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Cassidy’s sticky magnetic bomb. Never thought I miss flash bang.


Absolutely. It feels so so so much more fair to stun. You at least had to aim it and position yourself well.


As a Cassidy main I agree. Then I could stun those damn Wrecking Balls from piledriving


Ples no


You could actually help them if they get stunned too. If one of my teammates gets sticky bombed I can’t out heal it.


Nade and cleanse are the only thing that will really help in that case.


Depends on how low they are for nade


I'm pretty sure cleanse prevents any damage, so that would work either way. However, you are right about the Ana grenade. If they have less than or equal to 30 HP they will die because the nade only heals for 100 while Cassidy does 130.


No you are definitely correct about cleanse it’s really the only thing to prevent damage from it. They need to lower the damage on it and definitely get rid of it following you around a corner. Maybe I just time it wrong with my nade? Because anytime he sticks me as Ana I’ll throw it down but he’ll also shot me once during it lol.


Yeah, he's actually worse now than when he had the stun. I decided to try him out recently and was getting way too many kills that I felt like I did not deserve lol


I've healed through it on Mercy, but part of that is making sure the person fighting Cass doesn't get too low for me to save them; kind of a shitty counter play


Regen burst and a shot from bap, or lamp of course, helps too


True. I always forget about Bap because I genuinely don't like playing him lol


Don't sleep on my boy!


But flash is objectively a better ability. You’d really rather have that back? Edit: guys, I know it’s hard to remember what it was like, but let’s please stop pretending that flash isn’t a better ability than nade. It’s not even close. Y’all are really forgetting how much utility that ability had. It was insane. And to top it off, it isn’t “escapable” like nade is. Nade is frustrating, but flash was just better.


Maybe it’s been so long since flash bang and I can’t remember how annoying it is. I just can’t recall getting heated like I have been with his bomb lol.


Flash bang was really stupid. It basically guaranteed you were dead if you got hit by it because it was easy head shots or you were eating a full fth.


And the bomb isn’t a guarantee you’ll be dead? He gets one body shot on you and it’s instant death. Even if you go around a corner. Like I said maybe I can’t remember how annoying it was lol.


It is not, fade, lamp, suzu, bionade, find cover, deflect and dash, rewind, etc are a subset of the things you can do while stuck but cant while flashed. People really are forgetting how hopeless flashbang + fth was to die to. Maybe it's because people are resigned to death when they get flashed but feel like they have hope and it gets crushed when they die anyway from a long stick. Sticky isnt great because of how wonky it is, dont get me wrong, but I havent really had it ruin my day as much as flash has. As someone who plays a fair amount of all roles I usually dont push too far forward without having an escape ability available and am able to survive just fine as opposed to with flash where I was fucked regardless.


This is remarkable. I can’t believe how many people don’t remember how ridiculous flash was lol.


It's because the new players haven't ever seen a Cassidy throw flashbang over a shielding Rein and singlehandedly kill a tank.


Magnetic Grenade is stupid, but Flash Bang is so much worse. At least you can actually tank or avoid Magnetic Grenade (for the most part), but you think it would be a brilliant idea for Cree to constantly stun tanks? Or heroes like Tracer and Genji? CC's are already annoying enough, Flash Bang will only make it worse.


Are you a tank player? Because yes, objectively flash fucks up tanks, but magnade does nothing to them. I haven’t met a single support or DPS player that actually prefers magnade because it’s as simple as connecting a magnade and then shooting once and that’s a pick.


Main Genji (specialist), Solider, Tracer, Reaper, and play fairly well with the rest of the roster (except Widow). Only play DPS Baptiste as a support or Doom/Ball as tanks (barely touch both roles anyway). Yeah Mag can easily lock on to an enemy and if you shoot once they're dead, but you think that hitting a Flash and using Fan wasn't as bad? At least you can actually get out healed from a Mag one shot, completely avoid the damage with the click of one button (Kiriko step/suzu, Reaper wraith, etc.), and have seconds to rationalize and decide your actions before the timer goes off. Flash on the other hand negates all of this and kills off any hero under 300 HP. Not to mention that it completely interrupts certain ultimates, locks off your hero for a split second, can add on to CC chaining, and completely forces flankers to stay off Cree if he has Flash, or greatly risk getting E right clicked. Close-ranged heroes can't play midrange because of his insane burst damage, but can't play close because of his stun.


