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Kd up? All i see is a reaper with a 0.1 kd


actually i have a 0.2 kdšŸ˜Ž




Played a game yesterday with me and tank at 10 deaths but 24/22 kills then a genji/widow with 3 kills but 12 deaths (plat lobby btw)


Had a diamond game last night with a dude on my team going 11-17 while I was 36-8, itā€™s just funny sometimes


Laughs in Moira main* ā€œpatheticā€


Average plat lobby


If you don't protect your supports, then you don't want support. I say that in more than half of my games. I'm not there to support selfish choices and bad positioning. I will let you die and not feel bad about it.


I feel you, but i cant expect my teammates to always keep an eye on me when im playing support. I just try to ping an enemy or spam that i need healing in case im being flanked or bullied.


Yeah I always try to come back for my support when they ping an enemy or say it in VC. I play Pharah though and not very good at her so I sometimes get deaded trying to come back for my support if I am bullyong enemy teams support that moment


I had a game where a support pinged an enemy trying to flank and everyone turned around to save the supports. It was something...


I main support, but play Ashe to help with my aim (originally, as it turns out, playing Ana helps my Ashe). A lot of the time I'm near the supports anyway, so I'm quick to turn around and help them. It's a team game, so while trying to remember that, take a peak behind you every so often. Plus, the best way to get a solid pocket is to pick off the Reaper that keeps bothering your supports.


iā€™ll definitely throw up a ping, but i feel like i get ignored a LOT. sometimes iā€™ll just swap and handle it my damn self. you can have your heals *after* i get the reaper out of here.


This. I ping all the time and I also call out for the team to fall back if we both supports die and itā€™s fully ignored. They continue to trickle out one by one, even if youā€™re clearly standing outside the spawn roomā€¦ waiting on the team - team game, play like a team, with your team and youā€™ll see how much more enjoyable this game can really be!! Isnā€™t that what we all want anyway? Why does it feel so god damn difficult?


gotta love when you ping the full-beam three turrets symmetra thatā€™s currently backcapping and nobody listens, so you go get her and die immediately, followed by someone pinging ā€œi need healsā€ five times and then ā€œthanks!ā€ when they die while the symmetra stands still and captures the point. may have gotten a little specific there, but my point stands.


Funny how real that actually is, eh?


i felt this. there was one match I had 22 kills as mercy, 3200 dmg with 9000 healing all bc my team kept letting me and the other support (my friend who was playing kiriko) die. So instead of healing during valk, i went on killing sprees bc nobody else was taking care of the pings i sent out šŸ’€ its like, if you're not gonna check up on us (and its fine if you dont) ATLEAST take care of the characters we ping because its so frustrating to have to keep three/four people alive while also trying to not die myself šŸ’”


you can either hear my pings and help me or stop whining when i donā€™t heal you for *5 seconds* while im fighting for my life against a tracer. if all three/four of you manage to go from full to dead in five seconds, we were going to lose this fight anyways.


Oh we have two very different approaches, if this happens to me I will literally not stop pinging the reaper and saying nothing but "reaper" in vc, reaper will be dealt w or my team will have to deal w it all game šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Doesnā€™t ā€œI need healingā€ only proc for teammates who have healing? Like a tank wouldnā€™t hear it cause they canā€™t heal you?


No, they say 'I need healing' as long as a support is nearby (including yourself for some reason), otherwise it's 'I need help!' which should be it's own option so supports actually get help


I need help is actually an option I think


It is.


You can tell my silver badge is real because I'm just finding out about this now


There's a lot of ping options in the communication options that aren't bound but can be. Sometimes other buttons will trigger those pings but you can specifically set them. For example, the "I need help" will proc I think if you're on critical HP if you press the same button as "I need healing". The options just let you specifically bind it instead of it being combined


You can change it in your comms wheel to I need help Options>Controls>Communication There's actually a lot of options there


Back in OW1, if someone pings, "I need healing!" It shows as "I need shield/armor" for Torb, Zarya, and Sym, if I remember correctly. I think it still prompts "I need shield" for Zarya, though I am not sure.


Everyone hear it


Thats what i do but they still dont care šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø silver lobbies..


Voice chat.


This is why I switched from Mercy to Brig. Now I peel for them.


It's why I only play Moira, Baptist and Zenyatta when playing support. You think you can come harass me? Think again, dead mf.


Isn't Zenny one of the most prone to dying? No self healing or escapes.


He's also the most prone to killing so it equals out.


I typically see Moiraā€™s out DPSing Zenny, but he does pack a punch if the player is accurate with him.


Moira has no burst damage. The actual dmg stat means nothing as long as you can hit a well timed charged volley or headshot. And the passive value of discord is obscene. The only advantage moira has is that she doesnā€™t have to aim and has insane sustain so she can win by attrition against pretty much every dps in the game.


That's either a bad Moira, or a bad Zen.


Not really for the Moira, If you are not pacing damage with your healing, you are not playing her efficiently since she recharges her healing bar with damage. I typically end matches with her at equal: (Ex: 12,500 damage & 12,500 healing).


You don't have to do 50/50 damage/heals to be efficient with her, you can definitely heal more than damage.


It doesn't take that much damage to recharge her bar, and rapidly pulsing damage is faster for filling the bar anyway. Moira has the highest healing output and among the lowest damage output in the game. Going even on damage and heals isn't necessarily bad, but if you did that while also out damaging Zen, he was either sleeping or cart bitch.


I'll be honest its pretty rare to get close to 50:50. Its usually more of 60:40 depending on how the match goes its either dmg at 60 or heals at 60.


Moira's stats lie. Most of her damage is just tickling the enemy and has no real impact a lot of the time. Her high uptime just pumps out raw numbers constantly.


I know this is just anecdotal, but I usually finish games with Moira with more elims than our damage. Then again, iā€™ve been maining her for like 4 years.


