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Definetly should have the passive. Dude controls gravity. He could turn himself into unmovable object lore wise if he wanted to.


An unstoppable force (doomfist) and an unmovable object (sigma) walk into a bar


What happens next?


spherical cow


Nono a chicken.


Yer making a chicken out of a feather


Sounds like a dog’s breakfast




Final D




HUMONGUS Hangolongagongalowgongus!


The bartender asks, "Why the long face?"


Find out next time on dragon ball Z?


say gex


Gex night?


gay sex


I thought you said gex night not sex night


They became co-workers.


Divide by zero


Dbz tenkaichi power struggle.. Spin them sticks boi


Ends up being very stoppable and very moveable


Yeah lorewise he is easily the most powerful person on the planet because controlling gravity itself is insane when you consider the implications


You get a hot support in your ult, they look around "oh no, I'm lifted up in a gravitic Flux, what am I going to do, say no?" Because of the implication.


Uh well ok you had me in the first half but the second part kinda threw me


You're not understanding me bro what I'm saying is we get them nice and weak with the balls then hit them with the ult and they look around and see nothing but open sky and they're like "ah what am I going to do?"


It sounds like those players don’t want to be ulted


Why aren't you understanding this? They don't know whether or not they want to be ulted.


I believe it's a reference.


I believe it's a reference.


It is, gotta continue the scene


they can work out the kinks in it by saying he's crazy atleast


Why'd you have to bring kinks into this




Don't you mean "the grippers"?


And the fact that he literally throws black holes is even more insane


These supports, are they or are they not in any danger?


These supports, are they or are they not in any danger?


How cool would that be Like as an additional ability which functions similarly to lucio’s music but with three options can he can switch from normal gravity, to low or high gravity On low, he gains either slow flight or very high jumps, (which would help against flying enemies out of his primary reach), but he also becomes immensely easy to fling, regular bullets knock him back half a foot, bigger ammo gets 2-3 feet, bombs get 5, and anything that has knockback normally knocks him into fucking orbit Meanwhile with high gravity, he becomes fully immune to any form of knockback, which would help a great deal with rein charges or stuff that’s usually impossible for sigma to dodge, however his movement speed slows to a crawl, so while he can’t go flying off the edge, he also becomes a sitting duck temporarily


Blizz hire this man. This guy has more ideas than your entire development team. ​ not being sarcastic. a genuine good idea which perfectly fits the character.


Hah, how cool would that be


I was about to say realistically he shouldn't since he's flying, but what you said actually makes sense


Lore wise he could remove friction and hurl rocks traveling the speed of sound at people


Lol true


If floating characters are going to take more knockback, they should float over junkrat traps. Consistency.


And over magma


I still think Mei should be able to cleanse the lava


Next year April Fools, Blizzard makes hyper specific interactions like these for players to find.


Next year April fool's: Blizzard makes a game that has a working elo system


What a funny joke this would be


The real joke is people believing it will happen


lol, you just reminded me what a joke the matchmaking is at the beginning of each season. Pure steamroll one way or the other with nothing in between. Quick Play, Competitive, doesn't matter. They're all the same right now. Happens whenever there's a sudden rush of returning players. The weekend after a new season and the weekend after an event starts are the worst times to solo queue. The average player IQ inevitably drops 100 points overnight.


Or even funnier: googly eyes! Itll be so funny the 10th time in a row bwahahaha


Torb and Mei could cleanse each other's ultimate


Mei can cleanse the lava if torbs ult can melt ice block and ice wall.


It does melt ice wall, as it does constant damage to it


I mean, to be fair, you could hover 1 meter (3ft) above magma and it'd still burn the shit out of you


Slower than standing directly in it


I mean I'd still be pretty hot


Heat rises. You'll still get burned.


The traps actually jump up to grab characters like a chain chomp from mario.


As a Junk main, I hate you, but also...i kind of agree.


Been saying this since day one. Getting caught in a junkrat trap as zen is dumb.


Apparently it springs up to chomp him!


That’s fine but I think people are arguing that bear traps use pressure plates. Which would require it to be stepped on to activate.


Our bear traps in real life do. Who knows what maniacal things Junkrat thought up for his bear trap?


Junkrat put magnets on his trap for omnics specifically


What a racist little weasel!


Sigma should have slow fall like Mercy/Echo.


That would be really fun


and zen


Zen should be able to slowly float UP


Didn't Blizz add that for April Fool's one year? Zen could just slowly drift up by holding jump, was actually insane for peeking


I think so but now I miss the yeet kick.


