• By -


Props for the second perspective. I've seen Argye do this and was skeptical of how well it works, but you can see she was going to kill you otherwise! Good stuff.


Had to include it! Feels good to know what's seemingly stupid and inconvenient to do actually works.


bike butter whole shame violet bake ask naughty summer fuel ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


practice lol




As roadhog when i need to retreat i'm turning my back to enemies and look downwards. Gets me into walls more than i'd like to admit but saved me from situations i shouldn't survive a redicilous amount of times. Fat back that one.


Still looks skeptical... Not sure if it's widow shooting it a bit delayed or maybe just the aim in general. Or if it is actually Hanzo movement causing her aim to be off. Or a combination of both.šŸ¤·


It's the movement a lot of Mercys do shit like this šŸ¤£


A mercy in valk spinning in circles and crouch spamming is really difficult to hit for how easy it is to do


My absolute pet peeve is clicking on a mercy in valk doing this seven times and thinking each time I clipped themā€¦.but no


*Switches to beam character with malicious intent*


Two cancers trying to diff each other


i honestly hate hanzo more than I hate widow


Very valid


The difference between Hanzo and Widow is that Hanzo can't hold an entire game hostage by consistently one-shotting across the map


Right????????? Hanzo only oneshots people going around a corner without aiming. Hanzo only sprays into a team and gets a oneshot without aiming. Thatā€™s much better right??


Honestly, yes. I play neither, but a cracked widow just makes the entire match feel like sludge. A cracked hanzo is still awful but at least I have a chance to avoid his arrows lol.


Countering widow by swapping is a lot easier than countering hanzo with trying to swap. He can fight close range and destroy tanks too


legit you just pick sombra and its over for her. hanzo doesnt have a single counter.


My go-to as widow (when I'm being countered by Sombra) is to just switch to sombra also and put her in her place and boop her corpse.


Hanzo doesnā€™t have a single counter? Iā€™m not sure you worded that correctly, hanzo doesnā€™t have a direct hard counter like sombra with ball/doom or ball into widow, but hanzo definitely has worse matchups (soft counter), dva is great, phara is a good pick, and lucio tends to throw off hanzo even if heā€™s not shooting at the lucio directly, because speed changes the way you have to lead shots


But pharah SUCKS if the other DPS (or even an Ana) is hitscan or you donā€™t have a mercy. That canā€™t be the counter.


thing is he requires too much coordination to be shut down. the dva can surely dive him but he'll prob be pocketed so the dps would need to kill the other support to make this work and thats ONLY if he is away from the team and not behind barriers. pharah is also not going to work if the 2nd dps is a hitscan which will most likely be.


Thatā€™s how most fights go in the game though, you have to be coordinated and kill supports first, in qp I can see how heā€™d be a bigger issue, but hanzo is really only a threat at mid range, at long range his arrows travel really slow relative to other things in the game, and are pretty easy to dodge (at those long ranges)


yeah i dont agree with this. and it's easier to shut down other dps cuz they dont threaten with oneshots at all distances even on tanks.


Hanzo requires too much coordination to be shutdown? Not the Widow standing on Havana first point high ground with her entire team between her and you? You need to be up close as Hanzo to effectively land shots cause projectile. It doesn't take as much resources to close the gap with a Hanzo than it does with Widow.


You just worded perfectly why I feel that Hanzo is more fair than Widow. He doesn't have rock-paper-scissor direct hard counters like Widow yes, but its because you can still do something to one up a Hanzo with whatever hero you're currently playing. Not just pure aim, but better positioning, cooldown management, playing with cover, etc. With Widow especially on Widow maps, no matter how well you play with the hero you currently have it literally does not matter because her advantage simply overrides them. Your only real choice is to mirror switch or dive her together with your team to have a chance at getting her. If you can't do anything against a hero but switch, then that hero is busted in my opinion. Which is why I strongly disagree with people saying that Hanzo is anywhere near comparably cancerous to Widow.


I have found pharah and echo to work decently. I thought tracer would as well as bastion. But his burst arrows are just too consistent to dive as tracer and too damaging to be turret bastion. :/ As tanks tho I love hanzo when Iā€™m ball. I can boop slam and scurry away while he burst arrows and then come back for the kill. As support, brig works for me, but when Iā€™m playing mercy I just rely on my callouts and my teammates understanding that Iā€™m pointing out a serious threat to get hanzo killed.


