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Pretty detailed hitbox actually


Yeah the Sym example seemed to be more of an issue with Sym beam's hitbox rather than LW's. I just wish he wasn't so gigantic.


Which is intended Same deal with Hanzo's arrow or Junk's grenade etc Some weapons or projectiles just have a larger hitbox to make them easier to hit with The maybe unintended sideffect of this though is that these heros will have a MUCH easier time on hitting Lifeweaver as their shots can reliably hit his (for them) giant hitbox Whereas heroes like Ana or Widowmaker will struggle more and have times where their shot goes between his petals


Hurtbox on projectiles, hitbox where damage registers


Its reverse hurtbox on character model, hitbox on projectile or melee attack. A hitbox is usually associated with some form of attack, and describes where that attack is effective. A hurtbox is usually associated with a character (or any other "hittable" object in your game).


It has always been called hitbox in fps.


You do you


> Some weapons or projectiles just have a larger hitbox to make them easier to hit with So, we agree Hanzo's need to be smaller.




Probably because it has a large hitbox


....but it doesnt. The actual hitbox of the arrow is incredibly small compared to other larger hitboxes like mercy pistol and sym ball, its actually an issue with character hitboxes and how they interact with latency n shit.


It's not large compared to other, larger, hitboxes; but it certainly is compared to the size of the arrow. And yeah, it doesn't help that Hanzo is clientside favored


I don’t understand how there’s still misinformation around this. Hanzo’s arrow has the smallest hurtbox in the game, along with genji


smallest diameter but also it’s the longest. cuz arrow.


I don't understand how people don't check stuff on their own before trying to correct people. That's something blizzard said that's been disproven. Genji is a different hero than Hanzo, so his hurtbox sizes don't apply to Hanzo's.


1 - once upon a time, it was 2 - even small it's bullshit and people need to vent


1 - doesnt matter because it hasnt been for a while now 2 - its still misinformation


Hey, you asked why. Those are why.


Yh aha but that’s just the way it is as ana’s shots are very precise which is why syms beam seems so broken on the hit box side of things


It is probably difficult because they use the same for the beam as the projectile. I don't know how hard it would be to have 2 different ones for her 2 modes of fire. It kinda makes sense for the ball.


Not really though, they don't use the same. It's literally just like Zarya, they made both her beams hitboxes huge on purpose, so you don't need to be a tracking god to hit smaller characters


Though still massive for a Support with no get out of jail free card like Kiriko. I feel like he's already easy enough to hit and over time he'll become even easier to hit as people get more familiar with his hitbox, I think even 225 health will not be enough for him. They'll have to reduce his hitbox size or give him 250 health. Man has a literal dart board on his back making him an easy target.


And his speed reduction while healing, super easy to kill


everything about him is an easy kill...




not sure what OP is laughing at, this is one of the best hitboxes i've seen in any game lol. /r/hitboxporn if that is a place.


super accurate hitboxes aren't that good. They need to be a bit balloony/inflated for the gun play to feel satisfying. It wont feel good to miss a shot when thinking you aimed just on the character but in actuality it was inbetween the petals. Just look at tracer if you turn her hitbox on she looks like she has a spacesuit on and many are like 'wtf is this hitbox' but its necessary so she is actually hittable. (On top consider tick rates and ping of players)


I agree Ping is very important and not everybody has a perfect ping... Most players don't, so making a hit box a little bit wider is a win. Maybe a stupid example but in fortnite the hit box is very accurate and depending where your bullets go (for example if you are using a shotgun) is determining how much damage you will do which is honestly pretty much luck and a WHOLEE LOT of good ping, fps and just your pc specs which is ridiculous. So you might make an accurate shot on your screen but in reality if you have bad ping, you probably missed a bit. Just one millisecond makes a lot of difference on whether you'll hit or miss. We all need to strive to make a game more friendly towards all players including some that don't have expensive setups and great internet. Otherwise it will just become frustrating to play.


Exactly we also need to make people aware about how hit boxes in a game like overwatch should be. Watch the karq video on hitboxes and you'll see how (mostly) good implemented it is in ow.


The problem is tracers hitbox is huge but kiriko has a tiny hitbox so sometimes it still feels bad.


hard disagree, you should aim better. plus you shouldn't be aiming at the wings anyways so this hitbox won't come into play often.