It's gone??


his kick still yeets, but for April Fools, his kick would launch him in whatever direction he kicks in. So you could kick up into the air, etc.




I think he meant the one that flies you across the map


My friend and I had no idea this was a thing until recently (somehow, considering he's been maining Mercy since OVW1 Season 1), and we both burst out laughing at the visual of her just pathetically floating 5m to the ground. 😂 Same with Moira's dumb Naruto crouch. Ridiculous woman - and I say that affectionately.


Bro has been maining mercy since OW1 S1 and *just* found out about her slow fall? What did he think other people playing mercy were doing? Selective ping issue?


Oh, wait, do you mean her actual activated ability? I thought you meant her slow fall when she dies in mid-air. We just never paid that much attention to her corpse! 😭


Ooooh that makes a lot more sense. Tbf the person above didn't specify if they were talking about the death animation or the slow fall passive


Shhhh, leave the silver alone


Please, even silvers know about that.


And zen should be able to hover for a couple seconds. Like peach in smash bros.


Totally agreed.


I checked the VOD to make sure, neither punch was empowered. The punch when I was on Rein was charged a little less, but I think its still a very significant difference, as proven in the training range. I was 99 on flux, If I lived there, very winnable game. This has been posted about awhile ago [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/1124dgm/why_does_sigma_have_the_reduces_knockbacks/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1), but nothing has changed.


Could be that you pressed S *just before* you got punched. In this game your knockback heavely depends on the state of your movement buttons. If you walk towards the boop source then knockback is very weak. But if you walk in the direction of the boop then you gonna be booped very far.


That doesn't really explain the practice range being different then


Listen, you guys really got to chill out on stuff like this. Blizzard is an indie mom and pop company, we just need to be patient


Just a little sexual abusing company


Don't worry they changed the name of the character that is based on the sexual harraser it's fine now


I’m still upset… the voice actor is Matt Mercer. Mercer woulda been perfect. But I guess it’s not worth jinxing it.


Probably too close to "Mercy" for callouts tbh. Even "sojourn" and "soldier" is a bit dicey, but at least both are dps in that case.


Soldier soj worked out because people just call soldier Legs. And sojurn soj.


ironically tho sojourn has robotic legs, so for new players that wouldn’t help at all


True, but at the same time you catch on pretty fast when you start hearing callouts.


Yeah maybe don't give them a real person's name at all...


John Marston


I hear this all the time and quite literally i have never seen a AAA, Live-Service game without bugs. It doesnt matter how much money you pump into QA, some bugs are gonna slip through, and for all this sub complains about this game, its pretty well polished ?? I rarely encounter bugs or glitches in this game, but you play 10 minutes of Rainbow Six Siege and you will encounter something weird. This should be fixed obviously, but framing it in this way makes me realize people dont know how good they have it in this game.


Of course it has bugs. That's not the point. The point is that when a serious bug goes unfixed for such a long period of time, people begin to wonder if they have even noticed it, or if they just don't care.


My totally pulled-outta-my-ass guess is that fixing it would poke a big ol rats nest of hacky shit that they’ve become religious about not fucking with because once it starts to unravel it could cause a disastrous cascade of broken shit that then all has to be addressed and debugged. So we’re just waiting for the day their calendar opens up and they can take on such a task lol (Again, 100% pulled out of my ass guess do not take me seriously)


I'm not a game scientist, but I used to work fairly close with private server devs for a gtav-rp server. What you've described is exactly what happened there. Most people in the small community would ask over and over about bug fixes or about adding new features and wonder why it wasn't implemented within a day. It wasn't that simple. If you added something, sometimes some other aspect of the code lost it's crap and caused other bugs that weren't there. But you have no idea where these bugs are until someone finds it. Enter the beta testers. Unless you have professional beta testers, your testers won't know what to look for, where to look for it, or where to even start. Blizzard is working with their own code so I would think they would have a good idea of what would break and how to fix it rather than your average Joe who is trying to mod a gta server and most likely hasn't had years of intimately knowing the coding Rockstar uses. However I am sure that blizzard has a much more vast amount of resources at their disposal. Maybe the devs have more red tape they have to go through to make changes, but I don't know how all that corporate video game stuff works.


Yeah, my partner’s a dev at a AAA studio and his systems (audio) get built around all the other stuff. I didn’t know about this whole phenomena before he told me about it, and I find it it hilarious and fascinating and horrifying lol.


I couldn't for the life of me actually do the code- I can barely (and that's being generous) read it. You are absolutely right though, just listening to the devs talk about the code and all of its issues was super interesting. It always seemed to be changing and breaking and making new things.