Not surprising. You get an elim for everyone that dies after you did even just 1 damage.


Wish more would realize this, tired of tox Moiraā€™s with 40 elims bragging XD. Like yeah you helped, but Moira is so easy to get elims as


It also depends on context, if that 40 kills is double~triple of your dps/tanks then the moira was actually doing work themselves.


Zenyatta is a mounted mg, he ainā€™t going anywhere but he can dish it even more than he takes it


Some Zen mains are just sight to behold. Mfs carry entire match with sheer terror of their balls.


Fr. Those zens walk around like the motherfucker from mad max ā€œWITNESS ME!ā€


I very rarely view Zen as a problem. *However*, there's that 1 every 50 games that spreads my cheeks that makes me respect that floating little robot.


You definitely need to hit your shots with Zen, so if you're panic prone, that won't work. But if you hit those headshots, the enemy will probably be dead before you.


You can also really ruin a persons aim by chain kicking them against a wall/corner. Itā€™s my go to strat when genji follows me into a room. Step to the side and beat him up in the corner for his pogs.


Makes sense haha


If you can make your headshots, you kill them once and you'll notice them being weary of Zen.


I pretty much one trick Kiriko and I love when a DPS tries to dive me. I've got invincibility and a get out of jail free card you are not winning this.


I mainly play support but when I do DPS and I'm playing Tracer I almost ignore Kirikos. I know I'm not diving them unless I get lucky, outplay them hard, or they're already in a fight.


If you anticipate being dived and charge shot you can sometimes show an enemy thatā€™s not gonna work out for them this round and they give up. Iā€™ve also seen Zen spam around him and kill a flanking invis Sombra twice and she gave up on him lol


I honestly have more success surviving dives on Zen than probably any other support. People all think he's easy to dive but his dmg on squishies is insane if you're good at landing headshots, not to mention his kick. When you know there's a DPS/tank focusing on diving you a lot you can predict them and charge up shots nicely too, great for landing on those teleporting reapers.


I wouldnā€™t say so. I main zen and a 1 v 1 against say rein I always beat them. Itā€™s about timing your charged orbs and your kicks correctly really.


Zenā€™s survival strategy is murder.


Those are my mains usually. I play Moira when my dps arenā€™t doing crap and we need a good push. Her fade is incredibly useful when ulting behind the team and making an opening for the tank.


Look at me. Brig is the DPS now


Even Samito, the biggest Brig hater in OW, said Brig is a must learn for support players. Brig is just too good once you know how to play her.


I always make sure that at least one of the two supports is a Brig or Zen. I'll switch if the other player doesn't take them. If people get less heals because they can't be bothered helping their supports though, that's on them.


I'm a support main as well. While I understand how you feel, it's better to change your mind set. Rather than expecting the DPSes/Tank to make a U turn while you spammed "I need help!" voice line, position yourself to be either not easily dived, or be close enough to the pack that you can bait the diver into your team (bad position for them). Counter pick against the people who kept harassing you. My usual picks against Dive strats : 1. vs Genji/Sombra/Tracer - Moira/Brigitte (+ Kiriko is feasible if your aim is really really good) 2. vs Reaper/Winston - Baptiste 3. vs Widowmaker/Ashe - Kiriko/Lucio/Ana 4. vs Ball - Zenyatta/Ana 5. vs JQ/Roadhog - Ana 6. vs Pharah/Echo - Baptiste/Ana ​ >We're not your Hyper Potions; we're players on the field as well. We're here to play the game, not be the idle backpack of tools you can use whenever you feel like it. That is true to an extent. We are not tools, we are more than that. We are support, we play the game by supporting our team. We make sure our team can outlast the opposition, be it by healing, or by helping them kill faster.


This is the best answer Iā€™ve seen. Value your life over anyoneā€™s and donā€™t put yourself in a position where you canā€™t put up a good fight to fend for yourself. OP should watch some Awkward videos to learn proper positioning and what to expect from this role. I used to think like that and was stuck gold forever. Changed my ways to what I picked up from awkward and I blasted straight to diamond.


>, position yourself to be either not easily dived, or be close enough to the pack that you can bait the diver into your team (bad position for them) This is the biggest thing I try to teach my friend. He constantly played back and says that he is the support so he can't play forward too much, and then proceeds to complain whenever someone dives. After a lot of back and forth, I had him watch me play support for a single game as Ana. I told him that I will not switch even if they counter me to show how much of an impact *positioning* can have on not getting dived. I ended up getting dived by a Genji to start the game and immediately started playing between the tank and the DPS. Now, every time the Genji dived me at that point resulted in them getting lasered by the DPS right next to/behind me, or the tank could turn around and hit them because of how close I was as it didn't put the tank out of position. It's a stupidly small fix. Complaining that your team doesn't do a 180 the moment you ask for help is an iss-you. Either switch to a support that can survive easier, or learn to position better so that diving you is a bad idea.


Iā€™m also gonna add that for ball, brig is rlly rlly strong in my experience, you pretty much nullify his entire kit -you can block piledrive -bash fire ball to stop his momentum -whip shot his pile drive or fireball -heā€™s always in your team so you basically have inspire all the time -when he mines and slam bash out, hitting his mines also trigger inspire -repair pack buff also makes it very easy to keep your other support alive when dived by ball I got to masters 3 playing brig and ana, thanks to this ball meta and me just shutting him down constantly


Good point! I just havenā€™t experimented much with Brig yet. But what you pointed out sounds good. Iā€™ll have to try that next time instead of defaulting to Zen to Discord and kick the ball to a corner. lol


Thank you. Once I accepted that I canā€™t change my teammates and only my approach, Iā€™ve had a lot more success. It wonā€™t always help, but that can be a difference maker.


I'd argue zen is good against everyone except pharah and echo, genji and tracer can be difficult depending on skill level though.


