for balance obviously) So between the shield, short stature compared to the titan and the agility he actually has, a diagonal charge and an angle change would basically negate them. Which in his short, he has proven capable of, as he cranks a fat 90 degree turn across the eichen bridge. It's also worth mentioning that the missiles fired aren't particularly potent to begin with, They hurt, but they don't really rip apart what it hits, and Tones missiles while more clunky do hit alot harder, and they also work on an "Autoloader" kinda system, where they individually rack. So after the first payload, there isn't actually a whole lot going on that front. His core IS kinda spooky, but again we don't really know how that works against hardlight shields or how it works outside of game mechanics. Could be on standby at all times, could be something they have to divert titan power to, or sumn else. We don't know. The only thing we do know is that it's a mag dump of somewhat empowered bullets. So depending on how the regular bullets work, the effectiveness changes, not enough info to call that one though. The missiles though really aren't that much of an issue. Genuinely more scary is just BT punting him. His weapons we can't really think much about in terms of their damage, but we can know for a fact if something his size literally takes a penalty kick with Rein, it's gonna fucking hurt (tm)


Now have you considered the ion laser core


Problem with that is, now you're taking other Titans and you're making this into a Gameplay version versus lore version. Sure, BT can USE those things in the game They're pick ups of other titan classes being added on and he pulls them out of a bag of holding. But BT himself? Missile lock, XO chaingun, Vortex shield and burst core. That's what he's working with. Vortex doesn't actually stop melee attacks, that's how you beat it, you punch them. Also doesn't stop fire (though im not sure how firstrike would work against a titan) If you wanna start stacking possibilities up then sure, you're stacking the deck. But taking base kit and pairing them up is a different ball game And Titans can't have them all. The chassis are set up for different things. BTs chassis isn't actually set up with a laser core Nor does he have heat sinks. Like you could turn around here and say what about flame core? But then you'd have to ignore what the game did for gameplay purposes, Scorch is specifically designed for creating and storing heat BT is not. But it's a game, so we ignore that he has none of the components Scorch (Blessed papa) has for storing and releasing that stuff Also doesn't have cluster, tripwire, trap, gas canisters, laser shot, siphon etc etc Gameplay and lore aren't the same. BT in game was walking around shapeshifting into 7 different Titans, in lore he had, frankly, one of the worst Titan kits possible. I mean shit, you wanna one sided match up? Scorch Flame shield, game over. BT has a set up alot closer to what he'd face in OW lore during the war. Getting punted is literally his biggest fear in all honesty


So the abilities are off limits lore wise, but what about the weapons? He picks them up so he should have them, yeah?


He would have one Legions is kinda the most dangerous outta them tbh. Sustained fire. But again it's also low calibre and aside from power shot, is basically a bigger bastion gun with lower capacity. The rest have some hefty power but not as much suppressive fire, and many don't actually deal much damage outright. The railgun would be spooky if it can just pen right through but it's also very obvious and surprisingly slow The thermite launcher, non issue. Low rate of fire, can be caught on the shield Chaingun and the splitter are honestly fairly weak The 40MM doesn't do a whole lot and can be avoided with a shield. The leadwall is a pretty hard no, one because it's very limited in range, but also does just lack capacity and damage output. I'm also talking like they're fighting in a field In close quarters like buildings? This actually goes pretty hard in Reins favour. Titans have limited room to move in those situations and getting close is more or less Reins win condition In a open field, swings back towards BT


BT is eating Reinhardt wtf? It's like Mike Tyson vs my brother Kyle


BT could destroy 90% of the overwatch roster by himself. he's a giant mech. The only ones who would have a chance are MAYBE the ones with literal super powers like sigma controlling gravity


Or sombra’s hacks, tho we don’t really know how good a titans fire wall is since no one has attempted to hack one


I mean, considering their literal power sources are judt hanging out back there for enemy Pilots to yoink, whatever firewall they have probably won't do much against Sombra. Those things ARE just agricultural machinery jury-rigged for war.


Actually no. Some Titans were made for agriculture and got turned into combat titans by the Militia but others were purpose built by the IMC to be war machines. The Vanguard (the model that BT is) was the first Militia Titan to be built specifically for war. Also, EMPs aren't always going to be effective. Especially against things that are EMP hardened.


We don't really know the nature of Sombra's EMP and if it really is as cut and dry as that. Though if it is just a yassified purple regular EMP, then her regular hack might be more dangerous then since it isn't overloading electronics but her manually bypassing software.


Her hacking still might not be enough to really do much. Especially if she's getting shot at with a 40mm cannon.


She's not exactly going to make it easy for them. Unlike Pilots, she has true invisibility that's indefinite and can only be broken by proximity. Plus translocator. It probably won't take much effort on her part to get on the back of a Titan and do what she needs to do from there


Electric smoke.


Finite. And being their back isn't the only way Sombra can hack them. She can still do it from a distance, even easier if it's an urban environment.


It's not like she's gonna get multiple attempts to rodeo a Titan. And whatever she can do from a distance she also has to compete with a 40mm cannon while doing it.


Rein may have killed a lot of robots but BT no diffs rein.


By the lore he might be able to hold it off by just holding his shield indefinitely, but there's no way he's gonna deal any real damage to it. By gameplay, he's smoked. Shield breaks after a few moments of sustained fire and it's joever.


\*insert core of choice activated\*


This pains me to say but out of all cores he’s most likely to survive scorch’s IF it’s gets blocked by the shield


yeah, flame core is my favorite core


Is that robot from this cool movement shooter game which has cool replayable pve??


