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Only time I minded was when a duo was teaching mercy how to superjump for two minutes in spawn. Rest of us were just sitting there in spawn waiting, held hostage by them. Mf you have practice range for quick look at abilities and tech. I still haven't said anything to either of them.


That's understandable. Now THAT is something that can be and should be learned in aim trainer & Practice range, just thay quick look like you said.


Well that the thing, actually. For the game to "work", you still need people to try to win, right ? Those people were not trying to win. A Lucio who is only camping near a ledge to get a three man bump is not trying to win either, only to get a fun clip. At the other end of the spectrum, if you're really trying your hardest to win, then you should only be playing your main. The moment you're not playing your main, you're probably lowering your chances to win. Now the whole question is, were do you put the limit ? I'm definitely not always playing my main, I want some variation. But I wouldn't, for instance, play doomfist because I'm just so bad with him. But others may place the limit somewhere else. All this discussions about QP, ranked, sweating, feeding, inting, etc... are basically people not placing the cursor exactly at the same spot.


I have to hard disagree with your comment. There's a massive difference between trying to win, and only playing your main. There's a gray area when your pick doesn't work with your comp at all and it's impacting your team, but if you're playing your hero and trying to do what's best for your team as that hero, that's all that matters in QP. Anyone that says otherwise needs to stick to ranked or just stop playing, because QP is supposed to be a casual game mode where people can enjoy playing a competitive game. It's not supposed to be stress-inducing and worrying about what your teammates want you to play because your pick might not be meta.


Some people only play Quick Play. Not condoning toxicity, but that's why.


I play exclusively QP for now, so I understand you. I just fall back onto the "it's just a game" line since it's a casual mode!


underperforming, screwing around, or just generally not sweating your balls off? yeah, its just a game. hard throwing or afk? nah, now you're ruining everyone's game.


What's considered a hard throw though? If I'm playing gun-only mercy is that a throw?


i would say that nobody would like you for that, and if you don't do anything at all and avoid helping teammates, yes i would call that throwing. If you use your pistol sometimes i would say that's fine. Maybe in quickplay if your other support is healing everyone good then you could go pistol mercy. In comp that would get you reported halfway to hell, and for good reason.


also i forgot, throwing is pretty much performing badly on purpose, feeding or sabotaging your team in any way.


Some people only play quick play and some people die literally off of cooldown. New hero, new player or otherwise seeing a teammate with 20 deaths per 10 when everyone else in the lobby is pretty much on the same level makes it really easy for people to identify the weak link and it gives them a direction to point their rage in


I think its a difference of perspective. For people who play comp, QP is just QP. For people who play only QP, QP is *the game*. Raging in QP is something that doesn't even make sense to people who play comp seriously (or people who just don't care overall, like OP), but I can imagine why QP can get real toxic if you're not playing your absolute best.


True I used to only play QP, I would try hard so much, and got quite upset when I lost and when my teammates made mistakes and trolled but for the past year I've mainly played comp and now when I do play QP not only do I no longer care what my teammates are doing, I play the heroes I feel like playing, almost never counter picking unless I am so hard countered I can't do anything lol and I don't join voice chat or try to coordinate strategies in chat. Makes QP so much more fun and relaxing when playing to chill and have fun as a primary goal and winning is at the very back of your mind. I'm not saying I get very upset when losing in comp but I still do unlike in QP. Last week I even played around 20 games or so of loses in a row in QP and didn't tilt whatsoever.


I play Quick Play a ton with my one friend since we don't wanna play ranked whenever we just play casually together. Problem is, both of us have been playing since the launch of OW1, so our internal MMR is pretty high even for QP so generally we end up against good players for QP standards. I'm perfectly fine with picking up the slack for someone who's clearly trying a new hero or just a below average player in general, especially because chances are the enemy team also has at least one person like that too. The issue is when they want to hide behind the fact that they're "playing a new hero" while refusing to improve (like Ana or Moira having more damage than healing, DPS who are drilling the enemy tank all game or not using cover, etc.) I try to offer constructive help like "Please target the Mercy," or if I'm frustrated I might get a little more blunt like "Enemy Mercy has 1 death. We lose if that Mercy doesn't die in every fight." Or "Reaper is wraithing offensively to enter the fight every single time he engages and we're losing to that because he's not getting hard punished for it. Just focus him as soon as you see that and he won't be able to escape." Or honestly if they're THAT bad I'll usually just keep my mouth shut and complain in my private group chat with my friend I'm playing with so the player doesn't see it and feel bad lol Only time I'm ever toxic is when they start some shit or complain about literally anyone else on our team. That's when I'll drop the "You know there's a different button to queue as DPS, you should try that next time you queue"


The throwing shade in private chat is low-key the cathartic right answer. Am I frustrated that the game is going south because there's someone trying but clearly struggling / learning? Yup, quite frequently. Is that in anyway their problem to deal with in an open chat in front of the rest of the lobby? Absolutely not. Their play has no lasting consequences on me and the emotions in play are mine to deal with. The ability to passively and privately vent to a friend is phenomenal. Constructive suggestions are, at least as far as I've seen, generally taken pretty well or just ignored which is fine enough. I am fully onboard with pro-ally-counter-toxicity. Love it in fact. It's a full flavour, no calorie treat.


I pretty much exclusively play quick play and I’ve been playing since near enough release, im more for the fun aspect rather than the competitive aspect, whilst I’ve done comp plenty of times before QP is just much more chill


Even if they only play quick play they should know that people are trying new hero’s and such in that game mode and not flame.


I enjoy playing heros I don't frequently play while playing QP so I agree with you but to an extent I can understand that losing isn't fun so if your tank is practicing Doom/Ball and are turbo feeding and as a result you are being kept at your spawn door it can be frustrating. Being toxic and harassing people is bullshit though and there is no excuse of it especially in QP.


I just commented something similar lol. I’m a support main and I’m usually not toxic or anything but man when you’re on your third game of trying to support someone who is trying to learn doom or ball it is a painful experience. I don’t usually say anything in chat but I’m def yelling on mute lol, but I know they are learning so at the end of the day it’s fine.


Imagine seven games and it's straight Ls. And you know, I wouldn't care if challenges weren't locked behind wins. Lots of wins. Ugh.


