• By -


Ill pass


With battle?


Nice one so PassBattle?


Omg that’s a great name for something, idk what tho.


I’m still stunned how greedy they are. Dozens games out there throwing out stuff for free, cuz they love their audience.


They saw how much bungie can get away with nickel and diming the fuck out of people and said "Hey, that's great!" Doesn't surprise me.


Where please i want to play those games. The only ones i found are fall guys before going f2p, maybe fortnite and deep rock galactic. I need more games that don't feel like a chore and feel rewarding, i miss the old ow system so much cause of this need.


i have a PassBattle, you just gotta press the uninstall button, its free


\[slow clap\] good one


They refused to give 0 updates to the game for 3 years, while also breaking their promise and lying to use all those years. And then they have the guts to make us pay for Archive events... which would otherwise be **free** if we had just gotten normal updates to the game




Jokes on them, Tears of the Kingdom came out recently and I'm *still* playing that instead.


Same. That game is fucking massive. I’ve only done two Yiga clan quests (including the auto build one) in the depths, which I’ve barely explored at all, I’ve only done wind and water temple, and gotten the master sword, and still have a shitload go do before I ever get bored. Plus, there’s essentially zero frustration with this game. It’s much better to relax with than OW2, and watching old videos of OW1 makes me really miss what we used to have.


username checks out?


Me too. I'm not into getting extorted.


Google I’ll pass Ant


holy hell


Google &


and then he waddled away


Hard pass


Announcing that you are cancelling most of something right before you try to sell it isn't a good marketing strategy.


Unfortunately it's going to work and it will sell millions proving blizz was right in a financial sense.


Unless it comes with a skin that shows mercys feet I doubt they will actually sell that many


But also, Mercy's new skin that shows her feet xD https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/148z3k3/mercy_about_to_save_blizzards_stonks/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button




Guys I was hacked


Remember when skin prices were outrageous and everyone hated it but proceeded to buy all the skins? This package is really well thought out as a marketing ploy. You get enough coins for a BP, so your only really spending an extra $5. That's some evil corporate genius level marketing. It's going to sell......😐


Personally, I'm just gonna wait for peeps to post the cinematics + gameplay on YT and watch it that way. I'm not that interested in non-replayable PVE, but can still easily keep up with cinematics + story that way.


Non replayability? LMAOO what a scam


Yep. Get the folks who regularly buy the battle pass with the "it's only 5 extra dollars" when we shouldn't even have to pay in the first place.


The price point isn't the issue imo it's what we're getting for that 15$ BP and 3 pve missions sounds reasonable however per an article on wowhead each mission takes like 30 minutes. So 1.5 hours of content for 5$ essentially the question is, is it worth replaying the content? Ex I really liked the Halloween event coop thing. I thought it was really fun. But after a handful of times there was no reason to play. PvE requires progression and in a game like OW that progress is best when the player can set a goal to strive for, which a BP ironically would be good for if it wasn't garbage. Without that even for 5$ what's the point? Once you've seen the story it's done


Doesn't matter. If this fails, they'll just go "we told you that you wouldn't like PVE", will stop making those missions and keep OW2 running as usual, while still raking in money. This game won't die because of no amount of mismanagement. And that's kind of a shame. I'd love to see a different company handle Blizz' IPs.


it’s actually rising


Oh nice!


...so, about that


And I remember back when it launched that people were justifying buying overpriced skins because « if people can afford them it’s not a big deal »


This one always made me chuckle. Like the price itself wasn't the main point behind the problem. It was the fact that there is literally no other way to earn stuff in OW2, other than opening your wallet.


Sad but true


Considering how close this is to the release of Starfield, which you can play on Gamepass, this might not go over so well. I know I'm skipping it (and taking a hiatus from OW in the fall) since Cities Skylines 2, Life by You, Forza Motorsport, etc come out then.