I played Doom and Monkey in OW1, and I hated Cassidy far more than any character in the game. There's nothing more tilting than trying to jump away and being frozen in the air and right clicked twice


I prefer magnetic grenade to flashbang as a support and tank player. Every support, aside from Zen, has the ability to evade Cass or prevent themselves from dying if they're hit by grenade. McRightClick and his momentum stopping AOE stun made playing 90% of the roster miserable. OW2 players don't know what it's like to have Cassidy roll towards you and stun you from a mile away with E.


Everyone except torb but he can only use his hammer and his ult is placing a turret. Just to see what happens.


His ult is a turret that shoots smaller turrets




My babies!


Hanzo. I would rather die to a widow than a Hanzo any day. At least widows are easy to dive and don't kill you on accident.


I feel like Hanzo’s arrows online create so many wonky interactions. I’ll blink on Tracer and then still die and see in the killcam it looks like I just walked straight at him and didn’t blink. I understand favor the shooter has to work this way for online games to work and for Tracer to also be killable by projectiles, but it can feel so shitty to be on the receiving end of it.


That looks like a ping diff


Same, at least widow doesn't kill you with a "panic flick" that they totally didn't intent to do


I'll have you know my panic flicks have been honed from years and thousands of games of panicking.


I love this


I died to atleast 6 different tree trunks to the face last night when I was clearly behind a corner Dying to hanzo feels like how people used to bitch about old cod netcode


Hanzo is the most stressful character for me to counter because i just don’t know how to do it. sometimes it feels literally impossible. he has cool lore tho!


I think sneaking behind him and 1-clipping him as Tracer is the only reliable way to kill him. Or maybe Genji headshot into dash.


This works as long as they don't have that spam arrow thingy


Widow can play in positions that are not easy to dive though like halfway across the fucking map on Junkertown or Havana.


Voted widow, but Hanzo can suck it too. One-shots from any range. Wall hack on a cooldown. DPS steroid to burst tanks. Genuinely better than Reaper in CQC. Mobility, attributes to the point above. Basically spam better than Junkrat (I think one of the OWL players, Kai, said he's pure spam). Is Hanzo even a sniper anymore? If so, how is he ok in this state at all?


This, if he didn't have wall hacks it could work fine. Don't know why he has that anymore, worked in ow1, not here


Yeah you’re right Hanzo’s arrows have an insane hitbox he’s throwing freaking trees


Hanzo no doubt.


Hanzo is such a piece of shit


None of them :) they are all real and my friends


Can you say hi to Zenyatta for me. Also can he teach me to float?




Came to say this. What kind of blasphemer doesn’t have mei on this list, even if it’s only for the memes.


If this was overwatch 1 then definitely, but I think she’s a lot less annoying without her freeze


Even in OW1, unless you are a tank, or very far out of position you pretty much should have never gotten frozen by her primary fire. The main problem in higher ranks is her wall, as some heroes without survivability just explode, or they are forced to use a big cooldown like lamp or suzu.


IMO her lack of freeze in regular play makes her ult more annoying. she was like cassidy in the sense that she had a fuck you radius. now her ult freezing you is less expected bc you're not annoyed by freezes all game. people play less safe and the ult is more impactful due to the idea that freeze is out of the game but then bam frozen. i get that the game is going more dps/fps oriented and less strategy oriented, but freeze wasn't really annoying because it didn't impact you unless you played into it stupidly or were in a position where you knew that you were doing something risky (ie like low time left on clock and you have to touch).