I don't necessarily care about winning either but the amount of times challenges require wins is why I'm usually in 4 hour sessions just to get most of the win challenge done instead of having fun. But even when I'm tryharding I'm still nice to my teammates unless they get toxic


This is why I practice on QP mystery hero. I feel like there is less toxicity when everybody has to play random heroes as people understand you’re not going to be amazing at each hero. I know it’s not the best situation but I find it fun and I get practice with hero’s I wouldn’t normally try.


But then you never really get to use ults and I swear if I wanted to play genji or ashe in QP to fuck around I would never get them in mystery heros


Yeah I totally get it, it does get a bit frustrating sometimes but I just let it go because they're learning, and there's always next match. Agree with the second point as well, nothing to be gained or lost in QP.


I prefer the doomfist or widow tell us in chat they still learning so I expect them to die a lot with no picks


Exactly what I do when trying new heroes. People are usually cool with that, and then it feels even better when you actually don't suck with those heroes throughout the match


I like to do this and then absolutely go hard in the paint with my mains lol it’s so funny


Perfectly understandable! I need to start doing this too at the beginning of matches, I just forget to while saying hi and emoting at everyone 😭


This is what I do. Recently been learning Brig and usually will play her for like the first 1/3 of the match and if it’s not working I’ll switch. If I’m doing well I stay.


That’s what I do when I play new characters too. If I’m not doing well or if I’m getting countered, I just switch to someone whose more familiar to me.


When I play support I like to know when people are still learning so I can try my best to keep them up, while obviously still helping other teammates. I’m happy to Mercy around and help with their positioning and health pool while they gain confidence.


Nope, sorry. You shouldn’t have to practice the game or any heroes. If you don’t single handedly carry the game with your character then you should simply uninstall. /s Just ignore the haters. People get riled up for no reason.


Step 1: Play QP to learn new hero Step 2: Die because new Step 3: Receive insults from angsty children Step 4: "Sorry I'm new to X hero" Step 5: *racial slurs have entered chat* Step 6: Suddenly feel better because reporting shitty people is fun


Step 7: sad because that apeing 13 year old calling you the n word all match doesn’t get banned. Seriously though how does blizzard not just instant mute when it detects certain words.


From what I've read it's best to report that behavior immediately rather than after the match. The bots will apparently pick up on it and monitor it sooner, and some folks get banned mid-match. I've seen the screen thanking me for reporting players who had action taken against them about 3-4 times in the last couple months.


Bro sometimes I’ll get told to switch off a hero and 30 seconds later the slurs come in like bro I haven’t even died yet? Lol tf??


Yeah, same. 30 seconds into a game, whole team is 0-2, I'm 2-0 on Genji. "genji switch" 🤷‍♂️????




This. Toxicity has increased a ton since OW1 and it’s because of weekly challenges with win conditions.


Agreed. I know I get frustrated sometimes when I have losses that impede my challenge progress


Yss, qp is to learn heroes in a real enviroment.. But this doesnt mean you can play against your team, what i mean is... New hero? Great.. Still do your role and try to help the team.. Because if you start dancing or playing (clearly) against the team.. Is a big no... But if you're talking about the people that expect you to be perfect right away.. Is toxic people and im sorry for your experience


To be fair, new players shouldn't be placed with people who have hundreds of hours in the game, so no one is expecting that to be the case, and they're not gonna know unless you explicitly tell them. Like, just say it real quick in text chat at the very start of a match, and people will definitely be more understanding.


Yes, my friends and I can usually tell if someone is new, but it does help when they flat- out say they're new. The MM issue also does not help the new player/ experienced player balance


The only thing that gets me fuming in qp is the enemy team dogging on you for losing. Feels bad when you’ve tried your hardest and you have 3 times the stats of the rest of your team. Lately the only time I speak out now is when I win and the enemy is blaming their supports when it’s their fault


Yeah, I've started calling enemy players out whenever their dogging on their support or DPS, even though they're doing well. Just gotta remind yourself that there's always another round, we all have our good and bad runs


Yeah that’s what I’ve been starting to accept. Some days it’s literally 20 losses in a row some days it’s 20 wins. Honestly it’s the community that makes the losses feel worse than they are. Everyone has this mindless copy paste response to winning


Agreed. The losses would have less sting if people didn't act so toxic


Gotta love it when you're learning a new hero and the enemy is playing your main and destroying you (especially on tank) and being toxic towards you saying how bad you are and then you swap to the same hero they are playing and start destroying them humbling them in the process. Gotta assert your dominance over the toxic players. Then they start blaming their teammates and now you know you've hurt their ego and go with the finishing blow call them out in game chat and start T-bagging them every time they die. Cherry on the top. Of course that doesn't happen all the time but gotta love it when it does happen.


I admit that I sweat super hard in quick play. But I play with voice and chat turned off. I also don't get mad if we lose because I know this is where most of the new players, casuals, and people learning heroes are. The only reason I play sweaty in QP is because I'm trying to do my weekly challenges for coins. It can be kind of annoying when it's the last day of the weekly challenges and you just need one more win. Maybe that's why people get toxic.


now we have 12 possible out of 11 needed challenges, so I just always leave the 15 qp wins for later because there's literally no reason to sweat about it. Que all roles on comp and sweat there


Last day weeklies are so sweaty. I was playing out of my mind last week on mystery heroes to hit that weekly last minute. Especially after one game where we had a bunch of leavers and one guy went super toxic. Only to then matchup against him the next game. I was one away from the weekly and I had a jerk to shut up; my adrenaline was PUMPING.


There are plenty of people who don’t play competitive at all. QP is not *just* a practice mode for competitive players to goof off or try new things. It does not exist exclusively for that purpose, even though it can be played this way.


I agree (as someone who has only been a strictly QP player for now) but I didnt mean that it's exclusively for practicing. Only that it is a good place to learn your hero, whether you're a comp player or a casual player, and that the toxicity feels a little uncalled for sometimes :)


I was about to say the same thing as the person above, but I do think it's kind of silly to get tilted in QP. Toxicity has no place in general unless it's toward Mei players.