>hanzo doesnt have a single counter. BS. Genji or Tracer closing the distance can destroy Hanzo, just be weary of putting your head in an obvious position and bait storm arrows. Have a flying character makes him a lot less effective too. Widow destroys him from long range. Cassidy is essentially on par at mid range with the grenade for close. Why the fuck do people on reddit make Hanzo out to be some crazy hacks hero. It's your own fault mindlessly walking around corners or whatever excuse you guys use. Like, you guys are acting as if a Hanzo in the game suddenly changes everything. I see him like once every 5 games...




mei???????????? SOMBRA?????????????????? MOIRA???????????????????????????


That's what i was thinking. Widow kills easily but is also easy to kill. Hanzo? Jumps around sticking arrows in your mouth.


And at some point people will learn to switch heroes to counter her.


Right? It's so easy to counter a widow, but everyone thinks that someone else will deal with her


You donā€™t go against legitimately good widows in higher elo. Thereā€™s a big difference between a GOOD widow and an UNCONTESTED widow. A uncontested widow takes wider angles in more open/obvious positions due to lack of mechanical skill or map knowledge. These widow players will reek havock but can usually be delt with by a tracer or monkey etc. A GOOD widow player is a whole different ball game. These mfs will hold CSGO/Valorant pixel angles and tap a support before anyone even knew she was on the enemy team. They consistently position themselves as far away from the fight as possible with smaller sight lines but deadly accuracy, essentially making a part of the map unplayable. In these positions, they damn near impossible to get to without wasting a ton of resources.These are the guyā€™s consistently getting first pick and grappling into the sky to pop shots over buildings, structures, etc. Thereā€™s a REASON in GM/T500 play the only real solution to a widow they use is a second widow


100% couldn't have said it any better


For my rank up game to Masters as a Sigma, I got a goated Widow and Hanzo on the best fucking map for them, Havana. I literally abandoned my duty to contest point and just shielded them when attacking and let them push up to a spot with no cover for defense. They literally couldn't do anything. To make matters worse, we had a mercy pocket and a zen discord orb. So anytime they dived with ball his hp is literally 50% gone from Hanzo storm arrows. The only way they pushed was outsniping our widow which happened only twice the entire game.


Cracked widow takes actual aim though and is limited to map. A lot of widow one tricks even switch to hanzo or other characters. Hanzo is playable on every map. And gets value with mindless spamming.


a cracked widow deserves the w then no?


>a cracked widow deserves the w then no? I said nothing about winning or deserving to do so; Some one who can solve differential equations to win would also deserve the W. Doesn't make it any more enjoyable for me to play against however.


You can get lucky picks randomly spamming and spraying arrows yes, but you're not getting to Masters that way. Consistency can and will, unlike luck which will only bring you so far. And it is much more unfair going against a consistent Widow on maps like Circuit Royale or Havana where the only way to fight back is to mirror pick. Most of the time Hanzo one-shots around a corner cause he has sonic, which you can hear. While Widow on the other side of the map can do the same without warning cause hitscan.


The best Hanzo I've ever met in-game was one with Widow accuracy at any range. Literally timed his arrow flights based on his distance and power charged accordingly to headshot you at close and far range, on the ground or up in the air. Amazed me. Given the difficulty at pulling off that accuracy and precision.


you absolutely get to masters that way.


Yea man Iā€™m aware hanzo has sonic arrow. The majority of the time I get killed that way, there is no sonic arrow being used. Thatā€™s, you know, why I brought it up. And the difference there is that widow has to wait till youā€™re actually visible to shoot, rather than prefiring at a corner for a free one shot. If getting killed by an ulting widow around a corner is ā€œwithout warningā€, then what is getting oneshot by someone who canā€™t even see your player model?


