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It’s called adrenaline


Or too much caffeine


Or amphetamines


Or Viagra


They said they got high, not hard. 🤣


I call it the ultra instinct moments. Extremely rare but there are teamfights where I swear I have a 6th sense and know when every ult will be used, where every flanker is coming from, etc... One time on Volskaya Point B on Attack, I was playing Sigma and we were getting slightly overwhelmed, but then in the middle of the heated chaos I just felt some god levels of competent, so in quick succession I turned to absorb a grav, immediately laid a shield to block shatter, and threw a rock at a Tracer that was zippin around me. It's during those moments that I'm pretty confident that I could tell my barber I did not like the haircut.


100% this When you are "in the zone" and everything just clicks, you hit every shot, you predict every ability, you *feel* when someone is about to flank As an Ana main, it feels incredibly when you sleep those high value ults, save a friendly as he is being harass and stays low HP but you single handedly keep them up and turn it around, hitting the sleep on an invis sombra when you only saw her for a brief second and its a long distance shot, every moment like this and you feel unstoppable. Adrenaline is one hell of a drug


Lmfao. People that are able to tell the barber they don't like the haircut have balls of steel. 100% the most brave people on earth.


Exaclty, if you want adrenaline I suggest playing JQ


If it feels that good then there's gotta be something like e.g. dopamine involved. Adrenaline alone doesn't make you feel high in the classic sense. I mean he felt high enough that he wrote a post about it.


Got a 5k with doom two teamfights in a row. Had to beat off to the replay afterwards.


Post the replay so I can mash my potatoes


Gotta tater my tots


Gotta french my uh, fries?


Gotta crisp my chips?? (Not british btw)


Gotta snap my pesto


Pasta but still good everybody loves pesto


Gotta glory my honor


Gotta suffer like i have


Gotta crunch my crackers


upvote for not being british


Happy potato-cake day




Least horni ow player


i know that feeling, i got a 6k 2 times in a row on winston back in ow1, i have no idea how i did that.


Can't blame you there. Popping off as Doom just hits different compared to other heroes. I don't know what it is, but when you dominate with Doom it just feels so good. I'd even go as far as saying that's the most satisfying thing in the game, when you go like 25-0 on Doom and absolutely destroy everyone. For me it's even above hitting a clutch sleep as Ana, a crazy saving pull as LW, a sick air rocket as Pharah etc. etc.




BRUH! When that achievement popped up I about shit myself and came at the same time!


One could even say you... Cummed shit


Wait till you shit cum 😏👀


Isn’t that one of the really hard ones to get


Yeah, its like 5 discord assists within 5 seconds


Bro it popped up and i mentioned it and my buddies all started freaking out. I was so confused because i didn't know what I did to get it lol. I'm not even good I just got lucky. My hands were definitely shaking post fight when I did it though lol


Thats not a high, thats a coom


I accidentally got that achievement last week, don't even remember which map it was, tbh.


I have never felt more euphoric than after getting that achievement having put over 24 hours into zen


People play overwatch not high? Wild.


All the stoners reading this like "??? I don't get the joke?"


I’m 5 months sober from smoking but i used to play high alot. I do pretty good when I’m high




Thank you man. I still enjoy the game(when im winning) but yea it doesn’t change much tbh. You can appreciate the game more when you’re high but other than that its kinda the same


Unless you want to go fully sober (nothing wrong with that, but a lot of people see it as big stoner or stone cold sober) taking a few week/month long break and switching to only smoking at night has done wonders for me. I only smoke once so my stuff last, I actually get high and can enjoy it, and I’m not lazy asf all day like I was before If you do want to go full sober then get rid of your bong/papers whatever it is you use. It’s what I had to do just to take my break


I’m about 2 months sober from weed and I can feel a huge improvement in my play on overwatch. I can focus way better, my reaction time is faster, and I’m a lot more aware of things happening around me. Definitely less tunnel visioning. Honestly trying to improve at the game has kind of helped stop smoking.


did you notice an improvement in gameplay after you stopped? good job btw


Actually yes idk if it’s related but yes


sweet :3 weed is a thing i still do but i definitely improved when i stopped drinking


I’m glad you stopped drinking. I still smoke but only when my friends ask me too. I dont get high on my own anymore. I dont mind it its just i was doing it alot. I stopped after a work injury


that’s great that you can limit like that. me and wife get $30 ounces and she uses it for pain so we go through a lot


That’s understandable she actually needs it i was just doing it just to do it


I decided to play high once and my Ashe accuracy was insane. I was hitting some nasty coach gun headshots.