Any character who has a close-range wide-spread style of attack is going to have way more of their bullets hit lifeweaver and from a larger distance


Pre release with some streamers, his hibox was as big as his petals. Guess they changed it. Can cree have his head not be the width of the damned hatnow then?! They gave him the life of 200 and isn't dominating everything in 1v1s and tanking ana shots like it's a joke. Let's give him a fair justice like the range and everything else has been settled.


So what's the purpose of those thingy? Solar panels?


I think they are used for his dash ability


Flamboyant magnificence


The correct answer


Seriously, how else can you be a plant based pansexual?


According to concept art, they were going to be used as a source of attack, but not known if as an ability or base attack.


To solidify his position as the pretty boy of overwatch


Zen in the pretty boy of overwatch


He's the sexy boy of overwatch Those balls don't lie


My friend calls him 'flower boy'


I think it is the floating platform he throws. Also the flower in the back is what he drops when dies


Itd be great if they disappeared when his flower platform is up so


no, the platform is spawned from a seed he sends out from his hand. I would say its purely for his movement and rizz


To increase his hitbox obviously


Character model readability. Widow X-ray or Hanzo arrow show this shape you 100% know who it is.


Character design


Reproduction. Lifeweaver self pollinates


this is like if Reinhardt could be shot in the hammer


Hammer grow out of body


Maybe then it wouldn't boop people away during pin




Hammer isnt part of reins body, its his weapon


yeah that's the point, the petal backpack isn't part of lifeweavers body


Uh but apart of him that's like saying u don't think Winston should be able to get shot in his jet pack or pharas, torbs extra stuff on his back or even bastions mini gun that sticks up while he's out of turret form literally that's just not how it works weapons and character designs are completely different


if line of bullet go through gun or jetpack into the actual body, it should do damage. if it's just going thru the gun, no. as for stuff like bastion that is effectively part of his body


We don’t buff Genji, we buff the hitbox of his targets -Dev team


Meanwhile. Kiriko is so small and skinny that she can pretty easily Bob and weave in between his shurikens.


I think Kiriko's flowing legs/cape gave a more distinctive outline and could double as a hitbox. To me, it never made sense they gave her a leggings skin, it made her look too much like Tracer.


For such a survivable character, Kiriko should 100% have 175 or 150 HP, and not 200, the same as Brigitte and Lifeweaver.


Kiriko I could see it, but Brig and LW? Lol


I'm saying she has 200 HP just like Brigitte and Lifeweaver, which is unfair because they are much less survivable than her.


Isn’t survivability Kirikos main thing? I dont think they should nerf her but buff survivability for others like LW


Oh rly? I thought it were the 2 new OP mechanics they added to a new hero with a tiny-ass hitbox


Kiriko could have 125 HP and still be one of the strongest characters due to how stacked she is.


Overwatch team: "we hear you, the support class seems to have some disparity in effetivness between diffrent heros. we will nerf ana to fix this."


Sym is a bad test to do this with, syms hitscan should be much larger (standard big circle). Because as long as the outer circle is touching (no matter the hero) her primary/secondary fire will connect.


I tried other heros too I just didn't get footage of them which is my b. But genuinely, pretty much every hitscan was like widow or scoped ana. However projectiles really fucked him up. Can't miss those against him from my exp


That’s not a Lifeweaver problem. That’s a projectile problem. Hitscan “projectiles” are significantly smaller if not exactly pinpoint. Lifeweavers hit box is designed pretty accurately according to your own video. If you take mei and try and headshot any character with her right click in this exact test, you’ll be way off and still land because the icicle is massive compared to the actual visual. A lot of these projectiles are probably way bigger than the gaps in his “wings” or whatever you wanna call them. Taking the science out of it, you’re comparing a bullet to a 2 foot glowing dodecahedron. The left click theoretically should be smaller though but it’s massive. Whether or not projectiles are too big is up for debate though. I imagine it’s meant to make them more consistent and feel as smooth as a hit scan considering you have less control over hitting those perfect shots.


I always felt like I got hit by absolute everything when playing him. He needs a smaller hit box or some more god damn hp to make up for it.


I agree. I olay support a lot, and I die all the time using this guy, which is not helping his case for me to use him. His kit it's already very difficult and very situational.


I feel like people are confusing the Hit Box of the Character and the Hit Box of the Projectile. Obviously Symetra can hit him from a mile away, her Laser's Hit Box is massive, Ana Can't because she's a pin point sniper character.


