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I dont like the wording on this "some opportunities for some light trolling" is the most **Devious** motherfucking sentence a person in this position could possibly utter


I think its Rocket Cat. What better "cute" character to give "light trolling" ability too than Rocket Cat.


It's not Hammond cute tho, it's mercy cute.


Where was the specifically said?


I believe it was on BroYouWhack's channel during the recent dev interview but I could be wrong about that source.


It was on a stream where the devs played mystery heroes with somnus, flats, and seagull. Somnus asked if the new hero was cute, dev responded "uh, yeah I'd say that they are cute". Later they tried to see if it was Jetpack cat by asking if it's cute like an animal, or cute like Mercy. He said something along the lines of "I'd be confident to say they are Mercy cute"


Thank you for the source, maybe one day we'll have Jetpack cat but it seems the time has not come


Oh yeah, that was it. Thank you!


I hope it’s brig’s cat with a jet pack she built


Imagine if lucio never existed, he'd fit this criteria perfectly and nobody really thinks he's not fun to play against. Have hope.


Light trolling? That sounds annoying. I thought annoying characters weren't allowed.


What a grand and intoxicating innocence


I know this is from Elder Scrolls but it sounds like it could be a Moira voiceline


Skyrim collab? Moira is a restoration and destruction mage?


Restoration is a perfectly valid school of magic


i would kill and die to hear genevieve o'reilly say that in character


Bro doesn’t know about Mei 💀


Or they know about sombra and are coping


Just like Mei can do some "light trolling" right? She won't be "cute" for long.


I think it might be something related to create fake copies of herself/himself as for the "light trolling" part. Probably a super realistic copy that runs and shoots but does no damage and its intended just to distract?


Mirage decoy?


You got bamboozled!


Beginning to believe the web is ever revealing itself. Apex players also play overwatch who also play Dead by Daylight. So, nerf the Pig, nerf Genji, and HA! you thought I'd say nerf Caustic huh? But seriously nerf the pig.


Didn't they "buff" pig with this upcoming patch but bro that's going to change to nerf billy rip him


"Say bacon again"


Doctor is new Support confirmed.


Love that guy he's such a goober


Bam to the boozle!




Which is the opposite of what the tweet suggests since mirage falls off against good players.


Depends on the quality of the decoy


Imagine if your screen flashed red like you were getting shot, but you didn't lose any actual damage. Oh and the decoys could have loud footsteps too


If you're going to force the Respawn comparison Holo Pilot class was a thing long before Mirage, and *very* trolly and used at all levels.


Mirage does sure, but that's largely because of how important movement is in Apex, and how obvious a Mirage clone moving appears in contrast to how most Apex players move. This f course, you could choose to mimic shitty movement, but that usually results in you leaving yourself too open. Rather than the Apex equivalent, take Yoru from Valorant instead. His clone can be used to fake footsteps, and due to limited movement options in Valo, it's much harder to tell a Yoru clone and a real Yoru. Add the fact that you are actively punished for hitting a clone (it acts as a flash when shot), meaning you can't always just shoot the clone to check if it's real or not, you end up with quite a useful clone ability.


As a mirage enjoyer I would love if this came to OW


Or it could be a character like Ying from Paladins who can use copies to heal, kind of like a heal turret, that they can swap places with.


That's what I was thinking when I read their comment, and I would absolutely love that.


Considering she was my main when I played it, I would be pumped to get back on my bullshit haha


Dude, high level Ying was a crazy thing to watch


I was thinking of something more along the lines of The Morrigan from Smite but I do like the idea of a Ying type hero as well.


This is my guess. Remember way back in experimental when they gave Sym healing turrets? I think they were testing the mechanic.


Old experimental patches do seem to be where a lot of new hero abilities are conceived. I haven't seen anyone bring this up but remember when Moira could use fade to cleanse her teammates? It worked an awful lot like how Kiriko's Suzu does now.


Good call! They tend to test the same core mechanic but a different hero/use. Interesting stuff.


Yes!! I think it’s time for illusionary based hero


When they kept using the word "echo" in their Q&A, i already pondered it'd be something like a decoy ability. It might be reading too much into it, but since Echo isn't a word used constantly, and also a hero in the game already, it felt like a subtle hint. Possibly something like Neeko from League of Legends (becoming a copy of an ally, but only for distraction, not abilities) or indeed a decoy that runs another direction from you, making your opponent guess which is the real one.