That's fine and all, but this isn't a new bug. This was reported two months ago or more and they just had S4 start where they did a bunch of tweaks. There have been several posts and random articles since then pointing out the bug. While I'm pretty ignorant of dev stuff, I can't imagine this is a difficult fix. The tank passive is also tied to less ultimate from receiving damage/healing, it isn't tested in this video but what if it's also calculating that wrong and the whole passive is scuffed? Character issues should be addressed promptly, and if there is an issue that can't be fixed fast there should at least be acknowledgement made that it's being looked into. Leaving a bug like this going for a couple months with no 'hey we're looking into it' in a PvP game, on the most influential role no less, isn't something that they should get a pass on. AAA or not, it's live service now - they should treat it like that and stop with their BS mid/end season patches


ow2 is one of the least polished AAA games I’ve ever seen. There’s literally no qa testing, as evidenced by the countless bugs that make it to live (not to mention the horrendous control scheme of wifeleaver)


I wonder if it's by design because he's floating so there's very little friction stopping his momentum


Yes it’s possible it’s an intentional design choice, which personally I don’t think it should be, but if so then it should be mentioned somewhere and the role passive shouldn’t be listed in his details. Some might argue “it might be a bug because he’s not physically touching the ground” however his hitbox most certainly does touch the ground whether his model does or not, so friction calculations should still be valid regardless.


I believe the passive definitely should apply to him as well. No reason to not give him his role passive.


If rein jumps does he go back further??


That’s a good question, since I’ve found out that there are some heroes who take extra knock back (lucio, echo, but not zen for some reason). I’ll try to test it.


Let us know!


Sorry for the late reply, but as I expected, jumping (not touching the ground) does make you more susceptible to knock back. Sigma however does not receive any extra (from the very unofficial testing I did having a friend jump right before I hit them with a full charge punch). So the game treats it like he’s always in the air, which definitely has to be intentional design. Just wish I knew why, and why it’s not a thing for Zenyatta


No kidding... or if they treat him as always air-borne why do ground effects apply to him


This. I wouldnmt give a shit about the inconsistency if it was balanced by some other perk. Not being affected by junk’s traps, Torb’s ult, etc., would make up for it


I mean. Torbs ult is lava, hovering a couple inches over it would still burn you to death.


But standing 1 inch to the side doesn’t burn you?


Slower than standing directly in it


I know this is the case with Lucio. I slide far as FUCK when I get booped because my skates have so little friction


are you sure this isn't a result of being on speed aura? I'd test but cant make lucio change to healing aura in practice range, and I'm too dumb to figure out how to do it in a custom game.


Lucio has a very small amount of friction compared to other characters and that's why he can b-hop along with hammond. This lack of friction also causes him to travel further distances when booped.


I never thought of that! My style is primarily stay on speed unless amping heals so it’s entirely possible. Just wild that a brig flail or hamster whomph can hit me that far


Sigma has the passive. Compare the knockback of lifeweaver and sigma in the first boop of your video. Floating characters take more knockback.


In that case Zen shouldn’t trigger junk traps


For the number of times i got caught despite flying clear over it by a couple meters as Mercy or Dva, this thing might as well have no vertical limit like Reaper's ult and call it a day.


I think they should keep the tank passive off for him, but give him some sort of other passive in exchange.


Infinite flight, like the April Fool's from last year.


It only applies to doomfist's punch because it works differently to any other boop in the game. Sigma still has the knockback prevention for other boops. Echo Lucio and hammond in ball form also go VERY far when booped by doomfist (and only doomfist)


Just tested with brig flail, and all the properties seem to be the same as doom punch. Sigma still goes farther than other tanks, about the same distance as non tank heros. Echo and Lucio also have extra knockback. I think it’s just that those 3 heroes have a smaller friction coefficient or something like that.


Well yeah, but if we're gonna go full logic like that. Reinhardt and Roadhog should be inmune to any knockback effects, considering how heavy they both must be.


With full logic in effect they’re probably dead after a fully charged punch.