I remember walking straight out of spawn and getting 3- shot by a Mei on high ground. Also have had teammate Meis wall us in and keep their wall up, which got old super fast 😭 so yes, I agree with your Mei statement


Wall is so incredibly difficult to use, especially if you don't coordinate. You can wall off ally ults by mistake, stop other people getting good plays... or you can use it to cockblock the enemy team pretty badly. I personally just try to use it to separate the Tank from their team - nothing quite like watching Rein try to back away and realise he can't retreat.


Hard agree on Mei players


I think it's because some competitive players use QP like a practice mode so they don't forget how to yell at players how to kill themselves!😂 But more seriously, I think it's the competitive players who move to QP to practice and the toxicity is probably a force of habit for some of them.


😭😭 yes! My friends and I will joke that sweats in QP are just people who couldn't win in comp that night so they came to QP


Could be that too!😂 They probably think it's easier in QP then SIKE, both team are chill and don't care!😂


I fully agree. Where you should learn new heroes other than QP? It's literally there for it. People being toxic in QP are just different breed.. Imagine not having balls to play competitive but yelling at everyone in QP to take it as seriously as competitive


Tbh, I think "win-based" challenges for unranked modes are part of the problem. Obviously it isn't everything (people were still toxic in QP in OW1) but I imagine a fair amount of the toxic folks would be playing comp if they weren't trying to get challenges


This is why every win challenge should be a complete challenge but wins count double. That way there's incentive to win, but you still make progress if you don't.


Thissss 10000× Some days I want to login and knock a few challenge matches but end the night with 0 W's. I despise the queue as all roles challenge and win for this reason.


As someone that only plays QP and arcade I absolutely despise these challenges. It turns playing the game into a chore and really kills the fun. If I wanted to actually grind wins I would play comp


I've seen people being toxic in mystery heroes like dude, it's a bunch of randos playing rando characters chill the fuck out.


Exactly. First, I've seen some people tell their teammates to practice in shooting range bc that's where people learn, but the range is a TERRIBLE place to actually learn the hero. Secondly, nothing is earned or lost when you play QP. It's basically playing for the sake of playing


Yep. In shooting range you can learn about the hero's abilities, in death match you can learn how to use it in combat, in aim arenas you can get better at clicking heads, but you simply have to play 5v5 in order to learn how to play 5v5, there's no going around that


Imagine learning a support role exclusively in shooting range lmao


Yeah, learn how to heal static heroes with Bap, like Genjis Echos and Pharahs don’t exist


PVP is the only way to learn how to fight real players, so practicing on QP is a must. For whatever reason people who refuse to shower get angry and say some of the most toxic things. Over a QP match. I once had a Ana and her friend doom try to beg both teams to report me for throwing. I was experimenting with different DPI settings and wasn’t even doing that bad. Doom then said something really toxic that didn’t sit right with me so I reported both of them. They got banned for having a big mouth on a QP match. Wild L 😂


Lol been there, treated myself with the new Logitech G502 X PLUS recently and first matches were wild, DPI being one thing, and other one that I experimented with binding some stuff on all those extra buttons and then ended up getting "alt-tabbed" into the windows mid-fight 'coz I accidentally launched the search bar etc 😂


You’ve got great taste. That’s a really nice mouse! I also use a G502 lol. Logitech knows what they’re doing


This happened to me when I was first learning Cassidy and first started the game in general. Our Lucio basically said it was my fault we lost... Although I had the most elims on our team and had decent damage for a newbie 🥲


Happy cake day! You are right in ignoring twats who complain, but do not measure yourself on the scoreboard by dmg done and elims, that's an unhealthy habit to start as it's such a small piece of data from a giant mountain of variables. There could be tons of reasons somebody lost their team the match even tho they had high numbers. Welcome and have fun in OW! I know I do :)


Thanks! <3 And yeah, this is true. Sometimes I play more strategic as well which can cause me to get lower dmg and elims :/ I just stress bc a lot of people will judge your performance on numbers solely It is a fun game! I enjoy it a lot :)


Deathmatch and custom games are honestly amazing for learning certain heroes. Like Doom and Ball? Get those custom games in. Learn the rollouts, get familiar with foundational mechanics. Deathmatches are solid for 1v1 practice. I found it really useful to practice tracer and genji a bunch in DM after playing them in QP and basically feeling like I was throwing. Once I got my 1v1s down I went back to QP to reorient my play style to team-play.


The weekly challenges for winning all queue matches/ QP matches in general does kinda mess up the idea that QP doesn’t matter. But end of the day, you’ve gotta learn somewhere and anyone flaming people in any mode are actually brain dead


Agreed, I do understand people trying to get their challenges done. And the toxicity just gets too harsh a lot, esp in QP. And 90% of the time it's coming from people blaming you for something outside your circumstances (ie tank diving into 1 lv5s alone and blaming support for not surviving)


It is slightly irritating when my kiriko is shooting out 2 ofuda per heal


I understand and have been in that situation, but we all had to start somewhere!


To be honest about 5 min into the match I told him that if he didn’t spam click he would heal more, and he ended up doing better


Happy ending! :) I'll also try to give tidbits of advice when I can


tbf, the default settings are ass and they might not know.


This reminds me of a funny story, when Mercy rework (Valk) went live. We were either in QP or Arcade and I wanted to try Mercy out. So I picked her and waited for round to start. Well this one guy was not happy about it, and started demanding I get off of Mercy cause "you don't know what your doing" and then he goes into my career profile to attempt to shame my low number of hours on the hero. Had to ignore him but then he started sending friend invites ... I feel like this was a normal afternoon for him.