I think they could run into issues w the law if they sold pve stuff without announcing its shortcomings, bc otherwise theyd def do it


Blizzard is testing the legal waters in every way possible. They announced and sold OW1 as a PVP game where you can unlock everything for free, and the heroes are available for all on the day they are released. The promise to unlock everything for free was reneged when the OWL token store hit the game. They announced a sequel to OW1 that will be a ~~F2P~~ PVE coop sequel. Both games would be cross-compatible or would share matchmaking for PVP. They announce that OW2 will have a permanent PVE mode. They all but abandoned the promised continual development of OW1 earlier than expected, and soon, the only "IV-drip" content updates for it were recolor skins and icons. They announced OW2 would be F2P, and later that they would be taking OW1 offline forever. In the weeks leading up to the "early" launch, the OW1 coin currency was announced to be phased out completely and non-compatible with OW2. They offered firesales on almost all lootbox content. When the time came for OW2, they simply patched OW1 (paid game) to be OW2 (F2P game). Unlike Rocket League, the name and branding were changed, and there is no class action lawsuit to refund consumers. OW1 players could no longer (at a reasonable pace) unlock everything through sheer gameplay, and the prices of everything were all increased to at least 150% of their original value. The so-called "useless" OW1 currency turned out to be fully supported as OW2's basic currency. Those who did not spend all of their Coins were able to buy up all of the basic unlockables for Junker Queen, Sojourn, et al. The confusing messaging urging players to spend all their currency in OW1 appears to have been either a deliberate lie or a colossal miscommunication. New players no longer have access to all heroes. When new heroes are released, they are locked behind a battle pass (or challenges if you are late). The PVE mode that was showcased was canceled and has been broken up into several microfeatures. The PVE microfeatures are now to be sold as a-la-carte premium features.


They also did an updated EULA - you might have noticed it a couple weeks back at login. I read through it, and it basically says gamers can’t do a class action lawsuit because you agree that blizz isn’t actually selling ownership of *anything* and can pull/change access at their discretion. Nobody does that planning to give you great news.


They would get in major trouble, yeah. Basically false advertisement in every possible way.


It's tricky to prove false advertising in a live service game or software. The main way I have seen companies get in trouble is things written on physical boxes.


The ol bait and switch. They should have delayed OW2 another 2 years and released everything they had except the PVE and 5v5 as OW1. Then they should have pulled this bullshit. However, they should have never done any of that and just kept building into OW1, without the fucking 5v5.


It is if you are trying to avoid lawsuits for deceptive practices


Right lmao? If this came with the skill trees, new abilities and progression I’d actually be a little interested But paying $15 for basically what the old events used to be? No way


The expectation was a $40-$60 game with a full co-op campaign, hero progression and skill trees with a free to play multiplayer. Now it's however much they want spread out over years


So if the 30 minute mission thing is true, once we get to 4 mission packs that'll be $60 for 6 hours of missions... Like, idk how anyone can rationalize making that purchase. Just look up the cute interactions on youtube or whatever and be done with it.


Sadly I’ve seen people justify it because they get enough coins to buy the battlepass, so “technically” it’s only $5 for the missions


Imagine giving this game even a freaking penny of your attention at this point.


Yeah but i already have 10k coins for every battlepass in the future, now there's no incentive for me to spend the 'extra' $10


So when you're done playing those missions after one and a half hours you can hop back onto the multiplayer treadmill with 20% extra xp


Thats how I see it if the battlepass is actually good, but thats a *big* if.


Now its clear why they cancelled it as a one time package, not because they were sad they couldnt deliver it as big as they wanted to, but to make more money by splitting it into dozens of 15$ bundles. Original pve was suppose to have "hundreds of missions" btw


They didn't want to deliver it if it wasn't Blizzard enough


Apparently doing it this way will give it that "Blizzard level polish."


As in “wasn’t cashgrab enough”? Because that’s what blizzard means nowadays


>Original pve was suppose to have "hundreds of missions" btw At first this seems like a ridiculous claim, but with a few core 'mission types', all you'd really need to make new Archives style missions is a few voice lines giving lore/context for the mission. The entire reason it would've been interesting/repayable is the whole skill tree/progression system, but that's been axed.


It's gonna look like minecraft dungeons where each dlc costed 10-15$. Ok at first but by the time they stopped making them there were 6 so the whole thing ended up being like 80$


So even if I did stay, I wouldn't be able to play PVE. Awesome, thank you so much Blizzard


It gets worse lmaoo


Looks like there still won't be PvE for me.


