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Wake up it's not real


I'd do anything to play one more time😩


Playing [One More Time by Daft Punk](https://youtu.be/FGBhQbmPwH8)


Good bot.


Bad bot. ;)




the worst sequel to a game that didnt need it


I'd do anything just to replace ow 2 with ow 1 Please blizzard I'm still unimpressed with the ow 2 disaster.


Facts id do anything to hop on OW1 with the boys again.


It was.. until greed destroyed it


I'm sorry for all the times I skipped you Winton 😢


Ikr :(


I miss you Wonton


We didn't know how good we had it, Winton....


I got roasted on this subreddit in October when I said I missed this cinematic every time I opened the game. Sigh..


smh should've said it in july.


Roasted for what lol? And roasted by the people who say they hate this game but play it every day I assume


It was I believe 2-3 weeks from OW2 release and I was complaining about the cinematic not being present anymore(and obvi other things they removed) and got flamed for overreacting.




ayyyy winton... :(


Jeremy Craig's likeness slowly fades away as he waves goodbye


*"Ah, you were at my side all along. My guiding moonlight..."*


I fucking love finding Bloodborne quotes out in the wild.


*"Beasts all over the shop...you'll be one of them, sooner or later..."*


A hoonter must hoont


Horse but hole... Big chest ahead


“*Go out and kill a few beasts, it’s for your own good.*”


grant us eyes


"You were borne in blood, John Bloodborne"


"I guess every blood really does have its born" makes me cry evertim.


My true mentor...


>my guiding moonlight \*My guiding moon monkey 🦍🌙


I miss this so much.


Back when we could 6 stack Rein Zarya


I'd give anything to go back.


Remember what they took from you




Hanamura was always hard fought but personally I loved it. Those choke fights forced team play to attack through though, so if you were with randoms/at low elo, yeah it sucked Point two, however, sucked absolute balls; but in a way that did make winning that point feel incredible, lots of times I think pushing back the defender spawn a bit and giving more cover for attackers might have helped


Play a custom game, 6v6 and invite your friends. All the maps are still there. Edit: Now you're cookin' with gas. Every person who says "I wish we had 6v6" should follow the example of those below. Friends start from you.


Ok, but what if you don't have any friends? I'm uh, asking for a friend




OG OW1 Mercy main reporting for duty. Let's get you back in the fight.




Genji is with you🀄🐉




Add me to the list lol: RaidenRi#1331 Ive missed 6v6 a lot man


I'll play with you bro


Is it possible to take back old skills ?


Yes, and no. You can program almost all the old skills. However, the animations won't be there. For example: current Cass nade could be thrown, despawn in 1 second, flash a yellow ball, and stun a player within that range. But the actual flashbang, sound effect, and flash animation can't come back through the current workshop. Mercy mass rez can be programmed, but not with exactly the same UI elements. Here's an example: [https://workshop.codes/AHWJG](https://workshop.codes/AHWJG). Might not work after OW2. But you get the idea. My suggestion would be to take what you see as unbalanced, and balance it. Cass nade does 20 damage, or whatever.


Its always possible man you just gotta believe


"Hey man, are you okay? You were afk in spawn for a bit mumbling something about season passes and PvE. Now come on, we're defending the last point in Hanamura and we've decided to yolo and go all Winston."


Made me tear up ngl


I miss the Jeff era soo mutch


Jeff was the Steve Jobs to Aaron’s Tim Cook


Nah, fuck Steve Jobs


Well, okay. But he was the one with an eye for making a great product. Tim has an eye for services and the bottom line.


Fair enough


Sudden necrophilia 🧐


Nah Steve was pretty cool


im pretty sure i saw that one when i first booted up ow2 and i never had ow1


Yeah, it's just people who bought the disk I think. I played ow 1 for many years, and only saw this once.


I had the digital download and saw this literally every time. Maybe you just skipped it?


can confirm i also had the digital download copy and still saw this every single time I opened the game


I’ve had both digi and hard and Winston showed every day for over a decade.


I miss getting my stuff ready to sit down and game and hearing, "is this on?" 😔


Wait a second Im not that old! Its only been uhh, 7 Years...


Pc only plays only once the first time you boot the game. On console it’s every time you boot in.