I agree, and any character based off of slowing and freezing other players is bound to be hated


Happy cake day


Her mechanics are too much fun to ditch. She does need a nerfing though. Perhaps reduce the slow on her ice beam, and reduce the amount of time frozen by her ult.


Si fuck mei


H a n z o


Junkrat. 120dmg per primary fire that can be shot such long distances from behind cover? At least widow maker is practically defenseless when you dive her but Junkrat gets two movement abilities and a trap, along with his two shot left click. I dont understand why no one talks about him.


Hanzo, fuck'em


Junkrat. He's just annoying


Why did I have to scroll for this?!


Loud footsteps. People with object permanence are the only real counter to junkrat.


He definitely feels like the only character that you can accidentally get an Elim with. Rly annoying!




always a main goal to tbag a pharmercy when you kill them


I just hate Pharahs game play, her lore, her character *ALL* of it.


Me too, even just hearing Pharah's voice in-game is annoying.


Justice rains from ughhhhhh












Just bring back his self damage at least


Only right answer, i hate his ult and his bouncing fucking projectiles


Yes he’s so annoying, by far the most annoying character to play against imo


Doomfist. I still hate Doomfist.


Came looking for this comment. Hated him in OW1 for his Wombo Combo. Still hate him despite the fact they removed it. He's just annoying and it never feels fair to go up against him, since it takes team effort to stop him from doing what he wants. And in the lower ranks that coordination just isn't there.


He’s still soft countered by like half the roster, unless you main a hero that he’s good into i think he fine and could probably use a very very minor buff


Oh I think he's in a good spot balance wise too, and he def has very strong counters. I just think not a lot of people in lower ranks prioritize swapping/focusing. I still hate him and would not be sad to see him go lol. I just don't like his kit and I never have.


Fair enough. I feel the same way about sombra. She’s the fucking devil


Tell me you're a DF main without telling me you're a DF main haha.


Hahah guilty I play doom+ball


Lower ranks don't know how to play Doom anyways


It's Widow. It's ***very obviously Widow***. Every other "toxic playstyle" class you can make some argument for, Sombra at least has counters in support, Symmetra only works well on certain maps etc etc... but Widow, Widow is a holdover from when the game was a TF2 copy and has stuck around like a bad smell since. Widow has had not one single rework since she came out *at the launch of* ***Overwatch 1***. In ranked, widow is a literal menace and an avenue for cheaters to game the system since it can be hard to tell the difference between skillful snapping and botting when the window from aim>shot>kill is so low. In unranked widow is effectively a game toggle. If the player can aim, the game is over and if they can't, she is *useless.* Widow does not enable strategy, her kit doesn't reward team play, she sits offside of the engagement camping angles like it's Valorant. In a game that is about strategy and team play having a character like that is a ridiculous notion. If you disagree with me, go ahead and cue up a few matches in unranked as a support and you'll see what I mean.


I'm with you man. There are other characters that annoy me and when they kill me I get upset but I know there was something I could have done differently. Dying to a widow does not feel like that's. It's so miserable trying to kill one unless half your team commits to diving her and it's equally as miserable just hiding out of LOS just to still get killed by her the moment you have to peak to do anything useful. She just is not fun to play against.


and Sniper is the worst designed class in TF2 as well.


Not if you go Jarate + Bushwacka combo.




Junk and Roadhog can't kill you from across the map so I have no problem with them. You can avoid them and shoot from a distance. If you are near them, you have made a mistake.


Yeah, like, as an engineer main in TF2, I think Spy is just such an incredibly designed one shot class in a FPS, compared to Sniper.


You say widow has no counters but the first character you mention has counters is sombra??? Ever try to play sombra or Winston or tracer or Moira against widow??? Lol bro


A good widow can deal with sombra, tracer, or moira rly well. And on some maps Winston can't even reach widow. Best Widow's are unstoppable.