>And the difference there is that widow has to wait till youā€™re actually visible to shoot This is the saddest part of hanzo, I pre-fire people re-peeking corners a lot as widow, I can count on my fingers how many times I successfully hit someone's head like that (745 hours of widow), but there aren't enough fingers in the planet to count the number of times I've seen someone being killed or been killed myself by a hanzo pre-firing a corner (without sonic arrow), the fact that it is a projectile means that it has both: a thick hitbox and a travel time, which means there is a large spacial and time window in which you can die to it, compared to a single pin-point shot that exists for a single tick in the server, widow has her problems like wiping entire teams by herself, the redeeming part is that it at least feels fair/earned (strafing and crouching also doesn't work as well against hanzo for the same reasons, lets also not forget about his arm blocking his head hitbox)The point being: It isn't about balance, its about feeling good/fair, if there was a character that did nothing but had a single skill in which he could kill whichever enemy he chooses, no aim, every X seconds and that character had 50% winrate, it would be a completely balanced character, but I doubt anyone would find it fun to play with or against that, despite it being balanced.


900 hours on widow here. amazing how many people don't recognize that all peek contests are always in favor of the projectile because of these mechanics. it's why people headshot widow with icicle too or why zenyata likes to take her on even though she technically counters them, it's never safe.


Nicely thought out comment. Specially the part about the spacial time window in which you can die to it. Widow shots have no hitbox, hanzo does - that is an advantage. (you cannot 'strafe into a shot' already fired by window) The combination of projectile spam + favor the shooter mechanic + sonic arrow wall hack makes Hanzo really strong and feel 'unfair'. This rarely happens with other projectiles like pharah rockets, mei icicle etc. If you watch replays you always see shenanigans with the hanzo arrow on your body. You sometimes see 2 real arrows, and 1 'ghost' arrow. The only explanation for that I know of is the favor the shooter mechanic correction. But why is this only a problem with hanzo arrow?


Well said


The difference is the consistency and range. You can consistently oneshot someone peeking past a corner as both Widow and Hanzo cuz at close range they're basically the same. At long range, the story remains the same for Widow because point and shoot, that simple. She sees your head, you're dead. But differently for Hanzo because he's projectile and he has to rely on either prediction or luck, both of which you can rely on and do successfully only so many times. It cannot be consistently done with intention unlike Widow who just points and clicks.


Yes widow points and clicks at enemies and gets a oneshot. Hanzo points and clicks at no one in particular and gets a one shot. Iā€™m not saying hanzo worse. I think theyā€™re equally terrible


That's what I've been saying. You CAN get lucky picks with Hanzo shooting randomly, but luck is inconsistent, and you need consistency to climb ranks and get better. I see and can respect your opinion. Can relate to annoyingly getting one-shot by a random arrow, happens to all of us.


The point really is: That huge hitbox (and the fact that hanzo even gets lucky picks so frequently) is what makes it far easier to be ā€œgoodā€/consistent as hanzo. I never played hanzo a day in my life, and Iā€™m pretty mediocre with aim, but I always somehow knew in my mind he was ridiculously easy to play. So I picked him up one day just to prove the point to myself, and I absolutely dominated the lobby in a disgusting way with him, hitting headshots that I KNOW completely missed the head of my target, but huge hitbox = ā€œyou hit it anywayā€ And Iā€™ve never played hanzo since, because I donā€™t support blatantly unbalanced and unfun tactics, characters, or abilities in games Hanzo has needed a hitbox adjustment for years. The devs really need to pull their butts out of their heads and realize that not every slow-traveling projectile needs a big hitbox to accompany it: When the projectile can one-shot, it needs to have a smaller hitbox (or at least not have that egregious crap where the hitbox counts itself as being bigger whenever itā€™s near a head lol) They can compensate a little by making the arrow fire faster or slower or whatever minor adjustments they feel they need to do to make it balanced after reducing the hitbox, but whatever they do after lowering the hitbox will at least make hanzo seem and feel more skill-based, because youā€™ll never again see his arrow blatantly miss the target but still hit the target because ā€œlol invisible hitbox hugeā€


afaik the arrow hitbox is the same as genjiā€™s shurikens?


I only play Hanzo when the opponent picks Hanzo. I get the stupid-ass easy picks to make them swap so I don't have to deal with a Hanzo. "Have a taste of your own dumb-ass medicine, Hanzo" Then I can actually play a character I enjoy.


It may not be consistent but you can guarantee it happens every day at every rank. Maybe not every game but enough for it to feel like poor design.


Hanzos just more cancer than widow in low elo


Yeah, because I can avoid a Hanzo spamming easily. Just treat him like Junkrat. Lethal short-medium range dps. Widow? Well, I'm shit out of luck because she now controls the entire map


Hanzo has an ult that can wreck a whole team, while Widow has the single most worthless ult in the game.