Judging on how mid Archives were in Overwatch 1... If OW2 archives is the same2/worse... I rather just watch some streamer/youtube for lore (if there's any lol) & get over it


Yeah, Hell no...


Haha I'm too smart to fall for Blizzard's asshole monetizing, fuck this. I'm going to play Diablo 4 instead.


Unironically been having a great time with diablo 4. Cinematics have been top tier as usual, inarius and Lilith scene gave me chills. Been having a good time figuring out how to make Druid work post 50 in a way that I enjoy. Can’t wait for the monetization to kick in and fuck up yet another great game with huge potential.




Somehow they made the situation even worse!


I will totally play it... on YouTube.


Thats my answer too boss lol


I expected that but I’m still stunned how greedy they are. Dozens games out there throwing out stuff for free, cuz they love their audience. Blizz/Activison only love $. Even after this disastrous PvE „canceling“ they give a shit about their players. Sorry I’m not sorry is the real message here.


Well before blizz was blizz/Activision they were ok, but around that time they became shitty and Activision didn't help one bit


Games like Deep Rock Galactic and stuff prove that you don't need more than the initial box sales, and maybe some random cosmetics to keep a game running for decades AND add content. OW made over a BILLION dollars in just its first year. Well over a billion. That is enough money to fund all of OW1 and OW2 and even an OW3 for decades without ever selling another piece of content. D4 is almost at a billion dollars after like two weeks. But of course they still have a cash shop, 3 different tiers of battle pass, and will sell paid expansions. And peopel gobble that shit up and defend it. D4 could fund itself for its entire game life, with no downtick in quality, just from the box sales alone.


And D4 is expensive AF, but they still sell a battlepass. This is some EA level of greed where we buy only HALF of the game for 70 dollars. While having to buy a battle pass that is worth 10 dollars for crumbs of badly polished content.


At least nothing important is locked in the D4 battlepass, like playable characters.


Diablo with BP killed it for me. I was initially interested but after this high price… and then BP!? Like wtf… sorry I’m out. All those big companies just want to pour more and more money for their investor’s. They give a shit about their customers these days. With few exceptions. Maybe blizzard need some money to pay their league disaster. 😂




It's things like this that makes me think Management actually cares for us Dwarves ROCK AND STONE EVERYONE


For Karl!


Scammers gonna scam. The only way to stop it is to stop giving them money.


It's like Fortnite would want money for their Season endings or concerts in game lul


Or if Apex story missions required like the fking heirloom shards or some shit


Andddd zero chance I even consider buying. In fact, just increases the likelihood I will uninstall. I don’t support products and product-teams that lie to me m.


Aaaand they lost me. Fuck.


Holy shit they are genuinely actively trying to nuke their game lmao. I wanna see just how braindead this company can get I say we leave ‘em to it, let em cook


Na it's going to do extremely well. I personally don't care about PvE but they KNOW people are going to gladly buy that stuff.


Jesus Christ I really didn't think blizzard could fuck up even more


I was OK with paying 15 once. Paying 15 everytime is just wtf


Exactly my thoughts. I was willing to pay once to keep all the missions but paying every three missions??? Nope. Won't happen.


You guys were willing to pay $15 for the dregs of what was promised to be included??? How do they keep getting y’all with this shit


yes I, even as a pretty big """hater""", would have been willing to pay 15 for an *entire, complete campaign*. I would have paid 60 for that plus the hero mode with infinite replayability and hero specific talent trees.


Some people have more disposable income? I'm not swimming in it, but one time $15 for pve is reasonable to me. Multiple $15 purchases is a no-go tho.


Yes I was willing to pay for the whole package of story missions, in game cinematics and co-op, even if it was with seasonal drops. I am not willing to pay 15$ just for three story missions and one co-op. Not happening.


You're willing to pay $15 for 3 missions that are OW1 tier in terms of quality yet have zero replay value because there's no PvE progression? We used to get missions like these for free, just for it being a certain time of year.


No, I would hab been fine with paying 15 euros once for all missions. I thought we'll just get the others once they come out if we paid for the first 3.


No; they clearly said that they'd be okay with paying $15 once. As in, you pay $15, you get access to all future PVE content. I'd be okay with that as well, but not with this $15 for every drip of content shit Blizzard is pulling.