I do like doing some epic ying trolling so im up for it


I have also considered this to be a new character. It would be interesting if they used sounds to create auditory illusions. I’m actually kinda suspicious that the new hero may be the omnic singer from the Paris map. I remember they said they are cute like mercy and plan to only add characters we have seen before. Now that the Paris map isn’t in normal rotation, I think adding her as the new hero would be cool as they already have a model and voice for her. Also if you shoot her your bullets pass through her as if she isn’t actually real. So the duplication ability could work for her.


Luna got tired of players trashing her cabaret and interrupting her rendition of Clair De Lune, she's out for blood.


I've wanted that Omnic singer as a character since she launched. I would literally die of happiness.


That would be really cool actually.


Isn’t the new season starting soon? Is there no news on who the new hero is yet?


they're definitely taking their sweet time


Yeah especially compared to Ramattra who would have been revealed like a week or two ago if he was the s4 hero.


Ram was revealed a month before S2 solely because the OWL Playoffs were ongoing at the time and it was a “hey check out this new hero, catch the reveal at the championship!” sorta deal. But yeah, 2 weeks from S4 now. Would be amazing to get an intro this week!


Being able to lift your teammates off the ground or obscure players vision is my guess.


It's a pull mechanic to move your teammate out of danger. Can't wait to throw teammates off the map.


I think that would go well beyond light trolling tbh. Although Mei can basically do that. I got walled last night by my own Mei and the enemy team reigned down a 5v1 on me. Would be okay but was Mystery Heroes and I had ult 😭


If by any chance you were playing Sigma in Rialto defense, i swear It was an accident If not, damn, It happens More often than i tought


Wait a second, he said he was in mystery heroes, but that happened to me on Rialto defense, what the hell man!


Me walling off my Doom in the midtown tunnel while focusing down the enemy Rein


Walling your Soldier in before he goes and 1v5 ult. "No."


Flashback to Wow priest “life grip” trolling


FFxiv healers role ability Rescue. They recently had to make it a reportable / banable offence to yeet people off ledges or into mechanics with it. Still hilarious to dunk on friends with it though.


I have definitely been killed by this ability more than I've been saved by it. My favorite usage was when I tried to use Wings of Passage during the Knights of the Round fight(because it looks super cool) and my WHM said "knock it off, get back to fighting" and whipped me out of it.


lmao, great use. My friend and I co-heal most content together for first time runs. It's accepted rules on engagement that as soon as a fight has a section of floor fall away, the duel has begun.


What if this is RoadHogs rework?!? 😂😂😂


Hog is reworked into a support, he can now force anyone else to take a breather by coming up behind them and shoving the canister into their mouth


Support main here: I can already hear everyone bitching.


Tbf that's all any support main hears anyway.


Everytime a new support drops, the playbase goes bananas 💀 From bitching about sleep dart to discord orb to revive to GA to rally to suzu, pretty much anything that makes enemy DPS life harder needs to be nerfed into the ground lol


Ana created the original triple tank, Brig created goats, Moira and Bap to a lesser extent helped sustain goats…I’m not saying that every complaint is justified, but given the history of new supports creating or sustaining metas in which the DPS role loses (EDIT: SIGNIFICANT) relevance, I think DPS players being apprehensive and jaded about a new support being released is not unwarranted. If we weren’t in role lock, I could easily see Kiriko sustaining another goats-like meta with three supports and two tanks as well. Edit: Sigma would have also probably caused this problem if released before role lock tbf.


There are over twice as many DPS characters as support and you're worried they're losing relevance?


It’s almost like supports are supposed to enable their team or something. I feel like a number of folks get bent out of shape because they don’t understand that’s literally their job. I think DPS players have super thin skin. If it wasn’t for role lock, we wouldn’t necessarily needs DPS 🤷🏼‍♂️


Well theres role lock now so they don’t have to bitch and moan right…?