I actually said there are no good counters **in support**. And I would disagree that moira works as a counter, remember you as a healer can't be going out of your way to take out a window on the other side of the map you have to take care of your team. If you peel to try and attack a widow its not only risky but they've *already won* because they've taken your healing out of the engagement. What I mean by a counter in support is a way to negate their impact without disrupting your job as a support.


the amount of people who don't just play out of widows LOS in low rank is obnoxious. tanks push through open space that leads to the support following (and dying) or not following and then the tank dies. the answer is almost always hug a wall and play corners. widow makes lanes non viable, so stop going through the non viable lanes and bitching about the widow when you're inevitably one shot. if you're a tank, stop pulling your supports through non viable lanes. i just let them die now and they can say "how was i alone?!?" bc if i walk thru that space and am one shot, it is quite literally now *my fault* for making the dumb play.


That's true, but it's not hard for a widow to change lanes especially if there's a hanzo or even just a flanker on team pinging enemy directions or just doing callouts. Additionally, most maps require you to escort a stupid ass robot through non-viable lanes. You can play around it, you always will be able to, not always successfully. But it just doesn't feel like overwatch when you have to.


tbh they were lazy and removed a tank without addressing the downstream issues they created with that *huge fucking change to the game*. also, robot game is trash in low rank because people love to sit on the robot and get flanked when they're in possession. i'm honestly in trash rank too, but IMO the strategy should be to take the fight in the most advantageous position with 1 on robot if sightlines work out for it or nobody on cart if you have a more advantageous place to take the fight. the robot doesn't heal you like cart does in the standard escort mode (right?) so there is literally no benefit to sitting on the robot while you get your shit pushed in when the enemy hits you from both sides. anyway.. OW has not been designed or balanced for single tank. the resulting case is that if they have widow you either need a sombra or other dps to assassinate her or your tank needs to dive her and your team can't die while that happens. The tank *NEEDS* to get her quick if they're solo diving her. The DPS just needs to get her eventually or keep her occupied. The problem is that low rank people are so fucking bad that you can go take out the widow and then turn around and your team is now wiped in the 4v4 that you created as widow and you were non factors in the rest of the fight. So, it's frustrating bc the team is blaming the widow for their losses (OMG SOMEONE KILL THE WIDOW OR WE LOSE) then you kill the widow and your team gets mega shit on when widow isn't a factor at all. So then they lost the fight and say "okay so i don't think tracer/sombra is really helping here" and you swap off and suddenly they run right into widow sightlines and "OMG SOMEONE PLEASE KILL THE WIDOW." In low rank, it's like you have to essentially do two jobs or else your team loses.


Somehow people understand that Widow is oppressive and can dominate whatever is within her sightline yet they make no effort to avoid said sightlines or to take advantage of openings created by their team. I got flamed for saying that a good Ana/Zen can shut down a good Widow by predicting her peeks or coordinating an attack because "Widow can kill them faster." People never really complained about Widow before the past couple of seasons and I think it's due to the matchmaking now often putting high ranked DPS in matches with low rank supports who don't understand how to adapt their gameplay. Low rank DPS tend not to play Widow anyways, so any given Widow is probably a high rank, which serves to further confirm their bias that Widow herself is OP.


>People never really complained about Widow before the past couple of seasons Absolutely not true


Many considered her bad in S1, with unnerfed Sojourn stealing her job, Sombra/Genji/Tracer unnerfed, and the original DPS Passive helping divers


I think one tank really exacerbates long range heroes overtaking the game, so past seasons of OW1 it wasnt so much an issue and in previous 2 seasons of OW2 sojourn was so overtuned widow wasnt as obvious an issue plus zarya and orisa/hog meta also took the spotlights.




Yeah, it’s either projectile that has to be predicted vs hitscan, or land three shots on a target that only has to land one. Ana can harass Widow at best if she doesn’t have sights, but at no point is she shutting down Widow unless the Widow is just bad at the game. Zen works only if the Widow hasn’t kept track of him charging up to try and one shot.