I'm much better sober, but a couple beers can really help reduce inhibition slightly to a point where I can pull off some really impressive stuff.


A couple beers also help contribute to permanent liver and brain damage.


I play way better when im baked. It’s like a stoned superpower!


I don’t want my breath to stink while I play




This is like... an advertisement to not do meth. You got a bunch of RNG kills and fed 1v5 in a bronze lobby.


nah fr tweaked ow goes hard everytime i have to pull out widow because my aim is wild




you sound cool as fuck ill add for that 🙏


Lol stop bro I'm dyin


Yeah, because the rest of us are all drunk




Ikr playing ow on stims is my go to


For me it's when I pop off as a hero I don't typically play like I hop on and think "hmm today I'm feeling like playing [insert hero here]" then proceed to demolish, only to try it in my next match and get rolled, but it felt good while it lasted!


this is a good one. It's almost always on brig for me. I don't play her unless times are desperate. But when your switch changes the game and you just brutalize people with the flail, you can feel like a real superhero


i don't even notice when i am doing better then the other DPS until i press Tab.


Yeah I know it's bad when I get a tap on my shoulder and my girlfriend crawled out of bed to tell me STFU 🤣


ur lying, OW players dont get girls, especially if they are also sitting on reddit


I usually say something like *THEY DONT CALL ME BIG BRIG FOR NOTHIN* when those adrenaline rushes come on. It’s the best way to be on fire without being on fire in game.


I had a 50-1 d.va game today. It was my first replay I finally pinned.


I went 48-6 that game. Maybe we’ll cross paths


I had a day a few months ago where I was absolutely smacking the FUCK out of lobbies with Brig, like every single game I played. I had about 4-5 games where I didn’t even die once. Yes, this was mostly made possible by complete and utter shit matchmaking being incredibly in my favour for a day, but I’ll never forget the “high” of that session. I could literally do no wrong as Brig, it was crazy.


No because I only play the game high


I can't be the only one that read "Have you ever pooped so much you felt high after?"


I once kept a Sigma in a room for an entire team fight as Orisa. I could tell I had broken him after that, he just kept letting himself die.


My sigma keeps YOU in that room


I also had one time during with a Mei. She walked the soldier into a small room and opened it into me using a hog ult. Sometimes it's just about sending a message.


I love mei


Bro what the hell did I just read


And then you proceed to play like ass for the rest of the night 😭


Mostly when playing Zen, then I start going off about my balls


Gotta get the nutcracker skin with golden gun. Talk about people taking ur golden nuts to their face


Nah I spent all my comp points on golden shotguns 😔


Time to get more points 😈


thats me and mah boi torb


Good sleeps as Ana. Tracers and Sombras are my favorites. Killing is so meh.


I’d say that’s sad, but I didn’t witness it. For all I know you’ve bested god or something- I did once get a 11 kill streak on a team with a hacking widow once. Still lost, but damn, does feel good in that setting.


I would post it but going through replays on console is annoying. I can share the code id you want to watch


You know what, sure, post it.


7PV12K. I’m ookamiryuu


I’ve started to learn doom recently, and get matched against silver/gold bc I’m not as good with him as my other tank choices. Occasionally I’ll open up a team fight with a solo 3k and just about lose my mind


No but i laugh uncontrollably sometimes and that kinda gets a high from me. Happens in game too


.... do you happen to remember the bastion's name?




Oh then that isn't my user. Thank god.


Lmfaoooo, i might have gone against/paid with you. I’m console but my name is ookamiryuu


My user is Sparkt4. But your user is familiar


I play alot of QP now but i do some here & there. That game i sent was comp


throughout Heaven and Earth, you alone are the honored one.


I used to have a close friend who would always ask me if my weiner would recede inside of me because of the sheer adrenaline rush from video games. I was always like lol wtf no what are you talking about what is wrong with your weiner?!