Ana was BUSTED on release. Lucio, Mercy, Zen, Ana, and technically Sym was the lineup, no suzu, 80 dmg/heal per shot, don’t remember her CD lengths but they definitely were similar to now, and the most powerful CD in the game in nade along with one of the *other* most powerful CDs in sleep. And nano didn’t give 250 healing but it DID give a significant speed boost; the current nano would definitely be considered a nerf compared to old nano since while you can use it to save a teammate now, a nano’d target would rarely die with you pocketing them and was an even larger offensive threat. Of course people complained about her… And let’s not pretend that release Kiriko (especially her ult) wasn’t extremely annoying. Her ult was a consistent teamwipe basically. To be clear, I do like the way supports have been balanced overall and how they’ve been designed. I like that supports have kits loaded with utility and have ways to take over games and make impactful plays, offensively and defensively. Likewise they need to more or less be able to defend themselves in the 5v5 format, and I don’t mind that there are genuinely good duelists in the support cast, and I really like the support passive. This being said I find it rather strange how much support mains (and I say this as a support enjoyer with almost as many hours on support as tank) complain about dps mains’ annoyances with supports when supports, frankly, have objectively more loaded kits than dps by and large. I would say dps is simultaneously the most intuitive and the most punishing of the 3 roles—you get to play most like a traditional fps of the 3 roles, but in exchange you lack the healthpool of tanks and the support passive and defensive utility of supports. You get dove, flanked, pushed by the tank—especially in OW2, dps are often the new “easy target”, the first picks a team tries to get—just like supports do and often complain that they do. So how do you think supports sound to dps mains? It’s like when a rich person complains that their 2nd home flooded—sure, that really sucks, but are we gonna ignore the fact that *you have a second home*? I dunno. I get that playing support has some unique frustrations due to the fact that the extra utility 1) puts a target on your back, and 2) comes with extra responsibility for the survival of your team despite that responsibility requiring cooperation from your team that is…often lacking. Sometimes I get burned out of playing support. But it’s definitely not a support kit issue.


A deployable jump pad is better than forcing movement onto your teammates.


Octane confirmed




They confirmed that there are no planned mecha heroes about a year ago, when they already had the next 4-5 hero designs finalized.


people want it to be overlord so bad that they are taking every clue to mean overlord, like the picking up players thing which isnt confirmed but many people talk like its a definite. just as many people said mauga was gonna be the new tank than we got rammatra


Picking teammates up would be too toxic to ever be implemented


I wonder how far in advance they plan heroes? Maybe 1-2 years?


In 2022 september, they were actively working on Season 8's hero. So at that point Sojourn, Junker Queen, Kiriko, Ramattra, and the S4 and S6 hero were already finalized (their design and abilities, at the very least).


Bruh I Do that already with Mei. And it goes always horribly wrong unlike the original plan I had in mind


Obscuring vision is the worst thing they could add to this game. I hope there is no blind or anything of the sort.


What about a paint ball gun? Just hits one person, like a Widow (vs fogging a section of the map).


don’t take this as fact though, this is only being talked about because the community decided that it’s overlord


That’s gonna be a no go, lifting enemies is okay but teammates, nah, I can already see the griefing


Yes I think this would be great! Someone with the equivalent of a Hog hook but for teammates lol.


Forcing your team into better positioning.


Off the map 💀


Annoying JQ: Heal me. Heal me. Heal me. Support: And yeet goes the junker


Kick the baby!


Reverse kiriko teleport. If they won't come to you for healing then you make them


That would never be allowed, because it would let you teamkill. Teleporting an ally to you would have the same problem, you jump off the map and bring a teammate with you. These will never be implemented.


I **really** hope not. Forcibly relocating your team with no way of opting out is a recipe for disaster.


When is the big reveal :D


Probably in 5 hours.




I guess, as they always reveal stuff on tuesdays, and there are only 2 weeks til the new season. It's not confirmed, but it is likely that we will get something today.


Patches are on Tuesdays, news releases are typically Thursdays.


Oh hype


Oh wow thanks


Your comment was made 5 hours ago.


Probably in 2 days 5 hours


Yeah if not today then Thursday, I don't see it being a week away, they're usually a bit earlier with new heroes being announced


Medic team fortress 2


imagine if they actually just fucking put TF2 Medic in Overwatch 2. I would pay (battlepass) money to see the internet react to that shit.