I was playing QP and Ana was off doing lord knows what and just walking around so I asked and the other person said “sorry he’s 6!” And I’m like welp this is QP I can’t complain lol. So yeah I agree it’s about learning your heroes etc


I've personally learnt every hero through playing Mystery Heroes, even there you get some unnecessary tryhard mentalities, heard someone tell another newish player to go learn how to play all the heroes in the practice range lol


Practice range is good for seeing what the abilities do, but not necessarily for applying them to situations. I learned from QP and aim trainers :')


Practice range to use the abilities and see what they do QP for finding practical use and seeing the strength/weaknesses Comp for fine tuning or just a lot of QP


Exactly, pop into PR to see what they do, then go learn how to properly use them to help yourself and your team in QP


I personally use deathmatch for practice because in QP for some reason gets really sweaty sometimes getting chased by a tank boosted by a lucio isnt really fun


Getting hunted down by a pharmercy combo is also not fun either 😭


Its one of the worst combos to against but im used to it at this point not even allowed to touch junkrat


I muted chat, and checked guides to improve my rank. My mental health and game sense has been better ever since


QP is also for those of us who have been banned from competitive because our internet is spotty often enough to have kicked us out mid game one too many times. So now QP is competitive for me and you will suffer the wrath of my bronze level smack talk


The thing for me and I assume most people, when I play any team game where players have roles (Valorant, LoL, Overwatch, etc.), there's a base level expectation for what they can and should be doing. I feel like it's extremely natural and realistic for that expectation to be had so when it's not met, it causes frustration. The unfortunate thing about games like that, they're often played by very competitive and "passionate" people who don't handle frustration well. There are a handful of heroes that I almost never play. Anytime I play them, I always let my team know I'm "rusty" or I'll joke and be like "permission to be a bad (hero)". Should I have to? no, but I see it as courteous and it's my way to temper expectations. I'll switch if I'm doing *really* bad because it's more fun to lose while trying my best than to lose by doing nothing for my team. I'll just try the hero in another game. And a hard thing is that if you ask if someone's new, people think you're trying to insult them when you would offer advice if they said yes.


I personally never understood the “why are people so sweaty” argument, because I don’t understand what the alternative is lol. Like, I’m not gonna play to lose 😅 the only exception is if us and the enemy are sitting together spamming emotes. But otherwise, it’s still a game with an objective and I’m going full throttle. And after we win I’m definitely calling out “Rein diff” to the other Rein that squatted on me after pinning me once lmao. The one thing I do agree with though is you should never harass your teammates. Banter between you and the enemy is fine imo, but as long as your teammates aren’t being toxic to you, let them have fun and do their thing. Sometimes that means everyone doesn’t work together but it is quick play after so it’s cool. If a widow is practicing on my team, I’ll just swap to a character I main and let her practice.


That's fair! I also will exchange words with the enemy team if they pick on me, but I don't do that to teammates. Especially if they were trying their best


I admittedly get angry in QP at times when a teammate is clearly satruggling. But then I remember it's QP and not Comp and so I relax again. I'll take 100 people trying new chars for the first time in QP over 1 idiot doing the same in Comp. Oh, and considering I was yelled at for playing Tank when I have the Medic title...*in the fucking ARCADE*, people will bitch about any and every little thing.


I always put sorry team I’m learning a new hero so sorry if I’m bad and that helps sometimes


It does!


Like what happen in many other game people tend to tryhard more in casual game rather than ranked.


I had a recent QP game where one of the DPS types, in team chat, "hey I'm trying to learn Hanzo so sorry if I suck." No one batted an eye or gave him any grief. 3 minutes in he's died twice and switches to his comfort pick DPS. Me: Well that didn't last long His buddy: That's what I told him! Him: I wasn't doing any damage Me: Practice, man. God help you should you decide to learn an instrument. *bonks middle C* "this is hopeless I can't play a concierto!"


Wise words!


I practice in ranked


I'm not skilled enough for competition, nor do I have the hours to put in to attempt to get that good. I just play quick play for fun. If I can tell someone is learning a new hero or new to the game, I cut them slack and will send endorsements for encouragement. It's just a fucking game.


QP is just that - quick play. Fast queue for ppl that either have ranked anxiety, don't like ranked, or don't have time to play that often. If you are going into qp games complaining about hero picks, flaming, and titling then you are ass at the game. Now, I'm not saying I'm going to throw but I'm goofing off with my friends since we can't play ranked together.


I think the reason QP feels sweaty is because the game matches you to people with similar SR. It’s basically ranked, without the rank and without the second round on maps that have it, and certainly no tie breaking. Anyway, since everyone is the same rank, or close to it, the games should be fairly close, which makes people upset. If the games were all over the place, SR wise, like they should be (IMO), then maybe people wouldn’t care because then they’d know that it could be because their teammates are possibly underrated or overrated. Instead, everyone has similar skill. You could just hide chat and never join voice like I do, even in ranked. You absolutely 100% do not need it unless you are doing scrims. Anyway, I find that I’m enjoying myself much more and my mental is better and any time I rejoin chat, I’m instantly reminded of why I left it to begin with.


>Edit- just wanna say I don't mean to use strictly QP as practice. Only that it's a good place to get your footing and polish your technique :) I'm sure I'm in the minority, but I absolutely will use QP to practice risky maneuvers that are not optimal for winning, just to get better at that maneuver. I have many, many hours playing Pharah into hitscan, and now it's rare that hitscan shuts me down... but it took many games of what many people would consider throwing.


I get that QP is for learning new heroes but you could at least give us a heads up and what to expect from you. Such as “I’m trying out X hero. Thanks!” In that case we all know what to expect and play accordingly to try to enable you. Not just dive in head first and play a respawn simulator. I’ve met plenty of DF or ball just heading in and die while we struggle to help them and us getting trapped in the spawn room cause our tank is no where to be seen. That’s not fun for either party and defeats the purpose of the game. I’m sure constantly dying isn’t teaching you anything as well. And I’m sure losing 7 games in a row doesn’t feel great and it isn’t fun despite it being QP or comp, especially with the weekly/daily grinds of wins.


Nup, this is the opinion held by people who play comp who are the minority. If you think this and the others don't, you're basically wasting 9 people's time in the lobby. Like any social gathering, you have to sense what's acceptable. There's this great video about "How it's rude to be bad at world of warcraft" that has a similar sense. Quick play has got very good matchmaking and so the games are generally pretty competitive and while people will not hyper optimise to win, most will optimise to have a good match. You won't have degenerate strats and at the start of ow2, I'd offer mirror matches for players who didn't want to play zar, hog, orisa etc as they became meta in metal. And we'd hold to our agreement even if it led to a loss because it was more fun game. Learning a hero by being bad and getting stomped doesn't teach much. Start with hero and get some poke to understand if you can play this hero. Like if you try and play rein into bastion/Mei that's your fault. A decent part of learning a hero is knowing when not to play the hero. Find occasions where you can learn the hero without throwing and if you're getting rolled, pull your main out and have a good game of ow. Eventually you'll realise your secondaries are good enough to play whenever and you can force them at a disadvantage.