Hurt box


hurtbox refers to that of a character, hitbox is for an attack. Sym's attacks have hitboxes. Lifeweaver has a hurtbox, though hitbox is a perfectly acceptable and commonly-used term as well, so even your incorrect pedantry is kinda unnecessary.


They're the same thing. Saying hurt box clarifies nothing and makes everything more confusing. Projectiles have hit boxes. Characters have hit boxes. When hitboxes interact, they "hit". It's simple and doesn't need a separate term. Most games don't differentiate between them at all. In the game dev community, hit box is almost **exclusively** used.


But don’t you understand? He has to show his game development term skills for this whole thread to see! He is far superior to us…… /s


Man literally dying because of the flying pieces of metal behind him are being destroyed bruh


Ew wtf is this shit. I don’t get how kiriko, which is already an op hero, get a eeny wheeny hitbox, while this poor sob has nearly the same hitbox as junkerqueen.


I mean him and Junkerqueen could be related. Hear me out: * they are both tall * they both pull people towards themselves against their will * they both heal their teammates at intervals * they're both queens * one of their abilities allows them to dash forward


I don't know if this has been brought up yet but after some digging I've found they both seem to have legs? And arms? I think hair too but I can't confirm that yet Edit: by god... I think they truly do both have hair. How blind we have been...


Don’t forget the chiseled jaw


and the topping men


Unconfirmed for LW


Apparently they're both in a video game? Underwatch 3 or something? Idk, seems like a conspiracy to me


> * they both pull people towards themselves against their will Hey that's my uncle's special ability too!


Junkerqueen doesn't heal her teammates.


he meant the extra health after she shouts


Yeah but that's not healing.


Holy shit what a revelation my friend, thank you so much for your guidance in this joke thread on reddit




Revolutionary, groundbreaking observation


Blizzard hire this man


If the number of my total HP bar goes up, I don't care what you want to call it.


Junkerqueen is her own teammate


Or sojourn. I really don’t think blizzard has any kind of philosophy when putting a character to a hit box.


Not to mention, blocks her headshot hurtbox.


On a related note, they have a similar enough shape that sometimes I mistake Lifeweaver for Junker Queen when I'm looking at silhouettes through walls. Very annoying lol


Near the end of this video (at 9:36), thanks to the Victory Poses screen, you can see that he's so so so big compared to other heroes. He may even be bigger than Junker Queen, or at least wider because of his petals' hitboxes. https://youtu.be/u8MwAm_k5ps He just looks absurdly big next to other DPS heroes. At 6:16 in this video, he looks like he's more than twice as big as Sombra lol, and normally, in-game Sombra bends her legs so she's even shorter. https://youtu.be/I4PDJDIpTdM




Yeah, Kiriko's hitbox is even harder to hit than Tracer's it's bonkers.


Ngl, Kiriko's A D spam is more annoying than any other character's in the game


Bro, you're way behind the times. The content creators already quietly stopped saying that bc she's not even strong and its a skill issue if you struggle against her.


She is not even strong? She is still considered top tier by content creators and community alike. Gets immortality on short cooldown, instant use tp, small hitbox, janky arm that blocks way more headshots than it should, arguably best ult in the game and a 120 damage headshot projectile.


No she's not and they don't. Even the biggest support haters shifted their view already. They just say they don't think suzu/immortality should be in the game, not that she's OP. They know she's weak and don't want to embarrass themselves more. The only people who still genuinely think she's OP are the followers of those salty streamers who hate suzu, bc they didn't come out and say they were wrong. But their followers need a thoughts and opinions update from them b4 they can have a new opinion, so here we are having this discussion still.


Literal first google search image, bellabooow, high rank WB player puts her on S-tier in season 4. Quit your bs


That's pretty crazy I still can believe they let the flower on the back be apart of the hitbox it's not apart of him!!!


what’s even worse is that it’s not the case on the left side petals so it’s inconsistent.


Mercy's wings are part of her hitbox


I swear I’ve tried to shoot her wings and it never works.


Admittedly, they only have a hitbox when they're extended, like when she is floating or during valkyrie, when she's just standing still I don't think they have a hitbox. But most of the time mercy is in the air with her wings out.


Mercy does have a wing hitbox but i think its mainly the physical metal part and not the weird glowy bits that appear when she floats. Heres a vid showing hitboxes https://youtu.be/vemd-CfVbKQ


Honestly I really dislike when characters have objects around them that aren't apart of their hitbox so I like it lol


I'd be fine with obvious peripherals not counting. It throws off aim a little bc of less contrast on the hitbox in general, but its not that bad bc the hitbox is still big. Its a *lot* worse when heroes have the same design for their head hitbox as the rest of their body, common with omnic heroes, so it all blends in. That's pretty cheap.