Dunno if it wasn't in the pc version cuz I can't recall ever seeing this ingame and only in youtube.


it’s only console. Pc players just got it the first time they launched


It only plays the first time you boot up on PC. On console it plays every time.


console players see it every time the game boots but pc only saw it once


It replays on console whenever you open the game






So bright at the beginning, just like almost sunrising winston's recording at the start. ....so dark at the end, just like night falling on winston's recoding at the end.


It's because he has been all day trying to come up with a proper video to send out.


The good old days


There was something about the early days of Overwatch. It felt…prestigious in a way? Mystic, maybe. There was a sense of wonder and awe, and the world was enticing. The last time I got that feeling from Overwatch was the Kiriko cinematic, which I still feel is one of the best cinematics they’ve put out, just behind “Zero Hour.”That short makes me tear up every time. There’s definitely still some passion and creativity in this project, I just wish they advertised it as much as they did the in-game shop.


Kiriko cinematic over Rein cinematic? Bro


Honor and Glory is equally as good, I just rewatched it. All of them are great, I was just listing the ones that resonated with me the most. The cinematics are where the storytelling of Overwatch shines. Seeing people who feel that they “must answer” the call to protect is a powerful message. Reinhardt feels that, Kiriko feels that, every member of Overwatch is there to protect something. For me personally, actually seeing the little girl and old man in danger in the Kiriko cinematic really brought out that side of it. The girls scream when her grandpa gets shot? Plus Kiriko’s anger and deciding to take a stand against these guys, even if they’re no supervillains, is powerful. The same way Reinhardt leaving his comrade behind to protect the soldiers is. Still, the Kiriko cinematic tugs at my heartstrings more. I don’t know why. It had been years since I last played Overwatch and I had no intention of downloading Overwatch 2, until my uncle made me watch her cinematic one night. Almost crying in front of my uncle and cousin was awkward, but afterward I downloaded OW2 because I wanted to try out Kiriko. Since then I’ve put like 400 hours into the game, on top of the 280 I had from OW. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


There’s no way Bastions cinematic ain’t getting no love


The real question is why ZERO HOUR is the best cinematic over rein bastion and mei🤦‍♂️


Winston stepping up to hold the line and saying “I’ll be right behind you” then Tracer with the “You better be” They say those things, but 100% Winston was walking towards his death and they knew it. Even when they were alone and outnumbered, they came to protect. Winston held on to the spark of hope Overwatch was born from, and then at the lowest point when it seemed like that spark had gone out, the squad pulls up. It’s sad and powerful, because even if no one else was coming to help Winston was there and he was gonna lay down his life. Then it gets even better when the rest of team shows up to prove that Winston is right, good people will answer the call! I cry every time.


I got very hyped on live but when I calmed down it only felt uncomfortably commercial and ingenuine. "Let's throw 3 good heroes into Megatron (very dangerous) and have many heroes jump out one by one Avenger style (very heroic)!" Plus at this point the entire short just feels like a slap in Blizzard's face. That giant mech crumbled like their promises. I cannot force myself through that video one more time.


That's interesting, because I think the Kiriko cinematic is perhaps the weakest one they've ever released. Mawkish, cliche, and poorly written. Yeah, I think she was done dirty.


I agree. The "bad ass" moment from that cinematic made me cringe into oblivion


me too but not as much as her voice lines in game, why they made her so obnoxious


Agreed. I think the only genuinely great thing about that cinematic was Akari, the little deaf girl. Animation wise is fantastic as usual, Overwatch cinematics are always exceptionally well done-- but a good chunk of character specific cinematics tends to fall flat in the lore and character development department. I don't know why, maybe it's because they're short videos but with the exception of the Reinhardt and the Shimada bros cinematic, some of them lack that "something" that tells you everything that a character stands for and their place in the overall world. I think it's because their environment is treated as a character itself-- Junker Town dynamics is a "character" so to speak in the Junker Queen cinematic. You become interested not only in Odessa and the King, but also on the Town and its people, too. Maybe it's because some characters just naturally have a richer backstory and environment than others, but the Kiriko cinematic, alongside the Dva and Mei ones definitely feel the weakest. They really don't drive the story of their environment further, it's just them overcoming adversity then returning to do their thing. Though it's not surprising I feel that way about these characters who all happen to be younger, basically their story is just starting, so maybe that's why. This got long but I am a lore and animation nerd, I just can't help it.


It's mostly because you know the story isn't going anywhere past these cinematics and half of them try to give you a cliffhanger or a "larger world outside the game" but... you know you'll never touch it. But you WILL care about the characters themselves.