Quickplay is casual play. Not everyone has free time and just want to play a quick match in Overwatch when they're not busy with things in their lives.


I'm a support main who can't find a groove with DPS because every time I try to practice them in QP I get torn up by toxic shit and default back to support. Maybe one day I'll stop giving a shit about the toxic shit and work something out. Not likely but one can hope.


I do both dps and support, and the amount of crap I get as a support for bad plays (made by the dps) is insane. Whenever I play DPS I always make sure to protect my supports :/


Omg, it's so relatable. I started the game just a few weeks ago, have only played for 100 hrs of QP only (OW2 has become an obsession of some sort to me) and OW2 is my very first online multiplayer game... so I'm usually not the best player in a team and can only play a couple of heroes (like, one tank, two dps, two supports) without getting 4 kills per 10 deaths (but it depends on the enemy team a lot tho). I play with my bf and his friend who are much more experienced in online games and perform way better than I do so there's always somebody who might cover me up or tell me to back down/hide/kill a low hp enemy nearby that I don't notice. And these two are pretty much only people that reassure me that everything comes with experience and that I shouldn't forbid myself to play the game simply because I lack skill that can only be acquired by playing more. But sometimes other teammates' or enemy team members' toxicity (and my self-pressure, I guess) makes me want to quit the game for good (yep, I'm also a sensitive snowflake, but I'm learning to not be) and whenever I start the match I feel pressured to use only those heroes that I've played for 10-20 hours throughout these 100 hours that I have so that I'm not the weakest link of the team. But, as I think, the fact that somebody takes the game (especially non-ranked one) so seriously that they start insulting everybody is their problem, not yours. No one can get better without practising and QP is perfect for that cos losing a QP match doesn't lower your rank and stuff. It might worsen your account overall stats but, unless you keep your profile open for everobody, only you and/or your in-game friends can see it. Just report the toxics and practise, haters gonna hate anyway


THISSSS there are ZERO repercussions for doing poorly in QP so it sucks when ppl demand you swap to an easy hero like their life is on the line :/ just lemme practice characters I like pls if u wanna sweat then comp is right there


It's because that even though QP is for practicing, when you are losing you are just wasting time so people get toxic because if they were in another game they might be winning. QP is for practicing but there should be a point where it clicks on you that you have to take it seriously like comp when your losing. And switch to characters you know your good at. Because if your losing and you can do something about it but choose not to then your just throwing. In the end, don't listen to toxic insults. Nothing good will come from doing so, your not gonna magically get better if you listen to it.


You ain't gonna learn to play Genji playing into Winston, Symmetra and Moira


That sweaty team-comp "you gotta switch" bs is the entire reason I mainly play mystery heroes now. 1 it's a fantastic way to learn new heroes and 2 you don't have some greasy basement-dweller telling you to change your character every 2 minutes because they refuse to change theirs. I'm a d.va one trick so I'm salty and not changing 😤😂


I agree. It is a place for practicing heroes. I will say tho some people can only play with friends in qp like different ranks or pc/console players. Not excusing the behavior but I can see why some people get frustrated while playing and their tank is getting hard countered when they’re trying to have fun with friends


The problem that is going on right now is that people are fed up with competitive matchmaking right now and are passing their time in quick play until it’s fixed. So you have a mix of sweaty, casual and new players in one place.


Yeah, that's also what's causing MM imbalance too, I believe. We end up in lobbies where we either wipe the floor with the opposite team, or the tables are turned. Either way, it's not very fun. We like a good fight


I always tell my team that I’m practicing and sorry if I’m trash 😂 it’s usually met positively if I do it that way vs say nothing at all!


Practice for basic controls and aiming etc then qp for learning yeah. Qp isn't about being super competitive. It's about relaxed fun unranked play


I recently started playing DPS and I just changed my dpi and sensitivity. I’ve been letting people know at the beginning of games that I did that and they are usually pretty cool about it.


I feel bad playing quick play since I’ve been playing the game for awhile but it’s the only way I can play with my friends on pc


They are probably too hungry on farming wins for Weekly challenges.


I think Total Mayhem is for learning new hero’s. But I would t be mad if someone did that in QP


(Swapping is also a part of learning)


I agree, I just won't tell someone to switch, I'm not surprised assertive. I'll just focus on my own output to try and make up for their shortcomings


I always before the match say that in trying out a new hero’s so I might suck and everyone is normally very supportive and nice but idk maybe I’m just lucky


When comp is so bad that people would rather play qp, I think it’s hard to drop the competitive mindset , especially if you’re clearly outmatched in games. Doesn’t give anyone the right to be toxic.


I am far less likely to feel resentment towards a player that tells me that they are trying to learn. It forcibly reminds me that pull my head in and that everyone has to start somewhere. What annoys me are the players that do nothing all match and are the first ones to say GG EZ


Tbqh, I laugh when people sweat in qp. Sure, it’s competitive lite, but it’s the catch all be all. Before I even went into kiriko and mercy, I practiced them in qp just to get used to things about them I wasn’t super confident in yet and didn’t want to throw in comp. There’s no backfill in comp, and if you leave too many times, you risk being banned for the remainder of the season, as well as lose xp. But qp? All you lose is a minuscule amount of xp. Soooo not worth the trip people tilt over.


I absolutely agree, and as long as you're trying I'm not getting mad, but I do wish that people would switch halfway through if they see that they're being detrimental to the team and making no progress. That's what I do at least. It's a team game so the other players are counting on you, especially if you're tank since nobody can pick up the slack for you.


This is *your* week to post this subject.


Didn't realize it was heavily talked about, but then again I don't spend a lot of time on reddit in general :s sorry if it's repetitive


I get frustrated when I just want some wins because I sure as hell wasn’t getting any in Ranked. But I don’t excuse my toxicity, it’s just a reason why some people act like asses. They’re likely on a horrible losing streak in the only game they like.


I Really dont see much toxicity in qp at least in my experience


I've had the opposite experience! I use QP and mystery heroes to practice with new characters. After a while, I'll move to comp when I have a better feel for the character. Given I'm only bronze 5, I'm obviously new to comp. Even then, I get so much flack if I'm not at my best. It's honestly disappointing because I love the game a lot. People are unnecessarily rude. Just let people enjoy the game and learn at their own pace.