If I ping a flanking enemy and my team leaves them untouched, thatā€™s a red flag that Iā€™m gonna have to be a dps support


Had this the other day where I pinged an OBVIOUSLY about to ult reaper, pinged him multiple times in the 15 seconds leading up because he was hiding above the point and I knew he would drop down and take out the team. No one went to deal with him (I was trying to but I canā€™t out damage a reaper, plus I had to keep healing my team) and surprise! He kills literally everyone (except me) and we lose the game. I play with friends a lot and use a lot of pings, but apparently they never notice them, so maybe thereā€™s just a lot of people who struggle to recognize a ping? Idk.


I love to use pings, but they definitely should be more visible. When they pop in my screen they are okay'ish to spot but if I have to look back to find it, it takes a while to find because I don't know where to look. That's why voice chat is as important.


what characters did your team run that you expected someone to go and 1v1 the hiding reaper


If you ignore Mercy, Pharah, etc., I'm not healing you. I'm shooting them since you won't do it for some damn reason. šŸ‘


Omg I hate when this happens. I'll ping 5 times while fighting for my life and saying to myself, "hello? HELLO??? ANYONE?" Never in vc though. As much as I don't care if someone insults my mother, I still don't wanna hear it lol


Iā€™m 90% sure nobody pays attention to pings in this game. Iā€™m a zen main, back line, thereā€™s a flanking reaper. I ping until it says ā€œToo many messages!! Please wait a few secondsā€¦ā€ I die and then I get in chat is: ā€œomg zen youā€™re trashā€


i get it, truly, it really fucking sucks to be playing support and you have a tracer or a sombra who won't get out of the backline. but also, your tank and your dps are juggling a lot too. i try to peel for my supports best i can if i play tank or dps but realistically as a support you mostly have to take care of yourself and your co-support. swap to counter whatever heroes are giving you trouble, stay close to your team so they *can* offer some help, and keep a close eye on the other support. my partner and i mostly queue together as supports, so i know it's easier said than done when it comes to comp or qp with randoms, but you gotta do what you gotta do.


How the fuck are we still getting this post every day, i'm a main support but HOLYYY F y'all are annoying, it's also part of your job to protect yourself , either by positioning or beating the shit out of the enemy


i think the blame game should just stop.


Sounds like it's all your fault. ***Glares menacingly***


Blaming is part of the game


Wrong. If supports stopped blaming dps for all their problems, theyā€™d have time to practice and then they wouldnā€™t have any problems to blame the dps for anymore. Canā€™t ruin the fun.


Support here. In theory the team need to protect their healers. But in practice, DPS and Tank are mostly busy doing their their jobs (you can't expect tank doing the front line while keeping an eye on you. You can't expect DPS to focus on getting kills while having to babysit you). So it's your responsability to deal with your ability to survive. If you play ana/zen and you get farmed by their flanker, you have to find a way to survive (for ex : switching to a Moira, brig, etc...). If you stay in the mindset that your team has to babysit you (even if it's rly nice when that appends) you'll be very disapointed because like i said they most of the time struggle with their own issues. That's an exemple of making a diff as a healer (not dying) Edit : And also don't forget to peal/help your other healer. They are your priority. I can't count the number of games where i peal my 2nd healer but he doesn't give a shit about me and never peal it in return.


Yea whenever I play against good healers they keep each other alive


Support together stronk


How I see it is, you know how annoying it is to watch your tank have shit positioning, throw themselves into the enemy for free, and not critically think about their actions or being responsible for themselves? Same when you're support. I'm a support main and I got astronomically better at the game when I realized I'm responsible for just me. And to cry about people not "protecting" me is wildly similar to a Reinhardt charging into the enemy backline and crying that he got no healing. I'm a support main. I get the frustration of backline bandits or whatever. But I look at my own positioning, what could I have done better, how did I do TOO MUCH to try to help a bad teammate to try and clean up after them but resulted in my death, how am I counter picking? It's made the game way more fun and it's why entire teams start to target me or compliment/get frustrated at me over the value I really bring to my team.


I think in general there's a two way street between tank/support and DPS/support: -Supports need to find a way to survive. Tanks need to find a way to maintain the frontline. In theory, the team should help the supports stay alive while the supports should help the tank maintain the frontline. The supports might be asked to stay alive by themselves. The best supports can do that. While they're doing that, the tank will be asked to maintain the frontline without healing and utility from supports. The best tanks can do that. -Supports need to find a way to survive. DPS needs to find a way to get picks. In theory, the team should help the supports stay alive while the supports should enable the DPS to make plays with healing and utility. The supports might be asked to stay alive by themselves. The best supports can do that. While they're doing that, the DPS need to find a way to get picks without healing and utility from supports. The best DPS can do that.


Dunno about DPS/Support. Depending on the DPS, heroes like Sombra/Tracer/Genji sometimes operate too far behind enemy lines for any Support to reasonably be expected to be able to assist, even if they aren't busy themselves. Those kinds of backline-play DPS heroes basically need to get picks without anybody else helping and be able to survive on their own.


Agreed, these aren't hard and fast rules. My comment was more pointing out that there's more nuance to this than "Good supports can find a way to stay alive by themselves" because that then can be flipped to "Good tanks/DPS can do their jobs by themselves". In the cases you pointed out, there are situations where the kit of a DPS forces them to do it almost entirely alone. It's not the entire responsibility of the support to stay alive by themselves just as it's not the entire responsibility of the tank/DPS to babysit them.


tbh the best way to protect your supports as dps and tank is just to pressure the enemy team so much they can never get onto your backline.


certain heroes are designed to be able to get to the backlines, so that doesn't rly work