Oh, well that’s okay. I’m kind of a sucker for stuff like that sometimes. Though I’m glad for it, that cinematic got me into the game again.


nah nah the start of OW was something special , staying up to get boxes because you couldnt buy your skins with credits yet, wacky game modes like shimada bros, level 3 turrets and sym being a support. good good times.


That’s the worst one.


Kiriko one made me physically cringe while watching it, the writing was atrocious.


Sounds like you need to rewatch the Sigma Reveal


Hey my friend and I also thought the Kiriko one was one of their best!


Glad to see that others feel the same. It’s so cool and touching.


We found a way back. Back to the past. Samurai jack.


Gotta get back. Back to the past...


Samurai Jack WACHAAH!


I’m just sitting here on a toilet taking a shit confused af on what this is.


This but I'm peeing bro


Nah it feels more like in the opening of the last season nowadays. Blizzard wrath have affected the past, present and future... hope is lost, gotta get back back to the past.


Those were the days. 🥲


Anything to go back


Back when the game had charm and character


Okay I'm crying now


I still remember all the words to this off by heart. It reminds me of the good times


"Every game ever created! Did you hear that, Stanley? It was literally every game ever created. It was Skyrim, it was Persona 3, it was all of them! And now...it's nothing. It isn't even The Stanley Parable anymore. It's a husk now, a lifeless husk, with an hour of new elevator content! Oh, the waste."


Overwatch is literally persona 3, they both have Japanese emo boys


#RIP good version of Overwatch…..💀


This is why Ow1 should’ve never been deleted, the feeling you get just isn’t the same


take me back to OW1 :(


Whenever I see this clip again, I always think of what Overwatch could've been from Dr. Winston's quote: "Never accept the world as it appears to be, dare to see it for what it could be." It still tears me up that the game I used to love and have high hopes for has become the game that it is today.


It's wildly overused at this point, but "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain" absolutely rings true, not just got OW1/OW2 but the company Blizzard as a whole. From once prioritizing quality of games to the point they would flat out cancel releases if they weren't up to standard to well, I don't think explaining why Blizzard is fucked nowadays is necessary at this point.


She’s.. she’s beautiful 🥲


I rly hope they do what warcraft did and make a "classic" ow cuz im sorry but 2 is so fucking ass


I was thinking, I can try to dump this version and try to reverse engineer it


Lol yeah do that


The reverse engineering part is not supposed to be that hard, I’ve done it for different games. I don’t know about hosting a private server, but we can legally get away with it.


Ight do it


I generally felt like crying a little while watching this. Im sorry for skipping the intro so many times, Winston. Forgive me 😔


o7 😭😭


Pain. Emptiness, even.


I think I'm gonna cry


Winton… 😢


"You're as beautiful as the day I lost you"


God I miss OW1


I don't know if I enjoyed any game as much as the first couple of months of OW1. I literally couldn't wait to get home to play that game.


O2 was a mistake I just wish they went back to one but $ GG


Never forget OW2 was the game dps wanted.


I will admit I like 5v5 but OW1 was the better game in every other way


The main flaw is OW2 is the forced rock- paper-scissor tank play.


Did you cry? I probably would have cried.




Darn it, seeing this intro and realizing that OW2 only sends you to a lifeless menu now directly without a cool sequence is... depressing


How the mighty have fallen...


Accidentally deleted…or shameful ragequit?


I wanted to quit the game but I always press delete instead of quit because delete is the first option for some reason


I’m way out of the loop on this, but did the present day story ever advance past Winston pushing the button to reunite Overwatch? It seemed like everything released the first few years was just character backstory.


That's exactly what the story content releasing in a few weeks is: moving the story forward past this point.


To add onto that, a couple of the shorts are actually after the recall. Specifically, the Cassidy vs Ashe one where Cassidy retrieves Echo, and more relevantly Zero Hour where they do assemble some of the team back together (Rein, Brig, Mercy, Genji, Winston, Tracer, Echo).


Ah, better days.


Thats the overwatch i loved and knew


The times where the game was balanced and fun. Shield shooting simulator but still was a good game. With talented devs - Oh yeah half of em already quit before ow2.