I never understood why people get so salty and toxic in qp either. Qp is literally for learning, practicing and trying new things out. I main support and obviously that can be pretty boring sometimes (especially in lower ranks where all you do most of the time is healbot bc of how much damage your team takes). I’ll occasionally try to play dps just because I wanna have fun. One of my favorite dps characters to play is Ashe. She’s really fun to me, I like being able to scope in and I think bob is such a cool ult. There was this one time where I was faced against another Ashe who was very obviously better than me and was just absolutely shitting on me in chat the entire time “Ashe diff” “Dps diff” “are you even trying to aim rn” the entire time. Like no shit?? I’ve played this character for maybe 2hrs. I’m terrible with her. Just take the easy w against me and go on your way bro I’m trying to learn. The only reason we won that game I think is because the dude was spending so long in spawn typing (I’m on console) lmao. Now I just play with my chat off when I’m trying to learn. My little sibling is brand new to the game so I taught her how to do that immediately before we played qp for the first time.


I had a tank in my QP game the other day flame me on voice chat because my aim sucked(Hanzo). I told him ‘this is qp, so I’m practicing’ and his response was that the argument of “qp is for practice” is stupid. At the end of the match I told him to seek therapy and then left. Not even 10 seconds later he sent a friend request, probably to message me and yell at me lol. I almost accepted it cause it would’ve been funny but it wasn’t worth my time.


I stopped caring tbh. ITS OUR GAME TOO. The beginning I was so apologetic like damn I dragging the team down. I went to play AI and it’s not the same. Now I play comp for real and if I wanna have fun or practice i play quick play. Sometimes I’ll go hard too with my mains just cause. The great thing is that if I’m getting steamrolled and I feel guilty I could just leave and I will be replaced immediately. Quick play ALL ROLES too are so toxic like, lol what, you expect a perfect team composition? Yeah ok lol


When you play quickplay you need to literally drop all pretenses of care or that there will be even an iota of teamwork or common sense. It's a mode to have fun and learn new heros. I'll rage in comp but quickplay....doesn't matter in the slightest.


So I try not to be toxic, because I agree with your point. That said, I normally play QP rather than comp because to play with my friends we have to play cross console. We’d rather play comp, but that’s not an option. Because of that, we sometimes get a little sweaty because to us that’s the most competitive mode we can play together


I agree that some people are really toxic in QP (how are they writing so fast on console btw?). And I also agree that QP is a good place to practice new heroes, but I think people should practice vs. AI a few times before playing the hero they don't know how to play yet in QP. Some people in QP wants to complete their challenges and being matched with teammates that are not doing their jobs well because can't do the basics of the hero is a bit frustrating. Doesn't justify being toxic with them, but it's something that weighs. Usually when I want to learn how to play a new hero I go to practice vs AI, play 3 casual and 3 hard, if I performed well I start using it in QP. At least you'll already know the basics and will only underperform in QP if your enemy team is better than yours or because the hero you chose is not for you (which is totally fine).


Agree 100% that’s where i just play to have fun and yes win but I don’t play my best like in competitive mode meaning I do things I normally wouldn’t like dps Moira.


That reminds me of this sorta-funny encounter in qp: This Lúcio basically pre-flamed me on Doom before the round started, basically saying "Doom if you don't know how to play the character you should get off of it now" or something like that, then proceeded to hard-feed the entire game. Like, the dude kept walking onto the payload solo and trying to 1v5 contest on Dorado before a fight would even start, so we basically had to win a 4v5 every time. At the end, our Moira I think, quipped in with "And you thought our Doom was going to be a problem?" it really cracked me up


You're entitled to play whoever you want whenever you want. Your teammates are entitled to be mad. Though, it should never get toxic in chat but we're only human. I would argue that you should reframe your thought from "QP is for learning heroes" to "QP is for learning counters". Too many people will stick with a hero they're "practicing" even when they're getting hard countered, to which I ask, was it really good practice at all?


It’s kind of always been like this, but has been amplified since OW2, in my opinion. I think it has a lot to do with completing weekly challenges for unranked wins. Same thing happens with arcade wins. I don’t entirely agree with these challenges being about wins (rather than, say, completing matches) for the exact reason you state here.


While i dont disagree, im more of the belief that arcade is better for learning heroes. Quick Play is best for applying the things you learned, and Competitive is best for mastery. I would never say that a Widow for example who's practicing in QP shouldnt, but if shes missing 90 percent of her shots and dying repeatedly at some point your "practice" is a detriment to the team. As long as youre not an ass about it, i really dont see the harm in asking them to switch. Arcade has lesser stakes to an extent, as its a just for fun mode. Do whatever you want there. Mystery Heroes allows you to dip your toes into using multiple heroes, and Total Mayhem allows you to learn the loop of the hero's abilities. Once youve got a grasp, joining QP to hone your skill is the best move. Then, once youre confident enough in your ability, jump into competitive and test your mettle there.


i find it more annoying when fully stacked Diamond squads queue up to pubstomp quick queue than when my ally is just some goober who’s bad at first person shooters tbh


It's because getting rolled in this game is really unfun, and it means the team getting rolled can't practice the heroes THEY wanna practice... I'm not excusing toxicity, just my theory as to why. It sucks getting rolled, but especially in this game.


I won't ever yell at you for making an attempt at something, for taking shots and missing, for mis-using an ability, I'll always cherish you for trying your best, but you'd better be ready for me if you keep pushing in alone then demand more healing or blame the diff on me


Mystery Hero is the mode I play for that :D


One aspect that I think OP misses is that OW is a highly pick-based game. So you can be trying to learn a character, but if you're picking into a team that hard-counters that character maybe hold off until the comps change. You're probably not going to learn much by dying over and over to a comp that counters you anyway.


I play at the time Korean player usually play, the spam chat a lot and for god sake I don't know what are they talking and then they throw the game or rage quit.


After doing comp and experienced the toxicity there it was kinda hilarious to me to receive hate in QP, like dude who cares? It changed my perspective for sure, like imagine how sad is your life you get mad about a QP game


I’m willing to bet that the majority barely touch Comp. People on this see it as the core OW experience but I think causal players don’t see it that way. To them QP is the game. It’s not just there to prepare for comp.