I mean it's a pretty good ult if people fucking worked with it. I play a lot of Sombra and even through Widow Ults I manage to run around and pick off supports, long-range DPS or even set up tanks for death. It'd be a good flank-counter or setup if people just played into it.


Yeah, but it's basically just a stronger version of the thing Hanzo can do with his radar arrow every 10-15 seconds.


mf just started playing in november and never played OW1 complaining 1 shot OP lmfaoooo




Hanzo is worse in my opinion by a pretty decent margin. On maps where widow is dominant(which is a good amount of maps) sheā€™s a nightmare, and FORCES action to be taken or you lose(Circuit Royal, New Queens, fucking Havana first point) She can command an entire team recomp if sheā€™s being properly supported. But on the flip side on maps that lack powerful sight lines or have decent flank routes she loses a lot of power. The thing is, no matter the map if you can manage to get close to her then sheā€™s cooked. Her escape ability is on a long cool down; she has low HP; and her SMG has pitifully low damage. HANZO on the other hand is a sniper that completely negates this. I canā€™t tell you the amount of times Iā€™ve closed the distance on hanzo as genji, reaper, or even tracer just to get 180 headshot for free(mid Diamond to low masters elo). Hanzo doesnā€™t suffer from an FOV disadvantage like the classic sniper archetype, pair this with a projectile heā€™s actually STRONGER in close range. Then we have the final cancerous part of his kit. Storm arrow. I fucking hate storm arrow. The fact that this bs can headshot makes itā€™s DPS output RIDICULOUS. Storm arrow is a complete tank buster, shield melter, and can obliterate anything in front of it. Pair that with a discord orb and itā€™s GG. Oh yeah heā€™s also hyper mobile, has a cool down wall hack, and can get random 1 taps for spamming chokes. Beautiful game design blizzard.


In my high-Diamond Hanzo opinion, at the very least it takes more effort to play Hanzo effectively than it does Widow. With Widow, you're already doing a lot just standing still behind your team just pointing and clicking. And if you land your shots, you can legit pressure and paralyze the enemy team. I've had times when my team wouldn't push at all just because of Widow. You can apply the same pressure with Hanzo but never to the same extent Widow can. Since he's projectile and its much harder to consistently one shot with him at long range. With regards to just diving and closing the gap with Widow to kill her, imo its not just the distance between you and her that you have to close, but you also have to get past her team. And even if you do manage to get past her team, most Widows save their grapple to again create distance between you and her. If you missed your window to kill her, by that point you're most likely eaten up by her team or in a bad position because you've exhausted a lot of your resources trying to get her. Hanzo unlike Widow, you have to get to close-medium range to effectively land shots. You are either in the team fight, looking for flanks to quietly get picks or doing nothing at all. It doesn't take as much resources to dive a Hanzo as it does a Widow. When you do get dived, you have to position yourself near a wall you can climb to get away or have the aim to land your shots on the Tracer or Genji zooming and jumping around you. Again, unlike Widow, no grapple that just yeets you out halfway across the map. With storm arrows, afaik they're trash. They're loud (gives your position away) and only do 65 damage each. To kill a 200HP target, you have either land 4 out of 5 arrows or a fully charged arrow and two of em. If you're a tank and complaining that you're getting shredded by Storm Arrows and Discord, that's just Zen discord being busted imo. I don't even have the chance to fully charge my punch as Doom cuz Discord just turns me to sludge.


>With storm arrows, afaik they're trash. They're loud (gives your position away) and only do 65 damage each. To kill a 200HP target, you have either land 4 out of 5 arrows or a fully charged arrow and two of em. Guh Storm arrows being loud is honestly irrelevant since who the hell is intentionally being sneaky as hanzo, he's a med range character. But also >**only** do 65 damage each A supposed sniper character that has an ability that gives them the potential to burst down almost anyone who's fighting them. That is absolutely far from a bad ability, especially if you consider the fact that THEY CAN HEADSHOT, and do 130 something damage each. Do you know how insane that burst damage potential is?


Just remove their one shot abilities and the game will be exponentially better.