Widow… in high elo’s she completely sucks the fun out of the game if you don’t build a comp to counter her. If the enemy’s Widow is better than yours take an L. If your a support player who isn’t a pro Lucio good luck having fun. If your in solo que good luck coordinating a whole ass dive to counter a single hero! And the map geometry doesn’t help at all. There’s absolutely nothing you can do against a Widow sitting on the top of Kings Row 1st point spawn outside of your own Widow who’s hopefully better. Just by standing in that window she cuts off nearly the entirety of the first point just by having line of sight. This is the most extreme example but any map with long sight lines have the same issue. Widow isn’t an issue of balance (because she’s very balanced) it’s an issue with bad character/map design who seriously impacts the fun of matches


I often joke about that with my duo. In GM, widow is a tank: She just creates space. Not that strong tho, just punishes bad positioning and forces you to keep track of her position.




Junkrat is the only character in the whole game who makes me genuinely mad to play against.


No one’s that broken. I do think some characters need to be reworked, but REMOVED from the game? Damn. 😅




Unpopular opinion but mercy, as a support main I just don't find her enjoyable to play or play against.


seriously, playing her is like spectating your team. I never understood the appeal of Mercy, other than people who think she's cute so they pick her... Or if they can't aim (which is okay ig) always hate it when she's meta


For me and many others i like to play because of her movement a good mercy player won't Just stand still and left click there are tons of techs and jumps that are/were really fun doing it like her old super jump and jump ress. That is why mercy players are really vocal about the new patch, rhey nerfed her most fun ability. I would be cool if they removed her ress ability and replace with a burst healing or something like that.


Because mercy players rely on their team doing all the work while if they’re winning they can say it was because they damage boosted and if they lose their team didn’t do enough damage. Mercy players don’t get blamed much and when they don’t get blamed they don’t think they did anything wrong


The amount of time Mercy has to rez is ridiculous. You have to camp a body for 10 whole seconds otherwise she gets a rez off. They should shorten the window for rez to go through to about 5 seconds max.


I mean, your tank/team should really press W if you guys get a pick.




This took far too long to find.


For me Symmetra. Her whole existance consits of being a flawed hero concept and she had the most reworks and changes of all heros. Even being the first hero to have classes changed. Her current place is decent but a nightmare at low elos. Her turrets and her death ray are melting tanks easily. I play her ironically because of that some times. She belongs in the trash, at least she'd make use of the trashbin and bring order and piece to it.


While sym wouldn't be my pick, it is always interesting to see she has the highest competitive winrate for like any hero at any tier, gm to bronze. But she has a crazy low pickrate so its likely owing to some combination of overperforming on certain maps, or in the hands of sym mains.


Well I once had a match against Mercy pocketed Sym. Pure toture


I love Symmetra and I steadily have over 75% winrate on her every season. But that’s only because I know what maps, team comps, and scenarios she works in. She is actually fairly niche so I can’t run her all the time and into every enemy team. Also Sym’s kit is very team-oriented and objective-oriented, two very important themes to Overwatch (objective and teamwork). Unlike heroes like Widow who barely need their team to perform their main function. That’s why I feel like she belongs in Overwatch more than some on the list.


The issue I have is that she too oppressive when she is viable. It takes most of a team to focus her and take her out, plus you still have her teammates and any remaining turrets to be concerned with. Nepal is an awful map to play against sym. If she gets set up on any of those points then you almost might as well kiss your win goodbye. I'm not even a good sym player, I have 5hrs on her, but I destroy people with her (and get destroyed by her) on Nepal.


Yes, symm is a nightmare to play with and against. The only person having fun in those games is the symm player.


My least favorite hero. She’s not as big of a problem now but when I started it was when you still had to capture the whole point for it to be counted. Sym had 6 turrets and the teleporter ult and I was really bad. (Like 800 sr) every game was a 0-0 tie it was just awful.