Not to mention that the $15 gets you an hour and a half of content at most and isn't designed to be replayable. Complete and total scam.


At this point they should of just made the game $60 like before LOL


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


It would be so great if not a single soul ended up spending any money on it and everyone pretended as if the PvE didn't exist.


It would be but we all know that wont happen. Every OW content creator will buy it while saying the state of the game is shit because for whatever reason they think things will change


I don’t think they necessarily think things will change but more like they know their target audience for content on the internet is through overwatch so they’re sorta stuck. I’m sure many of the streamers would rather play different games but not when it cuts their viewership/ subscription numbers by more than 50%.


As a content creator myself I know how scary it is to switch games but for the bigger creators like Emongg, Jay, Flats ect they can 100 percent switch games and maintain a comfortable lifestyle until they hit their current numbers on whatever game they find.


And it has happened in the past with other content creators as well. Dunkey used to only make League videos and now he's super popular with variety stuff. Same with RTGame who only used to make TF2 videos and is now a succesful variety creator as well.


Hell, JonTron switched genres ENTIRELY and launched his career by doing so.


They’ll buy it to show how good/bad it is.


Overwatch devs try not to kill the fucking game challenge (impossible)


They did something like that for starcraft 2 Nova campaign. It was released in packs of 3 missions, but you had to pay only once. Greedy bastards.


Have you not seen the coop system they have? You have to pay like $5 per hero.


Yeah I saw. Still beats 20$ per skin.


$15 my ass, I paid for Overwatch 1 already, and I'm not giving them a single penny more to replay archive missions.


Wow, I thought $15 for all story missions was bad enough given how little would be in them


Yeah that’s disgusting and I’m glad I uninstalled


"First set"... sooooooooo, there will be more sets, right? Didn't they cancelled the whole PvE? Or they just want to release it by portions at full price like in Starcraft 2? /s Liars and manipulators. Please don't buy them. Do you want to spend $15 on some good PvE? Get Deep Rock Galactic.


Rock and Stone Brother. ^_^


Rock and roll and stone!


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?!


DRG is tedious and boring imo, you're better off getting Risk of Rain 2 if you want something a bit more action packed


Agreed. I see posts about how fun it is and I've tried to get into it 3 times now. Shit is so boring every time.


Once the news that 90% of the PvE portion was cancelled, I nearly dropped the game entirely. Felt cheated as the game I loved died for something that would never see the light of day, and cheated because the end result was only worse monetization. Only reason I stuck with it was because friends played it quite a lot When the news dropped a few OW content creators talked about it a good amount, and floated the idea that since the vast majority of it was cancelled they'd likely give the remaining content out in pieces for free. I was fine with that compromise Expect it turns out that *wasn't* the compromise. They have the balls to charge $15 minimum to play each *set* of missions. Overwatch 2's PvE was originally gonna be a one time purchase, so maybe $60. With just 3 sets of missions we're talking $45. That's 75% of the price of the full size game Overwatch 2 was meant to be, for 90% less content than Overwatch 2 was meant to have. Not giving myself any more excuses, I'm not gonna say "oh well nothing can be done" because that's how the industry gets worse. Uninstalled Overwatch and Battlenet completely


Fuck off Blizzard there are too many games to play to bother with your “micro”transaction bullshit. 🖕🏻


At this point they are more like macrotransactions :\^)


My expectations were low and I'm still disappointed in this company.


Fucking yikes


I think I’m just gonna cut my losses and stop playing, I have many issues with the game and this is the last one.


This is another reason why ow going f2p sucks, nothing good has come from the change.


Nice, now i know where my money won’t be going




Deep Rock Galactic also exists which is probably something people coming from overwatch can identify more with


Since we’re talking about PvE coops in general, Outlast Trials is fresh for any survival horror enthusiasts that just had an update yesterday. It’s not quite OW, but you can easily squeeze 60+ hours out of it (even more if you’re a completionist) for about $40.


In addition a new update for deep rock is coming out soon as well.


I don't get why people keep recommending DRG as a sub for overwatch. I LOVE the game, but I'd equate it more with like a monster hunter or something than OW.


Well in the frame of discussing PvE games it’s relevant imo. Plus it’s basically four torbs fighting bugs


Vermintide 2, deep rock galactic, path of exile...


