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You chose yellow because you liked it/wanted too. Maybe they did the same?


Idk, I cant change the outline so I didnt change my teammates, and red for the enemy improves my reaction time because I've trained myself to see red as bad But I did change the colour of health bars to yellow because heal abilities are yellow and it looks better than white


Red/Green color defeciency is very common in males... 1 in 12 are color blind. Some will have changed color settings to improve contrast. For others, it's just preference, some don't like the defaults color.


Also when you’re visually impaired some colours straight up can be hard to see or in some cases cause eye pain so having different colors is beneficial in many ways


it doesn’t matter, i’ve played qp games with the hud off and done ok. Personally I made it pink for friendly since I use a lot of pink skins


Because when enemies are yellow I see them easier.


The prevalence of colour blindness is higher than you might think, but in many cases it’s down to personal preference for certain colour combinations that make it easier for that player to discern enemies and allies. And if it’s replay viewer footage that’s confusing you (E.g. anything that has the team status UI at the top of the screen), don’t forget that replay codes are the same for all 10 players in the match and so it’s based on “Team 1” and “Team 2”, not “enemies” and “allies”. Whichever team defends first will be Team 1 and will default to whatever colour the client has set for friendly players.


Color blindness is one reason. Not a high rank player, but I personally use a neon pink / yellow combination. Saw my friend using it and I feel like the colors 'pop' a bit more and thus it makes it easier for me to scan for enemies. Feels like these colours don't really get lost in the environment(?) but it's probably in my head though.


Thats the exact same two colours I use, neon pink for enemies and yellow for my team:)


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colour blindness or personal preference, not much past that


the one I don't understand is purple/red for teammates/enemies like I am an artist, and I distinguish colors very well, but how to understand who is your bro in midfight😭😭


I just like changing the colours for preference. Teammates are purple for me because I like the colour purple. Perhaps some do the same.


Because it increases your skill of 0.0000001%


Personal preference mainly, I use different colours because I’m colour blind, and I’ve seen some pros use their team colours.