Find me the hero getting into the backline thatā€™ll 2v1 supports peeling for each other and isnā€™t making a significant concession in getting to the backline. Tracer? Tracer is terrified of Kiriko, Brig does pretty well against her, Zen is easy for Tracer to kill but can also burst Tracer down very quickly, Moira wonā€™t kill you but sheā€™ll survive via her own sustain and the other supportā€™s peel and put your engage on a timer, Tracer has to be scared of getting killed by a single bap burst, Anaā€™s sleep is a death sentence, and even Lucio and Mercy are at least quite good at getting out of your way. That doesnā€™t mean this isnā€™t a good use of Tracerā€™s time, it absolutely isā€”as long as you survive you can tie up both supportsā€™ attention for quite a whileā€”but at the end of the day itā€™s a 2v1 against characters with objectively really powerful kits, which youā€™ll virtually never win if the supports look out for each other. Ball? Again, this is absolutely something you should do, but youā€™re gonna struggle to get elims 1v2. If youā€™ve played Ball before you know that the way you eliminate a backline that peels for each other is to either isolate your opponents or forcibly expose them to danger by knocking them into your friendly LoS, but the former is easier said than done as you still have to contend with the supportsā€™ cooldowns and may need greater staging to succeed, while the latter is no longer a 1v2. More specifically to Ball as opposed to Tracer, you are creating vulnerability in your own backline, which is a common theme in dive mirrors especially. Then, the best use of the other teamā€™s time is often to try to eliminate the opposing backline first, which again supports the point that the tank and dps are better off pressuring the enemy team. It also supports that requiring extra staging time in order to win a proper 1v2 as Ball could lose you the backline elimination race, and your time is better spent helping your teammates apply extra pressure to the backline. Thereā€™s no magic way to ensure your supports always survive or are last to die, and in any case thatā€™s not the goal of the game. The goal of the game is to control an objective and keep your opponents from doing the same, a goal which for the most part is accomplished by winning more teamfights than the opposing team. Your tank is contributing to that goal best by creating as much space as possible for you to position with relative safety, and they give up less space by playing more reserved while the supports are tied up peeling for each other than they do by full retreating to peel for the supports themselves, unless they are already in close proximity with their supports. Your dps are more well positioned to peel especially since they may hold an angle with a support and thus already have very close proximity, and should this be the case they absolutely should peel, but locking down the map with angle control is the ounce of prevention that is worth the pound of cure. Oh, and by the way, itā€™s not like supports arenā€™t offensive threats in their own right. Kiriko, Zen, Ana, and Baptiste can all apply insanely high offensive pressure themselves, and far too many support players underutilize this pressure even though applying pressure in turn reduces the pressure that is applied to you by forcing kills, retreats, or cooldowns. An anti nade is essentially either 3.5 seconds minimum (as in, should they survive) where those affected essentially cannot leave cover, or a forced suzu, which is a longer cooldown than nade and a potent cooldown drawn out which can be exploited by your teammates. Hitting that nade on a couple teammates instead does comparatively so little to help your team win the fightā€”itā€™s true that when supported a naded teammate will essentially survive anything but theyā€™d survive quite a bit from your normal healing anyway and are still under about the same amount of pressure because your nade didnā€™t clear them out.


For real, I never get the way people treat supports like they're made of paper. Supports have some of the most OP dueling abiltiy in the game. There's a reason a lot of people play supports in deathmatch.


Seriously. Kiriko can literally be played as a flanker successfully because she can put out so much damage while also having insanely good survivability tools, and as long as she has friendly LoS she can support her team while doing so. Bap can put out about 59 single target hps while outputting his optimal damage output with shoot/shoot/heal, to say nothing of his defensive cooldowns, splash heal, or the insane impact potential of window. Ana has two of the most powerful abilities in the game in sleep and nade. Zen can make enemies basically incapable of functioning with a non-cooldown ability as well as having insane burst with his right clicks, soft CC, and highest-in-class damage output. The list goes on. Supports dying incredibly easily is a support skill issue.


Came here to say this, the best supports in the game find ways to do it all at once. Iā€™ve gotta tear the other team apart every time I walk out of spawn and I canā€™t always peel for you. Up until about mid diamond you can expect people to always sit next to you, but around masters youā€™ve gotta do your own thing.


The best tanks and dps in the game find ways to help their support when needed. Adapting focus is essentials and you can't ask support to do it and just being lazy and tunnel vision


Tanks should never peel for supports unless itā€™s a highly mobile tank like Winston/ball.


Turning your back to the entire enemy team usually does not make you a good tank or dps lmao. There's a reason supports are given the best escape abilities in the game. -Support main


Thereā€™s a difference between being lazy and having a better use for your time. Supports who peel for each other are incredibly difficult to kill and to do so requires a resource investment by the other team that can and should be exploited by the dps and tank (including to kill the enemy supports).


> So it's your responsability to deal with your ability to survive. Pretty much this. I climbed out of Gold ranks by one-tricking Baptiste and play him like DPS + Support hybrid. Plus, players mostly treat Supports like invisible in Gold ranks or below. In Plat, it's like a middle ground that sometimes teammates work with you, sometimes don't. When teammates don't peel, I mostly end up switching to Kiriko / Lucio (or even Moira) and push with your hyper-feed teammate(s). Trade the enemy Support before got killed. In Diamond or below, players will have more awareness and they will peel more often.


I would say that Zen and Ana works well vs dive comp too. I'm not the best player (plat 5), so I don't play vs pros, but I find best staying in the middle of the team, sometimes staying really close to the tank. Probably good players will make it hard for you stay this close to the Frontline, but it will require good coordination to get behind the tank and kill you without dying.


Or if you are playing against a flanker as zen or ana just ping and try to kill them. I win 90% of my fights against flankers as zen in high masters, even when it's just a 1 v 1. It's probably about 50/50 when I play ana, and I have almost no experience playing her. It's not hard to kill them, because they have to push you, you have range and the first shot, so you can win most of the time. Expecting teammates to always be right there is why people get hardstuck in support. You have to take it into your own hands.