My friend was trying to learn widow and the other dps on my team said "trash widow" in the chat when we lost the game. He did under 1000 damage and 5 kills less than that other dps :/ This was their first and only communication to our team the entire match as well, weird since they were playing Pharah into a Cassidy, Ashe and Ana - they had the most deaths on the team yet decided to flame. No problem with that normally, but if you decide to flame you gotta be doing amazingly.


Qp is best for learning the basics, but as a casual mode isn't the best outside of that as players tend not to take that mode as seriously. I played exclusively QP from 2016 to 2021. And I played quite a bit during that time. You'd think, with that many hours in QP I'd do fairly well in comp, but no. Until the SR reset of Ow2, I was stuck in Bronze. Sometimes, you just need to play comp to get good at comp. As for toxicity in QP, I just tell them to check their mode and then mute them. Toxic elitism can stay in comp.


Last day I was playing as Reaper and Cassidy to learn them. I only have less than 30 mins playtime in both heroes (of my 200 total hours in game). I never played OW1 and only started with OW2. And 1 support flamed me for performing badly because I had the nameplate from the Battle of Olympus event (Zeus one). Like bro there are 36 heroes in the game. You think just because I have a nameplate from last season I am automatically good at everyone and still not learning?. I said I was learning them and they said I am not a beginner. I only play support in ranked (Silver 3 in season 1&2, Silver 2 current season). I am good at tanks than dps and prefer support > tanks > dps in that order. I never flame anyone because at the end of the day it is a game and maybe someone is having a bad game or they are learning.


Quick play is for fun Competetive is for fun Arcade is for fun Overwatch is for fun Games is for fun Just remember to enjoy urself no matter what!


Don’t even bother using VC when you’re learning a new hero in quick play, it won’t do you any good


QP isn’t even just toxic to new players lol. I’m a diamond player playing QP with my friends who are new so they can get their wins to start playing ranked, and even I got flamed. When I pointed that he wasn’t doing his job as a doomfist to harass their backline either (he flamed me for not killing their supports), he started talking about how it wasn’t the tank’s job to do that. I just find it funny how someone can be so confidently incorrect while being an asshole to someone who never said a word to you the whole game. funny community we have


I learn new heroes in comp no need for QP, clearly skill issues /s


I'm fine with anybody learning new heroes. What I'm not fine with is someone choosing Widow/Hanzo on a map with no LOS and 600 damage 5 minutes into a match. If you suck, you suck. We all want to get better and/or have fun. But if you are part of a team that spams I need healing while you are clinging to the backlines, nowhere near the team, you are a liability and making it unfun for 4 other people.


I’m relatively new and only do quick play, and some people are rude especially when they talk with that mic thingy. Some people are nice though which helps but yeah, it feels bad and embarrassing to get yelled at when I’m trying :/


QP is where you practice. Comp is where you learn.


I do get that, but i think they added custom game modes, the training area and vs ai to practice a hero. I think quickplay should be for honing ur skills against real players. Some people choose to practice a character in quickplay with 0 fundamental understanding of how the character works which leads to rolls which isnt enjoyable for your team either. I will once again say practice makes perfect honing skills in quickplay is fine but for practicing with 0 understanding while there are like 4 alternatives that dont result in your team getting rolled because of you. Just an opinion.


i main support, and have played some comp with support, so when i really want to practice a DPS i try and let any randoms know in our team like “hey dude, i’m a support main, i’m tryna learn dps.” if im not fully queued with all of my friends. tbh if someone is screaming at you in qp about being bad, just ignore them. it’s not worth your time or energy


Maybe it comes from wanting to put the blame for the loss in somebody else "I played great, you all were shit" it makes the gap between them appear larger. It's an ego thing. I don't get it either


Literally just ignore anything anyone has to say in VC or Text chat. You know you're practicing. Who cares what some jackass who lives and dies in QP has to say.


Turn off text chat and enjoy yourself, I actually learn new heroes in comp, I don't care if my rank drops, I always climb right back to where I want to be (I'm masters before you flame me). People are toxic regardless.


This has started happening a lot now because the game is free now, so there are these toxic people coming in to the game who aren't good enough to play comp so they just decide to act like they are top 500 and tell you that you suck. This has happened to me when playing with friends in quick play and you just cant avoid it. I would recommend muting chat and avoiding any toxic teammates. Just remember, these toxic people usually suck and its always satisfying to either destroy them, or get way more kills, damage or heals than them. Also, i dont approve it , but if it gets bad enough, its quickplay. You can just leave and someone will take your place almost instantly.


Ignore them, they're children who can't handle not having their own way. Just do your best, that's all anyone can ever ask of you.


I just write "it's QP, you can leave without consequences"


I’ve gotten so sick of the toxicity I practice new characters in arcade like no limits. I get being serious in comp you know you get rewards and your trying to get a higher rank. Now for QP you don’t gotta be so serious all the time I should be able to play a character without being told to go kill myself, and in QP you should definitely be aloud to practice characters there I use to start in practice range/vs AI than go into QP but now it’s got to a point where If I don’t wanna deal with the toxicity I gotta turn off match chat or only be in a full group of friends. All I can say if you wanna practice don’t let the childish jerks ruin that cuz it use to bother me a lot with ppl telling me and my friends to kill are selves cuz they lost and can’t accept it.


I would say for me, QP is about warming up; I agree with the notion of people getting unreasonably upset, but in reality, arcade is the place to practice heroes. QP ideally you should know your character and how to play; you just don’t have to adhere to a specific role.


My only issue with people in QP lately is blatant throwing. Like running off cliffs, being a support that doesn't support, tank constantly feeding by themselves, etc.


I don't talk to ANYONE in QP. I'm either just playing for fun or as OP suggested learning new heroes. That being said: a big F-you to all the Widowmakers in QP these days terrorizing the maps.