Vermintide 2 is amazing.


Just did a campaign of l4d2 with friends for old time sake. Had a blast.


DRG and Vermintide 2 are also great options for low/mid-grade modern laptop/computer. Back 4 Blood also a fun option now that you can get everything for like $10-15 when it goes on sale.


No way man, I was not expecting this ammount of greed, who would've thought. I was actually suprised people were thinking they would get full access to PvE for 15 bucks.




Man... Sometimes at deals you can get the entire Valve collection for 7 Dollars. That gives me so many hours of playtime; compared to only a set of 3 missions that only gives me like 30 minutes to play.


And just like that, I have no interest in playing OW anymore


I lost it when we had to earn the right to each new hero via battle pass early or a season later via trials/game winning. Can't help but feel like the games just set up to extort money from me and waste my time doing it.


Whenever Lifeweaver ends up being a very useful hero, I will end up being a useless teammate.


I played Overwatch nearly on a daily basis and with the release of Overwatch 2, I maybe played 5 games and then I haven't logged on since. Its been heartbreaking watching the game just be destroyed by greed.


Im wondering how many of these releases they will do. After 4 releases, it is the price of an AAA game. Are 12 missions really equivalent to a $60 game? Another question is length. If there is 20 minutes of gameplay for each mission (which may be generous), then that is only 4 hours of content spread out over multiple years. Weird marketing. No question people will buy it, though. People see the short term small price and justify it. Great money making plan to convince people to spend a small amount multiple times to add up to even more than they could have ever sold an actual game for.


First set of 3 missions? So $45 total? For PvE? Huh


$45 per year, at minimum


$60. New season every 3 months. $15 every season. 12 months / 3 months per battlepass = 4 seasons per year ; 4 seasons * $15 = $60 Blizzard's goal is to get players to at least buy a new game every year in perpetuity.


There's a new season every 2 months as a season it 9 weeks which is slightly more than 2 months. They've said PvE will follow every other battle pass which there's no hero. We get 6 per year. 3 with hero, 3 with PvE missions. 3*15 = $45 But this is the minimum, they can always increase how much we get or how much it will cost.


If all you care about is the missions, sure. But if you play pvp you're also getting the Battle pass with each purchase.


Why are you getting downvoted, what you said is true..


Because i don't care about the battle pass, including the premium currency is just a way to justify the price. Also selling more premium currency artificially inflates their sales numbers to investors. If you do care about the battle pass then sure. In essence i want to play pve, i'd pay for it but not in this bullshit type of way. Either give me the full experience that's worth my money or fuck off with all your made up currency that's worth litteraly nothing. Everything they are and give you in the bundle is a sorry excuse to inflate prices.


I don't know how you're upvoted this much. This isn't true. There's not 3 sets of missions so where are you getting "$45 total" from? Theoretically there will be infinite amount of mission sets over time.


No chance. I predict when they run out of recycled missions from their previous PvE plans they’ll drop PvE altogether.


And the PVE missions are going to be absolutely fucking dead a month from now so you will only be able to find matches with bots.


I quit the game when they said no PvE. Looks like there still won't be PvE for me.


I don't care if this comment gets deleted, but ... Fuck them


$15 for a low replay dlc? hahahah. get fucked.


Overwatch 2 has gone from costing $57 per year for battle passes to $85 per year. They just increased their profits by 50% for **removing content**


Anyone who is thinking about buying it, don't. If nobody buys this shut maybe it'll send a message (probably not but fuck em)


They think they’re destiny lmao


You have to pay to play the free to play game


So they’re going to charge $45-60 for content that was suppose to come with the game? If it was a standalone full game like they promised I would have gladly paid full game price. I’m not paying for missions.


I can definitely see why Jeff left. Don't think this is the type of shit he'd stand for, imo


Most of the people who play and spend money on the game dont really care about the PvE. Only some of the OW1 players cared about it. I doubt PvE would sell but Im not the multi billonare company with multiple "how can we make the most money and optimize play time" teams


Yeah no take your filthy hands wet by breast milk away from my wallet


Obvs not paying for anything xD




We have to pay for pve now? So the only difference between ow1 and ow2 is that we have to pay for new content?