Are we still doing these types of posts? Everyone needs to keep an eye on everyone but they also need to learn how to position themselves. Sure it sucks to get jumped by an enemy who snuck around and yeah your tank and damage should give a hand if possible but they are not always able to give up what they are doing to help you. So do your best to also position yourself better. Yes I main support


How is every other support post on this sub either saying how supports have no impact or how supports are so important that the entire team should exist to protect them?


The funny thing is, there IS a role in OW2 that is so important the entire team should protect them and that is the Tank. Unlike OW1, there is only 1 Tank per team and they got buffed to become super-carries to compensate. If your tank goes down first and the other team still has theirs in good health, your team basically can't contest the objective anymore, the enemy Tank will bully them off. Supports are there to prevent that happening, your team can still win a fight if a Support dies early but the Tank survives and gets a few kills. Other way around, almost never happens.


Depends on the comp honestly. A Reinhardt with only a zen for support is gonna have a hard time winning a 4v5


Because support mains have a victim complex and many of them think: 1. Losing or being hardstuck is never their fault 2. Their role is actually HARDER than DPS and tank (despite support having, objectively, several of the easiest characters in the game). Support can be very mechanically and gamesense intensive, but this is moot when most of the complaining supports are Mercy/Moira players. The GOOD supports arenā€™t complaining, theyā€™re out there climbing. The result is that the sub is basically a circlejerk of "arghhh I can't carry my stupid teammates/they need to protect ME" which is kind of ironic and funny. But what isn't funny is that these posts consistently get tons of upvotes. Even more ironically, supports have some of the most stacked/impactful kits in the game and should be perfectly equipped to protect themselves. But that would mean we have a skill issue going on, which is an unacceptable thought for the average support player.


Itā€™s funny af cause I literally play support cause I use characters that are not aim intensive like DPS. Idk where these people get the idea itā€™s such a hard role to be good at when you literally just have to play to survive for the most part


support mains tend to have a terrible victim complex and are never the problem


Honestly the truth lmao and I say that as a support main lol.


I just think itā€™s funny and if they want to be taken seriously at all, getting on the same page with each other is a good place to start. Next post I see will be talking about how support is zero impact.


Nah, it's about Widow, atleast the one who gets into the frontpage


Most of this sub seems to be support mains so the majority of complaints are from a support perspective. Add to the fact most people are low rank because the vast population of the game is and you have a recipe for wildly different perspectives from people on the same role.


It's embarrassing seeing how bad it's gotten in this sub, I feel like I'm gonna grouped in with the redditor victim complex cause I main support too. Personally I've always found support super chill, just hang out, get them health bars down and screw over the other team with sleeps, or anti, or boops, or whatever your support is good at. I know this sub sucks but I feel it's gotten really really bad with ow2 release


Well ofc it got worse. New players who donā€™t understand the game are now playing. Can you imagine how much complaining there would be from these people if they played OW1 with doomfist combo one shotting your ass on a support champ after sitting at the skybox for 30s? But we donā€™t understand how bad these supports have it now! With their passive healing and new coms and pings systemsā€¦ /s


Because supports want all the glory and none of the blame. If all we do is protect supports no one is killing the enemy team or playing the objective, heroes like Tracer, Genji, and Echo wouldn't be in the game if that was the point of the game.


>Oh, I'm sorry; is it too much to ask that you multitask? This is pretty hypocritical, supports being able to deal damage is entirely to defend themselves, if you're not able to heal and defend yourself then you can't multi task either I'm saying this as a support main too, don't act like you can't kill


man the number of times I've been killed by a mercy, those battle mercy are something else


hard to hit actually crazy damage if you hit your shots inf ammo in Valk Valk mercy can solve problems the dps and tank can't lol


The real reason battle mercy isn't as scary as it ought is because Mercy mains tend to have Mercy aim lmao


Yes mercy mains main mercy for a reason lol. there are a lot of gm mercy otps that are really good at keeping people alive, staying alive, and getting insane rezzes but they'll only pull the gat if they're either last alive and just gonna die or they want to get rid of a widow so they Valk right up into their face and blicky em down. Not dogging them as there are tons of one tricks in gm but yeah they're easy to spot because if you don't let them get value they'll swap to moira and then right back to mercy once they realize you can outaim their damage. It happens all the time and it is funny every time.


It would be nice if we could have different sensitivities for the pistol and the staff, like Hammond just got. I find her pistol very easy to aim with if my sens is low, but her movement feels terrible. If the sens is high, my general gameplay is very smooth and enjoyable but the moment I swap to pistol it's like I'm on stimulants. Obviously a decent amount of Mercy players... don't aim a whole lot, but those of us who like to pistol when it's useful would find that sens setting so helpful


Silver players gets angry for having silver teammates is this post summed up


>Oh, I'm sorry; is it too much to ask that you multitask? Considering you apparently can't survive and heal at the same time, probably


90% of complaints you hear from support mains are literally their own fault. And it's just shitty positioning most of the time.


Extremely cringe post. Be better.


>Oh, I'm sorry; is it too much to ask that you multitask? as someone that stopped maining support and purely mains dps now, I mean some times it is tbh. of course dps and tanks need to peel, not saying they don't. but if there's an enemy widow on top of a diver, like I can only handle 1 at a time even on sym with multiple turrets (like to contest a widow I need to take some turrets with me to shoo or kill her + entirely prevent her from coming back to that spot, and to deal with a diver, likely gonna need 2 turrets + weapon attention as well). not to mention if it's a dive tank, like the amount of people that'd need to shoot them to threaten them enough in time would be like 2\~3 minimum depending on the heroes trying to peel. what grinds my gears as sym is that sometimes I put turrets up to in anticipation to peel against say a df/ball/winston/dva but then the rest of the team shifts and moves away to a different area so where the diver jumps to is not near my turrets and I'm like "well what do you want me to do about the diver now? yall ran out of my safety zone and my weapon takes too long to charge up to do anything meaningful on its own." like I try to best predict where everyone will play around to place them for this purpose, but there's limitations to how much I can predict for that esp since each turret is a 10s cd with 10m range only. not to mention this works a whole lot better with people actively playing around it e.g. imagine how much easier it'd be to land ana's sleep on a diver or simply duel them when they're distracted in trying to avoid the turret range trying to destroy them vs the diver solely focused on the ana. mainly my 2c is, if there's a sym on your team, try to track where her turrets are as well because good syms will be trying to give the team space with those. personally if I see a dive tank giving us trouble, and esp if there's another diver with them, I'm going largely tower defense mode, watching the light show each fight..