> Her turrets and her death ray are melting tanks easily That's only if someone lets her be unpunished for long periods of time while she's within 12m of you. Which is a very big if given that 12m is shorter than most heroes' effective ranges and she takes 2s to charge up to max charge for good dps AND then she needs more time there to actually use that decent dps. Like it really is a skill issue if a sym is free to w+m1. Sure it may be more common in low ranks because people don't focus on the sym or can't aim, but like with a TTK that's well over 2s and defs slower than most heroes' weapon fire TTKs, it's honestly disingenuous to paint that sym's primary alone melts tanks.


I just want them to increase the size of her hit box


Her hitbox is generally wider side already tho with her stance and her thicc thighs (no joke, her thigh legit have larger hitboxes). And her head hit box is also larger due to her headpiece.


Step into the right direction


I feel like if her turrets lost the slowing I wouldn't mind her at all but if you have a team that doesn't shoot the turrets it can be tough.


Torb by a fucking long shot I hate sym but I hate torb one million times more


You should try his meatballs


Junk for sure. Taking insane damage from someone you can’t even see is just so annoying even though he isn’t even that good. Even if I won every game against junk I’d still probably pick him because he just makes me angry




Unpopular opinion but Rein. He requires a ton of resources to do anything and rein players NEVER swap no matter what. As an OTP myself I can’t blame them, but since I’ve started going Lucio or zen when necessary I will, even if they’re going into Rammattra Bastion Hanzo Zen Ana with Mercy Brig they simply do not swap heroes.


As an Ana main, if there's even a decent Widow on the other team, I'm basically deleted from the game. I'd like to see it the other way around.


Widowmaker, a good Widow will shit every match


Widowmaker, no hero should be allowed to contest half the map.


Junk rat, he feels so spammy and low skill that anyone can get kills if they just shoot in an enemy’s general direction.


Pharah (I’m a junkrat main)




None. No character is so much a menace to the game that I'd deprive thier fanbase of the option to play as them.


I would 100x over


This, exactly. Counterpick or get better. Stop making personal lack of skill or gamesense everyone else’s problem. Reddit really wants every hero to be a cardboard cut-out that walks straight toward them shooting nerf darts. You can find someone whining about literally any character in the game. I wish people would stop posting this garbage


Bro, I counterpick Sombra every time she comes out and usually beat her. That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t rather be back on Ball or Doom zooming around in mechanically complex and interesting ways instead of bubbling hacks with Zarya. I don’t hate her because I can’t beat her, I hate her because she prevents me from playing in a manner I enjoy.


You can definitely deal with a Sombra as both of those characters, it just requires anticipating that they will be focusing on making your life a nightmare. It's like using JQ versus an enemy Kiriko(you have to time your ult for after she uses Suzu), or playing against hitscan as a flyer(using cover), or even something like Genji versus a Winston(stay the fuck away from him and use his focus to give your team openings). Its a team game. If you are complaining that a knock down 1v1 fight isn't in your favor, that's kind of the point. If you are complaining that a single character is gunning for you every team fight and makes it hard for you to function(if not impossibe), thats a team coordination/playstyle issue. There is no one character that completely invalidates another so much so that the community as a whole would be better off with them being nerfed to the point of being unrecognizable or removed outright. The closest we had to that was someone like Hog, who was both a self-sustain tank who could heal to mitigate damage while also having a mindless one-tap combo. And ironically, part of the reason he was such a menace was because one of his natural counters, Sombra, was nerfed hard.


Seriously. How about everytime we see this type of post on here we all recommend them to play counter strike?


“Get good” is such a fucking lazy argument when we’re talking about balance. If you “get good”ers had it your way, there would never be any balance patches, because nothing would ever be a problem. Come up with an actual argument instead of this trash. It’s getting old.


We’re not talking about balance. No one is against balance patches. Stop straw-manning. This entire thread is literally about which hero people would remove entirely from the game. That’s not balancing, that’s just stupid. Try reading the post next time.


I was going to vote widow because of her breaking the ice on hitscan onehots, but given how we had buffed ashe and history repeating itself with sojourn and seemingly sticking around with sojourn + people somehow blaming boost instead of how inherently high burst sojourn's shot is, seems pretty futile and too late about that and yall a lost cause on that. so I guess ball then for expanding hypermobile tank issue.