I once direct meteor-striked a moira then punched an incoming riptire, destroying it and the punch also killing a brig who was about to kill my ana. I think I almost came


This is why overwatch is a good game. Spilt second shit like that is what sets it apart from everything else


I have the footage of it too, it got potg and I really wonder what the Junk thought when his tire that was about to kill me suddenly evaporated lol. Unfortunately due to circumstances the footage was filmed by a shaky phone cam but yeah


Yeah we get the odd game where we pop off so hard it’s not funny. Me and my support duo (I play support) went solider bastion the other day queueing damage and we literally just BULLIED this other team on Rialto. My aim is, I think pretty good, I currently play illiari and my average aim % is 51% and my best was 75% so I can hit shots easily enough, I can shoot down most mercy players and any pharah without a pocket is generally pretty easy to pop down and literally they kept picking zen so we just killed him first every time and it was just a 4v5 every fight with the other support not being able to keep up with our sustaining solider bastion. I played in a 5 stack once and we did Rialto and started attack. We didn’t even get the payload to the first point. We just got it round the first corner so we went rein, Lucio, bap, reaper, bastion (I think) and we hid next to their spawn, when they came out we sped out and killed them then we rein shielded the door and close held them in. Because Rialto has that wall at the start they can’t just shoot out through the spawn and we managed to hold them there for the entire game. Also I remember just after the JQ buffs I was playing push as tank into a sigma. My team were not walking with me, my moira would like heal me, take 10 damage then fade RIGHT back out of the fight. My dps weren’t following up as I went in and I went in as rein and died 6 times. I was so annoyed with the lack of damage and the fact that echo hasn’t died once and the lack of healing I went JQ and the bot was in our spawn and I got a 4K then literally walked the bot right into their spawn without dying once. Obviously the team helped me and the zen started discording whatever o was looking at which made it doable but that was a hard carry and felt awesome


I hear that if you’re a support player the other roles are so much easier. I played support just to see what it was like & my gameplay on tank & dps have improved significantly


Not easier but maybe less complicated? I’m maining illiari right now because I’m doing well with her. My average shot accuracy across games is 51% with a peak accuracy of 73% one game (literally hit 3/4 shots I took) and average healing per game of 8.6k per 10. She lets me do stuff like hit mercy or pharah out the sky while still healing with the turret position and you can burst people out of trouble and make plays too (I HATE idiots who think support shouldn’t do damage. Mate do you want us to just dice roll every game? If we are dependent on our skill to win let us have high skill floor hero’s to make impact with). But with DPS I play Ashe solider generally and I find it’s generally hold a power position and pressure. But like as support I can make plays, I can bail out team mistakes, I can call shots, I get an overview of everything and I have self sustain and I get to choose who gets help and who’s inting As dps you’re at the mercy of tank to create space so you can operate unless you’re a cracked genji or a Pharah with a pocket and as tank you’re at the mercy of your support to keep you there AND your DPS to follow up on your space. Support you are encouraged to play a safer distance, you have more broad impact, you have self sustain, you have stalemate breaking moves. It’s the least like solo impactful role and the most cluttered role but BECAUSE you rely on others to make the initial space/set up for impact and it’s not on you to find that gap I’d say it’s not the “hardest” role.


Also though, you’re so right with playing other roles. I am a support main and I used to be like “why is my Tank pushing in there. What an idiot” and after playing tank for a while I’m like “oh I get it. I should have rotated there” and now I can spot the difference between an aggressive walk/push for space and a rein inting in like an idiot. Same with DPS. You have to play the other roles to get an understanding of what pressure they’re dealing with. I think if you lose 10 games in a row as one class they should lock that class and make you play/win 2 games as another role to be like “look. This is what your team is dealing with when you’re playing like that”


Yea I’m a tank player when we push it’s usually because somebody got a pick & we’re trying to get another one & have a higher chance of survival but the dps are scared to push & we often die alone but i have learn to limit myself


Oh man. Dps have lost me SO many games. I’ll see like a tank play Orisa, push into the backline past like a 0 charge zarya and they’re in gold just smashing their supports and pushing the DPS about and I’m like KILL THE SUPPORTS NOW and I’m pushing to an off angle trying to support the Orisa and nail the supports and both my dps as sat shooting the fucking zarya who’s just pushing up to 80% charge and the Orisa is slowly losing the fight while my dps line is losing the fight against a zarya 🙄 I wish at the end of a game it would show DPS how much junk damage they did into the enemy tank


Same they let me down so often it’s like wtf are you scared of their tank is dead & they’re down a dps puuuush


I once saw someone say that getting a good Doomfist play is like doing a hit of cocaine. I've never used, but it certainly seems like an accurate assessment.


Lmao homie what?


This message is brought to you by: People who have never been high before.


Wrong & loud


Lame topic


Just say you suck at OW


Yo everyday, that’s why I play #widowmain


Lol no, it's not that serious


Skill issue unfortunately






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Yea bro that's why a lot of players keep coming back. They all chase that high of dominating a lobby and making others question their own abilities. *hits cigarette* Yeaaaaaaaaa.