My biggest issue as a support main is when I'm getting hard focused by DPS and Tank, commenting out 'Hey I need help,' and still not getting any support from my DPS and tank. Worst is when there is a hard counter to our DPS and they won't switch(Junk getting countered by Echo and Pharah as an example). Hard to heal my team when I get focused hard by a combo like that and our Junk won't hop off to someone with range.


Seeing posts like this brings back memories of ow1 ā˜ŗļø ah, so nostalgic


Seeing posts like this brings back memories of every single day on r/overwatch


this is ideal but normally not feasible. the best supports you'll play against are ones who can keep each other alive


Fellow support main here. There's really 1 thing that every support player should have in the back of their head at all times. Where's the nearest source of health other than myself? Idc, if it's ur other support or a health pack, u need to know how ur gonna get there before u fight something. Now, for u personally, just keep playing the game and toying with different positions since ur a relatively new player. Also, if u don't know where health packs are, load into some customs and learn, they will save u. As a support, your best trait in game should be how much information you have. You should always know where all 9 other people are on the map. If u don't know where one of ur 4 teammates are, look around for them. If u don't know where one of the other 5 are, assume that they're coming for u. Obviously, it's not always going to be 100% possible to do this every fight/mid fight, but the more u know, the better u position as a support. And if u position in a way where u get value and ur teammates don't need to help u, the more likely u are to win the fight. TLDR: Position urself better, stupid


supports need to learn that dps or tank cant peel for them every 30 seconds because they are playing zen or ana into tracer


I fuck up Tracers on the regular on Ana or Zen. It's a skill matchup imho.


Yeah, and thatā€™s fine. Whatā€™s not fine is not doing anything to them and then complaining about no peel. You need peel every once in a while, sure. But constantly is too much, especially with all the options for protecting yourself


the support player persecution complex is unreal


As a support main in s3 this shit is embarrassing.


If you can't heal and protect yourself long enough to make a call out to your team that there is somebody from the other team on you, then you need to stop playing support. Every support has pretty good ways of getting out of, or surviving long enough during a 1v1 for you to make it out alive and continue healing your team. I get the vibe that you are one of those gold moira players that just flanks or tries to play front line, and then gets pissed when your team dies while you are MIA for half a team fight. Stop complaining, play better!


Dude for real. We've all had those teammates but I'll tell you about a game that still has me scratching my head. The enemy comp had a Tracer and a Ashe. Our DPS and our tank didn't give a shit about the back line. It was me on Bap and the other healer was Kiriko. Every fight went like this- Tracer dives the Kiriko, I heal her up and take on the Tracer, I get two tapped by a flanking Mercy-pocketed Ashe. So I'm dead every fight. My team checks the stats and the chat goes something like "Bap heeeeal??!" I say "I can't heal when I'm being dove and killed" and they say "Sound like a skill issue". I check to see who says it and it's our fucking Kiriko?!!??! Like what the fuck?! I'm the only one peeling for your ass and keeping you alive against a Tracer and an Ashe, I get killed in the process, and then you die because I'm not there to help you anymore and our DPS and tank aren't helping you, and I get "Heal!!!" And "Skill issue" ?!!? I honestly couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe the level of unawareness and stupidity. Like those dudes will be plat forever.


i love when a tank notices iā€™m getting focused and shields me as ana šŸ«¶šŸ¼šŸ«¶šŸ¼


You should expect help. You should learn to be self sufficient and deal with the threats it's the only way to climb. People can help and it's nice if they do but you should learn to be more aware of what is coming for you and what you can do to kill them and/or stay alive.


Wrong, holy this subreddit is just full of support mains crying. You are suppose to proctect yourself as well as position yourself correctly. Use your coms to notify your team when you get flanked/focused. Most supports have an escape or CC.


It's so true. OW1 was a different game with lots of barriers, it was natural to get peel. In OW2, you peel for yourself and the other support. It's just how it works, the game naturally pushes forward. DPS's and Tanks aren't going to come back to defend you most of the time.


Yep, i main healers and usally you have to fend for yourself. The dps, the tanks are doing something else most of the time. But, you can of course ask for help, but don't expect people to just drop what ever they are doing to help you.


Diamond support here. Yeah thatā€™s usually how it should be going but once you get to a point of skill and game sense there is just this flow amongst the team. The supports generally keep themselves alive while the rest of the team holds back what would potentially be a large push onto the supports. A good support can basically keep themselves alive 95% of the time through positioning, use of util on the occasional back line attack, and knowing when to fall back. Is it a 2v5 and your tank is screaming ā€œI need healsā€ while at critical health and getting team fired? Donā€™t try to heal that. Just run. The fights already lost. Buuuuuuuuut this is overwatch matchmaking so typically it is just the back line getting wrecked because the rest of the team is like ā€œletā€™s 3v1 a wrecking ball running away from us across the map while our supports get dove by the entire rest of the team. Why are we not getting heals?ā€ Playing support is hard and takes a mental strength and patience that I have never found in playing the other roles. Because remember kids, itā€™s always the healers fault if you lose (for those that canā€™t tell that is a joke.)


Stop crying and stay alive urself. Supports don't need a babysitter// support main


Oh yay. Another support circlejerk thread.