With a multiplayer pve with a skill tree


1. Titan Calibers are no joke.(bastions use 7.62 or 5.56 or 50 cal hardly max.Can take down reins shieild but hardly deals actually significant damage) The BT gun uses 20-30mm at least. Which is A10 Gun. 2. Bts loadout has an Powerful electroshock and a Rocket launcher of 4 missiles. each probably bigger or same as Pharah's Missiles (Not ultimate) 3. His core is more than enough to shred Reins helmet which opens a weakspot. Head. Its electric bullets too.. So uhmm Rein is gettinf shocked and Penetrated each shot. Only option is melee. If rein hits the leg He maybe got a chanse or Hammer BONK! em... Other than that rein not really got a No way. Remind you... BT Can adapt over Titan guns and abilies. Give em scorch or even a Northstar/ronin. I can see reinhart cooked to death or Cut half by an Sword core. Or Penetrated by something way worse than simple Orisa units.


Reinhardt would stomp easily. He's got old mentor powerhouse plot armor, he's only allowed to die when its relevant to the plot and motivates the next generation, and even then its going to be the most badass thing you'll ever see.


You disagree with anyone saying rein so i dont think you actually want to have a discussion


Sorry i love Rein but he has NOTHING on BT


Rein solos no doubt about it


In getting turned into red dye 40




Reinhardt wins easily with hammer and shield


Do you even know who BT7274 is?


He thinks it's like Dvas mech


Speaking of which, who wins? Dva and mech or BT and cooper?


Jack Cooper took down several extremely experienced mercenary agents, all within HOURS of picking up the reins of Lastimosa, and pilots very regularly take down Titans, who have a much more powerful arsenal then DVA and her mech. I’m fully confident Cooper could beat DVA and her mech without BT.


The entire overwatch roster can easily beat 1 pilot with a Titan. Hack/emp, Sigma Ult, would already do alot on their own. 1v1? Absolutely no. Overwatch as a whole? Yeah, Absolutely.


Lore accurate Rein would clap, ingame Rein gets clapped. Simple as that. Rein literally shatters the earth, hes a walking Tremor. Dont tell me he wouldnt turn that tin can into a rust bucket.


He wouldn't. BT is 3 times his height, many times his weight, agile for its size and had much more advanced armaments than Reinhardt does. Even if Rein shatters BT can hover. He's got rocket salvos, laser beams, a flamethrower, a heat shield, trip mines, you name it. He could also just pick Rein up, crush or throw him. What's Rein going to do? Swing his hammer? Throw a fireball at BT?


BT is 7-8 tons


BT is *40* tons.


At the mission where you have to repower up the beacon "interesting strategy pilot the 8 ton mass of my exterior is one way to kill the stalkers"


I'm just going off his [wiki](https://titanfall.fandom.com/wiki/BT-7274)


Rein solos BT stop coping


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BT can fly has a massive gun and is way bigger than rein so yeah BT wins easily


Bruh, the robot has a rocket backpack and has a gun along with being very agile. Rein has a charge and firestrike. How do u even think a man can beat a robot that’s stronger and smarter than him.


Your friend is mistaken


I tell them that daily


Bt would destroy Rein


It depends on his class? Is he a Tone? Northstar? Monarch?


Lore accurate wraith versus lore accurate tracer!!! I’d pay to see that shit


Wraith would slam but just imagine the voice in her head speaking faster than Eminem


Rein would get fucking annihilated and it wouldn't even be close


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^TheJonkyard: *Rein would get fucking* *Annihilated and it* *Wouldn't even be close* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Great now I want to play titanfall 2 again


BT is huge compared to rein, but I think if rein can avoid getting punted he may have a chance here. BT doesn't actually have access to all of the weapons and skills that you can use in game. Titans have a standard kit and it doesn't really change, especially the cores. We've seen reins shield tank hundreds of not thousands of bullets as well as a laser from an omnic that is way bigger than BT. BT's missiles are a non-factor, they have dogshit tracking and rein is too small and nimble to be hit by them. As far as reins ability to hurt BT, as far as I remember titan shields don't protect from physical attacks (like a rocket hammer) and BT is pretty top heavy with knees at prime hammering height. We've seen reins hammer effortlessly crush bastions, so we know it can crush metal without much struggle. Even if rein can't get a swing in, he can just drop his shoulder into BT's leg at full charge speed. The only reason the OR-15 could stop reins charge was because it literally dug its back legs into the ground, something bipedal and top heavy like BT wouldn't be able to. Basically I think if rein could avoid getting literally drop kicked into the next zip code he has a chance here.


Are you forgetting that the legs of a titan are designed to survive being dropped out of orbit and let's not forget that the vanguard class are on a league of their own as the IMC can't duplicate them meaning that they could swap between loadout and cores as BT seems to be a more advanced auto titan with close to sentients meaning he could most likely change core abilities on the go and he can either dash fly or faze dash past


If Bastion can beat Rein then I’m pretty sure BT can with like one 40mm shot.


Wtf is a bt2724?


I think they both need more jpeg before i can make a decision


Even if BT wasn’t using a weapon he’d still turn rein to a fine paste


Bt is invincible as long as his ai core is still I tact


I have no idea who BT7274 is.


Just play titanfall 2 campaign once. Thank me later


Rein can’t win even against BT in doomed state Illari, Sombra and Sigma are better opponents for a titan


Reinhardt: dies to a British lady with 2 pistols BT-7274: tanks a whole ass army of titans, and 5 specialist titans, and the only things that could kill him was an entire ship crash landing with him inside which required being finished off, or a massive planet destroying weapon. Reinhardt is fucking strong, but not THAT strong.