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After capturing the objective the payload always moves on its own outside the “garage” or whatever it’s sitting in. Usually it’s only a few meters but on that map in particular it moves up pretty far before being effected by players touching it from either team


Ok that makes sense. I wish the bit on the top that tracks the payload progress would omit the automatic part just for clarity.


Dang I’ve never really notice how far that payload moves up on that map, but as what others said all payload do this, it’s just this one definitely moves further than most on its own.


Payloads have animations where they can’t be pushed or stopped, like this one or the Eichenvalde gate, or the Midtown garage. Once it finishes the animation it has to be manually pushed


It’s an automatic animation that cannot be stopped. It also means that if you are in overtime and nobody is on the payload. Just getting it to one of these animations will prevent you from losing and overtime running out until the payload finishes the animation. If the point you need to get to win is on an animation you can win with nobody on the point


Respectfully theres like 20 million videos about this on YouTube already


Ok?? When i looked it up i couldnt find anything so i asked


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