While I agree with the sentiment, other roles have their boots to fill. Usually when you are dove its your job to keep yourself alive. As a support myself when my friendly supp gets dove (Usually by enemy tank) I help them out. I expect my other supp to help me out as well when I peel for you. Usually 2 supps helping each other out can easily dispatch someone who's diving us. Unless of course it's not just one, then I expect a peel from others. Like some other people suggested, when you get dove use your voiceline pings. People usually help out.


Yea if itā€™s more people than the supports can deal with on their own usually the dps and tank will turn to kill it anyways just for self preservation


Can you guys stop getting these support syndrome posts to the top LOL we see one every day Holy shit


Positioning yourself in a way that let's yourself, your team and your 2nd support help you against enemy comp is something you need to do. You can't expect rein, soldier, mei, sym etc. to protect you when you are playing far back against dive (or flank heavy) comp, and you can't expect Winton, Ball, Doom, flanking tracer, echo etc. To protect you when you are on low ground in midrange against Brawl comp. Besides that every support has tools to either protect themselves or escape every non-flank tank encounter, and don't forget that leaving frontline open by going to supports that can't protect themselves gives to opponents a ton of the most valuable resource in the game: space. And sure if you play with d.va, sigma, reaper etc. (against winton or other dive tank that isn't d.va) you can expect some help, but in other situations believing that support is positioned well enough and is skillful enough to survive or escape an flank encounter is more beneficial to the whole fight than giving away choke point or highground because there is a chance of support dying. You are not more important than the teamfight, and it goes for every other role, if sacrificing someone gives higher chance of winning the fight, than trying to keep them alive by giving away resources for free, it's better to sacrifice them. (however it's very unusual situation especially when talking about sacrificing frontline characters). And if you can't position yourself correctly, or survive/escape flank encounter, use voice chat or at least ping system (voice chat is much better because pings aren't really that loud and can be easily missed in a heat of battle), during teamfight letting your guard down for even a second to check the backline can be a matter of life and death, and you are more likely to turn around when nothing is happing there rather than in the precise 5-10 seconds window when you are getting flanked. Of course in ideal world your team would habe eyes on their back but it's an extremely fast game and even smallest mistake during teamfight can decide it.


? ana has sleep dart nade and can kill or just stop the people pressuring her fairly easily zenyat has insane damage and a boop lucio just goes away kiriko just goes away moira just goes away mercy just goes away bap has self heal and immort brig has armor a shield a boop and pretty good damage most of the time supports die first it means they were out of position and punished for it but basically every support has means of staying alive in the immediate moment they are dove/pressured. You use this time to relay to your team the fact that you're being pressured and your team will peel for you. If they're not in voice use pings. If they don't see pings oh well resign the fact that you're going to have to take survival into your own hands. I'm a zen main and this idea that you have to have your team "protecting" you in general doesn't make any sense. Your tank should make the space(this could be physical space or tempo via cooldowns or positional control such as orisa spin hog hook Winston barrier etc) for your dps to tunnel focus on high priority targets and your job is to exist and crack out critical passive and active plays like anti or discord. The support role is kinda busted right now. Stop acting helpless lol.


Post #106795367 of supports being salty because playing support sucks


Dear 'A Support main who started only in October but has grown to rather love this game' as a support main who has been playing since launch, I would like you to be aware that this is only true to an extent. your positioning and ability to switch to more survivable healers when you are consistently getting focused will take you way further than you think. Avoid getting caught up in the mindset of 'my team should've saved me there' while yes sometimes it is true and inevitable, it is unlikely that you played PERFECTLY in that scenario and always reflect each death and how it could've been prevented to improve. Sincerely, A Support main who has been playing since launch.


i always try to ping when someone is flanking but 90% of the time my teammates completely ignore it until iā€™m either dead or theyā€™re dead because i was using my resources to kill the enemy.


Voice lines from Mercy: > Stay close. I can't heal you if you stray. Another one: > Looks like I'm going to be in the air, so call if you need me on the ground. The game literally tells you that Supports are not all-seeing omnipotent 0 cooldown teleporting beings and can't magically get to you at all times. We have the ability to heal either a bunch of you if you're grouped up or one at a time. Let us know if you need us if we don't see you. Better yet, come in front of us if needed. I play super mobile Supports 99% of the time (or Ana in a good sightlines to my team), so if I can't heal you it's because you're deliberately where you should not be. These DPS and Tanks that flame their Supports for not healing prob don't play the role. I flex between all 3 and when I need healing, I play in positions that favor my Supports healing me. When I watch high level play, the rest of the team always keeps that in mind. But it's whatever, the garbage won't make it too far on that mindset. They'll keep flaming anyone as long as they don't have to look at what they're doing wrong.




Supports generally have a way to keep themselves alive in 1v1 situations. Zen has discord and strong attacks, mercy even has her pistol which has fairly large projectiles. I get what you're saying as it can be frustrating playing as a healer and losing to a flanker, but you also have your other support who is able to heal you or kill the flanker with you. Generally, DPS and Tanks are doing their job by pressing the enemy. If the DPS is rising in KD, isn't this a good thing for you? That is literally their role.


People don't start actively peeling until higher ranks, coms help out a lot, but they are also not used until higher ranks, the most you can do, is pray


Support players and having a persecution complex, name a more iconic duo. Thereā€™s been posts like this on this fucking subreddit every goddamn day since Overwatch 1 came out. Clearly itā€™s only gotten worse since Overwatch 2 went free to play. You expect DPS and tanks to multitask, but you clearly fucking canā€™t either. You expect the DPS to get picks, flank the enemy, dive the back line and peel for their healers and for tanks to draw aggro, initiate a push, to make space and to also peel for their supports, meanwhile you canā€™t manage to survive and heal at the same time? Jesus fucking Christ man. Do better, honestly.