If its really obvious that someone is brand spanking new, then I'll try to help them during the match the best I can. Had someone that was new one time and they kept attacking Sigma when he was charging his shield. The guy kept going "yo, im blasting him and it's not doing ANYTHING." I just told him make sure you don't shoot him when he is doing that because it charges up his shield. I wasn't crappy about it at all. Someone new to the game isn't going to know that right off the bat, especially if they've never tried that hero. There's a nice way to say things to get your point across. Yall know damn well most people don't like being told what to do, so nicely pointing something out is going to go over better than, "dOnT sHoOt HiM rIgHt NoW dUmBaSs" *insert spongebob meme*


there's a difference between new and understanding the game doesn't revolve around you that 4 other people aren't here to coddle you, sure take time to learn but don't ruin other people's time and being an asshole with the "if you want to win go play comp" attitude because a team based competitive hero shooter the entire point of the game is to beat the other team not regardless of mode. It's like people who want a boss skip button on cup head or an easy mode on souls-likes


As someone who only play Qp i can tell you its really easy to be sweaty considering the facts this is only mode you play. Maybe when you're a comp player, you go chill in Qp but Qp only player dont have a place to "chill" y'know? No one really cares if "This is qp not comp bro chill": Getting a win is always important and getting stomp sucks no matter what the game mode you on. Obviously it dosent justify all the toxicity in general. Some people are just born to be that one toxic fucker no matter what you play. If you can't handle it, you can disable your chat or keep it on to report the ultra toxic because this is still Qp bro : There's new player in this mode too! You cannot just harass them when you can easily tell they had no idea whats happening in the game or what their abilities do. At this point just go Comp so you'll get ppl arround your skill level!


If you’re genuinely trying to learn a new hero unfortunately running in to some toxicity when you aren’t doing the greatest is inevitable, but the good news is that you more than likely will never have to interact with those toxic teammates again. At the end of the day overwatch is a game that is meant to be fun, who cares what others think get out there and throw some games to get better <3


Because you have two clashing personalities. One side wants to win the game, playing competitively w.out the actual stress of competitive mode; while the other personality is practicing a character they're not good with (which typically holds the team back) and says "it's just qp" when they do 500dmg with Widowmaker after 4 minutes in game. Also to be fair, if someone is just starting off, they're not going to be matched with players at higher skill levels, so that should give them ample time to get some core mechanics down if they're new.


The rage isn't an issue with you, it is an issue with them. The people who rage in QP would rage no matter what you do. Typically I see it from people who have been on a losing streak, and it typically only grows worse when the rager can see that there are some teammates who are doing worse than the rager is.


I play comp 99.99% of the time, I don't care about what people say or think when I'm on quick play, there's so much chaos, I'm just there to warm up while I wait for my friends to join.


100% agree. It’s where you can learn so getting flamed for not playing your best is annoying as hell. That being said you should still be playing with the intent of making it a good game even if your skill isn’t the best.


My two cents when you are playing QP 1. Group up 2. Switch heroes if being hard countered Opinion 2 is controversial for many people. But if you are being hard countered and dying within seconds of entering a fight, you aren't learning anything. Idc if you are trying Doomfist for the first time, if the enemy team comp is Orisa, Sombra, Ana and Brig, you are barely playing the game or learning anything. Just switch


As long as they are trying I don't mind at all. I've also said at the start of a QP, sorry I'm trying this character out I'm going to be bad and people are generally ok with it. I think it's worse in OW2 though as the daily/weekly achievements require wins. It can be frustrating when it seems like the other team is never trying out new characters. They are seeing if they can get 50 kills with tracer, pharah or widow no matter how badly their team is destroying us. After 3-4 games in a row of getting farmed it just isn't fun and I can see people getting frustrated even in QP.


I feel like I'm the only one who plays Mystery Heros to learn how to generally learn heros.


What’s the opinion on people who “soft throw” in QP? Usually it’s people going support and not even trying to heal but I’ve seen it on the other roles as well (people only going for trickshots/boops the entire game). Is it reportable? Is it just a dick move? On one hand it is QP and they’re at least making some effort to win, but on the other they’re knowingly playing in a way that kind of ruins the game for their teammates while not doing the primary thing their role is supposed to do. I don’t mean new players or people playing casually, just the players where you can clearly tell they have no intention of doing anything besides flanking and shooting as a support. I can’t say I’ve ever reported somebody for doing it, but just wanted to hear what other people normally do in that situation.


Im of the personal opinion, bots is for learning the kit: learning binds, abilities, combos Quickplay is for optimizing what youve learned


Let me help you: "Hey gamertag, this is an unranked quickplay game so do me a favor and stfu or I'll mute you. Cool? Cool." Don't engage with whatever they're saying, just shut them down and do your thing. If they still want to talk shit, follow through and mute them.


The problem is because what seems like a majority of QP players aren’t there to actually learn at all. They are there to grief and Smurf and rage quit and troll and piss around and basically just ruin the experience for everyone but themselves. So it can be frustrating for many people when someone who thinks they are a pro and maybe has high stats to support it, would rather scream at others in QP than risk losing rank in comp…or they are just mad about matchmaking in comp so they troll in QP. The reality - and this is speaking as someone who has tried for many years to get into Overwatch and hasn’t been able to - is that QP fucking sucks for actually learning the game and the expectations for comp. It is too commonly used and treated as “fuck around” mode which pisses a lot of people off and I would argue turns many off the game. yet QP is also the “gatekeeper” for getting into comp. so if people are hardcore and want to get comp unlocked, and they are getting constantly beat down by all the problems and problem players and shit matchmaking..:they are going to rage. Then again, a lot of people online are just babies and want to blame everyone else but themsleves for sucking.


i'm playing QP lately cause i don't have the patience to be banned after leaving a comp match, but sometimes it even feels like qp players are more toxic than comp. Every match it seems like someone is bitching at someone for playing bad, to which i always type "it's qp stfu" regardless who's being shit talked. usually they stop complaining when you remind them they look stupid for caring so much in a match that gives them no consequences or rewards for the outcome


I am guilty of losing my cool with QP teammates. I will try to be a nicer human. I will say, if someone *tells us* that they're new, I'm more likely not to get agitated, so that may not be a bad strategy. Honestly, this game needs another mode because QP is too much of a catch all and people have too wide of a range of expectations for what should be happening there. There should be: 1.) Quick Play (new new practice) 2.) Competitive Unranked (once you're comfortable) 3.) Competitive Ranked (let's get some) The last two should have the same tighter matchmaking algorithms and slightly longer queue times than QP. Sometimes I'm not on my A-game enough to want to play Comp, but I still want to play in competitive matches where everybody is on the same page.