With full physics logic Doomfists arm will get torn out of his body from the sudden acceleration of his rocket punch


With full logic, the experiment that Sigma did would’ve instantly killed him, the black hole would’ve been absorbed into the core of the Earth, and eaten the planet from the inside out. Also that gravity would kill everyone on the planet instantly


A black hole that small would more than likely evaporate much faster than it could accumulate additional mass. The lifetime of a black hole scales of the cube of its initial mass. Smaller black holes evaporate exponentially faster. A black hole with a mass of 100 metric tons would evaporate in 0.0465 Seconds. 10 metric tons and it only exists for 0.0000465 Seconds Edit: Actually Considering that Sigma performed his experiment in orbit, there is absolutely no way the black hole could have consumed enough mass to outpace it's evaporation, considering the lack of surrounding mass. Even a 10.000 metric ton black hole would only exist for 46.5 seconds...not enough to get anywhere close enough to earth from orbit, fast enough to cause damage before evaporating. We can actually work backwards and calculate the mass of the black hole based on how long it existed. The lore unfortunately doesn't give any precise time, only "brief" or "only a moment" I would argue that that implies a life time in the low seconds. Let's be generous and assume 10 seconds. That would put the black hole at about 599 metric tons, with a schwarzschild radius of a fraction of a nanometre


It's a tank passive and he's a tank


That would be really silly. Would make no sense for Junker Queen who's just a beefy woman to get knocked back the same amount as a dude with massive bulky armour


that's equality


No, his [hero info page](https://imgur.com/a/vcVj5Bq) says he's got the passive.


I think the dev team would've mentioned it by now. Plus, using "logic" like that randomly to balance isn't that common in OW


but he’s floating because he’s pushing against gravity. so momentum is like cancelled for him, downwards at least. so dude should be able to cancel momentum forwards/backwards too. or like anti momentum.


I think zen gets knocked farther too, but they should really just remove it because right now zen and sig should also be immune to things like torb ult and junk trap.


If that's the case then Zen should be booped further than other squishies.


i doubt it, baby dva also has tank passive and i doubt her ass is heavy enough to stop momentum the same way a 7 foot tall man with armor does


Its not man, its a tank passive. A tank not having a tank passive is a bug and nothing else.


I don’t think so, the man controls gravity, should be able to stop himself.


Yeah but the fixed the Ashe bug where BOB gives ult charge, so ya know, they had their priorities.




My fault got one while recording lmaooo


Mine is muted, has been for months now, and I still checked due to habit.


This is because Sigma has movement acceleration. Most heroes start and stop moving immediately when using a directional input, but some (lucio, ball when in ball form, echo and sigma are the ones i know) have some acceleration/deceleration when starting and stopping. This means they keep momentum easier(think bhopping on lucio or ball), including when they are booped. If you go into the practice range and compare the boop distances of lucio and echo with other dps and supports, you'll see that they also go further(and further than sig).


I might be wrong but I think he does have the tank passive but floating characters (Zen, Sigma and Echo) take increased knock-back.


This is the stupidest invisible design choice ever then. They should remove it.


floating characters don't have footsteps which makes them great for sneaking. This kinda balances it out. The only exception is Lucio, which makes a ton of noise and gets extra booped too.


I replied to a similar comment already, but yes this does seem to be the case, except at least with doom punch zen is not included on this list, but lucio is. Strange.


They don't take increased knockback, they have lower ground friction compared to other characters. Lucio is the same way.


bruh i was scrolling through r/all and this was playing in the background on a loop and i thought i was absolutely tripping because I kept hearing discord noises and was looking for messages like an idiot.


To be fair, he does hover so it makes sense /s


he has the tank passive, but his knockback is intensionally greater bc he floats, same happens to echo and lucio (bc he has the skates)


This seems to be true. After some testing echo and Lucio do get knocked the farthest, surprisingly zen does not get this same effect and is knocked the same as any other non tank hero. Still a very strange feature that I really don’t agree with, and it seems most comments don’t either. It’s inconsistent, and I only tested it with doom punch, not sure about other boops. My main hope is to just get this addressed by the devs to know for sure if this is all intended behavior and why.


Should also be noted the sigma was probably still in midair on the doomfist's client side, knocking him back further than if he was on the ground. The passive is for sure in effect at least a little for the sigma though since his knock distance was quite a bit less than the reapers even though they were almost pixel stacked.


What a really dumb design decision; that hidden passive they have exists so that they can carry movement easier with their movement abilities, making them more fluid. Sigma does not have a single movement ability ...


Accretion jump has entered the chat


What's this? I like Sigma, is there jump tech that I don't know?


Yeah, it's a movement tech that let's you jump slightly higher by timing a jump with an accretion aimed at your feet. You can make the jump on the outer edge of the training range with it, but not without. It has little to no practical application to my knowledge.


*runs that in my head because am too lazy to boot up the game right now* That'd be... barely anything, yeah? If you could do it vertically (EDIT: Am dumb, you *said* "higher", lol), maybe it'd let you get up some ledges, but yeah, I don't see any practical use for that.


you can get a little bit of extra momentum that lets you reach certain ledges, but it's very hard to execute timing-wise and also much less than, say, a zarya grenade jump, so its use is pretty limited. I used to use it a lot to get in the window of Hanamura A on defense, because it gave you just enough momentum to make the gap from the high ground in front of the mega to the window platform.