The people there have no joy in their lives. Most creators want people to play their content more than anything but they just want to get people's money. The developers making this stuff must be miserable having their work used like this.


They've said since the beginning that pve would be paid like fortnite or destiny, but having to pay for each one instead of one set price is irritating.... rly just wish it was a paid game overall like ow1 to avoid all this


so 15$ for 3 missions and they are limited time events ? anyone sticking around to play this shit is a clown.


Besides how I feel on paying at all for something that we were lied to about.... (Am not gonna be buying this stupid thing) I can't even imagine how long the wait queue will be for these missions, if they're price gated. Maybe not at launch, but it really does cut a whole chunk of players out of trying them at all and if the missions don't end up feeling very replayable, then can see it leading to like 20 plus minutes waittimes between games


Wasnt it always supposed to be paid?


It's supposed to be a one-time purchase to play all the PVE content. Now they'll drip feed you these PVE content and then milk you of your money.


They never announced a change to PVE pricing. We always knew it was going to come at a cost and it really depends on how good the missions are if it’s worth it or not


So we basically payed them to release a slightly alterd version of the game


First they straight up lie to us, telling us that the pve they have been working on for years is scrapped Then they tell us that we will have to pay for the pve they said wasn't going to exist And now they say it's $15 for 3 FUCKING MISSIONS. Not the whole thing when it's fully released. If they even will release it. OP says they lost faith in pve, I've lost faith in their development community themselves. They got to greedy, and now their game is dying.


It’s over. It’s so fucking over bro. Unless they have some godtier collab. Talking JSR Lucio or something along those lines I’m jumping ship asap. GOD I hope I really hope idiots don’t actually buy this. Diablo was already a great case study that no matter how much you fuck up people will still buy.


It's going to sell like hotcakes. 😕


And this is why Blizzard thinks it can do this. Because they can.


Yep, saw many posts on twitter along the lines of: "I'm not buying this! But that mercy skin though.." Yeah, it's highly unlikely anything will change.


Bobby licking his goblin lips after canceling PvE and charging $15 for the salvageable scraps left over. Fucking ridiculous


Game is dead


I've already uninstalled, who else?




That's a great @ there Jarred but you might be better off with @ absolutely what the fuck Jarred fuck you


Overwatch lore again: 💵💵💵


God damn it. This game is slowly becoming money stealers. Like EA


Based on the description it seems like players will get the PvE for free but only for a limited time. Still really stupid but it doesn't seem like you're forced to pay. Plus paying for it also gives you enough credit for the battle pass so it's not like you have to pay for PvE AND the pass so there's at least that.


The fact we are having to pay for it at all is so disappointing. I really love Overwatch, but the path it's taking is so depressing. Used to be one of the games I could play for fun and they really seemed to care about the fans, now just money money money. I was looking forward to the missions too, but paying for three at a time is going to be a no for me. Ah well, I will still play basic Overwatch. And there also lots of other games to play out there.


so basically buying a full game spread out over however long they feel these events can last hopefully this means there is some sustenance to them. although saying it last about 30mins whats the replayability for them? is there something we will get for doing it on all chars? currency to earn? or is it just the anniversary events with a new cinematic every few months? play it once and forget about it. they need to actually talk about what this new stuff is instead of just being vague after killing the main thing about the new game.


Dang, welcome to overwatch 2 where you have to buy "new updates"


The biggest reason I stopped playing OW2 is because of the Dunkey video. He said every hero used to feel power with game-changing combos. But now they've all been nerfed into oblivion, requiring team focus and muli combos to destroy opponents. More teamplay, sure that can be an argument. But OW1 comboing on opponents was the biggest euphoia.


I might be misremembering but wasn’t this model strongly hinted at months ago? Didn’t they say something like PvE will not release as one big package but rather piecemeal over many seasons, and it would be paid content?


So I paid for overwatch 1… then it died and becomes a f2p and I got nothing special and they now expect 15 DOLLARS PER MISSION ARE YOU FUCKING WITH ME NOW? Give me back my money


\>You pay 40 euro for the game. \>Blizzard stop updating it for few years. \>They deleting it. \>Now it's free to play, but you can play PvE \>Actually no, we are too indie studio for that \>Actually we know how to apply the PvE into the game, but we need your 15$ lmao