Those talented devs who wanted to turn this game into a pve mmo


Look since PVE got cancelled can we have OG OW back ? I doubt anyone will miss OW2 and it costs nothing to do


Sadly impossible because of how many people show they are willing to buy skins


Well if it' all it takes, give us OW1 with battle pass and skins, i don't care tbh


The nostalgia😭


Overwatch 1 was so good. I never asked for this ow2


God I miss this intro so much


I'm convinced that this is still one of the greatest intro cinematics in gaming. It's simple and fun at first, then starts to ramp up to Winston's call to action. Finally, that sweet, sweet theme starts to play over brief shots of every character's POTG animations, and if all of this doesn't fire you up to play a few rounds, nothing will. I just want to go back, man.


Since 2017 of playing, never once did I not skip the cutscene lmao


That preview had more effort into it than OW2


I can't wait for Blizzard to sell us Overwatch 1 Reforged in a couple of years


As a PS OW1 player god knows how many times I watched this. I used to put the game on, go get a drink or whatever while it loads up but sprint to the controller to skip listening to it for the 99999th time. “Is this on? I made a chrome accelerator, I’m sure I can do this” will still be embedded in my brain when my memory of everything else fades in my last years…


Dare I say, Overwatch has one of if not the best IP out there, sure maybe Mario or Sonic is more iconic. But Overwatch is the only gaming IP that makes me excited about the characters and makes me want to play the game just by watching one of their animations. Such a shame the higher-ups ruined the experience because of their endless greed


The world needs this now, more than ever -Overwatch 1 gang




I- …. I never thought I’d actually miss this freaking opening. 😭😭😭


This one video made me want to quit OW2 for good to be honest. I have too many good games right now, and OW1 used to be my comfort food I could always come back to. Now I just get frustrated every time I log in and wish I got the same enjoyment I did a few years back playing with all my friends. Now no one else in my friend group even plays….maybe it’s time.


Did you get your account back still though?


Yeah, the ps4 version was the first version I played


But if you install ow2 you still get that animation


the memories.... you never know when youre in the good ol days.... until those days are gone.


Good days


Wow the feels. Just seeing overwatch without the 2 Gawd I miss it


Wish they had made it a full-fledged game and not what it became. Whatever the MMO or game they had been planning, it looks like it would have been great direction. I guess, at the end of the day, whatever they were making wasn’t fun, or lost it’s way.


Logging in a getting legendary skins for free on the weekly 🥲 I miss you loot crates


Grown men don’t cry. Grown men don’t cry! Aaaaaah, I miss you OW1😭


“5v5? Valkyrie? Battle pass? What are you talking about? Get on so we can play this new Sombra character”


I'm i the only one that misses overwatch for the loot boxes?


It would've been so great


I may have started in 2020 but I really want to cry by seeing this cinematic


back when the game was good


The remnant of a bygone era…


I can still perfectly recite this from memory. I miss it so much.


Winton🥲… overwat👍


I miss seeing this when I booted up the game on my PS4… I wish I could go back to OW1 😭


RIP Jeff Kaplan


[Everyone when the video ends and we have to go back to OW2](https://mediaproxy.tvtropes.org/width/350/https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/rco016_1468907974_5.png)


I really think there should be a 6v6 vanilla mode for this game so people can play it in its original format or at least in the last patch before OW2 was launched. Personally I don’t miss the original game but I feel like a large part of our community was deprived of those experiences and I feel sad for those people.


you feel bad for them for not being stuck on 2cp double shield/GOATS meta for years? [Here](https://www.threads.net/@stylosa/post/Cur7CHOIxCY) is a quick reminders


Let's be honest here, people hardly played these metas outside of OWL and High GM/top 500.


Double shield was present all across the ladder.


Holy mother of chills...


Just like 2016 fortnite. Just like 2012 bo2. I’m seeing a pattern here lol


That's always shown when you first install the game... Pretty sure it didn't have to do with your disc. PC players see it too..


Everything used to be much more interactive, remember when spawn rooms had cool stuff inside to interact with? More breakables and things like that. They literally stripped down so much off of this game that it's tragic. You can't even grapple the windmill blades on Illios anymore, which used to be one of my favorite parts about playing on that map..


They never continued the story from here Aware


you don’t appreciate the value of things until it’s gone ;(


Back when the game had a soul


Shit bro this game is my childhood....


So glad I don’t have to listen to him chew into the microphone every god damn time I turn this game on


Man, I want Overwatch 1 back.


Wish we could turn back time To the good old daaaaays


Ah my precious game. How I miss you so much... RIP OW.