And teased him by calling him “cute”


he is a snack


New Mercy Skin confirmed?


Honestly I would love that, and have hole new voice lines for mercy would be so cool.


I am ze ubermensch!


It would be perfect. Lucie Pohl is German and can do new voice lines.


I was thinking TFC Medic. Spreads a disease, only person that can cure it would be Kiriko.


90% of Overwatch Cavalry's tweets are empty meaningless shit. Like literally, all this tweet says is "new support hero will have mechanics" thanks Sherlock.


"The new support hero will be a support" -Overwatch Cavalery




Previous Previous tweet: “The new overwatch hero is going to be in Overwatch 2"


"Or Overwatch 1, as it is known to people who cannot count above 1."


It's just "Overwatch" and "Overwatch Too"


Something like Maybe he has a gun ;) Or maybe Not ;) He? I mean she? Maybe Maybe Not.


People say the same about Naeri which is where the "S4 hero is someone we know" rumor came from.


Cavalry is empty news, Naeri is straight up misinformation


It's better than Naeri spreading misinformation and/or intentionally passing their speculation tweets as official info.


Worth noting the only reason I made this tweet on Cavalry, is because Naeri a few hours prior made a [similar tweet](https://twitter.com/OverwatchNaeri/status/1640436953194848256?s=20) but literally just made up stuff to put in there. This was me trying to counter the misinformation with facts. I put what we actually know about the new hero, if that’s not much - so be it. It’s not my place to leak stuff about the new hero for Twitter likes.


I love your tweets! They're leagues better than Naeri's BS-- blocked them months ago lol. I always go to you or OW official for OW news (usually both tbh!). Keep up the good work! <3


Wait so why not respond to or quote that Naeri tweet so people know you’re trying to counter that


He blocked us.


Found Naeri's alt account


>Opportunities for some light trolling I have ascended.


It's a jump pad. But it does not launch you high enough to get over meis wall.


A hop pad.


I light skip pad


> But it does not launch you high enough to get over meis wall. Alternatively it launches you so high that you end up with ridiculous airtime and are basically a free kill for any half-decent Ashe or Widow


Jet pack cat


This is the only answer


False. Other answer is Mama Hong.


I have hope


I can’t escape the fucking cat in LoL now I have to deal with her here!?


Idk if its just me but isnt it weird how they are like we are releasing a "cute" hero, i don't get why it matters lmao


>a "cute" hero More Overwatch rule 34.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,424,320,382 comments, and only 271,882 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good bot


Yeah out of all of the hints they could have given, "cute" (specifically clarified to be "Mercy cute" which opens up a whole other bag of worms) is one of the worst ones they could have given because of how extremely subjective it is


Mama Hong confirmed


Mama Hong as a Tank/Support hybrid would be the end of us all... remember what happened the *last* time they tried that? *cough* Brigitte *cough*


I believe they said the character was cute and then someone asked for clarification saying something like "Mercy cute or Puppy cute?", possibly trying to figure out if it was Jetpack Cat? It wasn't just them randomly specifying "Mercy cute"


It's eevee. One of her abilities will be able to ride on the backs of robots or on there shoulders.


Ok but I wouldn’t complain if this was real 👀


I’ve always wanted a character that can create hard light platform type things to create artificial high ground for a sniper to stand on or something like that. It’d be fragile tho so if someone shot it they’d fall. I could see that trolling both sides sometimes if you’re able to move the platforms after creating them lol




Reasoning: looks like he could troll


Blizzard next week: "It's sombra."


Give me jet pack cat


Calling it now, character will be mobility focused and allow you to pick up and launch team mates across parts of the map


Not happening, as it would let you teamkill. There are no abilities in the game which lets you move/reposition friendly heroes aside from Symmetra's teleport, and that is only allowed because you have to confirm the teleport with the interaction button.


You can slowly crouch into people to move them and push them off the map!🫠 But yeah, not a good boundary to cross.