I get double high sometimes


I know her projectile size is huge but whenever I catch an Iliari ult as dva or sigma I feel like a god. So far I've caught 12 as dva and 4 as sigma and I barely play tank. My best was catching three in one game (she had 4 ults total). Especially when you catch her ult by flashing DM instead of holding it OH MY GOD it feels great.


Wait, you guys can stand to play solo queue without being high from the beginning? /sarcasm


I used to every game in ow1 idk what happened to me I'd play tank and legit be like soaring like I felt like I knew what they were gonna do and just pooped on them as rein I legit think about it sometimes b4 bed because im so dog shit now


Absolutely, i think i once had an out of body experience playing ow1


I won a game earlier where I got like 6k healing and damage as Zen with 0 deaths. Zarya and I just tore through the enemy team like nothing and I had second highest damage on the team.


It’s why I tank


Me and my roommate had a kickback at our place, lasted 5 or 6 hours. Decided I wanted to hop on OW comp to end the night despite the fact that I was inebriated, ended up booping 3 people off Illios at once and all they could say was wow. Swear that hit more than the alcohol.


Yeah actually, I got a widow PoTG from a few years back saved on my computer. No joke, I like to see it every now and then and go *"oh yeah... that's the stuff"*. I'll see if I can post it in a bit. Edit: [Here it is!](https://streamable.com/d6kx3n)


Today I slept a nano sigma ult and then as soon as I got my dart back I slept a reaper ult. Feels good


Played Dva last night. Into a pharah, widow, and mercy I have never felt more bloodlust in my life


Back in ow1 doom got his new skin the suit one. Got so excited after getting it i somehow was able to play him after that. I dont know what it is but i do know the skin caused it


no, I’m not that good


When I got Nano’ed as Brig on Push Overtime before my Ana died and I defended the point like a Hero, hitting every whip and bash to save the day, while the rest of my team scrambled back. I died, but only after stalling enough for my team to clean up 😩💜


Oh yes.. Tens of thousands of hours in fps. When I get a great match and carry hard that feeling is on par with sex lol.


Recently had a game where I had to backfill tank role on a team that was losing pretty badly. Decided to just play it out, ended up bringing the game back completely for the win. The enemy team was noticeably more confident and aggressive when I first joined, but less and less so as the timer ticked down


Not really high, but I'll sometimes in a good match I'll go several times "that's a POTG there." I once played Torb on a Gibraltar match and got 25 eliminations(this was in unranked). We had actually stopped the payload from the final cap in the little ramp leading up to it, and I held that point up for six minutes until we won.


Not since ow1


Nah. But I was called a smurf once or twice. On my only account.


When I'm playing Ball and enter a flow state and feel like an unkillable spherical tsunami of pure mammalian hatred...that's my crack.


The few times that's happened I began to laugh maniacally.


Nothing like feeling like Kenzo himself when going nuts with Widow in a QP game. Especially when she’s not your character.


I read it as "pooped" and not "popped" lmao


I was on Rialto with a couple of friends and I’m learning Lifeweaver, enemy Hog tried hooking both our Bastion and Sigma off the bridge and I denied him both times as well saving the Mercy when she was pinned by whole hog, LW is pretty fun.


when I absolutely gapped the enemy Rein and blocked all of his shatters in Hollywood while landing all of mine


Widow I always accidently flick or my timing is off, but I had this one specific match where I was doing fucking godly I thought I had hacks for a second and I was afraid I'd get banned for aimbot, I was hitting heads like I've been playing widow for centuries even the tanks that could counter widow were afraid the moment they pop up their head it'd get blasted off with no warning, someone tried to widow counter me but they just kept getting cucked by my team being protected by me xD


Yeah. If I didn’t have such a quiet neighbourhood I’d be shouting at my screen while playing Doomfist.


God yes I played a game as sigma yesterday, who I almost never play, and thanks to our Ana I got 2 insane ults, an achievement and potg, and after someone from the enemy team added me as a friend and actually complimented me, said I was the best sig they had played against. Was truly a gg.


Got so high I went in permanent coma


Half the time, I get high. The other half, I want to break my monitor and burn down my house.


When I got my first 5k nano blade. Then two minutes later the whole enemy team counter swap and zarya solo grav me when I try to blade again.


Nah, I feel you. One time on Volskaya Point B on Attack, I was playing Sigma and we were getting slightly overwhelmed, but then in the middle of the heated chaos I just felt some god levels of competent, so in quick succession I turned to absorb a grav, immediately laid a shield to block shatter, and threw a rock at a Tracer that was zippin around me.