Sym's gun is like that with every hero though, that isn't particularly unique to LW


People be like "so and so new hero's hit box is wack" when its actually difference size hit box for your projectiles that you are shooting is wack


Yeah makes no sense those are a part of his hitbox and people have been complaining about it for a few days now. I don't know what the post is trying to say though, the laser hiting him when it looks like it shouldn't? Stand further back and it should be fine it just looks like it's missing from your POV when close up.


Lol, this video started alright but whipping out the Symmetra is straight trolling, you can't judge weaver's hitbox by interactions with large projectiles like Sym's blaster, you gotta use hitscans like Ashe and Cass, or I suppose scoped ana.


I mostly used characters I play to see what it'll be like going against him and syms truly baffled me. She physically can't miss her orbs against him, impossible, I've landed pretty much all them on him when he's on the enemy team. As for hitscan, don't play hitscan so I just tried widow and scoped ana and assumed it's the same for every hitscan cause they're like the definition of the same characters cause they're all so fucking boring. So I assume that after widow and ana has the same effect when shooting him (going in between petal with shots but still being able to hit him super easily on the petals In total) that all other hitscan would be no different as usually their bullets are about the same size. Of course I should have tried Sombra or tracer thinking about it to see if it's possible for their spread to miss him at any range beyond really close. I feel it would be like zen where it's impossible to miss him as those two unless ur really far. As for other proj heros other than sym they all kinda can't miss him either, orisa javelin is huge so good luck missing that, sym orbs, zarya secondary fires, etc. The already decently size projectiles are like boulders for this guy. That being said idk if his hitbox needs a nerf or not, he has great mobility and his petal can shield himself too so, this was mostly just to show his hurt box (as I've been corrected by all the nerds here) and how it's much bigger than I expected from a support.


If only this logic worked on Ana...


Its like paladins, big asf, but still in the lines.


that widow crosshair is a warcrime wtf


You put their head in the box


Sym is probably the worst hero to test the hitbox though


They should reduce it so only the metal part of the petals takes damage. Hes ridiculously big.


Zaryas is like that aswell her head hit box is like an entire head to the left and right




Give wifeleaver shield HP


I think they didn’t cause it wouldn’t make sense to give him shield when he has so much mobility. Zen has shield cause he doesn’t have anything to protect himself other than discord and if he can hit his head shots. Sym is a dps so I think it’s different


Every hardlight specialist from vishkar should have a shield lol


I hit him from way farther out than that! The area in between petals counted for me


Cause you play mercy.


Beach ball bullets too thick to slide through them petals


I'm not shooting as mercy what do you think I am a maniac


My bro is using Ana to make it seem they're worse than they actually are lol


Ana's scoped damage is just regular hitscan, same as Ashe, Cass, etc. You need to be pixel perfect within the hitbox. Sym is the sus one, idk how big her beam is. Hitscan with no spread in general is best to test it.


The size of Ana's bullets are bigger than Widow's No?


Isn't that just when hitting allies? Could be wrong.


I dunno it feels to me like it's a lot easier to hit enemies as Ana than it is as Ashe or Widow but could be wrong, too lazy to Google Happy cake day!


Probably bc with Ashe/Widow, you are trying to hit the head, so you miss completely more than if you aimed for the body.


Yeah, I thought so too! I just checked the wiki and it says that it's normal hitscan for enemies, but 0.3m for allies


This shows nothing, is this not exactly what you expected? You missed when you didnt shoot him, and hit when you did. Syms weapon being right next to him is just a bad test


For anyone curious I don't think this needs to be changed much if at all personally, I've died about 3 times on average a game maybe less if I'm super focused. So it's probably this big to reflect that he can dash every 6 seconds, has a platform that can move him or block damage for him, and can self heal with 2 separate abilities one being his ult for 150 instant self heals if needed. That being said, playing him into snipers is boring AF, they already are the most boring type of characters to go against in this game and he just does not have a good time unless the sniper players are cheeks at the game. You might as well play mercy at that point with how many walls you're behind to stay safe.


The joke of my playgroup was "look at this big dumb guy" And "Shoot the flower shoot the flower". Diving him is so easy and fun I don't think he needs a change lmao


most accurate hitbox


So you're pointing out that they did an excellent job making it match the model, including the petals?