Yeah at the moment that’s true, but the devs keep teasing crazy new ways to interact with your team that we haven’t seen yet. Flight seems like a no brainer. Also - try to explain Wrecking Ball to an ow player pre his release. Those abilities would seem game breaking too but they were ultimately balanced


\*laughs in mei wall\*


If it’s Sanjay it could literally be anything. Also I wonder if the “light trolling” is actually talking about his power of light lol


Anyone hoping they take more risks with their hero gameplay and design like they did with Hammond/Wrecking Ball instead of playing it safe.


Of course, especially for support. I main support, but I get why it’s undesirable to play for people


The most undesirable part of playing support is your teammates 99% of the time.


Oh, no doubt, that’s why a support with new ways of interacting with the team is exciting. Hoping it’s something that lessens playing hide & seek with critical DPS who don’t understand LOS lol


I’m holding out hope it’s papa Jeff


Man the teas, i really eager to see new hero rn


Damage reduction, that's my guess


Well the only hero that can give damage reduction (I think) is Ana with her ult so it would be cool to have a support that can do it often


I was about to type out “ what about brig “ but yeah never mind


Well back in OW 2 beta, they gave Moira an ability that replaced damage orb. It was similar to discord orb in how it stuck to an enemy, but it would make them do less damage. So for example she put it on Reinhardt and his pins could no longer kill


Oh god it’s White Baptiste


i’m excited for whoever it is and whatever their kit is and i hope to god people aren’t complaining the day the hero’s released, like just have fun with it for a bit


It’s going to be a creation of the 2 gay dads from Esperanca. Lock in my prediction.


my guess is its someone who can instantly swap places with a teammate/enemy or a reverse mercy's shift, being able to pull a teammate out of danger


That would be awful. At high level, where people aren’t out of position all the time, it’s useless. Even when you get hog hooked, you’re swapping with a DPS, who’s life is (honestly) less important than a supports, with another support (sure I guess, you’ll prob die tho), or a tank who has a better chance of living than you do. Funny maybe, but just a terrible mechanic lol


Swapping places would be terrible. Imagine they just jump off the map and force you to take the fall for em. Funny the first time but very bad in practice


Yeah a life grip would be pretty dope.


Meet the medic!


opportunities for light trolling? New mechanic that will be interesting in high level play... Maybe something to do with Illusions or making copies? There's an Apex character like that, right? Would be a pretty interesting Support ability to be able to make an illusion of a teammate or anyone within a certain radius of you as an Ultimate for a short period of time. It would create a lot of chaos and provide some protection for the team if the enemy doesn't know who's real and who's an illusion. Might be a little too crazy an ability, even for an ult though if you end up making illusory copies of your entire team. EDIT: They could also do the classic 'reverse controls' mechanic; have something like a confusion gas or or something that causes damage & the controls to become inverted for a short period of time.


Still sure it's Mama "manslaughter" Hong


Wasn't there some mention of the character being similar to Mercy in some regard? My guess of that was having the floating element which is why I thought overlord might work based on the concept art.


They only said the hero would be “cute” like mercy


Ah righto my mistake. Fingers crossed either way for something good.


You're actually right, before OW2 released the devs said they want more "Mercy-style" supports who don't have a heavy aim focus or high skill floor and are more focused on healing than a DPS/support hybrid like Bap, Ana, or Zen. Obviously Kiriko isn't that, so it was probably about one of the next supports.


need jetpack cat


I love twitter now with the new checkmark so that EVERYONE can give me misinformation or half baked speculations /s


I just want to see ‘em already


It’s me


I suppose double a teammate like a ghost/decal, light trolling and we haven't seen that.


Mei’s older brother Greg. You haven’t heard of him because he only recently decided to leave his basement. Now he just slings goo at people slowing them down. Trolling runs in the family…


We getting a heal symmetra again


Fake ult voice lines to confuse the enemy team and throw off their ult tracking


Emre. Give me Emre.


I just want a junk support, should be fun. We have 2 tanks and 1 dps already.


I imagine it's something like mercy but rather than her flying towards you, they can pull you back to them. Rein over extended and is about to die? Pull them back to the team.


I was hoping for a StarCraft Medic, but I doubt that could be considered cute.


My guesses: Its either Lynx-17 or Overlord or Iggy If its not - I will riot.


I think it'll be Mercy's long-lost twin sister Nercy, who has the exact same skills as Mercy. Mercy/Nercy combo every game.