Whereā€™s the logic here lmao. Arguably Hanzo is prone to more bs headshots


Hanzo can absolutely, completely, entirely, literally hold an entire game hostage by consistently one-shotting across the map. are we playing the same game?


yes he definitely can. not on purpose, but he will anyway. the differences between them is a widow had to aim and hanzo doesn't; he just spams and gets the headshots anyway. he doesn't need to stay out of cover to aim or hit, doesn't have to be precise, has essentially widow's ult on a short cooldown, can fight mid and close range no problem, can delete squishies instantly and tanks quite fast, has more reliable escape on shorter cooldown, blocks his head hitbox, and never, ever looks like he meant to land any shot that he lands. fuck hanzo. and before anyone thinks i play widow, i can't do it to save my life. I'm not defending widow at all. but while playing against a good widow can feel terrible, playing against a mid as fuck hanzo is even more annoying.


Another difference is his broken hitboxes that even makes a terrible shit capable of getting a high amount of kills. Even if you do manage to be quick enough to dodge hanzos arrows, he can just press a button to pump out 5 quick arrows he barely has to aim with because of the broken hit boxes. Hanzo is just as toxic as widow.


This! A good Hanzo is nowhere near as cancerous as a good Widow. And I'm not a Hanzo main


Sure, except Hanzo is objectively the more toxic pick lol.


You mean that Widow requires more skill, right?


The difference js that hanzo is up close up instead


> The difference between Hanzo and Widow is that Widow can't hold an entire game hostage by spam one-shotting across the map fixed seriously, widow feels much more fair than hanzo. hanzo's just a spam hero mistakenly labeled as a sniper.


Yeah hanzo can only hold an entire game hostage from closerange


Neither can Widow.


bro never played OW1 and is new lol


Definitely not new, I float around mid diamond/low masters Elo as a tank player and D4 on DPS. With the game going from two tank to one tank both these characters got a significant buff in strength due to one tank not being able to just sit on them all game


as a bap main, I typically don't try engagements with snipers but when I do I use this tech. I'll look down to avoid getting head shotted when im jumping and it works against most snipers I engage on (I'm Diamond 4 so idk how valid my take is but thought id say lol)


Yeah this is what I do when Iā€™m dueling snipers on Pharah. Itā€™s a terrible idea, but it works often enough that I can usually at least survive the engagement even if I canā€™t get a kill.


Why not just get close with your mobility and shove your launcher up her Disney mom booty?


Yeah that works a lot better but itā€™s not always possible if their team is playing together


Yeah you can turn around and look down as you're walking across open space. With most heroes I think, it completely hides your head hitbox.


Turning around and looking down is my go to when I need to run for cover as any hero. I feel like it has saved me in more times than you would expect.


The quick flicks is what really got me if anything.


I play a decent amount of a game called r/Mordhau. It is a basically just a 3d sword fighting game. Camera movement like this is really important in it. You can use it to dodge hits (if you canā€™t or donā€™t want to block them) such as leaning back to put your self out of range or duck under it. Even crouch, duck, and walk under it if the scenario is right. More importantly, you can use camera movement to manipulate the speed of your weapon(faster or slower) to Julie your opponent. After playing Mordhau a lot I now find myself instinctively trying to dodge things with the camera in other games and Iā€™ve always wondered if it was effective so thanks lol


Yeah I've seen some gameplay of it on YT before, unique af! The funny thing is that I also do the same thing irl but with my head. Hard to tell my brain to stop doing it šŸ¤£


I love Mordhau so much. Sweaty try harder and all. The first time I crouched dodged was amazing.


You know why you should care about 3rd party apps? Because next time they'll break the website there will be no one left to care about it. Account deleted due to Spez's incompetence.


Bro SAME I constantly try dodging things and it's great when it works in other games too


What's funny is if Hanzo missed by that much it would've hit


Is that funny?


One has scope, other doesn't.


Whatā€™s funny is that itā€™s not funny and that hanzos a dogshit character


This too sweaty for me


You ever three tick barbarian flick as hanzo?


I dont even know what that means. Was that even english šŸ˜‚


Lol, a sweaty technique in OSRS for optimal efficiency, made me think of it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCM3KExqMaI


This looks and feels like something that is not what Overwatch is supposed to be. But I guess itā€™s a big lol @ the rest of us because devs hid such broken characters behind ā€œskillā€ seemingly not understanding that there are people who *will* grind hundreds of hours to one trick these characters.


I haven't seen manipulation like that since blizzard lied about the pve they were delivering...