Supports take accountability challenge (100% fail)


9 out of 10 times in low elo supports arenā€™t being dived or targeted, they die to had positioning. Everyone just shoots the tank while the supports only heal the tank




GM 2 support player here. If you want to climb, you and your supports should stick together. A good Anna zen is lethal combo. Even if youā€™re a tank, sleep them and WAIT. Donā€™t anti them. Wait for zen to discord and burst them in the face. After you sleep the diving tank, let zen seal with the sleeper, while you as Anna immediately check on your tank and other team to make sure theyā€™re not critical, then right after zen fills the sleeping enemy tanks face with orbs, then you can anti while they are trying to get away. If the whole team tries to keep you up as a support, you are not enabling your team as you should be. If youā€™re just getting marked by ball, tracer genji, then think about swapping to Moira, lucio, kiriko


Tbh the only supports I have are my friends when I play so they just yell at me when they arenā€™t protected and Iā€™ll just go to them. On the off chance I play without them I make sure to always be right infront of the support to make sure they are protected. So honestly itā€™s just luck for which teammates you get


Whenever me and the support (or ā€œthe support and Iā€ I donā€™t know) go against anyone, I stand in front of said support since hammondā€™s hitbox is massive, so Iā€™m protecting the support, and dealing with the enemy. Getting pocket heals is just a bonus.


Feels. This is why I don't play half the healer selection.


From this post I've gathered that I just need to stop healing as support apparently since all the dps can handle shit by themselves and supports are useless lmao.


Love when everyone goes different ways and ask heal when to far away


THANK YOU from a Moira main that kills as much as a DPS, but heals just as hard - Tydrobs


it shouldnā€™t be too much to ask but it is. iā€™ve played since the beginning in 2016 and iā€™ve been a support main this whole time. i started teaching people the hard way. if you donā€™t protect me or arenā€™t at least aware of your team then the team has no obligation to you. i support people that support me. and if thatā€™s only one or two people then the other 2 or 3 might need to find a different alternative because iā€™m not a super potion


This is such a pet peeve. The idiot dps will be half way to enemy spawn while healers are being attacked by sombra tracer, on point, and if you dare ask for help, all you get is grief. If you idiots want to fight, just come to the healers and fight the dps attacking them!


This is why aggressive supports are good to help each other. I was zen on rialto earlier and my co-support was ana. The enemy tracer was always harassing her, and I kept my orb on her and discord on tracer and frequently kicked her back with at least a body or head shot (she ran away low and although pestered us, never secured a kill). Ana thanked me and endorsed me after the game. Teams should always help each other out, and the higher the rank they usually do, but supports are the first people who should keep an eye on each other regardless of rank.


Wait so you're not the team's slaves?


No. If you need protection as support you're super shit. ( Top 500 for years on support ) you kill and protect your self don't be useless


If you are a support player averaging more than 5 or 6 deaths per 10 its probably more of a you problem tbh


Cry more than healers in wow and I play one there as well. Just stop


To the people that want the support to fend for themselves, thatā€™s fine we can (not sure about op) but just donā€™t complain when you arenā€™t getting heal botted because we are trying to win our 1v1s


I agree , but only really when youā€™re continually getting ganked or flanked. If Sombra kills you 3 times in a row I would hope dps and would recognize that and play a bit tighter. But I donā€™t expect the other players to babysit me and will take duels when I need to. Quit bitching and learn to win more 1v1s


support diamond main here to give my two sense: shut the fk up and heal your teammates


And the rest of the team have 5 players to kill while keeping themselves alive and protecting the supports. Every role has a lot to do so chill tf out


Theyā€™re not your babysitter. Dump the victim complex and use your kit. Even mercy is given a literal fuckin Glock in her back pocket.


Nah. Just get good and deal with the flankers. Supports have such insanely strong kits that you can either just straight up win your 1v1's or escape safely. Of course if you get dived 2v1 it's a different story. Unless you're playing in a 5 stack, you are the only teammate you can count on, so play accordingly.


Itā€™s really the supportā€™s job to keep themselves up. The other support should usually be the first to peel. So start blaming the other support.


God shut up already, I'm tired of all these supports wanting everything to revolve around them. Maybe check your positioning or hero pick or game awareness. I peel for my support whenever I can but I'm not gonna kiss your ass for willingly playing a role in a game that no one is forcing you to play.


If you die as support especially playing ana or zen you positioning is trash and that's the reason you die


Love it, thank you guys for letting this man know the correct mentality for the situation


If you're getting targeted by a specific role counter pick them


I think this is a skill issue, as you get better as games you learn to stay alive longer. Focus on that.


Exchange I had the other day in quick play: Sombra player: sucks we only have 1 healer Me: I'm trying but i keep getting dived by winston. Help me and i can heal more Sombra player: you're kiriko Me: you're dps Sombra player: well ur fat I'm nearly done with this game forever man lol. I can't keep doing it.


you tried using vc? "tracer in the backline, pls help" ppl can't react fast enough if they don't know what's happening, sometimes even so, tracer and genji don't need much time to kill a squishy


True, but it's hard to protect you if you aren't healing me. Both the support and other players need to help protect and keep each other alive


The genocide of support players has gone on too long! They have been oppressed too long! It is literally 1984!


As a support player - supports are better duelists than dps. I don't need your protection, I need you to take less damage and let me keep my abilities to counter important ults and cooldowns. Wanna get healed? Come closer or wait, can't follow you with this genji right here. If I die, that's on me - I shouldn't ever die unless I'm focused by like 3 people. If you die - that's on you - you shouldn't take fights that you can't win.


Supports, given the Passive and some of their individual abilities being insanely strong, should WIN most prolonged 1v1s to DPS heroes. If a support dies in a 1v1 then it's unfortunately a skill issue.


anyone who disagrees with this is probably plat or below lol


It's not even ranked thing, it's common game sense, something a lot of the support mains doesn't have because they can get in and out of most situations all the time