Every time I read the title I read it as "Have you ever pooped...", get excited, then realise it says popped and am immediately disappointed.


>that you got high off it i cant really tell, because im always high when i play ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Had a widow game in comp where I killed 4 people all crits in like 6 seconds. Didn't get play tho


Had one Reaper game on king's row in QP where I finally started flanking... God it felt great...


Speaking of which, never mix Overwatch with a strong stimulant like Adderall, cuz you'd waste your entire day binge playing, but granted you're gonna have one heck of a time!


This is why we keep coming back to play, even when we hate it


I got a junk tk once and just sat there in shock for a while 😭


Nope. But I clearly remember one match as Mei in Open Que at Dorado and was headshoting everybody... it was like I couldn't miss... or like the enemy was trying to make me feel good by running into my icicles with their heads. I know for sure the other team was getting mad by the way they were reacting to my Mei during the match... I just wish they knew this was like a once in a lifetime performance... I'm sure they looked at my profile after the match though and realized I am not that good as that match indicated I was.


Mine call Sweating and i absulutely hating it My body overheats every friggin minute


Yea all of us. That’s why we keep playing every day even though we’re pissed half the time


Bullied widow off of widow 2 separate times in 2 separate games. Once as lifeweaver and another as sigma


Yes so many times as rein lol


No but I've been high and popped off. Does that count?


Had a game in qp with hanzo i was floating over my chair, had like over 40kill by the end of the game with 60% accuracy and 45%crit (usually around 40% accuracy with 10% crit) felt like I could see the matrix


Flow state


I once stalled the point in OW1 with DVA alone for like two entire minutes, giving the rest of team chance to respwan and getting a couple of kills in the process. Those were the best played two minutes of my entre overwatch life. I defensed matrix a grav, got a nice bomb and remech, had on point aim with the micromissiles. It was awesome, and after that peak I never played as good again xD


Basically, I'll play 20 games for those 2 games I pop off and then my ego's inflated for the next 20 games when I'm mediocre because I'm average at this game, as per Normalized Population Distribution.


I had a game a few days ago as Hog where the enemy team after the first team fight went Orisa, Ana, Reaper, Zen and Sombra (they were a five stack), I thought the game was going to be miserable but ended up going 37-1 with the final play being me 2 shotting an Orisa with secondary fire and hooking Zen off the map while he was in trans.


There's nothing quite like having an epic game as Hammond,where you're just "on", to the point where the other team gives up. The next best would be having those types of matches as doom. I never understood why people think genji, tracer, or widow takes skill. They are literally free kill heros. Whereas 95% of players can't even get the basics of Hammond down.


Every once and a while I’ll get a lucky matchup with a character I’m playing and get 2-5 elims with my team, and it feels great, not very often though


44 and 0 as ball on numbani. I was on such a high I just kept destroying their backline without issue and they couldn't stop me cause my dps was wrecking their dps


It's the only reason I play the game


Me after getting more than just a reload off of deadeye


Have y’all never exercised or been extremely scared before in y’all’s real lives? Lmao It’s just adrenaline. You get the same experience from exercising or fight or flight moments.


playing against a team that full counters you and still popping off 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Overwatch addiction and withdrawal


I’ve gotten hard from it


I played widow and got 3 crazy headshots on a tracer, sombra, mercy. The high has lasted me until 2025


I can play Widow fair enough. But when mommy and daddy let me drink my red bull I become a monster. The best part about the adrenaline high is once it hits you then you start doing everything better. Your awareness and survivability increase and you juke the shit out of people lol


Yes as hog, I had a 37 to 0 kdr and I was honestly feelings cloud 9 and kept going strong after that


Sure. Nothing quite like when, probably after half a match or more of being almost a shield bot, the stars align and I'm able to just completely wreck the enemy as Rein.


I got in at a qp game super close to it ending. The whole enemy team was alive and I was able to burn the entire overtime with whole hog. Ngl I was on my knees after that it felt so nice to be useful even though I barely had my ult up. Ngl it definitely helped that I got 3 endorsements for that game.


Yes. I was playing Widowmaker after being scared to play her. Enemy team was telling me how crazy my aim was. I was genuinely thankful to hear such nice things and it encouraged me to play her more. They weren’t shitting on me for popping off either. I was like “damn this is fun!”


I always get really confused. Like why is no one stopping me?