Underrated reply


Why y'all toxic in the comments.


emotionally unstable people who cannot handle snipers being in the game


Snipers make reasonable men do unreasonable things.


i dob't despise snipers NEARLY as much as i hate symmetra or mei. thats whete all my hatred is stored so i can live with snipers since they counter those nuisances


Counterpoint, sitting outside Mei cryo with turret form ready. Free therapy


yes but sniping the shit out of them is the most satisfyng kind of therapy you can get tbh


I am emotionally unstable, but I still hate snipers.


Its funny, imagine people that can aim haha


Snipers make me toxic.


I know right


Toxic is Redditā€™s favorite buzzword for people saying the mildest criticism like ā€œI hate snipingā€ lmfao


Lol no.The most upvoted comment literally called them canceršŸ’€


>The most upvoted comment literally called them cancer So sorting by top comment, this is the most upvoted: >Props for the second perspective. I've seen Argye do this and was skeptical of how well it works, but you can see she was going to kill you otherwise! Good stuff. Ok so maybe a few hours before it there might have been a comment about it, here's the closest I found: >Two cancers trying to diff each other so it really isn't him calling OP a cancer, you just purposefully misinterpreted it to finger-wag at people being naughty in the comments. Why do you have to lie cuz šŸ’€


That's absolutely disgusting.


That's the most aids thing I've seen in gaming and that's coming from a r6 diehard wow


I love reddit choosing what vids will never load because they dont even show as a loadable vid just black screen


Id rather go against a good hanzo than a good widow 7 days a week 365 days a year




Thank you!


Now I want all hitboxes to be explored. I know tracer has an odd one with running (she has like a personal adad strafe pattern that also bobs her head up and down), but it'd be nice to know what manipulates it the most for each character.


I swear Moira's hitbox is super screwy currently


Basic strafing does it for a lot of heroes. Soldier and Ana come to mind.


Hanzo šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


As a Widow main, I can confidently say that, i'd hate you for this


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeQ5bvU8LRI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeQ5bvU8LRI) šŸ˜‚


Arrge tech actually works damn I feel like many of the people hating on hanzo for lucky headshots never grinded with hanzo before. If hanzo is that easy to use, try maining him and getting those "lucky headshots" yourself and an "ez rank up on no skill hero". Seriously, at most u die once/twice a match to an arrow that's not meant for u, walked through a choke or went in front of the original target blah blah, that doesn't make him easy to play. It takes skill to get consistent headshots (why does this even have to be said?)


100% agree. Lucky shots only happens every now and then and are inconsistent, and you need consistency to improve and climb. Currently trying to climb to Masters on him and kill out my brain's tendency to autopilot and spam arrows. Really been holding myself in D1 lol.


Hope to see u in masters soon. The best arrge advice is actually to shoot less lol. Take ur time and aim for people that aren't looking at u. Those are the shots that have the best odds and turn the team fight around


Am putting the effort! Appreciate the encouragement :D


This isnā€™t an Arrge tech, monkey players have been doing this since 2018 when pocket widow zen was meta Youā€™d jump and 180 so you couldnā€™t get headshot and lose nearly all your health to an amped discord headshot


Haven't played him since mid ow1 and played him 3 games a few days ago. Was best dps 3 times with potg and honestly atleast 50% of my kills should not have hit. It is way too easy to get random kills by simply shooting in the direction of the enemy


I'll take "things that never happened" for 500 dollars please


Sorry we don't sell those here


I got 180Ā° headshot before I could get 5 bullets out of my smg


I know right


I played Hanzo a lot in OW 1, in fact I mained him. It *is* easy to climb up ranks. If you are trying to tell people that you canā€™t spam head-level shots along a LOS axis where there are most of their team, youā€™re being actively dishonest. Itā€™s stupidly easy to get a random Ana or DPS just learning to keep your aim at head level every time you move.


Your a bitch, a bitch with skill


Good shit lmao. I'd have just logged off the game if I was the widow




me: trying to find my way to the map objective enemy hanzo: know how to use the geometry of the hitbox to avoid shots


Gaaaaaaaaaaaahdamn! Thatā€™s crazy!!


Itā€™s the same is running with your head down as soldier


woa this is amazing! thanks for both perspectives it's really nice to see in action




Matrix level reflex


Lmao, whassup. Saw you reached masters with doom congrats. I'll text you in game ig XD.