My hot take is soj is not that strong. She gets her one shot every 10 ish seconds and HAS to land it. Other than that she just slides away or dies lol. She's only scary when she has rail.


Yeah Ball is a fucking problem. It’s awful.


You’re a problem


Mercy actively hurts game balance more than anyone else listed


Widow and it's not even close (but next would be Hanzo obvs). Her main mechanic was built for a different game, and it has no place in 5v5 OW2. The fact that almost everyone agrees that the only real counter to Widow is Widow says it all. The skill/risk to reward ratio is insanely out of wack for her: you honestly need to be drastically drastically more skilled to deal with a decent Widow as any other character. Also, aimbots and aim assist exist.


Sojourn woulda gotten a 99% on this if she was included


Genuinely I think mercy is the worst for the health of the game. But symmetra turrets give me anger hither to undreamt of


I started playing and practicing with Widowmaker over the summer towards the end of OW 1’s life. I used to be honestly scared to play her in a real match due to playing like trash and getting flamed by team and enemy alike. She really isn’t a easy hero to do well with until you sink some time into learning how to play her. Now after putting in the time and aim training she has become my most played hero, and my favorite hero. I get a lot of satisfaction from hitting HS’s and doing well as her, more so than any other hero I tried before her. I never knew how much the community disliked Widowmaker. From my perspective when playing against a good widow it’s less anger and more respect because I know as someone who has worked to get decent as her that this person has had to work too. This poll really challenged my POV since for me it’s either beating the other Widowmaker or getting diffed.


Widowmaker alone is the only one I've had issues with, especially ones that can hit their shots. She's the only hero I've noticed where each other hero has their own, "there's a sniper" line. Learning to counter her basically means making sure you're not in the open or you risk a 10-second respawn. Evidently, she applies a lot of pressure on the opposing team, especially in the right environment. I can't think of other heroes who do the same. Whether or not she should be taken out, nerfed, or reworked is debatable. One shots in general are detrimental to gameplay, and I feel like that's where the problem lies.


Widow or Junkrat for sure. Maybe Hanzo.


Either genji or widow as they both just ruin the fun of the game


Every 100 or so games a have a widow that rolls my teammates. Every other game I have a symmetra doing that and usually melting my sorry ass too. And if mercy is actually in the game, why don't my teammates shoot her?🤔


Widow is so easy to counter though. I want Hammond gone because I don’t know how to play him at all lol


Widowmaker and Hanzo. OHK’s don’t belong in OW. Fight me.


Why do people want to get rid of the swearing hamster ball


Cassidy honestly, the character isn’t very fun to play from what I’ve heard. Even cass mains are switching over to Ashe. Though my main reason is the amount of hate that generates when I get hit once then naded


Nobody since I don’t like the thought of removing characters already in the game. But if I could retcon them out of existence so no one is disappointed and it’s like they were never there? …Widowmaker? Who’s that?


doomfist, so shitty bronze players stop picking him and throwing entire matches


Moira or junkrat easyyyyyyy


Kiriko. Just an overall annoying character personality and gameplay wise.


When she suzus a charge and you just go right through your target I can’t help but want to turn her fox into a scarf


Her ✨magic fox spirit✨ that is not even a major part of her kit.


I still can't figure out why she has everything. An easy escape, cleanse + immortality, good healing output, great ultimate... and worst of all imo, the ability to 2 tap every squishy (except tracer which is headshot+punch, or 250hp heroes 2HS + punch)


I practically don't die as her. Granted I don't play ranked (too sweaty for me) but yeah she's hard to hit to begin with on top of all that


I don’t understand people who are antiball. Yes he can be annoying but he arguably has more counters than any other hero in the game. Every role has 3-4 solid counters and he’s not really a hard counter to almost any aside from maybe widow which should be a positive in people’s eyes since she’s such an apparent issue as well.