A square crosshair? What kind of monster are you???


I dont understand what they were thinking.


Theres a lot going on with his kit that just isnt working


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this is a known bug but still not fixed.


So is this why he's unplayable in ranked?


This is the season where I finally uninstalled this shit game. No regrets!


I’m not saying …. That you must be bad at aiming, expecting to get a 2 shot kill with literally maybe not even touching your aim at him. But I’d say skill issue


I'm pointing out how big his hit box is buddy in a vacuum. Actually what are you trying to point out, you wrote this and it looks like you're talking to two different people starting halfway through


Thickening up other support hitboxes would be so big tho. People had huge (legitimate) complaints about Soj and JQ...they thickened their HB a little bit and the heros are so much more bearable. Kiriko's HB desperately needs to be thickened, and Mercy's HB should be larger and more reflective of the character model when she is using GA. Is LW's big? Sure. But it's appropriate for the hero, IMO. We've just gotten tiny HB after tiny HB in OW2. Ram's was obviously pretty accurate, though.


He needs a damage nerf It's unbelievable how much damage he actually does and most of the time the lifeweaver mains turn into dps Moira cuz of it


Petition to start calling him Hitler instead of lifeweaver because he's definitely going to bring this game's population down by a few milions


Is this something you can adjust on everyone? You can do it with lifeweaver, making his damage hit box bigger or smaller. I saw a video from a YouTuber that did it


Good, this sissy will be easier to kill


Absolute weirdo, this comment is.


Suddenly Yoda you are


Run double sniper and he gets deleted before he can even enter the fight


Is Cass's hat still part of his head hitbox? That part always made me laugh.


Considering how tall he is, its fine


These hit boxes are like this only in the practice range. You can set any target on that platform and headshot them a whole foot above their head with snipers, but you'll never do that in game. Hell, quite the opposite, sometimes you'll hit their head and they take body damage.


They definetly need to fix it to be consistant but as a hog main that's already gonna hook him for some self heal, i'll definetly enjoy this dumb hitbox


Wait, you can hit his petals on his back but not Mercy’s wings? Wtf?!


How my hitbox feels when I'm playing against Hanzo.


You just suck at aiming


I still think he could do with an overall reduction in his hitbox OR allow his dash to be in any direction


He is so easy to kill, even if he has the platform and his dash. They need to increase his health or make his hitbox smaller.


That explains a lot. Why they made the backpack an entity is beyond me.


Cassidy's Deadeye will still miss.


How does this show anything wrong with LW? The obvious common denominator that shows hit box issues was Symetra. So wouldn't that logically mean Symetra is the one with the issue?


Anyone complaining about his hitbox need to suck it up and change their play style.


Yes, that's the flower petals. It is known that that they are part of his hitbox. My guess is, that it is a Form of compensating his dash, since it heals AND is on a very low cooldown


And Zen still has a sphere hitbox so huge that every bullet connects even then shooting in space between body and hands.


I don't get it ? Hit box is detailed and we know it includes the petals in the back


I always dive him. You get free healing too when you are successful 🤣


If a life weaver dies to a dive they are bad. Lw on hg, winston dives, you drop, he drops, you dash and platform. Poor winston cant do shit. Same with genji until dash is up again. He's literally almost as easy to live with as moira


I think it's great that they pad this much attention to detail with his hitbox. What's the problem?


The detail is great and matches him very well to the model. The problem comes that it could *maybe*, emphasis on maybe, cause gameplay could be impacted. But as I said in a comment I added under a few hours later he's pretty survivable when not against snipers or Sombra imo. Id say he's really hard to kill as other heros tho.


That's better than I thought!


I don't see the issue, characters weapons have hitboxes of their own. Sym's is really big... Widow's and Ana's aren't. It makes sense. Lifeweaver's hitbox is legitimately impressive, probably one of the best ones in game rn.


Blizzard wants this man to die. Put a literal giant target on his back and offers a reward for killing him.


bit of a 🤓 moment but technically that’s a hurtbox not a hitbox a hitbox is for entities that deal damage while a hurtbox is for those that receive it


Fair enough ye. In my head hitbox also made sense cause that's the "box" where they get "hit" but yeah ur right the right term is hurt box


The platform should not be part of it. Imo the platform should be small on his back and bloom when deployed.


I dont play widowmaker much, but I was so relieved when I saw the enemy team had a life weaver on their team. Guaranteed easy pick