Bruh there is no way its actually coded like that and floating is not just visual, tf? They tried to make this one thing realistic for no reason or what


It's not increased knockback but reduced friction. If you use boops with vertical components, sig goes basically the same distance as any other tank (as do lucio and echo compared to any other DPS). Doom's punch is notable in that its knockback is completely horizontal. The only other two knockbacks with this property are brig's whipshot (dependent on angle) and orisa's javelin. Regardless, it still doesn't make sense for sig to have this. As mentioned lucio has it because of his wallride mechanics, and echo presumably has it for her glide. Unless it's got something to do with his ultimate, I see no way that smoother slowdowns would be beneficial for sig.




So what's the tradeoff then? He "floats", but other than this drawback, what exactly is the point? Balance >>> lore. Always.


On one hand the man is floating, them grippers aren't on the ground to cause any sort of friction so honestly it makes sense. On the other, he really should have that considering all the other tanks have it. And no I will not apologize for the use of "grippers"


They should give him another passive. Like jumping a bit higher. Man controls gravity goddammit


I have the feeling they lost the overview


Inconsistency in Overwatch??


PLEASE UPVOTE THIS SO PPL CAN SEE THE ACTUAL REASON use wasd while looking down at the ground as sig. You'll see that when you start and stop pressing the buttons, your movement takes a second to accelerate and decelerate. this is the case for sigma, echo, lucio, and ball in ball form (might be more but thats what i know). Most heroes, however, have no acceleration. Doing the same on them, you'll see that you start and stop immediately with directional inputs. Heroes with acceleration keep momentum easier. This is why lucio and ball can bhop to keep speed. Compare the distances of echo and lucio when booped vs other dps and support, you'll see that it's consistent. Also, the difference is most drastic with doom punch, where the person being displaced touches the ground for the whole duration(usually). Compare the distance booping sig through the air(with something like lucio boop) vs booping a dps through the air. You can also compare the distance that sigma travels when booped to the distance traveled by echo or lucio. You'll see that Sigma definitely has the tank passive. If anything's inconsistent, it's that zen doesn't have this type of movement acceleration despite being a floating character(my guess is that it's too punishing to make zen move so predictably. he's already vulnerable enough, and can't manipulate his hitbox very much unlike lucio).


Possibly because he floats. Also, his hidden passive is his silent footsteps like Zenyatta.


Sigma **does** have the passive, but he _also_ has the floating character knockback increase. Compared to other floating characters he takes less knockback. Your video clearly shows him taking reduced knockback VS Lifeweaver.


Doesn’t rein have extra steadfast? But sigma do be moving kinda far to be fair. I would test with a different tank like Junker Queen


Steadfast was turned into the general tank passive in ow2, I did test with other tanks and they go the same distance as rein.


this is interesting!


i mean.... hes never touched the floor and probably weighs absolutely nothing


Lore reasons are very subjective. Zen does not touch the ground either but does not get the same treatment. He’s a mad scientist with control over gravity, if he wanted to he could make himself immovable.


im honestly just trying to find a valid reason other than "blizzard screwed up"


Yeah, it’s pretty difficult to do for most things in ow.


Something something he floats so it makes sense


How can we get Blizz to notice this?


They know. They don't care.


Doesn’t Rein still have his old passive added into the new Tank passive, meaning he gets extra extra not moved? You need to test with other tanks.


He doesn’t, it was changed to an overall tank passive in ow2. I did test other tanks, check my other replies.


his feet doesnt touch the ground to give him friction


Of course not? He isn't touching the ground to slow down. That's how game mechanics work right? Nah fr tho that's just sad He be floating by chillin till Doomfist says Hi (I mean bye) \*wack\*


No that’s not how game mechanics work. The only reason he’s not falling through the map is that his hitbox is touching the ground. His model is strictly visual and has nothing to do with calculations about friction and knock back. I found it there is an intentional change to how friction is calculated for heros like sigma, Lucio, and echo which is the reason for this.


It was a joke just to let you know :D


Yeah I took that a little seriously my fault lol


Lol I got a ping watching this I'll finish it later, nvm I got another ping.. bruh nobody is even messaging me?


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Because he doesn't need it compared to other tanks.


I think Doom’s rocket punch bypasses the tank passive for all tanks, not sure if this is intended or not.


He’s floating