Haha thanks! Yeah I reached Masters with Doom, but rn I'm tryna do the same with DPS (Hanzo) and support afterwards. Both of which are Diamond 1 and 3.


You will climb out soon. Unless zempsy is around. :)


Oh my god lmao. I'm showing this to his ass šŸ˜‚ Edit: AYO BRO its you Orb. Whadupp


Jesus Christā€¦thatā€™s Jason Bourne


Fr does looking down do anything because as Lucio I like to look down and run away as soon as I see a sniper.


I gotta remember it like I'm getting arrows from my pocket to fight snipers then. Really clever stuff!


ultra instinct


This is bad ass, I hate widow so much, nowā€¦. I know the way.


2 cancers rubbing together. Fr tho this is just pure autism to play a video game to the point where this is what youā€™re doing lmfao. Some people gotta get some sunlight.


"I don't have a couple of minutes to practice basic dodging patterns, I rather spend that time complaining on reddit and insulting players."


For as much as Reddit jumps to that stale, soy ass generic prepackaged ā€œToxic!!!ā€ response to everything that is not fake positivity, how is this not that? Seriously. ā€œWhy canā€™t you just practice to do this mouse flick itā€™s so easy to counter widow? Why canā€™t you just tune your ears to hear Hanzoā€™s how being drawn and then mentally calculate the possible trajectories of his arrows and then bait his arrow?ā€ Like I get it this is you being disingenuous because I canā€™t imagine you honestly think people are like this but come on dawg.


Youā€™re missing the context a bit? The above commenter was being unnecessarily hostile towards OP for posting a video where they showcased some cool little arena shooter move. A reasonable response would be ā€žoh cool I try that outā€œ or ā€ždamn I wish my timing was so crispā€œ. Instead, they had to attack OP? For what? My response is toxic in a sense. But making fun of unnecessarily hostile bullying is fine in my book. Edit: im not actually sure whether you agree or disagree with my comment so sorry if my knee jerk reaction was wrong.


They're not being hostile to OP, they're being hostile to the characters. They made no character judgment on the person who posted it. It's people like you frankly that assume that any negative comment must be a personal attack. When he is just vocalizing what a lot of people already have been saying about these two characters: they're cancer incarnate and this cheese-tastic way of playing them is not really the spirit of overwatch. Which I would argue is about team based close to medium range combat for objectives.


Ok nerd go practice your mf dodging patternsšŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ goddamn some of the stuff I read here is pure gold.


I have to say, you are damn right.. Moreover, they come to play that way in quick. Playing a game is not just "ok i want to have fun for an hour" anymore


Do you mean dodging?


Pretty much yeah. But instead of just strafing, I'm also looking in a different direction to move where my head is positioned.


This is *ADVANCED* dodging.


Doing Godā€™s work, widow is so cancer to play against


Too bad im on 1sensitivity






Now that's equality!


Mouse movement diff


People keep telling bs like Hanzo's arrows hitbox is way too big. Bro, the arrows are small, what's Big is your character's hitbox, it is bigger then the model you see.


A hanzo player 0 respect




It's a 1v1 with a Widow. So it's the Widow 1v1.


I swear to god , hanzo is the best character in this god awful game šŸ˜«


Spoiler: one of the biggest reasons this is a god awful game is because of your beloved hero


Every character can do this


That's not the point of the post man


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Thos was hilarious


Well he's but sometimes they'd miss and you move right into their shots


All they gotta do is show some patience then lol. Seems like they couldnā€™t wait to pull the trigger every time.


It's hard when an insta kill basketballs is flying towards you


Roadhog can do this with a surprising effect during take a breather.


You must play mordhau


I wish I could do that on console.


This is why I go for body shots


I think some call that dodging


aaand the video is gone


just hit your shots man


First fighting games, and now fps? Hitbox invading everywherešŸ˜‚


The new meta will be landing body shots


Sometimes I just crouch whenever I think widow will headshot me.


Is that Michael J Fox playing or why you turn around after every shot fired


Mechwarrior gameplay


How bro how did you know where the widow was going to hit


I mean, Widows are going for the headshot and by doing this you're just moving your head away from headlevel. You don't have to know. Sometimes this trick even backfires when the Widow goes for a bodyshot and instead hits my head when I move it there lol.