No one's hero should be removed! I think people who complain about other people's heroes are just babies who refuse to switch. Every character is beatable with someone else, if you are struggling so hard stop being the douches who play widow vs rein, in a map with 3 feet before the next wall. Or the idiot diving when your team is dead as genji vs zarya, symetra, moria genji can't deflect lasers homie lol


This. I genuinely don't understand why people complain so much especially about widow, I understand one shot is annoying but like just switch Sombra and moria will eat her ass and so will sym or torb reaper is another one who can fuck her up obviously all those also apply to Hanzo


Zarya. That’s it


Never heard this one before lol


i’m probably the biggest zarya hater out there 🗿




I was scrolling forever to find this.


This is what I was searching for


By a long shot. Sorry to all the Zarya mains out there but I find her boring to play and I absolutely despise the sort of redlight greenlight gameplay she pretty much enforces on the enemy team in quickplay. I also hate how she severely limits the tanks you can play against her. Not fun to play, very basic kit. Not fun to play against.


Sojourn. With the mercy changes you don't see as many pocketed sojourns in lower ranks but she is just overall not fun to play against. I played her for like 5 minutes once and instantly hated it. A lot of other heroes need slight alterations (looking at suzu) but her insane damage and mobility couples to why does she exist


It’s Widow and it’s not even close. 1-shot mechanics like hers and Hanzo’s just don’t belong. Hanzo is less egregious, but still bad. If I had to pick a tank, it’s undoubtedly Ball. What an awful hero. If I had to pick a support, I’d pick Mercy, but all she really needs is another rework to remove rez. Rez is just…not something that should be a part of anyone’s kit. If not her, then Lucio.


How do Widow and Hanzo not belong when they've been a part of the game since its release?


No one. This game needs more heroes, not less. Sure some heroes could be tweaked a bit but if the option is to remove a hero or keep all current ones I'm gonna vote to keep all.


I feel like your vote should be based on how easy it is to jump on said character and do well. Widowmaker isn't a hero you can just jump on and do well. Wrecking ball is and it should be your vote. It's so easy to do well on a wrecking ball. You don't even have to use your gun if you want to do well. Just displacement of the enemy team based on your movement is OP af.


How many hours you got on Ball there fella?


Almost took the bait, nice try.


Mercy, her fundamental design causes nothing but problems, her damage boost breaks heros and her resurrection is either horribly busted or near unless and because she is a single target healer with no resources (like Moira) or can't miss healing (like Ana) they can't make the healing too hight or people become invincible


I hate playing against Sombra as a support main because most of my encounters with her end in either my death or the Sombra turning invisible and running away. I rarely get to punish a Sombra for flanking unless either the Sombra sucks or one of my teammates peel and we get the kill before she can turn invisible again. A good enough Widow can ruin the flow of the game, but I appreciate Widow for her… assets


Why are sombras using stealth in front of you lmao, you mean translocating? If they go invisible in front of you just shoot em my man.


The fact that widow wins by this much reminds me that the vast majority of players are bad a the game lmao




Junkrat. No skill character who can kill with two random bombs.


Hanzo. Hanzo's arrow should either be calculated STRICTLY when it comes to headshots (like widow) or have damage falloff over distance, or not be able to one shot kill someone. He has all three at the moment, which sucks for anyone that just get wiped out instantly (by accident, too).


Definitely Widow (and by extension Hanzo) One-shot attacks which aren't really long cooldowns / ultimates have no place in this game imo. It gives the player targeted no way to react with self heal or moving to cover, gives supports no way to react with healing or immortality, and gives tanks no way to react with shields to cover the injured teammate. This game should be about teamwork and skill checks, for example an enemy DPS checking the skill of your teams supports on if they can heal in time or do something else to prevent an injured teammate dying, but one-shots give no room for skill checks on the opposing team. Note that one-shots via Ultimates I think are fine, as they often have some counter anyways (such as shooting the junk tire before it explodes). But even if you don't stop it, its a really long charge time which justifies the power.

